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(1 - 22 of 22)
North View, Washington Sanitarium
An Investigation of the Administrative Reorganization of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as Planned and Carried Out in the General Conferences of 1901 and 1903
A Critical Study of the Greek Words Translated Veils and an Application to the Book of Hebrews
Outline Lessons in Prophetic History
A group of statements from the pen of Ellen G White regarding the observance of Christmas
An Inquiry into the Time Elements of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets of Revelation Nine
An Investigation of the Syntax of Words Denoting Time in the New Testament
Carlyle B. Haynes in his study
Columbia Journal, The Sligonian
The Desire of Ages
Developments in the Teaching of Justification and Righteousness by Faith in the Seventh-day Adventist Church After 1900
Ellen G White the person
Heralding the Message in Washington
A Study of the Cleansing of the Sanctuary in Relation to Current Denominational History
An Exegetical and Historical Examination of the Beginning and Ending of the 1260 days of Prophecy with Special Attention Given to A.D. 538 and 1798 as Initial and Terminal Dates
Date-Setting in America for the Second Coming of Christ During the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
An Investigation of the Concept of the Will as Found in the Writings of Ellen G. White
A group of statements from the pen of Ellen G White regarding holiday gifts and the observance of Christmas
Prophetic guidance in early days
A compilation of Ellen White's statements on hypnotism mesmerism phrenology and clairvoyance
The Doctrine of the Personality of the Holy Spirit as Taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church up to 1900