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(1 - 11 of 11)
Toward the Development of a Theological Critique of Church-Growth Principles from a Seventh-day Adventist Perspective
The investigative judgment in the writings of Ellen G White
D M Canright in Healdsburg 1889
D M Canright in Healdsburg 1889
What's ahead in the 1980's?
A Study of the Growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Integrity Of The Sanctuary Truth
Key to the Allegorical Engraving Entitled, Way of Life: From Paradise Lost to Paradise Restored
Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Stories Vol. II
Religious TV Spots: Guidelines for Developing a Mass Media and Follow-up Strategy
A Pragmatic and Theological Evaluation of Management by Objectives in Seventh-day Adventist Conference Administration