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William Miller's bed in his study, where he died Dec. 20, 1849
Gravemarker of Maynard Richard Young
William Miller's parlor
First Adventist Church Building
House of John N. Andrews in North Lancaster, Massachusetts
Back view of William Miller's house
Grave marker of John N. Andrews and Edith Andrews
William Miller's house seen through trees from lower elevation
William Miller's house
Miller's barn, view from the side
Cyrus Farnsworth's home in the 1990s
Grave Markers of William and Lucy Miller
Graves of Mrs. J. N. (Angeline) Andrews and daughter Carrie; Rochester, N.Y.
Flavius and Harriet Littlejohn standing in front of their home in Allegan, Michigan with an unknown girl
Gravestone of the Samuel Smith family
Miller's barn with outbuilding
Back side of the gravemarkers for Angeline and Carrie Andrews
Barrels found in an upper attic at William Miller's homesite
Wolcott Littlejohn's home in Level Park, Michigan
Littlejohn Home
Front view of William Miller's house, built in 1815
William Miller's home, close up view with trees
Tombstone of Dudley and Lucy Canright
Millen Pond near Cyrus Farnsworth's home
Miller's barn, close up view