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(1 - 17 of 17)
Developing a Discipleship Strategy for the Dunamis Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brooklyn, New York
A Discipling Strategy for Multi-Church Districts in Zambia
Discipleship Process as a Catalyst for Mission Orientation in Chestnut Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church
A Principle-Based Model of Discipleship to Shape the Church as an Organic Community of Believers
A Discipleship Strategy for the Local Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Korea
Making and Training Disciples of Christ Using the Pursuit of "Life... to the Full" as the Catalyst for Mission in High Springs Seventh-day Adventist Church
A New Youth Discipling Model for the Los Altos Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church
Mentoring and Discipling the Early Adolescents of the Kitchener-Waterloo Seventh-day Adventist Church
Leading Like Jesus: a Curriculum to Disciple African-American Males Into Becoming Spiritual Leaders in the Home, Church, and Community at the Glenville Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cleveland, Ohio
A Discipleship Model for the Hill Portuguese Seventh-day Adventist Church of Johannesburg
Applying Biblical Principles of Discipleship and United Team Work in the Owen Sound Seventh-day Adventist Church
Developing the Educating for Discipleship Model To Be Used in Sabbath School in South Korea
A Soul Care Teaching and Discipling Model to Aid Millenial Youth in Developing Healthy Relationships with God, Self, and Others in the Nottingham Central Seventh-day Adventist Church
Equipping Church Members for Contextualized Discipleship in Osaka-Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, West Conference, Japan
Retaining Young Adults Through a Wholistic Formational Discipleship Program at the Immanuel Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church
A Discipleship Project for New Members at the St. John's Seventh-day Adventist Church
Discipleship Master Plan: a Disciple-making Strategy for the South Flint Seventh-day Adventist Church