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(1 - 7 of 7)
Desenvolvimento e Implementacao de um Programa Estrategico de Plantio de Igrejas Na Associacao Paulista Leste-Sao Paulo
Developing, Planting, and Multiplying an Adventist House Church Using Principles of Missiology in the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Developing a New Model for Church Planting in the Wisconsin Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Implementation of a Conference-Wide Church Planting Strategy Within the Texas Conference
A Movement of Authentic Christianity: an Embrace and Integration of Biblical Fundamentals in a Seventh-day Adventist Church Plant Among the Echo Boomer Culture of the 21st Century in Keller, Texas
A Strategy to Improve the Health of the Ciba Church According to Principles of Natural Church Development in the Context of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination and Culture
A Lay Member Church Planting Strategy for Unreached Areas in the West Tanzania Field