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Mission Spotlight: Taiwan
Group of Missionaries at Dr. Coulston's Gravesite
Harry Miller to Samuel Phang, 03/21/1949
Harry Miller to Samuel Phang, 12/25/1948
Harry Miller to Samuel Phang, 08/17/1948
Harry Miller to Samuel Phang, 11/16/1948
Harry and Maude's home in winter
Samuel Phang to Harry W. Miller, 12/12/1945
Samuel Phang to Harry W. Miller, 05/30/1944
Harry and Maud Miller in Chinese clothing
Dr. Elmer F. Coulston Funeral
Dr. Elmer F. Coulston Funeral
Funeral Service for Dr. Coulston
Arriving at the cemetery
Harry Miller to Samuel Phang, 08/06/1940