YEAR BOOK of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination The Official Directories 1935 1 Published by the REVIEW 1 HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. C.----X-X 1C It 7C IC 9 The Gospel Worker's Own Journal You Need It for 1935 Because it — 4] Discusses candidly your special problems ( Brings you the intimate counsels of experienced leaders g Affords a unique exchange on evangelistic methods q Deals with our enlarging responsibilities • Contains invaluable news excerpts for your sermons g Present findings of specialists in given fields qi Stresses the highest ideals and achievements g Cautions against dangers and pitfalls (J Contends undeviatingly for the advent faith g Constitutes our only journal distinctively for workers Opens up fresh wonders in the study of the Word. c OBSERVE THE SCOPE OF ITS DEPARTMENTS Homiletic Helps Valuable Quotations The Gospel Musician Effective Illustrations Bible Workers' Exchange Kindly Correctives The Minister's Books Editorial Postscripts Evangelistic Council Proceedings Messages from our Leaders Studies in Church History The Better Workman Delving into the Word Confirming the Foundations The Query Corner SCORES OF ABLE CONTRIBUTORS ONE DOLLAR A YEAR A Wonderful Group of Articles In Hand and in Promise for 1935 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE "THE MINISTRY" SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY Address REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Takonia Park, Washington, D. C. 1935 YEAR BOOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums. C3N RE ';;E (ReconF,.,-„J ia PREPARED BY H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference. PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON. D. C. Printed In the U. S. A. + + + + + + + $ 4* 4 + + + + + + + + + + + 4* 4. + 4. + + + + 4 + 4 + + 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4* lied-C.1'41 , HIS WORD ABIDES By C. P. Bollman THE time's been long, yea, very long Since angels sang that glad, sweet song, "He'll come, He'll come, He'll come again, + 4 + + + 4 + + + 4. 4. + 4. + + + + 4. + + 4 4. 4 4 + And so we'll press the battle on Till nations everywhere have heard + 4* + 4 + 4 4* 4 4* 4 + 4 + 4 4* 4 + 4. The gospel of our coming Lord. + + 4. Then gird us with Thy might, 0 God, 4 + As we proclaim Thy truth abroad. + + + 4 + .:. 4 4 + 4 + + Who as a babe to earth once came." And so we'll trust and praise His name, As we proclaim o'er land and sea A message that sets sinners free, God's living truth can never fail. His word's as sure, the prophets say, As ordinance of night and day. 4 4 lest4'51 4 + 4 4 4. + + + + ' + + • + + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PREFACE The following pages present a directory of the conferences, missions, and institutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The territory is divided into the following Division Conferences, each of which has the evangelistic organizations, churches, and membership indicated below: Total MemConferChurches bership Unions ences Missions Ores. Division 152,151 62 2,361 9 6 North American 47 15,600 24 325 15 8 Australasian 1 1,327 49,709 24 27 58 Central European 7 13,744 44 235 7 37 China 29 439 22,013 4 .. 25 Far Eastern 24,502 509 23 33 5 5 Inter-American 30,674 71 619 21 38 Northern European 12 24,862 17 26 209 4 5 South American 82 22,766 75 155 5 2 Southern African 105 4,400 34 39 Southern Asian 5 767 24,293 15 15 37 Southern European 7 6 27 4 17 677 13,709 U. S. S. R. Totals, 1935 Totals, 1934 70 70 Gains 144 146 318 309 532 525 7,728 7,468 398,423 375,370 —2 9 7 260 23,053 Evangelistic Laborers Ordained Division Ministers Australasian 98 Central European 265 China 114 Far Eastern 89 Inter-American 94 North American 1,000 Northern European 135 South American 60 Southern African 109 ., Southern Asian 80 Southern European 133 U. S. S. R. 70 Totals 2,247 Licensed Missionary Ministers Licentiates 116 371 105 254 129 438 222 109 212 50 292 439 66 149 52 86 65 591 69 91 62 150 30 50 1,145 Total Col- Evangelistic porteurs Laborers 122 7S5 1,401 638 158 1,422 307 795 133 496 2,566 713 304 708 509 279 57 839 55 564 341 686 175 3,053 3,107 10,946 To find matter readily, use the Index. 3 4 PREFACE: Institutional Laborers Total InPrimary Advanced School School Publishing Sanitarium ' stitutional Division Teachers Teachers Employees Employees Laborers 638 Australasian 191 72 48 127 529 Central European 116 70 147 121 886 China 165 171 93 382 430 Far Eastern 92 123 137 63 4 117 Inter-American 58 55 North American. 976 1,424 438 2,761 5,599 628 1,320 Northern European 316 115 106 44 310 South American 147 72 47 84 22 820 527 87 Southern African 125 492 144 40 Southern Asian 168 67 32 47 167 Southern European 6 U. S. S. R. 2,325 Totals 2,807 Total evangelistic laborers Total institutional workers 1,060 4,466 11,308 10,946 11,308. 22,254 Grand Total CONTENTS Fundamental Beliefs General Conference and Departments Divisions: North American Australasian Central European China Far Eastern Inter-American Northern European South • American Southern African Southern Asia Southern European U. S. S. R. Institutions: Educational Publishing Houses Periodicals Issued Sanitariums Treatment Rooms Statistical Tables Ministerial Directory Obituary Record 5 9-23 24-66 67-75 76-97 98-117 118-130 131-143 144-166 167-1.78 179-195 196-205 206-218 218 219-255 256-269 270-289 290-304 305-309 310 322 397 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTHDAY 'ADVENTISTS Seventh-day Adventists hold certain fundamental beliefs; the principal features, of (which, together with a portion of the scriptural references upon which •they are based, maybe summarized as follows:, • That the HOly Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given rby inspiration `cif God, contain an all-sufficient revelation of His will 'to men, and are the only unerring rule of faith and practice. 2 Tini.3:15-17. : ' • 2. That 'the Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal, spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, through whom all things were created and through whom .the salvation of the redeemed hosts will be accomplished; the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the great regenerating power in the work of redemption. Matt. 28:19. 3. That Jesus Christ is very God, being of the same nature and essence as the Eternal Father. While retaining His divine nature He took upon Himself the nature of the human family, lived on the earth as•a man, exemplified in His life as our, Example the principles of righteousness, attested. His relationship. to God by many mighty miracles, died, for our sins On the cross, Was raised from the dead, and ascended to the Father, *here He. ever lives to make intercession for us. John 1:1, 14; Heb. 2:9-18;' 8:1; 2; 4:14-16; 7:25. 4. That every person in order to obtain salvation must experience the new birth; that ,this comprises, an entire' transformation of life and character by, the recreative power of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16; Matt. 18:3; Acts 2:37-39. 5. That baptism is an ordinance Of the Christian church and should follow repentance 'and forgiveness of sins. By its observance faith is shown in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. That the proper form of baptism is by immersion. Rom. 6:1-6; Acts' 16:30-33. ' 6. That the will of God as it relates to moral conduct is comprehended in His, laW of ten commandments; that these are great moral, imthaiveable, precepts, binding upon all men, in every, age. Ex. 20:1-17. 7. That the fourth commandment of this unchangeable •law requires the observance of the seventh day Sabbath. This holy institution is at the same time a memorial of creation and a sign of sanctification, a sign of the believer's rest from his own Works of sin, and his entrance into the rest of soul which Jeus promises to those who come to Him. Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; 31:12-17; Heb. 4:1-10.' ' .8. That the• law of ten commandments points out sin, the penalty of Which is death. The law can not save the transgressor from his sin, 5 6 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS nor impart power to keep him from sinning. In infinite love and mercy, God provides a way whereby this may be done. He furnishes a substitute, even Christ the Righteous One, to die in man's stead, making "Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21. That one is justified, not by obedience to the law, but by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. By accepting Christ, man is reconciled to God, justified by His blood for the sins of the past, and saved from the power of sin by his indwelling life. Thus the gospel becomes "the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." This experience is wrought by the divine agency of the Holy Spirit, who convinces of sin and leads to the SinBearer, inducting the believer into the new covenant relationship, where the law of God is written on his heart, and through the enabling power of the indwelling Christ, his life is brought into conformity to the divine precepts. The honor and merit of this wonderful transformation belong wholly to Christ. 1 John 3:4; Rom. 7:7; Rom. 3:20; Eph. 2:8-10; 1 John 2:1, 2; Rom. 5:8-10; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:17; Heb. 8:8-12. 9. That Cod "only bath immortality." 1 Tim. 6:15. Mortal man possesses a nature inherently sinful and dying. Eternal life is the gift of God through faith in Christ. Rom. 6:23. "He that bath the Son hath life." 1 John 5:12. Immortality is bestowed upon the righteous at the second coming of Christ, when the righteous dead are raised from the grave and the living righteous translated to meet the Lord. Then it is that those accounted faithful "put on immortality." 1 Cor. 15:51-55. 10. That the condition of man in death is one of unconsciousness. That all men, good and evil alike, remain in the grave from death to the resurrection. Eccl. 9:5, 6; Ps. 146:3, 4; John 5:28, 29. 11. That there shall be a resurrection both of the just and of the unjust. The resurrection of the just will take place at the second coming of Christ; the resurrection of the unjust will take place a thousand years later, at the close of the millennium. John 5:28, 29; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:5-10. 12. That the finally impenitent, including Satan, the author of sin, will, by the fires of the last day, be reduced to a state of non-existence, becoming as though they had not been, thus purging God's universe of sin and sinners. Rom. 6:23; Mal. 4:1-3; Rev. 20:9, 10; Obadiah 16. 13. That no prophetic period is given in the Bible to reach to the second advent, but that the longest one, the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14, terminated in 1844, and brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary. 14. That the true sanctuary, of which the tabernacle on earth was a type, is the temple of God in Heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of which the Lord Jesus, as our great high priest, is minister; and that the priestly work of our Lord is the antitype of the work of the Jewish priests of the former dispensation; that this heavenly sanctuary is the one to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14; its cleansing being, as in the type, a work of judgment, beginning with the entrance of Christ as the high Priest upon the judgment phase of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary foreshadowed in the earthly service of cleansing the sanctuary on the day of atonement. This work of judgment in the heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. Its completion will close human probation. FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS 15. That God, in the time of the judgment and in accordance with His uniform dealing with the human family in warning them of coming events vitally affecting their destiny (Amos 3:6, 7), sends forth a proclamation of the approach of the second advent of Christ; that this work is symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; and that their threefold message brings to view a work of reform to prepare a people to meet Him at His coming. 16. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, synchronizing with the period of the proclamation of the message of Revelation 14, is a time of investigative judgment, first with reference to the dead, and secondly, with reference to the living. This investigative judgment determines who of the myriads sleeping in the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection, and who of its living multitudes are worthy of translation. 1 Peter 4:17, 18; Dan. 7:9, 10; Rev. 14:6, 7; Luke 20:35. 17. That the followers of Christ should be a godly people, not adopting the unholy maxims nor conforming to the unrighteous ways of the world, not loving its sinful pleasures nor countenancing its follies. That the believer should recognize his body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that therefore he should clothe that body in neat, modest, dignified apparel. Further, that in eating and drinking and in his entire course of conduct he should shape his life as becometh a follower of the meek and lowly Master. Thus the believer will be led to abstain from all intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and other narcotics, and the avoidance of every body- and soul-defiling habit and practice. 1 Cor. 3:16, 17; 9:25; 10:31; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10; 1 John 2:6. 18. That the divine principle of tithes and offerings for the support of the gospel is an acknowledgment of God's ownership in our lives, and that we are stewards who must render account to Him of all that He has committed to our possession. Lev. 27:30; Mal. 3:8-12; Matt. 23:23; 1 Cor. 9:9-14; 2 Cor. 9:6-15. 19. That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. That these gifts operate in harmony with the divine principles of the Bible, and are given for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ. Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 1 Cor. 1:5-7. 20. That the second coming of Christ is the great hope of the church, the grand climax of the gospel and plan of salvation. His coming will be literal, personal, and visible. Many important events will be associated with His return, such as the resurrection of the dead, the destruction of the wicked, the purification of the earth, the reward of the righteous, the establishment of His everlasting kingdom. The almost complete fulfillment of various lines of prophecy, particularly those found in the books of Daniel and the Revelation, with existing conditions in the physical, social, industrial, political, and religious worlds, indicates that Christ's coming "is near, even at the doors.' The exact time of that event has not been foretold. Believers are exhorted to be ready, for "in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man" will be revealed. Luke 21:25.27; 17:26-30; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; Rev. 1:7; Heb. 9:28; James 5:1-8; Joel 3:9-16; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Dan. 7:27; Matt. 24:36, 44. 8 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS 21. That the millennial reign of Christ covers the ,Period between the first and-.the second resurrections, during which time the saints of all ages will live with their blessed Redeemer in Heaven.' At the end of the millennium, the Holy City with all the saints will descend to the earth. The:wicked, raised in the second resurrection, mill go up on the breadth,of the earth with Satan at their head to` compass the camp of the saints, when fire will come down from God out of Heaven and devour them. In the conflagration which destroys Satan and ,his host, the earth, itself will be regenerated and cleansed from the effects of the curse. Thus the, universe of God will be purified froin the' foul blot of sin. Rev. 20. Zech. 14:1-4. 2 Peter ,3:7-10. ' 22. That God 'will make all things new. 'The earth, restored to its pristine beauty, will become forever the abode of the saints Of the Lord. The promise to Abraham, that through Christ he and his seed should possess the earth throughout the endless ages of 'eternity, will be fulfilled. •The,kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the, whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an ieverlastipg kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him. Chriet, the Lord, will reign supreme and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and such as are in the sea will ascribe blessing and honor and glory and power unto Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb forever and ever. Gen. 13:14-17; Horn. 4:13; Heb. 11:8-16; Matt. 5:5; Isa. 35; Rev. 21:1-7; Dan. 7:27; Rev. 5:13. Directory of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination GENERAL CONFERENCE Organized May 21, 1863 Territory: The following-named Division Conferences: North American, Australasian, Central European, China, Far Eastern, InterAmerican, Northern European, Southern African, South American, Southern Asia, Southern European, Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.. Cable Address: Adventist, Washington. (A B C Code, fifth edition.) Telegraphic Address: General Conference, Washington, D. C. (NOT Takoma Park.) Express and Freight Address: General Conference, Takoma Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. Postal Address: Takoma Park, Washington, District of Columbia, U. S. A. Executive Officers President: C. H. Watson. Vice-Presidents: I. H. Evans, 0. Montgomery, J. L. McElhany, W. H. Branson, J. F. Wright, W. G. Turner, G. W. Schubert, H. W. Miller, M. D., Frederick Griggs, E. E. Andross, L. H. Christian, N. P. Neilsen, A. V. Olson, H. J. Lobsack, N. C. Wilson. Secretary: M. E. Kern. Associate Secretaries: A. W. Cormack, H. T. Elliott. Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Undertreasurer W. H. Williams. Assistant Treasurers H. H. Cobban, J. J. Ireland. General Field Secretaries W. A. Spicer, W. W. Prescott, A. G. Daniells, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. Wells, J. W. Westphal, C. K. Meyers, R. Ruhling. Auditor Claude Conard; Assistants: H. W. Barrows, W. E. Phillips. Statistical Secretary H. E. Rogers. Office Secretary T. E. Bowen. Secretaries of Departments Bureau of Home Missions: W. H. Branson; Associates: German, W. R. Ochs; Swedish and Miscellaneous Languages, Eastern Division, H. 0. Olson; - DanishNorwegian and Miscellaneous Languages, Western Division, L. Halswick; Jewish Dept., F. C. Gilbert; Spanish Dept., F. L. Perry. Educational: W. E. Nelson; Associate, C. A. Russell. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; Associate, L. E. Christman. Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; Associates, L. A. Hansen, Kathryn L. Jensen. Ministerial Association: Chairman, C. H. Watson; Sec., I. H. Evans; Associates, L. E. Froom, Meade MacGuire. North American Negro: F. L. Peterson. Publishing: C. E. Weaks; Associates, E. E. Franklin, N. Z. Town, J. J. Strahle. 9 10 GENERAL CONFERENCE Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft. Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; Associates, S. A. Wellman, J. C. Thompson. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Alfred W. Peterson; Associates, C. L. Bond, D. A. Ochs. Home Commission: A. W. Spalding. MEMBERS OF GENERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Members at Headquarters President: C. H. Watson. General Vice-Presidents: I. H. Evans, 0. Montgomery, J. L. McElhan y. Secretary: M. E. Kern. Associate Secretaries: A. W. Cormack, H. T. Elliott. Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Undertreasurer: W. H. Williams. Assistant Treasurers:. H. H. Cobban, J. J. Ireland. General Field Secretaries: W. A. Spicer, W. W. Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. Wells, J. W. Westphal, C. K. Meyers. Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Secretaries of General Departments Bureau of Home Missions: W. H. Branson; Associates: German, W. B. Ochs; Swedish and Miscellaneous Languages, Eastern Division, H. 0. Olson; DanishNorwegian and for Miscellaneous Languages, Western Division; L. Halswick; Jewish Dept., F. C. Gilbert; Spanish Dept., F. L. Perry. Educational: W. E. Nelson; Associate, C. A. Russell. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; Associate, L. E. Christman. Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; Associates, L. A. Hansen, Kathryn L. Jensen. Ministerial Association: Chairman, C. H. Watson; Secretary, I. H. Evans; Associates, L. E. Froom, Meade MacGuire. North American Negro: F. L. Peterson. Publishing: C. E. Weaks; Associates, E. E. Franklin, N. Z. Town, J. J. Strahle. Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft. Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; Associates, S. A. Wellman, J. C. Thompson. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Alfred W. Peterson; Associates, C. L. Bond, D. A. Ochs. Home Commission: A. W. Spalding. OTHER MEMBERS BY DIVISIONS North America Vice-President: MT. H. Branson. Union Conference Presidents: Atlantic: J. K. Jones. Canadian: M. N. Campbell. Central: J. F. Piper. Columbia: H. J. Detwiler. Lake: W. H. Holden. North Pacific: E. K. Slade. Pacific: Glenn Calkins. Southern: S. A. Ruskjer. Southwestern: R. L. Benton. GENERAL CONFERENCE 1) Missionary Volunteer: W. P. Australasian Bradley. Vice-President: W. G. Turner. Home Missionary and Publishing: Central European J. H. McEachern. Vice-President: G. W. Schubert. Medical: Dr. H. A. Hall. Secretary: W. Mueller. Ministerial: Frederick Griggs. Treasurer: 0. Schildhauer. Sabbath School: Mrs. Frederick Field Secretary: E. Gugel. Griggs. Departmental Secretaries: Union Mission Superintendents: Educational: Chosen: H. A. Oberg. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Japan: V. T. Armstrong. and Young People's Missionary Malayan: J. G. Gjording. Volunteer: M. Busch. Philippine: R. R. Figuhr. Medical: Dr. L. E. Conradi. Inter-American Ministerial Association: E. Gugel. Vice-President: E. E. Andross. Publishing: H. Box. Religious Liberty and Press Bu- Sec. and Treas.: F. L. Harrison. Field Secretary: L. V. Finster. reau: A. Vollmer. Departmental Secretaries: Welfare: Hulda Jost. Educational and Sabbath School: Union Conference Presidents: W. L. Adams. Arabic: W. K. Ising. Czechoslovakian: M. H. Wentland. Home Missionary and Ministerial: L. V. Finster. East German: A. Minch. Publishing: W. A. Bergherm. Hungarian: A. Zeiner. Netherlands East Indies: B. Ohme. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Mrs. E. E. Andross. South German: G. Seng. Union Mission Superintendents: West German: Hans Fenner. Antillian: A. R. Ogden. China Caribbean: W. R. Elliott. Vice-President: Dr. H. W. Miller. Central American: W. E. Baxter. Colombia-Venezuela: H. E. Baasch. Secretary: C. C. Crisler. Mexican: C. E. Wood. Treasurer: C. C. Morris. Departmental Secretaries: Northern European Educational and Missionary VolVice-President: L. H. Christian. unteer: D. E. Rebok. Secretary: E. D. Dick. Home Miss.: E. L. Longway. Treasurer: E. R. Colson. Medical: H. W. Miller, M. D. Field Secretary: W. T. Bartlett. Ministerial: Frederick Lee. Departmental Secretaries: Publishing: John Oss. Educational: E. D. Dick. Sabbath School: Bessie Mount. Home Miss.: H. M. Lowe. Union Presidents: Y. P. M. V.: C. V. Anderson. Central China: M. C. Warren. Medical: A. Andersen, M. D. East China: K. H. Wood. Publishing: —. Manchuria: N. F. Brewer. Religious Liberty: W. E. Read. North China: G. J. Appel. Northwest China: J. H. Effenberg. Sabbath School and Ministerial: W. T. Bartlett. South China: 0. A. Hall. Union Conference Presidents: West China: G. L. Wilkinson. Baltic: H. L. Rudy. Far Eastern British: W. E. Read. Vice-President: Frederick Griggs. East African: S. G. Maxwell. Sec. and Treas.: Eugene Woesner. East Nordic: G. A. Lindsay. Departmental Secretaries: Ethiopian: M. J. Sorenson. Educational and Young People's Gold Coast: J. Clifford. 12 GENERAL CONFERENCE Nigerian: W. McClements. Polish: T. T. Babienco. Sierra Leone: J. Gronert. Upper Nile: V. E. Toppenberg. West Nordic: L. Muderspach. Southern African Vice-President: J. F. Wright Secretary: Milton Robison. Treas. and Auditor: A. E. Nelson. Departmental Secretaries: Educational: M. P. Robison. Home Missionary: F. E. Potter. Medical: A. N. Tonge, M. D. Ministerial Assn.: J. F. Wright. Publishing: F. E. Potter. Religious Liberty: J. I. Robison. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.: L. L: Moffitt. Union Conference Presidents: Angola: C. W. Curtis. Congo: C. W. Bozarth. South Africa: A. F. Tarr. Southeast Africa: H. M. Sparrow. Zambesi: E. C. Boger. South Ameritan Vice-President: N. P. Neilsen. Secretary and Treasurer: Roger Altman. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Young People's Missionary Volunteer: H. B. Lundquist. Home Missionary: J. L. Brown. Ministerial: N. P. Neilsen. Publishing: J. A. P. Green. Sabbath School: J. L. Brown. Union Conference Presidents: Austral: W. E. Murray. East Brazil: H. B. Westcott. Inca: E. V. Moore. South Brazil: E. H. Wilcox. Southern Asia Vice-President: N. C. Wilson. Secretary and Treasurer: C. L. Torrey. Departmental Secretaries: Educational: E. M. Meleen. Field Miss. and Home Miss.: L. C. Shepard. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: T. J. Michael. Medical: G. A. Nelson, M. D. Ministerial Association: G. F. Enoch. Sabbath School: E. D. Thomas. Union Mission Superintendents: Burma: J. L. Christian. Northeast India: G. G. Lowry. Northwest India: G. G. Lowry. South India: E. M. Meleen. Western India: J. S. James. Southern European Vice-President: A. V. Olson. Secretary: Steen Rasmussen. Treasurer and Auditor: F. Brennwald. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V.: Steen Rasmussen. Home Missionary, Sabbath School and Field Miss.: D. N. Wall. Medical and Religious Liberty: Dr. J. Nussbaum, 49 Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris 16, France. Ministerial Association: A. V. Olson. Publishing and Associate Home Missionary: F. Charpiot. Union Conference Presidents: Franco-Belgian: W. R. Beach. Iberian: Robert Gerber. Italian•: L. Beer. Jugoslavian: Hans Bauer. North African: Jules Rey. Rumanian: P. P. Paulini. Swiss: A. V. Olson. • Union of Socialist Soviet Republics Officers. —. Elective Members E. L. Richmond, F. M. Wilcox, Dr. P. T. Magan, C. H. Jones, Dr. W. A. Ruble, W. C. White, H. J. Sheldon, W. E. Howell, G. E. Peters, C. B. Haynes, George Huse, Dr. Geo. Thomason, J. H. Cochran, W. I. Smith. GENERAL DEPARTMENTS BUREAU OF HOME MISSIONS Office: General Conference, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Secretary: W. H. Branson. Associate Secretaries: H. 0. Olson for Swedish Department and Miscellaneous Languages east of the Mississippi River. Address: Route 1, Box 366, La Grange, Ill. W. B. Ochs for German Department. Address: Takoma Park, Washington D. C. L. Halswick for Danish-Norwegian Department and Miscellaneous languages west of the Mississippi River. Address: 4255 Minnehaha Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. F. C. Gilbert for Jewish Department. Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. F. L. Perry for Spanish Department. Address: 1419 E. California St., Glendale, Calif. Bureau Committee: W. H. Branson, Chairman; H. 0. Olson, H. T. Elliott, W. B. Ochs, F. C. Gilbert, L. Halswick, 0. Montgomery, W. H. Williams, F. L. Perry. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT •Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers General Secretary: W. E. Nelson. Associate Secretary Elementary Education: C. A. Russell. Assistant Elementary Education and Editorial: Mrs. Flora H. Williams. Division Secretaries Australasian: W. J. Gilson, Coo• ranbong, New South Wales, Australia. Central European: —, Regensburgerstrasse 22, V., Berlin W. 50, Germany. China: D. E. Rebok, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: W. P. Bradley, Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: W. L. Adams, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: E. D. Dick, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: H. B. Lundquist, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern African: Milton Robison, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Southern Asia: E. M. Meleen, Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: Steen Rasmussen, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Union Secretaries The educational secretaries of the Union Conferences in North America are members ex-officio. Other Members (All of whom may be addressed at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.) W. E. Howell, Claude Conard, A. W. Peterson, Kathryn L. Jensen, M. E. Kern, C. S. Longacre, W. H. Branson, L. E. Froom, A. W. Werline, M. E. Olsen, J. C. Thompson. College Presidents H. H. Hamilton, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 0. M. John, South Lancaster, Mass. P. T. Magan, M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. W. I. Smith, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. W. M. Landeen, College Place, Wash. 13 14 GENERAL CONFERENCE M. L. Andreasen, College View, Nehr. T. W. Steen, Berrien Springs, Mich. Junior College Presidents C. W. Degering, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. E. E. Cossentine, Arlington, Calif. C. E. Kellogg, Keene, Tex. H. J. Klooster, Collegedale, Tenn. H. K. Martin, College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. J. L. Moran, Huntsville, Ala. Academy Principals G. H. Simpson, Arpin, Wisconsin. J. Z. Hottel, Auburn, Washington. V. P. Lovell, Cicero, Indiana. H. E. Westermeyer, Lodi, Calif. K. A. Wright, Union Springs, N. Y. Foreign School Principals L. M. Stump, Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands. K. Soisalo, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. I. F. Blue, Box 15, Poona, India. H. M. Johnson, Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. G. E. Nord, Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden. A. E. Speck, Cooranbong, N. S. \V., Australia. H. Erzberger, Neandertal, Post Mettman, Rhineland, Germany. Dumitru Florea, Casuta Postale, No. 71, Brasov, Rumania. Herbert Hanson, Algarheim, Jessheim, Norway. F. L. Bunch, 01 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. John M. Howell, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. A. N. Nelson, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. B. A. Liu, Chiao Tou Tseng, Kiangsu, China. G. E. Shankel, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Henri Evard, Collonges sous Saleve, Haute Savoie, France. J. Simon, Lodenice 51, p. Beroun u. Prahy, Czechoslovakia. Ellis Maas, Colegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. W. G. Murdoch, Newbold Missionary College, Rugby, Warwick, England. Members of Survey Committee (All of whom may be addressed at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.) W. E. Nelson, J. L. Shaw, Claude Conard. Board of Regents: Secretary and Associate Secretaries of the Department of Education, W. I. Smith, C. W. Marsh, H. J. Klooster, P. T. Magan, Kathryn Jensen, G. H. Simpson. HOME MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: J. A. Stevens. Associate Secretary: L. E. Christman. Office Secretary: Mrs. Grace D. Mace. Division Secretaries Australia: W. J. Westerman, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia; Assistant, S. V. Stratford. Central European: M. Busch, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, .Germany. China: E. L. Longway, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: J. H. McEachern, Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. GENERAL CONFERENCE Inter-American: L. V. Finster, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: H. W. Lowe, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: J. L. Brown, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Africa: F. E. Potter, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Southern Asia: L. C. Shepard, Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: D. N. Wall, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Union Secretaries (All Home Missionary Secretaries of organized union conferences and union missions are members ex- officio. ) Other Members (All of whom may be addressed at Takoma, Park, Washington, D. C.) I. H. Evans, W. II. Branson, S. A. Wellman, A. W. Petersen, J. W. Mace, C. E. Weaks, W. H. Williams. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: A. W. Truman, M. D. Associate Secretary: L. A. Hansen. Associate Secretary for Nurses' Division: Kathryn L. Jensen, R. N. Assistant Secretary for Medical Education: P. T. Magan, M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Assistant Secretary for Institutions in Western United States: H. W. Vollmer, M. D., Sanitarium, Calif. Assistant Secretary for Institutions in Eastern United States: 15 W. A. Ruble, M. D., Melrose, Mass. Division Secretaries Australasian: T. A. Sherwin, M. D. " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central European: L. E. Conradi, M. D., Sanitarium " Waldfriede," Alsenstrasse 99-109, Berlin-Zehlendorf-West, Germany. China: H. W. Miller,M. D., na. Box 1281, Shanghai, Ci Far Eastern: H. A. Hall, M. D., Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Northern European: Dr. A. Andersen, Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Southern African: A. N. Tonge, M. D.; Assistant, Miss E. Hinterleitner, R. N., Grove Avenue, Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Southern Asia: G. A. Nelson, M. D., 17 Abbott- Road, Lucknow, India. Southern. European: Dr. J. Nussbaum, 49, Avenue de la GrandeArmee, Paris 16e, France. (All Union Conference medical secretaries are members ex officio, and should be addressed at the union office.) Other Members F. A. Stahl, Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru, South America. C.. W. Harrison, M. D., Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D., Gendia Mission, Kenya, via Kisumu, Kenya Colony, British East Affrica. D. H. Kress, M. D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. W. E. Nelson, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. The Medical superintendent, business manager, and superintendent of nurses in each regularly 16 GENERAL CONFERENCE organized and denominationally recognized medical institution. The President and the Dean of the College of Medical Evangelists. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: I. H. Evans. Associate Secretary: L. E. Froom. Associate Secretary: Meade MacGuire. Division Secretaries Australasian: J. R. Kent, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central European: E. Gugel, Regensburgerstrasse 22, V., Berlin, W. 50, Germany. China: Frederick Lee, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai • China. derick Griggs, Far Eastern: Fre Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: L. V. Finster, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: W. T. Bartlett, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern African: J. F. Wright, Grove Avenue, Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Southern Asia: G. F. Enoch, Post Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: A. V. Olson, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Advisory Council Address at General Conference Office: C. H. Watson, Chairman; I. H. Evans, J. L. McElhany, 0. Montgomery, J. L. Shaw, W. H. Branson, M. E. Kern, H. T. Elliott, A. W. Cormack, W. A. Spicer, F. M. Wilcox, W. E. Howell, W. E. Nelson, A. W. Peterson, W. W. Prescott, G. W. Wells, Meade MacGuire, L. E.. Froom (Recording Secretary.) North American Members-at-large: A. G. Daniells, Los Angeles, Calif.; Glenn Calkins, Glendale, Calif.; M. N. Campbell, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; C. B. Haynes, Lansing, Mich.; E. K. Slade, College Place, ash.; J. K. Jones, South Lancaster, Mass.; T. G. Bunch, Battle Greek, Mich.; M. E. Olsen, Takoma Park, D. C.; Rose. E. Boose, Prescott, Ariz.; Mary E. Walsh, Hartford, Conn. Division Members Australasian: W. G. Turner, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central European: G. W. Schubert, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. China: H. W. Miller, M. D.; Frederick Lee, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: Frederick Griggs, Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: E. E. Andross, L. V. Finster, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: L. H. Christian, W. T. Bartlett, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern African: J. F. Wright, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Southern Asia: N. C. Wilson, Post Box 15, Poona, India; G. F Enoch; Post Box 15, Poona, India. Sauthern European: A. V. Olson, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. NORTH AMERICAN NEGRO DEPARTMENT Secretary: F. L. Peterson, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. GENERAL CONFERENCE. 17 pah," Wahroonga, New, South Wales, Australia. Central.European: H. Box, Regensburgerstr. 22, V., Berlin W. 50, Germany. China: John Oss, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China: Far. Eastern: J. H. •McEachern, Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: W. A. Bergherm, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: —, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: J. A. P. Green, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern African: F. E. Potter, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Southern Asia: L. C. .Shepard,. Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: F. Charpiot, Holieweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Ex-officio Members Union Field Missionary Secretaries. Publishing House Managers (see list in directories of Publishing Houses in later pages). Managers of 'Circulating Departments and Branches. Superintendents and Treasurers. Other Members W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St Helena, Calif. J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park,' D. C. Frederick Griggs, Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT W. H. Branson, Takoma Park, Office Address:. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. G. Turner, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, AusOfficers tralia. Secretary: C. E. Weaks. Associate Secretaries: E. E. Frank- Dr. H. W. Miller, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. lin, J. J. Strahle, N. Z. Town. H. Christian, 41 Hazel Gardens, Office Secretary: Mrs. • Nell H. L.Edgware, Middlesex, England. Hunter. J. F. Wright, Grove Ave., ClareDivision Secretaries mont, Cape, South Africa. Australasian: T. A. Mitchell, "Miz- N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pino 3801, Other Members S. A. Ruskjer, 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Terin,'. W. H. Holden, Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. J. F. Piper, 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr. R. L. Benton, Keene, Texas. H. J. Detwiler, 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. Glenn Calkins, Box 146, Glendale, Calif. J. K. Jones, South Lancaster, Mass. J. L. Moran, Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala. G. E. Peters, 409 Edgecombe Ave., New York, N. Y. M. C. Strachan, 1451 Evergreen St., Jacksonville, Fla. 0. A. Tioy, 5168 South Parkway, Chicago, Ill.. J. G. Dasent, 504 23rd Place, N. E., Washington; D. C. , M. M. Young, Keene, Texas. J. G. Thoinas, 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. P. G. Rodgers, 1207 W. 98th St., Los Angeles, Calif. J. E. Cox, 1503 Christian St., Philadelphia, , Pa. T. H. Allison, 535 New Jersey St., Kansas City, Kans. L. H. Bland, 5031 Magnolia St., New Orleans, La. Miss Anna Knight, 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. T. M. Rowe, 2916 Webster Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 18 GENERAL CONFERENCE Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. N. C. Wilson, Box 15, Poona, India. E. E. Andross, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. A. V. Olson, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. G. W. Schubert, Regensburgerstr. 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. J. A. Stevens, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: C. S. Longacre. Associate Secretary: H. H. Votaw. Associate Secretary: M. C. Taft. Division Secretaries Australasian: A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central European: A. Vollmer, Regensburgerstrasse 22, V., Berlin W. 50, Germany. China: Dr. H. W. Miller, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: Frederick Griggs, Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: E. E. Andross, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. North American: W. H. Branson, Takoma Park, D. C. Northern European: L. H. Christian, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. South African: J. I. Robison, Box 6, Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Southern Asia: N. C. Wilson, Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: Dr. J. Nussbaum, 49, avenue de la Grande Armde, Paris 16, France. Union Secretaries The Religious Liberty secretaries of the Union Conferences and Union Missions are members exofficio. Other Members .1. L. Shaw, L. E. Froom, F. A. Coffin, C. P. Bollman, D. W. Reavis, F. M. Wilcox, M. E. Kern, W. L. Burgan, W. E. Nelson, F. D. Nichol, B. G. Wilkinson, F. C. Gilbert, all of whom may be addressed at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. G. A. Snyder, 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. A. J. Clark, 2001 24th Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn. Stemple White, 319 W. 16th St., Davenport, Iowa. H. W. Cottrell, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. A. L. Baker, Mountain View, Calif. Wm. G. Wirth, 5447 El Verano Ave., Eagle Rock, Calif. Hon. George A. Williams, Fairmont, Nebr. V. J. Johns, 4238 Fifth Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Samuel Kaplan, Room 2401, 110 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. J. E. Shultz, South Lancaster, Mass. W. A. Westworth, 1204 West Edward St., Springfield, Ill. A. R. Bell, 2310 F St., Bellingham, Wash. L. H. King, 3210 Howard Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. E. L. Maxwell, 259 Castro St., Mountain View, Calif. SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer. Associate Secretary: S. A. Wellman. Associate Secretary: J. C. Thompson. GENERAL CONFERENCE 19 Officers Assistant Secretary: Rosamond D. Ginther. Secretary: Alfred W. Peterson. Office Secretary: Miss Margaret Associate Sec.: C. Lester Bond. Weir. Associate Sec.: Daniel A. Ochs. Division Secretaries Office Secretary: Emma E. Howell. Australasian: Miss Helena Lewin, Division Secretaries "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New Australasian: S. V. Stratford, South Wales, Australia. " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New Central European: M. Busch, ReSouth Wales, Australia. gensburgerstrasse 22, V. Berlin Central European: M. Busch, ReW. 50, Germany. gensburgerstrasse 22, V. Berlin China: Miss Bessie Mount, 526 W. 50, Germany. Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. China: D. E. Rebok, 526 Ningkuo Far Eastern: Mrs. Frederick Road, Shanghai, China. Griggs, Box 7, Baguio, Philip. Far Eastern: W. P. Bradley, Box pine Islands. Inter-American: W. L. Adams, 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: Mrs. E. E. AnBox 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: W. T. Bartdross, Box 0, Balboa, Canal lett, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Zone. Middlesex, England. Northern European: C. V. AnderSouth American: J. L. Brown, son, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. South American: H. B. Lundquist, Southern Africa: L. L. Moffitt, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Argentina, South America. Province, South Africa. Southern African: L. L. Moffitt, Southern Asia: E. D. Thomas, Box Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape 15, Poona, India. Province, South Africa. Southern European: D. N. Wall, Southern Asia: T. J. Michael, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Salisbury Park, Poona, India. Other Members Southern European: Steen Rasmussen, Hoheweg 17, Berne, (All of whom may be addressed Switzerland. at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., unless another address is Union Secretaries given.) W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, F. A. Coffin, T. E. All union conference and union Bowen, Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, C. mission Missionary Volunteer P. Crager, L. A. Hansen. secretaries. (To be addressed at M. L. Adreasen, Union College, their respective offices.) College View Station, Lincoln, Other Members Nebr. W. H. Wakeham, Berrien Springs, Meade MacGuire, Route 2, Box Mich. 186, Modesto, Calif. L. L. Caviness, Angwin, Napa Co., (The following to be addressed at Calif. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.) : M. E. Kern, H. T. Elliott, YOUNG PEOPLE'S DEPARTC. P. Crager, C. A. Russell, L. E. MENT OF MISSIONARY Froom, J. A. Stevens, Mrs. L. VOLUNTEERS Flora Plummer, A. W. Spalding, J. W. Mace, Miss Kathryn L. Office Address: Takoma Park, Jensen, Miss Lora E. Clement. Washington, D. C. 20 GENERAL CONFERENCE HOME COMMISSION (An interdepartmental committee, for the helping of parents and uplift of the home.) A. W. Spalding, Secretary; Mrs. Flora H. 'Williams, Asst. Sec.; M. E. Kern, H. T. Elliott, F. M. Wilcox, L. E. Froom, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, S. A. Wellman, J. A. Stevens, W. E. Nelson, C. P. Crager, C. A. Russell, A. W. Peterson, C. L. Bond, L. A. Hansen, Kathryn L. Jensen, R. N. AMERICAN TEMPERANCE SOCIETY Headquarters: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers: I. H. Evans, Chairman. C. H. Watson, Vice-chairman. C. S. Longacre, Secretary. J. L. Shaw, Treasurer. Committee: I. H. Evans, C. H. Watson, C. S. Longacre, J. L. Shaw, J. L. McElhany, W. H. Branson, 0. Montgomery, M. E. Kern, A. G. Daniells, W. E. Howell, Anol Grundset, J. F. Piper, B. G. Wilkinson, H. J. Sheldon, E. K. Slade, F. G. Ashbaugh, A. W. Peterson, S. A. Ruskjer, R. L. Benton, Dr. A. W. Truman, L. A. Hansen, W. E. Nelson, J. A. Stevens, L. E. Froom, H. T. Elliott, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, C. E. Weaks, H. H. Votaw, W. L. Burgan, F. M. Wilcox, F. D. Nichol, A. L. Baker, R. B. Thurber, F. A. Coffin, Lora E. Clement, Ernest Lloyd, J. W. Mace, Dr. D. H. Kress, Dr. N. G. Evans, Dr. E. H. Risley, Dr. P. T. Magan, Dr. W. B. Holden, Dr. W. A. Ruble. PRESS BUREAU Secretary: W. L. Burgan, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. GENERAL CONFERENCE • CORPORATION Incorporated 1904 Legal Title: " General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists." Constituency: The General Conference delegates. Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Pres., C. H. Watson; Treas., J. L. Shaw; Sec., H. E. Rogers. Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, C. H. Watson, J. L. Shaw, W. H. Branson, M. E. Kern, 0. Montgomery, H. H. Cobban, H. E. Rogers, W. H. Williams. THE ELLEN G. WHITE ESTATE, INCORPORATED A corporation formed in harmony with the trust created in the will of the late Ellen G. White, to act as her agent in the custody of her writings, and in the promotion of their continued publication in all lands. Constituency: The five trustees appointed by Ellen G. White, and their successors: W. C. White, C. C. Crisler, A. G. Daniells, F. M. Wilcox, J. E. Fulton (successor to C. H. Jones, resigned). Office Address: "Elmshaven," St. Helena, Calif. Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; Sec., W. C. White; Asst. Sec. and Treas., A. L. White. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Superintendent of Transportation: J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. (Also general agent for trans-Atlantic steamship lines.) General Transportation Agent: G. C. Hoskin, P. 0. Box 30, Brookfield, Illinois. Telephone: Office, Brookfield 606; Residence, Brookfield 2929. GENERAL CONFERENCE 21 Eastern Transportation Agent: Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Adolph Dorn, 30 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. Room 502. Branson, W. H. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. (Telephone, Algonquin 4-0079.) Cable Address: "Adventist New Casebeer, G. W., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. York." (Consign freight to office address, and express care Cen- Christian, L. H., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, Engtury Transportation Company, land. 113 Broad St., New York, N. Y.) Western Transportation Agent: Christman, L. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. H. .G. Childs, Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Mountain View, Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Calif. Telephone 527 (Residence Washington, D. C. telephone, 701). Cable address, Cottrell, H. W., Paradise Valley "Uprising," Mountain View. Sanitarium, National City, Calif. (Consign freight and express Cottrell, R. F., 1238 Sixteenth St., care Union Transfer Co., 821 Santa Monica, Calif. Howard St., San Francisco, Cal.) Daniells, A. G., 2632 Hill St., HuntAsst., J. H. Cochran. ington Park, Calif. Transportation Agent: E. A. Bea- Demchuk, S., 604 Connaught Bldg., von, 3250 Fraser Ave., VanSaskatoon, Saskatchewan, Cancouver, British Columbia, Canada. ada. (Phone number, Seymour Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park, 3986. Residence phone, FairWashington, D. C. mont 4354-R) Cable address: Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, "Adventist," Vancouver. Washington, D. C. Transportation Agent: C. H. An- Evans, I. H., Takoma Park, Washscombe, 29 Oxford St., London, ington, D. C. W. 1., England. Cable Address: Farnsworth, E. W., 1491 East Wil"Adventist, London." Teleson Ave., Glendale, Calif. grams, "Adventist, Rath., Lon- Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, don." (Telephone, Gerrard 1470.) Washington, D. C. Transportation Agent: H. Drang- Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Washmeister, Campestr. 18, Hamburg ington, D. C. 35, Germany. Gilbert, F. C., Takoma Park, Transportation Agent: Ch. Wehrli, Washington, D. C. 130 Boulevard de FHOpital, Paris, Griggs, Frederick, Box 7, Baguio, 13e, France. (Telephone, GabePhilippine Islands. lins 6176.) Halswick, L., 3329 30th Ave., S., The Treasurers of Union ConMinneapolis, Minn. ferences in North America are Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park, Transportation Agents for their Washington, D. C. respective Union Conference terHowell, W. E., Takoma Park, ritory. Washington, D. C. PERSONS HOLDING CREDEN- Kaplan, S., Room 2401, 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. TIALS FROM THE GENERAL Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, WashCONFERENCE ington, D. C. Ministers Andross, E. E., Box 0, Balboa, Kress, D. H., M. D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Canal Zone. Bond, C. Lester, Takoma Park Lidner,V. A., 427 Case Street, St. Paul Minn. Washington, D. C. 22 GENERAL CONFERENCE Loebsack, H. J., Moscow 10, Ulica Durowa 22, Whg. 19, U. S. S. R. Longacre, C. S. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. MacGuire, Meade, Route 2, Box 186, Modesto, Calif. McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Miller, H. W., M. D., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Neilsen, N. P., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ochs, D. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ochs, W. B., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Olson, A. V., Hfilieweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Olson, H. 0., Route 1, Box 366, La Grange, Ill. Passebois, L. F., South Lancaster, Mass. Perry, F. L., 1419 East California St., Glendale, Calif. Peters, G. E., 409 Edgcombe Ave., New York, N. Y. Peterson, Alfred W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Peterson, F. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Robinson, A. T., Route 1, Box 58, St. Helena, Calif. Ruble, W. A., M. D., care New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Ruhling, R., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Russell, C. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Schubert, G. .W., Regensburger- strasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Schwindt, F. F., 5219 Stockwell St., Lincoln, Nebr. Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sheldon, H. J., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Smith, W. I., Pacific Union College, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Spicer, W. A., Takoma, Park, Washington, D. C. Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Strahle, J. J., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Thomason, Geo., M. D., 317 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Thompson, J. C., Takoma Park Washington, D. C. Town, N. Z., Takoma Park, Wasl ington, D. C. Truman, A. W., M. D., Washing ton Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Turner, W. G., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Watson, C. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Weaks, C. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wells, G. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Westphal, J. W., Lodi Academy, Lodi, Calif. White, W. C., R. F. D. 1. `-t. Helena. Calif. Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Pal k. Washington, D. C. Wilcox, M. C., Mountain Vie Calif. Wright, J. F., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. GENERAL CONFERENCE Licentiates Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Huse, George, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Jones, C. H., Sanitarium, Glendale, Calif. Richmond, E. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Williams, W. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Missionary Licentiates Barrows, H. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Cochran, J. H., Mountain View, Calif. Conard, Claude, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ginther, Rosamond D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 23 Gregg, Lizzie M., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Howell, Emma E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Jensen, Kathryn L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Mace, Mrs. J. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Peck, Sarah, care Pacific Press, Mountain View, Calif. Phillips, W. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Taft, M. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Weir, Margaret, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Williams, Mrs. Flora H., Takoma Park. Washington, D. C. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized igoi Territory: The Conferences of •' 'Greater New York, New York, Northern New England, Southern New England, and The Seventh-day Adventist. Church of Bermuda. Population: 20,781,407; churches, 198; members, 11,983. Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass. (Telephone, Clinton 682.) Officers: Pres., J. K. Jones. Sec. and Treas., I. G. Ortner. Auditor, I. G. Ortner. Executive Committee: J. K. Jones, W. H. Heckman, M. V. Campbell, W. H. Howard, F. D. Wells, I. G. Ortner, Joseph Capman, E. A. von Pohle, D. A. Bailey, 0. M. John, W. A. Ruble, M. D., Anol Grundset, B. M. Preston, E. L. Place, G. E. Peters. Legal Assn.: "The Atlantic Union Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., E. A. von Pohle. Field Miss., B. M. Preston. Home Miss., Anol Grundset. Medical, W. A. Ruble, M. D. Negro Representative, G. E. Peters. Religious Liberty, J. K. Jones. Transportation Agent, I. G. Ortner. Ministers: J. K. Jones, 0. M. John, E. A. von Pohle, Anol Grundset, B. M. Preston, 'Joseph Capman, H. S. Prenier, W. A. Ruble, M. D., H. H. Dexter. Honorary: P. F. Bicknell, D. G. Turk, H. W. Carr, W. R. Uchtman, J. E. Whelpley, C. P. Lillie, E. E. Osborne. 24 Licentiates: D. A. Bailey, J. N. Clapp, I. A. Armstrong, I. G. Ortner. Honorary: W. S. Lawrence, „George Furnival. Missionary Licentiates: W. M. Vehorn, H. H. Howard. Honorary: Mrs. J. C. Hennessy, Ellery Robinson, Mrs. M. A. Scribner, Miss Jennie Thayer, Miss Elizabeth Kehrein, Mrs. Ella Wilber, Mrs. Eva Daggett, Miss Cora Spencer, Miss Ethel Meek, Miss Emma Wells, H. P. Hansen, C. L. Kilgore. BERMUDA MISSION Organized as The Seventh-day Adventist Church of Bermuda Address: Box 370, Hamilton, Ber- muda. Population: 27,000; churches, 2; membership, 135. Officers: Superintendent and Minister: Joseph Capman. Sec. and Treas.: Mrs. Joseph Capman. Department Secretaries: Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Joseph Capman. Sabbath School, Mrs. Joseph Capman. GREATER NEW YORK CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The City of New York; Long Island, (exclusive of that part in the City of New York); and the following named counties in the State of New York: Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster, Sulli- ATLANTIG-UNION;CONFERENCE ;15 Miasionary Licentiates::.: DelaIvare, ..Greene; •iind'"Co.• Vesta Cash, Louise Johnson, Ma1 .`° lumbia. LarSon, Angusta Meyer, Mrs. eliurehd'S, Population: E. V.- Smith; Mrs. W. D. Flemmembers, 3;462..:. 2'ing; Hope 'Winsor, "Ailary::Walsh, Officev..Roorn 2401, 110. West' 40th St., New York,_ ,N::, Y.. (Tele', Mrs. E. B. Markham; J. E. Osphone;•-Lotigadre '5,7258, 7250.) :. terblom, X. 'P. Walton;. M. S. • • .... M. Harris, F. R. Officers:- . •.° DUrichek, Pres., W. H. Heckman. Aldridge, J. R. Britt, E. Nopper. OSterblom. Church 'School Teachers: Executive CoMmittee: W. H. Mrs. Minnie Keith,-":E. Rah E:•.0sterblom,:a. M. - Blackburn; Sophie, Hirt, Emma ii...Heald;.H. J. Capman, A. 0. Liind, J. Hunt; Margaret Hirt, Pauline G. E. Peters, B. A. Reile; :L. B. Hart, Dorothy; 'Koeppen, Christike Dyet; , • Schick, J. J. Short. Legal Assn.:"Greater NeW York • COrpcitation- •of,•SeVenth:day •Ad• .,-Ventists";• Pres.; W. H. Heckman; 'NEW YORK CONFERENCE Sec. and Treas.,,J.-.E...Osterblom. • Organized 1922 (General Conference: S.' Transportation Agency: 30 !IrvTerritory:- That portion of the in.. Place, Room 502; Telephone, 'State Of 'New York north and idgonquins40079.; Adolph .Dorn, 'surest of` the:line formed by the Transportation ,. Agent Cable northern boundaries of Dela•... New 1:Addreas: •• ware,' Greene, ;.:and;Columbia • York.".•!.Consign freight to:office Counties. address, arid ;, ' in care:,-of Population: 4,139,362; churches, Century Transportation CO.,. 113 58; members, 2,919. • ..Broad.'St.,, New York:) Of#ce: ,Union-Springs, N. Y..-,(Tele• phone, Union Springs, 35.) .Department Secretaries:• ,!* Bobk and ',Bible ' House,' J. E. ,Officers: , .R.: 'Al- ' Osterblorn:;.•.!-Asst.,.M.' V. Cainpbell.' dridge. pg. and Ti eas'„,J: B. Frank: Educational. • and- Y. P. M. V., Ceittimittee: M. °V. Mrs. E. B.,Markham. Campbell, ' Frank, C. ,E. Fleming.;,; .'""Eldridge;.,• , C'Z.,Sauer,°, E. H. s .,.WZ-4-1. Heckman. Home Mis. Swanson, H' "`W. Walker, D. P. ..,s:Medical Wood. Rel.Lib., W-.,41-2 Heckman. ‘. Legal "" The New York Sab. Sch.,.Mis:,-.E.r B. Markham. Conference - Association of S. lartisters W. H. Hecknian,'W. R. Andrews, :'::Board- Trustees: 111.1- V.: CaMp,'Uapman.;•• P. - bell, J. B. Frank:C. E. Eldridge, ...A. 0. Lund;', B.,111. Heald; . G; E. J. Q. Sauer, E. H. Swanson, H. Petersgi. S: Willis; W. _A; Balls, '-• W. Walker; D. P. Wood. ,Catalano, W. Steele,.....E. -A. Tiepartment SeeietarieS: Reile, D. G. Werner, J. E. Jervis, Book and. Bible House, R. S. J. J. Dollinger, Kaplan,'W S. „ Blackburn. , Krietzky;'L.-SiSchiek. .1 Educational arid :Y. P. M. V., Licentiates: . ' W. E. Bement. G. Varga, J. S'Picer, Nir.• Field Miss., M. Evans. „ ing,. C. Guenther; ThaddeuS'Wil.Home Miss. and. Sabbath School, ' M. E. Munger. ' .'"vaii; 26 • ATLANTIC UNION CONIBEENCE Religious Lib., M. V. Campbell. Ministers: M. V. Campbell, S. N. Rittenhouse, E. D. Lamont, V. C. Townsend, D. P. Wood, H. W. Carr, C. E. Eldridge, H. W. Walker, E. H. Swanson, W.. E. Bement, Joseph Schnetzler, M. E. Munger. Honorary: A. R. P. Johnson. Licentiates: K. A. Wright, I. M. Evans, T. Carcich, W. S. Lawrence. Missionary Licentiates: J. B. Frank, Mrs. Clara O'Hare, R. S. Blackburn, Mabel Vreeland, G. E. Johnson, Gladys Passebois, Mrs. H. W. Walker. Church School Teachers: Letha Blom, Marion Seitz, Catharine Gadsby, Mrs. A. Solomon, Iona Laraway, Ruth Whittaker, Isabelle Taylor, Emeth Giddings, Florence Mason, Susan Kirschweng, Mildred C. Wood, Marie Law, Norma Heiser. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND • CONFERENCE Territory: States of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Population: 1,622,327; churches, 46; members, 1,608. Office: 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. (Telephone 540.) Officers: Pres., W. H. Howard. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Edwards. Executive Committee: W. H. Howard, J. E. Ewards, C. M. Bunker, H. P. Gram, H. R. Rolfe, W. W. Rice, Roy Atwood. Legal Assn.: Maine Conference Assn. of S. D. A.; Pres., W. H. Howard; Treas., J. E. Edwards; Clerk, C. M. Bunker; H. R. Rolfe, W. W. Rice, H. P. Gram, Roy Atwood. Northern New England Conf. S. D. A., Inc.; Pres., W. H. Howard; Treas. and Clerk, J. E. Ed- wards; C. M. Bunker, W. W. Rice, H. R. Rolfe. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. E. Edwards; Asst., P. I. Nosworthy. Educational, —. Field Miss., C. R. Morris. Home Miss., Alexander Houghton. Religious Liberty, W. H. Howard, Sabbath School, W. H. Howard. Y. P. M. V., Alexander Houghton. Ministers: C. M. Bunker, Alexander Houghton, W. H. Howard, E. W. Thurber, H. P. Gram, W. W. Rice, D. H. Hanson. Licentiates: C. M. Pike, H. R. Rolfe, C. R. Morris. , Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Berenice Redmond, J. E. Edwards, P. I. Nosworthy, Helen Armstrong, Victor Pike. Church School Teachers: D. I. Shaw, Mrs. D. I. Shaw, Vera Lowe, Mrs. Walter C. Twing, Carl Franz, Bruce Brown, Mrs. Bruce Brown, Florence Miles, Mrs. Mark Summer, Gertrude Smith. SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE Reorganized 1926, combining the Massachusetts Conference, organized in 1870, and the Southern New England Conference, organized in 1903. Territory: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and States of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Population: 6,544,014; churches. 62; members, 3,859. Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass. (Telephone, Clinton 255.) Officers: Pres., F. D. Wells. Sec. and Treas., C. H. Gerald. Executive Committee: F. D. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Wells, C. H. Gerald, A. A. Cone, J. E. Ford, C. R. Gibbs, E. L. Place, A. E. Sanderson, J. E. Shultz, 0. R. Snipes. Legal. Assn.: " The 'Southern New England Conference Asso• ciation of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, L. E. Aldrich. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Louise C. Kleuser. Field Miss., Arva Nickless. Home Miss. and Sabbath Sch., J. F. Bohner. Rel. Lib.: Mass., J. E. Shultz; Conn., A. E. Sanderson; Rhode Island, A. A. Cone. Ministers: J. M. Campbell, A. W. Clarke, A. A. Cone, J. E. Ford, C. R. Gibbs, J. F. Knipschild, S. Lundstrom, A. E. Sanderson, N. H. Saunders, J. E. Shultz, 0. R. Snipes, C. L. Taylor, F. D. Wells. Honorary, I. M. Marton. Licentiates: J. F. Bohner, Francis Bush, F. W. Cummings, J. E. Edwards, G. A. Mitchell, Arva Nickless, A. W. Ortner. Missionary Licentiates: L. E. Aldrich, John Cheripko, Mrs. A. A. Cone, Candace Ferguson, Mrs. H. C. Ferguson, Esther M. Freed, C. H. Gerald, Louise C. 27 Kleuser, Samuel Lombard, David Moore, Helen L. Olmsted, Mrs. Ruth Swanson. Church School Teachers: Martha Anderson, Mrs. Mae Bristol, Estelle Broome, Mabel Cassell, Esther Feltus, Thelma Fretz, Ida Jane GOsse, Mrs. Annie Bell Hall, R. W. Hall, Lucile Haskin, Mrs. Miriam Hunt, Florence Kidder, Myra Kite, Edna Levy, Olive Lindberg, Dorothy Loveitt, Beulah Oliver, Roy Pike, Joan Rasmussen, Hazel Ray, F. E. Vansickle, Beatrice Ware. INSTITUTIONS IN THE ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, Mass. Greater New York Academy, Cor. Washington St. and Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Union Springs Academy, Union Springs, N. Y. Publishing: New York Branch of Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Peekskill, N. Y. Sanitarium: New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1932 Territory: Dominion of Canada and Dominion of Newfoundland. Population: 10,024,476; churches, 144; members, 7,930. Office: 209-212 Birks Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. (Phone, 93679.) Officers: Pres., M. N. Campbell. Sec.-Treas. and Auditor, W. E. Perrin. Executive Committee: M. N. Campbell, W. E. Perrin. A. V. Rhoads, H. A. Lukens, 0. Ziprick, W. A. Clemenson, E. A. Beavon, S. G. White, D. E. Reiner, P. D. Gerrard, H. Burden, C. W. Degering, H. K. Martin, C. G. Maracle, C. L. Pad. dock, H. A. Shepard. Legal Assns.: Eastern Canadian CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE 28 ' Union Conference Corporation of S. D. A., and Western Canadian Union Corporation of Seventhday Adventists. Department Secretaries: 'Educational and Y. P. M. V., D. E. Reiner. Field Miss., P. D. Gerrard. Horne Miss., — Medical, H. Burden, M. D., Sidney, B. C. Religious Lib., M. N. Campbell. Transportation Agent, W. E. Perrin. Ministers: M. N. Campbell, L. H. Hartin, C. W. Degering, D. E. Reiner, C. 0. Smith, H. K. Martin. -Honorary: B. E. Manuel, J. T. Errington, Neil McGill, D. J. C. Barrett, J. L. Wilson. Licentiates: T. S. Bowett, P. D. Gerrard, W. E. Perrin, M. Philbrick. Missionary Licentiates: C. L: Paddock, C.W. Shanlcel, 'H. Burden. Educational, A. V. Rhoads. Field Miss., H. D. Henriksen. Home Miss., E. J. Westman. Religious Liberty, A. V. Rhoads. Sabbath School, Miss Anna Nickel. Y. P. M. V., E. J. Westman. Ministers: A. V. Rhoads, P. A. Rick, W. M. Ruminson, G. E. Johnson, J. D. Neufeld, E. J. Westman, Nichol Bodrug, H. D. Henriksen, H. J. Winter. Missionary Licentiates: G. L. Sather, Marian Maclean, Anna Nickel. Church School Teacher: Mrs. Ruth Wage. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: British Columbia, Canada. Population: 694,262; churches, 17; members, 1,103. ALBERTA CONFERENCE Organized 1906 Territory: The Province of Alberta. Population: 731,605; churches, 34; members, 2,297. Office: 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta. (Telephone, M7015.) Officers: Pres., A. V.-Rhoads. Sec.-Treas., G. L. Sather. Executive Committee: A. V. Rhoads, G. L. Sather, A. V. Farnsworth, P. A. Rick, S. W. Shankel, A. A. Roth, H. D. Henriksen. Legal Assn.: " Alberta Conference Association of S. D. A." Trustees: A. V. Rhoads, G. L. Sather, S. W. Shankel, A. A. Roth, E. J. Westman. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, G. L. Sather. Cable Address: Adventist, Vancouver. Office: 3250 Fraser Ave., Vancouver, British Columbia. Officers: Pres., E. A. Beavon. Sec. and Treas., Hylda B. Green. Executive Committee: E. A. Beavon, N. C. Erntson, H. W. Dutton, 0. E. Lindgren, H. A., Shepard, H. Cameron, J. W. Wagner. Legal Assn: "British Columbia Association of S. D. A." Pres., E. A. Beavon; Sec. and Treas., Hylda B. Green. Department Secretaries: •'' Book and Bible House, Martha Westphal. Educational, J. W. Wagner. Field Miss., Knowles Astleford. Home Miss., J. W. Wagner. Religious Liberty, N. C. Erntson. Sabbath School, Hylda B. Green. Y. P. M. V., J. W. Wagner. 29 CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: E. A. Beavon, E. M. Chapman, N. C. Erntson, W. J. Shafer, J. W. Wagner. Missionary Licentiates: H., Cameron, Mrs. H. Cameron, Hylda B. Green, Knowles Astleford, M. T. Westphal, Wilbert Foulston. Church School Teachers: W. C. Williams, Audrey Taylor, E. Wareham, Mildred Taylor, R. E. Rick, C. W. Mayor, Mrs. Jessie Lock. Yakovenko, S. A. Reile, L.' Long, D. N. Reiner, R. A: Libby, A. M. Baybarz, 0. B: Gerhart: Missionary Licentiates: F. T. Balmer, Alexander Clark, Alice Campbell, Mary E.,'Neufeld, Miss S. Johnson, Laura Campbell; A. 0. Bernhard.. Church School Teachers: ' Emma Lehmann, Verda . Deer, Elsie Stubbs, Percy Johnson. Mrs. A. Blair, Isabell Paul, Florence McCarty. MANITOBA-SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE MARITIME CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Organized 1932 Territory: The Provinces Of Nevi Brunswick, Novi Scotia, ' and Prince Edward Island, with the Territory: The Provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba and that portion of Ontario lying west of the 89th Meridian. Population: 1,721,281; churches, 39; members, 2,231. Office: 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. (Telephone 2561.) Officers: Pres., 0. Ziprick. Sec. and Treas., A. 0. Bernhard. Executive Committee: 0. Ziprick, T. L. Hardy, S. A. Reile, 0. Jackson, C. W. Deer. Legal Assns.: "Saskatchewan Conference Assn. of S. D. A." "The Manitoba Conference of S. D. A."; Pres., 0. Ziprick, 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Sec.-Treas., A. 0. Bernhard. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. 0. Bernhard. Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., D. N. Reiner. Field Miss., Alexander Clark. Religious Liberty, O. Ziprick. Sabbath School. 0. Ziprick. Ministers: O. Ziprick, D. D. Neufeld, P. G. Gaspe Peninsula. Population: 1,111,618; churches, 14; members, 439. Office: 19 Parker St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Telephone B-8472.) Officers: Pres., W. A. Clemenson. Sec. and Treas., Dorothy, E. Ostoich. Executive Committee: W. A. Clemenson, Dorothy E. Ostoi,Ch, J. M. Ackerman, D. Ma',ckintosh, R. B. Longard. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Dorothy E. Ostoich. Educational, W. A. Clernenson. Field Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. M. Ackerman. Sabbath School and Home Miss., W. A. Clemenson. Ministers: • W. A. Clemenson, 0. D. Cardey, Donald Mackintosh, E. M. Sears. Honorary: F. W. Stray.. Missionary Licentiates: J. M. Ackerman, Vera Van Buskirk, Dorothy E. Ostoich. 30 CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Church School Teachers: Dorothy Jones, Mrs. J. H. Crooks, Vernon Hubley. NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION Territory: The Dominion of Newfoundland which includes Labrador, and all Islands surrounding the main Island; also the French possessions of Miquelon and St. Pierre. Population: 275,000; churches, 4; members, 245. Office Address: 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's. (Phone 3160.) Postal Address: P. 0. Box 574, St. John's, Newfoundland. Officers: Supt., S. G. White. Sec. and Treas., S. G. White. Mission Committee: S. G. White, G. H. Morgan, S. Nosworthy, W. C. Baird, R. H. Cooke, J. T. Adams, S. Webber. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School Secretary, Mrs. Genevieve White. Educational: School Board which has charge of all educational work throughout our territory is appointed by the Governor in Council and the personnel is the members of the Mission Committee. Ministers: S. G. White, R. H. Cooke. Licentiate: George Russell. Church School Teachers: J. G. Combden, Mrs. Fern Simms, Hazel Avery. ONTARIO-QUEBEC CONFERENCE Organized 1932 (Ontario 1899—Quebec 1880) Territory: The Province of Ontario lying east of the 89th meridian, and the Province of Que- bec with the exception of the Gaspe Peninsula. Population: 6,246,281; churches, 36; members, 1,615. Office: 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. (Phone: Melrose 7235.) Officers: Pres., H. A. Lukens. Sec. and Treas., E. S. Humann. Executive Committee: H. A. Lukens, E. S. Humann, A. E. Millner, R. A. Hubley, W. J. Hurdon, F. G. Hill, W. A. Dessain. Legal Assns.: "The Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists," and "Quebec Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. S. Humann. Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., A. E. Millner. Field Miss., R. Carlill. Rel. Liberty, W. J. Hurdon. Sabbath School, E. S. Humann. Ministers: H. A. Lukens, R. A. Hubley, W. A. Dessain, J. A. Toop, W. J. Hurdon, George Soloniuk, A. E. Millner, A. Buckwalter. Licentiates: R. Carlill, E. S. Humann. Missionary Licentiates: Cora Bowers, Dorothy Lovell, Ada Manuel, Grace Hurdon. Church School Teachers: Abbie Culbert, Esther Neufeld, Mrs. W. J. Pincombe, Mildred Mosher, Stella Bell, Mabel MacDougall, Mrs. E. Lemon, Carrie Hubley. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Canadian Junior College, College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta. CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Oshawa Missionary College, Box, 308, Oshawa, Ontario. Publishing: Canadian Junior College Press. College Heights, via Lacombe. Alberta. 31 Canadian Watchman Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario. Medical: Rest Haven Sanitarium, Sidney, British Columbia. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Organized zgoz Territory: The conferences of Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming Mission. Population: 14,620,830; churches, 460; members, 23,610. Telegraphic Address: Telephone F. 0. 182, Lincoln, Nebr. Office Address: 4547 Calvert St., • Lincoln, Nebr. Officers: Pres., J. F. Piper. Sec.-Treas., S. J. Lashier. Auditor, A. R. Smouse. Executive Committee: J. F. Piper, S. J. Lashier, A. R. Smouse, Jay J. Nethery, R. S. Fries, V. J. Johns, A. H. Rulkoetter, Chas. Thompson, T. B. Westbrook, E. H. Oswald, J. H. Roth, C. A. Purdom, D. E. Collins, C. W. Marsh, S. T. Shadel, G. H. Smith, M. L. Andreasen, R. J. Brown, E. G. Fulton, R. E. Bowles, T. H. Allison. Legal Assn.: "Central Union Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." Pres., J. F. Piper; Sec.-Treas., S. J. Lashier. Transportation Agent, S. J. Lashier. Department Secretaries: Educational, C. W. Marsh. Field Miss., D. E. Collins. Home Miss., S. T. Shadel. Religious Liberty, J. F. Piper. Y. P. M. V., G. H. Smith. Negro Dept., T. H. Allison. Christian Record Board: (Work for the blind) Pres., J. F. Piper; Sec., D. D. Rees; Treas., S. J. Lashier; S. T. Shadel, D. E. Collins, M. L. Andreasen. Ministers: J. F. Piper, D. E. Collins, C. W. Marsh, S. T. Shadel, G. H. Smith, D. D. Rees, M. L. Andreasen, F. H. Yost, M. H. Schuster, J. N. Anderson. Honorary: H. H. Humann, H. A. Aufderhar, G. W. Berry, A. S. Bringle, G. L. Budd, C. G. Bellah, B. M. Garton, N. M. Jorgensen, Herman Langenberg, Chas. Lightner, 0. Madsen, W. A. McKibben, C. W. Miller, D. P. Miller, W. F. H. Schroeder, A. E. Johnson, E. R. Lauda, J. H. Schilling, E. G. Hayes, R. L. Bradford, J. 0. Hanhardt, W. K. Smith. Licentiates: S. J. Lashier, R. E. Bowles, H. A. Green, A. R. Smouse, A. W. Johnson. Honorary Licentiates: L. G. Beans, F. A. Page. Missionary Licentiates: R. J. Brown, E. G. Fulton. Honorary: Esther Smith, Lizzie Sutton, Ammy W. Welch, Mary L. Doan, Mrs. Bertha Jorgensen. COLORADO CONFERENCE Organized 1908 Territory: State of Colorado and San Juan County in New Mexico. 32 CENTRAL- UNION:. CONFERENCE.2 Population: 1,050,4923 churches, 65; members, 3,846. , • 'J Office: 1081 'Marion -St., Denver, Colorado (Telephone, CHerry y., 1767). ; , Officers: Pres., J. J. Nethery. Sec. and Treas., W. I. Montanye. Executive Committee: J. J. Nethery,':W.,L,Montanye, N. T. Sutton, B. M. Grandy, E. F. Heim, A. J. Meiklejohn, Pingenot. Legal Assn.: "The Seventh-day Adventist Association of ColorPres., J. 3.!Nethery; Sec.-Treas., • -W. I. Montanye. Department • Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W.. I. • Montanye. Educational, G. M. Mathews: Field Miss., W. G. Herndon. Home Miss:, E. L. Pingenot. Medical, Dr. H. A. Green. :Rel. Lib., A. J. Meiklejohn. 'Sabbath School, E. L. Pingenot. -Y. P. M. V.; G. M. Mathews. Ministersi j. Nethery, N; T. Sutton, B. M:1Grandy, M. B. Van .Kirk, G. Anglebarger, W. M.. Andreas, G. T. Vore, C. E. :Grant, A: J. 7-Meiklejohn, C. F. Lickey, E. F. :Henn, F. S. Chollar, A. H. Johns, G. W. Chambers, G. M. MatheWs, E. L. PingenOt, J. A. Nordstrom, H. J. Meyer, H. J. Missionary Licentiates: W. I. Montanye; W. G. Herndon. Church School Teachers: E. 0. Westermeyer, Mrs. E.O. Westermeyer, Robert Young, 'Esther Heini, Dorothy Blaekwell, Hazel Baughman, Henry; Deapen, Cowin, Opal Dickerson; D. Carolyn Thorp, Luta Wilbourn, Mrs..D. V. Cowin, Mrs. H. W. Hart, Juanita Paxton, R. E. Finney; Helen Schultz, -1 Marie Haefeli, Beatrice Rosa,. Harriet Love, W. A. :Wolcott, Mra. C.. D.. ety,W. GibSon, Gladys Munn, A. R. Moorley; L. M. Cowin, Mrs. L._ M. powin, Loa Love, Ruth Sorriberger, - Mrs. Lula :4Ecallock, Hazel McKinistry,' Anna Mae Thorp, Mrs. J. F. Brown. -°‘" . . IOWA CONFERENCE Organized 1863 Territory: The State :of ;Iowa, PoPulatiOn: 2,470,939 i churches, . 63; members, 2,835. Office: 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. (Telephone 158). Officers: , 7- Sh: Tres., R. S. Fries. Sec. and :Treas., J. H. Nies., Eecutive Committee: R. B. Fries, J. H, Nies, 1c. L. Gant, J. L. Neal, H. C. Hartman, J. R. NelSon, L. C. Christofferson. Legal Assn.: " The Iowa Sev`enth4lay AdVentiSt ,ASsOciationi" R. S. FrieS, chairian; J.11. Nies, Sec. and Treas. • . Department Secretaries: Bk. and Bible House, J. H, Nies.) Educational and' Y. P: M. Y., K. L. Gant.. Field Miss, C. A. Edwards. Field Home Misa. and Sabbath School, B. A. Scherr. -Medical, - J. F. Morse,' M. P. R61. Lib.,. R. S. Fries. Ministers: • . - R. S. Fries, A. L. Miller,. K.-1. R. Gant, J. F. Morse„ M. M. Nelson, M.. N. Skadsheim, C. H. Millet, B. A. Schen., Stemple White, R. E. Griffin. Licentiates: Arthur.. Axelsen, L. P. Knecht, W. A. Howe, H. C. Hartman, W.- R. Archbold, C. A. Edwards. Missionary Licentiates: J. H. Nies, Ruby McSparran. Church School Teachers: Loraine Arnold, Gladys Flatten; Mrs. Laura Rahn, Ida Edgerton, Wesley Glantz, Mrs. Wesley Glantz, Richard Minesinger, Mrs. Gladys Huston, Mrs. Cecil Conquest, Lucile Turner, Josephine Rockwell, Hazel Rasmussen; Ger- CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE ald Neff, Lois Robbins, Ina Riffel, Calvin Gordon, Mrs. Calvin Gordon, Murl Vance. KANSAS CONFERENCE Organized 1875; reorganized 1914 Territory: The State of Kansas. Population: 1,880,999; churches, 64; members, 2,966. Office Address: 612 Taylor St., Topeka, Kansas (Phone, 2-4141). Mail Address: Box 267, Topeka, Kans. Officers: Pres., A. H. Rulkoetter. Sec. and Treas., T. C. Nethery. Executive Committee: A. H. Rulkoetter, T. C. Nethery, E. D. Kirk, E. H. Meyers, A. A. Dirksen, W. J. Morris. Legal Assn.: "The Kansas Seventh-day Adventists Conference Association." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, T. C. Nethery. Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. M. Ragsdale. Field Miss., C. M. Norman. Religious Liberty, A. C. Long. Sabbath School and Home Miss., E. H. Meyers. Ministers: A. H. Rulkoetter, N. J. Aalborg, A. C. Griffin, A. A. Dirksen, E. H. Meyers, A. C. Long, A. M. Ragsdale, H. Wentland, E. S. Dillett. Honorary: A. S. Bringle. Licentiates: E. D. Kirk, M. H. Jensen, C. M. Norman. Missionary Licentiates: T. C. Nethery, Edna Wallace. Church School Teachers: Gladys Wagner, Mildred Priest, Mrs. May A. McNamee, Josephine C. Whitney, Russell E. Valentine, P. W. Peters, Thelma Imler, Esther Schneider, Esther Siebenlist, Ralph Browning, 2 33 H. D. Jeffries, Eileen Rose, Mrs. Hugh Jones, Louis Pettis, Mrs. Louis Pettis, M. M. Rabuka, Fannie Rabuka, Olivia Brickman, Mrs. Leonard Wood. MINNESOTA CONFERENCE Organized 1862 Territory: The State of Minnesota. Population: 2,563,953; churches, 65; members,3,785. Office: 1854 Rol yn Ave., St. Paul. Minn. (Telephone, Midway 8441.) Officers: Pres., V. J. Johns. Telephone, Regent 1770. Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall (Telephone, Midway 2871). Executive Committee: V. J. Johns, August S. Anderson, J. C. Nixon, L. L. Provencher, A. G. Goude, N. R. Nelson, B. C. Marshall. Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries. Book and Bible House, B. C. Marshall. Educational, J. C. Nixon. Field Miss., J. M. Jackson. Home Miss. and Sabbath Sch., J. C. Christenson. Religious Lib., Varner J. Johns. Y. P. M. V., J. C. Nixon. Ministers: A. S. Anderson, L. E. Niermeyer, August Anderson, C. Edwardson, David Gulbrandson, A. J. Haysmer, N. R. Nelson, J. C. Nixon, IL M. Hiatt, V. J. Johns, W. B. Pontynen, J. C. Christenson, J. L. Tucker, S. G. Haughey, C. S. Weist, L. S. Melendy. Licentiates: H. E. Preston, A. G. Thompson, Ernest Hanson, B. C. Marshall, J. M. Jackson, J. C. Harder. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. B. V. Cummings, Lillie Deters, Bertha Galstad, Rachel 34 CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE G. Landrum, Jennie Lindquist, Alice E. Mattson. Church School Teachers: Lawrence Burgeson, Mrs. S. J. Skadsheim, Ruth Nelson, Thurston Waterhouse, Edelbert B. Hallsted, Anna Anderson, Helen Smith, Mrs. Ethel LeBard, Mrs. Mabel Peterson, Mrs. Esther Rockwell, Bernice Searle, Mrs. H. W. Denton, Helen Zeelau, Herbert Nelson, Salisbury Zytkoskee, Ellen Swaysee, Mrs. August Anderson; A. M. Amundson, Mrs. Verla Bates, Hedvig NelSon. MISSOURI CONFERENCE Organized 1876; reorganized 1914. ''*.; Territory: The State of Missouri. • •'-' Population: 3,629,367; churches, 42; members, 2,599. Office: 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. (Telephone 250.) Officers: Pres., Chas. Thompson. See. and Treas., I. H. Harrison. Executive - Committee: , Chas. Thompson, I. H. Harrison;'0. T. Garber, J. H. Speiser, Melvin Oss, E. L. Branson. Legal Ainin.: Missouri Conference AsSociation of Seventh-day Adventists; Pres., Chas. Thompson; Treas.,. I. H. Harrison. Department Secretaries: • Book and Bible House, I. H. Harrison. Educational, Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Melvin Oss. Field Miss., R. J. Thomas. Sab. School and Religious Lib., Chas. Thompson. Ministers: ... Chhs.. Thompson, E. L. Branson, A. A. Leiske, C: J. 'Metzger, O. T. Garner, Melvin Oss, T. H. Alli-' son. • Honorary: W. K. Smith. Licentiates: R. M. Carter, James Gaitens, R. M. Whitsett, S. A. Douglas. Missionary Licentiates: I. H. Harrison, Ida Robinson, Alta Nesbit, Hester Kessler. Church School Teachers: Mrs. R. H. Bagley, H. W. Bass, E. J. Santee, Sigrid Olson, T. I. Durm, Mrs. T. I. Durm, Thelma McBroom, Laverne Turner, G. H. Minchin, Mrs. G. H: Minchin, Howard Welch, Clyde Bushnell, Herman Miller, Mrs. Herman Millt4, Naomi Lile, Olga Almskog. NEBRASKA CONFERENCE Organized 1878 Territory: The State of Nebraska. Population: 1,377,963; churches, 52; members, 2,828. Office Address: 1405 South Se-Venth St., Lincoln, Nebr. (Telephone F-2171.) Officers: Pres., T. B. Westbrook. Sec. and Treas.,'F. W. Schnepper. Executive Committee: 'T. B. Westbrook; F. W. Schnepper, R. T. Baer, G. A. 'Williams, 0. E. Hutches, 'R. 0. Stretter, T. M. Laugher,. Legal Assn.: "NebraSka Conferb ence Association of the Seventhday Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House; E. W. Schnepper. ' Educational and Sabbath School, Augusta B. Jorgensen. Field Miss.; 'P. E. Shakespeare. Religious Lib., T. B. Westbrook. Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., L. 0. Jorgensen. Ministers: T. 13. Westbrook, M. B. Butter: field, R. T. Baer, G. E. Hutches, T. M. Lfingberg, E. L. Cardey; L. G. Jorgensen. Honorary: L. E. Johnson. Licentiates: F. W. Schnepper, P. E. Shakespeare. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Honorary Licentiate: Chas. MdWilliams. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Anna Wade, Augusta B. Jorgensen. Church Scliool Teachers: Fred Walthers; Mrs. Fred Walthers, 0. S. Specht, Mrs. 0. S. Specht, Mrs. Carl Shafer, Paul Haughey, Mrs. C. A. Lindquist, Marguerite Johnson, Mrs. E. L. Johnson, Myrtle Reinmuth, Muriel Fleming, Mrs. Flora Moyers, Lillie Beeson, Ethel Johnson. NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The. State of North Dakota. Population: 680,845; churches; 63; members, 2,608. Office Address: 312 West Second St.; Jamestown, North Dakota (Telephone 6761. Postal. Address: Box 1491, Jamestown, North Dakota. Officers: Pres., E. H. Oswald. Sec. and Treas., S. E. Ortner. Executive Committee: E. H. Osald, S. E. Ortner, E. A. Piper, Aug. }finger, John Suckut, H. McGill, G. F. Theiss. Legal Assn.: " The North Dakota Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." DepartMent Secretaries: Book and Bible House, S. E. Ortner. Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., R. R. Bietz. Field MisS'., • Sab: School and Religious" Lib., E. H. Oswald. Ministers:: E. H. Oswald, D. K. Olson, E. A. Piper, G. P. Gaede, George Hmelevsky,- J. H. Rhoads, 0. F. Theiss, R. R. Bietz, J. C. Micha- 35 lenko, D. C. Newbold. R. R. Newman. Honorary: J. H. Seibel, J. A. Litwinenco. Licentiate: Geo. Loewen. Missionary Licentiates: S. E. Ortner, Ida Risloo. Church School Teacher: Gideon Hochstetter. SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Organized 1879 Territory: The State of South Dakota.' • Population: 692,849; churches, 34; members, 1,609. Office Address: Broadway and Third Ave., N. E., Watertown, S. Dak. (Telephone, 2115.) Postal Address: Drawer 36, Watertown, S. Dak. Officers: Pres., J. H. Roth. Sec.-Treas., B. L. Schlotthauer. Executive Committee: J. H. Roth, B. L. Schlotthauer, E. E. Bietz, J. R. Staton, Carl Haffner, J. M. Christensen, C. M. Babcock. Legal Assn.: "South Dakota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., J. H. Roth; Sec.-Treas., B. L. Schlotthauer. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. L. Schlotthauer. Educational and Sabbath school, Mary D. Hopkins. Field Miss., M. A. Wyman. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Leslie McKinley. Religious Liberty, J. H. Roth. Ministers:, J. H. Roth, C. M. Babcock, A. W. Kuehl, Carl Beck, J. R. Staton, 0. E. Leffler. Licentiates: E. E. Bietz, J. A. Estey, L. L. McKinley, M. A. Wyman. 36 CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiates: B. L. Schlotthauer, Mary D. Hopkins, Ruth Steitz. Church School Teachers: Perry G. Hills, Victoria Larsen, Cleora Turner, Florence Moser, Merton Babcock, Lena Myers, Mrs. Joe Wallman, Hazel J. Willard. WYOMING MISSION Territory: State of Wyoming. Population: 225,565; churches, 12; members, 534. Address: 1203 South Oak St., Casper, Wyo. (Telephone 1053.) Supt.:. C. A. Purdom. Executive Committee: C. A. Purdom, J. F. Piper, S. J..Lashier, Theodore Nelson, F. 0. Cahaday. • Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House and Sabbath School, Mrs. J. W. Franklin. Y. P. M. V., Educational, and Home Miss., C. A. Purdom Ministers: C. A. Purdom, F. C. Clark. Licentiates: L. W. 'Welch, J. W. Franklin. Honorary: L. G. Beans, Carl Mock. Church School Teachers: Carl Mock, Estella Boothby, Mrs. L. G. Beans, Mrs. Logan Grubbs, Mrs. R. W. Leach, Mrs. W. D. Jennings. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. Enterprise Academy, Enterprise, Kans. Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn. Oak Park Academy, Nevada, Iowa. Plainview Academy, Redfield, S. Dak. Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr. Sheyenne River Academy, Harvey, N. Dak. Union College, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Publishing: 'Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch, 2211 Farnam St., Omaha,j Nebr. Christian Record Ifeite;q:ilent Assn., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Sanitariums: Boulder - Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa. Porter Sanitarium and Hospital, 2525 South Downing St., Denver, Colo. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1937 Territory: The conferences of Chesapeake, East Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Potomac, West Pennsylvania, West Virginia. Population: 26,827,212; churches, 283; members, 15,676. Office: 507 Flower Ave., Takoma, Park, D. C. (Telephone, Shep. 3163.) Officers: Pres., H. J. Detwiler. Sec.-Treas. and Auditor, W. B. Mohr. Executive Committee: H. J. Detwiler, W. B. Mohr, the presidents of conferences in Union, J. P. Neff, B. G. Wilkinson, Dr. A. W. Truman, H. H. Hamilton, COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE E. M. Fishell, E. A. Manry, C. E. . Palmer, J. E. Cox. Legal Assn.: " Columbia Union Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Educational, B. G. Wilkinson. Field Miss., E. M. Fishell. Home Miss.. E. A. Manry. Religious Liberty, F. H. Robbins. Y. P. M. V., J. P. Neff. Ministers: H. J. Detwiler, B. G. Wilkinson, H. A. Morrison, J. S. Washburn, E. A. Manry, C. P. Bollman, W. R. French, J. W. Mace, H. H. Hamilton, F. H. Robbins, E. M. Fishell, F. D. Nichol, W. E. Barr, N. J. Waldorf, W. P. Elliott, T. M. French. Honorary: H. W. Herrell, W. H. Sebastian, J. W. McCord, C. C. Webster, R. D. Hottel, C. L. White, C. H. Keslake, G. L. West, E. W. Carey, W. E. Bidwell, G. W. Holman, M. E. Cady, S. M. Cobb, J.' P. Gaede, G. ^W. Lawrence, J. J. Marietta, L. S. Wheeler, F. L. Chaney, V. Dietel, J. H. Wierts, C. L. Stone, G. Mediary, W. L. Adkins, Charles Baierle, A. N. Durrant, W. C. Young, H. C. J. Walleker, W. L. Lowry, G. H. Clark, I. D. Richardson. Licentiates: A. W. Werline, J. P. Neff, F. A. Coffin, D. W. Reavis, E. L. Richmond, L. W. Graham, C. C. Pulver, L. F. Thiel, Clarence Lawry. Honorary: G., H. Clark. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. Lauretta E. Kress, R. W. Conard, Lora Clement, C. E. Palmer, Dr. R. L. Runk, Mrs. .C. C. Lewis, W. B. Mohr, Mrs. L. Holbert. CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE Organized 1890 Territory: The States of Delaware and Maryland, except the coun- 37 ties of Montgomery, Garrett and Allegany, in Maryland; and including the counties of iviorgan, Berkeley, and Jefferson in West Virginia, and Accomac and Northampton in Virginia. Population: 1,820,845; churches, 24; members, 1,422. Office: 24 Fusting Ave, Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. (Telephone: Gilmor 3840). Officers: Pres., W. C. Moffett. Sec. and Treas., H. E. Garrarde. Executive Committee: W. C. Moffett, W. C. Witt, L. H. King, F. C. Phipps, H. E. Garrarde, W. E. Strother, C. W. Guenther. Legal Assn.: " Chesapeake Conference Assn. of S. D. A." I Board of Trustees: W. C. Moffett, L. H. King, F. C. Phipps, C. W. Guenther, J. W. Hughes, H. E. Garrarde, W. E. Strother. Department Secretaries:. Book and Bible House, H. E. Garrarde. Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. C. Moffett. Field Miss., W. A. Bean_ Religious Liberty, —. _ Sabbath School and Home Miss., R. E. Crawford. Ministers: W. C. Moffett, C. 'W. Guenther, F. C. Phipps, A. J. Evelyn, S. M. Cobb, W. F. Schmidt, L. H. King. Licentiates: R. E. Crawford, W. A. Beall, H. E. Garrarde, L. W. Kurz. Missionary Licentiate: Emma Newcomer. Church School Teachers: A. D. Kaelin, Ellen Acton, Arliene Norton. Violet Wills, Zilda Forde, Mrs. W. D. Mosley, Mrs. Lillian Pinkney, Hugh Kimball, Mrs. Hugh Kimball, Ruth Gove, Mrs. E. L. Hansen, D. A. Penrod, Mrs. D. A. Penrod, Rose. DeBene-, detto, Raymond Montgomery. 38 COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE EAST PENNSYLVANIA. CONFERENCE Organized in 1903, out of territory comprising t h e Pennsylvania Conference, which was organized in 1879. Territory: That portion of Pennsylvania lying east of the east em line of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and Fulton Counties. Population: 5,674,254; churches, 48; members, 2,615. Office: 3256 Germantown Ave.. Philadephia, Pa. (Phone, Radcliffe 4897.) Officers: Pres., W. M. Robbins. Sec. and Treas., A. E. King. Executive Committee: W. M. Robbins, A. E. King, F. A. Honicker, U. D. Pickard, R. M. Spencer, J. E. Cox, Walter Edwards, I. H. Johnson, F. P. Hankin. Legal Assn.: " The East Pennsylvania Conference Assn. of S. D. A., Inc." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. P. Gernet. Educational, Mrs. • H. Lenore Pickard. Field Miss., J. R. Ridenour. Home Miss., J. C. Holland. Religious Lib., W. M. Robbins. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. A. E. King. Ministers: W. M. Robbins, H. A. Vandeman, W. J. Venen, J. E. Cox, R. M. Spencer, J. A. Dominiski,G. S. Rapp, Carl Bruck, U. D. ckard, M. A. Maloney, B. E. Miller. Licentiates: J. R. Ridenour, J. C. Holland, S. H. McLennan, Dallas Youngs. Missionary Licentiates: A. E. King, Mrs. A. E. King, Mrs. H. Lenore Pickard, Mrs. Jessie M. Curtis, Miss Maude Belmont. Sadie Baker, Mrs. Lydia Kester, B. P. Gernet. Church School Teachers:. Margaret Bush, Jean Wingate, Margaret Van Buskirk, Elva Cojiple, Sterling Gernet, Mrs. Sterling Gernet, Mrs. Amos Miller, Mrs. C. W. Rauch, Mrs. Dorothy Gumpp, Blanche Shoup, Alma Edwards, Mrs. Evelyn Gernet, Margaret Everet, Myra Simpson, Mrs. Walter Conrad, Vera Amick, Mrs. Albert Gibson, Anna Fuchs, L. H. Chisholm, Helen Bassett, Hope Muchler, Ella Walde, Mrs. Mabel Dominiski, Kathryn Ertel, Mrs. L. H. Chisholm. • NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE Organized 1902 . , Territory: The State of New Jersey. Population: 4,041,334; churches, 47; members, 2,075. Office: 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. (Telephone 2-3919.) Officers: Pres., W. A. Nelson. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. Executive Committee: W. A. Nelson, 0. J. Nerlund, H. .1. Adams, S. R. Dickerson, C. B. Newmeyer; J. H. Wagner, H. G. Gauker. • Legal Assn.: "New Jersey Con ference Association of S. D. A." Department.Secretaries: Book and Bible House, •W. H. Jones. Educational and Sabbath School. Miss E. R. Hochschorner. Field Miss., G. H. Carter. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. J. Christian. Religious Liberty, W. A. Nelson. Ministers: W. A. Nelson, 0. J. Nerlund, H. G. Gauker, C. B. Newmyer, S. E. Norton, J. C. Oswald, J. B. Periner, J. H. Wagner, G. A. Coon. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE ' Licentiates: H. J. Shaw, R. F. Holt, C. Bufame, G. H. Carter, H. J.• Christian; W. H. Jones, , A. D. Nagy, • W. W. Fordham. ' Missionary Licentiates: • Miss E. R. Hochschorner, Mrs. L. •• Steiker. • • Church School Teachers: Hilda A. •Brandt, -Esther Mitchison; 'Marie • Fuchs, Elfrieda Kuntz, • Beulah diarmon, Irma Mirtin, Phyllis Zinke, Mrs. Mary Gaskill,'Mrs. Hazel Carlisle, Mrs. :Dora. -Maskey, Mrs. Grace Meade, Mrs: Hattie Hand, Helen Mead, Clarence' Robinsen. , • OHIO CONFERENCE Organized 1863 Territory:,The State of Ohio.. Population:, 6,646,697; churches, 76; rmertibers, 4,223. Postal Address: Box 831, Mt.' Vernon, Ohio. (Telephone 1176.) .• Officers: Pres., F. H. kAbins: Sec: and'Treas.,C. H. Kelly. . ' Executive Committee: F. IL Robbins,' C. E. Welch, W. F. Schwartz; M. R. Coon, M. S. Banfield, D. .S. Teters;' O S. Hershberger, D. A. Rees. Legal Assn,i ." The Ohio Conference Agin. of the S. D. A. P'res., F. H. Robbins; ' Sep., C. 0. Kelly. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House,,' C. H. F ;k3 Educational and Y.' P. M. V., H. K. Christman. Field Miss.., 0. C. Weller. HOine 'Miss., Geo. Butler. • Medical, C. E. Welch. Religious Libeity, F. H. Robbins. Sabbath School, Ceo. Butler. Ministers: F. H. Robbins, George Butler, O. Gordon, 0. F. SclisVefirat, J. 1•17.• Shultz, W. F. Schwartz, 39 - H. K. Christman-, A. Yakush, M. R. Coon, Milan Ostoich, D. A. :..Rees, G. W. Hosford, 'D. F. Roth, M. S. &infield; RY.F. Farley. Ildnorary: L. A. -Spring, J. G. •Hanna, N. J. Michaelenko, J. F. Olmsted. Licentiates: D. S. Teters, 0. S. Hershberger, C. H. Kelly, C. E. Welch, A. W. Perrino, 0. C. Weller, P. C. Cardey, M. A. Bourdeau, R. K. Krick, E. M. AndrOss, Leon Rob' bins. Missionary Licentiates: Lillie Kraft, Cora Gibson,. Mrs. Estelle Lackey, Miss J. M. 'Gillam, A. B. Cole, W. H. Baker, Frances Dingee. Church School Teachers: J. Y. Olmsted, Mrs. J. F. Olmsted, Mrs. Amanda Kirkpatrick, Bertha Laughlin, Lottie Gibson, Priscilla Kistler, Lorraine Fankhouser, Frances Ballard, Nellie Westrick, A. W. Perrine, Edward Barnes, Mrs. Edward Barnes, Zelia Miller, Mrs. Mildred Smith, Mrs. Wm. Tanner, Lena Myers, Marie Justiss, Mrs. John Upton, Lucile Hall, Nina Hunt, Jos. Beach, Mrs. Jos. Beach, Willie Mae Woll, Pearle Kattelman, G. H. Grosboll, Mrs. G. H. Grosboll, R. C. Kraft, Mrs. R. C. Kraft, Albert Lawson, Mrs. Albert Lawson, Frank Fuller, Mrs. Frank Fuller, Naomi Van Horn, Avis Wiggins, Dorothy Copening, Florence Shellburg, Frances Blake, Mrs. H. H. Tyler. POTOMAC CONFERENCE Organized 1924 Territory: The State of Virginia, except Aceomac and Northampton Counties; 'the District of Columbia; and that portion of Prince George's County, Maryland, within five miles of the 40 COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE District line; and Montgomery County, Maryland. Population: 2,910,991; churches, 44; members, 3,303. Office: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. (Telephone, Georgia 1256.) Officers: Pres., J. W. MacNeil. Sec. and Treas., E. F. Willett. Executive Committee : J. W. MacNeil, C. J. Coon, J. G. Dasent, J. L. Price, 'W. C. Hannah, L. W. Graham, J. H. Smith, E. F. Willett, C. C. Pulver. Legal Assn.: " Potomac Conference Corporation of S. D. A." Also, " District of Columbia Conf. Corp. of S. D. A." and "Virginia Conf. Agency of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Bk. and Bible House, J. A. Bee. Educational and Sabbath School, Mrs. C. P. Sorensen. Field Miss., F. E. Thumwood. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., C. P. Sorensen. Religious Liberty, J. W. MacNeil. Ministers: J. W. MacNeil, B. F. Bryan, B. E. Connerly, J. H. Smith, S. R. Haynes, R. D. Hottel, W. E. Bidwell, A. E. Webb, J. G. Dasent, W. 0. Berry, H. L. Shoup, W. S. Mead. Licentiates: E. F. Willett, M. J. Shanko, W. C. Hannah, C. P. Sorensen, L. 0. Coon, P. Hafenmayr, A. A. Douglas, W. B. Hill, F. E. Thumwood, James Stanley, Monroe Burgess. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. B. E. Connerly, Mrs. C. P. Sorensen, J. A. Bee, Mrs. G. E. 1Vales, Kathleen Meyer, Maybelle Vandermark, Mae Carberry, A. C. Fearing, Mrs. A. C. Fearing. Church School Teachers: Josephine Billheim er, Bertha Hassenpflug, Elizabeth Norfleet, Mrs. William Shephard, Emeth Giddings, Dorothy Gray, Mrs. E. H. Craig, Mae Painter, Mrs. C. W. Murphy, Mrs. R. L. Thomas, Linnaea Erickson, Mrs. Marjorie Stone, Louise Stuart, Mae Carberry, Mrs. Donald Brown, Mrs. C. V. Jeffers, Annabelle Eshenko, Mrs. Raymond Hill, Mrs. Harry Lodge, Mrs. C. E. Norton, Nellie Jeffers, Andrew Fearing, Mrs. Andrew Fearing, V. D. Henry, Ruby Ingle, Irene Walker, Maybelle Vandermark, Naomi Ingle, Susie Klose, Lulu Leech, Mrs. Sydney Tymeson, Mrs. Ray Doyle, Mrs. Martin Hiebert, Alma Davis, Grace Harrison. WEST PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE Organized 1903 Territory: All of Pennsylvania lying west of the easterly line of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and Fulton Counties. Population: 3,957,096; churches, 30; members, 1,376. Office: Newill Bldg., cor. Otterman and Main Sts., Greensburg, Penn. (Telephone, 2520). Office Address: P. 0. Box 235, Greensburg, Penna. Officers: Pres., M. G. Conger. Sec.-Treas., C. M. Paden. Executive Committee: M. C. Conger, L. C. Evans, T. M. Rowe, W. A. Kelly, J. H. Humphrey, G. H. Herdman, C. M. Paden. Legal Assn.: " West Pennsylvania Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. M. Paden. Educational, Eloise F. Williams. Field Miss., F. D. Myers. Religious Liberty, M. G. Conger. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Young People's Miss. Volunteer, R. H. Fickling. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: M. G. Conger, T. M. Rowe, C. W. Weber, R. S. Lindsay, L. C. Evans, A. D. Haynal, L. W. Belote. Licentiates: C. M. Paden, R. H. Fickling, A. J. Robbins, F. D. Myers, Russell Quackenbush, C. E. Reichenbaugh, Virgil Gibbons. Missionary Licentiates: Eloise F. Williams, Mrs. R. H. Fickling, Leslie R. Mansell. 41 Educational, C. V. Leach. Field Miss., C. V. Leach. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., C. V. Leach. Ministers: C. V. Leach, T. W. Thirlwell, 0. G. Carnes, Chancy Wood, A. E. Hoist, R. B. Clapp. Licentiates: L. L. Philpott, J. W. Hirlinger, Jr. Missionary Licentiates: N. C. VanHorn. Jessie Welsh. Church School Teachers: Church School Teachers: Eloise F. Williams, Julia Edson, Miriam Burgess, Florence Miles, Helen Peters, Cleo Frederick. Lillian Halstead, Sam Minesinger, Mrs. Mary Varney, Elizabeth Thorgeson, R. S. Finch. WEST VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Organized 1887 Territory: The State of West Virginia, except the counties of Morgan, Berkeley, and Jefferson, and including the counties of Garrett and Allegany in Maryland. Population: 1,775,995; churches, 14; members, 662. Office: 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. (Telephoni, 394.) Officers: INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Columbia Junior College, Ta- Pres., C. V. Leach. Sec. and Treas., N. C. VanHorn. Executive Committee: C. V. Leach, T. W. Thirlwell, N. C. Van Horn, S. M. Robbins, 0. G. Carnes. Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Adventist Book Society." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible. House, N. C. VanHorn. koma Park, Washington, D. C. Home Study Institute, Takoma Park, Washington, D. 'C. Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Shenandoah Valley Academy, New Market, Va. Takoma Academy, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Publishing: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Washington Branch, Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sanitarium: Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: The Conferences of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. Population: 18,650,488; churches, 370; members, 22,642. Office Address: Drawer C, Berrien 42 • LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Springs, Mich. (Telephone, 124.) Officers: Pres., W. H. Holden. Sec. and Treas., L. W. Foote. Auditor, H. P. Bloum. Executive Committee: W. H. Holden, the presidents of the conferences comprising the Lake Union Conference, and F. R. Isaac, T. W. Steen, J. D. Snider, H. J. Sheldon, Wm. A. Butler, H. P. Bloum, K. F. Ambs, L. W. Foote, R. R. Brooks, 0. A. Troy. Legal Assn.: " Lake Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Educational, F. R. Isaac. Field Miss., R. R. Brooks. Home Miss., Wm. A. Butler. . Medical, Negro, 0. A. Troy. Religious Lib., Wm. A. Butler. Training School, T. W. Steen. Y. P. M. V., H. 'J. Sheldon. Ministers: W. H. Holden, R. R. Brooks, L. H. Wood, T. W. Steen, F. R. Isaac, H. J. Sheldon, Wm. A. Butler, H. E. Edwards, C. A. Burman, W. H. Wakeham, K. A. Offerman, August Anderson, D. A. Mozar, S. G: Burley, W. E. Straw, F. B. Jensen, J. T. Beal•dsley, H. D. Casebeer. Hon6rary Credentials: P. L. Hoen, F. H. Henderson, T. F. Hubbard, E. Rosenwald, J. B. Blosser, E. F. Ferris, P. E. Berthelsen. Licentiates: J. D. Snider, Karl Mattson, 0. Granlund, C. A. Thorp, H. G. Reinmuth, Samuel Bara, J. H. Haughey. Missionary Licentiates: Frank Hiner, H. P. Bloum, B. L. Grundset, Herbert Griffith, L. W. Foote. ILLINOIS CONFERENCE Organized 1931 Territory: The State of Illinois. Population: 7,891,964; churches, 70; members, 4,961. Office: Pacific Press Bldg., Brookfield, Ill. Mailing Address,Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. (Telephone, Brookfield 6100.) Officers: Pres., M. A. Hollister. Sec. and Treas., E. G. Johansen. Executive Committee: M. A. Hollister, E. G. Johansen, 0. 0. Bernstein, H. E. Ford, F. A. Wright, 0. J. Foreman, M. R. Bailey, Carl Becker. Legal Assn.: "The Illinois Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. A. Petersen. Educational, T. S. Copeland. Field Miss., S. L. Clark. Home Miss., C. S. Joyce. Religious Lib., M. A. Hollister. American Temperance Society, C. S. Joyce. Sabbath School, Inis Morey. Y. P. M. V., T. S. Copeland. Ministers: M. A. Hollister, M. R. Bailey, 0. 0. Bernstein, S. G. Burley, Carl Becker, T. S. Copeland, C. R. Kinney, J. W. Kasa, D. A. Mozar, J. Vitrano, 0. A. Troy, F. A. Wright, Wm. C. Scheller, Carl Swenson, G. 11. West, H. E. Bisel, Ilija Belich, C. S. Joyce, A. J. Olson, A. F. Wellman. Honorary: W. H. S'herrig, C. T. Redfield, Wm. A. Westworth, G. C. Hoskin, P. E. Berthelson. Licentiates: V. R. Hillman, A. C. Lien, J. W. Osborn, F. S. Thompson, R. J. Winders, Alexander Pietrasz, Dr. L. L. Andrews, H. E. Ford, Wni. T. Hodgson, SoL. Clark. Missionary Licentiates: Irma Lee Hewett, Mrs. Waaneita Iles-Kneller, E. G. Johansen, This Morey, Mrs. Celia McAlister, Helen Payne, W. A. Petersen. Honorary: Mary B. Craig, Anna LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Hibben, Mrs. Katie Williams, H. B. Tucker. Church School Teachers: Ava Kirkpatrick, Mabel Keller, Mildred Ostoich, Mrs. Jessie Tatton-Eytcheson, Leonard Hill, Iva Branson, Mrs. Clara Quigley, Edna Wingard, Helen Swenson, Grace Bush, Helen Cornwell, Margaret Booker, Elsie Roach, L. G. Fon, Mrs. May Lemon, Antoinette Armondo, Marie E. Biggs, Fred Burkhardt, Alberta Butler, Irma Clough, Mrs. Stephen Dobias, Eleanora Dybdahl, Gilbert Holmes, Mrs. H. Lindsjo, Vivian Steen, Florence Utter, Mrs. D. S. Weinberg, Theodore McIntyre, Mrs. Theodore McIntyre. INDIANA CONFERENCE Organized 1872 Territory: The State of Indiana. Population: 3,238,503; churches, 60; members, 3,292. Office: 2156 Park Ave., Indianapo. lis, Ind. (Telephone, Hemlock 2250.) Officers: Pres., S. E. Wight. Sec. and Treas., R. M. Harrison. Executive Committee: S. E. Wight, R. M. Harrison, A. H. Welklin, V. P. Lovell, F. L. Abbott, L. J. Jordan, 0. L. Denslow. Legal Assn.: " The Indiana Assn. of S. D. A." Incorporated. " The Indiana Medical Miss. and Benevolent Assn." Pres., W. H. Holden; Vice-Pres., S. E. Wight; Sec. and Treas., L. W. Foote. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. B. Burgess. 0 Educational and Miss. Vol., W. C. LoVeless. Field Miss., T. M. Butler. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, J. 0. Marsh. Rel. Lib., F. L. Abbott. 43 Ministers: S. E. Wight, 0. K. Butler, 0. L. Denslow, W. D. Forde, A. L. Beazley, F. R. Wiggins, F. L. Abbott, F. 0. Sanders, T. J. Kroger, W. C. Loveless, V. P. Lovell, F. C. Carrier, J. 0. Marsh Honorary: A. W. Coon, T. F. Hubbard, C. E. Allen, W. B. White, G. W. Rader, Frank Weeks. Licentiates: T. M. Butler, E. A. Jarreou, M. W. Deming. Missionary Licentiates: R. M. Harrison, C. B. Burgess, Peter Oltean, Edith Cross, Katherine Lang. Honorary: Mary Kent, Ida V. Hadley, Eva Pitcher. Church School Teachers: W. A. Connell, Theodore Lucas, Mrs. T. Lucas, Wilbur Sanders, Mrs. Bertha Stottlemyer,.Thomas Stottlemeyer, Mary Caton, Gertrude Dabney, Margurite Osborn, Irene Amen, Delight Deming, Emma Frost, Mrs. Ora Moore, Richard Little Mrs. Richard Little, George Stone, Marjorie Butler, Donald Patterson, Rebekah Jane Steen, Mrs. Eva Dart, Lillian Keller, Margaret Paden, Helene Hammond, Irene Butler, Mrs. Lois Shandor, Helen Kannenberg, Leonard Wartzok, Mrs. Leonard Wartzok. MICHIGAN CONFERENCE Reorganized 1931 Territory: State of Michigan. Population: 4,842,325; churches, 149; members, 10,365. Office: 115 West Allegan St., 400 Bauch Bldg., Lansing, Mich. (Telephone, Dial 53333). Officers: Pres., C. B. Haynes. Sec. and Treas., E. L. Green. Executive Committee: C. B. Haynes, E. L. Green T. G. Bunch, 44 LAKE UNION CONFERENCE• W. S. Cole, 0. T. Burt, H. B. Taylor. Legal Assn.: "Michigan Conference Assn. of Seventh-day Adventists," Incorporated. Association Trustees: C. B. Haynes, W. S. Cole, 0. T. Burt, E. L. Green, T. G. Bunch; H. B. Taylor. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. S. Knecht. Educational, T. E. Unruh. Field Miss., M. H. Odegaard. Home Miss., E. R. Potter. Medical, Dr. C. J. Sevener. Religious Liberty, C. B. Haynes. Sabbath School, Edith Shepard. Y. P. M. V., L. L. Murphy. Ministers: C. B. Haynes, H. J. Alcock, Alfred Gordon, W. C. Hankins, Henry Berg, J. H. Laurence, L. L. Murphy, V. P. Hulse, W. L. Latham, L. W. Light, D. S. Osgood, H. L. Peden, W. A. Nelson, B. L. Post, C. W. Pruitt, C. E. Rentfro, C. N. Sanders, A. R. Sherman, H. B. Taylor, B. J. White, B. F. Williams, T. E. Unruh, T. G. Bunch, Paul Matula, E. R. Potter, C. L. Vories, T. M. Crainean, H. W. Williams, T. S. Hill, L. C.. Lee, R. W. Moore, C. J. Coon. Honorary: E. I. Beebe, R. J. Bellows, H. A. Boylan, M. C. Guild, F. J. Harris, J. W. Hirlinger, J. J. Irwin, R. U. Garrett, L. T. Nicola, W. E. Videto, J. V. Maas, J. B. Blosser, C. M. Gruesbeck. Licentiates: S. W. Hyde, V. A. Anderson, D. F. Haynes, V. Tkachuk, E. P. Weaver, M. H. Odegaard, E. Heppenstall, L. 0. Irons. Missionary Licentiates: E. L. Green, Mrs. D. Brander, Mrs. L. Davison, Jennie DeYoung, Alma DuBois, Mrs. Myrta Fenner, Vinnie Goodner, C. J. Sevener, M. D., Mae Grills, Millicent Jordan, Jody Ketter- man, Okareda Ketterman, H. E. Moon, Agnes Webber, E. S. Knecht, Sadia Willette, Edith Shepard, A. E. VanNoty, F. B. Steen. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Wilbur Andrews, Mildred Avery, Gladys Bakeman, Bertha Bollinger, H. H. Crandell, Mrs. H. H. Crandell, Emilie Crouch, Louise Cunningham, Harold' Current, Ada Dean, Dorothy Dean, Mrs. Katherine Dennis, Mrs. Irma Ellsworth, Irene Forquer, Dora Greve, Mrs. Glen Hallock, Theta Harper, Robert Hervig, Mrs. Robert Hervig, Bernice Johnson, Edith Jones, Madge Kamerer, Obed Klein, Marian Krater, Lena Lipke, L. E. Ludeman, Mrs. L. E. Ludeman, Grace Maas, Ardenne May, Wilbur Morrow, Mrs. Wilbur Morrow, Virginia Mott, Edith Murner, Florence Orth, Mrs. Martin Pearson, Laura Pelleymounter, Mrs. Mary Pope, R. R. Schwartz, Mrs. R. R. Schwartz, Catherine Shepard, Wilma Smith, Mary Louise Stevens, Richard Stocker, Elaine Terry, H. A. Weaver, Mrs. H. A. Weaver, Bernice Webber. WISCONSIN CONFERENCE Organized 1871; divided as North and South Wisconsin Conferences 1916; reunited 1927. Territory: The State of Wisconsin. Population: 2,939,006; churches, 91; members, 4,024. Office Address: Box 512, Madison, Wis. (Telephone, Badger 2210.1 Officers: Pres., V. E. Peugh. Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell. Executive Committee: V. E. Peugh, H. Grundset, Lars Dybdahl, G. M. Pflugradt, C. B. Caldwell, G. H. Simpson, M. E. Anderson. Legal Assns.: " South Wisconsin Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." LAKE UNION CONFERENCE " North Wisconsin Conference Assn. of S. D. A." (Continuing as long as there is business to be done under that name.) Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, D. B. Wildman. Field Miss., C. H. Smith. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., H. K. Halladay. Religious Liberty, V. E. Peugh. Sabbath School and Educational, Rose E. Herr. Ministers: V. E. Peugh, A. J. Lockert, W. P. Ortner, W. Holbrook, M. E. Anderson, H. Grundset, 0. A. Lyberg, J. A. Wasenmiller, G. H. Simpson, H. K. Halladay, C. E. Hall, C. B. Messer, T. M. Summerville, R. F. Pitts, C. V. Keiser. Honorary: F. Stebbeds, P. M. Hanson, H. A. Fish. Licentiates: C. H. Smith, G. C. Sowler, Bruno Steinweg. Missionary Licentiates: Sue Jones, Rose E. Herr, C. B. Caldwell, D. B. Wildman. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Grace Doyle, May Broderson, Alice E. Breitlow, Pansy Middaugh, Ruth Husted, Dorotha Case, Mrs. Laurinda Crays, C. E. Nelson, Harriet M. Orr, z, Ella Schultz, Louise Schut 45 Walter Nelson, Mrs. Walter Nelson, Mrs. Bessie W. Baker, Ruby Dybdahl, Mrs. Martin Sievers, Mrs. A. D. Davis, Ida Smalley, Daisy Sterns, Adele Hamra, Cora McChesney, Myrtle Johnson, Lillian Whitefield, Laurie B. Bennett, Inez Bird, Eliza Parfitt, Lola Dutter, Ilizabeth Blake, Mrs. Boyd Jones, Alice Anderson, Alfaretta Sherman, Mrs. Mary Keays Dunn, Alice Bodine, C. M. Bee, Mrs. C. M. Bee. INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis. Broadview Academy, R. F. D. 1, Box 58, La Grange, Ill. Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich. Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Mich. Publishing: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. South Bend Branch of the Review and Herald. Pub. Assn., 432 South Fellows St., South Bend, Ind. The College Press, Berrien Springs, Mich. Old People's Home: James White Memorial Home, Plainwell, Mich. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized zgo6 Territory: The Conferences of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Upper Columbia, Washington, and the Alaska Mission. Population, 3,559,098; churches, 240; members, 17,750. Office Address: 202 South Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. (Telephone 702). Officers: Pres., E. K. Slade. Sec. and Treas., R. T. Emery. Executive Committee: E. K. Slade, R. T. Emery, J. W. Turner, J. L. McConaughey, E. L. Neff, C. A. Striven, M. L. Rice, H. L. Wood, 0. S. Belleau, L. E. Esteb, G. A. Campbell, W. M. 46 NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Landeen, F. W. Peterson, J. M. Rowse. Legal Assn.: " The North Pacific Union Conference Assn, of S. D. A." Auditor, R. T. Emery. Transportation Agent, R. Emery. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., 0. S. Belleau. Field Miss., G. A. Campbell. Home Miss., L. E. Esteb. Religious Liberty, E. K. Slade. Ministers: E. K. Slade, L. E. Esteb, G. S. Belleau, 0. A. Campbell, Wm. Landeen, F. A. Schilling, H. F. Saxton, H. L. Wood, M. J. Jackson. Honorary: M. A. Belding, R. D. Benham, A. C. Bird, J. W. Boynton, A. J. Breed, R. W. Airey, J. J. Clark, C. J. Cole, E. H. Curtis, W. D. Emery, W. G. Forshaw, J. C. Foster, J. F. Harder, 0. W. Herwick, W. T. Hilgert, J. A. Holbrook, Paul Iverson, Lewis Johnson, Albert Kruger, G. E. Langdon, Wm. Lewsadder, R. H. Martin, Daniel Nettleton, Martin Olson, W. R. Smith, John Peterson A. 0. Steinert, W. C. Baldwin, C. Sulzle, G. F. Watson, C. A. Wyman, A. R. Bell, F. H. Conway, N. W. Lawrence, F. E. Stratton, S. M. Ryan, 0. H. Shrewsbury, C. F. Stevens, C. A. Hansen, C. D. Smith, E. A. Bristol, C. H. Castle, J. E. Graham, C. J. Rider, C. Johnson, E. W. Webster, H. R. Gay, S. H. Kime, I. C. Colcord, R. W. Pearson. Licentiates: R. T. Emery, J. M. Rowse, Vernon Gyes, M. L. Neff. Honorary: J. S. Kilgore, J. .1. Landis, R. E. Keller, S. J. Abegg. Missionary Licentiates: Pearl Cook, Helen Burch, Loretta Galbraith, Dorothy Fore- man, F. W. Peterson, H. R. Sittner, Mrs. Myrtle M. Wood. Honorary: W. L. Manful, Nellie J. Orr, Lucy B. Post, ASa Smith, Mrs. Eliza Cole-Thorp, Mrs. J. W. Harmon. ALASKA MISSION Population: 59,278; church's, 3; members, 89. Office Address: 1108 Water St., Ketchikan, Alaska. (Phone, Green 105.) Postal Address: Box X, Ketchikan, Alaska. (Radio call WGEC.) Officers: Supt., H. L. Wood. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Myrtle M. Wood. Minister: H. L. Wood. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Myrtle M. Wood, Vernon Gyes. IDAHO CONFERENCE Organized 1907 Territory: That portion of Idaho south of the Forty-fifth parallel, including all of Lemhi county, together with six counties in Oregon, as follows: Wallowa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Harney, Grant. Population: 390,280; churches, 26; members, 1,312. Office: 523 Main St., Boise, Idaho. Postal Address: Box 2238, Boise, Tdaho (Tel. 1651). Officers: Pres., J. W. Turner. Sec. and Treas., Jennie Carrier. Executive Committee: J. W. Turner, W. S. Boynton, H. S. Hanson, Wm. Butler, C. M. Munsey. Legal Assn.: "The Southern Tdaho Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Minnie Wirth. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., H. S. Hanson. Field Miss., A. K. Phillips. ' Sabbath School and Rel. Lib., J. W. Turner. Ministers: J. 'W. Turner, C. F. Cole, W. S. Boynton. Honorary: I. W. Oliver. Licentiates: H. S. Hanson, Fred Wagner, A. K. Phillips. Missionary Licentiates: Minnie Wirth, Jennie Carrier. Church School Teachers: Zim Berntson, Mrs. Zim Berntson, Ione Youtsler, Mrs. Lila Lansing, H. A. Venden, Mrs. H. A. Venden, Sivert Hegstad, Martha Wilcox, Zelma Wells, Mrs. Dorothy Stevens, Mildred Brown. MONTANA CONFERENCE Organized 1898 Territory: The State of Montana. Population: 537,606; churches, 23; members, 1,141. Office: 417 South Black St., Bozeman, Montana. Office Address: Box 507, Bowman, Mont. (Telephone, 435.) Officers: Pres., J. L. McConaughey. Sec. and Treas., Werber Johnson. Executive Committee: J. L. McConaughey, Werber Johnson, F.I. A. Green, G. E. Taylor, C. C. Wilcox, T. H. Friedrich, John Schaak. Legal Assn.: " The Montana Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Werber Johnson. • Educational, Y. P. M. V., Home Miss., and Rel. Lib., J. L. McConaughey. Field Miss., N. J. Aaboe. Sabbath School, Werber John' son. 47 Ministers: J. L. McConaughey, G. E. Taylor, C. C. Wilcox. Licentiates: Werber Johnson, F. H. Parrish, N. J. Aaboe. Church School Teachers: Audrey Rickabough, Florence Jacobson, Evelyn Isaac, Madge Muchmore, Bernice Jenks, Mrs. 0. L. Derby, Helen Roberts, Isabel Gregg. OREGON CONFERENCE • Organized 1877; reorganized 1902; reorganized 1932 Territory: That portion of the State of Oregon lying west of Gilliam, Wheeler, Grant, and Harney Counties; also the counties of Clarke, Skamania, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat west of Klickitat River, and southern portion of Pacific, in the State of Washington. Population: 940,668; churches, 80; members, 7,167. Office: 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. (Telephone, Tabor 1211.) Officers: Pres., E. L. Neff. Sec. and Treas., H. C. Kephart. Executive Committee: E. L. Neff, H. C. Kephart, J. B. Meehan, R. W. Nelson, L. D. House, J. K. Fish, H. C. Klement, J. A. Rippey, F. N. Hodgin. Legal Assn.: "Western Oregon Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., E. L. Neff; Sec. and Treas., H. C. Kephart. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. R. Gay. Educational and Y. P. M. V., H. C. Klement. Field Miss., R. G. Campbell. Home Miss., L. A. Reynolds. Religious Liberty, E. L. Neff. Sabbath School, Edith Starbuck. 48 NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: E. L. Neff, J. K. Fish, H. C. Klement, J. A. Rippey, J. M. Comer, Ross Dustin, V. C. Becraft, D. R. Schierman, D. E. Venden, A. G. Walker, G. A. Thompson, M. L. Venden, T. M. Cole, A. E. Lickey, Adolph Johnson, L. A. Reynolds, Harold Peckham, G. W. Pettit, H. R. Gay. Licentiates: H. C. Kephart, H. R. Miller, R. L. Badgley, R. G. Campbell, W. B. Holden, M. D., C. L. Witzel, D. C. Westerhout, W. F. Field, W. W. Wilkinson, R. L. Hubbs. Missionary Licentiates: Edith Starbuck, R. W. Nelson, E. E. Rippey, M. D., Nina Peterson, Mabel Smith, Mrs. Artha Jutzy, Pearl Stafford, L. M. Seltzer. Honorary: W. D. Huntington, D. D. S., Mrs. G. A. Thompson. Church School Teachers: Viva Davis, Mrs. Louise Kiehnhoff, Bertha Schoepflin, Mrs. A. E. Howland, Mrs. Sadie Kivett, Margaret Huntington, Anna Anderson, Alex Steinert, Dorothy Peterson, Alice Huntington, Esther Miller, George Simpson, Louise Downs, Perry Baden, Mrs. Perry Baden, Roberta Houston, Norma Biggins, Helen Afton, Doris Muchmore, Jay • Gamble, L. H. Booth, Mrs. L. H. Booth, Esther Constable, Doris Leavett, Eunice Herr, W. G. McCready, Mrs. W. G. McCready, Vada Ruling, Lorene Anderson, Flora. Gibson, Pearl Cox, R. L. Hubbs, Mrs. R. L. Hubbs, Marguerite Porter, Mrs. Anna Kingsbury, Madge Moore, Mrs. Edgar Drew, R. C. Harsh, Mrs. R. C. Harsh, Francetta Rustin, Arthur Tomlinson, Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson, Enid Sparks, Howard Dinwiddie, Mrs. F. A. Quackenbush, Ida Bowman, Audrey Ashby, Martha Peterson, E. L. Barclay, Mrs. Luella Miller. UPPER COLUMBIA CONFERENCE Organized 1880 Territory: That portion of the State of Washington tying east of the Cascade Mountains, excepting that portion of Klickitat County lying west of the Klickitat River; the counties of Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and Wheeler, in the State of Oregon; and that portion of the State of Idaho lying north of the fortyfifth parallel, excepting Lemhi County. Population: 610,701; churches, 54; members, 4,770. Office: 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. (Telephone, Broadway 0597). Officers: Pres., C. A. Scriven. (Tel., Broadway 5949.) Sec. and Treas., M. G. Dealy. (Tel., Broadway 2830.) Executive Committee: C. A. Scriven, M. G. Dealy, P. W. Ochs, H. E. 'Willoughby, J. E. Potts, M. D., H. J. Bass, F. A. Detamore. Legal Assn.: "Upper Columbia Mission Society of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. S. Dexter. Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. A. Scriven. Field Miss., R. H. Hempel. Home Miss., F. A. Detamore. Medical, J. E. Potts, M. D. Religious Liberty, C. A. Scriven. Sab. School, Loretta McCarthy. Ministers: C. A. Scriven, F. A. Detamore, F. M. Oliver, F. M. Burg, H. E. Willoughby, J. T. Jacobs, 0. E. Schnepper, W. A. Gosmer, C. A. Meleen, F. W. Guderian, R. J. Kegley, Jacob Riffel, H. J. Bass, F. G. Young, A. D. Bohn, J. M. Nerness. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Licentiates: B. T. Senecal, G. L. Williams, M. G. Dealy, A. G. Emmer. Missionary Licentiates: R. S. Dexter, J. D. Nichols, Mrs. G. R. Soper, Loretta McCarthy, Pearl Canwell. Church School Teachers: Mrs. L. E. Griffin, Mrs. G. W. Bowers, Mrs. Eleanor Dietrich, Editha Zielke, E. R. Miller, Mrs. E. R. Miller, Mrs. Bertha Towler, Hellyn Jackson, Mrs. Louise Beers, R. Doyle Kaylor, Mrs. Grace D. Maxson, Arthur Roth, Pearl Huether, E. B. Harsh, Mrs. E. B. Harsh, Geo. Leedy, Mrs. Geo. Leedy, Pauline Rembold, Ellen Atkinson, Todd Boyce, Mrs. Fodd Boyce, V. R. Jewett, Mrs. V. R. Jewett, George Finlayson, Henrietta Lamberton, Geraldine Kirklin, Mona Oliver, Miriam Zumwalt, Regina Magary, Mrs. R. C. Hatley, Elizabeth Wilde. Academy Teachers: H. J. Baas, F. G. Young, R. 0. Stone, Eleanor Roberts, Mrs. Opel Mmith, Jacob Mehling. WASHINGTON CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: All of the State of Washington west of the Cascade Mountains, except the counties of Clarke, Skamania,. Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum, and the south tip of Pacific County. Population: 1,020,924; churches, 54; members, 3,271. Office: 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. (Tel., Garfield 8231). Officers: Pres., M. L. Rice. Sec. and Treas., A. P. McDow. (Tel., Garfield 3428.) Executive Committee: M. L. Rice, J. Z. Hottel, Dr. W. B. Scott, R. G. Schaffner, G. R. E. McNay, R. C. Baker, A. P. MeDow. 4v Legal Assn.: "Western Washington Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. P. McDow. (Tel., Garfield 3428.) Educational and Sabbath School, Nida Davis. Field Miss., C. S. Johnson. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Walter Lind. Medical, Dr. W. B. Scott. Religious Liberty, M. L. Rice. Ministers: M. L. Rice, P. 0. Campbell, G. R. E. McNay, R. G. Schaffner, E. M. Oberg, G. J. Seltzer, R. C. Baker, E. N. Sargeant, W. H. Bradley, J. Z. Hottel, A. V. Bentz, J. W. Rowland, B. E. Schaffner. Licentiates: Dr. W. B. Scott, Walter. Lind, C. J. Goodman, C. S. Johnson, N. F. Pease, K. Inouye. Honorary: Amos Mitchell. Missionary Licentiates: A. P. McDow, Mrs. Amos Mitchell, Mrs. L. Johnson, Nida Davis, Esther Nerlund, Irma Gardner. Church School Teachers: Russum Miller, Elva Zachrison, Harry Hempel, Juanita HubbS, Bernice Hansen, Luella Oke, Esther Repp, Byron Schaffner, C. C. Kelln, Beth Stratton, William Lay, Mrs. William Lay, Mrs. C. C. Caldwell, Mrs. Harold Broder, Mrs. P. E. McAllister, Mrs. Lula Gritzmacher, Mrs. Vivian Morton, .Stella Latham, Lillian Sickles, Mina Bird. INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Auburn Academy, Auburn, Wash. Route 1. Columbia Academy, Battle Ground, Wash. Route 2. Gem State Academy, Caldwell, Idaho. Route 4. Laurelwood Academy, Gaston, 50 NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Oreg. Route 2. Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman, Mont. Route 4. Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash. Yakima Valley Academy, Granger, Wash. Publishing: Northwest Branch of the Pacific Press Publishing Association. 2101 N. E. Flanders St., Portland, Greg. Sanitariums: Portland Sanitarium, East Sixtieth and Belmont Ste., Portland. Oreg. Walla Walla Sanitarium, Walla Walla, Wash. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized Igo' Territory: The Central California, Nevada-Utah, Northern California, Southeastern California-Arizona, and Southern California Conferences, and the Hawaiian Mission. Population: 7,080,065; churches, 251; members, 28,034. Cable Address: Adventist, Glendale, California. Office: 1531 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. (Tel., Douglas 1097.) Postal Address: Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Officers: Pres., Glenn Calkins. Sec. and Treas., W. C. Raley. Executive Committee: Glenn Calkins, W. C. Raley, G. A. Roberts, J. E. Fulton, E. F. Hackman, David Voth, W. E. Atkin, C. R. Webster, T. L. Oswald, W. M. Adams, H. G. Lucas, F. G. Ashbaugh, Emmanuel Remsen, F. T. Oakes, H. G. Childs, W. I. Smith, Dr. H. W. Vollmer, B. M. Emerson, Dr. A. D. Butterfield, E. E. Cossentine, H. M. Blunden, Dr. E. H. Risley. Legal Assn.: "Pacific Union Assn. of S. D. A." Board of Directors: Glenn Calkins, W. C. Raley, G. A. Roberts, T. L. Oswald, H. G.. Childs, F. T. Oakes, J. E. Fulton. Auditor, F. T. Oakes. Transportation Agents: H. G. Childs, W. C. Raley. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. G. Lucas. Field Miss., Emanuel Remsen. Home Miss., T. L. Oswald. Medical Miss., — Religious Liberty, W. M. Adams. Y. P. M. V., F. G. Ashbaugh. Ministers: G. A. Calkins, F. G. Ashbaugh, A. L. Baker, L. L. Caviness, Dr. A. E. Coyne, G. Dalrymple, Dr. Emanuel Ehlers, E. H. Emmerson, B. P. Hoffman, H. C. Lacey, Ernest Lloyd, D. A. Lower, H. G. Lucas, G. E. Mann, T. L. Oswald, Emanuel Remsen, Dr. E. H. Risley, D. E. Robinson, L. A. Semmens, W. I. Smith, 0. R. Staines, A. 0. Tait, W. G. Wirth, 0. E. Wolfkill, I. J. Woodman. Honorary: J. W. Adams, M. J. Allen, J. W. Allison, L. R. Anderson, F. B. Armitage, J. W. Beams, T. M. Beem, J. H. Belirens, W. L. Bird, W. L. Blaek, E. B. Bray, Frederic Brink, Andrew Brorsen, E. A. Brown, R. J. Bryant, W. D. Burden, J. A. Chaney, R. B. Coberly, F. M. Corbaley, H. W. Cottrell, Arthur Currow, E. A. Curtis, E. E. Farnsworth, 0. 0. Farnsworth, D. D. Fitch, T. R. Flaiz, D. P. Gaede, E. H. Gates, F. D. Gauterau, L. A. Gibson, H. E.. l'ACIFR: UN ION CONFERENCE Giddings, A. C. Gilbert, William Guthrie, I. J. Hankins, W. R. Hansen, Dr. C. H. Hayton, H. .L. Hoover, B. L. Howe, C. F. Innis, Daniel Isaac, John Isaac, C. C. Jensen, 0. E. Jones, 0. M. Kittle, C. E. Knight, C. J. Kunkel, C. J. Leer, J. D. Lorenz, E. L. Maxwell, R. J. McKeague, W. P. McLennan, C. McReynolds, A. A. Meyer, W. W. Miller, Andrew Nelson, R. J. Nethery, A. J. Osborne, C. H. Parker, D. A. Parsons, J. R. Patterson, H. W. Pierce, A. E. Place, Ernest Pohle, G. W. Reaser, H. M. J. Richards, G. W. Rine, A. T. Robinson, J. S. Rouse, 0. E. Sandness, Marcial Selma, W. W. Sharp, Melzar Shepard, R. S. Shepard, L. C. Shepard, George Sinms, G. H. Skinner, Floyd Smith, G. H. Smith, G. A. Snyder, G. B. Starr, J. B. Stuyvesant, W. A. Sweany, Swin Swinson, Luzerne Thompson, T. L. Thu'emler, H. G. Thurston, Luther Warren, H. A. Washburn, D. E. Wellman, G. A. Wheeler, C. D. M. Williams, F. G. Lane. Licentiates: H. W. Clark, L. W. Cobb, Dr. N. G. Evans, J. M. Peterson, W. C. Raley, W. B: Taylor, W. H. Teesdale, H. B. Thomas, C. E. Weniger. Honorary: G. J. Graf, J. L. Johnson, E. L. Lutz, I. T. Reynolds. Missionary Licentiates: H. G. Childs, J. H. Cochran; G. H. Curtis, Minnie E. Dauphinee, Mrs. E. Ellis, J. R. Ferren, J. C. Kozel, Dr. Mary McReynolds, F. T. Oakes, Opal Stone, Dr. H. M. Walton, A. L. White. Honorary: Mrs. M. S. Boyd, Alice M. Brayshaw, Elizabeth Carter, Mrs. L. E. Cox, Cyrus Davis, Walter Harper, Anna Ribbon, Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, Myrtle B. Hudson, Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Mrs. J. L. Kay, Myrna C. Lee, Mrs. R. Leo, 51 Peter Lindahl, Stella B. Lowry, Mina Morse Mann, Sara McEnterfer, Mrs. Alma E. McKibben, Mrs. Jessie F. Moser, L. C. Nelson, Mrs. E. E. Partin, Cora A. Rapp, H. L. Rawson, Alice H. Robinson, B. A. Rogers, D. K. Royer, William Voth, Margaret Warnock, Susan Wilbur, Mrs. Ella Winchell, M. A. Winchell. Honorary Medical Missionary: S. P. S. Edwards. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Organized 1932 Territory: The following-named counties in the State of California: San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Alpine, Tuolumne, Merced, Mariposa, Madera, San Bonito, Monterey, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, San Luis Obispo, Kern (North of Tehachapi Mountains), Santa Barbara West of 120th Meridian. Population: 1,447,735; churches, 72; members, 6,186. Office: 685 So. 3rd St., San Jose, Calif. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 68, San Jose, Calif. (Phone, Columbia 2343.) Officers: Pres., David Voth. Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland. Executive Committee: David Voth, T. L. Copeland, Dr. Theron Lyman, J. T. Porter, W. A. Westerhout, P. P. Adams, James H. Cochran, I. M. Burke, B. J. McCulloch. Legal Assn.: " Central California Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists, a Corporation." Department Secretaries: Bible House, Herbert Griffith. Educational and Junior M. V., J. T. Porter. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE 52 Field Miss., J. F. Kent. Home Miss., C. J. Ritchie. Religious Liberty, E. L. Maxwell. Sabbath School, C. J. Ritchie. Y. P. M. V., J. D. Haynes. Ministers: E. H. Adams, P. P. Adams, I. M. Burke, R. L. Boothby, T. L. Copeland, C. T. Everson, L. E. Folkenberg, K. Nozaki, H. C. Olmstead, J. T. Porter, J. L. Neil, J. D. Haynes, P. F. Richard, C. J. Ritchie, J. H. Tindall, David Voth, Wm. A. Westerhout, T. D. Zaharis. Honorary: H. G. Thompson, G: G. Brown, W. A. Amundson. Licentiates: Paul 'Wickman, H. A. Davis, J. E. Young. Missionary Licentiates: Florence Collier, Herbert Griffith, Celia Green, Dr. Myrtle B. Hudson, Mary A. Clark, Mrs. Ada La France, Laura B. Morrison, D. H. Spillman, Philip Chiodo, Mildred Dumas, Ella Rollins, Hazel Roth, Nellie Clark. Honorary Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Helen Jarvis. Church School Teachers: Dale Smith, Mrs. Dale Smith, Alma McClenaghan, Lavonne Cortright C. D. Overton, Mrs. C. D. Overton, Mrs. Alice Lagreide, Virginia DeFehr, Virgil Robinson, Mrs. Virgil Robinson, Dovie Brix, J. E. Alder, Leey Stoops, Alpha Loper, Bessie Loper, J. E. Young, Mrs. J. E. Young, Matilda Dollinger, Cecil Chrisman, Mrs. Cecil Chrisman, Judson Whitney, William Reikie, Esther Trefz, Alice Smith, Mrs. Glenice Fuller, Mrs. A. L. Ellquist, Esther Morse, Mrs. Frances Ragsdale, Mrs. L. D. Graham, Sarah Christensen, Mildred Jones, V. R. Brenner, Ruth Rice, Mrs. Andrews, Ruth Morse, R. B. Prout, W. B. Ammundsen, Katherine Coombs, Olive Westphal, B. I. • Rasmussen, Mrs. Fannie Stemm, Paul Meeth, Doris McElvaine, Ruth Parrish, W. B. Miramontes, Vina Georgeson, Mrs. Addie Owens, C. R. Cyphers, Edith Stoops, Ethel Lobsien, Erma Haynes, Pauline Rohrs, Doris Carlsen, V. E. Berry, Geneva Brookshire, Lena Butler, Mrs. Carrie Laughead, J. A. McClanaghan, Frances Johnson, Mrs. George Reed, Clara Mast, H. A. Davis, Mrs. H. A. Davis, Mrs. E. E. Adamson, E. M. Christiansen, Mrs. P. J. Gaede, P. J. Gaede, Vera Johnson; Mrs. Clara Heinrich, Emma Giddings, Helen Youngs, Marian Hopkins, Mrs. Leah Cornwell, Austin Hunter, Lydia Toews, Mrs. Claude Rouse. HAWAIIAN MISSION Entered 1895 Territory: The Hawaiian Islands. Population: 378,948; churches, 4; members, 569. Office Address: 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii (Telephone, 3713). Cable Address: " Adventist," Honolulu. Officers: Supt., C. R. Webster. Sec. and Treas., E. R. Sanders. Advisory Committee: C. R. Webster, J. A. Simonson, C. W. Hartwick, L. D. Weber, L. A. Skinner, R. E. Delafield, G.. H. Miranda, Shohei Miyake, E. R. Sanders. Legal Assn.: "Hawaiian Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. R. Sanders. Educational, J. A. Simonson. Field Miss., A. M. Cott. Home Miss., C. W. Hartwick. Medical, Mrs. A. M. Cott. Religious Liberty, C. R. Web- ster. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. Heaton. Y. P. M. V., L. A. Skinner. T. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: C. R. Webster, W. P. Barto, C. W. Hartwick, L. T. Heaton, Shohei Miyake, L. A. Skinner. Licentiates: R. E. Delafield, J. A. Simonson, L. D. Weber. Missionary Licentiates: R. F. Alderson, Mrs. R. F. Alderson, Mrs. 'W. P. Barto, Walter Bolinger, Mrs. R. E. Delafield, Minnie Glantz, Mrs. C. W. Hartwick, Mrs. L. T. Heaton, Mrs. Juliette Lau, Mrs. Toshi Miyake, Eduardo Quirantes, Mrs. Bessie Shaw, Mrs. Viola H. Simonson, Mrs. L. A. Skinner, Mrs. Edith Wall, Mrs. L. D. Weber, Mrs. C. R. Webster, Mrs. Vera Weightman, E. R. Sanders, Mrs. E. R. Sanders. Academic Teachers: J. A. Simonson, R. F. Alderson, Walter Bolinger, Mrs. Viola H. Simonson, Mrs. Edith Wall. Church School Teachers: Mrs. R. F. Alderson, Mrs. W. P. Barto, Minnie Glantz, Mrs. Juliette Lau, Mrs. Bessie Shaw, Mrs. Vera Weightman. NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE Organized 1931 Territory: The States of Nevada, and Utah ; and all that portion of California east of the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and north of El Dorado County, with the exception of Modoc County. Population: 603,905; churches, 13; members, 726. Office Address: 1852 South Eighth East, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Phone, Hyland 1924.) Postal Address: P. 0. Box 90, Sugarhouse Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. Officers: Pres.. W. E. Atkin. Sec.-Treas., Henry Baerg. Executive Committee: W. E. Atkin, J. J. Weir, W. S. Casey, 53 G. A. Truesdell, J. A. Kinney, Henry Baerg, A. B. Huenergardt. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Henry Baerg. Educational, W. E. Atkin. Field Miss., . Home Commission: A. B. Huenergardt. Home Miss.; A. B. Huenergardt. Religious Liberty, W. E. Atkin. Sabbath School, Henry Baerg. Y. P. M. V., W. E. Atkin. Ministers: W. E. Atkin, G. A. Truesdell, C. E. AcMoody, A. B. Huenergardt. Licentiates: John Baerg, Henry Baerg, C. R. Eckman. Missionary Licentiate: Helen Sanford. Church School Teachers: A. R. Kincaid, Mrs. A. R. Kincaid, Carolina Huebach, Leland Cottrell, Mrs. Orva Hammersmark, Otto Lenz, Mrs. Otto Lenz, J. H. Horning, Rosa Woodruff, Audree Dierks. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Organized 1911 Territory: The following-named counties in the State of California: Alameda, Amador, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Eldorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Modoc, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Sutter, Solano, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo, Yuba. Population: 1,288,087; churches, 59; members, 5,884. Office: 537 25th Street, Oakland, Calif. (Phone, Holliday 3287.) Officers: Pres., J. E. Fulton. Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Executive Committee: J. E. Ful. 54 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENC.E ton, C. C. Mattison, Dr. H. W. Vollmer, I. G. Krieger, E. F. Peterson, 0. W. Dolph, H. W. Crane, B. W. Brown, A. C. Nelson. Legal Assn.: " Northern California Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. W. Christian. Educational, A. C. Nelson. Field Miss., A. E. Barnes. Home Miss., L. E. Biggs. Medical, H. W. Vollmer, M. D. Religious Liberty, J. E. Fulton. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Eric R. Hare. Ministers: J. E. Fulton, B. W. Brown, A. M. Dart, William Jensen, W. R. Jefferson, J. E. Johnson, E. F. Peterson, 0. B. Stevens, H. `W. Vollmer, A. J. Wearner, H. E. Westermeyer, H. L. Wallace, R. Calderone, A. C. Nelson, Erie B. Hare, C. S. Prout, L. E. Tupper, J. M. Cole, S. 0. Martin, J. F. Huenergardt, G. G.. Sims. Licentiates: A. E. Barnes, L. E. Biggs, F. H. Rahm, Theron Treat, Paul Heubath. Honorary: 0. W. Dolph. Missionary Licentiates: Bessie L. Crane, R. H. Duncan, C. W. Christian, W. R. Bobst, Mrs. Lottie Kuhns, R. G. Lewis, C. C. Mattison, L. R. Rasmussen, Clifford Harrison, Thora Peterson, Mrs. A. B. Francis, Mildred Swanson, Eda Lovestedt, Ella McBroom, Mrs. Bertha Pflugradt, Mrs. F. H. Rahm, Mrs. Mae Van. Home, Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox, Muriel B. Wichman. Honorary: Sarah Crowe. Church School Teachers: Laurene Flanagan, Fyrnn Nevis, H. H. Mauk, Gertrude Grey, Lucille Button, Jeanetta Detrick, A. 0. Forbes, Mrs. Vera Owen- Palmer, Carrie Tichenor, Lyda Beaman, Mrs. Pearl Wilson, Mrs. Gladys Stump, Dorothy Stoelting, Lua Pickrell, Hazel Ringer, Ruby Spear, Mrs. A. 0. Forbes, Anna Jensen, Mrs. F. D. Fisher, Lydia Reinmuth, Mrs. Gladys Beasley, C. F. Calkins, Mrs. C. F. Calkins, Alice Boyd, Edna L. Wilbur, Margaret Nickel, Mrs. L. E. Downs, Mrs. D. J. Marshall, Lorene Putnam, Helen Morton, Otto Hancock, Elsie Nelson, Wilton Baldwin, Mrs, Jessie Dillon, Hazel McVicker; Grace Craig, Dewey Longlaw, Winifred Craig, Milton Davis, Mrs. May Hanley, Mrs. Bernice Hanson, Ruth Terrill, Malcolm Downs, Mrs. Audrey LuceAdams, Emma Neufeld, Thelma Kilgore. Academy Teachers: L. R. Rasmussen, Ray Duncan, Calvin Pyle, E. C. Chapman, Margaret Vollmer, Neva Sandborn, H. E. Westermeyer, K. D. Cople, H. Lyle 'Wallace, H. M. Cashier, Mrs. L. C. Palmer, Dr. R. A. Buchanan, F. D. Fisher, Janet McKibben, Mrs. Beatrice Calkins, A. A. Rupert, L. M. Knapp, Mrs. Evelyn Parr-James, Beatrice Loewen, Elizabeth Osburn, Alice E. Babcock, L. E. Downs, Mrs. Lucy E. Whitney, A. R. Monteith, W.. B. Taylor, D. J. Brown, Mrs. R. D. Bolter, Mrs. H. E. Osborne, H. D. Wheeler. Supervisors Normal Department: Dorothy E. White, Margaret Nickel, Mrs. Catherine BondDowns. SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIAARIZONA CONFERENCE Reorganized 1932 Territory: The following-named counties in the State of California: Orange, San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino; PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE and State of Arizona. Population: 984,583; churches, 56; members, 6,537. Office: 9707 Magnolia Ave., Riverside (in Arlington), California. (Telephone 9012.) Office Address: Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Officers: Pres.; E. F. Hackman. Sec. and Treas., F. H. Raley. Executive Committee: E. F. Hackman, F. H. Raley, H. H. Hicks, Dr. Ed. Hoehn, S. T. Borg, Dr. C. Steen, 0. J. Graf, N. C. Petersen, Curt Elfler, C. M. Sorensen, C. A. Thompson. I .egal Assns.: " Southeastern California Assn. of S. D. A." " Seventh-day Adventists Association of Southeastern California, a Corporation Sole." "Arizona Conference Corporation of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. F. Van Atta. Educational, W. L. Avery. Field Miss., J. D. Leslie. Home Miss. and Sab. School, J. A. Neilsen. Rel. Liberty, E. F. Hackman. Y. P. M. V., E. W. Dunbar. Ministers: W. L. Avery, J. A. Burden, C. W. E. Bond, S. T. Borg, H. C. Brown, E. E. Cossentine, H. A. Curran, E. W. Dunbar, A. Fernandez, F. 0. Fowler, W. C. Flaiz, H. H. Hicks, E. F. Hackman, E. R. Johnson, W. A. Lusk, C. L. Lingenfelter, H. E. MeWhinney, F. A. Moran, J. A. Neilsen, N. C. Peterson, J. W. Rich, A. 0. Sage, B. R. Spear, C. M. Sorenson. Sustentation Workers: J. W. Adams, J. W. Allison, L. R. Anderson, J. W. Beams, R. J. Bryant; W. L. Black, Arthur Bartlett, Burt Bray, W. D. Burden; F. M. Corbaley, A. G. 55 Christiansen, J. A. Chaney, E. A. Curtis, Orno Follett, D. P. Gaede, E. E. Gardner, L. A. Gibson, J. J. Hankins, S. T. Hare, 0. M. Kittle, J. D. Lorenz, W. P. McLennan, R. J. Nethery, W. W. Sharpe, G. H. Skinner, J. B. Stuyvesant, M. Serna, Luther Warren, C. D. M. 'Williams. Licentiates: A. D. Butterfield, M. D., W. P. Henderson, J. D. Leslie, F. H. Lawson, H. G. Rutherford, F. H. Raley, C. A. Robaina, H. A. Rentfro, E. G. Truitt, A. M. Tillmann, Robert Kitto, Richard Lewis, Norman McLeod. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. U. Carpenter, Dan Dirksen, J. P. Fentzling, Hilda Benjamin, • Rose Boose, Beatrice Gordon, Clara Gwinnup, Mildred Gwinnup, Dorothy Kellogg, Dorothy IVIc.Latchy, Dr. Myrtle Lockwood, C. J. Oliver, K. J. Reynolds, Christina Robson, Mrs. E. B. Stoddard; • Mrs. Edith Sawyer, Mrs. L. V. Smith, W. F. Van Atta, Dr. J. W. Warren, Mrs. Marguerite Williamson, Mrs. Luther Warren, Nina Williams. Church School Teachers: Mildred Slingerland, Mrs. Ethel Haley, Mrs. Mabel Smith, Marie Christiansen, Elizabeth Sciarrillo, R. C. Baker, Velma Kenney, Adelaide Christian, Hila Hughes, Esther Chambers, Mrs. Daisy Sturges, Mrs. Florence Adams, Ruth Rittenhouse, Lillian Knorr, Maxie Lucas, Mrs. D. L. Stoops, Margie Northey, Evelyn Roose, Helen Johrson, Viola Blair, Mary Place, Mrs. Arthur Stickle, Willamae Hawkins, Inez Sims, Gerald Mosier, Mrs. Daisy McConnell, Bernice Reeves, Vivian Crosslan, Leona James, Barbara Walters, Mrs. Crystal Duce, Esther Duce, Alice Neilsen, Oma Gentry, Mrs. Marie Marchus, Gladys Rosser, Bernice Squier. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Alma Nephew, Laura Shafer, Thyra Thompson, Ethel Nash, Mrs. Frances Ross, Mrs. Mabel Pierce, Ester Matteson. Academic Teachers: W. C. Flaiz, Frank Moran, E. W. Whitney, L. J. Vollmer, Glenn Martin, Mrs. Ralph Glass, Mrs. Carl Moyers, Richard Lewis, Robert Ditto, Aimee Dubois Paul Adams, E. G. Truitt, Wm. Albee, Mrs. Ellen Fattebert, Frances Brown. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: The following counties in the State of California: Los Angeles, Ventura, Inyo, Mono, that part of Kern County lying south and east of the Tehachapi Mountains, and all that part of Santa Barbara County lying to the east and south of a line beginning at the intersection of the 120th meridian with the north boundary line of said Santa Barbara County, thence south on the said 120th meridian to the summit of the No Joqui Grade; thence following the No Joqui Grade in a southwesterly direction to the Pacific Ocean. Population: 2,315,883; churches, 47; members, 8,182. Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave.. Los Angeles, Calif. (Telephone, Capitol 7344) Postal Address: Station A, Box 148, Los Angeles, Calif. Officers: Pres., G. A. Roberts. Sec.-Treas., B. M. Emerson. Executive Committee: G. A. Roberts, B. M. Emerson, H. M. Blunden, W. M. Adams, P. G. Rodgers, Wm. Guthrie, B. E. Grant, S. `V. Beasley, G. H. Curtis, M. A. McElhany, H. Von Hofgaarden. Legal Assn.: "Southern Califor- nia Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. Norton. Educational, W. W. Ruble. Field Miss., W. W. West. Home Miss., H. M. Burwell. Medical, Lillian Santee. Religious Liberty, W. M. Adams. Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School, R. R. Breitigam. Ministers: W. M. Adams, H. M. Blunden, R. R. Breitigam, R. Cales, S. Donaldson, C. A. Holt, G. B. Raining, P. L. Knox, L. R. Marsh, R. G. Morton, C. S. Nicolas, F. MT Paap, N. MT. Philips, E. R. Reynolds, H. M. S. Richards, G. A. Roberts, P. D. Rodgers, W. VT. Ruble, W. H. Schacht, E. T. Seat, J. C. Stevens, C. D. Striplin, L. A. Wilcox. Honorary: R. A. Hare., M. D., M. M. Hare, M. D., J. W. Hofstar, Riley Russell, M. D. Sustentation: A. D. Armstrong, R. F. Cottrell, G. A. Grauer, W'm. Guthrie, F. G. Lane, V. H. Lucas, R. W. Parmele. Licentiates: P. B. Bontemps, H. M. Burwell, B. M. Emerson, I. A. Ford, A. C. Madsen, C. C. Morlan, R. H. Nightingale, A. T. Okohira, W. S. Potts, I. M. Vazquez, W. W. West, W . W. Worster, M. D. Missionary Licentiates: B. F. Allen, Lona Brosi, Dona Burnett, Oleta Butcher, Gertrude Davis, H. de Fluiter, F. Denney, Vienna Hamilton, J. Howarth, Jennie Ireland, Reathel Jenkins, M. C. Lysinger, sR. D. Moon, H. Norton, Geneva Oldham, G. A. Rosenberg, Lillian Santee, R. J. Thomas, Mary Treber, Hester Walsh. Academic Teachers: L. R. Marsh, A. M., A. C. Madsen, A. M., Grace Morel, A. B., P. M. Foster, A. M., Ruth Am- PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE mon, A. B., Virgil Jackson, A. B., W. H. Carscallen, Edna SernsMarsh, Alvina Osiek, A. B., Estelle Kiehnhoff, B. Mu., C. D. Striplin, M. S., C. L. Avery, A. B., Kathryne Speh, A. M., Mabel Andre, A. B., Evelyn Dietel-Rice, A. B., Erwin Henning, A. B., Grace .Hanson-Buell, A. B., Annie M. Batten, A. T. C. M., Mabel Cason, Gladys Schacht, W. S. Potts, A. M., Edna Kileher, A. M., Esther Siess, A. B., Asa Kelsey, A. B. Church School Teachers: Mrs. C. K. Wilson, C. K. Wilson, Esther Dockman, Edward Guthrie, Mary Guthrie, Iris Chrisman, Elwyn Smith, Emma Ramstead, Mabel Nielsen, Helen Gurtin, Esther Bellinger, Kathryn Francis, Daisy Chapman, Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. V. Jackson, Betty Gibbons, Ethel Griese, Lu Zetta Krassine, Katherine Siemens, Lona Caldwell, Elizabeth Satterlee, Mavis Smith, Frances Munson, Mary Knight, Frank Rice, Erna von Hofgaarden, J. J. Paulson, Mrs. J. J. Paulson, Florence Carter, Marion Harte, Willeta Raley, Mrs. J. K. Macmillan, H. W. Ingham, Myra, Ingham, Effie Carroll, Fern Halverson, Alice Dinsmore, Mrs. W. F. Conzelman, Maud Burgin, Irving Johnson, Helena Kellogg, Howard Woodall, Mrs. H. Woodall, Hazel Karr, Mrs. A. E. Merkel, Alfrieda Mortenson, Edith Barnes, Mrs. J. A. Land, Violenthy Voth, Vivian Smith. INSTITUTIONS IN THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Boarding: Lodi Academy, Bin 8, Lodi, Cal. 57 Pacific Union College, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Southern California Junior College, Route 1, Arlington, Calif. Non-boarding: Arizona Academy, 1325 North Fourteenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Fresno Academy, 841 West Belmont Ave., Fresno, Calif. Glendale Union Academy, 70J Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Calif. Golden Gate Academy, 1709 Alcatraz Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Hawaiian Mission Academy, 1417 Makiki St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Kern Academy, Shafter, Calif. Loma Linda Academy, Loma Linda, Calif. Long Beach Academy, 1880 Dawson Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Los Angeles Academy. 3210 Post St., Los Angeles, Calif. (Mail address, Box 332, Station A, Los Angeles, Calif.) Mountain View Academy, Mountain View, Calif. San Diego Academy, 3057 G St., San Diego, Calif. Publishing: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Sanitariums: Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital, 1509 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. (Mail address, Box 850, Glendale, Calif.) Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma Linda, Calif. Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. White Memorial Hospital, cor. Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los Angeles, Calif. Medical: College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda and Los Angeles, Calif. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Organized•1932 Territory: The Conferences of Alabama-Mississippi, Carolina, Florida, Georgia-Cumberland, and Kentucky-Tennessee. Population: 19,172,972; churches, 252; members, 14,528. • Telegraphic Address: Phone 2-4659. Office: 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. . Officers: Pres., S. A. Ruskjer. Sec. and .Treas., C. G. Ortner. Executive Committee: S. A. Ruskjer, C. 0. Ortner, L. K. Dickson, H. E. Lysinger, R. I. Keate, H. J. Klooster, G. A. Huse, James Oss, H. F. Kirk, V. G. Anderson, J. L. Shuler, Dr. R. N. Calvert, R. G. Strickland, J. E. Weaver. ' Legal Assn.: "Southern Union Conference Association of S. • D. A." Auditor, C. G. Ortner. - Transportation Agent: S. A. Ruskjer. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., • ' J. E. Weaver. Field Miss., H. F. Kirk. ' Home Miss., B. O. Strickland. Religious Liberty, S. A. Ruskjer. Ministers: S. A. Ruskjer, H. F. Kirk, H. J. Klooster, F. W. Field, R. B. Thurber, R. G. Strickland, J. E. Weaver, I. V. Counsell, J. B. • Nelson. Honorary: N. H. Conway, W: W . Williams, V. 0. Cole, W. L. Killen, J. C. Mikkelsen, W. H. Armstrong, 0. B..Crary, R. H. Brock, C. E. Boynton, R. S. Donnell, C. J. Buhalts, P. A. Webber, Dr. E. A. Sutherland; C. L. Butterfield, C. B.. Stephenson, G. W. Spies, J. H. Krum, L. A. Wellman, C. H. Rittenhouse, Mrs. Minnie Sype-Atteberry, P. C. 58 Hanson, K. R. Haughey, H. J. Doolittle, F. H. De Viiiney, M. F. Knox, H. E. Robinson. Licentiates: C. G. Ortner, E. C. Waller, J. C. Haussler, A. N. Att'eberry, W. B. Clark, Dr. R. N. Calvert, H. E. Snide, G. A. Huse. Honorary: L. D. Randall, T. D. Gibson, F. W. Schmehl. Missionary Licentiates: W. E. Abernathy, , W. A. Benjamin, James Oss, Mrs. M. Lucas. Honorary: Ruth Orchill, Mrs. W. W. Williams, Mrs. Mary B. Balsbaugh, Mrs. Carrie L. Stringer, Mary Baxter, Elizabeth McHugh, D. J. Black, Mrs. E. C. Widgery. Union Colored Departnient: Pres., S. A. Ruskjer. • • Sec. and Treas., C. C. Ortner. ' Asst. Sec., Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., Anna • Knight. • Union Evangelist, J. G. Thomas. Committee: S. A.' Ruskjer, C. G. Ortner, H. E. Lysinger, R. I. • Keate, L. K. Dickson, V. G. • Anderson, J. L. • Shuler, J. 'G. Thomas, Anna Knight, J. S. • Green; J. B. Mallory, A. B: B. Storey, M. C. Strachan, F. A. Osterman. Ministers: J: G. Thomas, J.-L. Moran. Honorary: C. M. Kinney, N. B. King, J. F. Crichlow. Missionary Licentiates: • Miss Anna Knight, 0. B. Edwards. ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE Organized 1932 Territory: The States of Alabaina, Mississippi, and the following counties in Florida: Escambia, SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Santa Rosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Jackson, Okaloosa, Gulf, Bay, and Calhoun. Poulation: 4,827,863; churches, .52; members, 2,168. Office Address: 1703-24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. (Phone 431.) Officers: Pres., R. I. Keate.. Sec. and Treas., Burton Castle. Executive Committee: R. I. Keate, Burton Castle, W. W. White, H. 0. Rogers, J. G. White, E. W. Wolfe, L. A. Butterfield. Legal Assn.: "Alabama-Mississippi Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Burton • Castle. Educational, L. A. Butterfield. Field Miss., C. J. Ashlock; Ask. Field Miss., H. T. M. Palmer. Home Miss., R. J. Sype. Religious Liberty, R. I. Keate. Sabbath School, R. J. Sype. Y. P. M. V., L. A. Butterfield. Ministers: R. I. Keate, W. W. Walker, W. W. White, E. W. Wolfe, L. A. . Butterfield, B. H. Shaw, R. J. Sype, C. W. Rubendall. Licentiates: • Burton Castle, J. C. Baldwin, H. E. McClure, C. J. Ashlock. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. I. Keate, Rachel-May Lemon. Church School Teachers: Mrs. W. S. Byram, Emil Tetz, ..Mrs. A. H. Liles, Annie Lowe, Mary . Crawford, Mildred Bald,.win,.Flora Savelle, Rossie F. Murphy, Mrs. Emil Tetz, Geo. Crawford, John Minesinger, Minnie Lee Carter, Minnie Duncan, C. S. Millard, Mrs. C. S. Millard, Ruth Davis, Mildred Davidson, Louise Batten , Mrs. T. D. Strickland, Mrs. E. C. Graham, T. D. Strickland, Lois Duncan. 59 Colored Department Committee: R. I. Keate, Burton CaStle, C. B. Holloway, J. S. Green, C. F. Curtis. Ministers: J. S. Green, C. F. Curtii, T. M. Fountain, C. E. Mosley. Licentiates: C. B. Holloway, B. H. Ewing, • Q. B. Hall, H. T. M. Palmer. Church School Teachers: Frances Fountain, Mrs. C. D. Mills, Athea Sweedenbercr, Mrs. J. A. Wesley, Julia F. bBaugh, Mrs. 0. B. Hall, L. Henrietta Emanuel. • CAROLINA CONFERENCE Organized in 1901 and 1907, as the North Carolina and South Carolina Conferences; reorganized as Carolina Conference in 1918. Territory: The States of North and South Carolina, excepting Cherokee County, N. C., which belongs to the GeorgiaCumberland Conference. Population: 4,892,890; churches, 53; members, 2,206. Office Address: 213 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. (Telephone, 6951.) Postal Address: P. 0. Box 577, Charlotte, N. C. Officers: Pres., J. L. Shuler. Sec. and Treas., F. R. Boggs. Executive Committee: J. L. Shuler, F. R. Boggs, J. G. Mitchell, R. F. Woods, E. L. Jones, C. S. Baum, R. L. Carson. Legal Assn.: "Carolina Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Incorporated." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. R. Boggs. Educational, E. C. Waller: • Field Miss., W. H. Atherly. Home Miss., Sab. School, and Y. P. M. V., R. F. Woods. Religious Lib., J. L. Shuler. • 60 SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: J. L. Shuler; J. E. All, C. S. Baum, J. G. Mitchell, S. M. Schleifer, R. F. Woods, L. E. Wellman. Licentiates: C. F. Graves, W. H. Atherly. Missionary Licentiate: • F. R. Boggs. Church School Teachers (White): Mrs. C. B. Howe, Marjorie Randall, Mary Betts, Mrs. Edna Gray, Wilma Steinman, Faith Potter, J. H. Shrock, Mrs. E. W. Anderson, Mrs. Charlsie Fox, Mrs. Olive Jones, P. Kiesz, Mrs. P. Kiesz, Mrs. Fannie Johnson, Mrs. L. E. Wellman. Colored Department Committee: J. L. Shuler, F. R. Boggs, F. A. Osterman, P. M. Boyd, W. H. Winston. Ministers: P. A. Osterman, W. H. Winston, P. M. Boyd. Missionary Licentiate: Miss Charlotte Weeks. ' Church School Teachers: Rosetta Baldwin, Inez Brown, Mildred Mobley, Alberta Lonza, Wilhelmenia Gomillion, L. Hastings. FLORIDA CONFERENCE Organized 1893 Territory: The State of Florida, excepting the counties of Escambia, Santa Rosa. Walton, Holmes, Washington, Gulf, Jackson. Oskaloosa, Bay, and Calhoun, which belong to the Alabama-Mississippi Conference. Population: 1,468,211; churches, 52; members, 4,142. Office: 311 North Rosalind Ave., Orlando, Fla.; P. 0. Box 372. (Telephone, 4276.) Officers: Pres., L. K. Dickson. Sec. and Treas., R. G. Bowen. Executive Committee: L. K. Dickson, R. G. Bowen, M. C. Bird, H. M. Kelley, J. C. Klose, W. E. McClure, R. S. Akers. Legal Assn.: "Florida Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Inc." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. M. Crawford. Educational and Y. P. M. V., H. M. Kelley. Field Miss., A. M. Barnhardt. Home Miss., and Sabbath Sch., J. C. Klose. Medical, Dr. Read Calvert. Religious Lib., L. K. Dickson. Ministers: L. K. Dickson, C. R. Magoon, J. B. Locken, Frank Dudley, H. M. Kelley, A. B. Russell, L. T. Crisler, J. A. Leland, J. C. Klose, J. D. Reavis, N. S. Ashton, M. H. St. John, F. C. Webster. Honorary: C. B. Stephenson, G. W. Spies, P. C. Hanson, V. 0. Cole, H. J. Doolittle, C. F. McVagh. Licentiate: Honorary: T. D. Gibson. Missionary Licentiates: W. E. McClure, R. G. Bowen, C. M. Crawford, A. M. Barnhardt, Anna C. Dewers, Martha Ferree. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Irva B. Baessler, Freda Burger, Joe Dobbs, Nellie Ferree, C. R. French, S. G. Northcott, Mrs. S. G. Northcott, Mrs. C. E. Peavey, Irene Pointek, J. D. Reavis, Annette Rilea, Mrs. Ida J. Sollenberger, Blanche Vaughn, Mrs. J. Conger, Susanna. Lucas, Alice Mae Crutcher, L. J. Larson, Geraldine Kenney, Mrs. L. 0. Alderman, W. J. Wilkinson, Mrs. Cora Lee Finley, Mrs. C. J. Etheridge, Mrs. A. IV. Beaty, Lucile Hoskins, Leta Harding, Mrs. Sadie Walleker. Colored Department Committee: L. K. Dickson, R. G. Bowen, SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE M. C. Strachan, J. A. Bookhart, L. J. Pryor. Ministers: M. C. Strachan, J. A. Bookhart, L. J. Pryor. Licentiates: H. D. Singleton, H. D. Dobbins. Church School Teachers: H. D. Dobbins, Mrs. H. D. Dobbins, Mary Catherine Murry, Bernice Palmer, Lucile Heyward, Trula E. Wade, Ruth Reid, Henrietta Emanuel. GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1932 Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the western boundary being the western line of the counties of Clay, Jackson, Smith, DeKalb, Warren, Grundy, and Marion; also one county in western North Carolina, Cherokee; and the State of Georgia. Population: 3,743,880; churches, 50; members, 2,981. Office: 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Officers: Pres., H. E. Lysinger. (Res. Phone, Main 6481.) Sec.-Treas., H. E. Schneider. (Res. Phone, Main 7577.) Executive Committee: H. E. Lysinger, H. E. Schneider, V. B. Watts, A. E. Deyo, M. E. Chapman, Dr. J. R. Mitchell, Dr. L. E. Coolidge. Legal Assns.: The Cumberland Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Incorporated." "The Georgia Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Incorporated." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. E. Schneider. Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. S. James. Field Miss., A. E. Deyo. 61 Medical, Dr. J. F. Schneider. Religious Lib., . ' Sabbath School and Home Miss., R. H. Pierson. Ministers: H. E. Lysinger, W. G. Kneeland,, C. C. Ellis, H. F. Taylor, V. B. Watts, Allen Walker, W. H. Westermeyer, M. E. Chapman, P. E. Scoggins. Licentiates: J. R. Perkins, W. S. James, A. E. Deyo, F. W. Harvey, J. S. Jameson, Robert Pierson, Dr. J. R. Mitchell. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. Smith, Dr. J. F. Schneider, H. E. Schneider, Anita Martin. Church School Teachers: Edna Mae Trammell, Carolyn J. Louis, Myrtle Maxwell, Elaine Giddings, Mrs. Lela Whorton, J. A. Powell, Mrs. Mabel M. Smith, Mrs. Claudia Dillard, Mrs. R. R. Price, Ruth Ingram, Lois Bain, H. R. Sheldon, Mrs. H. R. Sheldon, Ruth Newton, Mrs. B. F. Wren, Mrs. D. B. Payne, Mrs. J. R. Perkins, Lois Mae Clark, Mrs. Bessie Levering, Arthur TWOM: bly. Colored Department . Committee: R. E. Lysinger, H. E. Schneider, A. B. B. Storey, F. H. Stevens, N. B. Smith. Ministers: A. B. B. Storey, F. H. Stevens, N. B. Smith, E. Wilkins. Church School Teachers: Margaret E. Caldwell, Annie M. Haynes, Reba Scott, Frances R. Graves, Jessie M. Haynes, Alice E. Blake, Mrs. M. F. Sweedenberg. KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE CONFERENCE Organized: Kentucky, 1908; Tennessee, 1888; Consolidated 1932 Territory: The state of Kentucky 62. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE and Western Tennessee, the eastern boundary being the eastern line of the counties of Macon, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon, Coffee, Franklin. Population: 4,086,328; churches, 45; members, 3,031. Office: 2001 - 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Telephone, 7-6660. Officers: Pres., V. G. Anderson. Sec. and Treas., C. 0. Franz. Executive Committee: V. G. Anderson, C..0. Franz, L. E. Lenheim, B. 'F. Kneeland, J. T. Wheeler, M. R. Garrett, Dr. A. J. Harris. Legal Assn.: "Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Inc." Department Secretaries: Bk. and Bible Hse., C. 0. Franz. Educational and Sabbath School, Nannie May Smith. Field Miss., W. T. Smith. Home Miss. and V. P. M. V., M. R. Garrett. Religious Lib., V. G. Anderson. Ministers: V. G. Anderson, A. J. Clark, L. E. Lenheim,, 'W. E. Lanier, B. F. Kneeland, M. R. Garrett, B. W. Spire. Licentiates: V. A. La Crone, A. L. Dickerson, W. T. Smith, E. C. Banks, H. R. Stearns. Missionary Licentiates: C. 0. Franz, Nannie May Smith. Church School Teachers: Arline •ChalUbers, Helen Rademann, Carl Jacobs, Ruth knee. land, Mrs. Bane, Ray-•Jacobs, Mrs. Marjorie Hardman, Mildred Hilderbrandt, Bernice Soliday, Paul Rittenhouse, Mrs. PauLRittenhouse, Jessie Pride, Lee..Fickess, Mrs. Lee Fickess,. Minnie Brown, Ralph Martin, Gertrude Puckett, Thelma Wallace, W. F. Ray, Mrs. L. N. Cox, Flora Moffitt, Mrs. Bertha Coppock, Mrs. Geo. A. Taylor, Mrs. Lucille Tibbetts, Emil Mensinger, Marie Varonen. Colored Department Committee: V. G. Anderson, C. 0. Franz, J. B. Mallory, F. S. Keitts, J. W. Jones. Ministers: J. B. Mallory, F. S.,Keitts, J. W. Jones, Thos. Murphy. Licentiate: L. S. Follette. Church School Teachers: Mrs. D. M. Custard, Grace Hamilton, Evelyn Winston, Mrs. L. S. Follette. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Forest Lake Academy, Route 2, Maitland, Fla.. Oakwood Junior College, Hunts, ville, Ala. Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Publishing: Southern Pub. Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Sanitarium: Orlando-Florida Sanitarium and Hospital, Orlando, Fla. SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized nor; reorganized'1902 Territory: The Conferences of Population: 10,483,853; churches, Arkansas-Louisiana, Oklahoma, 163; members, 9,948. . Texas, and Texico. SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE Office Address:. Keene, Texas. (Telephone 7.) Officers: Pres., R. L. Benton.. SeC. and Treas., C. L. Bauer. Executive Committee: R. L. Benton, C. L. Bauer, H. C. Hartwell, J. J. Reiswig, G. A. Huse, H. F. Brown, R. P. Montgomery, B. E. Wagner, G. R. Pattie, G. F. Eichman, C. E. Kellogg. Legal Assn.: " The Southwe'stern Union Conference Corporation of S. D. A." Pres., R. L. Benton; Sec. and Treas., C. L. Bauer. Auditor, C. L. Bauer. Trans. Agent, R. L. Benton. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., G. R. Fattic. Field Miss., B. E. Wagner. Home Miss., H. F. Brown. Religious Lib., R. L. Benton. Negro: M. M. Young. Ministers: R. L. Benton, H. S. Miller, C. E.. Kellogg, B.. E. Wagner, G. R. Pattie, H. F. Brown, M. M. Young: l'Honorary: A. F. Harrison, H. C. Griffin, A. G. Haughey, G. M. Brown, I. A. Crane, D. F., Sturgeon, ' C. M. McDonald, E: B. Hopkins, J. G. ()blander, Bernard Voth,. J. I. Taylor, C. ,E. Riffel, N. R. Hickman, C. C. Voth, D. U. Hale, G. A. La Crone, H. Pannkoke, U. B. Duke. Licentiates: G. C. Jenks, D. E. McNeil. Missionary Licentiates: L. N. Carter, C. L. Bauer. Negro Department Committee: R. L. Benton, C. L. Bailer, R. P. Montgomery, G. F. Eichman, ;T. J. Reiswig, H. C. Hartwell, M. M. Young, A. K. Watkins, T. FL Coopwood, L. H. Bland. 63 ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA CONFERENCE Arkansas Organied.,1888 Louisiana Organized 1900 .Consolidated 1932 , Territory: States of Arkansas and Louisiana. Population: 3,956,075; churches, 36; members, 2,279. Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Phone 4-4501. Officers: Pres., H. 'C. Hartwell. • Sec. and Treas., J. S. McMullen: Executive Committee: H. C. Hartwell, Isaac Baker, J.. D., Smith, A. F. Ruf, J. S. McMullen. Legal Assn.: "Arkansas Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. S. McMullen. Assistant, 0. J. Bell. Educational and Y. P. M.. V., A. F. Ruf. Field Miss., D. A. McAdams.. Home Miss., H. C. Hartwell. Religious Lib., H. C. Hartwell. Sab. Sch., A. F. Ruf. Ministers: H. C. Hartwell, M. L. Wilson, Isaac Baker, I. C. Pound, J. D. Smith, A. F. Ruf. Licentiates: Martin Davis, D. A. McAdams. Missionary Licentiates: :I. S. McMullen, Mrs. Helen Maxwell, Mrs. Rosa Davis, 0. J. Bell. Church School Teachers: M. A. Minn, Mrs. M. A. Dunn, Esther Thompson, Helen CamP;„. bell; J. C. Turner, Mrs1 J. C. Turner, Velma Campbell, Mable J. Wood, Mrs. Pearl. C. Stewart, Lottie Dickerson, Elizabeth Aitkin, Alene Bledsoe, Harry Burkett, Mrs. E. D. Hargrove, Pauline Hopkins, IV. M. Ladd, Mrs. W. M. Ladd, Cecil Lambeth, Julia Inabinet, Opal Miller. 64 SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE Colored Department Ministers: T. H. Coopwood, L. H. Bland, 0. J. Trotter. Licentiate: I. A. Christian. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Z. L. Burns, Priscilla Ryles, Charles Gray, Mrs. G. W. Chatters, Hattie Stewart. OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE Organized 1894 Territory: The State of Oklahoma and Lipscomb Co., Texas. Population: 2,400,552; churches, 45; members, 2,840. Office: 217 Northwest 7th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. (Phone, 3 :1678. ) Office Address: 217 Northwest 7th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Officers: Pres., J. J. Reiswig. Sec. and Treas., L. R. Alexander. Executive Committee: J. J. Reiswig, L. R. y Alexander, E. E. Beddoe, W. L. Kinder, J. H. Voth, H. N. Damon, C. D. Hein. Legal Assn.: "Oklahoma Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, L. R. Alexander. Educational and Sabbath School, Mrs. J. J. Reiswig. Field Miss., W. L. Kinder. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Wesley Amundsen. Rel. Liberty, J. J. Reiswig. Isolated, C. J. Dart. Ministers: J. J. Reiswig, W. L. Nott, C. J. Dart, W. D. Frazee, E. E. Beddoe, C. D. Hein, N. V. Willess, Wesley Amundsen, A. W. Watkins, N. R. Hickman. Honorary: C. C. Voth, C. E. Riffel. Licentiates: W. L. Kinder, Verne Kelsey. Missionary Licentiates: L. R. Alexander, Mrs. J. J. Reiswig. Church School Teachers: Florence Kinder, Harry Craig, Hazel Strader, H. B. Dulan, Mrs. G. E. Jenkins, George Penner, Georgia Baker, Mrs. Ophelia Ferguson, Geneva Warden, J. E. Dean, Mrs. D. C. Reeder, Lottie McCoy, Elizabeth Lothian, Della Reiswig, Mrs. Ella Grosvenor, R. A. Nesmith, Mrs. R. A. Nesmith, Alice Will, Mrs. Elbert Gepford, Carl Gaede, Ethel Ellis, D. C. Reeder. TEXAS CONFERENCE Reorganized 1932 Territory: That part of the State of Texas lying east and south of the following counties, except the city of Texarkana: Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnl s, Concho, Tom Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Cul-. berson, Hudspeth, and El Paso. Population: 4,931,953; churches, 57; members, 3,854. Office Address: 112 St. Louis Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas; Phone, 2-1814. Officers: Pres., G. F. Eichman. Sec.-Treas., J. 0. Hanson. Executive Committee: G. F. Eichman, J. 0. Hanson, W. H. Clark, J. A. Tucker, W. B. Johnson, J. D. Smith, J. F. Anderson. Legal Assns.: Texas Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, South Texas Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. 0. Hanson. Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. A. Tucker. Field Miss., A. E. Van Noty. Religious Lib., G. F. Eichman. Isolated, Nadine Harris. . SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE Negro, H. W. Kibble. Spanish, G. A. Schwerin. Ministers: 0. F. Eichman, J. F. Anderson, G. R. Carter, W. H. Clark, 0. J. Corwin, E. E. Carman, D. U. Hale, D. F. Sturgeon, A. G. Youngberg, A. G. Haughey, E. W. Storing, C. U. Taylor, J. I. Taylor, J. A. Tucker, 0. A. Schwerin, E. M. Gates, H. W. Kibble, W. S. North, R. E. Louden, C. F. Staben. Licentiates: Vernon Becker, B. L. Hassenpflug, W. B. Johnson, J. 0. Hanson, Stanley Huddleston, J. A. Smith, A. E. Van Noty. Missionary Licentiates: Esther Benton, Mrs. 0. J. Corwin, Mrs. H. Eder, Nadine Harris, Ella M. Winn, Ada Mae Kalar, Mrs. Florence Eichman. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Ada Mae Webka, E. E. Carmen, Mrs. E. E. Carmen, Evelyn Jepson, Roy Cole, W. 0. Belz, Mrs. W. 0. Belz, Mrs. J. A. Smith, Miss Edna Ackerman, Miss Lottie Woodruff, Mrs. Mary Miller, W. D. Pierce, Mrs. W. D. Pierce, D. C. Butherus, Mrs. D. C. Butherus, Robert Lynn, Mrs. Robert Lynn, Evelyn Robinson, Mrs. Mary Little, Hazel Berg, Mrs. B. U. Nesmith, Mary Woodward, A. G. Haughey, Esther Pitman, Geneva Ackerman, W. L. Barclay, Mrs. W. L. Barclay, S. C. Ortner, Mrs. D. Hestand, Lee Carter, Mrs. Alna Grant, Mrs. W. T. Jones, Mrs. Dixie Greenhill, A. P. Hanson, Mrs. A. P. Hanson, Mrs. T. B. Pilgreen, Mrs. J. 0. Hanson, Susie Roberts, Katie Baker; Elvina Jensen, J. A. Smith, Samuel Castillo; Tomas Requenez, Dallas Colvin, Maria Trevino, Helen Suche, C. F. Staben, Buford Ward, Mrs. Buford Ward. 3 65 TEXICO CONFERENCE Organized 1916 Territory: The State of New Mexico (excepting San Juan County belonging to the Colorado Conference), and that part of the State of Texas lying west and north of the following counties (excepting Lipscomb county belonging to the Oklahoma Conference): West of the Eastern line of Hardman, Foard, Knox, Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels, Concho, and north of the south line of Concho, Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Culbertson, Hudspeth, El Paso. Population: 1,296,866; churches, 25; members, 975. Postal Address: Box 550, Clovis, N. Mex. Officers: Pres., R. P. Montgomery. Sec.-Treas., W. C. Day. Executive Committee: R. P. Montgomery, C. A. Walgren, G. A. La Grone, W. C. Day, W. H. Hanhardt, A. G. Nelson, G. L. Truitt. Legal Assn.: " The Texico Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. C. Day. Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. H. Hanhardt. Field Miss., F. B. Moore. Rel. Lib., R. P. Montgomery. Sabbath Sch., W. H. Hanhardt. Ministers: W. H. Hanhardt, R. P. Montgomery, C. A. Walgren, F. E. Wilson, A. G. Nelson, J. B. Hampton. Licentiate: F. B. Moore. Missionary Licentiate: W. C. Day. Church School Teachers: Wallace Nethery, Laura Reynolds, Estelle Draper, Esther 66 SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE Hardt, Leta Wilson, Clinton Woodland, A. R. Dennis, Mrs. A. R. Dennis, Walton Brown, Homer Eakes, Manuelita Perea, Oleta Frakes, Mrs. Robert Benton, Delma Ackerman, Myrtle Hardcastle. SOUTHWEST INDIAN MISSION Territory: The American Indians in the Southwestern Union. Postal Address: Box 1, Thoreau, New Mexico. Officers: Supt., F. M. Robinson. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. F. M. Robinson. Executive Committee: F. M. Robinson, Mrs. F. M. Robinson, Robert Benton, R. L. Benton, C. L. Bauer. Dept. Sec.: F. M. Robinson. Minister: F. M. Robinson. School Teacher: Mrs. Robert Benton. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Southwestern Junior. College, Keene, Tex. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Created a Division Conference by action of the General Conference in session at San Francisco, Cal., May 24, 1922. Population: 9,750,000; churches, Vice-President for Australasia, W. G. Turner. 325; members, 15,600. AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1894 Territory: The Conferences of North New South Wales, South New South Wales, North New Zealand, South New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, West Australia, and Tasmania; Eastern Polynesia, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Papua, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Niue, Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, Territory of New Guinea, Monamona, and North Queensland Missions. Cable Address: " Adventist," Sydney. Office: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Officers: Pres., W. G. Turner. Vice-President for the Home Field, W. J. Westerman. Vice-President for the Island Mission Field, A. G. Stewart. Secretary, A. H. Piper. Treas., T. W. Hammond. Assoc. Treas., R. H. Adair. Field Secretary, A. W. Anderson. Executive Committee: W. G. Turner, W. J. Westerman, A. G. Stewart, A. H. Piper, T. W. Hammond, R. H. Adair, A. W. Anderson, E. H. Guilliard, R. E. Hare, G. G. Stewart, L. D. A. Lemke, S. L. Patching, H. E. Piper, F. G. Hampton, E. B. Rudge, G. L. Sterling, G. Peacock, W. N. Lock, S. V. Stratford, B. H. McMahon, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, J. J. Potter, G. T. Chapman, G. E. Adair, Dr. C. W. Harrison, A. H. White, G. H. Greenaway, A. E. Spec, G. S. Fisher, F. A. Allum, L. F. Were, J. W. Kent, E. E. Roenfelt, R. A. Thrift, C. S. Palmer, B. 0. Johanson, H. J. Halliday, A. L. King, R. W. Lane, Miss H. K. Lewin. Auditor, R. R. Gooding. Associate Auditor, A. G. Minchin. Statistician, Henry Stockton. Legal . Assn.:. Australasian Conference Association. Ltd." General Manager, T. W. Hammond. Sec., R. H. Adair. Treas., T. W. Hammond. Department Secretaries: Educational, B. H. McMahon. Health Food, G. T. Chapman. Asso. Sec., G. E. Adair. Asst., H. J. Halliday. Home Miss., W. J. Westerman, Asst. Sec., S. V. Stratford. Medical, Dr. T. A. Sherwin. Ministerial Assn., J. R. Kent. Publishing, T. A. Mitchell; Assn. Sec., J. R. Kent. Religious Liberty, A. W. Ander. son. Sabbath School, Miss H. K. Lewin. Y. P. M. V., S. V. Stratford. Ministers: W. G. Turner, A. W. Anderson, W. J. Westerman, A. H. 67 68 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Piper, A. G. Stewart, A. E. Speck, E. Rosendahl, A. F. J. Kranz, C. S. Palmer, S. V. Stratford, J. J. Potter, A. W. Knight, T. W. Hammond, E. 13. Rudge. Licentiates: A. L. King, Wm. Chapman, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Dr. C. W. Harrison, G. T. Chapman, C. V. Bell, A. M. Fraser, G. H. Greenaway, G. S. Fisher, C. H. Schowe, J. R. Kent, J. Strange, W. S. Renn, B. H. Schwarzkopf, T. A. Mitchell, H. S. Streeter, E. L. Pengilley, B. H. McMahon, C. W. Tinworth, R. H. Adair. Missionary Licentiates: G. E. Adair, R. J. Riley, R. I. Wright, A. W. Dawson, J. S. Sandeman, T. J. Dowling, R. R. Gooding, H. J. Halliday, H. Stockton, T. N. Bush, G. E. Salisbury, A. G. Minchin, B. 0. Johanson, P. A. Donaldson, L. A. Piper, A. A. Sprengel, S. Grieve, W. G. Thrift, N. H. Faulkner, C. C. Ellis, H. J. Franks, W. D. Leech, H. Stacey, E. L. Tucker, H. Mitchell, C. F. L. Ulrich, H. C. Tempest, R. W. Westerman, Miss H. K. Lewin, Miss V. M. Rogers. Medical Missionary Licentiates: . Dr. Warren G. Harding, Dr. E. S. Richards, 0. V. Hellestrand, R. A. Thompson, R. E. Wood, R. G. L. Cooper, H. J. Gibson, J. Newman, J. L. Simpson, Richmond Hill, Mrs. E. M. Shannan, Miss J. McCullough, Miss V. Fraser, Miss H. Burroughs, Miss F. Delaney, Miss I. Richards, Miss M. Ball, Miss C. Chandler, Miss M. Speck, Miss G. Campbell, Miss R. Hill, Miss L. Phillips, Miss V. Thorpe, Miss G. Tiedeman, Miss N. Dray, Miss D. Felsch, Miss L. Hollingsworth. Licensed Teachers: Mrs. C. H. Schowe, R. R. Watts, Mrs. R. B. Watts, Mrs. M. V. White, Miss M. McNair, Norma Woodgate, Miss E. A. Durrant, Miss B. Aitken, T. Rutter, Mrs. T. Rutter, Miss M. Young, E. M. Abbott, Miss Ruby Fraser R. W. Johnson, Miss E. E. Thorpe, Miss E. Piper. NEW ZEALAND, NORTH CONFERENCE Organized 1889 Territory: That portion of the Dominion of New Zealand north of Cook's Straits. Cable Address: "Mastery," Auckland, New Zealand. Office: 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Officers: Pres., H. E. Piper. Sec.-Treas., R. E. G. Blair. Executive Committee: H. E. Piper, J. Pascoe, W. E. Battye, J. F. Jones, H. 0. Belworthy, W. Richards, A. F. Tindall. . Legal Assn.: "New Zealand Conference, Incorporated." Department Secretaries: Educational, H. E. Piper. Field Miss., Hilton Kent. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., H. A. L. Freeman. Religious Liberty, F. L. Sharp. Sabbath School, Miss F.'Whisker. Ministers: H. E. Piper, F. L. Sharp, C. A. Wrigley, C. A. Paap, L. R. Harvey, W. E. Battye, T. A. Anderson, J. Pascoe. Licentiates: A. G. Judge R. E. G. Blair, P. Glockler, L. Naden, L. Graham. Missionary Licentiates: H. A. L. Freeman, D. H. Watson, Hilton Kent, Miss R. G. Dray, Miss F. Whisker, Miss J. Johnstone. Church School Teachers: Miss L. M. Beavis, Miss M. Smart, N. Speck. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH CONFERENCE Organized 1915 Territory: That portion of the Dominion of New Zealand south of Cook's Straits. Office: 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. CableAddress: "Adventist," Christchurch. Officers: Pres., F. G. Rampton. Sec. and Treas., A. S. Herbert. Executive Committee: F. G. _ Rampton, S. H. Amyes, J. C. MacDonald, W. J. Smith, W. A. Taylor, C. V. Millist, C. W. Tinworth. Department Secretaries: Educational, F. G. Hampton. Field Miss., G. Weslake. Home Miss., F. G. Rampton. Religious Liberty, F. G. Rampton. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Miss A. E. Douglass. Ministers: F. G. Hampton; M. H. Whittaker, David Sibley, W. J. Smith. Licentiates: W. J. Richards, A. R. Mitchell, A. White, K. 'Woollen Missionary Licentiates: A. S. Herbert, R. P. Brown, G. Weslake Miss D. Brown, Miss A. E. Douglass. Church School Teachers: S. Pennington, Miss W. Niebuhr. 69 east of a line running northwesterly from. Cassilis to where the 147th meridian of east longitude meets the 29th parallel of south latitude. Office: Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales, Australia. Officers: Pres., A. H. White. Sec. and Treas., J. L. Smith. Executive Committee: A. H. White, J. T. Banks, W. H. Pascoe, J. Bowen, W. F. Martin, C. Rosendahl, F. A. Allum. Department Secretaries: Educational, A. H. White. Field Miss., A. S. Jackson. Home Miss., J. L. Smith. Religious Liberty, A. H. White. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Miss M. Hay. Ministers: A. H. White, W. H. Pascoe, .C. J. Reynolds, R. A. Salton, B. Cormack, F. A. Allum. Licentiates: J. L. Smith, J. S. Jackson, H. A. Kent, C. J. Griffin, R. Brandstater, G. F. Bohringer, F. Masters, A. S. Jackson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. Hay, L. A. Dyason, Miss E. McIntosh, S. H. Wood. Church School Teachers: G. Currow, H. Sampson, K. Gray, F. Caldwell, Miss M. Schnepel, Miss E. Smith, Miss A. Dawkins, Miss R. Vetter. NORTH NEW SOUTH WALES CONFERENCE Organized 1920 SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES CONFERENCE Territory: That part of the state of New South Wales north of the Hawkesbury and Capertee Rivers as far west as the 150th meridian of east longitude, thence east of the line running north to Cassilis. Thence north- Territory: That part of the state Organized 1895 of New South Wales south of the Hawkesbury and Capertee Rivers, as far west as the 150th meridian of east longitude, thence west of the line running north to Cassilis, thence south- 70 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION west of a line running northwesterly from Cassilis to where the 147th meridian of east longitude meets the 29th parallel of south latitude, with the exception of the city of Broken Hill and such adjacent territory as is now a part of the South Australian Conference. Office: " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia. Officers: Pres., R. E. Hare. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Hopkin. Executive Committee: R. E. Hare, B. Hart, J. S. Stewart, A. H. White, Vincent Williams, E. Behrens, G. W. Heslup. Department Secretaries: Educational, R. E. Hare. Field Miss., H. White. Home Miss., A. J. Dyason. Religious Liberty, R. E. Hare. Sabbath School, Mrs. M. E. Tank. Y. P. M. V., E. L. Minchin. Ministers: R. E. Hare, J. S. Stewart, H. Mitchell, J. W. Kent, A. Smart, P. B. Rudge, Robert Hare, B. Cozens, F. H. Letts, E. Behrens, E. R. Whitehead, J. Thompson, H. C. Harker, T. J. Bradley, J. E. Steed, R. Govett, E. H. Parsons, G. l3ranster, W. Morris. Licentiates: J. Hindson, E. L. Minchin, W. H. Hopkin, C. H. Prettyman, J. Eggins, W. R. Carswell, J. Todd, J. L. Branford, R. H. Powrie, A. J. Dyason, L. L. Jones, James Lawson, A. L. Pascoe. Missionary Licentiates: Miss A. E. Pearce, Miss S. Read, Mrs. G. E. Chapman, Mrs. H. Bridgett, Mrs. M. E. Tank, Miss E. Moran, Delphia Phillips, Miss E. Westerman, Mrs. E. Meyers, H. Hollingsworth, D. F. Black, A. Parker, F. L. Taylor, W. A. Mackley, H. E. White. Church School Teachers: Miss V. G. Camp, H. V. Pascoe, Miss G. Fraser, Miss H. Todd, Miss D. Smith, E. J. Folsch, Miss L. Cleeve, T. C. Lamson. QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1899 Territory: All that portion of the State of Queensland lying south of a line drawn from Yeppoon west to Kumviarara on the Marlborough line, and thence due south to the top of the range just west of Deeford, and from thence in a direct line to the South Australian border. Office: 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Officers: Pres., E. H. Guilliard. Sec. and Treas., L. A. Butler. Executive Committee: E. H. Guilliard, W. W. Rogers, F. J. Trute, W. J. Shields, R. J. Burns, N. H. Faulkner, E. Beckett. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. H. Guilliard. Field Miss., E, A. Turner. Home Miss., E. H. Guilliard. Religious Lib., E. H. Guilliard. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Miss Gwen Hadfield. Ministers: E. H. Guilliard, A. I. Mitchell, Fergus McFarlane, R. J. Burns. Licentiates: Robert Grieve, E. A. Turner, L. A. Butler. Missionary Licentiates: Miss H. L. Cozens, Miss Gwen Hadfield. Church School Teachers: F. P. Ward, Miss E. Beveridge. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFER. ENCE Organized 1899 Territory: The State of South Australia, and the city of Broken Hill, New South Wales. Office: 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., S. L. Patching. Sec. and Treas., F. J. Butler. Executive Committee: S. L. Patching, L. Johnson, W. Kakoschke, I. Gallagher, W. Gillis, A. Zeunert. Department Secretaries: Educational, S. L. Patching. Field Miss., A. Forbes. Home Miss., S. L. Patching. Religious Liberty, W. Gillis. Sab. School, Miss F. Cherrett. Y. P. M. V., F. J. Butler. Ministers: S. L.. Patching, G. Robinson, W. Gillis, A. H. Rogers, E. S. Butz, L. F. Were. Licentiateb: F. J. Butler, W. T. Hooper. Missionary Licentiates: A. Forobes, Miss R. V. Stratford, Miss W. E. Haberman, Miss F. Cherrett. Church School Teachers: Mrs. E. Vear, N. Sheppard. 71 Brennan, Miss I. Robertson, Miss F. Ashton. Church School Teachers: W. A. Westerman, L. Hungerford, R. Beveridge, Miss S. Pratt. VICTORIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1888 Territory: The State of Victoria. Office: 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Officers: Pres., G. G. Stewart. Sec. and Treas., L. J. Imrie. Executive Committee: G. 0. Stewart, A. E. White, W. A. Bassau, E. G. Whittaker, H. H. Rowell. Department Secretaries: Educational, G. G. Stewart. Field Miss., D. A. Speck. Home Miss., H. J. Meyers. Religious Lib., E. G. Whittaker. Sabbath School, Miss M. C. Barlow. Y. P. M. V., H. J. Meyers. Ministers: TASMANIAN CONFERENCE Formerly included in Victoria-Tasmania Conference, organized as 'separate conference 1926. Address: 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Officers: Pres., E. E. Roenfelt. Sec. and Treas., H. W. Adrian. Executive Committee: E. E. Roenfelt, N. H. Fehlberg, L. A. Large;: F. Abrahams, C. E. Bird, R. J. Riley. Department Secretaries: Educational, Field Miss., Home Miss. and Religious Liberty, E. E. Roenfelt. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., H. W. Adrian. Ministers: E. E. Roenfelt, C. E. Bird. Missionary Licentiates: H. W. Adrian, J. C. Warren, D. G. 0. Stewart, G. E. Marriott, L. J. Imrie, L. Currow, T. H. Craddock, C. P. Michaels, E. G. Whittaker, H. J. Meyers, H. A. Hill, E. R. Gane, P. 0. Foster, M. Grolimund. Licentiates: M. A. Connell, C. E. Ashcroft, D. A. Speck, M. S. Ball, Dr. W. H. James, G. J. Parker, 0. K. Anderson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. McDowell; Miss E. Britten, A. M. Badcock, Miss M. C. Barlow, Mrs. K. M. Thorpe, Miss F. Grolimund, W. A. Beatty, Mrs. T. H. Craddock, Mrs. G. E. Marriott, Miss F. Carver, Mrs. M. Badcock, Mrs. L. Currow, Miss C. E. -Hodgetts, Miss A. Preuss, Miss A. M. Williams, Ralph Tudor, 0. W. Knight, Miss D. Moore. Church School Teachers: Miss J. Mitchell, Miss H. Patter- 72 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION son, Miss R. Mitchell, Miss I. Behrens, Miss A. A. Hardy, Miss J. Eyre, Hans Vetter, W. R. Whisker, S. Donald, Miss G. Stewart, Miss E. Austin, A. Hefren. WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The State of West Australia. Office: 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Officers: Pres., L. D. A. Lemke. Sec.-Treas., S. C. Butler. Executive Committee: L. D. A. Lemke, H. Ward, C. S. Palmer, Harry Stacey, A. R. Boxall, E. Price. .Department Secretaries: Educational, C. S. Palmer. Field Miss., A..7. Gathercole. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. C. H. Shirley. Religious Lib., L. D. A. Lemke. Sabbath School, J. C. H. Shirley. Ministers: L. D. A. Lemke, F. E. Lyndon, H. R. Martin, IV. M. R. Scragg, H. G. Moulds. Licentiates: S. C. Butler, S. Uttley, G. I. Wilson, R. H. Constandt, J. C. H. Shirley. Missionary Licentiates: Miss A. Rocke, C. P. Jewson, E. Reye, H. Davis, Miss P. Nippress, Mrs. F. E. Lyndon. Church School Teachers: Miss G. Clark, Miss E. Lane, Lionel Turner, Harold O'Hara, Howard Totenhofer, H. Lethbridge, Miss M. Weetman. MISSION. FIELDS COOK ISLANDS MISSION Established 1892. (Included as part of the Central Polynesian Mission, 1916 to 1923; reorganized 1923.) Territory: Those islands comprising the Cook or Hervey Group, and other small islands adjoining. Headquarters: Box 16, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., H. B. P. Wicks. Minister: H. B. P. Wicks. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. B. P. Wicks, Tauraki. EASTERN POLYNESIAN MISSION Established 1892; reorganized 1916 Comprising the following former missions; Society Islands, and Pitcairn Island. Territory: All the Pacific Islands east of the 160th degree of west longitude, and south of the tenth parallel of north latitude. Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., G. L. Sterling. Minister: G. L. Sterling. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. L. Sterling, Tofa, Teahatu, Mrs. A. Poroi. Church School Teachers: Roy Clark, Miss L. S. Christian. FIJI MISSION Established 1889 (Included as part of the Central Polynesian Conference,1916 to 1921; reorganized 1921. Address: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., R. W. Lane. Sec. and Treas., W. R. Litster. AU STRA LASIAN DIVISION Ministers: R. W. Lane, G. M. Masters, S. W. Carr, Meciusela. Naisogo, Timoci Nawara, Mitieli Nakasamai, Sanivalati Ramuai, Jope Laweloa, Mosese Dranibaka, Josaia Sauliga, Semi Vuloaloa, Semite Gade. Licentiates: L. V. Wilkinson, W. G. Ferris, W.. R. Lister, A. G. Jacobson, Saimoni Nalaubo, Joeli Lotawa, Anitipasa Naucukidi, Taniela Vauvau, Tevita Railave, Semi Tikivili. Missionary Licentiates: R. R. D. Marks, Mrs. R. R. D. Marks, H. M. Lansdown, Mrs. H. M. Lansdown, E. A. Butler, Mrs. E. A. Butler, Mrs. A. G. Jacobson, A. P. Dyason, Mrs. S. W. Carr, Mrs. G. M. Masters, Mrs. L. V. Wilkinson, Mrs. R. W. Lane, Mrs. W. G. Ferris, Miss E. E. Edwards, John Kamea. Also over 30 local missionary licentiates. KEMPSEY MISSION FOR ABORIGINES Under direction of North New South Wales Conference. LORD HOWE ISLAND MISSION Address:. Lord Howe Island, Aus- tralia, Minister: G. F. Jones. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. 0. F. Jones. MONAMONA MISSION FOR ABORIGINES Established 1913 Address: Oaklands, via Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Officers: Supt., L. A. Borgas. Minister: L. A. Borgas. 73 Missionary Licentiates: H. Mills, Mrs. H. Mills, Mrs. H. Rowlands, A. Hill, Mrs. A. Hill, Mrs. L. A. Borgas, Miss L. G. McMahon. NEW HEBRIDES MISSION Organized as separate mission in 1924 Address: Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., G. Peacock. Sec., G. H. Engelbrecht. Ministers: C. H. Parker, G. Peacock, A. H. Weil. Licentiates: David Ferris, G. H. Engelbrecht, J. C. H. Perry, Masing Nalo, Joe, Joel. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. H. Weil, Mrs. C. H. Parker, Mrs. G. Peacock, Mrs. D. Ferris, E. H. Cherry, Mrs. E. H. Cherry, Mrs. J. C. H. Perry, Mrs. G. II. Englebrecht, and more than ten local missionary licentiates. NIUE (OR SAVAGE) ISLAND MISSION Established 1914 Address: Niue Island, Pacific Ocean. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. G. Head. NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION Established 1893 Address: Norfolk Island, Australia. Minister: W. D. Smith. Missionary Licentiates: A. G. Wise, Mrs. W. D. Smith. NORTH QUEENSLAND MISSION Formerly, included in Queensland Conference. Operated as Mission 74 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION under direction of Aust. Union Conference from Jan. 1, 1929. Territory: All that portion of the State of Queensland lying north of a line drawn from Yeppoon west to Kumviarara on the Marlborough line, and thence due south to the top of the range• just west of Deeford, and from thence in a direct line to the South Australian border. Officers: Supt., R. A. Thrift. Sec.-Treas., A. E. Magnusson. Ministers: R. A. Thrift, T. R. Kent. Licentiates: A. E. Magnusson, Ray Bullas. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. E. Magnusson, T. Brash, E. R. Tucker, Mrs. R. A. Thrift. PAPUA MISSION Established 1908; Organized 1928 Address: Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., W. N. Lock. See., L. J. Howell. Ministers: W. N. Lock, J. R. James, Maika Dauniika. Licentiates: C. J. Howell, C. E. Mitchell, Pereniki Tagi, Tereti Nagara. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. N. Lock, Mrs. C. E. Mitchell, Mrs. C. J. Howell, Mrs. Alma Wiles, Mrs. J. R. James, L. J. Howell, Mrs. L. J. Howell, Dick Richardson, Jessie Richardson, Bill Sheppard, Minnie Sheppard. SAMOAN MISSION Established 1895 (Included as part of the Central Polynesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; reorganized 1921.) Address: Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Minister: R. Reye. Licentiates: S. T. Leeder, H. T. Howse. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. Reye, Mrs. S. T. Leeder, Mrs. H. T. Howse, Sanika Afa'ese. SOLOMON ISLANDS MISSION Established 1914: Organized 1920 Address: Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., W. 0. Broad. Sec. and Treas., A. R. Barrett. Ministers: L. A. Borgas, R. H. Tutty, J. D. Anderson, N. A. Ferris, A. J. Campbell. Licentiates: D. H. Gray, A. F. Parker, A. R. Barrett, W. 0. Broad, A. W. Martin, F. Hollingsworth, Pana, Kioto, Jugha, Ragoso. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. H. Tutty, Mrs. L. A. Borgas, Mrs. H. E. Barham, Mrs. A. R. Barrett, Mrs. D. H. Gray, Miss E. Totenhofer, H. E. Barham, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. N. A. Ferris, Mrs. J. D. Anderson, Mrs. A. W. Martin, Mrs. W. 0. Broad, Mrs. F. Hollingsworth, and over 80 local missionary licentiates and teachers. TERRITORY OF NEW GUINEA Established 1929 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Officers: Supt., G. McLaren. Minister: H. R. Steed. Licentiates: G. McLaren, A. S. Atkins, Nafitalai Navara. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. S. Atkins, Mrs. G. McLaren, S. H. Gander, Mrs. S. H. Gander, W. W. Petrie, Mrs. W. W. Petrie, Mrs. H. R. Steed, and 20 Island missionary licentiates and teachers. TONGAN MISSION Established 1895 (Included as part of the Central Polynesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; reorganized 1921.) Address: Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., H. L. Tolhurst. Minister: H. L. Tolhurst. Licentiate: B. E. Hadfield. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. L. Tolhurst, Mrs. B. E. Hadfield, Taliauli Joni, Beaua Isilali, James Moala, Havea Sila. INSTITUTIONS IN THE AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Aore Training School, Aore, New Hebrides. Australasian Missionary College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Batuna Traininc, School, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Buresala Training School, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji. Choiseul Intermediate School, Ruruvae, Choiseul, Solomon Islands. Mirigeda Training School, Mirigeda, via Port Moresby, Papua. Navuso Intermediate School, Wainibuka River, via Viria, Fiji. 75 New Guinea Training School, Mussau, Territory of New Guinea. New Zealand Missionary College, Longburn, New Zealand. Samabula Indian School, Suva, Fiji. Vanua Levu Intermediate School, Vatu Vonu, Vanua Levu, Fiji. West Australian Missionary College, Carmel, West Australia. Publishing: Eastern Polynesian Mission Press, Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands. Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Solomon Island Mission Press, Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Sanitariums: Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Warburton Sanitarium, War. burton, Victoria, Australia. Health Food Factories: Avondale Industries, Cooran bong, N. S. W., Australia. Cerix Puffed Wheat Co., 3 Parramatta Rd., Concord, New South Wales. Grain Products, 62 Randolph St., Auckland, New Zealand. New Zealand Health Food Factory, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. Sanitarium Buyers and Packers, 216 Sussex St., Sydney, N. S. W. Victorian Health Food Factory. Warburton, Victoria. West Australian Health Food Factory, Carmel, West Australia. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Organized at Darmstadt, Germany, 1928 Territory: The East German, West German and South German, Hungarian and the Czechoslovalcian Union Conferences, the Holland Conference (formerly part of the West German Union), the Netherlands East Indies and the Arabic Union Missions, Tanganyika, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Turkey and Persia. Population: About 236,017,420; churches, 1,327; members, 49,709. Cable Address: Adventist, Berlin. Postal Address: Regensburgerstrasse 22, V. Berlin W. 50, Germany. (Telephone: Bavaria [134] 6567.) Officers: Pres., G. W. Schubert. Sec., W. Mueller. Treas., 0. Scbildhauer. Auditors, P. A. Brandt, M. Voigt. Office Sec., —. Trans. Agent, H. Drangmeister, Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Field Sec., E. Gugel. Department Secretaries: Educational, Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., M. Busch. Medical, Dr. L. E. Conradi, Sanitarium "Waldfriede," Fischerhiittenstr. 99-109, Berlin-Zelilendorf-West, Germany. Ministerial Assn., E. Gugel, other members: M'T.. Mueller, H. Fenner, A. Minck, G. Seng. Publishing, H. Box. Rel. Liberty and Press Bureau, A. Vollmer. Welfare: Hulda Jost. Ministers: G. W. Schubert, W. Mueller, E. Gugel, M. Busch, 0. Schildhauer, H. BOx, M. Voigt. Licentiate: Dr. L. E. Conradi. 76 Missionary Licentiates: Hulda Jost, P. Bridde, A. Reinhold, Eldefriede Schroder, Laura Hagelstein, Erna Borm, Clara Schulz, Elly Motzer, Mirjam Rischmuller. ADVENT MISSION SOCIETY (Advent-Missionsgesellschaft E.V.) Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Organized 1913 Board: Pres., W. Mueller. Vice-Pres., E. Gugel. Rec. Sec., 0. Schildhauer. Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Other members: G. W. Schubert, H. Fenner, W. K, Ising, J. Wintzen, P. A. Brandt, W. Hans. GERMAN INTER-UNION ASSOCIATION Organized 1927 Territory: Includes the East German, West German, and South German Unions. Office Address: Regensburgerstrasse 22, V. Berlin W. 50, Germany. Officers: Pres., E. Gugel. Sec., MT. Mueller. Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Other members, A. Minck, H. Fenner, G. Seng, H. Box, A. Vollmer. Institutions: Krankenhaus "Waldfriede," Berlin-Zehlendorf-West, Fischerhiittenstr. 99-109, Germany. Old People's Home (org. 1900). Manager, W. Hans, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION GERMAN GOOD HEALTH ASSOCIATION "FRIEDENSAU" Organized 1927 Legal Name: Deutscher Verein fiir Gesundheitspflege "Friedensau," E. V. Sitz Berlin, Regensburger Str. 22, Berlin W 50, Germany. Operates the Welfare work and eight Nurses' Homes in Germany. Officers: Pres., Dr. E. Meyer. Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Board of Trustees: Dr. E. Meyer, 0. Schildhauer, A. Mind:, G. Seng, A. Fleck, Hulda Jost, Miss Elf rrede Schroder. Nurses Homes: Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Koblenzer Str. 3, Germany. Breslau, Lohestr. 79, Germany. Chemnitz, KyffhRuserstr. 2, Germany. Cologne, "Felicitas," Salierring 60, Germany. Dresden A. 16, Haydnstr. 16, Germany. 77 Leipzig, Humboldstr. 17, Germany. Frankfurt/Main, Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Germany. Wiesbaden, Rheinstr. 64, Germany. HAMBURG SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ASSOCIATION (Hamburger Verein der SiebentenTag-Adventisten) Grindelberg /5a, Hamburg, Germany Established 1893 (Legal society to hold all property of the denomination in Hamburg.) Officers: Pres., G. W. Schubert. Vice-Pres., J. Scheller. Power of Attorney, A. Vollmer. Other members: E. Gugel, H. Fenner, A. Minsk, 0. Schildhauer, J. Wintzen, G. Seng. ARABIC UNION MISSION Organized November, 5927 Territory: Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Transjordan, Cyprus, Syria, Irak, viz., Egypt, PalestineTransjordan, Syria and Irak Missions. Population: 30,000,000; churches, 12; members, 326. Cable Address: Advent-Jerusalem. Office Address: Location of house: Right of V. M. C. A. Building, Julian Way, Jerusalem, Palestine. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 1091, Jerusalem, Palestine. Officers: Supt., W. K. Ising. Sec. and Treas., E. Maier. Union Committee: W. K. Ising, Nils Zerne, E. Maier, W. G. Steffen, Bashir Hasso, C. H. Rieckmann, S. Nowfel. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., . Other Departments, E. Maier. Minister: W. K. Ising. Honoorary: R. S. Greaves. Licentiate: E. Maier. Hotel Directory: Visitors are recommended to the following hotels: Egypt: Windsor Hotel, Cairo. Palestine: Swiss Pension Almasie, Jerusalem. Syria: Hotel d'Europe, Port, Be yrouth, Lebanon. EGYPTIAN MISSION Entered 1899 Territory: Egypt. 78 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Population: 14,000,000; churches, 5; members, 168. Address: Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo), Egypt. Cable Address: Advent, Mataria, Cairo. Officers: Supt., Nils Zerne. Treas., E. Maier. Mission Committee: Nils Zerne, C. H. Rieckmann, St. Bull, Nashid Yacoub. Ministers: Nils Zerne, Maurice Grin, St. Bull, E. G. Essery (on leave of absence). Licentiates: C. H. Rieckmann, Basta Bishai, Samuel Farag, Nashid Yacoub. Missionary Licentiate: Sophie Busenberg. Nurse: Erne Kruger. Church Schools: Beni Adiat, Upper Egypt. Tetaliah, Upper Egypt. IRAK MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: Irak. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 2; members, 33. Address: c/o Hasso Bros., Masul, Irak. Officers: Supt., W. G. Steffen. Treas., E. Maier. Committee: W. G. Steffen, Bashir A. Hasso. Minister: W. G. Steffen. Church School: Mosul. PALESTINE-TRANSJORDAN MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Palestine and Transjordan. Population: 1,200,000; churches, 2; members, 53. Address: P. 0. Box 1091, Jerusalem, Palestine. Officers: Supt., W. K. Ising. Treas., E. Maier. Committee: W. K. Ising, E. Maier, E. Bethmann, E. Simon, M. Haddad. Legal Assn.: General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists in Palestine, Jerusalem. Same for Transjordan, Amman. Ministers: E. Bethmann, Erich Schubert. Licentiates: E. Simon, I. Alkhalil. Missionary Licentiates: 13ror Faernstroem, Alfred Piorr. Institutions: Institute for Massage and Hyro Electric Therapy, Jerusalem. Nurses: Bror Faernstroem and Else Faernstroem, Institute for Massage and Hydro Electric Therapy, Haifa, Jaffa Road. Nurses: Alfred Piorr, Lina Piorr. Church Schools: Es Salt, Transjordan. El Husn, Transjordan. SYRIAN MISSION Entered 1899 Territory: Syria, Grand Lebanon, and Cyprus. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 2; members, 72. Address: Boite 595, Beyrouth, Lebanon. Officers: Supt., W. K. Ising. (Under supervision of Palestine Mission.) Treas., E. Maier. Mission Committee: W. K. Ising, E. Maier, W. Lesovsky, S. Nowfel. Legal Assn.: General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists in Lebanon and Syria. Ministers: W. Lesovsky, S. Nowfel. CZECHOSLOVAKIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized igig Territory: Entire Republic, comprising the Moravia -Silesian, North Bohemian, Central Bohemian Conferences, and Slovakian Mission. Population: 14,726,158; churches, 114; members, 3,436. Office Address: Stkednf ulice 10, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Telephone • 18.321. Officers: Pres., M. H. Wentland. Sec. and Treas., Josef Cepl. Executive Committee: M. H. Wentland, J. Doubrayskk, J. Schor, K. Polednfk, M. Gehann, J. Popelka, F.. A. Ludwig, P. Tannenberg, E. Hanitzsch, Fr. Finfrie, K. Jozffek. Seventh-day Adventist Association: Manager, Joseph Doubraysky. Department Secretaries: • Field Miss., Josef Popelka. Home Miss., Y. P. 11. V., and Sabbath School, Alois Zurek. Ministers: M. H. Wentland, J. Popelka. Licentiate: Josef Cepl. CENTRAL BOHEMIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919. Territory: Central Bohemia. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 20; members, 467. Office Address: Tomkova 31. Praha-Zigkov, Czechoslovakia. • Officers: .Pres., Karel Polednik. Sec., W. A. Heller. Treas., Miss Antonie Prochazkova. Executive Committee: Karel Polednik, Josef Simon, Josef Cepl, Jaroslav Mokrk, Karel Novak. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Jan Hrzebawetzky. Home Miss.,Sab. School, and Y. P. M. ., —. Ministers: K. Polednfk, P. Ragka. Licentiates: V. Kroulfk, W. A. Heller, A. Pragan. Missionary Licentiates: E. Csammer, B. Tepl-k, Miss A. Kubei3ka, M. Adamovfl. MORAVIA-SILESIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919. Territory: Moravia-Silesia. Population: 3,563,157; churches, 43; members, 1,450. Office Address: Mor. Ostrava-Hulvaky, Drugstevrif 1079, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Pres., Josef Doubrayskk. Sec. and Treas., Adolf Kunert. Executive Committee: Josepf Doubrayskk, Richard Neumann, Josef Popelka, Ignfic KoloniZ,nk, Josef Hurta, Karl Elbl, Jan Kantor. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Josef Popelka. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sab. School, Alois Zurek. Ministers: Josef Doubrayskk, Richard Neumann, Jan Chodura, Jan Obornk. Licentiates: Frant. Konvalina, Frant. Sumbera, Johannes Schwital. 79 80 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Rudolf Gomola, Alois Zurek, Richard Fraunberger, Adolf Kunert, Marie Bujokova, Al2beta Martigova, Maria Vranova, Barbora Mogkotovfi. Missionary Licentiates: Thomas Neuwirth, Georg Wagner, Moritz Posel, Franz Miinnich, Erich Luftner, Helmut Knobloch. SLOVAKIAN MISSION NORTH BOHEMIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919. Territory: North Bohemia. Population: 2,106,766; churches, 25; members, 789. Office Address: Karl Herzig Str. 16. Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Pres., Josef Schor. Sec., Max Hartmann. Treas., Miss Auguste Reckziegel. Executive Committee: Josef Schor, G. Geier, E. Hanitzsch, K. Taute, W. Schnabel. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Jan Hrzebawetzky. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath Sch., Josef Schor. Ministers: Josef Schor, Georg Geier, Franz Bohm, Bernhard Vietze, Karl Fleck. Licentiate: Max Hartmann. Organized 1919. Territory: Slovakia and Carpathian Russia. Population: 4,056,235; churches, 26; members, 730. Office Address: • Hviezdoslavovo nam.9/11. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Supt., Michael Gehann. Sec. and Treas., Stefan Macko. Executive Committee: Michael Gehann, V. Cizmar, S. Macko, K. Jozffek, J. Broda. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Ondrej Benyovszky. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, Ministers: Michael Gehann, Karl Mokry, V. Cizmar, A. Chawrenko. Licentiates: J. Gajah, 0. Benyovszky, T. J. Zigmund. Missionary Licentiates: J. LichST, J. Strba, J. Broda. EAST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1909 Territory: The Berlin, East Prussian, March Lower Silesian, Northeast Saxonian, Pomeranian, Silesian, and West Saxonian Conferences. Population: About 21,365,000; churches, 438; members, 16,280. Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. (Teleph., H6 El:riser Platz 6351.) Officers: Pres., A. Minek. Sec. and Treas., R. Difumichen. Auditor, P. A. Brandt. . Executive Committee: A. Minck, E. Bahr, H. Brinkmann, W. Budnick, R. Dilumichen, W. Eberhardt, H. Glass, F. Hambrock, W. Hails, P. Horn, W. Knitter, Dr. E. Meyer, A. Mulack, A. Rebensburg, M. Thiermann. Legal Building Assn.: "Mitteldeutsche Grundstiicksgesellschaft• rn. b. H." CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Manager, W. Hans. German S. D. A. Assn., Friedensau Burg-Land, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., W. Knitter. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sab. School, H. Brinkmann. Medical, Dr. med. E. Meyer. Ministers: A. Minck, R. Ditumichen, H. Brinkmann. BERLIN CONFERENCE Organized 1909 Territory: Province of Berlin, Administration District of Potsdam (excepting the Districts of Angermiinde, Besskow-Storkow, Jiiterbog, Oberbarnim, Prenzlau, Templin, Eberswalde) Strausberg, Werneuchen, Oranienburg, Burg, School Church Friedensau. Population: About 5,300,000; churches, 49; members, 3,256. Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Officers: Pres., G. Mai. Sec. and Treas., R. Dliumichen. Executive Committee: G. Mai, 0 Haase, 0. Hausmann, W. Oestreich, W. Rogge, H: Schacht, A. Schenck, E. Schubert, E. Wissler. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., E. Schubert. Home Miss., Sab. School, and Y. P. M. V., 0. Haase. Ministers: G. Mai, A. DOrner, A. Schenck, A. Behrens, G. Freund, 0. Haase, W. Giildenpfennig, A. Wachholz, P. Muller, A. Heuma.nn, W. Ninow. Licentiates: R. Schiifer, 0. Kiehnast, H. Diiumichen, G. Rdnisch, H. Rtistig, H. Vollrath. Missionary Licentiates: R. Helm, W. Korinth, Miss H. 81 Junker, Mrs. K. Horn, Mrs. E. Trusen, Miss M. Thtimmel. EAST PRUSSIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1903 Territory: Provinces of East Prussia and the Free City of Danzig. Population: About 2,264,000; churches, 65; members, 2,157. Office Address: Kneiphofsche Hof gasse 22, Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Officers: Pres., Hugo Glass. Sec. and Treas., Miss F. Andersson. Executive Committee: H. Glass, W. Noack, F. May, J. Heimann, G. Dobinski.Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Gustav Glass. Home Miss., Sab. School, and Y. P. M. V., W. Noack. Ministers: H. Glass, W. Noack, M. Zielinski, W. Kloss, H. Korsch, W. Gauger, H. Neumann, E. Rathke, K. Pansegrau, A. Arnold, F. Rinder. Licentiates: P. Behrendt, H. Dombrowski, P. Bopping, J. Ganz. Missionary Licentiates: G. Suckert, E. Nickel. MARCH LOWER SILESIAN CONFERENCE Organized Jan. 1, 1929 Territory: Districts of Liegnitz, Upper and Lower-Lausitz, Grenzmark and the territory of province Brandenburg without the districts belonging to the Berlin and Pomeranian Conferences. Population: About 2,350,000; churches, 69; members, 1,745. Office Address: Kaiser-Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Gerniany. Officers: Pres., P. Horn. Sec. and Treas., F. Vogt. Executive Committee: P. Horn, 82 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION W. Schade, W. Schaley, W. Daum, 0. Schwenecke. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Kiessling. Home Miss., Sab.. School, and Y. P. M. V., F. Meyer. Ministers: P. Horn, H. Kobs, A. Faetting, 0 Schwenecke, R. Dietrich, E. Dwehus, A. Krautschick, W. Radke, H. Langner, F. Meyer, K. Hoffmann. Licentiates: H. Schaper, W. Sudhoff, W. Wergin, G. Hummel, K. Wagner. Missionary Licentiates: A. Brendel, W. Gatz, B. Schulz, H. H. Oestreich. NORTHEAST SAXONIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: District of Dresden, Bautzen, and Leipzig. About 3,000,000; Population: churches, 54; members, 2,518. Office Address: Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Officers: Pres., M. Budnick. Sec. and Treas., E. Kermer. Executive Committee: M. Budnick, R. Lusky, R. Volzke, A. Burger, B. Neuhaus, M. ThUrmer, M. Fisher. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., R. Valzke. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., A. Burger. Ministers: M. Budnick, R. Lusky, R. Dangschat, B. Westhofer, J. Brzezinski, W. Thalmann, R. Patzig, F. Heinrich, J. Beier, M. Ballack, K. Mager, W. Schmieder, A. Burger, W. Schwenecke. Licentiates: S. Ltipke, W. Racker, H. Richter. Missionary Licentiates: G. Piwarz, W. Thiermann, H. Schaller, Gretchen Ackermann, Martha Schremmer, Elfriede Melchior. POMERANIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: Province of Pomerania, Districts of Friedeberg, Soldin, Arnswalde, Landsberg/W., Konigsberg NAM., Oberbarnim, Angerrniinde, Templin, Prenzlau, and North Grenzmark. Population: About 2,500,000; churches, 68; members, 1,851. Office Address: Elisabethstrasse 20, III., Stettin, Germany. Officers: Pres., A. Rebensburg. Sec. and Treas., Erna Spichale. Executive Committee: A. Rebensburg, 0 Bahr, H. Schluttig, R. Bischoff, R. Wulff, R. Schade, M. Fleischer. Department Secretaries: • Field Miss., F. Kopper. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., 0. Bahr. Ministers: A. Rebensburg, D. Brinkmann, W. Tribbensee, W. Schulz, W. Derlath, 0. Bauscher, H. Diet' rich, H. Schluttig, Fr. Brandt, W. Muller, 0. Bahr, A. B. Forsch. Missionary Licentiates: C. Maier, W. Quass, Fr. Leskien, K. Dobinski, W. Schafer, Margarete Soyk. SILESIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1907 Territory: Upper Silesia, and districts of Breslau, Liegnitz and Hirschberg. About 3,750,000; Population: churches, 54; members, 1,951. Office Address: Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Officers: Pres., E. Bahr, Sec., R. Scheibitz. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Treas., R Tulaszewski. Executive Committee: E. Bahr, R. Scheibitz, J. Becker, W. Milke, A. Lieber wirth. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., K. Keller. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, R.- Scheibitz. Ministers: E.'Bahr, R. Scheibitz, A. Walter, G. Petzold, A. Langholf, F. Grellmann, H. Schmidt, E. Pistorius, F. Jurke, W. Adamsky, K. Keller, M. Hochmuth, G. Lehmann. Missionary Licentiates: J. Kanzok, H. Laue, P. Schaar, K. Amelung, E. Tulaszewski. Office Address: Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Officers: Pres., F. Hambrock. Sec., R. Dettmar. Treas., M. Dargel. Executive Committee: F. Hambrock, R. Dettmar, B. Neef, E. Lippert, R. Queck, M. Haler, K. Kohler. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Karl KOhler. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, R. Detmar. Ministers: F. Hambrock, A. Krautschick, J. Sala,tzkat, B. Neef, K. Thiele, E. Jager, K. Jonuleit, H. Hufnagel, T. Bottcher, P. Haufe, A. Milling, W. Oswald. WEST SAXONIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Territory: District of Chemnitz and Zwickau. Population: 2,000,000; churches, Licentiates: 75; members, 2,802. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Missionary Licentiates: Adventhaus, Chemnitz. 83 R. Dettmar, K. Schmitz, E. Kok, F. Dombrowsky, J. Klingbeil, R. Biller, E. Rahn, K. Kohler. E. Loser, H. Saborowski. HUNGARIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1912; reorganized 1925 Territory: Hungary, comprising the Central and East Hungarian Nemetvolgyi ut 26. Hungary. Manager: A. Zeiner. Conferences. 8,500,000; churches, 81; members, 2,338. Office Address: Nemetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. (Telephone, 53-440.) Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Gy T6th. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, A. 1VIuranyi. Ministers: Population: A. Zeiner, J. Jenik. Officers: Pres., A. Zeiner. Sec. and Treas., J. Jenik. Executive Committee: A. Zeiner, L. Michnay, D. Zarka, J. Jeni, A. Murdnyi, Gy. Teth, B. Jeszenszky. Legal Assn.: Building Society "Koch es Tarsa," Budapest I, CENTRAL HUNGARIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1925. Territory: Pest-, Csongrad-, Esz- tergom-, NOgrad-, Bans-, Hont-, Baranya-, Fejer-, Komdrom-, CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION 84 Zala-, Vas-, Somogy-, Sopron-, Moson-, *. Veszprem-, Gyor-Comitates. Population: 5,500,000; churches, 52; members, 1,397. Office Address: N6rnetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Officers: Pres., D. Zarka. Sec. and Treas., M. Erdodi. Executive Committee: D. Zarka, A. Muranyi, I. Stoics, L. Bajor, K. Kovacs, J. Dirinc, J. Pattogat5. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., K. Koviics. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, A. Muranyi. Ministers: D. Zarka, A. Muranyi, K. Sohlmann, I. Stoics, L. Bajor, L. Halasz. Licentiates: A. Katona, J. Veszelovszky, I. Danhauser, J. Pechtol. Missionary Licentiates: P. Farkas, J. Kiss, J. Szigethy, M. Bajor, M. Sztodola, M. Herczeg. EAST HUNGARIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1925. Territory: Heves-, Bors6d-, Szatmar-, Hajc111-, Bihar-, Bek6s-, Csanad-, Szalnok- and BeregComitates: Population: 3,000,000; churches, 29; members, 941. Office Address: Fabian u. 5. Miskolc, Hungary. Officers: Pres., L. Michnay. Sec. and Treas., S. Greiner. Executive Committee: L. Michnay, I. Berghauer, J. Albrecht, M. BuzgO, K. Kovacs, B. Jeszenszky, I. Porcsiu. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., K. Kovacs. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., Sab. School, A. Muranyi. Ministers: L. Michnay, I. Berghauer, J. Al- brecht, M. Buzg5, A. Fodor. Licentiates: L. Lenk, A. Debreczeni, K. Ber- zenczey, J. &abb. Missionary Licentiates: 0. Vali], S. Greiner, K. Delizotti. NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES UNION MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Netherlands East In- dies, viz., the Ambon, Batakland, East Java, Celebes, Padang, South Sumatra, West Java Missions and the detached station Makassar. Population: 60,731,025; churches, 103; members, 3,533. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent, Bandoeng. Code: A. B. (Telephone, C. 5th Edition. Bandoeng 445.) Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoofkwartier, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Supt., B. Ohme. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, H. E. R. Schell. Executive Committee: H. E. R. Schell, P. Drinhaus, A. H. ZimBing, W. mermann, W. J. Koster, I. C. Schmidt, H. Twijnstra, F. Dittmar, D. S. Rime, CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION G. A. Wood, Tan Kiem Siang, Th. Rondonuwu. Department Secretaries: Educational, B. Ohme. Field and Home Miss., G. Faass. Medical, —. Y. P. M. V. and Sab. Sch., —. Ministers: B. Ohme, I. C. Schmidt, F. Dittmar, H. Zimmermann. Licentiates: H. E. R. Schell, G. Faass, J. H. Stuivenga. Missionary Licentiates: W. Koster, Nurse Maria Muster. AMBON MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Residencies Moluccas, Timor, New Guinea. Population: 2,549,666; churches, 8; members, 210. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Advent" Ambon. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Ambon, Ambon, Moluccas, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director and Treas., D. S. Kime. Sec., S. H. Tan. Executive Committee: D. S. Kime, S. H. Tan, A. Sakoel, S. Saparue, A. Rehbock. Minister: D. S. Kime. Licentiate: Z. Tuasuun. Missionary Licentiates: A. Sakoel, J. Liklikwatil, Zr. Leiwakabessy. BATAKLAND MISSION Organized 1927 Territory: Residency of Ta,panolei. Population: 1,041,301; churches, 10; members, 273. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Batakland, Padang Sidem- 85 poean, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Supt., G. A. Wood. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. A. Wood. Executive Committee: G. A. Wood, A. Mamora, Mangaradja Laoet, Kr. Pandjaitan, Mrs. G. A. Wood. Minister: G. A. Wood. Missionary Licentiates: S. L. Pandjaitan, Kr. Pandjaitan, K. Tamboenan, Baginda Mangojang, K. Pohan, L. Ritonga, U. H. 1VIanulang, M. V. Pandjaitan, Alex. Siregar. Church School Teachers: A. Mamora, S. Ritonga, M. Hoetapea. CELEBES MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: Celebes, Hahnahery Islands. Population: 3,250,000; churches, 42; members, 1,250. Cable Address: " Advent," Menado. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Noord Celebes, Tondano, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, W. J. Milling. Sec., J. Moroisa. Treas., W. J. Killing. Executive Committee: W. J: . Killing, S. Rantoeng, A. Laloan, R. Taliwongso, J. Moroisa, A. Landa, S. Lintang. Department Secretaries: Field Sec., J. Moroisa. Home Miss. and Sab. Sch., —. Ministers: W. J. Killing, S. Rantoeng. Missionary Licentiates: W. Pandelaki, A. Londa, J. Soemaikoe, Serfius Rantoeng, Ch. L. •Sondakh, N. Pattyranie, J. Moroisa, N. Zacharias, F. Walean, 86 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION R. O. NValean, J. Antou, L. Nongoloy, J. Lumentut. Church School Teacher: A. Sakoel. EAST JAVA MISSION Organized 1913 Territory: Residencies of Semarang, Kedoe, Djokjakarta, Soerakarta, Madioen, Kediri, Soerabaia, Madoera, Pasoeroean, Besoeki, Southeast Borneo, with Islands to East of Java up to and including Timor. Population: 26,702,620; churches, 14; members, 594. Cable Address: "Advent," Soerabaia. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Oost-Java, Tandjoeng Anom 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, A. H. Zimmermann. Sec., L. Wortmann. Treas., A. H. Zimmermann. Executive Committee: A. H. Zimmermann, Lee Ek Liang, S. H. Pandjaitan, Maspaitela, J. de Vink. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., S. H. Pandjaitan. Sabbath School, —. Minister: A. H. Zimmermann. Licentiates: P. R. Goeltom, S. H. Pandjaitan, S. Pattikawa. Missionary Licentiates: L. M. D. Wortmann, H. Soer, E. H. Vysma, S. Silitonga, P. Simandjoentak, M. Sormin, Emanuel, Bong Hong, D. A. Dompas, S. Kailola. NORTH SUMATRA MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: Residencies of East Coast, Atjeh, Riouw. Population: 2,676,523; churches, 2; members, 56. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Advent," Medan. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Noord Sumatra, Kartinilaan 17, Medan, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, Under direction of the Union Committee. Sec. and Treas., — Executive Committee: Union Committee. Missionary Licentiates: H. Tamboenan, Martin Hoetapea. PADANG MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Residency of West Coast of Sumatra. Population: 1,919,109; churches, 2; members, 70. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Padang. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. District Padang, Zeestraat 8, Padang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, Under direction of the Union Committee. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Stuivenga. Executive Committee: Union Committee. Licentiate: J. H. Stuivenga. Missionary Licentiate: Ong Ban Giok. SOUTH SUMATRA MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Residencies oof Benkoelen, Biliton, Bangka, Djambi, Palembang, Lampongsche Districten. Population: 1,779,124; churches, 11; members, 300. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Palembang. Office Address: Advent Zendings- CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION genootschap in N. 0. Afdeeling Zuid-Sumatra, Talang Djawa 141, Palembang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, F. Dittmar. Sec., B. C. Dompas. Treas., K. Tilstra. Executive Committee: F. Dittmar, K. Tilstra, B. C. Dompas, H. Aritonang, M. Akib. Department Secretaries: Educational and Field. Miss., K. Tilstra. Ministers: F. Dittmar, K. Tilstra. Licentiates: H. Aritonang, B. C. Dompas. Missionary Licentiates: Tjong Kam, Tjoe, A. Hasiboean, M. A. Lodo, D. Kartodihardjo. WEST JAVA MISSION Organized 1913 Territory: Residencies of Bantam, Batavia, Cheribon, Pekalongan, Banjoemas, Preanger, West Coast of Borneo. Population: 15,016,904; churches, 13; members, 660. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Advent," Batavia. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeel- 87 - ing West" Java,• Sawohlaan 25, Batavia-C, Netherlands East Indies. (Telephone in Batavia: Weltevreden 5924.) Officers: Director, P. Drinhaus. Sec., S. Horn. Treas., H. Twijnstra. Executive Committee: P. Drinhaus, S. Horn, H. Twijnstra, H. B. Meelhuyzen, A. de Jager, Th. Rondonuwu, M. Kauntul, M. E. Diredja. Department Secretary: Field Miss., H. Mende. Ministers: P. Drinhaus, H. Twijnstra, M. Kauntul. Licentiate: S. Horn. Missionary Licentiates: W. U. Hoetapea, M. T. Silitonga, V. E. Siwy, H. Mende, Loe Liang Je, Dj. Panggabean, L. Tuasuun, D. Pattikawa, M. Burian. DETACHED STATION MAKASSAR Address: 3de. Renggandweg 10, Makassar, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Churches: 1; members, 120. In Charge: K. Mandias. Minister: K. Mandias. SOUTH GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1912 Territory: Wurtemberg, Baden, Bavaria, Hessia, Rhine, Palatinate, Thuringia, viz., the Baden, Central Rhenish, Franc.-Thuring., South Bavarian, and Wurtemberg Conferences and the Marienhoehe School Church. Population: 18,390,000; churches, 219; members, 9,306. Office Address: Libanonstr. 6, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany. Officers: Pres., G. Seng. Treas. and Office Sec., Helene Kofink. Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Executive Committee: G. Seng, W. Schick, 0. Giebel, A. W. Mueller, A. Sachsenmeyer, 0. Schuberth, 0. Neubauer, A. Wilklein, W. Kehr. South German Building Association. 88 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Manager and Bookkeeper, Wilhelm Amelung. Committee: G. Seng, W. Schick, 0. Giebel, A. Sachsenmeyer, A. W. Mueller, W. Amelung, A. Wicklein, W. Kehr. South German Health Association: Committee: G. Seng, W. Schick, 0. Giebel, P. Schwaderer, W. Amelung. Department Secretaries: Educational, 0. Schuberth. Field Miss., A. Wicklein. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., 0. Neubauer. Ministers: G. Seng, 0. Schuherth, 0. Neubauer. BADEN CONFERENCE Organized 1912; reorganized 1922. Territory: Baden and the Bavarian Palatinate. Population: 3,300,000; churches, 27; members, 1,260. Office: Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe i/B., Germany. Officers: Pres., W. Schick. Treas., L. Gerstner. Auditor, Miss H. •Kofink. Executive Committee : W. Schick, W. Edener, F. Hager, K. Ka,fitz, Th. Gawlik. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., F. Hager. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. Schick. TI Ministers: W. Schick, H. Schwarz, F. G. Grieser, W. Edener, E. Berner, D. Eicher. Licentiates: A. Stammberger, H. Goebel, W. Gericke, A. Ulrich, Fr. Fleck. Missionary Licentiates: A. Posch, A. Ohme, K. Knapper, R. Jager, Miss A. Gutmann. CENTRAL RHENISH CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Territory: The Free State Hessia (Provinces Rhinehessia, Starkenburg and Upper Hessia). Of the Hessia-Nassau Province : The administrative district of Wiesbaden excepting the Unterlahn district. Of the administrative district Kassel: Hanau; Gelnhausen, Schliichtern, Fulda, Hiinfeld. Of Bavaria: Aschaffenburg, Alzenau, Obernburg and Miltenberg. - The Saar-District. From the Rhine Province the districts: Trier,. Saarburg, Merzig-Wadern, St. Wendel, Baumholder, Bad Kreuznach. From the State Oldenburg: the district Birkenfeld. Population: 4,500,000; churches, 40; members, 1,677. Office: Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany. Officers: Pres., A. W. Milller. Treas., Lydia Rein. Auditor, Miss Helene Kofink. Executive' Committee: A. W. Mueller, E. Mayer, P. Hanke, W. Christanz, F. Wilhelm. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., R. Grabner. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., E. Mayer. Ministers: A. W. Mueller, H. Behr, A. Milller, H. Zimmermann, W. Fiirle, F KObele, W. Gemeinhardt, E. Mayer, W. Binanzer. Licentiates: W. Schroer, H. Nau, E. Schank, H. Walter. Missionary Licentiates: F. Weigel, E. Alberth, G. Buschner, 0. Lanz, L. Fiirst. FRANCONIAN-THURINGIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1934 Territory: Upper, Central, and CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Lower Francoilia (excepting Aschaffenburg), Upper Palatinate (excepting Regensburg), Thuringia with the administrative district Erfurt, district Schleussingen, Schmalkalden, Ziegenruck (excepting Sondershausen). Population: 4,600,000; churches, 61; members, -2,648. Office: Hinterin Bahnhof 30, Niiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Officers: Pres., A. Sachsenmeyer. Treas., Miss. A. Bussinger. Auditor, Miss H. Kofink, Executive Committee: A. Sachsenmeyer, E. Kuschel, A. Schneider, W. Reinhold, G. Herzog, W. Meinhardt, R. Kopp. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Schneider. Sabbath School,. Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., M. Schwab. Ministers: A. Sachsenmeyer, R. Milner, G. Bahre, H. Feddersen, F. Winmann, F. Diirr, L. Krug, M. Kunze, E. Kuschel, A. v. Wallenstern, M. Ganzleben; M. Schwab, A. Woysch. Licentiates: E. Schmitz, W. Gehl, F. Schrattenholzer. Missionary Licentiates: M. Michaelis, J. Schmidt, H. Schmidt, G. Schmalkoke, • W. Spahl, R. Vogel, F. Schick, F. Mein, M. Scheibenberger, A. Hertwig, K. Fischer. SOUTH BAVARIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: Upper and Lower Bavaria, Swabia, Neuburg, and the southern part of the Upper Palatinate, including Regensburg. Population: 3,300,000; churches, 42; members, 1,964. Office Address: Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. 89 Officers: Pres., 0. Giebel. Treas., Miss Aurelia Hiibsch. Auditor, Miss Helene Kofink. Executive Committee: 0. Giebel, R. Lange, F. Zapp, Dr. A. Rosenthal, J. Bauer, F. Eilers, K. Beer. Department Secretaries: • Field Miss., F. Zapp. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., 0. Giebel. Ministers: 0 Giebel, G. F. Horner, J. F. Grieser, R. Lange, K. Golzer, M. • Ponig, M. Frail, 0. Kell.e, E. Adolph. Licentiates: W. Lorenz, W. Gast. Missionary Licentiates: ,T. G. Soanner, K. Fleck, H. Rie-. del, Miss J. Baschenegger, Miss K. Westenberger, Miss M. Kuf ler. WURTEMBERG CONFERENCE Organized 1912 Territory: Wurtemberg including Hohenzollern—Sigmaringen. Population: 2,600,000; churches, 48; members, 1,670. Office Address: Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart, Wurtmberg, • Germany. Officers: Pres., G. Seng. Treas. and Office Sec., Miss Johanna Walz. Auditor, Miss Helene Kofink. Executive Committee: G. Seng, J. Muth, Fr. Gregorius, St. Geiger, E. Spilh, W. Kramer, W. Touchard. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., W. Touchard. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., 0. Neubauer. Ministers: G. Seng, J. Muth, R. Werner, Fr. Gregorius, A. Ansel, H. Schulte, 0. Neubauer, A. Henger, H. Zett- 90 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION woch, G. Schweizer, F. Roth, C. Reihlen. Licentiate: A. Haag. Missionary Licentiates: H. Noltze, F. Gtinther,. E. Fuchs, K. Burk, 0. Sneg, F. Breuninger, Miss A. Koehle, Miss E. Kitspert. SCHOOL CHURCH Organized 1921 Territory: Darmstadt-Marienhohe. Office Address: Libanonstr. 6, Stuttgart, Germany. Officers: Treas., Miss Helene Kofink. Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Minister: W. Hoffmann. WEST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized igog Territory: Central German, Hanover, Hansa, Hessia-Westphalian, and Rhenish Conferences. Population: 25,400,000; churches, 274; members, 10,638. Office Address: Richard-Wagnerstr. 28, Hannover-N., Germany. (Telephone, 60018.) Full Title in German: Gemeinschaf t der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten Westdeutscher Verband. Officers: Pres., Hans Fenner. Sec. and Treas., Willy Koch. Undertreas., Martha Weseloh. Auditor: For the Union, the Division Auditor. For the Conferences, the Union Treasurer. Executive Committee: H. Fenner, C. A. Motzer, F. A. Prieser, W. Althoff, G. Dtirolf, A. Pioch, H. Erzberger, W. Koch, W. Peters, L. Lutz, A. Vollmer, W. Schubert. Legal Assn: Westdeutsche Grundstficks Gesellschaft In. b. H., Hamburg. Office: Richard-Wagnerstr. 28, Hannover-N.; Manager, Hans Fenner, Willy Koch. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Lorenz Lutz. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Wilhelm Peters. Ministers: H. Fenner, H. Erzberger, W. Peters. Licentiate: 0. Gmehling. CENTRAL GERMAN CONFERENCE Organized 1934 Territory: The Free-States Brunswick,-Anhalt; from the FreeState Thuringia the district Sondershaus'en; from the province Saxony (Free-State Prussia) the administrative district Merseburg; the administrative district Erfurt without Erfurt; from the administrative district Magdeburg the districts Wernigerode, Halberstadt city and rural, Quedlinburg city and rural, Aschersleben, Oschersleben, Wanzleben, Calbe, Wolmirstedt, Neuhaldensleben, Jerichow I., Magdeburg city; from the province Hanover. (Free-State Prussia) the administrative district Hildesheim. , Population: 4,400,000 churches, 47; members, 1,686. Office Address: Fasanenstr. 63, I., I3raunschweicr, Germany. (Telephone, 4167.) Full Title in German: Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Mitteldeutsche' Vereinigung. Officers:Pres., W. Althoff. Sec., H. Teichmann. Treas., P. Jaschke. Auditor: The treasurer of the West German Union. Executive Committee: W. Al- CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION thoff, E. Hennecke, 0. Stein, J. Hiihn, H. Langenstrassen. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., W. Meier. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., H. Teichmann. Ministers: W. Althoff, A. Bremer, H. Beck, E. Hennecke, W. Haas, H. Teichmann, H. Ross. Licentiates: R. Eichwald, E. Bartz. Missionary Licentiates: H. Correus, J. Fenner, I. Woysch, L. Martin, R. Linker, A. Weisse, A Scherf, 0. Lutz. HANOVER CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: From the Province Hanover (Free-State Prussia) the administrative district Liineburg without the district HarburgWilhelmsburg city. The administrative districts Stade and Aurich; the administrative district Hanover without Hameln city and without Hameln-Pyrmont. The administrative district Osnabriick without the districts Osnabruck city and rural, Melle, Wittlage, Iburg. From the province Saxony (Free-State Prussia) the • districts: Gardelegen; Osterburg, Salzwedel, Stendal city and rural, Jerichow II. The Free-State Bremen; the FreeState Oldenburg without Birkenfeld and Eutin. From the FreeState Hamburg the district Ritzebilttel-Cuxhaven. Population: 3,500,000; churches, 54; members, 1,676. Office Address: Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30 I., Bremen, Germany. (Telephone, Roland 3972.) Officers: Pres., F. A. Prieser. Sec., R. Stein. Treas., Miss F. Meier. Auditor, the treasurer of the •West German Union. 91 Executive Committee: F. A. Prieser, R. Stein, A. Weske, A. Lanz, 0. Drosenmeyer. Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten, Hannoversche Vereinigung e.V. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Lanz. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. Stein. Ministers: F. A. Prieser, R. Stein, W. Herbert, 0. Panzig, H. Bohlmann, H. Knoner, M. Schmidt, W. Bertling. Licentiate: K. Harres. Missionary Licentiates: A. Mannesmann, E. Fraatz, E. Weigt, E. Wehrmann, R. Brager, H. Claus, E. Baumbach, Mrs. 0. Thaden, Miss E. Schulze. HANSA CONFERENCE Organized 1909 Territory: The Free-State Hamburg (without district Ritzebtittel-Caxhaven), the Free-States Liibeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz. From the Free-State Oldenburg the district Eurin. From the FreeState Prussia the Province Schleswig-Holstein; from the province Hanover (administrative district Luneburg) the district Harburg-Wilhelms13urg city. Population: 3,800,000; churches, 59; members, 2,499. Office Address: Grindelberg 11, I, Hamburg 13, Germany. (Telephone 55.90.80.) Officers: Pres., C. A. Motzer. Sec., Curt Steudel. Treas., Willi Russler. Auditor: the treasurer of the West German Union. Executive Committee: C. A. Motzer, 0. Steudelm, W. Bent- 92 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION lin, F. Rickers, C. Kapitz, H. Drangmeister. Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-TagsAdventisten, Hansa Vereinigung, e. V. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Hans Rohwedder. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Curt Steudel. Ministers: C. A. Motzer, C. Steudel, H. Detlefsen, H. Drangmeister, C. Kapitz, 0. Staubert, A. Oesterreich, G. Fischdick, R. Schroder, K. Scheele, K. Gliickner. Licentiates: A. Amian, E. Kaufmann, Fr. Racker. Missionary Licentiates: C. von Fintel, P. Schornstein, W. Hampel, H. Wippermann, W. Unger, H. Osterburg, H. Wille, 0. Hesse, H. Burger, H. Oswald, E. Niemann, W. Schiitte, S. Christoilers, H. Hauptig, E. Tilgner, J. Volkmann. Welfare Nurse: Hildegard Renner. HESSIA-WESTPHALIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1898 as West German Conference Territory: From the Free-State Prussia the province Westphalia; from the province Hessen-Nassau the administrative district Kassel with .the districts Eschwege, Frankenberg, Fritzlar, Hersfeld, Hofgeismar, Homberg, Kassel city and rural, Kirchhain, Marburg city and rural, Melspngen, Rotenburg, Witzenhausen, Wolfhagen, Ziegenhain, Hiinfeld, der Eder, des Eisenbergs, der Twiste, Schaumburg; from the administrative district Wiesbaden the district Biedenkopf; from the administrative district Osnabruck (province Hanover) the districts: Osnabruck city and rural, Wittlage, Melle and Iburg; from the administrative district Hanover the district Hameln city and Hameln-Pyrmont. The Free-States Schaum burg-Lippe and Lippe Detmold. Population: 6,400,000; churches; 58; members, 1,928. Office Address: Hitlerstr. 6 I., Hamm i/W., Germany. (Telephone 158.) Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten, Hessisch-Westfillische Vereinigung, e. V. Officers: Pres., A. Pioch. See., August Klinker. Treas., August Poll. Auditor, the treasurer of the West German Union. Executive Committee: A. Pioch, A. Minkel., Th. Schrader, S. Hohmann, A. Bente. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Paul Knitter. Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., August Klinker. Ministers: A. Pioch, H. Watty, A. Klinker, H. Wittig, W. Berthold, H. Stolteberg, T. H. Wilson. Licentiate: R. Rittau, W. Begemann, K. Schubert, 0. Kortenhorn, F. Schluter, P. Wiirzberger. Missionary Licentiates: B. Engel, P. Gode, W. Rohde, E. Stennler, A. Thomas, A. Groffmann, G. Ludwig, F. Holzvoigt. RHENISH CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: From the Free-State Prussia the province Rhineland (excepting Saarland) without the districts Kreuznach, Meisenhelm, St. Wendel-Baumholder, Trier city and rural, MerzigWadern, Saarburg. From the province Hessen-Nassau and the administrative district Wiesbaden the Underlahn district and the districts St. Goarshau- CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION sen, Niederlahnstein, Oberlahnstein, Braubach. Population: 7,300,000; churches, 56; members, 2,849. Office Address: Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany (Telephone 16167). Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten, Rheinische Vereinigung e. V. Officers: Pres., Georg Diirolf. Sec., Richard Kaufmann. Treas., Martha Fuchs. Auditor, the treasurer of the West German Union. Executive Committee: G. Diirolf, Fr. Rischmuller, H. Zuber, 93 E. Kamann, 0. Adolph, F. Metz, F. Roger. Department Secretaries: Field Migs., Hans Zuber. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Richard Kaufmann. Ministers: G. Mirolf, Fr. Rischmtiller, H. Nitschke, F. Hilmer, K. Adolph, W. Scholl., 0. Pelzer, R. Helbig, . K. Drtige, R. Kaufmann. Licentiates: W. Pohland, G. Wucherer, E. Wenzel, K. Schieber, P. Paprotny. Missionary Licentiates: K. Voget, H. Tilgner, K. Gotzinger, A. Heiderstildt, E. Detlefsen, A. Soebeer, H. Kachel, H. Heuser, M. Diekmann. DETACHED ORGANIZATIONS AUSTRIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1921 Territory: The Austrian Republic. , Population: 6,700,000; churches, 31; members, 1,557. Office: Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Officers: Pres., J. Braun. Treas., Miss B. Bruscha. Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Executive Committee: J. Braun, K. Floder, K. Brie'', F. Hasel, Fr. Gruber, A. Wegner, E. Pickhart. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., F. Hasel. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., H. Schnotzinger. Ministers: J. Braun, Fr. Gruber, A. Wegner, A. Weinert, L. Schneebauer, P. Weinand, 0. Saur, E. Schwarz. Licentiates: F. Pfingstl, Fr. Lubschina, R. LiThner, H. Schnotzinger. Missionary Licentiates: Miss A. Klisch, Miss M. Brunner. BULGARIAN MISSION Organized 1911 Territory: Bulgaria. Population: 6,000,000; churches, 22; members, 633. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sofia, Solunska 49/10. Office Address: Solunska 49/10 Sofia, Bulgaria. (Telephone, 6466.) Officers: Supt., A. Thomas. Sec. and Treas., E. Muller. Executive Committee: A. Thomas, E. Milner, N. Neitscheff, K. Waswasoff, D. Varsano, N. Peschkiroff. Financial Committee: the members of the Executive Committee and K. Christoff, C. Dulgeroff. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., N. Neitscheff. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School and Home Miss., A. Thomas. Ministers: A. Thomas, K. Waswasoff. 94 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Licentiates: E. Muller, 0. Diibritz, B. Nickoloff. Missionary Licentiates: N. Neitscheff, D. Harboff, B. Bonneff, B. Kiriloff, A. Iwanoff, Georgieff, W. Iwanoff, Miss N. Gantschewa, Miss S. Mollowa, Miss L. Kirowa. Institution: Bulgarian Book and Bible House, (Christiansko Adventno Obshtestvo), Sofia (Bulgaria), Solunska 49/10. Manager, E. Muller. EAST PERSIAN MISSION Organized •1932 Territory: East and South Persia. Population: 7,000,000; churches, 3; members, 68. Cable Address: "Advent," Teheran. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Naderi Ave., 20, Teheran, Persia. Officers: Supt., F. F. Oster. Sec. and Treas., Mission Committee: F. F. Oster, 0. Olson, Dr. A. Arzoo. Ministers: F. F. Oster, 0. Olson. Licentiates: Dr. A. Arzoo, V. Shirvanian. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. F. Oster, Mrs. 0. Olson, Nanajan J. Badel, M. H. Gasparian, Rahman Termei. Legal Assn.: General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. Representative in Persia, F. F. Oster. Institutions: The Persian Literature Society; Manager, E. Ashod, Tabriz, Persia. Seventh-day Adventist Mission Hospital and Dispensary, Sultanabad, Persia. Director and Manager, Dr. A. Arzoo; Matron and Head Nurse, Miss Johanna Blauss; Board, Local Committee and the Superin- tendents of both East and West Persia Missions. GRECIAN MISSION Entered 1903 Territory: Greece and Albania. Population: 7,832,000; churches, 5; members, 113. Office Address: Lahana St. 36. Postal Address: Post Box 144, Saloniki, Greece. Officers: Acting Supt., A. N. Stabellos. Sec. and Treas., A. N. Stabellos, Executive Committee: A. N. Stabellos, N. Pappastamoulis, Chr. Christoforides. Minister: N. Pappastamoulis. Missionary Licentiates: A. N. Stabellos, Helene Busenberg, Chr. Cristoforides, A. Keanidef. THE NETHERLANDS CONre=FERENCE Organized 1901. Territory: The Netherlands. Population: 8,000,000; churches, 29; members, 1,100. Office Address: Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, The Netherlands. (Telephone, Den Haag 117025.) Officers: Pres., J. Wintzen. Sec., P. Voorthuis. Treas., I. Krautschick. Executive Committee: J. Wintzen, W. John, P. Voorthuis, J. Toben, T. Eijkelenboom, J. Kerssen, C. Schutte. Legal Name: Kerkenootschap der Zevende - Dags - Adventisten in Nederland, Gevestigd te's-Gravenhage. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. van Iterson. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, H. Eelsing. Ministers: J. Wintzen, W. John, P. Voor- CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION thuis, H. Eelsing, W. Betram, A. Schmutzler, F. J. L. Wortman, P. v. Oossanen, K. Erlecke, H. Schor. Licentiate: J. Lankhorst. Missionary Licentiates: H. Kramer, H. Schmitz, I. Krautschick. Institution: Publishing House (Branch of Hamburg House) ; Internationaal Advent Zendingsgenootschap; Van Weede van Dijkveldstr. 77, The Hague, (Telephone, Netherlands. 554140.) TANGANYIKA MISSION Entered 1903 . Territory: Tanganyika Territory. Population: 4,740,706; churches, 12; members, 894. Office Address: P. 0. Musoma, • Tanganyika Territofy, East Africa. Officers: Supt., G. A. Ellingworth. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. M. Rilingworth. Committee: G. A. Ellingworth, A. Sprogis, H. A. Matthews, S. W. Beardsell, H. Robson. Ministers: European: G. A. Ellingworth, A. Sprogis, H. A. Matthews, H. Robson. African: Paolo Saburi, Elisa Manongi. Licentiates: R. Reider, W. Ludwig. Missionary Licentiates: S. W. Beardsell, P. Werner, H. Kotz, Miss L. Drangmeister. African: Z. Maandi, B. Shagira, S. Isae, Y. Mseli, T. Mzota, P. Mlungwana, P. Kapiro, A. Mafingo, A. Liso, Z. Mhuli. Ikizu Mission Station Missionary in Charge: A. Sprogis. 95 Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa, African Teachers: 9. Majita Mission Station Missionary in Charge: R. Reider. Address: Majita, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. African Evangelists and Teachers: 13. Mwagala Mission Station Missionary in Charge: H. Kotz. Address: Mwagala, P. 0. Maswa, Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. African Teachers: 4. Ntusu Mission Station Missionary in Charge: H. Robson. Address': Ntusu, P 0. Maswa, Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. African Evangelists and Teachers: 15. Suji Mission Station Missionary in Charge: S. W. Beardsell, W. Ludwig. Address: Suji, Private Bag, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. African Evangelists and Teachers: 26. Utimbaru Mission Station Missionary in Charge: H. A. Matthews. Address: Utimbaru, P. 0. Musoma, Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. African Teachers: 14. TURKISH MISSION Entered 1899 Territory: Turkey. Population: 14,000,000; churches, 3; members, 79. Office Address: 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz Pasa, Istanbul, Turkey. Postal Address: Posta Kutusu 2242, Istanbul, Turkey. 96 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Supt., F. Backer. Sec. and Treas., F. Backer. Mission Committee: F. Backer, R. Klinger. Minister: F. Backer. Licentiate: R. Klinger. Missionary Licentiate: K. Kalustian. Institution: Publ. House, Posta Kutusu, 2242, Istanbul, Turkey; Manager, F. Backer. WEST PERSIAN MISSION Organized 1932 Territory: Western Persia, i. e. Urumia; Azerbeidjan, Sendjan, Gilan and Kurdistan. Eastern boundary the road: Qasr-i-shirin, Kermanshah, Hamadan, Kazwin, Aliabad on the Caspian Sea; these cities belonging to the West Persian Mission. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 4; members,. 100. Cable Address: "Advent," Tabriz. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tabriz, Persia. Officers: Supt., K. Tulaszewski. Sec. and Treas., E. Ashod. Mission Committee: K. Tulaszewski, E. Ashod. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School and Pub., E. Ashod. Y. P. M. V., K. Tulaszewski. Minister: K. Tulaszewski. Licentiate: E. Ashod. Missionary Licentiates: Haik Salakian, Michael Simonowich, Hovsep Gabrielian, Hakob Hakobian, Mrs. Julia Oraham, Esther Shmuel, Mrs. Xenia Nazarian, Mrs. Shalim Sayad. INSTITUTIONS Educational: .Friedensau Missionary Seminary, Friedensau, Burg-Land, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Marienhohe Seminary, Darmstadt, Germany. Ikizu Training School, Ikizu Mission, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Ntusu Girls School, Ntusu, P. 0. Maswa, Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Suji Training School, Suji Mission, Private Bag, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Tjimindi Training School, Opleidingsschool der Advent-Zending, Tjimindi, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Publishing: Hamburg Publishing House (Advent-Verlag E. V.), Grindelberg 15 a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Holland Branch: (International .Advent-Zendingsgenootschap), van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Holland. Austrian Branch (Advent-Verlag E. V.) VII, Wimbergergasse 46, Vienna, Austria. Hungarian Publishing House (Advent Kiadohivatal Fiokja), Budapest I, Nemetvolg;yi ut 26, Hungary. Czechoslovakian Publishing House, Brno-Kralovo Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia. Bulgarian Book and Bible House (Christiansko Adventno Obshtestvo), Solunska 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Netherlands East Indies Pub. House (Advent Boeken Depot), Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Depositories: Arabic Literature Society, P. 0. Box 478, Haifa, Palestine. Greek Depository, Post Box 144,. Salonica Greece. Turkish Depository, Posta Kutusu 2242, Istanbul, Turkey. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Persian Literature Society, Tabriz, Persia. Sanitariums and Treatment Rooms: Krankenhaus "Waldfriede," Fischerhiitten Str. 99-109, BerlinZehlendorf-West, Germany. Bad Aibling Sanitarium, Kurhaus, Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Germany. Reform—Kuranstalt and Erholungsheim "Neanderhain" Die- 97 pensiepen 16-18, Mettmann, Rhld., Germany. Charlottenbad, Charlottenstr. 24, Hamburg 19, Germany. Haifa—Institution for Massage and Hydro Electric Therapy, P. 0. Box 478, Haifa, Palestine. Jerusalem—Institution for Massage and Hydro-Electric Therapy, Godfrey Str. 58, Musrara, Jerusalem, Palestine. Seventh-day Adventist Mission Hospital, Sultanabad, Persia. CHINA DIVISION Organized lor Territory: China, Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Sinkiang, and the islands controlled by China, together with Hongkong and Macao; all of which are comprised in the East China, West China, North China, South China, and Central China Union Missions, the Northwest China Mission, and the Manchurian Union Mission. Population: 478,504,286; churches, 235; members, 13,744. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Shanghai. Codes used: Western Union 5 letter edition; A. B. C. Fifth edition. Postal, Express, and Freight Address: 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Telephone, 51094. Note.— To find the Ningkuo Road Mission Compound, Shanghai, if unencumbered by luggage, ask to be directed to a No. 10 Omnibus (eastbound), and stop at Ningkuo Road. If you have luggage, the best plan will be to take a taxi to 526 Ningkuo Road (Ning-gwoh-lu). Officers: Pres., H. W. Miller, M. D. Sec., C. C. Crisler. Treas., C. C. Morris. Executive Board: H. W. Miller, C. C. Crisler, C. C. Morris, S. L. Frost, John Oss, N. F. Brewer, M. C. Warren, 0. A. Hall, K. H. Wood, Geo. J. Appel, E. L. Longway, Bessie Mount, Frederick Lee, W. A. Scharffenberg, Dr. L. H. Butka, D. E. Rebok, G. L. Wilkinson, E. R. Thiele, B. A. Liu, W. J. Harris. Legal Association: "General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists." C. C. Morris, Attorney-in-fact. Auditor, C. C. Morris. Educational and Young People's 98 Missionary Volunteer Departments: Secretary: D. E. Rebok. Members: 1). E. Rebok, S. L. Frost, John Oss, Miss Bessie Mount, S. H. Lindt, P. E. Quimby, Educa. and Y. P. M. V. secretaries of union missions; the heads of training schools in the division; the heads of senior and junior middle schools; the superintendents of union missions in China. Home Missionary Department: Secretary, E. L. Longway. Members: The division publish. ing and home missionary secretary; the union and local home missionary secretaries as appointed; the union field missionary secretaries; the executive heads of union and local fields. Medical Department: Secretary, H. W. Miller, M. D. Members: The division medical secretary, with the physicians connected with all recognized sanitariums, treatment rooms, and hospital-dispensaries in the China Division; the superintendents of nurses in institutions conducting nurses' training schools. Ministerial Association: Secretary: Frederick Lee. Advisory Council: Frederick Lee, division officers, superintendents of union missions, division departmental secretaries, principals of advanced schools in the China Division. Publishing Department: Sec., John Oss. Members: The division publishing department secretary; all union field and home missionary secretaries within our territory; all local field missionary secretaries; the head of the publishing house CHINA DIVISION 99 Blandford, E. L. Longway. Wu in China, together with the chief Dzeh Shan, Liu Meng Ru, G. L. editors as appointed by the diviWilkinson, A. Mountain. sion committee; the superintendents of all union missions. Licentiates: W. I. Hilliard, Yeh Kwen Gan, Sabbath School Department: Secretary: Miss Bessie Mount. Goh Djao Oh, H. W. Christian, Advisory Committee: The diviY. H. Chu, H. R. Dixon, C. S. sion Sabbath school secretary; Sissions, Dr. L. H. Butka, M. E. all union Sabbath school secLoewen. retaries; assistant editor of the Missionary Licentiates: (Chinese) "Sabbath School Mrs. H. W. Miller, Mrs. C. C. Helper," Frederick Lee, E. R. Crisler, Mrs. S. L. Frost, Mrs. Thiele, K. H. Wood, Joseph May, D. E. Rebok, H. L. Shull, Mrs. C. C. Morris, Yeh Kweh Gan, H. L. Shull, Miss Tillie E. Barr, Miss Ivy Wu.. F. A. Landis, Mrs. F. A. Landis, The Home Commission: Bessie Mount, Mrs. S. H. Lindt, Members: E. R. Thiele (chairMrs. W. A. Scharffenberg, E. C. man), Dr. H. W. Miller, Mrs. B. Wood, Mrs. E. C. Wood, W. E. Miller, Mrs. T. F. Mi, B. A. Liu, Eberhardt, Mrs. W. E. EberMrs. E. Longway, Elsie Liu, Miss hardt, Mrs. Charles Larsen, Mrs. J. Holmes, Mrs. Chen Gien Wen, P. E. Quimby, Lu Shou Dao, S. L. Frost, Mrs. A. E. Hughes, Elisabeth Redelstein, Hsu Yung Mrs. L. H. Davies, Mrs. P. E. Chi, Hsu Pao Djen, H. H. Morse, Quimby, Miss Abbie Dunn, Mrs. Mrs. H. H. Morse, Matilda FolIL H. Morse, Mrs. N. F. Brewer, lett, A. R. Boynton, Mrs. A. R. Dr. Constance Wen, Mrs. J. EffBoynton, Dr. J. Constance Wen, enberg, Anna Loo, Mrs. C. B. Mrs. C. C. Morris, R. A. Brett, Green, Lucy Andrus, Mrs. M. C. Mrs. R. A. Brett, Mrs. C. L. Warren, Mrs. 0. A. Hall. Blandford, Mrs. John Oss, E. C. Meisler, Mrs. E. C. Meisler, Transportation Agents: C. C. MorJ. T. May, Mrs. Joseph May, ris (chairman), the union treasMrs. Frederick Lee, Mrs. E. R. urers of the South and Central Thiele, Philip H. Shigley, Mrs. China Union Missions. P. H. Shigley, Li Hsiang Division Building Committee: C.,C. Kiang, Chin Ta Thing, John Morris (chairman), H. W. Miller, Shull, Mrs. John Shull, C. L. E. C. Wood, C. C. Crisler, K. H. Woods, Mrs. C. L. Woods, Y. C. Wood, D. E. Rebok, Geo. J. ApChen, Miss Grace Hsu, Li Wei pel. Ching, Miss Yen Shu Bin, Ruth Ministers: Atwell, Mrs. R. H. Hartwell, Dr. H. W. Miller, Frederick Lee, Mrs. L. H. Butka, Shan Bao C. C. Crisler, S. L. Frost, C. C. Djung, Mrs. W. A. Scott, Alice Morris, S. H. Lindt, D. E. Rebok, John Oss, W. A. Scharffenberg, Roberts, Hazel Shadel, Mrs. E. L. Hwang Dz Ging, G. J. Appel, Longway, Lydia Seibold, Wilton M. C. Warren, K. H. Wood, N. F. Wood, Mrs. Wilton Wood, Ruth Brewer, 0. A. Hall, E. R. Thiele, Ladd, Dr. A. L. Tai, Beatrice P. E. Quimby, Charles Larsen, Crisler, Dr. Herbert Liu, Mrs. B. A. Liu, R. H. Hartwell, C. L. Herbert Liu, Mrs. M. E. Loewen. CENTRAL CHINA UNION MISSION Organized x919 Territory: The following-named provinces: Honan, Hunan, Hupeh, Kiangsi. Population: 104,011,642; churches, 27; members, 2,204. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Hankow. Office Address: 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Officers: Supt., M. C. Warren. Sec. and Treas., A. Mountain. Executive Committee: M. C. Warren, A. Mountain, C. H. Davis, Dr. R. J. Brines, E. H. James, W. E. Strickland, C. A. Carter, Wang Deh Dzi, Fan Dzi Hsiang, Liu Djung Gwang, Dzou Pei Hsin, A. F. Tai, T. A. Shaw, Du Shu Ren, Su Dien Chang. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. A. Carter. Home Miss., T. A. Shaw. Medical, R. J. Brines, M. D., Publishing, Dzou Pei Hsin. Sabbath School, T. A. Shaw. Ministers: M. C. Warren, W. E. Strickland, A. Mountain, Dzou Pei Hsin. Licentiates: T. A. Shaw, C. A. Carter, Dr. R. J. Brines, A. F. Tai, N. J. Lee, Li Kwang Ren. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. A. Mountain, Mrs. T. A. Shaw, Mrs. C. A. Carter, Mrs. W. E. Strickland, Peng Wei Ching, Mrs. T. A. Smith. HONAN MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Honan. Population: 30,831,909; churches, 6; members, 957. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mission," Lowanho. 100 Address: Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Officers: Director, E. H. James. Sec. and Treas., D. C. McFeters. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., Wang Ili Dji. Home Miss., Djang Djen Hai. Medical, R. J. Brines, M. D. Publishing, Hou Hsu Hsuan. Sabbath School, Wang Ih Dji. Ministers: E. H. James, Liu Djen Bang, Djao Hsi Liang, Wang Ging Bo, Peng Hsien Djung, Su Dien Ching, Djang Djen Hai, Tang Hsin Loh. Licentiates: R. J. Brines, M. D., Wang Ih Dzi, Tien Yen Wen, Niu Siu Shen, Wang Chwen Yung. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. H. James, Mrs. R. J. Brines, D. C. McFeters, Mrs. D. C. McFeters, Josephine Holmes, Miss M. Ragsdale, Hou Hsu Hsuan, Li Yu Djeh, Djang Ying Kou, Hsiao Han Djung, Dr. Bai •Yuen Chang, Mrs. Djang, Hwang Hsi Min, Gia Da Sao, Yao Feng Hsien, Fan Deh Yu, Yao Da Sao, Djang Gwoh Djen. Church School Teachers: 12 teachers. HUNAN MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Hunan. Population: 28,443,279; churches, 6; members, 463. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Changsha. Address: S. D. A. Mission, The island, Changsha, Hunan,na. li Officers: • Acting Director, Du Shu Ren. Sec. and Treas., G. G. Hamp. CHINA DIVISION Department Secretaries: Educational, Wu Ding Chi. Field Miss., Djou Yu Wen. Home Miss., Du Shu Ren. Sabbath School, Hu Si Kwei. Y. P. M. V., G. G. Hamp. Ministers: Du Shu Ren, Hwang Djung Seng, Wu Shou San, Wang Deh Dzi. Licentiates: G. G. Ramp, Djang Fu Hsuan, Dju Dzi Ai, Hsu Sin Tang. Bible Worker: Djou Si Mu. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. G. Ramp, Bu Sing Ting, Chen Tsai Shing, Djou Hai Ru, Djou Yu Wen, Djang Gwang Sing, Hu Si Gwei, Hwang Shao Bing, Hsia Chang Yu, Yeh Dao Sou, Wu Ding Chi. Church School Teachers: Tsai Gwei Hsiang, Hwanff Ren Wu, Wu Ding Chi, Wang t'Ching Wei, Ih Fei. 101 Ministers: C. H. Davis, Fan Chih Hsiang. Licentiates: Chang Shun Chen, Li Wei Ch'ing, B. C. Clark, Li Kwang Ren. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. H. Davis, Mrs. B. C. Clark, Ch'en Yu Pei, Wang Chin Men, Yang Teh Hui, Liu Yang Ku, Chu Yeh Chang, Tsao Yin Pei, Abbie Dunn, Sang Dwan Fu, Chang Keh Di, Chen Li Gun, Y. S. Leng, Yen Chun Shan, Yen Gia Gieh, Chang Hsu Chen, Han. Yao Chen. KIANGSI MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Kiangsi. Population: 17,569,210; churches, 5; members, 315. HIIPEH MISSION Organized 1909 Territory: The Province of Hupeh . Population: 27,167,244; churches, 10; members, 469. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Hankow. Address: 107 Woo Tsu Street, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Officers: Director, C. H. Davis. Sec. and Treas., Y. S. Leng. Executive Committee: C. H. Davis, Y. S. Leng, Hu Bing Chen, Yen Chun Shan, Abbie Dunn, Li Wei Chin, Fang Chih Hsiang. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Y. S. Leng. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Hu Bing Chen. Field Miss., Yen Ch'un Shan. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, Dzu Yeh Chang. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Nanchang. Address: S. D. A. Mission, No. 155 Tung Wan Ni Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. . Officers: Director, John Liu (Liu Djung Gwang). Sec. and Treas., Peng Hsien Wu. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Shen Kuo Yue. Educational, Shen Hsuen Hung. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Djao Yang Hwe. Sabbath School, Wang Wen Hwei. Ministers: Liu Djung Gwang. Licentiates: Wang Wen Hwei, Shen Hsuen Hung, Peng Hsien Wu. Missionary Licentiates: Peng Liang, Chang Chwen Hwa, Djao Yang Hwei, Liu Siao 102 CHINA DIVISION Ching, Liang Si An, Lo Yue Ching, Lo Chi Yuan, Wang Kwang Long, Yu Kwang Yu, Shen Kuo Yu. Bible Women: Ni Chwen Chieh, Hwang Cheng Shou, Nao Shiah Chen. Church School Teachers: Deng Siao Sien, Wang Yung Koo. EAST CHINA UNION MISSION Organized 19°9; reorganized 1919 Territory: The Anhwei, Kiangsu, and Chekiang Provinces. Population: 76,457,501; churches, 83; members, 3,490. Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shanghai. Office Address: 1207 Yu-Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. (Tel. 27167.) Officers: Supt., K. H. Wood. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. S. Sissons. Executive Committee: K. H. Wood, C. S. Sissons, 0. B. Kuhn, Mrs. K. H. Wood, Wu Tsung Shan, Wu Dzi Chiao, Hu Dzeh Ren, L. H. Butka, M. D., Shih Yuen Tsing, H. C. Shen, B. F. Gregory, C. Schroeter, Pan Shui Ru, Mrs. B. Miller, L. E. Reed,. Chen Lan Fang, T. E. Wu, Swen Tsung Gwang, Djang Ging Yuen, Miss T. M. Wu, A. Fossey. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. C. Shen. Field Miss., Diang Ging Yuen. Union Evangelist, H. C. Shen. Home Miss., L. E. Reed. Medical, L. H. Butka, M. D. Sabbath School, Mrs. K. H. Wood. Y. P. M. V., L. E. Reed. Ministers: K. H. Wood, H. C. Shen, L. E. Reed, K. D. Karalashvili, J. H. Effenberg. Licentiate: Djang Ging Yuen. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. K. H. Wood, C. S. Sissons, Mrs. C. S. Sissons, Mrs. K. D. Karalashvili, Miss Ivadel Eaton, Mrs. L. E. Reed. ANHWEI MISSION Organized 1910 Territory: The Province of Anhwei, and Nanking district of Kiangsu Province. Population: 21,976,920; churches, 11; members, 551. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Nanking. Postal Address: 20 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Officers: Director, B. Petersen. Sec. and Treas., Y. C. Shih. Executive Committee: B. Petersen, Y. C. Shih, Wu Tsung Shan, Pan Shui Ru, Wang Hsi Tien, Wu Shao Djen, Chen Hwa Ting. Department Secretaries: Educational, Pan Shui Ru. Home Miss., Wu Shao Djen. Publishing, Djang Hsiu Deh. Sabbath School, Tang Hao. Y. P. M. V., Pan Shui Ru. Ministers: B. Petersen, Wu Tsung Shan, Pan Shui Ru. Licentiates: Y. C. Shih, Wang Yu Tien, Gu Shao Chiao, Dju Gien Pan. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. B. Petersen, Ding Fu Chen, Lei Hsien Gwang, Dju Yao Ming Yuan, Beh Wen Bing, Gwo Er Gieh, Liu Dao Chwan, Chen Fu, Chen Ih Liang. Middle School Teachers: Li Yun Han, Chen Hwa Ting, Wu Shao Djen. Church School Teachers: Djang Gi Seng, Tsao Mei Li, Wang Li Djung. CHINA DIVISION KIANGSU MISSION Organized 1913 Territory: The southern portion of Kiangsu Province, and the northern portion of Chekiang Province. Population: 20,000,000; churches, 13; members, 775. Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shanghai. Office Address: Court 1207 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. (Phone, 20167.) Officers: Director, 0. B. Kuhn. Sec. and Treas., Woo Dji Min. Executive Committee: 0. B. Kuhn, Woo Dji Min, H. C. Shen, Mrs. B. Miller, D. C. Wu, 'Wu Tien En, Yeh Tung Sin, Dju Chien, T. R. Using, H. K. Hwa. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Y. D. Kang. Educational, U. C. Shen. Field Miss., H. K. Hwa. Home Miss., Wu Tien En. Sab. School, Wang Loh Shan. Women's Work, Mrs. B. Miller. Ministers: D. C. Wu, 0. B. Kuhn, Wu Tien En, H. C. Shen. Licentiates: Yeh Tung Sin, Mrs. B. Miller, Meng Ching En. Missionary Licentiates: Dju Chien, Ma Tsung Dju, Yang Gia En, Wang Yen Hsiang, Miss I. Y. Hsu, Miss C. L. Tsui, Mrs. W. S. Djou, Mrs. K. S. Shill, Mrs. H. D. Djang, Mrs. W. F. Liu, Mrs. H. W. Gu, Mrs. A. L. Djeng, Mrs. H. F. Chen, Mrs. Y. S. Wu, W. C. ,Beh, G. C. Djang, Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn. Church School Teachers: Feng Hsu Hsun, Djou Si-mu, Yang Djung Pei, Han Liang Sheng, D. G. Dih, Mrs. G. N. Shen, Miss Y. IC Wu. 103 NORTH CHEKIANG MISSION Organized 1930 Territory: The northwestern portion of Chekiang Province. Population: 10,456,610; churches, 14; members, 634. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Office Address: Ping Hai Road, Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Officers: Director, C. Schroeter. Sec. and Treas., Miss Helen Wu. Executive Committee: C. Schroeter, Miss Helen Wu, Mrs. B. Miller, Wang Lu San, Sung Shiang Ming. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Educational, C. Schroeter. Field Miss., Sung Shiang Ming. Home Miss., C. meter. Women's Work, Mrs. B. Miller. Sabbath School, Carl Schroeter. Y. P. M. V., Ho Liang Shing. Ministers: C. Schroeter, Chen Lai Fang, Wang Lu San. Licentiate: Chen I Fu. Missionary Licentiates: Chang Ren Shu, Sung Shiang Ming, Shen Wen Huang, Mrs. M. Schroeter, Chan Ho Lan, Mrs. Tang Djen Dao, Fang Dji Sen, Mrs. Wu Shias Chen, Tsai Gs Chi, Wu Wen Fei, Li Pu Fan, Shen Yung Tsing, Ling Hung Kai. NORTH KIANGSU MISSION Organized 1931 Territory: The Northern twothirds of the Kiangsu Province, except the. Nanking District. Population: 16,781,489; churches, 6; members, 210. Postal Address: Tsing Kiang Pu, Kiangsu, China. Officers: Director, Swen Tsung Gwang. Sec. and Treas., Miss T. M. Wu. Executive Committee: Swen 104 CHINA DIVISION Tsung Gwang, Miss T. M. Wu, Mo Gwang Sing, S. H. Lindt, Djang Tsung Djou, Shan Teh Djen, Chen Yu Djen, Hwang Li Hwei. Department Secretaries: Educational and Home Miss., Swen Tsung Gwang. Publishing, Diang Ging Yuen. Sabbath Sch., Djang Tsung Djou. Y. P. M. V., —. Minister: Swen Tsung Gwang. Missionary Licentiates: Djang Tsung Djou, Dzan Si Mu. SOUTH CHEKIANG MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The Prefectures of Wenchow, Chuchow, and Taichow, and the Nantien Hsien, in the southern portion of Chekiang Province. Population: 7,616,517; churches, 36; members, 1,192. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Wenchow. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Officers: Director, B. F. Gregory. Sec. and Treas., Alfred Fossey. Executive Committee: B. F. Gregory, Alfred Fossey, Wu Dzeh Ren, Chen Yu Shih, Liu Shiao Tien, Pan Li Chan, Chian Pao Ren, Dju Teh-min, Djiao Ming-shien, Tung Zing-fu. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Liu Sbiao Tien. Home Miss. and Publishing, Wu Kao Fu. Educational, Alfred Fossey. Evangelistic, Pan Tsz Chan, Wu Dzeh-ren. Women's, Mrs. B. F. Gregory. Ministers: B. F. Gregory, Wu Dzeh-ren, Chen Yiu-shih, Alfred Fossey, Liu Shiao-tien, Pan Tsz-than. Licentiates: Yung Kehlung, Dju Teh Ming, Chiang Sz, Chen Wen Sz, Djiao Ming Shien, Chian Pao-ren, Pan Li-dze. Missionary Licentiates: Bai Ngo-ko, Dju Tsz-loa, Chian Djung-kwang, Chian Ai-dao, Chian Sing-hwa, Chian Sz-ling, Choa Simo, Djao Ta-tsin, Djao Wu-kwai, Chou Wu-sing, Chou Sz-toe, Chen Fu-dung, Chen Fusen, Chen Kwo-tung, Dzing Nyoli, Chen Li-fang, Chen Nyieming, Chen Sing-toe, Dzing Michang, Dzing Tsz-san, Ku Djungsz, Kung Zing-tsung, Li Simo, Liu Simo, Wu Fu-li, Wu Kao-fu, Wu Sha-tung, Hwang Ching-tan, Hwang Ren, Tsai Tsz-Zing, Tung Zing-fu, Djao Ping-chu, Yieh Kwan-nan, Wang Dzi-fu, Wang Fu-ren, Wang-Simo, Wang Lisan, ng a Kwang-shu, Shih Ding-tsai, Shih Na-fu, Mrs. B. F. Gregory, Mrs. A. Fossey. Training School Teachers: Chen Yu Shih,Wu -Shan. Church School Teachers: Shu Ming, Wu Tsz Chung. MANCHURIAN .UNION .MISSION Organized igig Territory: The four provinces of Manchuria. Population: 35,000,000; churches, 22; members, 1,214. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Mukden. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, No. 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Officers: Superintendent, N. F. Brewer. Sec. and Treas., W. I. Hilliard. Executive Committee: N. F. Brewer, W. I. Hilliard, H. N. Brodersen, Giang Tsung Kwang, 7. M. Chen, D. L. Djeng, Dr. R. W. Paul, Wang Fu Yuan, Wang Fu Yuan, Wang Ching Yang, CHINA DIVISION Hsiao Tsi Fu, F. M. Larsen, M. Popow. Department Secretaries: Educational, Djeng Deli Li. Field Miss. and Home Miss., F. M. Larsen. Medical, Dr. R. W. Paul. Sabbath School, J. M. Chen. Y. P. M. V., Djeng Deli Li. Ministers:. N. F. Brewer, F. M. Larsen, Giang Tsung Gwang, M. Popow, M. A. Kalabugin. Licentiates: W. I. Hilliard, Dr. R..W. Paul, H. N. Brodersen. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. N. F. Brewer, Mrs. H. N. Brodersen, Mrs. 0. G. Erich, 0. G. Erich, Mrs. R. W. Paul, Mrs. W. I. Hilliard, Mrs. F. M. Larsen, Wen Li Bing, Dr. Winston Nethery, Mrs. Winston Nethery, Raymond Cottroll, Mrs. Raymond Cottrell. CHIEN TAO (KANDO) MISSION :Organized 1930 Territory: Three hsiens of eastern Kirin called Chientao district. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tou Ta Gou, Chien Tao, Kirin, Manchuria. Officers: Director, K. H. Kim. Sec., Elia Kim. Treas., J. M. Cheri. Executive Committee: K. H. Kim, J. M. Chen, Elia Kim, Kim Ryong Eul, Sin Hung Sik. Minister: Kim Kyu Kyok. LicentiateS: Kim Ryong Eul, Soung Young Soo. Missionary Licentiates: Kwak Ryong Nam, Elia Kim. Bible Women: Kim Yu Ra, Kim Chung Wan, Li Un Hung. Church School Teachers: Kim Ming Yu, Kina.Kong Choon, C. K. Lee, Sin Filing Sik. 105 FENGTIEN MISSION (Formerly Liaoning Mission) Territory: Province of Liaoning. Population: 14,000,000; churches, 10; members, 360. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Mukden. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 1, 29th Wei Ln, Mukden, Manchuria. Officers: Director, H. N. Brodersen. Sec. and Treas., J. M. Chen. Executive Committee: H. N. Brodersen, J. M. Chen, C. Y. Wang, Y. C. Liu, D. L. Djeng, W. H. Mu, Liang Rei Ho. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible Hou'se, Gin Shih Feng. Educational, D. L. Djeng. Field Miss., Liang Rei Ho. Home Miss., C. Y. Wang. Sabbath School, J. M. Chen. Y. P. M. V., D. L. Djeng. Licentiates: C. Y. Wang, Y. C. Liu, H. N. Brodersen, J. M. Chen. Missionary Licentiates: Li Hsu Tung, Chou Chi Ming, Chao Tien. Tseng, Chou Hsiao Fan, Mu Wen Hwan, Dwan Hsi Chen, Liang Rei Ho, Gin Yoa San, Liu Chang Li, Yuah Wei Sin. Bible Women: Chin Hsu Chin, Kao Tzi Yu. Church School Teachers: Chou Wen Mo, Chin Yao San, Gwo Sao Wen, Wu Shih Fan. HEILIINGKIANG MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: ,Heilungkiang Province and part of Kirin Province. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 5; members, 145. Address 44, Kovelskaya St., Sungary Town, Harbin, Manchukuo, Officers: Director, Wang Fu Yuan. Treas., Wang Fu Yuan, 106 CHINA DIVISION Executive Committee: Wang Fu Yuan, Tsui Yu Djang, Feng Chen Djuin, Gi Fu Seng, N. F. Brewer. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Gwan Sung Yao. Educational and Home Miss., Wang Fu Yuan. Field Miss., Djang Tsi Ting. Sabbath School, Mrs. Wang Fu Yuan. Licentiates: Wang Fu Yuan, Tsui Yu Djang. Missionary Licentiates: Chou Hsiao Fan, Hwang Chung Wen, Djang Djao Lin. Bible Woman: Mrs. Wang Fu Yuan. Church School Teacher: Hsu Tang Ching. KIRIN MISSION Territory: Kirin Province. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mission," Hsinking. Churches: 3; members, 186. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hsinking, Manchuria. Officers: Director, Giang Tsung Gwang. Treas., W. I. Hilliar. Accountant and Sec., Gwan Sung Yao. Executive - Committee: Giang Tsung Gwang, W. I. Hilliard, "Govan Sung Yao, Djang Tsi Hsiao Tzi Fu. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Gwan Sung Yao. Educa., Giang Tsung Gwang. Field Miss., Djang Tsi Ting. Home Miss., Giang Tsung Gwang. Sab. School, Gwang Sung Yao. Minister: Giang Tsung Gwang. Licentiate: Hsiao Tzi Fu. Missionary Licentiates: Tsai Yi Cheng, Chih Young Tsun. Church School Teachers: Tsui Dien Gu, Li Dzi Chieh. SUNGARI MISSION Organized 1925 Territory: Russians in Manchuria. 150,000; churches, Population: 4; members, 391. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Harbin. Postal Address: Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Officers: Director: M. Popow. Sec. and Treas., K. Savitsky. Executive Committee: M. Popow, B. K. Brajnicoff, K. Savitsky, A. I. Ivanoff, Mrs. E. I. Brajnicoff, N. Mersliakoff, M. A. Kalabugin. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. I. Ivanoff. Field Miss., and Home Miss., M. Popo w. Sab. Sch., Mrs. E. I. Brajnicoff. Ministers: M. Popov, M. A. Kalabugin. Licentiates: B. K. Brajnicoff, N. M. Kersliakoff. Missionary Licentiates: A. I. Ivanoff, K.. Savitsky, Mrs. E. I. Brajnicoff, Mrs. M. Popow. NORTH CHINA UNION MISSION Organized 'gig Territory: The Provinces of Chahar, Hopei, Jehol, Mongolia, Shansi, Shatung, and Suiyuan. Population: 84,358,964; churches; • 12; members, 1,473. Telegraphic Address: Adventist, 107 CHINA DIVISION Peiping; Telephone, East Office 2841. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 . Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Officers: Supt., W. J. Harris. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, H. W. Christian. Executive Committee: W. J. Harris, H. W. Christian, Medical Supt. of North China Sanitarium and Hospital, Chiao Wen-li, Otto Christensen,. A. A. Esteb, Shen Chen-p'an, Wang Hsi-yuan, Gob Chiao-liang, Keng Chiaochun, C. B. Green, Tsou Hsunyam), R. M. Cossentine, Dwan Yung-ch'ien, H. A. Mourer, M. D. Department Secretaries: , North Educational, . —. China Trainino• Institute, Fengtai, Hopei, '' China. Field Miss., A. A. Esteb. Home Miss., A. A. Esteb. Medical, H. A. Mourer, M. D. Sab. Sch., R. M. Cossentine. Y. P. M. V., Ministers: W. J. Harris, A. A. Esteb. Licentiate: H. W. Christian. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. W. Christian, Mrs. A. A. Esteb, Keng Kun Lin, Chow Hsin-min,Shen Tze Ming, Hsu Wen-pin,Liu Teh-Chung, . Shen Tze-ming, Mrs. Shen Tze-ming, H. A. Mourer, M. D. Institutions: North China Sanitarium and Hospital, Kalgan, Chahar, China. North China Training Institute, Feng T'ai, Hopei. Hopei Training Institute, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei. Shantung Training Institute, 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung. CHAHAR-SUIYUAN MISSION Organized 1932 Territory: Provinces of Chahar, Suiyuan, except that portion of Suiyuan south of latitude 40, and that portion of Shansi that lies north of Great Wall. Population: 6,000,000; churches, 1; members, 50. Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Kalgan, Chahar. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China. Officers: Director, Tsou Hsun-yuan. Sec.-Treas., —. Executive Committee: Tsou Hsun-yuan, Dr. Harold Mourer, Liu Teh-chung, Wu Chin-feng. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Field Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Liu Huan-hsi. Home Miss., Tsou HsIm-yuan. Minister: Tsou Hsun-yuan. Missionary Licentiates: Cheng Chung Sheng, Liu Huanhsi, Liu Chi-ch'ing, Wu Chinfeng. HOPEI MISSION Organized 1918 Territory: The Province of Hopei. Population: 30,341,127; churches, 4; members, 533. Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Peiping. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei. Officers: Director, C. B. Green. Sec. and Treas., Keng Kun-lin. Executive Committee: C. B. Green, • Wanh Hsi-yuan, Keng Kun-lin, Ma Chi-min, A , A Es- 108 CHINA DIVISION teb, Pai Tze-heng, Liu Fu-an, Keng Fu-kuang. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Hsu Wen-pin. Educational, Li Kuang-chen. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Sabbath School, Wang Ja-ju. Y. P. M. V., Wang Ja-ju. Ministers: C. B. Green, Wang Hsi Yuen. Licentiates: Kong Fu Kwang, Lucy Andrus, Wang Tze-yuan, Pei Tza-heng. Missionary Licentiates: Pai Tze-heng, Mrs. Ko, Shan Tze Ch'ang, Keng Chiao-chun, Mrs. C. B. Green, Wang Taochin, Wang Ja-ju, Chang PaoCh'ing, Chu Wen-hsin, Chun T'ai T'ai. JEHOL MISSION Organized 1933 Territory: Province of Jehol. Population: 2,500,000; churches, 1; members, 30. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hsi Ta Chieh, Ch'eng Teh, Jehol. Officers: Director: Ko Chiao-liang. Sec.-Treas., Ko Chiao-liang. Executive Committee: North China Union Mission Committee. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Ching Tsai-t'ing. Field Miss., Ching Tsai-t'ing. Home Miss., Ko Chiao-Lang.. MONGOLIAN MISSION Organized 1930 Territory: Mongolia. Population: 3,600,000; churches, 1; members, 9. Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Kalgan. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar. Officers: Director, Otto Christensen. Sec. and Treas., Otto Christensen. Executive Committee: Otto Christensen, Mrs. Otto Christensen, J. Maltsev, Dr. Harold Mourer, P. Rodionoff. Department Secretaries: Mission Publishing House, Otto Christensen. Sabbath School, Mrs. Otto Christensen. Minister: Otto Christensen. Licentiates: J. Maltsev, P. V. Rodionoff. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Otto Christensen. SHANSI MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The Province of Shansi, south of the Great Wall. Population: 11,114,592; churches, 1; members, 329. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Taiyuanfu. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 36 Fu Hsi Chieh, Taiyu-anfu, Shansi. Officers: Director, Chiao Wen Li. Sec. and Treas., Chow Hsin Min. Executive Committee: Chiao Wen Li, Chow Hsin Min, Wang Chih-t'ai, Chang Feng-t'ing, Hsu Chi-li. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Chow Hsin-min. Field Miss., Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Chang Fneg-t'ing. Sabbath Sch., Chow Hsin-min. Minister: Chiao Wen-li. Missionary Licentiates: Li An-jen, Wang Chih-t'ai, Mrs. Li Jen-min, Hsu Chi-li, Chang Feng-t'ing, Li Fu-t'ien, Chang Chin-an, Li Chang-hsi. SHANTUNG MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Shantung. CHINA DIVISION. Population: 30,803,245; churches, 4; members, 522. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tsinan. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung. Officers: DirE;ctor, W. J. Harris. Sec.-Treas., Shen Tze-ming. Executive Committee, W. J. Harris, R. M. Cossentine, Shen Tze-ming, Chang Chien-kuan, Shen Chien-p'an, Dwan Yungch'ien, Chang Tze-t'ing„ Liao Hua. Department Secretaries: • Book and Periodical House, Shen Tze-ming. 109 Field Miss., Dwan Yung-ch'ien. , Home Miss., Dwan Yung-ch'ien. Sabbath School, Educational, and Y. P. M. V., Liao Hua. Ministers: W. J. Harris, R. M. Cossentine, Shen Chen-p'an. Licentiates: Dwan Yung-ch'ien, Chang Ch'ien-kuang. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. J. Harris, Mrs. R. M. Cossentine, Liao Hua, Ni Mengchi, Mrs. Shen Tze-ming, Fu Juilien, Hsieh Chin-lan, Mrs. Jen, Chang Jen-chu, Yang Hna-chang, Goh Chiao-chin, Wang Te-ehun, Liu Hsiao-Chiu, Hwang HsiuYing. NORTHWEST CHINA UNION MISSION Organized 1932 Territory: Provinces of Chinghai, Kansu, Ninghsia, Shensi, and Sinkiang, plus that portion of Suiyuan Province south of 36° N. Lat. Population: 26,147,023; churches, 12; members, 595. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lanchow. Postal Address: Northwest China Union Mission of S. D. A., Lanchow, Kansu, China. Officers: Acting Supt., G. J. Appel. Sec. and Treas., L. H. Davies. Executive Committee: G. J. Ap,pel, L. H. Davies, Z. H. Coberly, J. H. Shultz, N. 0. Dahlsten, Wu Dz Shan, Chen Wen Shio, Shao Chen Shiu, Ho Ping-Dwan. Department Secretaries: Educational, Z. H. Coberly. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Medical, M. H. Vinkel, M. D. Ministers: G. J. Appel, L. H. Davies, Wu Dz Shan. Missionary Licentiates: Liu Fu-an, Ho Pin.- Dwan, Swen }Twit Ting, Mrs. Ho b Ping Divan, Lo Hwei On, Hsiao Keh Ching, Mrs. M. H. Vinkel, Wang Dz Ching, Mrs. G. J. Appel, Mrs. L. H. Davies. CHINGHAI MISSION Organized 1933 Territory: Chinghai Province. Population: 700,000; churches and companies, 4; members, 34. Postal Address: Fa Yuen Chieh, Sining, Chinghai. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Sining. Officers: Director, Chen Wen Shio. Sec. and Treas., Chen Wen Shio. Executive Committee: Chen Wen Shio, Fung Djung Tsoong, Yu Dun Tien. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Yii Dun Tien. Minister: Chen Wen Shio. CHINA DIVISION 110 Missionary Licentiates: Yli Dun Tien, Wang Pei Chun, Fung Djun Tsoong. Church School Teachers: Yu Sz Mu, Hsiieh Djan Ting, Gwoh Toong Dji. KANSU MISSION Organized 1933 Territory: Kansu Province, and that part of Ninghsia Province lying west of 103°20' E. Long. Population: 9,750,645; churches and companies, 5; members, 105. Postal Address: Kansu Mission of S. D. A., Lanchow, Kansu, China. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lanchow. Officers: Director, J. H. Shultz, (Chone, Kansu). Sec. and Treas., P. H. Shigley. Executive Committee: J. H. Shultz, P. H. Shigley, Chen Wen Hwang, Swen Sway Ching, Tsai Shu Shung, Liu Shih Yen. Department Secretaries: Educational, Chen Wen Hwang. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., P. H. Shigley. Sab. School, Swen Sway Ching. Minister: J. H. Shultz. Missionary Licentiates: Liu Tsoong Ho, Mrs. J. H. Shultz, Hsiao Keh Ching, Hsueh Ching Swan, Swen Sway Ching; Liu Shih Yen, Chen Wen Hwang, Tsai Hoong Fay. Church School Teachers: Chen Wen Hwang, Tsai Hoong Fay. NINGHSIA MISSION Organized 1933 Territory: Ninghsia Province ex- cept that part west of 103°20' East Long.; but including twenty hsiens in Shensi Province, north of 32° N. Lat., and that part of Suiyuan Province south of 360 N. Lat. 1,342,425; churches, 2; members, 21. Postal Address: Djung Shan Da Chieh, Ninghsia, Ninghsia. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Ninghsia. Population: Officers: The Union Committee. Department Secretaries: ' Educational, Z. H. Coberly. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Tan Deh En. Licentiates: Shao Chen Shiu, Chen Peh Dao. Missionary Licentiates: Tan Deh En, Kung Shin Shan. SHENSI MISSION Organized 1933 Territory: Shensi Province, except 20 hsiens north of 32° N. Lat. Population: 11,802,451; churches, 10; companies, 18; members 435. Postal Address: Shensi Mission of S. D. A., Outside West Gate, Sianfu, Shensi. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Sianfu. Officers: Director, Z. H. Coberly. Sec. and Treas., Z. H. Coberly. Executive ' Committee: Z. H. Coberly, Djia Tai Hsiang, Liu Shill Chang, Ho Ping Dwan, Fan Deh Djuin, Wang Shih Wu, Li . Den Yin. Department Secretaries: Educational, Ho Ping Dwan., Field Miss., Liu Shih Chang. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Djia Tai Hsiang. Medical, Mrs. Coberly. Minister: Z. H. Coberly. Licentiate: Djia Tai Hsiang. Missionary Licentiates: Fan Deh Djuin, Mrs. Z. H. Coberly, Li Dun Yin, Liu Shill Chang, Wang Shih Wu, Gob Lien Sin, Lu Beh Ran. CHINA DIVISION SINKIANG MISSION Organized 1933 Territory: Province of Sinkiang. Population: 2,551,502. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Lanchow, Kansu, China. 111 Officers: The Union Executive Committee. Minister: N. 0. Dahlsten. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. N. 0. Dahlsten, Simeon Agafonoff, P. H. Shigley, Mrs. P. H. Shigley. SOUTH CHINA UNION MISSION Reorganized 1919 Territory: The Provinces of Kwangsi, Kwangtung, Fukien; the Island of Hainan; the Colonies of Hong Kong and Macau. Population: 71,588,837; churches, 44; companies 63; members, 3,115. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Adventist," Hongkong. Telephone: 23407. Office Address: " La Rue Villa," 40 Stubbs Road, Hongkong, China. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310, Hongkong, China. Officers: Supt., 0. A. Hall. Sec., Treasurer, and Auditor, W. E. Eberhardt. Executive Committee: 0. A. Hall, W. E. Eberhardt, P. L. Williams, J. P. Anderson, L. C. Wilcox, K. T. Khng, B. L. Anderson, S. T. Lo, V. J. Maloney, P. V. Thomas, T. P. Tshi, T. S. Woo, C. E. Wimer, A. L. Ham, D. D. Coffin, C. Y. Hung, Mrs. 0. A. Hall, S. T. Ging, H. S. Leung. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., L. C. Wilcox. Field Miss., C. E. Wimer; Asso., E. H. Ngo. Home Miss., L. C. Wilcox. Medical, D. D. Coffin, M. D. Sabbath School, Mrs. 0. A. Hall. Ministers: 0. A. Hall, A. L. Ham, L. C. Wilcox. Licentiates: C. E. Wimer, E. H. Ngo. Missionary Licentiates: W. E. Eberhardt, Mrs. C. E. Wimer, Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Mrs. W. E. Eberhardt, Mrs. L. C. Wilcox, Mrs. A. L. Ham, Miss Nell Ketterman, Harry Wan. CANTONESE MISSION Territory: The Cantonese-speaking portion of Kwangtung Province; Hongkong, Macao and Hainan Island. Population: 15,000,000; churches, 12; companies, 7; members, 738. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mission," Canton. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Officers: Director, P. L. Williams; Asso., T. S. Woo. Sec.-Treas., S. S. Wong. Accountant, S. S. Wong. Mission Committee: P. L. Williams, H. S. Leung, C. N. Tso, T. S. Woo, T. M. Lei, S. C. Ha, S. S. Wong, Dr. F. E. Bates. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. S. Leung. Field Miss., P. T. Lo. Home Miss., T. M. Lei. Medical, F. E. Bates, M. D. Sabbath School, P. T. Lo. Y. P. M. V., . Ministers: E. G. Annofsky, H. B. Parker, T. S. Woo, C. N. Tso, Dr. F. E. Bates. 112 CHINA DIVISION Licentiates: P. L. Williams, S. M. Cheung, S. C. Ha, Lo Pak Tsim, S. C. Chan, Y. T. Fung, Dr. Lung-PingHang, T. M. Lai, H. S. Leung, S. S. Wong, Wong Chung Man. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. B. Parker, Mrs. P. L. Williams, Mrs. E. G. Annofsky, P. T. Lo, Y. N. Chow, Mrs. F. K Bates, Lam Sz Ki, Lai Shai Kwong, Leung Wa Yau, Dr. S. K. Hung, Maou Tsz Yan, Au Sz Tai, Chan Ye Ku, Loo Yee Hing,' Tso Wing Kie, Hou Lap Chung, Elsie Wong, Sin Yum Kwong, Bak Yuan Chick, Leung Tong Leung, Pang Lein Geit, Marian Phang. Church School Teachers: Leung Hing Sun, Tsoi Sz Man, Mrs. Hoh Wai Yu, Luk Hing Hung, Chin Shek Kwong, Wan So Wan, Ho Wai Man, Chung Tse 0i, Poon Cheng Pik, Miss Chue. HAKKA MISSION Territory: The Hakka-speaking portion of the Provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien. Population: 8,200,000; churches and companies, 20; members, 740. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Officers: Director, P. V. Thomas; Asso. Dir., Tshi Tsok Phien. Sec. and Treas., P. V. Thomas. Accountant, Wang Tsu Tan. Mission Committee: P. V. Thomas, Dr. H. C. James, Lo Tet Tsun, Tshi Tsok Phien, Ng Uuk Pin, Chong Sin Tso, Chung Tsu Kium, Ho Tsing. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Wang Tsu Tan. Educ., Field Miss., Sab. Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Ho Tsing. Home Miss., Tshi Tsok Phien. Medical: H. C. James, M. D. Ministers: P. V. Thomas, Tshi Tsok Phien, Lo Tet Tsun, Ng Yuk Pin. Licentiate: Dr. H. C. James. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. C. James, M. D., Mrs. P. V. Thomas, Chen Chi So, Li Tsu Fan, 'Chang En Tshien, Ohk Nyong, Ng Yok Chhi, Lo Tet Tshien, Vun Shau Vun, Ho Tshin, Chong Sin Tso, Chong Thau Fam, Li Moi Fa, Chung Yuk Hon, Wong. Yip Chiu, Lo Fui En, Chong Kwet En, Liu Tsu Nyau, Chong Yun Fo. Church School Teachers: Wong Pang Shau, Lo Yun Kao, Li Chhun Shi, Chung Yuk Hon. KWANGSI MISSION Territory: The Province of Kwangsi, and On Po, Ling Shan and Yam Chow Districts in Kwangtung. Population: 12,250,000; churches and companies, 13; members, 320. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Officers: Director, J. P. Anderson. Sec. and Treas., J. P. Anderson. Asst. Treas., Lei Hang Sung. Committee: J. P. Anderson, Dr. D. D. Coffin, V. M. Hansen, Lei Hang Sung, Siu Pok On, Lo Wai Tuen, Chick Tai Keung. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Lei Hang Sun. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Sim Pok On. Field Missy and Home Miss., Chick Tai Keung. Medical, D. D. Coffin, M. D. CHINA DIVISION Sabbath School, Lei Hang Sung. Ministers: J. P. Anderson, Lo Sin Tsai. Licentiates: D. D. Coffin, M. D., V. M. Han- sen, Siu Pok On, Cheung Yan Kin, Chou Hei Nien, Cheung Pui Hung. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Mrs. D. D. Coffin, Mrs. V. M. Hansen, Yang King Shan, Chick Tai Keung, Wong King Sing, Lei Chak Man, Lei Hang Sung, Tong Oi Chan, Mrs. Chan Chuck Ping, Lo Tai Ma, Mrs. Siu Pok On, So Nei Kei. NORTH FUKIEN MISSION Territory: The northern portion of the Province of Fukien. Population: 13,200,000; churches and companies,. 22; members, 505. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Foochow, China. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mission," Foochow. Officers: Director, V. J. Maloney. Sec. and Treas., V. J. Maloney. Mission Committee: V. J. Maloney, Chai Guok Hong, Ging So Tang, Ngu Ong Ing, Diong Chiong Mi, Ling Buong Sieng. Department Secretaries: Book and • Periodical House, Cong Ga Ciong. Educational, Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Ling Buong Sieng. Field Miss., Iek Sing. Ministers: V. J. Maloney, Chai Guok Hong. Licentiate: Ging Su Tang. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. V. J. Maloney. Native Evangelists: Diong Chi- ong Mi, Eu long Ching, Ging Ko Bing, Ho Do Sing, Ho Haiu Hua, Iek Chung Guong, Iong Ming Ong, Kieu Gi Sieu, Ling Buoi Hi, Kong Ting Sing, Hong Bing Dung, Ling Ging Ciong. 113 Bible Women: Mrs. Ho Do Sing, Ling Huoi Mu, Mrs. Do, Mrs. Ngu Hu Liong, Mrs. Kung Hok Hi, Mrs. Ding Ging Gieu, Mrs. Uong Bing Dung. Church School Teachers: Hong Cong Keng, Ngu Diong Sang, Mrs. Eu Icing, Ling Guok Sing, Ngieng Giu' Hok, Ding Chung Hung, Long Huo King. SOUTH FUKIEN MISSION Territory: The southern half of Fukien Province. Population: 12,000,000, churches, 8; companies, 7; members, 417. Cable Address: "Adventist Mis- sion," Amoy. Office Address: S, D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. (Telephone No. 70.) Officers: Director, B. L. Anderson. Sec.-Treas., B. L. Anderson. Asso. Dir., C. Y. Hung. Accountant, Siaw Teck Yam. Mission Committee: B. L. Anderson, N. K. Keh, N. S. Tan, C. T. Tan, C. Y. Hung, K. T. So, T. T. Chhoa, J. G. MacIntyre, N. P. Keh. Department Secretaries: Educational, — Home Miss., C. Y. Hung. 'Publishing, K. H. Hung. Sabbath School, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Ang Kim Hi. Y. P. M. V., J. G. MacIntyre. Ministers: B. L. Anderson, N. K. Keh, C. Y. Hung, N. P. Keh. Licentiates: C. T. Tan, N. S. Tan, K. T. So, S. C. Keh, T. K. Keh, K. H. Hung, B. L. Tan, T. S. Ngo, J. G. MacIntyre, K. H. Ang. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. B.,L. Anderson, Mrs. J. G. MacIntyre, In Su Hui. Bible Women (native): 'Lu Ban Chim, Tsng A Tsu, Lim Sun Bee, Tan Po Siu. 114 CHINA DIVISION Church School Teachers: Lim Soon Eng, Tiu Hoai Kok, Si Iau Teng, Lee Thien Chia, Jim Se Kang, Tan Giok Chia, Tan Tsang Chi, Lim Lo To. SWATOW MISSION Territory: The Eastern slope of the province of Kwangtung. Population: 11,200,000; churches and companies, 14; members, 380. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mission," Swatow. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Officers: Director, K. T. Kling. Treas., South China U. Office. Sub. Treasurer, — Accountant: Harry Wan. Sec., S. G. Lim. Committee: K. T. Khing, K. H. Tan, M. C. Ng, J. Hwang, T. N. Lo, S. T. Heng. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Educational and Sabbath &h., K. T. Kling. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Joseph Hwang. Y. P. M. V., T. S. Teng. Ministers: T. K. Ang, K. T. Khng. Licentiates: T. N. Lo, Ng Mia Cheng, Heng Seng 'Peck, Ng Hi long, Lee Theng Huan, S. K. Ie. Missionary Licentiates: Joseph Hwang, T. S. Teng, Lin Pan Tau, Rang Bun Chau, Gou Soh Lau, Ang Tsu Ch'ai Tan Choeh Run, Mrs. Sng, Miss Khu, Mrs. Lou Rang, Chan Kia Ti, Pe Hur, Ho Su Kim, Tan Pok Cheng. Church School Teachers: T. S. Teng, Mrs. Sng, Lee Su Ian. WEST CHINA UNION MISSION Organized igig. Territory: The Provinces of Szechwan, Yunnan, Kweichow, Sikang, and Tibet. Population: 92,679,380; churches, 24; members, 1,670. Telegraph Address: " Adventist Mission," Chungking. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Officers: Supt., G. L. Wilkinson. Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, H. R. Dixon. Executive Committee: G. L. Wilkinson, H. R. Dixon, D. R. White, Ho Ai Deng, C. B. Miller, A. E. Hughes, A. B. Buzzell, Hwang Dzi Chiang, Wang An Hsi, F. W. Johnson, Djang Djen Chiang, Li Wan Chuen, H. E. James, P. P. Bartholomew, Feng Deh Seng, Chen Gien Wen, Chen Gwoh Djun. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., Hwang Dzi Chiang. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Djang Djen Chiang. Sab. Sch., Hwang Dzi Chiang. Ministers: G. L. Wilkinson, A. E. Hughes, Hwang Dzi Chiang. Licentiates: H. R. Dixon, Djang Djen Chiang, Djeng Fu. Yung. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. H. Dixon, Mrs. G. L. Wilkinson, Mrs. A. E. Hughes. EAST KWEICHOW MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: That portion of Kwei- CHINA DIVISION chow Province east of a north and south line passing just west of Sungkan, Tsunyi, and Kweiyang to Anping; and south of a line from Anping west to the Yunnan border. Population: 7,850,000; churches, 3; members, 180. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. Officers: Director, F. W. Johnson. Sec. and Treas., F. W. Johnson. Mission Committee: F. W. Johnson, Li Wan Chuen, Feng Lung Chung, Chen Feng Lin. Department Secretaries:. Bible House, F. W. Johnson. Educational, Fang Wen Hwa. Home Miss., Li Wan Chuen. Sab. School, Mrs. F. W. Johnson. Minister: Li Wan Chuen. Licentiates: F. W. Johnson, Chen Feng Lin, Chang Djen Kwei. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. W. Johnson, Lung Chang, Lung Fan Min, Lueh Wu Liang, Djang Hsi Djang, Li Choen An, Pan Shu Ho. Church School Teacher: Fang Wen Hwa. EAST SZECHWAN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The eastern portion of Szechwan Province. Population: 32,550,000; churches, 10; members, 530. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Officers: Director, D. R. White. Sec.-Treas., H. R. Dixon. Mission Committee: D. R. White, H. R. Dixon, Wang An Hsi, Liu Dzi Shih, Yang Sin Seng, Giang Gwang Yao', Yii Gung Tsing. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, Yii Gung Tsing. Home Miss., Wang An Hsi. 115 Educational and Y. P. M. V., Yii Gung Tsing. Field Miss., Giang Gwang Yao. Sabbath School, Wang An Hsi. Ministers: D. R. White, Li Geng Yii, Wang An Hsi. Licentiates: Ren Gwoh Hwa, Yang Gi Djou, Yang Sin Seng, Yfi Gung Tsing. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. D. R. White, Chuen Ding Wan, Liu Dzi Shih, Loh Tseh Chuen, Chen Djung, Shuen, Dai Ging Szi. Church School Teachers: Tan Dzu Dji, Li Wei Dji. TIBETAN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The western portion of Szechwan Province and Tibet. Population: 2,900,000; churches, 1; members, 9. Address: S. D. A. •Mission, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Officers: Director, P. Bartholomew. Sec. and Treas., P. Bartholomew. Licentiates: P. Bartholomew, Chen Tse Chiao. Mfssionary Licentiates: Mrs. P. Bartholomew, H. E. James, M. D., Mrs. H. E. James, An Deh Hsiion. WEST KWEICHOW MISSION Organized 1927 Territory: That portion of Kweichow Province west of a northand south line passing just west of Sungkan, Tsunyi, and Kweiyang to Anping; and north of a line from Anping west to the Yunnan border; and that portion of Yunnan east of the Yangtze and north of Tungchwan and Kutsingfu; and .that portion of Szechwan province south of the Yangtze from Sulfa, but not including Hokiang. 116 CHINA DIVISION Organized Churches: 5; members, 528. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Officers: Director, Ho Ai Deng. Sec. and Treas., Ho Ai Deng. Minister: Ho Ai Deng. Licentiates: Dzu Yin Tin, Chen Gwoh Djun, Chen Dji Lung. Missionary Licentiates: Li Ni Djung, Dju Da Mei, Ren Djung Hsin, Tao Fu Using, Wong Hsin Bang, Wang Ya Men, Gwoh Gia Chiang, Yang Chi Lien, Ou Shao Sin, Li Gi An. Bible Women: Yang Lung Si, Wang Fu Liang. Ho Ren Ming, Gung. Si Nue. WEST SZECHWAN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The middle-west portion of Szechwan Province. Population: 32,062,000; churches, 4; members, 149. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Officers: Director, A. B. Buzzell. Sec.-Treas., A. B. Buzzell. Mission Committee: A. B. Buzzell, Mrs. A. B. Buzzell, Li Deli Hsin, Dzo Dzen Tin, Li Gi Chuan, Lu Da Hwa, Wang Kwei Yu. Department Secretaries: Book and Periodical House, P. C. Hsiao. Field Miss., D. T. Dzo. Sabbath School and Home Miss., Li Gi Chuan. Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. D. Chang. Minister: A. B. Buzzell. Licentiates: Li Deli Hsin, Lo Yin Djang. Missionary Licentiates: Chen Hwa Hsuen, Lin Han Chin, Mrs. A. B. Buzzell, G. C. Li, 1). T. Dzo, I. Y. Dzen, Yang Kai Hsuen. Church School Teachers: C. D. Chang, Mrs. C. D. Chang. YUNNAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: All the province of Yunnan except the northeast corner above Tungchwan. Population: 9,938,180; churches, 2; members, 268. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. Officers: Director, C. B. Miller. Sec. and Treas., C. B. Guild. Mission Committee: C. B. Miller, Feng Deli Sen, C. B. Guild. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School and Home Miss., Mrs. Dora L. Feng. Ministers: C. B. Miller, Feng Deh Sen. Licentiates: Cecil Guild, Lo Gwei Ih, Liu Hen Ih. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. B. Miller, Mrs. Cecil Guild, Mrs. Dora L. Feng, Hu Keh Tsang, Lung Tsan Deh, Hang Tsong Gwang, Han Wan Hsuen, Sen Liu Sz Mu. Church School Teacher: Sen Liu Sz Mu, Shen Chien 'Wen, Mrs. Chen Chien Wen. INSTITUTIONS IN CHINA DIVISION Educational: Anhwei Junior Middle School, Pengpu, Anhwei, China. Bee Hwa Middle School, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Canton Middle School, Tungshan, Canton, China. China Training Institute, Chiao Tou Tseng, Kiangsu Province, China. Far Eastern Academy, 458 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Foochow Intermediate School, Foochow, China. CHINA DIVISION Hankow Bible and Industrial Institute of S. D. A., Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Harbin Training Institute, Tsitsihar St.,9, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Home Study Institute, Oriental Branch, 525 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Ronan Junior Middle School, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Hopei Training Institute, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Hunan Provincial Junior Middle School, Changsha, Hunan, China. Manchurian Union Training Institute, Wen Kuan Tun, Mukden, Manchuria. North China Training Institute, Fengtai, Hopei, China. Northwest China Union Mission School, Tsaotan, Shensi. Shanghai Training School for Nurses. Postal Address, Box 1281. 150 Rubicon Road Shanghai, China. Shantung Training Institute, 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung. South Chekiang Training Instititute, Da Bao, Tsi Chi kou, West China Union Bible Instititute, Da Bao, Tsitsikow, Szechwan. West Kweichow Provincial, Mission School, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Publishing: Signs of the Times Publishing House 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Sungari Mission Press, P. 0. ' 117 Box 20, Newtown, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Tibetan Mission Press, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Mongolian Mission Press, S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China. Medical: Canton Sanitarium and Hospital, Sam Yuk Road, Tung Shan, Canton, China. Chiao Tou Hospital-Dispensary, China Training Institute, Ciao Tou Tseng, Kiangsu, China. Fui On Hospital-Dispensary, Adventist Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Lanchow Hospital, Lanchow, Kansu, China. Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary, Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwangtung, l'h na Nanning Hospital - Dispensary, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. North China Sanitarium and Hospital, Kalgan, Chahar, China. Shanghai Sanitarium. Postal Address, Box 1281. 150 Rubicon Road, Shanghai China; also a branch establishment at 33 Range Road, Shanghai, China; City Medical office, Room 225-226, Sassoon House, Shanghai, China. Sheng Yang Sanitarium-Hospital, Beh Ling, Mukden, Manchuria. Sheng Yang (Mukden) Clinic, 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Tatsienlu Dispensary, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. FAR EASTERN DIVISION Organized ror Territory: Japan, Chosen (Korea), Formosa, Japanese Mandates, Philippine Islands, Straits Settlements, British North Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak, Malay States, Siam, and French Indo-China, all of which is comprised in the Chosen, Japan, Malayan and Philippine Union Missions. Population: 140,824,070; churches, 439; members, 22,013. Cable Address: "Adventist," Manila. Telegraphic Address: Baguio, Mountain Province. Temporary Headquarters: Navy Road, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Postal Address: Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Officers: President, Frederick Griggs. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, - Eugene Woesner. Executive Board: Frederick Griggs, Eugene Woesner, W. P. Bradley, J. H. McEachern, J. G. Gjording, R. R. Figuhr, V. T. Armstrong, H. A. Oberg, Dr. H. A. Hall, Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs, E. A. Moon, A. N. Nelson, Dr. G. H. Rue, W. E. Scharffenberg. Legal Assn.: "General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists." Eugene Woesner, Attorney-in-fact, for the Philippine Islands. Educational Department: Sec., W. P. Bradley. Office Sec., Edith McPherson. Members: J. L. Cummins, A. N. Nelson, H. M. Lee, F. L. Bunch, Tomas Pilar, Yee Sung Eui, S. Ogura, R. Senson, F. W. Detamore, C. W. Lee, Dr. H. A. Hall, W. A. Scharffenberg, H. A. Oberg, L. M. Stump. Home Commission: Sec., Mrs. J. H. McEachern. Members: W. P. Bradley, Mrs. 118 Eugene Woesner, Dr. H. A. Hall, Mrs. R. R. Figuhr, Mrs. Theodora Wangerin, Mrs. J. G. Gjording Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs. Home Missionary Department: Secretary, J. H. McEachern. Office Sec., Edith McPherson. Members: C. M. Lee, R. M. Milne, Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs, R. S. Watts, V. T. Armstrong, Antonio Abawag, W. H. Bergberm, Dr. H. A. Hall, W. P. Bradley. Medical Department: Sec., Dr. H. A. Hall. Members: Dr. E. E. Getzlaff, Dr. J. E. Gardner, Dr. G. H. Rue. Ministerial Association: Sec., Frederick Griggs. Office Sec., Dorothy J. Wheeler. Members: The Division departmental secretaries, the superintendents of union missions, the principals of the advanced training schools in the Far Eastern Division. Publishing Department: Sec., J. H. McEachern. Office Sec., Edith McPherson. Members: M. F. Wiedemann, R. M. Milne, E. J. Kraft, E. A. Moon, W. E. Gillis, V. T. Armstrong, W. W. R. Lake, H. A. Oberg, Eugene Woesner, E. M. Adams, H. P. Evens, S. Miyake. Sabbath School Department: Sec., Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs. Office Sec., Dorothy J. Wheeler. Members: F. R. Millard, Li Sibarani, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, Jose 0. Bautista, F. W. Detamore, W. P. Bradley, J. G. Gjording, Mrs. R. R. Figuhr. Young People's Miss. Vol. Dept.: Sec., W. P. Bradley. Office Sec., Edith McPherson. Members: F. A. Mote, J. L. Cummins, Gil de Guzman, A. N. Nel- FAR EASTERN DIVISION son, S. Ogura, R. S. Watts, F. W. Detamore, J. IL McEachern, V. T. Armstrong, R. R. Figuhr. Transportation Agents: Eugene Woesner (chairman); the union treasurers of the Japan, Chosen, Philippine, and Malayan Unions. Division Building Committee: The Division Executive Committee. LABORERS HOLDING CREDENTIALS FROM THE FAR EASTERN DIVISION Ministers: Frederick Griggs, J. H. McEach- 119 ern, W. P. Bradley, J. G. Gjording, V. T. Armstrong, R. R. Figuhr, H. A. Oberg. Licentiates: Eugene Woesner, H. W. Klaser, I. E. Gillis, H. J. Perkins. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs, Mrs. Eugene Woesner, Mrs. J. H. McEachern, Mrs. W. P. Bradley, Dorothy J. Wheeler, Edith McPherson, Nora Atkins. CHOSEN UNION MISSION Mission organized 1908; Conference organized rgr7; Union Mission organized rgig Territory: Chosen (Korea). Population: 21,058,305; churches, 104; members, 3,253. Cable Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Western Union Five letter Code. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen, (Telephone, Kokamon 1721.) Officers: Superintendent, H. A. Oberg. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, I. E. Gillis. Executive Committee: H. A. Oberg, I. E. Gillis, T. H. Chae, T. S. Chyong, W. J. Pudewell, N. C. Kim, E. J. Urquhart, H. M. Lee, W. E. Gillis, G. H. Rue, Ernst Bahr, R. S. Watts, S. E. Lee, K. I. Lee, S. W. Im. Legal Organization Title: Zidon of the Chosen Union Conference of S. D. A. Department Secretaries: Educational, -H. M. Lee. Field Miss., Ernst Bahr. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. S. Watts. Medical, 0. H. Rue, M. D. Sab. Sch. and Home Commission, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin. Ministers: H. A. Oberg, H. M. Lee, C. W. Lee, W. E. Gillis, H. F. Benson, R. S. Watts, Ernst Bahr, P, N. Kim, Y. S.. Pak. Licentiates: S. E. Lee, Y. M. Kim, K. I. Lee, I. E. Gillis, C. S. Son, Y. S. Leu, C. C. Kim, Y. H. Hyun, G. H. Rue, M. D., C. U. Pak, Y. S. Oh, C. R. Son, N. S. Lee S. S. Ko. Missionary Licentiates: P. E. Tin, H. S. Leu, S. E. Yune, K. S. Pak, 0. S. Chae, P. S. Pak, W. S. Chang, Y. W. Lee, P. S. Kwak, P. S. Lim, S. S. Kim, H. K. Kim, S. G. Chawng, P. S. Im, Meriam Pak, K. K. Cho, C. U. Kim, Y. C. Chae, 0. C. Kim, H. K. Ko, P. K. Ko, N. W. Chyung, S. W. Im, 0. I. Chae, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, A. R. Tucker, Mrs. R. S. Watts, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, Miss H. M. Scott, Mrs. H. M. Lee, Mrs. E. J. Urquhart, Mrs. H. F. Benson, Mrs. G. H. Rue, Mrs. C. W. Lee, Mrs. H. A. Oberg, Mrs. M1-5, W: 120 FAR EASTERN DIVISION Pudewell, Mrs. Ernst Bahr, Mrs. • W. E. Gillis. Training School Teachers: H. M. Lee, Y. H. Hyun, A. A. Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, H. F. Benson, K. I. Lee, P. N. Kim, IL K. Kim, P. S. Kwak, S. G. Chawng, Y. W. Lee, Y. Higashi, Y. I. Chae, Y. M. Kim. Church School Teachers: P. K. Koh, N. W. Chyung, S. W. Im, 0. I. Chae. CENTRAL CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: Provinces of Kang Won (except the counties of Tong Chyung, Ko Syung, Im Chae, Yang Yang, Kang Nyung, Sam Chuk, Ul Chin, Kyung Ki, Chyung Chung North (except the counties of Ok Chun and Young Dyong), Chyung Chung South (except the counties of Non Sun and Tai Chun). Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. (Telephone, Kokamon 1721.) Officers: Director, T. H. Chae. Sec.-Treas., S. S. Ko. Executive Committee: T. H. Chae, S. S. Ko, Y. S. Min, C. H. Lim, K. P. Pak, R. S. Watts, Theo. Wangerin. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Lee. Field Miss., C. H. Lim. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. S. Watts. Sabbath School, Theo. Wangerin. Ministers: T. H. Chae, K. P. Pak. Licentiates: C. H. Lim, H. S. Han, S. R. Oh, M. K. Kim, H. P. Oh, P. C. Lee, M. q. Lee. Missionary Licentiates: S. C. Lee, S. 0. Kim, C. S. Lee, H C. Kim, C. E. Kim, Y. K. Kim, C. Y. Han, S. C. Chyung, T. 0. No. Church School Teachers: C. S. Lee, H. C. Kim, C. E. Kim, Y. K. Kim, C. Y. Han, S. C. Chyung. NORTH CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1934 Territory: Provinces of North and South Ham Kyung, and Tong Chyung, Ko Syung, Im Chae, Yang Yang, Kang Nyung counties in Kang Won. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Wonsan, Chosen. Officers: Director, T. S.• Chyong. Sec.-Treas., S. S. Ko. Executive Committee: T. S. Chyong,. S. S. Ko, K. C. Pak S. Y. Kim, Y. S. Hwang, R. S. Watts, Theo. Wangerin.. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Lee. Field Miss., H. K. Son. Horne Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. S. Watts. Sabbath School, Theo. Wangerin. Ministers: T. S. Chyong, S. Y. Kim. Licentiates: K. C. Pak, D. S. Kim, M. T. Lee, T. K. Chyung. Missionary Licentiates: H. K. Son, T. P. Oh, S. I. Hwang, I. C. Saw, T..S. Kim, C. H. An: Church School. Teachers: T. P. Oh, S. I. Hwang, I. C. Saw, T. S. Kim. • SOUTHEAST CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1934 Territory: Provinces of North and South Kyung San, and Sam Chuk and Ul Chin counties in Kang Won. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, ChoSen. FAR EASTERN DIVISION Officers: Director, W. J. Pudewell. • Sec.-Treas., S. S. Ko. Executive Committee: W. J. Pudewell, S. S. Ko, C. H. Cho, H. M. Kim, K. Y. Sin, R. S. Watts, Theo. Wangerin. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Lee. Field Miss., Y. 0. Kim. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. S. Watts. Sabbath School, Theo. Wangerin. Ministers: 'W. J. Pudewell, C. H. Cho, H. M. Kim. Licentiates: Y. S. Yoon, Y. C. Pak, C. B. Chang. Missionary Licentiates: 0. C. Kim, P. S. Chyong, Y. E. Chin, P. A. Kim, U. C. Lee. Church School Teachers: U. C. Lee, T. H. Sin, S. S. Pak, C. S. Kwun. SOUTHWEST CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1934 Territory: Provinces of North and South Chulla, Ok Chun and Young Dyong counties in North Chyung Chun and Non San and Tai Chun counties in South Chyung Chun. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chyung Up, Chosen. Officers: Direetor, N. C. Kim. Sec,-Treas., S. S. Ko. Executive Committee: N. C. Kim, S. S. Ko, C. I. Yang, N. T. Pang, Y. It: Sin, R. S. Watts, Theo. Wangerin. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Lee. Field Miss., S. 0. Lee. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. S. Watts. Sabbath School, Theo. Wangerin. Minister: N. C. Kim. 121 Licentiates: C. I. Yang, S. L. Pae, P. W. Uh, C. H. Kim, H. K. Pae, N. D. Pang. Missionary Licentiates: I. T. Kim, T. S. Kang, S. Y. Oh. Church School Tteacher: S. Y. Oh. WEST CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: North and South Pyengyang, and Whang Hai Provinces. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Officers: Director, E. J. Urquhart. Sec. and Treas., S. S. Ko. Executive Committee: E. J. Urquhart, S. S. Ko, T. K. Kim, K. Y. Kim, S. W. Im, R. S. Watts, Theo. Wangerin., Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Lee. Field Miss., I. C. Chawn. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., R. S. Watts. Sabbath School, Theo. Wangerin. Ministers: E: J. Urquhart, S. W. Im, S. I. Nam. Licentiates: I. C. Chun, K. Y. Kim, P. T. Kim, C. H. Ha, W. S. Pak, I. C. Lee, B. S. Chyong, C. H. Kang, T. S. Chyong, Y. C. Cha. Missionary Licentiates: Maria Hyun, K. S. Syun, N. 0. Kim, E. T. Ha, S. T. Chae, H. S. Lee, W. B. Syuk. P. C. Kim. H. C. Myung, K. S. Kim, T. W. Lim, I. S. Lee, K. T. Kim, T. S. Chyung. Church School Teachers: H. S. Lee, W. B. Syuk, P. C. Kim. H. C. Myung, K. S. Kim, T. W. Lim, I. S. Lee, K. T. Kim, K. 0. Kim, N. C. Chae, T. S. Chyung, S. Y. Kim, C. M. Kim, B. M. Kim, P. K. Kim, A. K. Kim, T. M. Hyun, K. S. Hwang, N. S. Chang, S. H. Sin. JAPAN UNIO N MISSION Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, Nov. a, r917; and as a Union Mission, Aug. 20, 1919 Territory: Japan proper, Saghalin, Formosa, and the Japanese Mandates. Population: 69,542,846; churches, 19; members, 948. Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo. (Use Western Union code only.) (Phone, Ogikubo 2051.) Postal Address: Box .7, Suginami, Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Headquarters Location: 171 Amanuma Ichome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Legal Name: Japan Seventh-day Adventist Kyokai Iji Zaidan. Recognized as a corporate body by Japanese Government, July 31, 1932. Railway Station: Ogikubo, Central Line.-35 minutes from Tokyo.11/2 hours from Yokohama. Officers: Supt., V. T. Armstrong. Sec. and Treas., C. D. Forshee. Executive Committee: V.' T. Armstrong, H. J. Perkins, A. N. Anderson, A. C. Koch, Seikichi Kaneko, Hide Kuniya, E. J. Kraft, T. H. Okohira, Tokutaro Kobayashi, T. Kajiyama, George Dietrich, Syroh Ogura, Dr. Paul V. Starr, F. R. Millard. Department Secretaries: Educational, A. N. Nelson. . Field Miss., E. J. Kraft. Home Miss., F. R. Millard. Home Com., Mrs. V. T. Armstrong. Medical, Dr. Paul V. Starr. Sab. Sch., F. R. Millard. Y. P. M. V., Syroh Ogura. - Union Evangelist: Hide Kuniya. Ministers: V. T. Armstrong, A. N.' Nelson, T. H. Okohira, Hide Kuniya, Syroh Ogura, H. P. Evens, A. N. Anderson. 122 Licentiates: S. Furuya, E. J. Kraft, F. R. Millard, H. J. Perkins. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Mrs. E. J. Kraft, Mrs. Paul V. Starr, Dr. Paul V. Starr, Mrs. H. P. Evens, Mrs. H. J. Perkins, Vivian L. Voth, Roby W. Peck, C. F. Thurston, Mrs. C. F. Thurston, S. Tanaka, M. Fukuzawa, Mrs. Ai Fukuzawa, Dr. S. Watanabe, H. Yanami, H. Kikuchi, M. Mocikuki, C. D. Forshee, Mrs. C. D. Forshee. FORMOSA (TAIWAN) MISSION Address: 7 Hanazono-cho 3 Chome, Tainan, Taiwan. Missionary Licentiate: Nagao Wachi. Operated under the direct supervision of the Executive committee of the Japan Union Mission. HOKKAIDO MISSION Address: Minami 6 Jo, Niahi 11 Chome, Sapporo, Japan. Officers: Director, A. C. Koch. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Executive Committee: A. Koch, H. J. Perkins, K. Ochiai, sec., T. Hayakawa, K. Sugimoto, S. Ishikawa. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., S. Ishekowa. Home Miss, and Y. P. M. V., A. Koch. Sabbath School, K. Ochiai. Minister: A. C. Koch. • Licentiates: T. Ha yaka,wa, K. Ochiai. Missionary Licentiate: S. Ishikawa. FAR EASTERN DIVISION JAPANESE MANDATED ISLANDS MISSION Address: Korror, Palau (Pelew) Island. Missionary Licentiate: Jose 0. Bautista. Operated under the direct supervision of the Executive committee of the Japan Union Mission. KANSAI CHUGOKU MISSION Address: Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15 of 2., Kobe. Officers: Director, George Dietrich. Sec., I. Nomura. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Executive Committee: George Dietrich, H. J. Perkins, I. Nomura, T. Kobayashi, M. Kajino, Hiroshi Kuniya, Y. Watanabe. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., M. Kajino. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., George Dietrich. Ministers: George Dietrich, T. Kobayashi, Y. Watanabe, I. Nomura, E. Seino. Licentiates: K. Otsuki, M. Kajino, Y. Seino, Y. Fujimoto. KANTO TOHOKU MISSION Postal Address: Box 7, Suginami Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Officers: 123 Acting Direct., V. T. Armstrong Treas., H. J. Perkins. Executive Committee: V. T. Armstrong, acting chairman, H. J. Perkins, T. Hasekawa, sec., T. Nato, H. Nakauchi, T. Uehara, S. Kaneko. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., T. Nato. Home Miss., V. T. Armstrong. Sabbath School, F. R. Millard. Y. P. M. V., S. Ogura. Minister: S. Miyake. Licentiates: T. Hasegawa, H. Takaya, H. Nakauchi, K. Ishibe. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. T. Hasegawa, T. Yasui, T. Nato, K. Kobayashi, H. Ishii, T. Uehara, Miss E. Yokomizo. KYUSHU MISSION Address: 4 of 4 Komagawa, Nishi Machi, Fukuoka, Japan. Officers: Director, T. Kajiyama. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Executive Committee: T. Kajiyama, H. J. Perkins, S. Tabuchi, K. Hatada, S. Noguchi, Mr's. T. Yamagata. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., T. Kajiyama. Field Miss., K. Hatada. Minister: T. Kajiyama. Missionary Licentiates:. K. Ishibe, S. Imamura, K. Hatada, S. Noguchi. MALAYAN UNION MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Straits Settlements, ''Malay States, British North Borneo, Labuan, Brunei Sarawak; Siam, French Indo-China. Population: 37,869,119; churches, 30; membership, 1,234. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Singapore. Codes: Westen Union, Five-Letter Edition, and A. B. C., 5th Edition. Office Address: 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits 124 FAR EASTERN DIVISION Settlements. (Telephone, 7085.) Officers: Supt., J. G. Gjording. Sec., Treas., Auditor, — Executive Committee: J. G. Gjording, W. W. R. Lake, F. L. Bunch, J. E. Gardner, M. D., F. W. Detamore, R. H. Wentland, R. M. Milne, C. M. Lee, Kon Vui-leong, Mampe Siregar, L. I. Bowers. Legal Association: "General Conference Corporation of Seventhday Adventists." —, Attorney-in-fact. Department Secretaries: Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., F. W. Detamore. Field and Home Miss., R. M. Milne. Medical, J. E. Gardner, M. D. Home Corn., Mrs. J. G. Gjording. Ministers: J. G. Gjording, R. P. Abel, V. E. Hendershot, R. H. Milne, R. H. Wentland, G. B. Youngberg. Licentiates: L. I. Bowers, F. L. Bunch, F. W. Detamore, Lawrence Fox, J. E. Gardner, M. D., J. T. Pohan, A. P. Ritz. Honorary: C. M. Lee. Missionary Licentiates: M. Arokiasamy, Mrs. A. P. Ritz, Bui-van-Tieu, Em Theng, Nguyen-van-Nham, Elam Sinaga, Tran-ngoc-Te, Yio Peng-yee, Mrs. R. P. Abel, Mrs. L. I. Bowers, Mrs. F. L. Bunch, Mrs. F. W. Detamore, Mrs. J. E. Gardner, Mrs. J. G. Gjording, Mrs. V. E. Hendershot, Mrs. R. M. Milne, Miss Ina L. Moore, Mrs. R. H. Wentland, Mrs. G., Youngberg. BRITISH BORNEO MISSION Organized 1914 Territory: British North Borneo, Labuan. Population: 295,895; o'hurches, 6; members, 253. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Jesselton. Office Address: Signal Hill, Jesselton, British North Borneo. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, British North Borneo. Officers: . Director, Sec. and Treas., D. P. Siagian. Executive Committee: Paksa Pakpahan, L. S. Sibarani, B. L. Tobing, D. P. S. Siagian, Kong Tsun-min. Department Secretaries: Tract Society, D. P. Siagian. Edu., Field Miss., Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., ..... Sabbath School, D. P. Siagian. Licentiates: M. Agian, Kong Tsun-min, Paksa Pakpahan, D. P. Siagian, L. S. Sibarani, B. L. Tobing. Missionary Licentiates: Bulangak, Ginal, Lumpisau. Church School Teacher: Kong Kee-fong. MALAY STATES MISSION Organized 1914 (Reorganized 1932 to include former Singapore Mission) Territory: Straits Settlements (exclusive of Labuan), Malay States. Population: 4,347,704; churches, 15; members, 704. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Kuala Lumpur. Office Address: 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Officers: Director, W. W. R. Lake. Sec. and Treas., Blanche Keasberry. Executive Committee: W. W. R. Lake, Blanche Keasberry, Lu Si-poh, Z. H. Macarewa, Ng Hong-boon, Phang Nyuk-thin; Ng Hock-thye. FAR EASTERN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Tract 'Society, Miss Blanche Keasberry. Educational, W. W. R. Lake. Field Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Asst. Home Miss., William Chew. Home Miss., Ng Hong Boon. Sabbath School, Mrs. W. W. R. Lake. Ministers: W. W. R. Lake, Chong Fah-min, Phang Nyuk-thin, Ng Hong Boon. Licentiates: Choo Yun-fatt, Ng Hock-thye, Phang Yin-hee, Mampe Siregar. Missionary Licentiates: William Chew, Liew Yun, David McCall, Poey Teck-cheng, Mrs. W. W. R. Lake, Miss Blanche Keasberry. Church School Teacher: Mrs. Liew Yun. SIAM MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: Kingdom of Siam, ex• elusive of the Lao District of Eastern Siam. Population: 7,618,932; churches, 1; members, 126. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mission" Bangkok. Office Address: 633 Suriwongsi Road, Bangkok, Siam. Office Address: 701 Sathorn Road, Bangkok, Siam. Officers: Director, F. L. Pickett. Sec. and Treas., ..... Executive Committee: F. L. Pickett, H. E. Esche, Mrs. F. L. Pickett, Kon Vui-leong, Lee Lock-thien, Pleng Vitiam-yalaksna. Department Secretaries: Tract Society, —. Educational, F. L. Pickett. Field and Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Kon Vui-leong. 125 Sabbath School, Mrs. F. L. Pickett. Minister: F. L. Pickett. Licentiates: Kon Vui-leong, A. P. Ritz. Missionary Licentiates: Ku Hyuk-min, Li Lock-thien, Homer Chen, Mrs. A. P. Ritz. Church School Teachers: Ku Hyuk-min, Pleng Vitiamyalaksna, Nai Bunthin. UNORGANIZED FIELDS Cambodia (French Indo-China) Population: 2,535,178; churches, 1; members, 18. Address: 633 Suriwongsi Road, Bangkok, Siam. In Charge: F. L. Pickett. Missionary Licentiates.: Em Theng, Sut, Kim. Cochin China (French Indo-China) Population: 4,520,000; churches, 4; members, 62. Address: 79 Rue de Champagne, Saigon, French Indo-China. In Charge: R. H. Wentland. Missionary Licentiates: Bui- van- Tien, Nhuyen -van -Nham, Tran-ngoc-Te, Phan, Lok, Liem. East Siam Population: 3,887,275; churches, 1; members, 12. Address: Ubol, Siam. In Charge: R. P. Abel. Missionary Licentiates: Boon Me, Dhawaj, Nai Rot. North Sarawak (Borneo) Population: 280,135; churches, 1; members, 11. Address: Bukit Nyala, Tatau River, via Bintulu, Sarawak, Borneo. In Charge: R. T. Morrow, M. D. Missionary Licentiates: Elam Sinaga, U. R. Manju. 126 FAR EASTERN DIVISION South Sarawak (Borneo) Population: 350,000; churches, 1; members, 74. Address: 3rd Mile, Rock Road, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo. In Charge: —. Licentiate: J. T. Pohan.• Church School Teachers: Daniel Liem, Tan Chin-khin, Chu Sing-fatt, Mrs. D. Liem, L. Pauner. PHILIPPINE UNION MISSION Organized rgi7 Territory: The Philippine Islands. Population: 13,636,074; churches, 286; members, 16,559. Cable Address: "Philipunion," Manila. Office Address: 1939 Luna St., Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. (Please do not direct mail to this address.) Telephone, 5-19-96. Postal Address: Post Office Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Officers: Supt., R. R. Figuhr. Sec., Treasurer, and Auditor, H. W. Klaser. Executive Committee: R. R. Figuhr, H. W. Klaser, F. A. Mote, W. B. Riffel, Flaviano Dalisay, E. N. Lugenbeal, E. M. Adams, M. F. Wiedemann, L. M. Stump, W. H. Bergherm, F. A. Pratt, J. L. Cummins, Jose Emralino, P. R. Diaz, Tomas Pilar, Abdon Capobres. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. L. Cummins. Field Miss., M. F. Wiedemann. Home Miss., W. H. Bergherm. Medical, Dr. H. A. Hall. Religious Lib., R. R. Figuhr. Sab. Sch. and Home Commission, Mrs. R. R. Figuhr. Ministers: R. R. Figuhr, W. H. Bergherm, M. F. Wiedemann, F. A. Mote, Dr. H. A. Hall, L. M. Stump, Roman Senson, J. 0. Afenir. Licentiates: H. W. Klaser, J. L. Cummins, E. A. Moon, D. L. Millam, R. Villanueva, B. B. Davis, 0. A. Blake. Missionary Licentiates: C. Thurston, Mrs. 0. A. Blake, Mrs. W. J. Blake, Mrs. R. R. Figuhr, Mrs. H. W. Klaser, Mrs. E. A. Moon, Mrs. Hazel B. Sevrens, Mrs. C. E. Thurston, Miss B. Irvine, A. Cruz, N. F. Legaspi, I. A. Kintanar, Mrs. D. L. Millam, F. Velasco, Mrs. W. B. Riffel, Mrs. W. H. Bergherm, J. Suban, Mrs. E. M. Adams; MrS. M. F. Wiedemann, Mrs. H. A. Hall, Mrs. L. M. Stump, Mrs. F. A. Mote, Mrs. J. L. Cummins, Mrs. E. N. Lugenbeal, Mrs. B. Palmer, Mrs. F. Thurston; Mrs. F. A. Pratt, Mrs. B. B. Davis, Miss B. F. Parker, Miss I. Blancaflor, R. Imperio, A. Macasiano, Miss C. Geslani. CENTRAL LUZON MISSION (Formerly a part of Central Luzon Conference) Organized 1931 Territory: Provinces of Tarlac, Zambales, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Bulacan, Rizal, Cavite, Bataan. Population: 2,275,112; churches, 58; members, 2,870. "Philipunion," Cable • Address: Manila. Office Address: 1402 Oroquieta St., FAR EASTERN DIVISION Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippine Islands. Officers: Director, F. A. Pratt. Sec., Pedro Magsalin. Treas., F. A. Pratt. Executive Committee: F. A. Pratt, P. H. Romulo, V. Santos, R. Senson, U. Castillo, P. Magsalin, L. Yutuc. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. Bayuna. Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. Alcarez. Field Miss., U. Castillo. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, L. Yutuc. Religious Liberty, —. Ministers: F. A. Pratt, I. Enriquez, P. Mag,salin, V. Santos, A. Panaga. Licentiates: F. Martin, B. Nepumuceno, L. Yutuc. Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. Anderson, F. Bayuna, A. Abawag, A. Alcarez, Miss J. Guinto, C. C. Trinidad, H. Roque, J. Santo Domingo, P. Adorna. Church School Teachers: Miss 0. Mendoza, A. Donato, Miss R. Macalinao, S. Manuel, Miss P. Silvestre, Miss M. Ginco, A. Magnaye, G. Silud. EAST VISAYAN MISSION (Formerly Cebuan Mission) Organized 1914 Territory: Islands of Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, Samar, Masbate, Mindanao, Oriental Negros, and Siquijor. Population: 4,808,538; churches, 53; members, 4,077. Office Address: 307 Tres de Abril St., San Nicolas, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Post Office Address: Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. 127 Officers: Director, W. B. Riffel. Sec.-Treas., R. R. Umali. Executive Committee: W. B. Riffel, R. R. Umali, M. G. Yorac, R. S. Llaguno, V. R. Rodrigo, A. Capobres, F. J. Adlawan. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. A. Abas. Educational and Y. P. M. V., U. M. Oliva. Field Miss., M. G. Yorac. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, R. S. Llaguno. Ministers: W. B. Riffel, L. B. Mershon, R. S. Llaguno, W. L. Rodriguez, M. J. Kintanar, V. R. Rodrigo, M. G. Yorac. Licentiates: L. E. Elumir, A. 0. Cabardo, R. N. Somoso, A. N. Somoso, L. M. Noval, D. Noval, A. M. Somoso, U. M. Oliva. Missionary Licentiates: C. B. Ladion, P. U. Abatayo, B. D. Ferraren, G. A. Briones, G. M. Arrogante, E. A. Abas, M. L. Delima, P. S. Amoguis, A. L. Sumicad, Mrs. G. L. Ricarte, P. Villamor, R. R. Umali, D. 0. Famor. Church School Teachers: L. E. Elumir, Miss T. P. Basiga, Miss A. D. Elumir, T. A. Laynn, R. Cruz, J. Cristoval, A. E. Chiu, Miss C. E. Chiu, G. Hincoguin, Miss F. M. Cillero, A. Arranguez. NORTHERN LUZON MISSION Entered 1913; Organized 1917 Territory: Provinces of Pangasinan, Nueva Vizcaya, Isabela, Cagayan, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Abra, La Union, Mountain Province, and the Batanes Islands. Population: 2,414,442; churches, 40; members, 2,082. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Artacho, Sison, Panga- 128 FAR EASTERN DIVISION sinan, via phone Poiorrubio, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Office Address: Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Officers: Director, E. N. Lugenbeal. Sec.-Treas., A. Balinao. Executive Committee: E. N. Lugenbeal, V. C. Medina, J. A. Valdez, R. A. Pilar, A. Balinao, A. Sta. Rita, A. Ganzagan, T. A. Pilar. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. G. Vigilia. Educational and Y. P. M. V., R. C. Cabansag. Field Miss., A. Sta. Rita. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Religious Lib., T. A. Pilar. Ministers: E. N. Lugenbeal, T. P. Atiga, T. A. Pilar, R. A. Pilar. Licentiates: J. A. Valdez, M. B. Valera, J. Y. Yovan, V. C. Medina. Missionary Licentiates: Miss F. A. Villanueva, P. A. Villanueva, A. S. Aqui, A. Sta Rita, A. Balinao, Miss L. Taaca, Miss L. V. Garcia, E. G. Vigilia. Church School Teachers: V. C. Cabansag, Miss L. 0. Nisperos, Miss L. C. Malapira, Miss A. C. Cadiz, Miss G. P. Pulido, Miss 0. G. Vigilia, Miss E. Lozano, Miss P. C. Medina, A. Miguel, F. B. Cruz, A. E. Guadiz, B. Malqued. SOUTH-CENTRAL LUZON MISSION (Formerly part of the Central Luzon Conference) Organized 1931 Territory: Provinces of Batangas, Laguna, Marinduque, Mindoro, Tayabas, and the islands politically administered thereby. Population: 1,158,861; churches, 50; members, 2,130. Office Address: Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Officers: Director, F. L. Jabola. Sec.-Treas., M. Zamora. Executive Committee: F. L. Jabola, M. Zamora, G. de Guzman, M.. C. Pascual, C. C. Cara, A. Lagabong, M. Oblefias. Department Secretaries: Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., G. de Guzman. Field Miss., R. Umali. Home Miss., F. Lagonera. Ministers: F. Dalisay, F. L. Jabola, C. C. Cara, G. de Guzman. Licentiates: M. C. Pascual, F. Lagonera, P. Gonzales, V. L. Jabola. Missionary Licentiates: R. Umali, Miss I. Cabana, Miss V. Quintal, M. Zamora. Church School Teachers: Miss M. Racal, Miss T. Galang, Miss R. Reyes, Miss L. Ferrer, F. Dabu, Mrs. F. C. Dabu, F. Magnaye. SOUTHERN LUZON MISSION Organized 1926 Territory: The provinces of Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte, Albay, Sorsogon, and the islands of Ticao, Burias, and Catanduanes. Population: 1,021,275; churches, 25; members, 651. Office Address: P. 0. Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands. Officers: Director, Jose B. Emralino. Sec.-Treas., C. B. Barnedo. Executive Committee: Jose B. Emralino, C. B. Barnedo, F. M. Parlan, J. M. Imperio, M. B. Gabarra, J. Martinez, P. Altavano. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. B. Darnedo. FAR EASTERN DIVISION Educational and Home Commission, Mrs. R. Y. Emralino. Field Miss., M. B. Gabarra. Home Miss., J. B. Emralino. Religious Liberty, F. M. Parla n. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. R. Y. Emralino. Ministers: J. B. Emralino, F. M. Parlan. Licentiates: J. M. Imperio, M. B. Gabarra, G. Arguzon. Missionary Licentiates: C. B. Barnedo, Mrs. R. Y. Emralino, Mrs. C. B. Barnedo, Mrs. L. T. Imperio, M. Mercado, R. Y. Dizon. WEST VISAYAN MISSION Organized 1914 Territory: The provinces of Iloilo, Capiz, Antique, Romblon, Occicidental Negros, the Cuyo Islands, and the Islands of Palawan and Guimaras. Population: 1,957,846; churches, 72; members, 4,762. Office Address: 44 Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Officers: Director, E. M. Adams. Sec.-Treas., Z. B. Cahilig. Mission Committee: E. M. Adams, Z. B. Cahilig, T. H. Jamandre, D. C. Sabrine, P. R. Diaz, J. K. Ramos, E. R. Drapiza. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. G. Quijote. Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Home Commission, P. R. Diaz. Field Miss., .T. K. Ramos. Asst., C. G. Perez. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, D. C. Sabrine. Medical, Dr. C. C. Vizcarra. ' Religious Lib., E. M. Adams. Ministers: E. M. Adams. F. H. Jornada, A. 5 129 C. Same, P. R. Diaz, R. B. Cahilig, D. C. Sabrine, T. G. Recalde. Licentiates: J. J. Golez, C. B. Tortal, D. M. Bautista, E. Tantia. Missionary Licentiates: T. H. Jamandre, Z. B. Cahilig, C. G. Zarandona, J. K. Ramos, J. G. Quijote, Mrs. S. Escoltor, Mrs. E. Tortal, D. B. Hechanova, V. Diaz, A. Alkuino, R. Ybadez, T. Diancin, Mrs. M. Mindoro, Mrs. A. Barrios, Mrs. L. Dalumpines. Church School Teachers: Miss D. C. Savedia, Miss F. T. Torre, F. Jereos, E. Ferrer, Miss C. Vallega, L. Duriques, Miss M. Camacho, M. Calibjo, Miss C. A. Ledesma, Miss M. Gonzales, Miss R. Guisihan, R. Suico, M. Arellano, S. Bayani, A. Gonzalez, T. B. Tortal, F. Tiblero. INSTITUTIONS IN FAR EAST- . ERN DIVISION Educational: Chosen Union Training School, Soonan, Chosen (Korea). East Visayan Academy, Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Japan Junior College, Showamachi, Kimitsu-gun, Chiba Ken, Japan. Malayan Seminary, 401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Northern Luzon Academy, Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Philippine Union College, Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands. West Visayan Academy, Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Publishing: Japanese Publishing House, 169171 Amanuma 1 chome, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Postal Address: Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. 130 FAR EASTER DIVISION Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper Serangoop Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Philippine Publishing House, 239-251 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Signs of the Times Publishing House, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Medical: Keijo Hospital-Dispensary, 136 Insadong, Seoul, Chosen. Manila Sanitarium and HoSpital, cor. Vermont and Indiana Sts., Manila, Philippine • Islands. Postal Address: 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Penano• Sanitarium, No.465 Burmall'Road, Penang', Strdits Settlements. Hospitql-Dispensary, Soonan Soonan, Chosen (Korea). Tokyo Sanitarium-Hospital, Box 7, S'uginami P. p., Tokyo, Japan. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Organized Territory: Mexico,Guatemala,Honduras, British Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Venezuela, British, Dutch, and French Guiana, West Indies,—Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Windward and Leeward, also Virgin and Bahama Islnads. Population: 46,843,868; churches, 509; members, 24,502. Cable and Wireless Address: " Interamerica," Balboa. (Bentley Code and Western Union Travelers' Cable Code used in the fields of the Inter-American Division.) Office: cor. Balboa and Gavilan Roads, Balboa, Canal Zone (Telephone, Balboa 1349). Office Address: Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Officers: President, E. E. Andross. Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, F. L. Harrison. Field Secretary, L. V. Finster. Division Committee: E. E. Andross, F. L. Harrison, A. R. Ogden, L. V. Finster, W. E. 1922 Baxter,W. R. Elliott, H. E. Baasch C. E. Wood, Mrs. E. E. Andross, W. L. Adams, W. A. Bergherm, C. L. Stilson. Department Secretaries: Educational and Sabbath School, W. L. Adams. Home Miss. aftd Ministerial Association, L. V. Finster. Publishing, W. A. Bergherm. Y. P. M. V., Mrs. E. E. Andross. Transportation Agent, F. L. Harrison. Cashier, C. L. Stilson. Laborers Holding Credentials from the Inter-American Division: Ministers: E. E. Andross, L. V. Finster, W. L. Adams, W. A. Bergherm. Licentiates: F. L. Harrison, Benjamin Maxson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. E. Andross, Mrs. F. L. Harrison, D. A. Cone, Mrs. D. A. Cone, Mrs. L. V. Finster, C. L. Stilson, Viola E. Cooke, Mrs. W. L. Adams, Mrs. W. A. Bergherm, Esther Pierce, Edith McLachlin, Mrs. C. L. Stilson, Mrs. Mary Clausen. ANTILLIAN UNION MISSION Reorganized 1923 Territory: The Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Cayman Islands. Population: 10,746,201; churches, 212; members, 10,327. Cable Address: " Unionantil," Havana, Cuba. Office Address: Calle Segunda No. 31, Arroyo Apolo, (Vi'bora) Havana, Cuba. Officers: Supt., A. R. Ogden. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, F. I. Mohr. Accountant, H. E. Beddoe. Executive Committee: A. R. Ogden; F. I. Mohr, C. E. Andross, L. J. Borrowdale, E. J. Lorntz, L. L. Hutchinson, Peter Nygaard, J. A. de Caenel I. G. Knight, J. R. McWilliam, D. E. Lust. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V.. 131 132 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Field Miss., J. R. McWilliam. Home Miss., Ministers: A. R. Ogden, J. R. McWilliam. Licentiate: F. I. Mohr. Missionary Licentiates: H. E. Beddoe, Mrs. F. I. Mohr, Mrs. J. R. McWilliam, Mrs. H. E. Beddoe, Mabel L. Head. BAHAMAS' MISSION Entered 1909 Territory: The Bahama Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Population: 68,728; churches, 12; members, 421. Cable Address: "Adventist," Nassau, Bahamas. Postal Address: Box 356, Nassau, Bahamas. Office Address: East Shirley St., Nassau, Bahamas. Officers: Supt., L. L. Hutchinson. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson. Advisory Committee: L. L. Hutchinson, T. Thompson, 0. P. Reid, R. E. Fountain, and Secretary and Treasurer. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson. Home Miss., L. L. Hutchinson. Sabbath School and V. P. M. V., Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson. Ministers: L. L. Hutchinson, 0. P. Reid. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Someillan. Church School Teacher: David B. Reid. CAYMAN ISLANDS MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Cayman Islands. Population: 5,987; churches, 3; members, 89. Postal Address: Box 14, George- town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. Officers: Supt., I. G. Knight. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. I. G. Knight. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. I. G. Knight. Minister: I. G. Knight. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. I. G. Knight. CUBA MISSION Established 1905 Territory: Cuba and the Isle of Pines. Population: 3,768,192; churches, 30; members, 1,369. Cable Address: " Adventists," Santa Clara, Cuba. Office Address: Reparto Dobarganes, Santa Clara, Cuba. Postal Address: Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Officers: Supt., E. J. Lorntz. Sec. and Treas., B. Bullard. Advisory Committee: E. J. Lorntz, B. Bullard, W. D. Kieser, J. B. Sales, D. E. Lust. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. Bullard; assist., J. Zaragoza. Field Miss, W. D. Kieser. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., E. J. Lorntz. Sab. School, J. Zaragoza. Ministers: E. J. Lorntz, J. B. Sales, F. W. Miller, Manuel Avila, J. N. Williams, Jose Veiga. Honorary: Pedro Cruz. Licentiates: W. D. Kieser, D. E. Lust, Miguel Vazquez, Victoriano Suarez. Missionary Licentiates: B. Bullard, Mrs. E. J. Lorntz. Mrs. B. Bullard, Mrs. F. W. Miller, Jaime Zaragoza, Mrs. W. D. Kieser. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION RATTIER MISSION Established 1905 Territory: Republic of Haiti. Population: 3,126,000; churches, 55; members, 2,279. Cable Address: "Adventiste," Portau-Prince, Haiti. Office Address: cor. of Avenue Joseph Nicolas and Magloire Ambroise. Postal Address, Boite A-55, Port au Prince, Haiti. Officers: Supt., J. A. de Caenel. Sec. and Treas., H. L. Higgins. Advisory Committee: J. A. de Caenel, H. L. Higgins, A. Theodore, A. J. Jn-Baptiste, M. N. Isaac, Leonce Painson, A. G. Roth. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. L. Higgins; Asst., J. Craan. Field Miss., —. Home Miss., J. A. de Caenel. Sab. Sch., Herminie L. Roth. Y. P. M. V. and Educational, A. G. Roth. Ministers: J. A. de Caenel, M. N. Isaac, Philip Giddings, Antoine Theodore, F. D. Apollon, Dorce Dorsinville, A. G. Roth. Honorary: A. J. Jn-Baptiste. Licentiates: Herodote Lanoix, Th. Abel, A. L. Dore& Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. A. de Caenel, Herminie L. Roth, A. L. Christensen, Mrs. A. L. Christensen, Mrs. Philip Giddings, Julien Crean, H. L. Higgins, Mrs. H. L. Higgins, Mrs. A. G. Roth, A. N. Isaac, Alexis Valcourt, M. Cherenfant, Horatius Petigny, Nahum Isaac, P. Guillaume. Church School Teachers: ilirs. P. Guillaume, Horatius 133 Petigny, M. Dolce, Nahuin Isaac, A. N. Isaac. JAMAICA CONFERENCE Organized 1903 Territory: Island of Jamaica. Population: 1,022,152; churches, 88; members, 4,866. Cable Address: "Adventist" Kingston. Office Address: Kingston, Jamaica; British West Indies. Postal Address: 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Officers: • Pres., C. E. Andross. Sec. and Treas., .1. W. Grounds. Executive Committee: C. E. Andross, J. W. Grounds. W. S. Nation, H. Fletcher, B. A. Meeker, A. C. Stockhausen. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. Harriott. Educational, H. D. Isaac. Field Miss., W. S. Nation. Home Miss., B. A. Meeker. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., C. E. Andross. Ministers: C. E. Andross, B. A. Meeker, H. Fletcher, L. Rashford, W. H. Randle, A. C. Stockhausen, H. P. Lawson, G. A. E. Smith, H. D. Isaac. Honorary: Frank Hall. J. A. Reid. Licentiates: A. R. Haig, R. B. Campbell. Missionary Licentiates: J. W. Grounds, Mrs. C. E. Andross, Mrs. J. W. GroundS, Mrs. B. A. Meeker, R. Harriott, W. S. Nation. Honorary: Mrs. H. J. Edmed. Church School Teachers: Mrs. S. N. Gordon, Miss E. Shaw, Miss Stella Young, Mrs. A. R. Haig. 134 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION PUERTO RICO MISSION Organized 1909 Territory: Puerto Rico. Population: 1,559,142; churches, 14; members, 614. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Juan, Puerto Rico. Office Address: Stop l4, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Postal Address: Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Officers: Supt., L. J. Borrowdale. Sec. and Treas., W. II. England. Advisory Committee: L. J. Borrowdale, W. H. England, Francisco Megrant, R. W. Prince. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. H. England; assist., Wenceslao Cadiz. Educational, W. H. England. Field Miss., Bernardo Herandez. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Antonio Marrero. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. J. Borrowdale. Ministers: L. J. Borrowdale, Francisco Megrant, Manuel Mandez, R. W. Prince. Licentiates: Rafael Bracero, Antonio Marrero, J. M. Figueroa, Pedro Perales, Eloy Acosta. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. L. J. Borrowdale, W. H. England, Mrs. W. H. England, Wencesalo Cadiz, Jose I. Rivera, Ana Marfa Gonzalez. Church School Teachers: Jos6 I. Rivera, Ana Marfa Gonzales, Ana Julia, Mrs. J. I. Rivera. SANTO DOMINGO MISSION Organized 1924 Territory: Republic of Santo Domingo. Population: 1,200,000; churches, 10; members, 689. Cable Address: " Adventista " Santo Domingo City. Office Address: Avenida Capotillo 73, Santo Domingo City. Postal Address: Apartado 568, Santo Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana. Officers: Supt., Peter Nygaard. Sec. and Treas., R. G. Jones. Advisory Committee: Peter Nygaard, R. G. Jones, J. A. Phipps R., Paul Johnson, E. Valencia. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. G. Jones. Educational and Religious Lib., Peter Nygaard. Field Miss., Paul Johnson. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. A. Phipps R. Sab. School., Mrs. R. G. Jones. Ministers: Peter Nygaard, J. A. Phipps R, R. G. Jones. Licentiates: Paul Johnson, E. Valencia. Missionary Licentiates: Wellington Williams, Mrs. Peter Nygaard, Mrs. R. G. Jones, Mrs. J. A. Phipps, Napoleon Charles, Leonela Gonzales, Juan Rivera, Adolfo Moreta, Edna Brewer. Honorary: Mrs. C. N. Moulton. Church School Teachers: Adolfo Miranda, Mrs. Mercedes Phipps, Ramona Mckinzie, Ida Goodwin, R. Santana, Leonidas Cabrera. CARIBBEAN UNION CONFERENCE (Formerly East Caribbean Union) Organized zga6 Territory: Trinidad, Barbados, the Windward, Leeward, and Virgin Islands, British, Dutch, French Guianas. and INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Population: 1,885,680; churches, 108; members, 6,479. Cable Address: " Eastcaribbean," Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Office Address: Cor. Edward and Sackville. Sts., Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. (Telephone, 1732.) Officers: Pres., W. R. Elliott. Sec., Treasurer, and Auditor, M. D. Howard. Executive Committee: W. R. Elliott, M. D. Howard, Gorden Oss, A. A. Carscallen, L. H. Gardiner, A. 0. Dunn, R. S. J. Hamilton, M. E. Lowry. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., M. E. Lowry. Educational, R. S. J. Hamilton. Minister: W. R. Elliott. Licentiates: R. S. J. Hamilton, M. E. Lowry, M. D. Howard. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs: W. R. Elliott, Mrs. M. D. Howard, Mrs: M. E. Lowry, Mrs. R. S. J. Hamilton, A. E. Hempel, Mrs. A. E: Hempel, M. E. Smith, Mrs. M. , E. Smith, Miss Linda Austin, Miss Etta Hewgley. FRENCH WEST INDIAN MISSION Established 1929 Territory: French West Indies — Martinique, and Guadeloupe and its dependencies. Population: 511,940; churches, 5; members, 117. Postal Address: Box 257, Fort-deFrance, Martinique, French West Indies. Cable Address: "Adventiste," Fortde-France. Officers: Supt., A. 0. Dunn. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. A. 0. Dunn. Advisory Committee: A. 0. Dunn, Mrs. A. 0. Dunn, M. D. Howard. 135 Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. 0. Dunn. Field Miss., Serge Jean-Elie. Home Miss., A. 0. Dunn. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. A. 0. Dunn. Licentiate: A. 0. Dunn. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. 0. Dunn, Serge JeanElie, Louise L5dran. GUIANA CONFERENCE Reorganized 1926 Territory: British, Dutch a n d French Guianas, South America. Population: 478;965; churches, 22; members, 1,203. Cable Address: "Adventist," Georgetown, British Guiana. Office Address: 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. (Phone, Queenstown 293.) Officers: Pres., A. A. Carscallen. Sec. and Treas., R. E. Brooks. Executive Committee: A. A. Carscallen, R. E. Brooks, A. E. Riley, J. T. Carrington, Henry Beck. Legal Title: Guiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. E. Brooks. Field Miss., Chas. Manoram. Home Miss., A. A. Carscallen. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. Isabella Downer. Ministers: A. A. Carscallen, A. E. Riley, J. T. Carrington, Henry Beck. Licentiate: A. W. Cott. Missionary Licentiates: R. E. Brooks, Mrs. A. A. Carscallen, Mrs. R. E. Brooks, Mrs. A. W. Cott, Chas, Manoram, Mrs. Isabella Downer, Joseph. Gonsalves, Mrs. Joseph Gonsalves. 136 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION LEEWARD ISLANDS CONFERENCE Reorganized 1926 Territory: Barbados, St. Lucia, Leeward and Virgin Islands, excepting the French West Indies. Population: 357,903; churches, 29; members, 1,876. Cable Address: "Adventist," St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. Postal Address: Box 52, St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. Office Address: 50 Newgate St., St. John's Antigua, British West Indies. Officers: Pres., L. H. Gardiner. Sec. and Treas., H. L. Nielsen. Executive Committee: L. H. Gardiner, H. L. Nielsen, Dr. Glenn Millard, W. H. Lewis, C. G. Van Putten. Legal Title: The Board of Trustees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Leeward Islands. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. L. Nielsen. Field Miss., Eric Greaves. Home Miss., L. H. Gardiner. Medical, Dr. Charles Cave. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. H. L. Nielsen. Ministers: L. H. Gardiner, W. H. Lewis, Dr. Glenn Millard, C. G. Van Putten, E. A. Baptiste. Licentiates: Dr. Charles Cave, 0. C. Walker. Missionary Licentiates: H. L. Neilsen, Mrs. L. H. Gardiner, Eric Greaves, Mrs. H. L. Nielsen, Mrs. Glenn Millard. SOUTH CARIBBEAN CONFERENCE Reorganized 1925 Territory: Trinidad, Tobago,Grenada, the Grenadines, an St. Vincent. Population: 536,872; churches, 52; members, 3,283. Cable Address: " Adventist," Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Postal Address: Box 66, Port-ofSpain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Office Address: 31 Dundonald St., • Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies (Telephone, 1595). Officers: Pres., Gorden Oss. Sec. and Treas., R. W. Bickett. Executive Committee: Gorden Oss, R. W. Bickett, S. L. Ash, Benjamin Yip, J. b. Wood, G. A. Coon. Legal Title: The Incorporated Trustees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Trinidad and Tobago. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. W. Bickett. Field Miss., James Ramratan. Home Miss., S. L. Ash. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., C. D. Henry. Ministers: Gorden Oss, S. L. Ash, J. D. Wood, T. J. Warner, Nathaniel Payne, Benjamin Yip, G. A. Coon, Henry Wiseman. Missionary Licentiates: R. W. Bickett, Mrs. Gorden Oss, Mrs. R. W. Bickett, Mrs. G. A. Coon, Mrs. S. L. Ash, Mrs. J. D. Wood. Mrs. Nathaniel Payne, Annie Osborne, James Ramratan, C. D. Henry. CENTRAL AMERICAN UNION MISSION Reorganized 1926 Territory: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, British Honduras, Bay Islands, Guatein ala, Salvador. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Population: 6,668,764; churches, 71; members, 3,343. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Jose, Costa Rica. Office Address: Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America (Telephone, 3359). Officers: Supt., C. P. Crager. Sec., Treasurer, and Auditor, A. P. Christiansen. Executive Committee: C. P. Crager, A. P. Christiansen, C. B. Sutton, E. P. Howard, Orley Ford, L. V. Cleaves, L. H. Olson, W. H. Wineland, Fred W. Steeves, N. W. Dunn, C. E. Westphal, W. E. Baxter. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., N. W. Dunn. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Fred W. Steeves. Ministers: C. P. Crager, W. E. Baxter, N. W. Dunn. Licentiate: W. H. Wineland. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. E. Baxter, A. P. Christiansen. Mrs. A. P. Christiansen, Fred W. Steeves, Mrs. Fred W. Steeves, Mrs. N. W. Dunn, Geo. W. Chapman, Mrs. Geo. W. Chapman, Mrs. W. H. Wineland, Werner Wild, Mrs. W. Wild, Miss Lela Pierce, Elizabeth Baxter, Mrs. C. P. Crager. BRITISH HONDURAS AND BAY ISLANDS MISSION Reorganized 1931 Territory: British Honduras and the Bay Islands. Population: 52,132; churches, 16; members, 738. Cable Address: " Adventist," Belize, British Honduras. Office Address: Box 123, Belize, British Honduras. Officers: Supt., C. B. Sutton. 137 Sec. and Treas., Miss Mayme Wood. Advisory Committee: C. B. Sutton, Miss Mayme Wood, L. L. Garbutt, Eddie Elwin. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Miss Mayme Wood. Home Miss., C. B. Sutton. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. C. B. Sutton. Minister: C. B. Sutton. Licentiate: L. L. Garbutt. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. B. Sutton, Miss Mayme Wood. Honorary: David Haylock. COSTA RICA MISSION Organized 1927 Territory: Republic of Costa Rica. Population: 520,000; churches, 7; members, 309. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Office Address: Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, C. A. (Tel.. 3359.) Officers: Supt., W. E. Baxter. Office work carried by Central American Union Mission. Advisory Committee: W. E. Baxter, A. P. Christiansen, G. W. Chapman, J. E. Rogers, 0. D. Andrean. Department SeCretaries: Book and Bible House, Miss Lela Pierce. Field Miss., A. E. Lutz. Home Miss., F. W. Steeves. Sabbath School, Mrs. MT. E. Baxter. Y. P. M. V., N. W. Dunn. Minister: C. E. Westphal. Licentiate: 0. D. Andrean. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. E. Westphal, J. E. Rogers, May Hammond, Alida Delgado. 138 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION CURACAO MISSION Organized 1934. Territory: Islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao, Dutch West Indies. Churches, 2; members, 60. Cable Address: "Adventist," Curacao (D. W. I.). Postal and Office Address: Piscaderaweg 22, Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Dutch West Indies. Officers: Director, Dunney Astleford. Sec. and Treas., J. W. Cole. Advisory Committee: Lunney Astleford, Mrs. Lunney • Astleford, H. E. Baasch, J. W .Cole, W. R. Mulholland. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., Lunney Astleford. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. Lunney Astleford. Minister: Lunney Astleford. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Lunney Astleford. GUATEMALA MISSION Reorganized 1927 Territory: The Republic of Guatemala, less Puerto Barrios and vicinity. Population: 2,454,000; churches, 3; ,members, 257. Cable Address: " Adventista," Guatemala, Central America. Office Address: Apartado 218, Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala, Central America. Officers: Supt., Orley Ford. Sec. and Treas., Mrs: A. Fanselau. Advisory Committee: Orley Ford, Adolf Fanselau, Mrs. A. Fanselau, Harry Larrabee, and Joss C. Aguilar. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. A. .Fanselau. Field Miss., Adolf Fanselau. Home Miss., Orley Ford. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. Orley Ford. Minister: Orley Ford. Licentiates: Harry Larrabee, Jos6 C. Aguilar. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Orley Ford, Adolf Fanselau, Mrs. A. Fanselau, Mrs. Harry Larrabee. HONDURAS MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Republic of Honduras less the Bay Islands. Population: 807,632; churches, 3; members, 44. Cable Address: "Adventista," Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America. Office Address: Apartado 103, Tegucigalpa, Republic de Honduras, Central America. Officers: Supt., L. V. Cleaves. Sec. and Treas., L. V. Cleaves. Advisory Committee: L. V. Cleaves, Mrs. L. V. Cleaves, Victor Printemps, E. E. Nebblet, R. T. Rankin. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, L. V. Cleaves. Field Miss., Home Miss., L. V. Cleaves. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. L. V. Cleaves. Minister: L. V. Cleaves. Licentiate: R. T. Rankin. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. L. V. Cleaves, Victor Printemps. NICARAGUA MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Republic of Nicaragua and Corn Island. Population: 700,000; churches, 6; members, 211. Cable Address: " Adventista," Managua, Nicaragua. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Office Address: Apartado 92, Managua, Rep. de Nicaragua, Central America . Officers: Supt., E. P. Howard. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. A. E. Lutz. Advisory Committee: E. P. Howard, Mrs. E. P. Howard, A. E. Lutz, Mrs. A. E. Lutz, Frank Fletcher. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. A. E. Lutz. Field Miss., A. E. Lutz. Home Miss., E. P. Howard. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. E. P. Howard. Ministers: E. P. Howard, Frank Fletcher. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. P. Sward, A. E. Lutz, Mrs. A. E. Lutz, Roger Brooks. PANAMA CONFERENCE Organized 1906 Territory: Republic of Panama, Canal Zone, Talamanca and the islands of San Andres and Old Providence (Colombian). churches, Population: 500,000; 30; members, 1,475. Cable and Wireless Address: "Adventist," Cristobal, Canal Zone. Office Address: Masonic Temple, Eleventh and Bolivar Sts., Cristobal, Canal Zone. Postal Address: Box M. Cristobal, Canal Zone. (Phone 1325.) Officers: Pres., . Sec. and Treas., A. L. Edeburn. Executive Committee: A. L. Edeburn, R. R. Mattison, D. A. Cone, A. A. Grizzle, Caleb Baines. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. L. Edeburn. 139 Field Miss., R. R. Mattison. Home Miss., Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Ministers: A. A. Grizzle, Ishmael Ellis. Licentiate: Felix Vega. Missionary Licentiates: A. L. Edeburn, Mrs. A. L. Edeburn, R. R. Mattison, Mrs. R. R. Mattison, Jose Chavanz. Honorary: S. T. Archbold. SALVADOR MISSION Reorganized 1927 Territory: The Republic of El Salvador, Central America. Population: 1,635,000; churches, 6; members, 309. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Salvador, Republic of El Salvador, Central America. Office Address: 8a Ave. Norte, No. 57, San Salvador, Republica de El Salvador" Central America. Officers: Supt., L. H. Olson. Sec. and Treas., L. H. Olson. Asst. Sec.-Treas., Miss Eugenia Robinson. Advisory Committee: L. H. Olson, Roque Reyes, L. Concepcion. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Miss Eugenia Robinson. FieleMiss., Roque Reyes. Home Miss., L. H. Olson. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. H. Olson. Y. P. M. V., Mrs. L. H. Olson. Minister: L. H. Olson. Licentiate: L. Conception. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. L. H. Olson, Roque Reyes, Eugenia Robinson, Clementina. Conception. COLOMBIA-VENEZUELA UNION MISSION organized 1927 Territory: The Republics of Venezuela and Colombia, and the Islands of Curacao, Bonaire, and Aruba. Population: 11,139,193; churches, 32; members, 1,373. Cable and Wireless Address: "Coloven," Medellin, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia. Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo Apartado 609, Medellin, Colombia. Officers: Supt., H. E. Baasch. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. W. Cole. Executive Committee: H.. E. Baasch, J. W. Cole, W. R. Mulholland, R. G. Garner, E. M. Trummer, Lumley Astleford, N. H. Kinzer, R. E. Stewart, J. B. Ross. Department Secretaries: Educational, Mrs. H. E. Baasch. Field Miss., W. R. Mulholland. Home Miss., H. E. Baasch. Minister: H. E. Baasch. Licentiates: J. W. Cole, W. R. Mulholland. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. E. Baasch, Mrs. J. IV: Cole, Mrs. W. R. Mulholland. ATLANTIC COLOMBIA MISSION Organized 1926 Territory: Departments of Atlantico, Bolivar, Magdalena, and the territory of La Goajira. Population: 1,201,788; churches, 5; members, 331. Cable Address: "Adventista," Barranquilla, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 261, Barranquilla, Colombia. 140 Office Address: Calle Magdalena, esquina Carrera Cuartel, Barranquilla, Colombia. Officers: Director, R. E. Stewart. Sec.-Treas., G. H. Manegold. Advisory Committee: R. E. Stewart, G. H. Manegold, Tirso Escanden, Pedro Gonzalez, S. L. Menendez. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., R. E. Stewart. Sabbath School, G. H. Manegold. Y. P. M. V., Mrs. R. E. Stewart. Minister: R. E. Stewart. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. E. Stewart, G. H. Manegold, Pedro Gonzalez. CENTRAL COLOMBIA MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Departments of Antioquia, Santander del Norte, Santander del Sur. Population: 2,559,096; churches, . 8 ; members, 208. Cable Address: "Colo ven" Medellin, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia. Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo Apartado 609, Medellin, Colombia. Officers: Director, E. AL Trimmer. Sec.-Treas., J. IV. Cole. Advisory Committee: E. 11. Trummer, J. W. Cole, W. B. Mulholland, Mrs. E. M. Trummer, Pedro Saray. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., E. M. Trimmer. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. J. W. Cole. Minister: E. M. Trummer. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. M. Trummer. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Address of E. M. Trummer: Apartado 83, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. Cable and Telegraphic Address, "Adventista," Bucaramanga. PACIFIC COLOMBIA MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Departments of El Valle, Cauca, Narifio, Caldas, the commisariats of Caqueta and Putumayo, and the territory of Choco. Population: 1,389,021; churches, 6; members, 222. Cable Address: "Adventista," Cali, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 313, Cali, Colombia. Officers: Director, N. H. Kinzer. Sec. and Treas., C. J. Plata. • Advisory Committee: N. H. Kinzer, Eugenio Plata, C. J. Plata, Jorge Rendon, Aquilino Gonzalez. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., E. Plata. Home Miss., N. H. Kinzer. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. N. H. Kinzer. Minister: N. H. Kinzer. Licentiate: Jorge Rend6n. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. N. H. Kinzer, C. J. Plata, Eugenio Plata, Mrs. Eugenio Plata. UPPER MAGDALENA MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Departments of Cundinamarca, Boyaca, Tolima, Huila, and the commisariats of Arauca, Vichada, Meta. Population: 2,720,288; churches, 3; members, 161. Cable Address: "Adventista," Bogota, Colombia. 141 Postal Address: Apartado 436, Bogota, Colombia. Officers: Director, H. E. Baasch, Pro. Tern. Sec. and Treas., J. W. Cole. Advisory Committee H. E. Baasch, J. B. Ross, W. R. Mulholland, Jorge EscandOn, Francisco Hernandez. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Jorge Escandon. Home Miss., J. B. Ross. Sabbath. School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. J. B. Ross. Licentiate: J. B. Ross. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. B. Ross, Jorge Escand6n. VENEZUELA MISSION Territory: Republic of Venezuela. Population: 3,269,000; churches, 9; members, 391. Cable Address: " Adventista," Caracas, Venezuela. Office Address: Carcel a Pilita No. 2, Caracas, Venezuela. Postal Address: Apartado 986, Caracas, Venezuela. Officers: Director, R. 0. Garner. Sec. and Treas., D. N. Peralta. Advisory Committee: R. 0. Garner, Julio Garcia D., D. N. Peralta, Rafael. Fleitas. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, D. N. Peralta. Field Miss., Rafael Fleitas. Home Miss., R. 0. Garner. Home Miss. Office See., Mrs. D. N. Peralta. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. D. N. Peralta. Ministers: R. 0. Garner, Julio Garcia D. Missionary Licentiates: R. E. Greenidge, Mrs. R. 0. Garner, Alberto Acosta, H., Rafael Fleitas, Sara Acosta H., Mrs. R. E. Greenidge, D. N. Peralta, Mrs. D. N. Peralta. MEXICAN UNION MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: The Republic of Mexico. Population: 16,404,030; churches, 86; members, 2,980. Cable Address: Adventista, Mexico, D. F. Office Address: Monclova 61-A, Colonia Roma, Mexico, D. F. (Telephone P0083.) Officers: Supt., C. E. Wood. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. G. Pettey. Executive Committee: C. E. Wood, J. G. Pettey, Dr. I. S. Ritchie, G. C. Nickle, C. E. Moon, A. G. Parfitt, C. L. Dinius, L. L. Grand Pre, H. F. House. Department Secretaries: Educational, Harold House. Field Miss., L. L. Grand Pr6. Home Miss., C. E. Wood. Minister: C. E. Wood. Licentiates: L. L. Grand Pre, J. G. Pettey, H. F. House, Dr. I. S. Ritchie. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. E. Wood, Mrs. J. G. Pettey, Mrs. L. L. Grand Pre, Mrs. H. F. House, Kenneth Manning, Mrs. Kenneth Manning. Institutions: Colegio Adventista Mexicana, Calle Prosperidad No. 85, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Clinica Tacubaya, Calle Agricultura 73, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. CENTRAL MEXICAN MISSION Territory: The northern half of Vera Cruz and Puebla, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Morelos, Queretaro, Tlaxcala, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Mexico. Population: 7,338,229; churches, 11, members, 725. Cable Address: "Adventista," Mexico, D. F. 142 Office Address: Agricultura 79, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico (Telephone, P0061). Officers: Supt., G. C. Nickle. Sec.-Treas., L. W. Archbold. Executive Committee: G. C. Nickle, L. W. Archbold, A. J. Calderon. Department Secretaries: Publishing, J. A. Williams. Home Miss., Sab. School, and Y. P. M. V., L. W. Archbold. Ministers: G. C. Nickle, J. A. Salazar. Licentiates: V. M. Calvo, A. J. Calderon. Missionary Licentiates: L. W. Archbold, Jose Carpintero, Pedro Cruz, Sra. E. 0. de Verduzco, J. A. Williams, R. Arroyo, C. Chavez, L. L. Sauza. GULF MISSION Organized 1924 Territory: The States of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, and Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes. Population: 3,238,482; churches, 21; members, 689. Office Address: Hidalgo, Norte, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Postal Address: Apartado 139, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Officers: Supt., C. E. Moon. Sec. and Treas., F. L. E. Ulmer. Advisory Committee: C. E. Moon, F. L. E. Ulmer, Antonio Torres, E. Ponce. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. L. E. Ulmer. Field Miss., M. E. Olsen. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Y. P. M. V., Mrs. F. L. E. Ulmer. Ministers: C. E. Moon, Antonio Torres, E. Ponce, F. B. Zaynos. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. E. Moon, Mrs. F. L. E. Ulmer, G. M. de Vera. LAKE MISSION Territory: The States of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Colima, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Sonora, and Lower. California. Population: 2,266,824; churches, 6; members, 249. Office Address: Avenue Lerdo de Tejada 214, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Officers: Supt., C. L. Dinius. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House: Agenda de Publicaciones del Lago, Mrs. C. L. Dinius. Field Miss., I. 0. Flores. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. C. L. Dinius. Minister: C. L. Dinius. Licentiate: I. 0. Flores. Missionary Licentiates: A. A. Valenzuela, Mrs. C. L. Dinius. TEHUANTEPEC MISSION Organized 1924 Territory: The states of Chiapas, Oaxaca and southern halves of the States of Puebla and Vera Cruz, Mexico, Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, and Territory of Quintana Roo. Population: 3,560,495; churches, 48; members, 1,317. Cable Address: Adventista, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Telephones: Mexicana 3404 and 3405. Office Address: 11 Poniente 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Officers: Supt., A. G. Parfitt. 143 Sec. and Treas., H. A. B. Robinson. Advisory Committee: A. G. Parfitt, H. A. B. Robinson, Max Fuss. Department Secretaries:' Book and Bible House, H. A. B. Robinson. Field Miss., Max Fuss. Home Miss., Max Fuss. Sab. Sch., H. A. B. Robinson. Y. P. M. V., A. G., Parfitt. Ministers: A. G. Parfitt, Simon Conde, V. Rodriguez, Cornelio Aquino, Faustino Aguilar. Licentiates: R. H. Aguilar, Aurelio Jimenez, Miguel Martinez. Missionary Licentiates: H. A. B. Robinson, Julio Mor.gado, Max Fuss, Mrs. A. , G. Parfitt, Mrs. H. A. B. Robinson. INSTITUTIONS IN THE INTERAMERICAN DIVISION Educational: Academia Adventista, Hispanoamericana, Apartado 1329, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Camaguan Training School, Camaguan, Venezuela. Caribbean Training College, Maracas, Trinidad, B. W. I. Colegio Adventista Antillano, Bartle, Oriente, Cuba. Colegio Adventista. Mexicana, Calle Prosperidad No. 85, Tacubaya, D. F. Mexico. Haitien Seminary, Boite A-55, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. West Indian Training College, Mandeville, Jamaica. Publishing: 'Pacific Press Publish' ing Association, Inter-American Branch, Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Dispensaries: Clinica Tacubaya, Agricultura 73, Colonia Escandon, Tdcubays, Mexico, D. F. (Telephone, P-0061.) NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Organized 1928 Territory: British Isles, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Iceland, Greenland, Faroes, Abyssinia, Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, British, French and Italian Somalilands Pemba, Zanzibar, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Niger, Dahomey, Upper Volta, French Sudan, and that portion of French Equatorial Africa lying north of latitude 10 North extending North to Lybia and Algeria, Corisco, Elobey, St. Thomas and group, Nigeria, Liberia, Gold Coast, Togo, Fernando Po, Annobon, Sierra Leone, Gambia: viz.: the Baltic, British, Polish, East Nordic, and West Nordic Union Conferences; the East African, Ethiopian, Nigerian, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, and Upper Nile Union Mission. Population: 171,095,273; churches, 619; members, 30,674. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent, Edgware. Office Address: 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Officers: Pres., L. H. Christian. Sec., E. D. Dick. Treas. and Auditor, E. R. Colson. Executive Committee: L. H. Christian, E. D. Dick, E. R. Colson, H. M. Lowe, W. T. Bartlett, C. V. Anderson, H. L. Rudy, T. T. Babienco, W. E. Read, G. A. Lindsay, L. Muderspach, A. Andersen, G. E. Nord, A. C. Christensen, H. Osborne, C. E. Nelson, A. S. Maxwell. General Conference Transportation Agent: C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford St., London, W. I. England; Telephone Gerrard 1470; Cable Address, "Adventist, London." Telegrams, "Adventist, Rath., London." Field Sec., W. T. Bartlett. Legal Association: " World 'Wide Advent Missions, Limited." Pres., L. H. Christian; Sec., W. T. Bartlett; Treas., Chr. Pedersen. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. D. Dick. Home Miss, H. M. Lowe. Medical, A. Andersen, M. D. Publishing, Sabbath School and Ministerial, W. T. Bartlett. Statistical, Miss Anne Schmidt. Y. P. M. V., C. V. Anderson.. Ministers: L. H. Christian, E. D. Dick, C. V. Anderson, W. T. Bartlett. Missionary Licentiates: C. H. Anscombe, A. Lethbridge, Paul Knudsen, Miss Ethel R. Howard, Miss Florence Fielding, Miss Ella M. Eastcott, Miss Rosa Muderspach, Miss Jenny R. Wharrie, Miss Anne Schmidt. BALTIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized 5923 Territory: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Population: 5,685,371: churches, 114; members, 5,241. 144 Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Advent, Riga." Office Address: Brivibas ielit 11, Riga, Latvia. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., H. L. Rudy. See.,-Treas., F. Wagele. Executive Committee: H. L. Rudy, E. Ney, H. Linde, A. Eglit, J. Birsin, A. Jurkevics, K. Rose, E. Magi, F. Wagele, W. Wilnians, E. Tiesnes. Legal Associations: Riga Mission Property, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Esthonia Building Dept., Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia. Department Secretaries: Educational, K. Rose. Field Miss. and Home Miss., A. Jurkevics. Sabbath Seh. and Y. P. M. V., E. Tiesnes. Ministers: H. L. Rudy, K. Rose. Licentiates: A. Jurkevics, E. Tiesnes. Missionary Licentiates: F. Wagele, Miss G. Priinberg. Institutions: Baltic Union School, (Adv. Miss. Seminary) Brivibas iela 11 Riga, Latvia. Estonian Publishing House, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia. Latvian Publishing House, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Lithuanian Depository, Parodos g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. COURLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Kurzeme, Zemgale. Population: 766,370; churches, 24; members, 1,228. Office Address: Bisenieku iela 25, •Ielgava, Latvia. Officers: Pres., A. Eglit. Sec.-Treas., L. Augstmanis. Executive Committee: A. Eglit, J. Tomsons, J. Bittis, J. Colder, E. Klotin, W. Satis, 0. Seltins. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., J. Colders. 145 Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., E. Klotins. Ministers: A. Eglit, K. Sutta, E. Klotina, K. Fogels. Licentiates: 0. Balodis, E. Krievs, E. Rooks. Missionary Licentiates: J. Colders, M. Stumbergs, A. Freinbergs, A. Lejnieks, L. Augstmanis. ESTONIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1912 Territory: Estonia. Population: 1,123,624; churches, 37; members, 1,901. Office Address: Merepuistee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. Officers: Pres., E. Ney. Sec. and Treas., M. Sachs. Executive Committee: E. Ney, M. Biirengrub, E. Magi, A. Aug, H. Kohler, K. Murd, G. Lattik. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, M. 13arengrub. Field Miss., E. Laimets. Sabbath School and Home Miss., A. Sabrak. Y. P. M. V., E. Magi. Ministers: E. Ney, L. Nikkar, M. Barengrub, A. Klement, E. Miigi, A. Aug, J. Daniel. Missionary Licentiates: A. Sabrak, M. Sachs, E. Laimets, J. Ney, A. Timle, V. Karmas, E. Trussmann, V. SchOn, H. Heinriehson. LITHUANIAN MISSION FIELD Organized 1920 Territory: Lithuania. Population: 2,340,038; churches, 17; members, 330. Office Address: Parodos g-ve, 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. Officers: Director, H. L. Rudy. 146 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Sec., M. Morenings. Treas., F. Waegele. Executive Committee: H. L. Rudy, W. Strohl, A. Birzgal, H. Naehring, V. Kavaliauskas, M. Morenings, W. Wachhaus. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., M. Morenings. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., A. Birzgal. Ministers: H. L. Rudy, W. Strohl, A. Birzgal, M. Morenings. Licentiates: V. Krause, W. Wachhaus. Missionary Licentiates: R. Krayse, K. Strasdauskas. LIVONIA CONFERENCE Organized 1932 Territory: Vidzeme (Livonia) Latgalia, and Riga. Population: 1,455,339; churches, 36; members, 1,798. Cable Address: "Advent," Riga. Office Address: Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Officers: Pres., H. Linde. Sec. and Treas., M. Schneider. Executive Committee: H. Linde, A. Colder, J. Oltin, P. Macanow, A. Timm, B. Sietniek, K. Jekabson. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Dambis. ' Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., A. Mednis. Ministers: H. Linde, P. Purmal, J. Drikis, D. Platonow, A. Tscholderis, P. Macanow, J. Oltin, K. Hilweg. Licentiates: J. Buile, A. Mednis, E. Grinberg. Missionary Licentiates: A. Bakis, B. Samts, A. Dambis, L. Tscholder, M. Schneider, P. Jakovlev. BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Irish Free State and adjacent Isles. Population: 49,161,454; churches, 76; members, 5,021. Cable Address: "Advent," Watford, Herts, England. Telephone: Watford 4044. Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herta, England. Officers: Pres., W. E. Read. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. Carey. Executive Committee: W. E. Read, A. Carey, H. W. Lowe, B. Belton, 0. M. Dorland, F. W. Goodall, A. S. Maxwell, J. Harker, W. G. Murdoch, L. Murdoch, G. D. King, H. Osborne, A. Warren, Dr. C. E. Nelson. Legal Assn.: British Advent Missions Limited; chairman, W. E. Read; secretary,• A. Carey. General Conference Transportation Agent: C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford Street, London, W. 1. Telephone Gerrard 1470. Telegrams, "Adventist, Rath, London." Cable Address: "Adventist, London." Department Secretaries: Educational, IV. G. C. Murdoch. Field Miss., B. Belton. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., F. W. Goodall. Medical, Dr. C. E. Nelson. Religious Lib., A. S. Maxwell. Ministers: W. E. Read, A. S. Maxwell, F. W. Goodall, G. Keough, W. G. C. Murdoch, G. Baird. Honorary: S. Joyce, W. A. Hall, W. J. Young, L. E. A. Lane, E. B. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Phillips, •A. H. Watson, J. J. Gillatt, R. Whiteside, W. H. Meredith, A. S. Rodd, H. W. Armstrong. Licentiate: W. L. Emmerson. Missionary Licentiates: A. Carey, B. Belton. 147 Miss M. Basher, Miss I. Himsworth, Miss E. D: Brown, Miss F. M. Preston, B. Walton. SOUTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1902; Reorganized 1928 NORTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1919; Reorganized 1928 Territory: The counties of Lancashire, Yorkshire, Durham, Cheshire, Isle of Man, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Northumberland, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire, Rutlandshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire. Population: 19,488,245; churches, 29; members, 1,699. Office: 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Officers: Pres., 0. M. Dorland. Sec. and Treas., A. H. Thompson. Executive Committee: 0. M. Dorland, A. H. Thompson, J. H. Parkin, E. E. Craven, W. Maudsley, W. R. A. Madgwick, B. A. H. Rhodes, E. Merchant, W. Hilton. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. G. C. Murdoch. Field Miss., D. Davies. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., J. H. Parkin. Ministers: 0. M. Dorland, W. iViaudsley, J. H. Bell, D. Morrison, E. E. Craven, S. G. Hyde, A. F. Bird, W. R. A. Madgwick. Licentiates: F. W. Coppock, J. H. Parkin, R. A. Freeth, W. M. Lennox, H. K. Munson. Missionary Licentiates: A. H. Thompson, D. Davies, S. Standen, B. E. Sparrow, Miss J. Handysides, Miss A. F. Clarke, Territory: The Counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Gloucester, irilts, Oxford, Berke, Bucks, Hants, Surrey, Sussex, Kent, London, Middlesex, Hertford, Bedford, Huntingdon, Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Isle of Wight, and the Channel Islands. Population: 17,510,755; churches, 32; members, 2,430. Office: Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Officers: Pres., H. W. Lowe. Sec. and Treas., H. D. Clarke. Executive Committee: H. W. Lowe, H. D. Clarke, II. T. Johnson, R. A. Anderson, J. G. Bevan, A. E. Bacon, W. A. Girling, G. V. Hall, T. B. Wynne. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. G. C. Murdoch. Field Miss., C. L. Kelly. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., H. T. Johnson. Ministers: A. K. Armstrong, R. A. Anderson, A. E. Bacon, J. G. Bevan, R. T. E. Colthurst, H. F. De'ath, R. S. Joyce, F. S. Jackson, H. W. Lowe, H. W. McUrow, C. A. Reeves, P. A. Spearing, J. B. West, J. M. Howard, L. A. Watson. Honorary: S. F. Tonics. Licentiates: C. R.. Anderson, C. R. Bonney, W. J. Cannon, B. F. Hardy, H. T. Johnson, L. D. Vince. Missionary Licentiates: H. D. Clarke, C. L. Kelly, D. M. Swaine, L. G. Hardinge, Mrs. M. E. Brooks, Miss W. Buckle, Mrs. D. Casey, Miss L. J. Clarke, Miss NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 148 0. C. Davies, Miss H. M. Ford, Miss E. G. Guntrip, Miss M. Keough, Miss E. Stone, Miss 1. White, Miss F. Wilkins. IRISH FREE STATE MISSION Organized 1902; reorganized 1932 Territory: Irish Free State. Population: 2,971,992; churches, 2; members, 41. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. Office: Officers: Supt., J. Harker, 11 Seafield, Portadown N. Ireland. Treas., A. Carey, Stanborough Park, Watford. Advisory Committee: J. Harker, G. W. Bailey. Minister: G. W. Bailey. NORTH IRELAND MISSION Organized 1902; reorganized 1932. Territory: Northern Ireland. Population: 1,256,561; churches, 2; Population: 4,842,554; churches, 4; members, 279. Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- ford, Herts, England. Officers: Supt., L. Murdoch, Broomage House, Larbert, Sterlingshire, Scotland. Treas., A. Carey, Stanborough Park, Watford. Advisory Committee: L. Murdoch, F. W. Johnston, R. Kennedy, A. A. Hogg, J: Wolfe. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., D: Davies. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., F. W. Goodall.. Ministers: L. Murdoch, F. W. Johnston, S. G. Joyce. Licentiate: A. G. Tapping. Missionary Licentiates: J. C. French, Miss Archibald, Miss J. Fleming, Miss A. McRorie, Miss H. Bull. members, 114. Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Officers: WELSH MISSION Supt., J. Harker, 11 Seafield, Portadown, N. Ireland. Treas., A. Carey, Stand borough Park, Watford. Advisory Committee:. J. Harker, F. C. Bailey, J. A. McMillan, Dr. J. Houston, G. Reid. Department Secretaries: Feld Miss., B. Belton. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and V. P. M. V., F. W. Goodall. Ministers: J. Harker, F. C. Bailey, J. A. McMillan. Missionary Licentiates: Miss E. Adair, Miss M. Kirby. SCOTTISH MISSION Organized 1902 Territory: Scotland, including The Hebrides, Orkneys, and Shetlands. Organized 1902 Territory: Principality of Wales, Cotinties of Monmouthshire, Shropshire, and Herefordshire. Population: 2,948,931; churches, 7; members, 408. Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Officers: Supt., G. D. King, 80 Australia Road, Heath, Cardiff, Wales. Treas., A. Carey, Stanborough Park, Watford. Advisory Committee: G. King, T. H. Cooper, R. Jacques, J. H. Dobbs, D. Francis. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., C. L. Kelly. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., F. W. Goodall. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: 0. D. King, T. H. Cooper. Licentiates: R. T. Bolton, W. 0. Nicholson. • 149 Missionary Licentiates: Miss I. Seagrave, Miss A. Anderson, Miss V. Ward. EAST AFRICAN UNION MISSION Organized 1912; reorganized 1926, 1933 CENTRAL KENYA MISSION Territory, 'Kenya Colony and Protectorate, Italian Somaliland, Entered 1933 the islands of Zanzibar and Territory: Kikuyu and Ukamba Pemba. provinces and that portion of the Population: 4,125,948; churches, Northern Frontier Province ly29; members, 3,200. ing north of the equator. Cable Address: " Advent Nakuru." Address: P. 0. Box 970, Nairobi, Office: Box. 127, Nakuru, Kenya Kenya Colony. Colony,. East Africa. • Officer: Officers: •Supt., W. W. Armstrong. Supt., S. G. Maxwell. Sec. and Treas., Miss 0. A. Minister: European: W. W. Armstrong. Clarke. Missionary Licentiates: Executive Committee: S. G. African: E. Owino, I. Oigo, M. Maxwell, W. W. Armstrong, G. Atinga. A. S. Madgwick, E. R. Warland, 0. Lewis, A. W. Allen, Miss 0. A. Clarke, R. A. Carey. COAST MISSION Department Secretaries: Entered 1934 Educational, E. R. Warland. Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Territory: Kenya Protectorate, Y. P. M. V., S. G. Maxwell. Mombasa Province and - that Medical, Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick. portion of the Northern Frontier Publishing, A. W. Allen. Province lying, south of the Asst,, M. Otieno. equator, Italian Somaliland and Ministers: the islands of Zanzibar and S. G. Maxwell, E. R. Warland. Pemba. Licentiate: Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick. Address: Miritini, Kenya ProtecMissionary Licentiates: torate. A. W. Allen, R. Carey, C. Hyde, Officer: Miss G. A. Clarke, Miss K. NielActing Supt., W. C. S. Raitt. sen, Miss D. Nielsen, Miss C. Minister: . Olsen, Miss R. Raitt, Miss C. African: Petero Risasi. Schuil. Licentiates: Institutions: European: W. C. S. Raitt. Kamagambo Training School; African: Josetu Simba. Principal, E. R. Warland, A. C. P., Kamagambo, P. 0. Kisii, SOUTH KENYA MISSION Kenya Colony. The Advent Press; Manager, R. Entered 1912; Organized 1933 Carey, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Territory: The Kisii and Kericho Kenya Colony. districts and the Masai reserve. Kendu Hospital; Supt., Dr. Cl. A. S. Madgwick, Gendia, 1'. 0. Address: Kisii, via Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Kisumu, Kenya Colony. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 150 Churches: 8; members, 651. Officers: Supt., G. A. Lewis. Local Committee: G. A. Lewis, S. G. Maxwell, P. Nyamweya. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Sabbath Sch., and Y. P. M. V., K. Obwagi. Licentiates: European: G. A. Lewis. African: P. Nyamweya, Samson Ongaki. around the Kavirondo Gulf (Lake Victoria). Address: Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Churches: 21; members, 2,493. • Officers: Supt., F. H. Thomas. Local Committee: F. H. Thomas, Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick, C. Katonya, P. Mboya. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Sab. Sch., and Y. P. M. V., J. Ouma, J. Anyengo. Missionary Licentiates: African: S. Gesieho, M. Nyasinga, N. Ongira, J. Sindiga, K. Obwagi, M. Mom anyi, A. Oirere. Nyanchua Mission Station Address: Nyanchua Mission, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony. Director: G. A. Lewis. African Teachers: 33. Ministers: European: M. C. Murdoch. African: P. Mboya. Licentiates: African:. K. Katonya, J. Ouma, H. Owuor, J. Omer, D. Orwa, A. Okal, E. Nyakangu, P. Nyaema, E. Olero, A. Obuola, J. Oyola. Missionary Licentiates: North West Kenya Mission Entered 1931 Territory: Nakuru and Eldoret areas and the unallotted territories to the north. Address: P. 0. Box 127, Nakuru, Kenya Colony. Supt., S. G. Maxwell. Missionary Licentiate: E. Kimenja. WEST KENYA MISSION Entered 1906; Organized 1933 Territory: The Luo language area European: F. H. Thomas. African: J. Rumo, E.' Olero, A. Obuola, P. Geda, R. Obewa, L. Amayo, J. Anyengo, N. Agonda, I. Okeyo, F. Ongango. Gendia Mission Station Address: Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony. Director: F. H. Thomas. African Teachers: 45. Kanyadoto, Mission Station Address: Kanyadoto, via Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony. DirectoT: M. C. Murdoch. African Teachers: 35. EAST NORDIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1931. Territory: Sweden and Finland. Population: 9,796,493; churches, 93; members, 4,480. Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm, Sweden. Office Address: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Officers: Pres., G. A. Lindsay. Sec., Erik H. Larsson. Treas., E. Edfors. Auditor, E. H. Larsson. Executive Committee: G. A. Lindsay, G. E. Nord, R. W. Engstrom, C. Gidlund, A. Blomstedt, V. Kohtanen, E. H. Larsson, K. R. Sandstrom, A. Rintala, Vilh. Sucksdorff, M. D., Y. Miettinen. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: G. A. Lindsay, G. E. Nord. Honorary: K. A. Fernstrom, J. Wallenkampf, Emil Ahren, A. J. Settergren, Licentiate: R. W. Engstrom. Missionary Licentiates: E. H. Larsson, E. Edfors. Institutions: Stockholm Publishing House, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Finland Publishing House, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Finland S. D. A. Mission School, Toivonlinna, Piikkio, Finland. Swedish Missionary School, Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden. Hultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors, Sweden. Helsingfors Fysikaliska Institut. Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Nyhyttans Treatment Home, Jtirnboas, Sweden. Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute HumlegArdsgatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden. Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium, Piikkio, Finland. Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium, Rimbo, Sweden. FINLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Finland. Population: 3,291,126; churches, 27; members, 1,672. Office: Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Officers: Pres., V. Kohtanen. Sec., Y. Miettinen. Treas., T. Heinonen. Executive Committee: V. Kohtanen, A. Rintala, Y. Miettinen, T. Stahlberg, V. Lehto, V. Koskinen, N. Landemaa. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., I. Heikonen. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., A. Blomberg. 151 Ministers: V. Kohtanen, A. Rintala, K. Soisalo, P. Nousiainen, T. StAhlberg, K. Osola. Licentiates: Miettinen, E. Peltonen, T. Ketola, A. Blomberg. Missionary Licentiates: L. Miettinen, 0. MilAttilnen, I. T. Heinonen, Liina Lehti, Lempi Lehto, Viivi Kangasvouri, A. Unhola. FINLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1909; Divided 1929 in Finland and Finland Swedish Conferehces Legal Assn. (for both Conferences): Filantropinen Yhdistys Aikain Vartija r. y. Officers: Pres., V. Kohtanen. Executive Committee: V. Kohtanen, A. Rintala, Y. Miettinen, T. Sthhlberg, V. Lehto, V. Koskinen, N. Landemaa, A. Blomstedt, V. Sucksdorff, M. D. FINLAND SWEDISH CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Finland. Population: 342,921; churches, 12; members, 388. Office: Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Officers: Pres., Adolf Blomstedt. Sec. and Treas., Lydia Sandholm. Executive Committee: A. Blomstedt, V. Sucksdorff, M. D., K. Sandelin, G. Hede, L. Sandholm. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., I. Heikonen. Home Miss. and Sab. School, Lydia Sandholm. Y. P. M. V., A. Blomstedt. Ministers: A. Blomstedt, R. Swenson. Licentiate: G. Forsblom. 152 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Elsa Olausen, Lydia Sandhohn, Edith Vendelin, Anna Dahlquist. NORTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Northern part of Sweden. Population: 3,107,176; churches, 29; members, 1,338. Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm. Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Officers: Pres., K. Sandstrom. Sec., and Treas., Lisa Soderberg. Auditors, Erfk H. Larsson. Executive Committee: K. Sandstrom, Alfred Andersson, C. Kahlstriim, Waldemar Johansson, 0. Angervo, E. R. Colson, C. Blom. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., Oscar Johanson. Sabbath School, Lisa Soderberg. Y. P. M. V., S. Jonasson. Ministers: K. Sandstrom, Wilh. Runolf, Alf. Anderson, 0. Angervo. Licentiates: Eric Svenzon, Ellis R. Colson, Sigward Jonason, 0. Johansson, K. Utterback, F. Martensson, H. Steffansson. Missionary Licentiates: Stine HOglind, Elsa Hagberg, K. Ulvstrom, G. W. Eriksson, Alf. Karlman, Sven Bjur, Lisa Soderberg, Olga Forsberg, Stina Sandholm. Church School Teachers: Signe Sandquist, Ingeborg Johansson. SOUTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Southern part of Sweden. Population: 3,055,270; churcheS, 25; members, 1,082. Cable Address: Advent, Goteborg. Office Address: Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Officers: Pres., C. Gidlund. Sec. and Treas., Anna Sundqvist. Auditor, E. H. Larsson. Executive Committee: C. Gidlund, J. A. Swenson, C. 0. Carlstjerna, A. Kahlstrom, E. Ahlborn, A. Larsson, A. Andersson. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. Johanson. Home Miss., R. W. Engstrtim. Sabbath Sch. and Y. P. M. V., David Carlson. Ministers: C. Gidlund, J. A. Swensson, C. 0. Carlstjerna, G. Hermansson. Licentiates: David Carlson, Carl Lindberg, E. Erenius, H. Rosenberg, John Larsson. Missionary Licentiates: Ellen Swensson, Anna Sundqvist, Signe Johanson, Carl Johanson, Adina Pettersson, E. Mattsson, C. Berglund, J. Johansson. SWEDEN CONFERENCE Organized 1882; Divided 1929 in North and South Sweden Conferences Legal Assn. (for both Conferences) : "Sallskapet Sanningens. Harold." Pres., E. H. Larsson; Vice-Pres., W. Johansson; Sec.. Axel Bengtsson; Treas., G. W. Ericsson. Executive Committee: E. H. Larsson, C. Gidlund, Axel Bengtsson, G. W. Ericsson, Waldemar Johanson, I. UnhiiII, K. Sandstrom. Consultative: G. E. Nord, G. A. Lindsay. Auditors: 0. Grundberg, E. Edfors. ETHIOPIAN UNION MISSION Entered 19.21; Reorganized 1933 Territory: Ethiopia, Eritrea, British and French Somalilands. Population: 12,034,631; churches, 7; members, 322. Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Addis-Abeba. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, East Africa. Officers: Supt., M. J. Sorenson. Sec.; Mae Matthews. Treas., N. B. Nielsen. Executive Committee: M. J. Sorenson, N. B. Nielsen, Alb. Hessel, G. Gudmundson, Dr. G. C. Bergman, Dr. C. E. Kahlstrom, Dr. T. C. Nicola, C. Jensen, Herbert Hanson, Mae Matthews, Esther Bergman. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Alb. Hessel. Home Miss., M. J. Sorenson. Medical: G. C. Bergman, M. D., M. R. C. S. Sabbath Sch., Mae Matthews. Ministers: M. J. Sorenson, Alb. Hessel. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. J. Sorenson, Mae Matthews, N. B. Nielsen. Institutions: Boys Training school: Principal, Herbert Hanson, P. 0. Box 145, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia. Girls Training school: Principal, Miss Mae Matthews, P. 0. Box 145, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia. Taffari Makonnen Hospital: Supt., —, Dessie, Wollo, Ethiopia. Zanditu Memorial Hospital: Supt., Dr. G. C. Bergman, Addis-Abeba, P. 0. Box 145, Ethiopia. Heile Sellassie I Hospital: Supt., , Debre Tabor, Ethiopia. ARRUSSI MISSION Entered 1925; reorganized 1926 Territory.: Chercher, Arrussi, Harrargie, Somaliland, Bale. Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Officer: Director, Missionary Licentiate: Ethiopian: Liege Joseph. BEGEMDER MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Begemder, Waag Amhara, Semien, Tigre. Address: Heile Selassie I Hospital, Debre-Tabor, Ethiopia. Officers: Director, Erik Palm. Minister: European: G. Gudmundsen. Missionary Licentiates: European: Erik Palm. Ethiopian• Alika Moot Bajnaar, Alika Wondemu, Alika Isaiah, Alika Kassahun, Alika Negusie, Alika Mangisto. ERITREAN MISSION Organized 1909 Territory: The Italian colony of Eritrea. Population: 407,474; churches, 1; members, 112. Address: Missione Avventista, P. 0. Box 114, Asmara, Eritrea, Northeast Africa. Director, Michael Ogbaski. Minister: Ethiopian: Michael Ogbaski. Other Ethiopian Workers: Gebre Mariam, Bojen, Wolde Gebrti, Alika Toldeburtian. SHOA MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: Shoa, Sulali, Fin -u, Gu153 154 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION ragie, Sidaino, Borana, Wollamo, Godjam. Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Officers: Director, M. J. Sorenson. Sec., Miss Mae Matthews. Treas., N. B. Nielsen. Ministers: M. J. Sorenson, Alb. Hessel. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. G. C. Bergman, Mrs. G. C. Bergman, Dr. T. Nicola, Mrs. T. Nicola, H. Hanson, Mrs. H. Hanson, Miss E. Bergman, Miss R. Hofstad, Miss Margit Halvorsen. WOLLEGA MISSION Entered 1925: reorganized 1926 Territory: Wollega Lem% Benishagiil, Sao% Kaffa, Baka. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gembe, Western Ethiopia, Vialakempti. Officers: Director, C. Jensen. Minister: C. Jensen. Missionary Licentiates: • European: Miss A. Lind. Ethiopian: Derresa Danki. WOLLO MISSION Organized 1926 Territory: Wollo, Lasta, r Fedjo, Dankali. Address: Taffari Makonnen Hos, pital, Dessie, Wollo, Ethiopia:. Officers: Supt., Dr. A. R. Stadin. Licentiate: Dr. W. Purmal. Missionary Licentiates: European: Miss P. Hovig, Dr. A. R. Stadin, Mrs. A. R. Stadin. Ethiopian: Massela Tekia, Liege Nagasa, Liege Teschem. GOLD COAST UNION MISSION Entered 1894; Reorganized 1933 Territory: Gold Coast, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Togoland, and the Upper Volta Colonies, West Africa. Population: 10,087,033; churches, 7; members, 556. Cable Address: "Adventist," Bekwai. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Officers: Supt., J. Clifford. Executive Committee: j. Clifford, F. Stokes, F. Edwards. Ministers: European: J. Clifford. African: J. K. Garbrah. Licentiates: European: F. Stokes, T. H. Fielding. African: S. B. Essien. Missionary Licentiates: European: F. Edwards. African: J. C. Sappon, J. Ashun, C. K. Boaten, J. Ownusu, R. K. Entwil, J. Y. Entwi, G. M. Erzuah, J. B. Tekyie, D. Institution: Agona Training School, Principal, F. Stokes Agona, Ashanti, Gold Coast, West Africa. AGONA MISSION STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Agona, Ashanti, Gold Coast; W. Africa. Director: F. Stokes. Training School: Agona, Ashanti; Principal, F. Stokes. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Head Master, S. B. Essian (African). Teachers, 5. Out-schools: Ascamang, Ashanti. • Teacher, S. Asmah. Ntonsu, Ashanti. Teacher, J. Owusu. Dispensary: F.• Stokes. African Evangelists, 6. 155 BEKWAI MISSION STATION Address: Box 45, Bekwai, via Takoradi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Director: J. Clifford.. African Evangelists, 8. Out-stations, 9. Infant School, 1. Teacher, 1. NIGERIAN UN ION MISSION Organized December, 1913. Reorganized June, 1930 Territory: Nigeria, British Mandated territory of the Cameroons, French Colony of the Niger, and the Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa. Populaiton: 25,000,000; churches, 4; members, 1,389. Cable Address: " Adventist," Ibadan, Nigeria. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box No. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Officers: Supt., Wm.. McClements."' Sec.-Treas., Miss M. Wharrie. Executive Committee: W. McClements, L. Edmonds, W. G. Till, J. J. Hyde, W. T. B. Hyde, Miss M. Wharrie, A. W. Cook. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. T. B. Hyde. Publishing, A. W. Cook. Minister: W. McClements. Institution: Ibadan Training school; P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa; Principal, W. T. B. Hyde. NORTHEASTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Organized 1930 Territory: Kano, Plateau, Bornu, Bauchi and Adatnwa Provinces. Population: 5,07,347. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Jengre Railway Station, via Jos, Northern Nigeria, W. C. Africa. Officers: Supt., J. J. Hyde. Local Committee: J. J. Hyde; Wm. McClements. Minister: J. J. Hyde. Jengre Station Established 1932 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Jengre Railway Station, via Jos, N. Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Director: J. J. Hyde. Dispensary: Mrs. J. J. Hyde. NORTHWESTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Organized 1930 (entered 1914) Territory: •Ilorin, Kabba, Sokoto, Zaria, and Niger Provinces. Population: 4,196,989; churches, 1; members, 393. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, A wtun, via Off a, Nigeria, West Africa. Officers: Supt., W. G. Till., Local Committee: W. G. Till, W. 7McClements, C. A. Bartlett. Ministers: European: W. G. Till. African: John Oriola. 156 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Awtun Station Established 1923 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Amiun, via Ilorin, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Churches: 1; members, 393. Director: W. G. Till. Village Schools: 1. Teachers: 3. Evangelists and other workers: 11. SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Organized 1930 (entered 1923) Territory: Calabar, Owerri, Warri, Ogoja, Onitsha, Benue Provinces, and part of British Mandated Territory of Cameroons South of Benue. Population: 6,629,109; churches, 2; members, 721. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, West Coast, Africa. Officers: Supt., L. Edmonds. Local Committee: L. Edmonds, Wm. McClements, A. C. Vine, Ministers: European: L. Edmonds. African: B. Tikili. Licentiate: European: A. C. Vine. Aba Station Established 1923 Address: P. 0. Box 41, Aba, South Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Director: L. Edmonds. Station School: Staffed by Oix African Teachers. Vernacular Schools: 2. Vernacular Teachers and Evangelists: 27. Elele Station Established 1930 • Address: S. D. A. Mission, Elele, Ahoada, via Port Harcourt, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Director: A. C. Vine. Station School: 1; Headmaster, A. C. Vine, assisted by 2 African Teachers. Vernacular Teachers and Evangelists: 9. SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Organized 1930 (entered 1913) Territory: Lagos Colony, Ijabu, Ondo Oyo, Benin, and Abeokuta Provinces. Population: 3,085,556; churches, 2; membership, 259. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Officers: Supt., W. McClements. Local Committee: W. McClements, W. T. B. Hyde, C. A. Bartlett. Ministers: European: W. McClements. African: J. Hamilton, A. I. Bologun. Licentiate: W. T. B. Hyde. Missionary Licentiates: European: C. A. Bartlett, Mrs. C. A. Bartlett. African: S. Dare. Vernacular Schools: 1. Teachers: 2. Evangelists: 4. Ibadan Station Established 1928 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast Africa. Director: Wm. McClements. Institutions: Ibadan Training school: (See under Union Educational institution). Ibadan Station School: Address: P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan Nigeria, West Central Africa. Principal: W. T. B. Hyde, assisted by 5 African Teachers. POLISH UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1921 Territory: The East, North, South, West Polish, and Silesian Conferences. Population: 32,000,000; churches, 144; members,. 3,353. Office Address: Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Officers: Pres., T. T. Babienco. Sec., W. Czembor. Treas., Miss M. Babinska. Executive Committee: T. T. Babienco, W. Czembor, F. Dzik, P. Englert, J. Kulak, J. Gomola, M. Wasidlow, A. Kruk, M. Babinska, K. Schafer, E. Ruez. Building Assn. (the legal society) : "Konstrukcja," sp. z. ogr. odp., Turecka 1. Warsaw, Poland. Department Secretaries: Educational, M. Ostapowicz, Field Miss. and Home Miss., K. Schafer. Sabbath Sch. and Y. P. M. V.,A. Kruk. Ministers: T. T. Babienco, W. Czembor. Licentiates: M. Wasidlow, M. Ostapowicz, K. Schafer, A. Kruk. Missionary Licentiate: Miss M. Babinska. Institutions: Polish Union Mission School, Kamienica, na Slasku 230, Poland. Polish Publishing House, a legal society, "Polski Dom Nakladowy," Turecka I, Warsaw, Poland. EAST POLISH CONFERENCE Organized 1927 Territory: Vollynia, Polesie and Lublin. Population: 5,684,000.; churches, 50; members 1,120. Office: Luck ul, Piotra Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Poland. Officers: Pres., J. Kulak. Sec.-Treas., E. Krygier. Executive Committee: J. Kulak, A. Wiesolow, E. Krygier, J. Woroniuk, E. Foss, F. Jaromczuk, A. Niewiadomski, J. Zawadzki, M. Dolgun, K. Kolbaez. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., A. Wiesolow. Ministers: J. Kulak, A. Niewiadomski, M. Dolgun, St. Kapusta. Licentiates: K. Mokijewiez, K. Piatek, E. Krueger, M. Waszczuk, J. Rosiecki, E. Krygier. Missionary Licentiates: A. Wiesolow, F. Adam, A. Makarczuk. NORTH POLISH CONFERENCE Organized 1933 • Territory: Wilno, Bialystok, NowogrOdek. Population: 3,969,000; churches, 9; members, 148. Office Address: Portowa 28/5, Wilno, Poland. Officers: Pres., F. Dzik. Sec., J. Lipski. Treas., M. Babinska. Executive Committee: F. Dzik, J. Wierzbowski, P. Poleszczuk, P. Polonski, Kryger. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Home Miss., Sab. Sch., and Y. P. M. V., J. Wierzbowski. Minister: F. Dzik. Missionary Licentiates: J. Wierzbowski, M. Hintz, P. Poleszezuk, J. Lipski, J. Paruzel. 157 158 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION SILESIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1934 Territory: KrakOw, Kielce and Silesia. Population: 6,532,000; churches, 37; members, 935. Office Address: ill. Kujawska 16, KrakOw, Poland. Officers: Pres., J. Gomola. Sec.-Treas., E. Lawaty. Executive Committee: J. Gomola, E. Lawaty, E. Niedoba, F. Stekla, A. Batheld, F. Cy' bura, J. Pieszka. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Home Miss., Sab. School, and Y. P. M. V., E. Niedoba. Ministers: J. Gomola, A. Luedtke, J. Zielinski, F. Stekla. Licentiates: K. Piatek, E. Niedoba. Missionary Licentiates: P. Baron, E. Lawaty, J. Miemczyk, F. Kubaczka. SOUTH POLISH CONFERENCE Organized 1920. Territory: LwOw, Stanislawow, Tarnopol. Population: 6,203,000 churches, 21; members, 321. Office Address: Sierpowa 10, LwOw, Poland. Officers: Pres., P. Englert. Sec.-Treas., 0. Niedoba. Executive Committee: P. Englert, 0. Niedoba, A. Maszczak, M. Raduch, Dr. Modrecki, J. Schoffer, St. Leblanc. Department Secretaries:, Field Miss., P. Englert. Home Miss., Sab. Sch., and Y. P. M. V., A. Maszczak. Ministers: P. Englert, A. Felte, A. Maszezak. Licentiate: 0. Niedoba. Missionary Licentiates: St. Smyk, P. Struski, M. Kot, 0. Bruniec, D. Szkolniak. WEST POLISH CONFERENCE Organized 1918 Territory: Warszawa, Lodz, Po' morze, Poznan. Population: 9,542,000; churches, 30; members, 650. • Office Address: Turecka 1, Warsaw,'Poland. Officers: Pres., W. Czembor, Sec. and Treas., L Gajzler. Executive Committee: W. Czembor, E. Rucz, 0. Ginter, H. Bartel, K. Nowieki, L. Gajzler, .,.W. Kuzma. ,. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., W. Kuzma., Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., K. Nowicki. Ministers: W. Czembor, T. E. Klut, E. Kulesa. Honorary: J. Niedoba, K. Jelen, T, Will, R. Cunitz. Licentiates: W. Kuzma, G. Baron. Missionary Licentiates: K. Nowicki, L. Gajzler, E. Fiedler, 0. Wajrauch, G. Baron, F. Kosmowski. SIERRA LEONE UNION MISSION Entered 1905; Reorganized 1933 Territory: Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gambia, French Guinea, and the French Sudan Colonies. Population: 9,112,757; - churches, 10; members, 478. Cable Address: Advent, Waterloo, Sierra-Leone. Address: S..D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Supt., J. Gronert. Sec.-Treas., Miss A. S. Nuka. Auditor, A. S. Nuka. Executive Committee: J. Gronert, A. S. Nuka, E. Flammer, K. Noltze, T. Tranborg, H. Rasmussen. Minister: J. Gronert. Missionary Licentiate: A. S. Nuka. Institutions: "Waterloo Trainina and Industrial School," Waterloo, b Sierra Leone. Liberian Mission School, Grand Bassa, Liberia. Advent Publishing Assn., Waterloo, Sierra Leone. NORTHERN LIBERIAN MISSION Entered 1931Organized 1933 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gbanga, District 2, c/o A. Woermann, Monrovia, Liberia, West Arica. Officers: Supt., K. Noltze. Sec.-Treas., K. Noltze. ,Local Cominittee: J; Gronert, K. Noltze; E. Flammer. Licentiate: K. Noltze. Missionary Credentiali African: A. L. Camara. Missionary Licentiate: M. K. Davies. SIERRA LEONE MISSION Entered 1905 Territory: Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone. Population, 1,550,000; churches, 9:, members, 469. Cable Address: Advent, Waterloo, Sierra' Leone. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Officers: Supt., J. Gronert. Sec.-Treas., Miss A.' S. Nuka. 159 Local Committee: J. Gronert, H. Rasmussen, T. Tranborg, H. Wilson, S. Q. Nicol. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. Rasmussen. _Field Miss. and Sabbath Sch., J. Gronert. Home Miss: and Y. P. M. Miss A. S. Nuka. Ministers: European: J. Gronert. African: H. E. A. Lynch, H. Wilson, S. C. Nicol, N: S. During, M. S. Williams. Licentiates: D. B. Thomas, J. B. Terry, J. H. Nicol. Missionary Credentials: European: T. Tranborg, Miss A. S. Nuka, H. Rasmussen. African: J. S: Myers, S. K. Belford, J. K. Williams, S. Sao, S. F. During, E. M. Kamanda, J. Mbakpoh. Missionary Licentiates: A. 0. Kennick, J. Vandi, A. S. Turay, S. N. Wright. SOUTHERN LIBERIAN MISSION Entered 1927—Organized 1933 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Palmberg Station, c/o Maier 'and Jiirgensmeyers, Grand Bassa, Liberia, West Africa. Officers: Supt., E. Flammer. Sec. and Treas., E. Flammer. Local Committee: J. Gronert, E. Flammer, K. Noltze. Minister: E. Flammer. African: I. W. Harding, Missionary Credential: African: D. Scott. Missionary Licentiates: African: W. Helbig, J. J. Mogeray. UPPER NILE UNION MISSION Entered 1927; Reorganized 1933 Territory: Uganda Protectorate and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Population: 10,157,000. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent Kampala. Office Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Headquarters: Kireka Hill Mis- sion, Mile 6 on Junja Road. Officers: Supt., V. E. Toppenberg. Sec., . Treas., Esther Range. Executive Committee: V. E. Toppenberg, F. H. Muderspach, V. Rasmussen, E. R. Andersen. Department Secretaries: Educational, V. Rasmussen. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., V. E. Toppenberg. Publishing, A. W. Allen. Office Translator: Ashe W. Musoke. Minister: V. E. Toppenberg. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. V. E. Toppenberg, Esther flange, Ashe W. Musoke. Institution: Nchwanga Training School. Principal, V. Rasmussen, P. 0. Mubende, Uganda, East Africa. Field Miss., E. Kibuga. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., F. H. Muderspach. Ministers: European: F. H. Muderspach. African: P. Risase. Licentiates: European: V. Rasmussen. African: S. Golola. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. H. Muderspach, Mrs. V. Rasmussen. African Teachers and Bible Workers: 11; Colporteurs: 6. Nchwanga Mission Station Established 1927 Postal Address: P. 0. Mubende, Uganda, East Africa. Director: V. Rasmussen. African Workers: 4. Kireka Mission Station Established 1929 Postal Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Director: F. H. Muderspach. African Workers: 6. EASTERN UGANDA MISSION CENTRAL UGANDA MISSION Entered 1927 Territory: The Kingdoms of Bu- gandy, Bunyoro, and Toto. Population: 1,190,026. Postal. Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Officer: Supt., F. H. Muderspach. Local Committee: F. H. Muderspach, V. E. Toppenberg, P. Risase. Department Secretaries: Edu cational, -V. Rasmussen. 160 Entered 1932 Territory: Busoga, Budama, Bug- were, Bugishu, and Teso Districts. Population: 1,169,001. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 49, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa. Officer: Supt., E. R. Andersen. Local Committee: E. R. Andersen, V. E .Toppenberg, E. Rewe. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., E. Kibuga. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., E. R. Andersen. • NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Licentiates: European: E. R. Andersen. African: E. Rewe. Missionary Licentiates: European: Mrs. E. R. Andersen. African: 1. 161 Kakoro Mission Station Established 1934 Postal Address: P. 0. Box 49, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa. Director: E. R. Andersen. African Workers: 2. WEST NORDIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1931. (The former Scandinavian Union Conference, organized in 1901, was in 1931 divided into an East Nordic and a West Nordic Union.) Territory: Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. Population: 6,489,656; churches, 129; members, 6,444. Cable Address: Adventunion, Oslo. Office Address: Wm. Thranes gate 10, Oslo, Norway. Officers: Pres., L. Muderspach. Sec. and Treas., R. F. Jensen. Auditor, R. F. Jensen. Executive Committee: L. Muderspach, T. Tobiassen, 0. S. Lie, A. Varmer, E. Bjaances, 0. J. Olsen, A. C. Christensen, A. Andersen, M. D., C. M. Scott, H. M. Johnson, P. G. Nelson, R. F. Jensen. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Johnson. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., Karl Abrahamsen. Medical, C. M. Scott. Ministers: L. Muderspach, P. G. Nelsen. Honorary: M. M. Olsen, 0. J. O. Rost, Erik Arnesen. Licentiate: Karl Abrahamsen. Missionary Licentiates: A. C. Christensen, R. F. Jensen. Institutions: The Nordic Philanthropic Society, Skodsborg Badesanatorium, Skodsborg, Denmark. 6 Copenhagen Publishing House, Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Scandinavian Publishing House, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Vejlefjord Mission School, Daugaard St., Denmark. Norway S. D. A. Mission School, Algarheim, Norway. Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Copenhagen Health Home (Fysisk Kuranstalt), St. Kongensgade 36-38, Copenhagen, Denmark. Oslo Health Home, Oslo, Norway, Akersgaten 74. Haugesund Treatment Rooms, Breidablikgaten 97, Haugesund, Norway. Copenhagen Food Factory, Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, Denmark. The Nordic Philanthropic Society Organized 1897 Address: Skodsborg, Badesanatorium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Legal Name: Nordisk illantropisk Selskab. Trustees: L. H. Christian, Carl Ottosen, L. Muderspach, G. A. Lindsay, Chr. Hansen, A. Andersen, E. Eriksen, C. M. Scott, V. Sucksdorff, C. Gidliind, T. Tobiassen, 0. L. Lie, H. M. John- 162 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION son, H. P. Panduro, Axel Johansen. Officers: President, L. H. Christian. Vice-President, Carl Ottosen, M. D. Secretary, A. Andersen, M. D. Treasurer, Chr. Hansen. Auditors, Chr. Pedersen, R. F. Jensen. EAST DENMARK CONFERENCE Organized 1880; reorganized 1931. Territory: East Denmark. Population: 1,575,040; churches, 23; members, 1,585. Cable Address: Expedit, Copenhagen. Office Address: Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Officers: Pres., T. Tobiassen. Sec. and Treas., Alf Berg. Auditor, R. F. Jensen. Executive Committee: T. Tobiassen, H. P. Panduro, 0. S. Sorensen, Lauritis Poulsen, Hj. Falck, G. E. Westman, H. Westerlund. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., 0. S. Sorensen. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., Alf Berg. Ministers: T. Tobiassen, L. J. Kirkelokke, L. Sceboc-Larsen, J. P. U. Jensen, G. E. Westerman. Licentiates: E. W. Pedersen, I. W. Christiansen. Missionary Licentiates: Joh. M. Nielsen, 0. S. Sorensen, Aage Jorgensen, Kathrine Hedemann, Thora Failgstad, Noomi Christiansen, Othilie Nielsen, Karl Petersen. Church School Teachers: K. Frederiksen, Borge Rasmussen, Erna Schou, Gudrun Hansen. ICELAND-FAROES CONFERENCE Entered 1897; Organized 1930 Territory: Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Population: 129,185; churches, 8; members, 355. Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Officers: Pres., 'O. J. Olsen. Vice-Pres., 0. Frenning. Sec. and Treas., M. Helgason. Auditor, The auditor of the union. Executive Committee: 0. J. Olsen, 0. Frenning, M. Helgason, Loftur Sigurdsson, S. Hallgrims_ son, J. G. Jonsson. Department ,Secretaries: Field Miss., Home Miss., 0. Frenning. Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School, J. G. Jonsson. Ministers: 0. J. Olsen, 0. Frenning. Licentiates: J. G. Palsson, M. Helgason, N. J. Videro. Missionary Licentiate: J. G. Jonsson. Institutions: Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House, Box 262, Reykjavik, • Iceland. S. D. A. Church School, Westman Islands, Iceland. Teachers: Sigfus Hallgrimson, Ester Olsen. NORTH NORWAY CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: North Norway. Population: 769,220; churches, 26; members, 866. Office Address: Klostergate 35, Trondheim, Norway. Officers: Pres., E. Bjaanas. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Sec. and Treas.,' A. A. Andreassen. Auditor, R. F. Jensen. Executive Committee: E. Bjaanes, J. A. Tillgren, S. H. Myklebust, Konrad Holm, Johannes Larsen. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Paul Frivold. Home Miss., E. Bjaanas. Sabbath Sch. and Y. P. M. V., A. A. Andreassen. Ministers: E. Bjaanas, .J. A. Tillgren, E. Stinessen, 0. Udbjorg. Missionary Licentiates: A. A. Andreassen, Mina Jacobsen. 163 vald Abrahamsen, Borghild Fulsebakke, Ruth Behring, Mathilde . Larsen, Ingeborg Londahl, Louise Borge, Ruth Iversen. Church School Teachers: Charles Wang, Lina Mordahl. WEST DENMARK CONFERENCE Organized 1931. Territory: West Denmark (Jylland and Fyn). Population: 1,965,170; churches, 34; members, 1,422. Office Address: Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. SOUTH NORWAY CONFEROfficers: ENCE Pres., A. Varmer. Formerly a part of the Norway Sec. and Treas., Axel RasmusConference, organized in 1887; disen. vided and reorganized in 1929. Auditor, R. F. Jensen. Territory: South Norway. Executive Committee: A. VarPopulation: 2,009,742; churches, mer, A. Guldhammer, H. M. 38; members, 2,216. Johnsen, P. Norreen, Soren Cable Address: " Sundlietsbladet," Christensen, J. M. Nielsen, Chr. Oslo, Norway. Johansen. Office: Akersgaten 74, Oslo, NorDepartment' Secretaries: way. Field Miss., 0. S. Sorensen. Officers: Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Pres., 0. S. Lie. Y. P. M. V., W. W. Hansen. Sec. and Treas., Ragnvald AbraMinisters: hamsen. A. Varmer, A. Guldhammer, H. Auditor, R. F. Jensen. Muderspach, S. Broberg. Executive Committee: 0. S. Lie, T. S. Valen, Paul Olsen, P. Licentiates: Christiansen, 0. J. Olsen, Joh. H. M. Johnsen, W. W. Hansen, Gudmundsen, G. Kittilsen. Togo Gommesen, Johs. Jensen, Department Secretaries: Einar Nielsen, P. A. ChristianField Miss., Paul Frivold. sen. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Missionary Licentiates: Home Miss., R. T. Skyllstad. Thorvald Kristensen, Thomas Christensen. Ministers: 0. S. Lie, Chr. Tobiassen, 0. J. Church School Teachers: Olsen, L. J. Stene, 0. Jordahl, Cathinka Henriksen, Anna -SiT. S. Valen, R. J. Skyllstad. monsen; Dorthea Priistiin, JoLicentiate: Paul Olsen. . hanne Wilhelmsen, Gerda JorMissionary Licentiates: gensen, Marie Schmidt, Grethe K. Norland, Olaf Wiik, RagnVest. - FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICAN MISSION Entered 193z; Reorganized 1933 Territory: That part of the French Cameroons north of latitude 10, and the colony of French Equatorial Africa north of latitude 10. Population: 2,840,050. Office Address: Poste Restante, Marwa, French Cam eroons, West Africa. Officer: Supt., R. Bergstrom. Missionary Licentiates: R. Bergstrom, K. Johannessen. INSTITUTIONS Educational: Agona Training School, Agona, Ashanti, Gold Coast, West Africa. Baltic Union School, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Boys' Training School, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Finland S. D. A. Mission School,, Piilacio, Finland. Girls' Training School, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Ibadan Training School, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Kamagambo Training School, Kamagambo, P. 0. Kisumu, Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Liberian Mission School, Palmberg Station, c/o Maier and Jurgensmeyers, Grand Bassa, Liberia, West Africa. Newbold Missionary College, near Rugby, Warwickshire. Norway S. D. A. Mission School, Algarheim, Norway. Polish Union Mission School, Kamienica Na Slask 230, Poland. Swedish Missionary School, Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden. 164 Upper Nile Union Training School, P. 0. Mubende, Uganda, Africa. Vejlefjord Mission School, Daugaard St., Denmark. Waterloo Training School, S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Church Schools: British Union London-W., Stamford Brook Rd., Hammersmith, W. 6. London, E. Grove Road, Walthamstowe, E. 17. Plymouth, Fletewood, North Road, Plymouth, England. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. East Nordic Union Stockholm,Tunnelgatan 25, , Sweden. Stockhom West Nordic Union Aarhus Meninghedsskole, Nr. Alle 30, Denmark. Copenhagen, Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen V., Denmark. Esbjerg, Finlandsgade 28, Denmark. Frederikshavn, Salem, Haabats Allee, Denmark. Gredstedbro, Denmark. Iceland, Westman Islands. Jerslev pr Br6nderslev, Denmark. Oslo, Kingosgate 1, Norway. Skodsborg, Badesanatorieh, Denmark. Vejlefjord pr. Daugaard St. Denmark. Publishing: Advent Press, Gendia P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION. British Publishing House, Stanborough Press Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herta, England. Copenhagen Publishing House, Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Estonian Publishing House, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. Finland Publishing House, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Latvian Publishing House, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Polish Publishing House, UI. Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Scandinavian Publishing House, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Stockholm Publishing House, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Depositories: Advent Publishing Association, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Gold Coast, West Africa, S. D. A. Mission, Box 45, Bekwai. Lithuanian Depository, Tulpiu g-ve, 5 Kaunas, Lithuania. Southeast Nigeria Depository, S. D. A. Mission, Box 41, Aba, Southern Nigeria, West Africa. Southwest Nigeria Depository, Post Office, Box 19; Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. • Sanitariums: Heile Selassie I Hospital, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia. Hultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors, Sweden. Kendu Hospital, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Stanborough Park Sanitarium, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Taffarie Makonnen Hospital, 165 Dessie. Postal Address: Dessie Wollo, Ethiopia. Zaudi tu Memorial Sanitarium and Hospital, Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Summer Sanitariums: Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium, Rimbo, Sweden. Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium, Piikkio, Finland. Treatment Rooms: Fysisk Kuranstalt, St. Kongensgade 36-38, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Haugesund Treatment Rooms, Breidablikgaten 97, Norway. Helsingfors, Finland, HydroElektric Institute, Annegatan 7. Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden. Oslo Health Home, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Stockholm, Sweden, Hydro-Elektric Institute, HumlegArdsgatan 18. Legal Associations: World Wide Advent Missions, Limited, 41, Manor Gardens, Edgware, England. Baltic Union Estonian Building Department, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. • Riga Mission Property, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. British Union British Advent Missions Ltd., Watford, Herts, England. Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Harts, England. Good Health Assn., Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Harts, England. Polish Union Building Assn., Warsaw, Gorska 9, Poland. East Nordic Union Finland Mission Property, Annegaten 5, Helsingfors, Finland. 166 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Sanningens Harold Assn. Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,' Sweden. Stockholm Mission Property, Tunnelgatan 26, Stockholm, Sweden. West Nordic Union Aarhus Church Property, N5rreallee 30, Denmark. Bergen Church Property, Sigurdsgaten 25, Bergen, Norway. " Ebenezer," Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Oslo S. D. A. Assn., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Oslo Church Property, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Scandinavian Philanthropic Soc., Skodsborg, Denmark. Food Companies: British Union Granose Foods Limited (British Health Food Factory) Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. West Nordic Union Copenhagen Food Factory.—Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Organized 1916 Territory: The Austral and South Brazil Union Conferences, and the Inca and East Brazil Union Missions3 Population: 73,289,321; churches, 209; members, 24,862. Cable Address: " Division," Buenos Aires. Western Union Code — Five-letter Edition or A B C, Fifth Edition. Office Address: Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Ainerica. Officers: Pres., N. P. Neilsen. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Roger, Altman. Transportation Agent, P. H. Barnes. Executive Board: N. P. Neilsen, Roger Altman, E. V. -•Moore, E. H. Wilcox, W. 'E. Murray, H. B. Westcott, J. L. Brown, H. B. Lundquist, P. H. Barnes, J. A. P. Green. Educational Department: Sec., H. B. Lundquist. Other Members: G. F. Ruf, J. D. Hardt, E. R. Maas, Leon Replogle, J. M. Howell, J. H. Meier, C. H. Baker. Home Missionary Department: Secretary, J. L. Brown. General Members: N. P. Neilsen,: W. E. Murray, E. V. Moore, -H. R. Westcott, E. H. Wilcox. Union Home Miss. Secretaries: J. T. Thompson, G. F. Ruf, Benedicto Silveira; Manoel Margarido. Publishing Department: Sec., J. A. P. Green. General Members: N. P. Neilsen, E. H. Wilcox, E. V. Moore, H. B. Westcott, W. E. Murray. Managers of Publishing Houses: M. V. Tucker, J. B. Johnson. Union Field Miss. Secretaries: M. Margarido, R. J. Roy, Benedicto Silveira. Editors: M. I. Fayard, J. Berger Johnson, Luiz Waldvogle. Sabbath School Department: Sec., J. L. Brown. Other Members: G. F. Ruf, G. E. Hartman. Young People's Missionary Volunteer Department: Secretary, H. B. Lundquist. Other Members: G. F. Ruf, Leon Replogle, J. D. Hardt. Laborers Holding Credentials From the South American Division: Ministers: N. P. Nielsen, J. L. Brown, H. B. Lundquist, Roger Altman, J, A. P. Green. Missionary Licentiates: P. H. Barnes, Gmo. Everik, 'Gertrude Hansch, Otto Keppke, A. E. Thoman. AUSTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Organized igo6 Territory: The Conferences of Buenos Aires, Chile, and Central Argentine; and the mission fi,elds of Magellan, Uruguay, Cuyo, .and North. Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos Aires, South America. Telegraphic Address: "Austral," Florida, (Bs. As.) Telephone Number: Florida 236. 167 168 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Office Address: •Calle Llavallol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. population: 18,557,371; churches, 88.; members, 6,228. Officers: Pres., W. E. Murray. Sec. and Treas., G E Emmenegger. Executive Committee: W. E. Murray, G. E. Emmenegger, Dr. C. E. Westphal, J. T. Thompson, M. V. Tucker, P. M. Brouchy, Walter Schubert, J. M. Howell, W. F. Miller, W. A. Ernenputsch, G. B. Taylor, 0. H. Maxson. Department Secretaries: Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, —. Field Miss., Home Miss, J. T. Thompson. Medical, Dr. C. E. Westphal. Ministers: W. E. Murray, C. E. Westphal, M. D., J. M. Howell, J. D. Livingston, J. T. Thompson, H. J. Westphal. Licentiates: G. E. Emmenegger, M. V. Tucker, Marcelo Fay ward. Missionary Licentiates: 0. H. Maxson, Freda Trefz, Dr. G. B. Replogle, I. E. Mohr, 'W. G. Lawson, Segundo Ferri, P. C. Beskow, Ernesto Steger, Mercedes C. de Papasian, Juan Zevallos R., Braulio Perez, Julia E. de Cairus, Mrs. H. J. Westphal. ALTO PARANA MISSION Organized 1906 Territory: Paraguay, Provinces of Santiago del Estero, Tucuman, Salta, Jujuy and Corrientes, and the Territories of Misiones, Formosa, Chaco, Los Andes, in Argentina. Population: 2,358,961; churches, 13; members, 780. Office Address: Carlos P'ellegrini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Officers: Director: W. A. Ernenputsch. Sec. and Treas., H. P. Beskow. Executive Committee: W. A. Ernenputsch, Godofredo Block, Jr., Niels Wensell, Santiago Kalbermatter, H. P. Beskow. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, IL P. Beskow. Edu., Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. A. Ernenputsch. Field Miss., Santiago Kalbermatter. Sabbath School, H. P. Beskow. Ministers: W. A. Ernenputsch, Godofredo Block, Jr., D. E. Dolinger, Jr. Honorary: Mateo Leytes. Licentiate: Niels Wensell. Missionary Licentiates: H. P. 13eskoW, Santiago Kalbermatter. Church School Teachers: Samuel Brack, J. E. Sittner, Maria E. Tantin. BUENOS AIRES CONFERENCE Organized 1921 Territory: City of Buenos Aires, Province of Buenos Aires, Territories of La Pampa, Rio Negro, Neuquen. Population: 5,735,494; churches, 10; members, 840. Office Address: Calle Uriarte 2429 (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Officers: . Pres., Sec. and Treas., Ner Soto G. Executive Committee: Ner Soto G., Juan Ferri, M. I. Fayard, Felipe Sittner, Emilio Gmelin, Edgar Brooks. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Ner Soto G. Educational, —. Field Miss., Emilio Gmelin. Sabbath School, Ner Soto G. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION 169 Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss., Felipe Sittner. Ministers: Felipe Sittner, Andres Ascione. Honorary: E. W. Thomann, A. Buzugherian. Licentiates: D. A. Hammerly, Ner Soto G. Honorary: Edgar Brooks. Missionary Licentiates: Emilio Gmelin, Juan Ferri, Tomas E. Saviano, Beatriz Biaggi, Floridor Villarreal. Church School Teachers: Alicia Bishop, Alda Cayrus, Raquel Genanian, Aurora P. de Podestd. tor Aeschlimann, P. R. Tabuenca, V. L. Gambetta. Missionary Licentiates: Juan A. Bonjour, Andres Riffel. Church School Teachers: Julia Roscher, Adela Dupertuis, Mrs. Edith R. de Ernst, Silvia Rettori, Lidia Kramer, Elisa S. de Schmidt, Felisa G. de Perez, Rosa Genanian, Elisa, Dreher, Reinaldo Lust, Maria • W. de Bitched, Maria C. Schimpf, Daniel Weiss (h), Lidia Schneider, Ana Fuchs, Elena Dupertuis, Maria Bishop, Ruth M. de Riffel, Dina Mazza, Sara Vazquez, Ema Sailer. CENTRAL ARGENTINE CONFERENCE Organized 1921 Territory: Provinces of Entre Rios, Santa Fe, and COrdoba, Argentina. Population: 3,263,900; churches, 22; members, 1,670. Telephone: Entreriano 10671, Provincial 87.) Office Address: Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Officers: Pres., Walter Schubert. Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff. Executive Committee: Walter Schubert, C. E. Krieghoff, Ramon Isasi, 0. H. Masson, P. R. Tabuenca, Daniel Weiss. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. E. Krieghoff. Educational, Andres Riffel. Field Miss., P. R. Tabuenca. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Andres Riffel. Sab. Sch., C. E. Krieghoff. Ministers: Walter Schubert, C. E. Krieghoff. Honorary: Ignacio Kalbermatter, Camilo Gil. Licentiates: Enrique Weiss, Juan Riffel, Vic- CHILE CONFERENCE Organized 1907 Territory: Chile, South America, (except Territory of Magellan). Population: 4,249,532; churches, 31; members, 2,254. Cable Address: "Adventist," Santiago, Chile, South America. Post Office Address: Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Officers: Pres., L. D. Minner. Sec. and Treas., J. A. Ayvazian. Executive Committee: L. D. Minner, J. A. Ayvazian, G. B. Taylor, L. A. Rojas, Eliel Almonte, P. E. Wensell, A. Aeschlimann. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. Arias. Educational ,and Y. P. M. V., A. Aeschlimann. Field Miss., P. E. Wensell. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, Eliel Almonte. Medical, Mrs. 0. Minner. Ministers: L. D. Minner, A. Betchin, L. A. Rojas, G. B. Taylor, C. H. Mayr, A. Aeschlimann, J. H. Meier. Honoraiy: V. E. Thomann. Licentiates: L. A. Griott, Eliel Almonte, E. T. Block, R. Block, G. DruheAberg, S. Fayard. 170. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: J. A. Ayvazian, E. Arias, Miss H. Vyhmeister, Mrs. C. liinner V. de B., Mrs. 0. Minner, W. Aeschlimann, G. Ernst, Mrs. J. H. Meier. Honorary: F. Olavarria. Chillan Training School Teachers: G. B. Taylor, G. Drachenberg, G. Ernst, Miss S. Rode, W. Aeschlimann,•Mrs. G. B. Taylor, Mrs. D. de Drachenberg, Mrs. E. Ernst, Mrs. Marfa Aeschlimann. Church School Teachers: Mrs. E. P. Olivares, E. Torreblanca, Mrs. Olga Mejias, Miss A. Arias, H. Dal Santo, B. Quezadas, Luis A. Rojas S, E. Sanhueza, Jorge Mella, Pablo Mora, T. Arenas. CUYO MISSION Territory: Provinces of Mendoza, Population: 103,000; churches, 1; members, 32. Office Address: Casilla Correo 446, Magallanes, Chile, South America. Officers: Director, W. F. Miller. Minister: W. F. Miller. URUGUAY MISSION Organized 1906 Territory: Uruguay Republic, South America. Population: 1,800,000; churches, 7; members, 492. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Montevideo. Office Address: Calle General Urquiza 2744, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Officers: Director, P. M. Brouchy. La Rioja, Catamarca, San Juan, and San Luis in Argentina. Population: 1,046,484; churches, 2; members, 160. Office Address: Calle Arizu 895, Sec. and Treas., D. J. Weiss. Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, Argentina, South America. Officers: Department Secretaries: Bk. and Bible Hse., D. J. Weiss. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Director, W. E. Murray. Department Secretary: Field Miss., Fernando Arriagada. Minister: Benjamin Bustos. Missionary Licentiate: Fernando Arriagada. MAGELLAN MISSION Territory: Territories of Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra de Fuego (Land of Fire) in Argentina, Territory of Magellan in Chile, and the Falkland Islands. Executive Committee: P. M. Brouchy, S. C. Weber, D. J. Weiss, Julio Ernst, Jos8 Cairus, Federico Mangold, N. Chaij. N. Chaij. Sabbath School, D. J. Weiss. Y. P. M. V., P. M. Brouchy. Ministers: P. M. Brouchy, S. C. Weber. Honorary: Luis Ernst, Santiago Mangold. Licentiate: Marcelo Pidoux. Missionary Licentiates: D. J. Weiss, Ida Beskow, N. Chaij. Church School Teachers: Alicia W. de Gerber, Luisa Frey. EAST BRAZIL UNION MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: State of . Minas Geraes, the Federal District and the States of Rio de Janeiro, Espi- rito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Parahyba, Rio Grande de Norte, Piauhy, SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Ceara, Maranhao, Para, Amazonas, Territory of Acre. Population: 28,691,950; churches, 29; members, 3,158. Cable Address: " Adventista," Rio de Janeiro. Postal and Office Address: Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South America. Telephone, 2372. Officers: Supt., H. B. Westcott. Sec. and Treas., U. Wiesner. Executive Committee: H. B. Westcott, U. Wissner, E. M. Davis, Gustavo Storch, L. B. Halliwell, C. C. Schneider, Germano Streithorst, J. D. Hardt, Benedicto Silveira, E. R. Maas, J. B. Johnson. Legal Assn.: " Associadto da Unifto Este Brasileira dos Adventistas do Setimo Die. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. D. Hardt. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Benedieto Silveira. Sabbath School, —. Minister: H. B. Westcott. Licentiates: Benedicto Silveira, J. D. Hardt. Missionary Licentiates: U. Wissner, Ernesto Ebinger, Myrtie B. Westcott, Elise K. Wissner, Elizabeth H. Hardt. LOWER AMAZONAS MISSION Established 1927 Territory: Ceara, Piauhy, Maranhao, Park, Amazonas, Territory of Acre. Population: 5,720,676; churches, 1; members, 126. Telegraphic Address: Adventistas, Belem, Para. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 658, Belem, Pare, South America. Office Address: Rua Gaspar Vianna 120, Belem, Para. Officers: Director, L. B. Halliwell. See. and Treas., U. Wissner. 171 Minister: L. B. Halliwell. Missionary Licentiates: Manoel Pereira, Jessie Halliwell. Church School Teachers: Zulmira Moraes, H. F. Tavares, E. Eclache. NORTH EAST MISSION Reorganized 1932 Territory: States of Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Parahyba, Rio Grande do Norte. Population: 11,094,788; churches, 6; members, 910. Telegraphic Address: Adventistas, Recife. Office Address: Rua Gervasio Pires 717, Recife, Brazil. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, S. America. Officers: Director, Gustavo Storch. Sec.-Treas., 0. M. Groeschel. Executive Committee: Gustavo Storch, 0. M. Groeschel, Jose Seabra, Jose dos Passos, Oscar Castellane. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, 0. M. Groeschel. Field Miss., Jose Seabra. Home Miss. and Educational, Gustavo Storch. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., 0. M. Groechel. Ministers:. Gustavo Storch, Jose R. dos Passos. Licentiates: 0. Castellane, Theophilo Berger. Missionary Licentiates: 0. M. Groeschel, Jose Beabra, Jose Baracat. Church School Teacher: Noe Ramos. RIO-ESPIRITO SANTO MISSION Established 1919 Territory: State of Espirito Santo and the northern part of the State of Rio de Janeiro. 172 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Population: 1,203,086; churches, 12; members, 1,109. Telegraphic Address: Adventistas, Victoria, Espirito Santo. Office Address: Rua Graciano Neves 46, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, S. America. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 233, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America. Officers: Director, Germano Streithorst. Sec. and Treas., E. Langenstrassen. Executive Committee: Germano Streithorst, E. Langenstrassen, Karl Kaltenhauser, Raul Cordeiro de Araujo, Dr. Americo Coelho. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. Langenstrassen. Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Germano Streithorst. Sabbath School, E. Langenstrassen. Ministers: Germano Streithorst, Karl Kaltenhauser. Licentiates: Samuel Thomas, Jorge Hoyler. Missionary Licentiates: E. Langenstrassen, Raul Cordeiro de Araujo, Max Fuhrmann, Loni Streithorst. Church School Teachers: Alberto Kndpfer, Manoel Ost, Philonilla AssumpcAo, Emilio Storch, Elza Gutzeit, Josd Mores, W. Reissner. RIO-MINAS GERAES MISSION Established 1931 Territory: The State of Minas Geraes, Federal District, and the southern part of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Population: 10,583,400; churches, 10; members, 1,013. -‘ Telegraphic Address: Adventistas, Rio de Janeiro. Office Address: Rua Parahyba 58, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America, Telephone 8-7796. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Officers: Director, E. M. Davis. Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. Executive Committee: E. M. Davis, 'U. Wissner, Saturnino Mendes de Oliveira, Luiz Braun, R. Belz, Juan Meier, Daniel Feder. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, U. Wissner. Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. D. Hardt. Field Miss., Saturnino Mendes de Oliveira. Home Miss, E. M. Davis. Sabbath School, U. Wissner. Ministers: E. M. Davis, Luiz Braun, R. Bela. Licentiates: Deodoro Barbosa, Daniel Feder, J. Meier. Missionary Licentiates: E. M. Hermanson, Saturnino Mendes de Oliveira, Isaura Piexoto, Ida Davis. Church School Teachers: Elisa Salse, Noemia Buehler, Regina S. Cardoso, Nahir• Cunha. INCA UNION MISSION Organized 1914 Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Cable Address: " Incaunion," Lima, Lake Titicaca, Peru, and Ama- • Peru. zon Missions. Population: 12,000,000; churches, Office Address: 891 Avda. Cowandente Espinar, con Angamos, 39; members, 9,760. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Miraflores, Lima, Pert, South America. Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America. Officers: Supt., E. V. Moore. Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn. Cashier, R. V. Leon. Executive Committee: E. V. Moore, H. M. Colburn, G. F. Ruf, R. J. Roy, F. A. Stahl, F. E. Bresee, J. D. Replogle, Jacob Wagner, Francisco Brouchy. . 173 Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., . . Publishing and Home Miss, Rattl Chavez. Sabbath School, Mrs. Anna Stahl. Minister: F. A. Stahl. Missionary Licentiates: Bernabe Chavez, J. P. Ramos, R. V. Pacho, Raid Chavez, Mrs. F. A. Stahl, Wallace Stahl, Mrs. Wallace Stahl. Department Secretaries: Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, G. F. Ruf. Field and Home Miss., R. J. Roy. Ministers: E. V. Moore, R. J. Roy, 0. F. Ruf. Missionary Licentiates: H. M. Colburn, Mrs. H. M. Colburn, R. V. Left, H. V. Espino, Mrs. E. V. Moore, Mrs. R. J. Roy, Mrs. 0. F. Rut. Tingo Rest Home: Administrator: J. Wiedermann. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Tingo, Peru. Postal Address: Casilla 252, Arequipa, Peru, South America. BOLIVIA MISSION Established 1907 Territory: Republic of Bolivia, South America. Churches: 10; members, 2,815. Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," La Paz, Bolivia. Postal Address: Casille, 355, La Paz, BoliVia, South America. Office Address: Calle Belisario-Salinas 280. Officers: Director, J. D. Replogle. Sec. and Treas., S. R. Loomis. Executive Committee: J. D. Replogle, G. E. Stacey, Dr. J. W. Taylor, H. C. Morton, S. R. Loomis. Department Secretaries: AMAZON. MISSION OF PERU Organized 1927 Territory: The Departments of Loreto, and that part of the Department of Huttnuco east of the Huallaga River. Churches: 3; members, 497. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Iquitos, Peru. Postal Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru, South America. Officers: Director, F. A. Stahl. Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn. Executive Committee: F. A. Stahl, H. M. Colburn, Rat' Chavez, 13erria be Chavez. . Field Miss., Home Miss., J. D. Replogle. Sabbath School, Educational, and Y. P. M. V., G. E. Stacey. Ministers: J. D. Replogle, G. E. Stacey. • Licentiates: I. Chuquimia, H. C. Morton, F. Chuquimia. Missionary Licentiates: S. R. Loomis, Dr. J. W. Taylor, Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Mrs. H. C. Morton, NI. E. Aguilar, Mrs. J. D. Replogle, Mrs. 0. E. Stacey, Mrs. S. R. Loomis, M. Urbina, I. Mamani, A. Bellido, Mrs. NI. E. Aguilar, Mrs. A. Bellido, M. Cal pa . 174 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION ECUADOR MISSION Established 1906 Territory: Republic of Ecuador, South America. Churches: 3; members, 121. Cable Address: "Adventista," Guayaquil. Postal Address: Casilla 1141, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America. Officers: Director, Francisco Brouchy. Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn. Executive Committee: Francisco Brouchy, H. M. Colburn, Julio Espinosa. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., Alfredo Marin. Minister: Francisco Brouchy. Licentiates: R. Redin, J. Espinosa. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. Brouchy, A. Marin, Mrs. A. Marin, C. Freile. LAKE TITICACA MISSION Established 1916 Territory: Departments of Puno, Cuzco, Arqquipa, Moquegua, Tacna and Madre de Dios en Peru. Churches: 12; members, 4,995. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Puno, Peru. . Office Address: Calle Lima No. 21, Puno, Peru. Officers: Director, Jacob Wagner. Sec. and Treas., S. Alberro. Executive Committee: J. Wagner, S. Alberro, R. A. Hayden, Dr. R. R. Reed, Wm. Goransson, 0. Krause. Department Secretaries: Bk. and Bible House, S. Alberro. Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., R. A. Hayden. Sabbath School, S. Alberro. Field Miss., C. Diaz. Medical, Dr. R. R. Reed. Ministers: J. Wagner, A. E. Sosa. Licentiates: R. A. Hayden, W. C. Goransson, 0. Krause, B. Larsen, Luciano Chambe, Santiago Condori, Samuel Condori, Marcelino Ccama.. Missionary Licentiates: S. Alberro, S. Weiss, Dr. R. R. Reed, F. G. Ruiz, A. J. Alva, M. Le6n, J. M. Linares, Jul. Lanque, C. Cacallaca, M. Chavarrfa, Felipe Chambilla, C. Diaz, Mrs. J. Wagner, Mrs. S. Alberro, Mrs. R. A. Hayden, Mrs. Wm. Goransson, Mrs. 0. Krause, Mrs. S. Weiss, Mrs. B. Larsen, Mrs. R. R. Reed, Mrs. A. J. Alva, J. C. Ruskjer, Mrs. J. C. Ruskjer. PERUVIAN MISSION Established 1906 Territory: Republic of Peru, excepting the Departments making up the Lake Titicaca and Amazon Missions. Churches: 11; members, 1,332. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Lima, Peru. Office Address: Calle Colina 254, Miraflores, Lima, Peru. Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Officers: Director, F. E. Bresee. Sec. and Treas., B. L. Thompson. Executive Committee: F. E. Bresee, B. L. Thompson, A. H. Field, Wm. Schaeffler, C. Castellano. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. L. Thompson. Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. H. Field. Field Miss., Carlos Castellano. Home Miss., A. H. Field. Sabbath School, A. H. Field. Ministers: F. E. Bresee, G. D. Klatt, J. P]enc, A. H. Field, C. D. Chris: tensen. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Honorary: P. Kalbermatter. Licentiate: Wm. Schaeffler. Missionary Licentiates: B. L. Thompson, Mrs. B. L. Thompson, Carlos Castellano, J. 175 F. Cummins, Jenaro Moran, A. A. Alva, Mrs. J. F. Cummins, Mrs. G. D. Klatt, Mrs. A. H. Field, Mrs. Wm. Schaeffler, Mrs. F. E. Bresee, P. P. Lam, Mrs. J. Plenc, Mrs. C. D. Christensen. SOUTH BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE Organized rsin Territory: The Conferences of Rio Grande do Sul and Sao Paulo, and the mission fields of Parana Santa Catharina, Matto Grosso, Goyaz and Araguaya. Population: 14,040,000; churches, 53; members, 5,716. Cable Addrass: "Adventista," Sao Paulo, Brazil. Telegraphic Address: "Uniao," Sao Paulo. Telephone: 7-3122. Office Address: Avenidia dos Cahetes 30, Bairro Indianopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. (Do not send mail here.) Post Office Address: Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Officers: Pres., E. H. Wilcox. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, G. E. Hartman. Executive Committee: E. H. Wilcox, G. E. Hartman, Leon Replogle, Manoel Margarido, J. H. Boehm, A. E. Hagen, H. G. Stoehr, J. B. Johnson, E. R. Maas. Legal Assn.: "Associacilo dos Adventistas do Setimo Dia no Brasil." Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Manoel Margarido. Home Miss., Manoel Margarido. Educational and Y. P. M. V.; Leon Replogle. Sabbath School, G. E. Hartman. Ministers: E. H. Wilcox, Manoel Margarido. Honorary: F. W. Spies, J. B. Johnson, Domingos Peixoto. Licentiates: Leon Replogle, E. R. Maas. Missionary Licentiates: G. E. Hartman, Alice Zorub, Mrs. E. H. Wilcox, Mrs. G. E. Hartman, Mrs. L. Replogle, Augusto Pages, H. B. Fisher, Luiz Waldvogel, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Mrs. H. B. Fisher, Mrs. A. Pages, C. A. Rentfro, Adolpho Bergold, Mrs. E. R. Maas, Mrs. C. A. Rentfro, Maria Baar. ARAGUAYA INDIAN MISSION Established 1928 Territory: The territory adjacent to the Araguaya River and its tributaries in the State of Goias. Churches: 2; members, 58. Postal Address: Santa Leopoldina, Goyaz, Brazil, South America. Officer: Director, E. H. Wilcox. Church School Teachers: Juvencio Dec61, Antonio Pereira. GOYAZ MISSION Established 1927 Territory: The State of Goyaz, Braiil, South- America. Population: 730,000; churches, 1; members, 18. Postal Address: Caixa Postal, 2898, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Officer: Director, E. H. Wilcox. Minister: A. N. Allen. 176 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION MATTO GROSSO MISSION Established 1921 Territory: The State of Matto Grosso, Brazil. Population: 400,000; churches, 1; members, 54. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Paula, Brazil, South America. Officer: Director, E. H. Wilcox. Licentiate: A. L. Meier. Ministers: J. H. Boehm, A. L. Westphal, J. G. Garcia. Honorary: H. F. Graf, Jose A. dos Reis. Licentiate: Ernesto Roth. Missionary Licentiates: Santiago Schmidt, Emilio Doehnert, Catharina Grabby, Siegfried Kuempel, Mrs. A. L. Westphal, Mrs. J. H. Boehm, Mrs. Martha W. Schmidt, Mrs. Anna K. Garcia, Mrs. Cecilia Kuempel. Church School Teachers: Godofredo Ludwig, Joao R. dos Passos, Henrique Knoener, Bernardo Buchholtz, Lucy Sceffel, Emilio Keppke. RIO GRANDE DO SUL CONFERENCE Organized 1906 Territory: The State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. PARANA-SANTA CATHARINA Population: 4,000,000; churches, 25; members, 1,670. MISSION Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Reorganized 1927 Porto Alegre, R. G. do Sul, Territory: States of Parana and Brazil. Santa Catharina. Office Address: Rua General Victorino, No. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Population: 1,910,000; churches, 17; members, 1,850. Grande do Sul, Brazil, South Telegraphic Address: "AdvenAmerica. tista," Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, .Office Address: Rua Dr. Ermelino de Lea°, Curityba, Parana, BraBrazil, South America. zil, South America. Do not send Officers: mail here.) Pres., J. H. Boehm. Sec. and Treas., Santiago Postal Address: Caixa Postal H, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Schmidt. America. Executive Committee: J. H. Boehm, Santiago Schmidt, Emi-. Officers: Director, H. G. Stoehr. lio Doehnert, J. G. Garcia, A. L. Sec. and Treas., Guilherme EbinWestphal, Jorge Krueger, Otto ger. Bergold. Executive Committee: H. G. Legal Assn., " Associacflo dos Adventistas do Setimo Dia no • Stoehr, Guilherme Ebinger, J. M. Zeroth, Querino Dau, Roberto Rio Grande do Sul." M. Rabello, Manoel Kuempel. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Santiago Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, GuilSchmidt. herme Ebinger. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Educational and Y. P. M. V., Querino Dau. Field Missionary, Emilio DoehField Miss., J. M. Zeroth. nert. Home Miss., H. (1. Stoehr. Home Miss., J. H. Boehm. Sab. Sch., Guilherme Ebinger. Sabbath School, Santiago Schmidt. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Minister: H. G. Stoehr. Honorary: Manoel Kuempel, F. R. Kuempel. Licentiates: Roberto M. Rabello, Quer ino Dau, Nelson Schwantes. Missionary Licentiates: G. F. Flinger, Elias M. Castilho, E. R. Azevedo, J. M. Zeroth, Mrs. H. G. Stoehr, Mrs. J. M. Zeroth. Church School Teachers: Conrad() Stoehr, Maria D. Paula, Paulo P. Touzdjian, Herbert Hoffmann, Martha Boekenicamp. SAO PAULO CONFERENCE Organized 1922 Territory: The State of Sao Paulo and the Southwest corner of the State of Minas Geraes, Brazil, South America. Population: 7,000,000; churches, 7; members, 2,066. Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Silo Paulo, Brazil. Telephone: 7-12-71. Office Address: Rua Tagua, No. 16, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. (Do .not send mail here.) Postal Address: Caixa Postal, 1830, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Officers: Pres., A. E. Hagen. Sec. and Treas., Germano G. Ritter. Auditor, G. E. Hartman. Executive Committee: A. E. Hagen, Germano 0. Ritter, R. J. Wilfarth, Siegfried Hoffmann, Manoel Margarido, Liborio Klein, (the seventh member to be elected). Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Germano G. Ritter. Educational and Sabbath School, A. E. Hagen. Field Miss., Manoel Margarido. Asst. Field Miss., Manoel Soares Coelho. 177 Religious Liberty, A. E. Hagen. Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss., Germano G. Ritter. Ministers: A. E. Hagen, R. J. Wilfarth. Licentiates: Germano G. Ritter, Siegfried Hoffman. Honorary: Francisco Belz, Germano Conrad°. Missionary Licentiates: W. W. Stoehr, Joilo. S. Linhares, Manoel Soares Coelho, Bernardo Schunemann, Iracema Zorub, 'Olinda Belchior, Martha M. Ferreira, Anna Dias de Campos. Church School Teacher: Ottilia F. da Silva, Yolanda Maluf, Maria Zorub. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Educational: Colegio Adventists del Plata, Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. (River Plate Junior College.) Colegio Adventista del Titicaca., Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru, South America. Colegio Industrial Adventista, Casilla 7D, Chillan, Chile, South America. Collegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Instituto Industrial, Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru, South America. Instituto Industrial Boliviano Adventista, Casilla 82, Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America. Publishing: • Casa Editoria Sud-Americana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos. Aires, Argentina, South America. Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa 34, Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. 178 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Sanitarium and Hospital: Sanatorio Adventists del Plata, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Clinica Americana, Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peru, South America. Hospital General de Chulumani, Chulumani, Bolivia, , South America. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Organized 1920 Slate; Secretary, A. F. Tarr; Territory: The Union of South Treasurer, A. E. Nelson. Africa, Basutoland, Swaziland, British Bechuanaland, South- Department Secretaries: Educational, L. L. Moffitt. west Africa, Portuguese East Home Miss. and Publishing, Africa, Portuguese Congo, BelF. E. Potter. gian Congo, Angola, Ruanda, Medical, A. N. Tonge, M. D., L. Urundi, Nyasaland, British BeR. C. P., and S. chuanaland Protectorate, NorthReligious Lib., J. I. Robison. ern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia. Sabbath School, L. L. Moffitt. Area: 3,265,980 square miles. Y. P. M. V., Milton Robison. Population: European, 2,035,535; native 42,788,908; colored, 595,- Ministers: J. F. Wright, A. E. Nelson, W. H. Anderson, J. I. Robi759. son, M. P. Robison, A. V. EdChurches: White, 39; membership, wards, Dr. A. N. Tonge, J. V. 2,778. Colored churches,10; memWilson, A. F. Tarr. bership, 422. Native churches, 106; membership, 19,566. Be- Licentiates: G. E. Shankel, C. C. Marais, lievers not baptized, 22,074; F. E. Potter. total believers, 44,840. Telegraphic and Cable Address: Missionary Licentiates: J. G. Slate, J. N. Krum, F. Visser, " Adventist," Claremont, Cape. Jnr., S. Sparrow, C. H. Bell, W. Office Address: Grove Avenue, F. Tarr, P. van Eck, Edward Claremont, Cape Province, South Tarr, Mrs. J. F. Wright, Mrs. Africa. A. E. Nelson, Mrs. J. I. RobiOfficers: son, Mrs. A. F. Tarr, Mrs. F. E. Pres., J. F. Wright. Potter, Mrs. A. N. Tonge, Mrs. Sec., Milton Robison. J. G. Slate, Mrs. J. N. Krum, Treas. and Auditor, A. E. Nelson. Mrs. C. C. Marias, Mrs. G. E. Executive Committee: J. F. Shankel, Mrs. M. P. Robison, Wright, A. F. Tarr,A. E. NelMrs. A. V. Edwards, Mrs. W. F. son, E. C. Boger, . W. Curtis, Tarr, Mrs. J. V. Wilson,Mrs. J. I. Robison, J. G, Slate, N. C. W. H. Anderson, Mrs.ard dw Wilson, F. E. Potter, Milton Tarr, Miss E. Hinterleitner, Robison, C. W. Bozarth, A. N. Miss A. Armer, Miss J. D. eraTonge, M. D., S. G. Hiten, Dr. mond, Miss G. Stevenson, Miss W. H. Haupt, H. M. Sparrow, L. M. Kleinert, Miss B. Webb, W. H. Anderson. Miss H. M. Hyatt, Miss A. Visser, Miss Y. de Gourville, Mrs. Legal Association: Seventh-day L. W. Finn, Mrs. M. Botes, Miss Adventist Community of Africa (Incorporated); President, J. F. M. D. Ingle. Wright; Vice-President, J. G. Honorary, Mrs. W. B. Commin. _ANGOLA UNION MISSION Organized 1925 Territory: Angola, Portuguese Area: 480,000 square miles. West Africa, Portuguese Congo. Population: 8,117,000. 179 180 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Churches: S; members, 611, including IS Europeans and 653 natives. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Nova Lisboa, Angola. Postal Address: Angola Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, Caixa Postale No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Officers: Supt., C. W. Curtis. Sec. and Treas., Peter Stevenson. Executive Committee: C. W. Curtis, Peter Stevenson, J. D. Baker, 0. 0. Bredenkamp, E. A. Buckley, Dr. R. B. Parsons, 0. I. Fields. Department Secretaries: Educational, 0. I. Fields. Sabbath School, Mrs. R. B. Parsons. Y. P. M. V., C. W. Curtis. Medical, Dr. R. B. Parsons. Minister: C. W. Curtis. Missionary Licentiates: Peter Stevenson, Mrs. Peter Stevenson, Mrs. C. W. Curtis. Bongo Mission Station Address: Missao Adventista, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Officers: Director, 0. I. Fields. Doctor, Dr. R. B. Parsons. Nurse, Miss R. Johnson. Teachers: 0. I. Fields, Mrs. 0. I. Fields, Joao Gnutzmann, Miss R. Visser, 2 native teachers. Licentiates: Dr. R. B. Parsons, 0. I. Fields, J. Gnutzmanm Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. B. Parsons, Mrs. 0. I. Fields, Mrs. J. Gnutzmann, Miss R. Visser, Miss R. Johnson. Village Schools: 18. Native Teachers: 18. Luz Mission Station Postal Address: Missao de Luz, Caixa Postale, No. 33, Vila Luzo, Distrito de Moxico, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Director: J. D. Baker. Minister: J. D. Baker. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. 3. D. Baker. Nurse: Mrs, J. D. Baker. Village Schools: 4. Native Teachers: 5. Luccusse Mission Station Postal Address: Caixa Postal No. 34, Vila Lazo,' Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Director: 0. 0. Bredenkamp. Minister: 0. 0. Bredenkamp. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. 0. 0. Bredenkamp. Village Schools: 2. Native Teachers: 2. Namba Mission Station Postal Address: Care Paul Koster, Luimbale, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Director: . Village Schools: 2. Native Teachers 2. Native Evangelists: I. Cuale Mission Station Postal Address: Duque de Braganca, Districto do Malange, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Director: E. A. Buckley. Licentiate: E. A. Buckley. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. A. Buckley. Village School: 1. Native Teacher: 1. CONGO UNION MISSION -Organized 1925 Territory: Congo Beige, except the territory comprising the• South- ern Congo Mission Field; Ruanda, Urundi. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Area: 909,654 square miles. Population: White, 10,037; native, 20,000,000. Churches: 12; members, 2,173. Total adherents, 9,527. Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Adventist," Usumbura. Postal Address: Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura, Belgian East Africa (Correspondence from Europe or America should be sent via Dar-es-Salaam, East Africa). Officers: Supt., C. W. Bozarth. Sec. and Treas., M. Duplouy. Executive Committee: C. W. Bozarth, M. Doplouy, W. R. Vail, H. Monnier, R. P. Robinson, R. L. Jones. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. R. Vail. Sabbath School, M. Duplouy. Y. P. M. V., C. W. Bozarth. Legal Organization for Congo Beige: The Congo Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. Legal Representative for Congo Beige: C. W. Bozarth. Suppleant: D. E. Delhove, 0. U. Giddings. for Uranda ' Legal Organization Urundi: Mission Evangelique des Adventistes du Septieme Jour. Legal Representative for Uranda Urundi: C. W. Bozarth. Suppleant: H. Monnier, A. Matter. Minister: C. W. Bozarth. Licentiate: Maxime Duplouy. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. W. Bozarth, Mrs. M. Duplouy. Gitwe Mission Station (Seminaire Adventiste) Established 1921 Postal Address: Via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa, Director: R. L. Jones. Head Master: W. R. Vail. Nurse: Mrs. M. Duplouy. 181 Ministers: R. L. Jones, W. R. Vail, Joseph Malinki, Mose, Eleazar, Desert, Daniel. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. L. Jones, Mrs. W. R. Vail, A. Siepman, Mrs. A. Siepman. Faculty: R. L. Jones, Principal; Mrs. R. L. Jones, W. R. Vail, A. Siepman, Desert Nkolokosa, Joseph Malinki, Samuel Karekezi. Village Schools: 37. Native Teachers: 47. Rwankeri Mission Station Established 1922 Postal Address: Kigali, Ruanda, Africa. Director: H. Monnier. School Director: H. J. Moolman. Minister: H. Monnier. Licentiate: H. J. Moolman. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. Monnier, Mrs. H. J. Moolman. Village Schools: 33. Native Teachers: 51. Buganda Mission Postal Address: P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Africa. Director: Valentine Davies. Licentiate: Valentine Davies. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Valentine Davies. Village Schools: 11. Native Teachers: 12. Ngoma Medical Mission Station Established 1931 Postal Address.: Gitwe, Ruanda, Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige. Director: A. Matter. Medical Supt., Gordon Beckner, M. D. Nurses: Miss M. Matter, Miss F. Spillman. Minister: A. Matter, 182 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. Matter, Dr. Gordon Beckner, Mrs. G. Beckner, Miss M. Matter, Miss F. Spillman. Village Schools: 6. Native Teachers: 7. Kirundu Mission Station Postal Address: Kirundu, via Kindu, Province Orientale, Congo Beige," Central Africa. Director: V. C. Norcott. Nurse: Mrs. V. C. Norcott. Licentiate: V. C. Norcott. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. V. C. Norcott. Native Licentiate. 1. Village Schools: 4. Native Teachers: 5. European Nurse: 1. Kikamba Mission Station Established 1924 Postal Address: Boite Postal 3, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: 'Samuel Mulomba. Village Schools: 2. Native Teachers: 3. Bikobo Hill Mission Station Established 1930 Postal Address: Boite Postal 3, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: R. P. Robinson. Minister: R. P. Robinson. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. R. P. Robinson. Village Schools: 4. Native Teachers: 6. SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized x902 Territory: The Union of South Africa, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Southwest Africa, Basutoland, Swaziland, and that portion of Portuguese East Africa, lying South of Latitude 220, comprising the South African Conference, the Cape Field of Seventh-day Adventists, the South African Mission Field and the Bechuanaland Mission Field. Area: 1,189,031 square miles. Population: White, 1,870,651; native and Asiatic, 7,639,534; colored, 591,450. Churches: White, 36; membership, 2,552; Colored, 10; membership, 422; Native, 37; membership, 1,859. Total churches, 83; total membership, 4,833. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Bloemfontein. Office Address: Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Officers: Pres., A. F. Tarr. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. E. Symons. Executive Committee: A. F. Tarr, J. E. Symons, L. L. Moffitt, E. D. Hanson, L. A .Vixie, F. G. Clifford, A. W. Staples, J. R. Campbell, L. S. Billes, S. G. Hiten, Dr. H. G. Hankins, J. van de Merwe, Principal Spion Kop Missionary Institution, Principal Helderberg College, Principal Good Hope Training School. Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Adventist Community of Africa (Incorporated). Department Secretaries: Educational: E. D. Hanson. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, F. G. Clifford. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Field Miss., L. A. Vixie. Medical, Dr. H. G. Hankins. Religious Lib., N. C. Wilson. Miss. Volunteer, A. W. Staples. Ministers: E. D. Hanson, J. E. Symons, F. G. Clifford, A. W. Staples. Honorary: J. C. Rogers, W. C. Walston, G .W. Shone, Dr. W. H. Haupt. Licentiates: R. E. Ansley, R. A. Buckley. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. E. Symons, Mrs. E. D. Hanson, Dr. H. G. Hankins, Miss J. B. Kleinert, Miss E. V. Sanders, Miss R. Niemann, Mrs. R. A. Buckley, Miss G. Burton, Miss M. Campbell, Mrs. A. W. Staples, Mrs. R. E. Ansley, Mrs. W. C. Walston, Mrs. F. G. Clifford, Mrs. L. A. Vixie, Miss B. Davies, P. Mantel!, Joy Senkoto, Titus Nkosi. Honorary: Mrs. I. B. Burton, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Miss E. Edie, Mrs. W. H. Haupt, Mrs. S. J. Stevenson. SOUTH AFRICAN CONFERENCE Territory: The European work in the Union of South Africa, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Basutoland, Swaziland, Portuguese East Africa south of latitude 22, and the mandated territory of South West Africa, excluding the Caprivi Strip. Area: 1,189,031 square miles. Population: 1,870,651. Churches: 36; members, 2,519. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Office Address: 19 Hanger Street, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 256, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. 183 Officers: Pres., A. F. Tarr. Sec.-Treas., P. W. Willmore. Executive Committee: A. F. Tarr, P. W. Willmore W. H. Hurlow, J. J. Birkenstock, A. C. Le Butt, J. H. Raubenheimer, N. F. Jeffes, Q. H. Jubber, F. Synman, Dr. B. V. Ingle, W. L. Hyatt. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. D. Hanson. Field Miss., L. A. Vixie. Home Miss., F. G. Clifford. Medical, W. H. Hurlow. Religious Book Depot., Miss P. E. Willmore. Sabbath School, F. G. Clifford. Y. P. M. V., A. W. Staples. Ministers: A. F. Tarr, W. L. Hyatt, J. H. Raubenheimer, W. H. Hurlow, A. C. Le Butt, S. G. Hiten, P. A. Venter, J. J. Birkenstock, E. M. Howard. Honorary: W. S. Hyatt, D. F. Tarr. Licentiates: J. J. B. Combrinck, S. S. Hiten, A. J. Herholdt, A. Boekhout. Missionary Licentiates: P. W. Willmore, V. N. Visser, W. Marais, W. H. Hayter, D. Eva, Miss P. E. Willmore, Miss H. Stow, Mrs. L. L. Moffitt, Mrs. W. L. Hyatt, Mrs. W. H. Hur, low, Mrs. J. H. Raubenheimer, Mrs. A. C. Le Butt, Mrs. P. A. Venter, Mrs. S. G. Hiten, Mrs. J. J. Birkenstock, Mrs. P. W. Willmore, Mrs. S. S. Hiten, Mrs. J. J. Combrinck, Mrs. A. J. Herholdt, Miss M. Ward, Miss H. Rusticus, Mrs. E. M. Howard. Honorary: Mrs. W. S. Hyatt, Miss C. A. Dixie, Miss M. J. Dixie. Church School Teachers: Miss I. Smith, Mrs. B. Botha, Miss R. van Rooyen, Miss A. Ficker, W. Marais, W. D. Eva, W. H. Hayter, Miss H. Holbrook, Miss E. de Beer, V. N. Visser. 184 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION CAPE FIELD OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS (Formerly Cape Colored Field) Work for the Cape Colored people in the Union of South Africa. Population: 560,605. Churches: 10; members, 422. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Officers: Superintendent, L. S. Billes. Sec.-Treas., J. E. Symons. Ministers: L. S. Billes, B. W. Abney. Honorary Ministerial Credentials: Honorary: D. C. Theunissen, D. J. May. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. L. S. Billes, P. Jackson, A. 0. Kohen, Mrs. P. Jackson, Mrs. B. W. Abney, Mrs. A. 0. Kohen, Mrs. D. C. Theunissen, P. S. Marks. SOUTH AFRICAN MISSION FIELD Reorganized 5933 Territory: Native work in Union of South Africa (except British Bechuanaland), Basutoland, Swaziland and Portuguese East Africa south of latitude 22. Area: 540,137 square miles. Population: 7,194,862. Churches: Native, 30; membership, 1,586. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Johannesburg. Office Address: 54 National Mutual Bldgs., 43 Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Officers: Superintendent, J. R. Campbell. Sec.-Treas., A. A. Pitt. Executive Committee: J. R. Campbell, A. A. Pitt, J. N. -deBeer, J. M. Hlubi, E. F. C. Hepburn, Amos Magalela, L. S. Molokomme. Department Secretaries: Sab. Sch., Mrs. J. R. Campbell. Publishing and Y. P. M. V., H, R. S. Tsukudu, E. S. Jakavula. Ministers: J. R. Campbell, W. C. Tarr; E. S. Jakavula. Licentiate: A. A. Pitt. Native Licentiate: H. R. S. Tsukudu. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. R. Campbell, Mrs. W. C. Tarr, Miss M. B. Dawkins. Colporteur Licentiates: Theo Njokweni, E. T. Tsuai, M. Lenyakga, Isaac Mavusa, P. Motloheloa, S. M. Bole, Shedrach Nodume, E. Shuping, J. E. Dhlamine, Mrs. R. Tsukudu. Bethel Mission Station Postal Address: Butterworth, Cape Province, South Africa. Director: A. P. Tarr. Minister: A. P. Tarr. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. P. Tarr. Native Workers: Evangelist, Simon Mgquamqo, Jim Qobo. Teachers: Esther Gwabe, Adolphus Mdliva, J. Tyali. Cancele Mission Station Postal Address: Cancele, Mount Frere, East Griqualand,, Cape Province, South Africa. Director: J. N. de Beer. Minister: J. N. de Beer. Licentiate: S.' J. Fourie. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. J. J. Bell, Mrs. J. N. deBeer, Mrs. S. J. Fourie. Native Workers: Licentiates: Joseph Nuka, Arthur Mredlane. Teachers: Jane Gacula, Benwell Gacula. Miss. Licentiate: M. Yazi. Durban Mission District Indian and Native Mission Postal Address: 17 a Shuter Street, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Director: W. C. Walston. SOUTHERN; AFRICAN DIVISION Honorary Minister: W. C. Walston. Missionary Licentiates: Benjamin Reuben, Mrs. Ruth Samson. Hon. Miss. Licentiate: Mrs. W. C. Walston. Eastern Province Mission District Postal Address: 6 Park Road, Grahamstown, Cape Province, South Africa. Director: W. C. Tarr. Minister: W. C. Tarr. Native Workers: Minister: D. D. Ntsikeni. Hon. Minister: A. Mzozoyana. Licentiate: Doddie Kohe. Miss. Licentiate: Douglas Mankayi. Teachers: Douglas Mankayi, Mrs. A. E. Pikoli. Emmanuel Mission Station Established 1910 Address: Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Director: R. C. Sharman. Minister: B. C. Sharman. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. C. Sharman. Native Workers: Hon. Minister: Andrew Xabba. Teachers: Eileen Tshabalala, J. Nkosi, Ernest Tsotetsi, Flora Kalaka, S. Tsotetsi, R. Mafubuedu. Natal Mission District Formerly Dundee Mission District. Postal Address: Watersmeet Private Bag, P. 0. Besters, Natal, South Africa. Director: E. Ka-J. Kuboni. Minister: E. Ka-J. Kuboni. Licentiate: P. Zungu. Missionary Licentiate: Nelson Ngwenya. Swazi-Eastern Transvaal Mission Station and District 185 (Formerly Emerlo-Swaziland Mission Station and District) Postal Address: P. 0. Mahamba, Swaziland, South Africa. Director: J. M. Hlubi. Minister: J. M. Hlubi. Missionary Licentiates: Richard Nhlapo, Alice Hlubi, I. Seteka, Cathrine Bhengu. GLEN GREY MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: Block A, 12 Location, Queenstown, Cape Province. South Africa. Director: B. T. Scott. Minister: B. T. Scott. Licentiate: G. S. Mayaba. Teacher: M. Moloppe. Kolo Mission Station Address: Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. Director: H. J. Hurlow. Minister: H. J. Hurlow. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. H. J. Hurlow. In charge of Dispensary: H. J Hurlow. Native Workers: Honorary Minister: J.Ndabambi. Teacher: Edwin Sebele. Northern Free State Mission District (Formerly Kroonstad Mission District) Postal Address: 288 Lovedale Road, Mahlomola Location, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Director: Jonah N. Bacela. Minister: Jonah N. Bacela. Missionary Licentiate: M. Moeletsi. Lusikisiki Mission District Postal Address: P. 0. Lusikisiki, Eastern Pondoland, South Africa. Director: S. K. Ntwana. Minister: S. K. Ntwana. Teacher: Arthur Williams. 186 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Rand Mission District Postal Address: 54 National Mutual Building, 43 Rissik Street, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Director: L. E. Modise. Minister: L. E. Modise. Licentiate: M. Africa. Teachers: Kemmuil Mosedi, K. Morallana, C. Legoabe, Mildred Ntaba. Shiloh Mission Station Address: P. 0. Lundsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Director: H. L. Ferguson. • Licentiate: H. L. Ferguson. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. H. L. Ferguson. In Charge of Dispensary: Mrs. H. L. Ferguson. Native Workers: Licentiate: John Morris. Teacher: Rachel Morris. Evangelist: M. C. Hlubi. UMTATA MISSION • Postal Address: Umtata, Transkei, Cape Province, South Africa. Director: A. T. Magalela. Minister: A. T. Magalela. Teacher: W. Nomvete. Western Transvaal Mission District Postal Address: P. 0. Linokana, via Zeerust, Transvaal, South Africa. Director: L. S. Molokomme. Minister:. L. S. Molokomme. Teacher: Emily Sephaphathi. Missionary Licentiate: H. Fekef eke. Zululand Mission District Postal Address: P. 0. Nongoma, Zululand, South Africa. Director: J. S. Moya. Minister: J. S. Moya. Licentiate: M. M. Langa. Missionary Licentiate: E. Ndhlovu. SOUTHWEST `:AFRICA -1VIISSION FIELD Unorganized Area: 311,820 square miles. Population: White, 24,115; •n 177,462; Colored. 30,845. we, • BECHUANALAND MISSION FIELD Territory: British Bechuanaland Bechuanaland Protectorate. Area: 337,074 square miles. Population: Native, 267,210. Address: Box 101, Mafeking, Cape Province, South Africa. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Mafeking, South Africa. Churches: 7; membership, 306. Officers: Supt., J. C. van de Merwe. Sec. and Treas., J. C. van de Merwe. Executive Committee: J. C. van de Merwe, Dr. J. Janzen, Solomon Seheri. Department Secretary: Sabbath Sch., Mrs. J. C. van de Merwe. Minister: J. C. van de Merwe. Licentiates: John Ross, K. S. Itumeling, Petrus Phele, Solomon Seheri. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. C. van de Merwe, Richard Borne, Manama Itumeling, Victoria Lekrolo, M. Mashwa, Ntebeban Ratchosa, Gladys Monala, Mark Leteani, John Ghasake. Kanye Medical Mission Station Medical Supt., J. Janzen, M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Edin.), Nurse: Miss Myrtle Bain. Native orderlies: 2. SOUTHEAST AFRICAN UNION MISSION FIELD Organized 1925 Medical Supt., E. G. Marcus, Territory: Nyasaland, Portuguese M. D. East Africa north of latitude Nurse, Miss L. D. Melvill. 22; Northeast Rhodesia, east of Faculty: meridian 32. G. R. Nash, E. G. Marcus; I. L. Area: 275,000 square miles. Ansley, Mrs. G. R. Nash, Mrs. Population: White, 8,800 approx.; E. G. Marcus, W. L. Davy, Mrs. native, 4,739,888. W. L. Davy, Miss Rena Curtis, Churches: 21; membership, 7,283. Yolam Kamwendo, James NgaiTelegraphic Address: " Adventist," yaye, and 9 native teachers. Blantyre, Nyasaland. Printing Department (See PubOffice Address: Fotheringham Road, lishing House section). Blantyre, Nyasaland. Training Institute (See EducaPostal Address: P. 0. Box 51, tional Institutions section). Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Hospital and Leper Center (See Officers: Sanitariums section). Supt., H. M. Sparrow. Sec. and Treas., Miss G. P. Fort- Village Schools: 9. Ministers: ner. G. R. Nash, E. G. Marcus, W. L. Executive Committee: H. M. Davy, James Ngaiyaye, Yolam Sparrow, M. M. Webster, Dr. E. Kamwendo. G. Marcus, G. R. Nash, E. L. Tarr, G. -Pearson, Miss G. P. Missionary Licentiates: I. L. Ansley, Mrs. E. G. Marcus, Fortner. Mrs. W. L. Davy, Mrs. G. R. Department Secretaries: Nash; Miss .L. D. Melvill, Miss Educational, G. R. Nash. Rena Curtis. Field Miss., H. M. Sparrow. Medical, E. G. Marcus, M. D., L. R. C. P., S.- (Edin.). SOUTH NYASALAND MISSION Sabbath School; Mrs. H. M. FIELD .Sparrow. Territory: South Nyasaland. Y. P. M. V., H. M. Sparrow. Area: 12,728 square miles. Minister: H. M. Sparrow. Population: White, 2,900; Native, Missionary Licentiates: 663,706. Miss G. P. Fortner, Mrs. H. M. Churches: 12; members, 6,364. Sparrow. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Officers: Malamulo Mission Station Supt., H. M. Sparrow. Established 1902 Sec.-Treas., Miss G. P. Fortner. Postal Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, Executive Committee: H. M. Africa. Sparrow, Miss G. P. Fortner, Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, G. R. Nash, W. L. Davy, E. B. Cholo, Nyasaland. Jewell, 0. S. Stevenson, Edward Board: Union Executive CommitMartin, Roman Chimera, James tee, Yolam Kamwendo, James Malinki. Ngaiyaye. Department Secretaries: Director and Business Manager, Field Miss., and Y. P. -M. V., G. R. Nash. H. M. Sparrow. 187 188 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Sabbath School, Mrs. H. M. Sparrow. Matandani Mission Station Acquired 1908 Postal Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Director: E. B. Jewell. Minister: Yokoniah Sosola. Licentiates: E. B. Jewell, Joseph Lumbe, Hutton. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. B. Jewell. Village Schools: 10. Teachers: Mrs. E. B. Jewell and 15 natives. Dispensary: Mrs. E. B. Jewell. Thekerani Mission Station Acquired 1923 Address: P. 0. Thekerani, Nyasaland, Africa. Director: G. S. Stevenson. Ministers: Sofa Saiwa, Victor Mpheza. Licentiates: G. S. Stevenson, Ce Spurgeon. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. G. S. Stevenson. Inspectors: Ce Maynard, Ce Matthew. Village Schools: 28. Teachers: Mrs. G. S. Stevenson and 35 natives. Dispensary: Native orderly. Chileka Mission District Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Director: Edward Martin. Ministers: Edward Martin, Morrison Malinki, Jonathan Kabambe. Licentiate: Simon Msuseni. Village Schools: 11. Inspector: Joseph Mangame. Head Teacher: Adsis Mbebuwa, assisted by 14 teachers. CHINYAMA MISSION Formerly Mlanje Mission District Organized 1929 Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Director: James Malinki. Minister: James Malinki. Village Schools: 11. Inspector: Harry Khonje. Head Teacher: Ce Action, assisted by 14 teachers. Thambani Mission Station Organized 1929 Address: P. 0. Mwanza, Nyasaland, Africa. Director: Ben Ritch. Minister: Ben Ritch. Inspector: Isaiah Liwonza. Village Schools: 5. Head Teacher: Nelson Fulukiah, 'assisted by 7 teachers. UNATTACHED MISSIONS Mwami Mission Address: P. 0. Fort Manning, Nyasaland, Africa. Director: G. Pearson. Faculty: G. Pearson, Miss L. Southgate, Mrs. G. Pearson, Moffatt Cona, Ered Maliro, assisted by 7 teachers. Ministers: G. Pearson, E. Maliro. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. Pearson, Miss L. Southgate. Luwazi Mission Station Address: P. 0. Nkatsa Bay, .Nyasaland, Africa. Director: E. L. ,Tarr. Faculty: E. L. Tarr, Mrs: E. L. Tarr, Simon Ngaiyaye,_ assisted by 4 native teachers. Ministers: E. L. Tarr, Paulos, Mb ango, Simon Ngaiyaye. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Licentiates: Isaac, William Abanda, Robert Akondwe, Benjamin, Simon Bunyani. In Charge of Dispensary: Mrs. E. L. Tarr, assisted by 1 native orderly. Mombera Mission Station Address: P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, Africa. Director: Simon Msuseni. Faculty: Simon Msuseni, Nelson Denga, assisted by 2 teachers. Ministers: David Nkosi, Jeremiah Muzemala. 189 Licentiates: Simon Msuseni, Andrae, Matthew, Beriat Ntilosanji. MOZAMBIQUE MISSION Organized 1933 Territory: Portuguese East Africa North of latitude 22. Area: 260,200 square miles. Population: White, 5,800; Native 2,803,900. Postal Address: P. 0. Ile, Portuguese East Africa. Director: M. M. Webster. Minister: M. M. Webster. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. M. Webster, Ce Divison. ZAMBESI UNION MISSION FIELD Organized ig16 Territory: Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Southern portion of Belgian Congo. Comprising Northern Rhodesia Mission Field, Northeastern Rhodesia Mission Field, Southern Rhodesia Mission Field, Southern Congo Mission Field and the Rhodesian Conference. Area: 412,295 square miles. Population: White, 81,932; native, 2,292,486; Colored and Asiatics, 4,309. Churches: 31; total membership, 7,806 (3 European, membership, 208; 28 native, membership, 7,598). Telegraphic Address: "Zumosda" Bulawayo. Office Address: 114 Jameson St., Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Telephone: 2210. "Postal Address: P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, • Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Advent 1stCommunity of Africa (Incorporated). Officers: Supt., E. C. Boger. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, D. A. Webster. Executive Committee: E. C. Boger, D. A. Webster, R. M. Mote, W. Mason, W. B. Higgins, C. Robinson, Dr. F. E. Ingle, K M. Cadwallader, 0. U. Giddings, J. B. Cooks. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. M. Cadwallader. Field Miss., J. B. Cooks. Home Miss., J. B. Cooks. Y. P. M. V., E. M. Cadwallader. Ministers: E. C. Boger, W. B.' Higgins, E. M. Cadwallader, Isaac • Xiba Nkomo, Alfred Game. Honorary: F. R. Stockil, Harry Sibagobe, Henry Mabona. Licentiates:. ,• D. A. Webster, J. B. Cooks, G. Hiten. Honorary: F. B. Jewell, E. V. Tarr. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. C. Boger, Mrs. D. A. Webster, Mrs. E. M. Cadwalla- 190 SOUTHERN ;AFRICAN DIVISION der, Mrs. F. B. Jewell, P7.. Sparrow, Mrs. W. B. Higgins, Miss G. Brown, Miss G. Tarr,, Mrs. G. Hiten, Miss L. Fouche, Dr. F. E. Ingle, Mrs. F. E. Ingle, Aubyn W. Staples, Miss Maud McEwen, Miss M. Stockil. Honorary Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. R. Stockil, Mrs. E. V. Tarr, Peter Fayi. RHODESIAN CONFERENCE (Formerly Rhodesiap-Bechua,naland Conference—European) (European) ; Organized 1929 Territory: European work in Northern nad Southern Rhodesia, Southern portion of Belgian Congo, Beira and Portuguese East Africa. Area: 412,295 square miles. Population: White, 81,972. (Native population reported under Mission Fields.) Colored and Asiatic, 4,309. Churches: 3; members, 168. Telegraphic Address: Zumosda, Bulawayo. Telephone: 2210. Office Address: 114 Jameson St., Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, ,•, Africa. Postal Address: Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Pres., E. C. Boger. Sec. and. Treas., D. A. Webster. Executive Committee: E. C. Boger, P. W. Hendrie, H. Hipkin, D. A. Webster, A. N. Ingle. Minister: A. N. Ingle. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. N. Ingle, Miss H. Ueckermann. Church School Teachers: A. W. Austen, Miss C. Stevens. Home School Teachers: Miss. H. Hodgson, Miss W. Tickton. Colporteur Licentiates: 5 natives. SOUTHERN RHODESIA MISSION FIELD Organized 1921 Territory: Native work in Southern Rhodesia. Area: 149,000 square miles. Population: Native, 1,055,000. Churches: 11; membership, 4,237. Address': Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Supt., Christopher Robinson. Sec. and Treas., Miss B. E. Staples. Executive Committee: Christopher Robinson, I. V. Hankins, S. W. Palmer, W. B. Higgins, Miss B. E. Staples, N. C. Stuart, Paul Mbono, 'William Myengwa. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Y. P. M. V., William Myengwa. Sabbath School, Miss B. E. Staples. Ministers: Christopher Robinson, S. W. Palmer. Native: Otis Ndebele, Moses Donga, Clarence Silmnbe Moyo, John Nigani, Alfred Gama Edward Janda, Paul Mbono, Emory Mlalazi. Licentiates: W. P. Owen, N: C. Stuart. Native: Jonah Chimuka, Enoch Wahungana, James S. Moyo, William Myengwa, James Ndebele, Richard Taipa. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Christopher Robinson, Mrs. S. W. Palmer, Mrs. W. P. Owen, Mrs. N. C. Stuart, Miss B. , E. Staples', I. V. Hankins. Native Colporteurs: 7. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Lower Gwelo Mission- Hospital Formerly LoWer Gwelo Medical Mission Station) Established 1931 Address: P. 0. Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Medical Superintendent: Frank E. Ingle, B. Sc., M. D., D. N: B. (U. S. A.), L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. (Edin.), L. R. F. P., S. (Glasgow). Nurses: Mrs. Frank Ingle, R. N., U. S. A., Miss Mollie Stockil, R.N., U. S. A. Solusi Mission Station Address: Solusi Mission, Bula• Wit'yo;' Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: W. B. Higgins. European Inspector of Village Schools: George Hiten. Village Schools: 2. Native Teachers: 2. Union Training School (See Educational Institutions). Lower Gwelo Mission Station (Formerly Somabula) Established 1901 Address: Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Christopher Robinson. Native Evangelist: 1. Native Teachers: 8. Village Schools: 6. Inyazura Mission Station Established 1910 Address: /Inyazura Mission,' Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: S. W. Palmer. Teachers: • Mrs. S. W. Palmer, with 3 native teachers. Home School Teacher: Mrs. W. P. Owen. 191 Inyazura Village Schools Address: Inyazura Mission, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Inspector: W. P. Owen. Native Evangelists:" 2. Native Teachers: 10. Village . Schools: 10.. Hanke Mission Station Postal Address: Selukwe, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Edward Janda, Native Teachers: 4. Village Schools: 4. Lower Shangani Mission Station Address: P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Otis Ndebele. Native Teachers: 5. Village Schools: 5. European Inspector: I. V. Hankins. Solusi Outschools Address: Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. European Inspector: N. C. Stuart. Native Evangelists: 1. Native Teachers: 7. Village Schools: 7. Filabusi Mission Station Established 1929. (Native Mission) Address: Care Valley Store, Filabusi, via Bulawayo, South Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Moses Donga. Native Teachers: 7. " Village Schools: 7. European Inspector: N. C. Stuart. Fort Victoria Mission Station Address: "Stanhope," P. 0. Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Paul Mbono. Native Teachers: 4. Village Schools: 3. European Inspector: I. V. Hankins. 192 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Tjolotjo Mission Station Established 1929. (Native Mission) Address: C/o Native Commissioner, Tjolotjo, via Nyamandhlovu, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: J. S. Moyo. Native Teachers: 6. Village Schools: 6. European Inspector: N. C. Stuart. Bulawayo Location Mission Station Established 1929. (Native Mission) Address: Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: James Ndebele. Native Teachers: 1. Village Schools: 1. European Inspector: N. C. Stuart. HEADLANDS MISSION Established 1929 (Native Mission) Address: c/o Inyazura Mission, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Enoch Wahungana. Native Teachers: 3. Village Schools: 3. European Inspector: W. P. Owen. NORTHERN RHODESIA MISSION FIELD Organized 1921 Territory: Native work in Northern Rhodesia and the Caprivi Strip. Area: 194,000 square miles. Population: Native, 723,936. Churches: 11; members, 2,625. Postal Address: P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Supt., R. M. Mote. Sec.-Treas., Miss Y. H. Renoux. Executive Committee: R. M. Mote, C. E. Wheeler, Y. H. Re- noux, J. G. Siepman, Samuel Moyo, Stephen Mulomba, I. B. Burton. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School, Miss Y. H. Renoux. Y. P. M. V., Ellison Mulomba. Ministers: R. M. Mote, S. M. Konigmacher, C. E. Wheeler, J. G. Siepman, I. B. Burton. Native: Samuel Moyo, Stephen Mulomba, Gladstone Imasiku, Lawson Endaenda, Peter Lenge' lenga. Licentiates: Natives: Daniel Muhwahwi, Samuel Chilumbi, Ellison Mulomba, Robert •Njekwa, Isaiah Siajunza, Luck Ndhlovu, Willie Simbombi. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. M. Mote, Miss Y. H. Renoux, Mrs. I. B. Burton, Mrs. J. G. Siepman. Rusangu Mission Station Established 1905 Address: P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: R. M. Mote. Village School Inspector: C. E. Wheeler. Teachers: C. E. Wheeler, Mrs. R. M. Mote, and 6 natives. Dispensary: Mrs. R. M. Mote. Village Schools: 1. Village School Teacher: 1. Native Minister: 1. Katima Mulilo Mission Station Established 1921 Address: Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director and Village School Inspector: I. B. Burton. Teachers: I. B. Burton and 1 native. Dispensary: Mrs. I. B. Burton. Native Evangelists: 2. Village Schools: 8. Village School teachers: 9. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Musofu Mission Station Established 1917 Address: Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director and Village School Inspector: J. G. Siepman. Teachers: J. G. Siepman and 1 native. Dispensary: Mrs. J. G. Siepman. Native Evangelists: 2. Village Schools: 4. Village School Teachers: 5. Liumba Hill Mission Station Established 1928 Address: P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director and School Inspector: S. M. Konigmacher. Dispensary: S. M. Konigmacher. Teachers: S. M. Konigmacher and 1 native. Native Evangelist: 1. Village Schools: 7. Village School Teachers: 7. Munenga Mission Native Mission Established 1930 Address: c/o A. Hartzenberg, Esq., Magoye Siding, Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Samuel Chilumbi. Native Evangelist: 1. Village Schools: 4. Village School Teachers: 4. European School Inspector: R. M. Mote. Demu Mission Native Mission Established 1930 ' Address: P. 0. Pemba, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Samuel Moyo. Native Minister: 1. Native Evangelist: 1. Village Schools: 5. Village School Teachers: 5. European Inspector: C. E. Wheeler. 7 193 Sala Mission Station Native Mission Address: c/o Shangara Store, P. 0. Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Andrew Shamalimbo. Village Schools: 4. Village School Teachers: 5. European Inspector: R. M. Mote. Sitote Mission Station Native Mission Established 1933 Address: c/o Katima Mulilo Mission, Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Gladstone Imasiku. Native Minister: 1. Teachers: 2. European Inspector: I. B. Burton. Muchenje Mission Native Mission Re-opened 1934 Address: P. 0. Lusaka, N. Rhodesia, .Africa. Director: Timothy Elland. European Inspector: R. M. Mote. NORTHEASTERN RHODESIA MISSION FIELD Territory: Northeast Rhodesia, west of meridian 3. Area: 97,000 square miles. Population: Native, 513,550. Address: Kawambwa, Via N'Dola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Churches: 2; members, 397. Officers: Supt., Wilfred Mason. Treas., D. A. Webster. Executive Committee: Wilfred Mason, E. C. Boger, Job Mabuti. Minister: Wilfred Mason. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Wilfred Mason. 194 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Chimpempe Mission Station Established 1921 Address: Kawambwa, Via N'Dola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Wilfred Mason. Teachers: Wilfred Mason, Mrs. Wilfred Mason and 3 natives. Dispensary: Mrs. Wilfred Mason. Native Evangelists: 4. Village Schools: 4. Village School Teachers: 4. Luapula Mission Station. Established 1929 Native Mission Address: C/o Chimpempe Mission, Kawambwa, via N'Dola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director and School Inspector: Wilfred Mason. Teachers: 2 natives. Native Evangelist: 1. • SOUTHERN CONGO MISSION FIELD Organized 1924 Territory: Native work in Southern portion of Belgian Congo. Churches: 4; membership, 379. Address: Boite Postale 446, Elisabethville, Congo Belge, Africa. Officers: Supt., 0. U. Giddings. Treas., 0. U. Giddings. Executive Committee: O. U. Giddings, D. E. Delhove, Dr. E. L. Morel, E. C. Boger, D. A. Webster. Department Seceretaries: Sabbath School, Mrs. 0. U. Giddings. Ministers: 0. U. Giddings, D. E. Delhove. Native: Albert Kabuwa. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. 0. U. Giddings, Mrs. D. E. Delhove, Miss Lydia Delhove, Dr. E. L. Morel, Mrs. E. L. Morel. Katanga Mission Established 1923 Postal Address: Boite Postale 446, Elisabethville, Congo Belge, Africa. Director: 0. U. Giddings. Native Evangelists: 4. Village School: 1. Native Teachers: 2. Songa Mission Established 1921 Postal Address: Boite Postale, Kamina, Congo Belge, Africa. Director: D. E. Delhove. Native Evangelist: 1. Village Schools: 13. Native Teachers: 15. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Educational: Bongo Training School, Missao Adventista, Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Gitwe Training School, via Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Good Hope Training School, Riverside, Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Cape Province, South Africa. Helderberg College (for Europeans), P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Province, South Africa. Malamulo Training School, Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Solusi Training School, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Spion Kop Missionary Institution, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Publishing: Malamulo Mission Press, Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Sentinel Publishing Co., Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION Solusi Mission Press, Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Medical: Hospitals: Bongo Hospital, Lepi, Dist. Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Cancele Mission Hospital, Mount Frere, East Griqualand, South Africa. Kanye Hospital, Kanye, via Lobatsi, British Bechuanaland, Africa. Lower Gwelo Hospital, Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia. Malamulo Hospital, Malamulo Mission, Cholo, Nyasaland, Central Africa. Mwami Mission Hospital, Fort Jameson, Northern Rhodesia. Ngoma Mission Hospital, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Songs, Mission Hospital, B. P. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Dispensaries: Buganda Mission Dispensary, Buganda, P. 0. Usambura, Urundi, Central Africa. Chimpempe Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Gitwe Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. 196 Inyazura Mission Dispensary, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Katima Mulilo Mission Dispensary, Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia. Kirundu Mission Dispensary, Kirundu, via Kindu, Province Orientale, Congo Belge, Central Africa. Kolo Mission Dispensary, Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. Liumba Hill Dispensary, P. 0. Kalabo, Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Luz Mission Dispensary, Caixa Postal 33, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Matandani Mission Dispensary, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Nova Lisboa Dispensary, Caixa Postal No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Rusangu Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Rwankeri Mission Dispensary, Rwankeri P. 0., Kigali, Ruanda, Central Africa. Solusi Mission Dispensary, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Shiloh Mission Dispensary, Lunsklip , Northern Transvaal, South Africa. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION. (Organized as the India Union Mission, 191o; reorganized, 1g19) Territory: India, Burma, Ceylon, and adjacent islands politically attached, Afghanistan, Nepal, and Bhutan. Area: 2,232,057 sq. miles. Population: 371,861,028; churches, 105; members, 4,400. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Poona. Post Office Address: Box 15, Poona, India. Officers: Pres., N. C. Wilson. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. L. Torrey; asst., T. J. Michael. Division Committee: N. C. Wilson, C. L. Torrey, I. F. Blue, C. G. Lowry, J. S. James, T. J. Michael, H. C. Menkel, M. D., G. A. Nelson, M. D., L. C. Shepard, E. M. Meleen, J. L. Christian, G. F. Enoch, J. C. Craven, J. F. Ashlock (on furlough), L. G. Mookerjee, E. D. Thomas. Legal Assn.: "The India Financial Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Sec. of Legal Assn., C. L. Torrey; Treas., T. J. Michael. Transportation Agent: Division Treasurer. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. M. Meleen. Eield Miss. and Home Miss., L. C. Shepard. Medical, G. A. Nelson, M. D. Ministerial Assn., G. F. Enoch. Sabbath Sch. and asst. Educational, E. D. Thomas. Y. P. M. V., T. J. Michael. Ministers: N. C. Wilson, I. F. Blue, L. C. Shepard, E. D. Thomas, R. A. Garner, G. F. Enoch, J. F. Ashlock (on furlough), T. J. Michael, C. L. Torrey. Licentiates: J. C. Craven, R. B. James. Missionary Licentiates: C. H. Mackett, A. Killoway, T. Killoway, G. F. H. Ritchie, Mrs. H. C. Franks. BURMA MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: Burma, including the Shan States; the Andaman, and Nicobar Islands. Population: 14,696,609; churches, 10; members, 545. Cable Address: "Adventist," Rangoon. Office Address: 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Officers: Supt., J. L. Christian. Sec. and Treas., F. J. Mainstone. Executive Committee: J. L. Christian, Joseph Phillips, F. J. Alainstone, F. A. Wyman, J. 0. 196 Wilson, R. A. Beckner, Deacon David, Myat Po, A. J. Sargent. Department Secretaries: Educational, J. L. Christian. Field Miss., J. 0. Wilson. Home Miss., J. 0. Wilson. Medical, H. Baird. Sabbath Sch., F. J. Mainstone. Y. P. M. V., J. L. Christian. Ministers: Joseph Phillips, R. A. Beckner, J. L. Christian, J. 0. Wilson, A. J. Sargent, Myat Po, Deacon David, H. Baird, U. Maung, F. A. Wyman, G. A. Hamilton, E. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION A. Crane,.Tha.ra Peter, Tha Myaing. Licentiates: J. C. Dean, W. W. Christensen, F. J. Mainstone, Po Toke. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. W. Tarleton, Freddie Ba Tin, Saw U. • TENASSERIM MISSION STATION Stations: Kamamaung, Lapota, Naungkarang, Minze, Nitcha, Wakyiwaka. • Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., Burma. Ministers: E. A. Crane, Peter. Licentiate: Chit Maung. Missionary Licentiates: • Ohn Bwint, Ka Yai, Maung . Thein. Church School Teachers: Maung Thein, Ka Lee Paw, Maung Kho, San Nyok, Maung Sein, Pokyaw. Other Workers: Naw Sein Dwe, Yin Nee, Me Shwe. MYAUNGMYA MISSION , STATION Office Address: Mosokwin Road, Myaungmya, Burma. 197 Stations: Myaungmya, Bhamokya ung. Director: A. J. Sargent. Minister: A. J. Sargent. Missionary Licentiates: Po Aung, Po Shwe. Local Workers: Aye Maung, Chit Maung, Maung Ni, Ohn Myit, Maung Saw, Aye Maung, Po Aung II. HTUGYI MISSION STATION Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Htugyi, Burma. Director: R. A. Beckner. Licentiate: Po Toke. Local Worker: Ma Hla Shin. SITTANG MISSION STATION Office Address: Darrah Road, Toungoo, Burma. Director: H. Baird. Ministers: H. Baird, Tha Myaing. Local Worker: Baw Dee. MAYMYO MISSION STATION Office Address: "Brightlands," Mission Road, Maymyo, Burma. Director: Mrs. G. W. Tarleton. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. G. W. Tarleton. NORTHEAST INDIA MISSION Organized igig Territory: The Presidency of Bengal; the Provinces of Bihar and Orissa; the Province of Assam; with connected native states. Population: 102,774,586; churches, 26; members, 706. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lucknow. Office Address: 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Officers: Supt., G. G. Lowry. Sec. and Treas., C. A. Hart. Executive Committee: G. G. Lowry, R. J. Borrowdale, H. G. Hebard, C. A. Hart, W. B. Votaw, G. E. Lindquist, H. M. Peak, P. C. Gayen. Department Secretaries: Book Depot Manager, C. A. Hart. Educational, G. G. Lowry. Field Miss., G. E. Lindquist. Home Miss., G. G. Lowry. Medical, H. G. Hebard, M. D. 198 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Sabbath Sch. and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. G. G. Lowry. Ministers: James Besra, R. J. Borrowdale, L. J. Burgess, A. C. Halder, C. Jensen, C. C. Kellar, C. A. Larsen, G. G. Lowry, H. M. Peak, J. E. Saunders, Benjamin Peters, P. C. Gayen, E. R. Osmunson, W. B. Votaw. • Licentiates: A. K. Bairagee, I. B. Bairagee, T. C. Bairagee, H. P. Biswas, Le Roy Hunter, U. N. Haider, P. D. Kujur, G. E. Lindquist, H. H. Mattison, N. G. Mookerjee, Gabriel Mm-mu, Dr. C. F. Schilling, Jonas Singh, W. A. Barlow, B. K. Haider, H. D. Strever. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Edna Dyer, C. A. Hart, Mrs. C. F. Schilling (on furlough), Dr. H. G. Hebard (on furlough), Miss Rose Meister (on furlough) . Mission Office Workers: Miss Gwen Carrau, R. S. Fernando, Proboth Halder. BABUMAHAL STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Babumahal, Katoria P. O., via Simulta]a, India. Director. R. J. Borrowdale. Indian Workers: James Besra, Jitan Hansdak, Sibu Hansdak, Barnabas Kisku, Bikram Kisku, Rengha Tudu, Lodhea. Tudu, George Besra. Village Schools: 5. BARISAL STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Alekanda, Barisal, India. Director: P. C. Gayen. Indian Workers: Poresh Paroi, J. N. Baroi, I. B. Bairagee, A. K. Bairagee, S. N. Biswas, S. C. Madhu. Village Schools: 5. CALCUTTA STATION Address: 36 Park Street, Calcutta, India. Telegrams: "Adventist," Calcutta. Telephone: PK 567. Minister: H. M. Peak. Licentiate: N. G. Mookerjee. Church School Teachers: Miss H. Dudrenec, Edna Dyer, Jessie Bragan and Indian Urdu teacher. CHUADANGA STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Dingadha, Chuadanga, P. 0., Nadia District, India. Director: J. J. Matson. Indian Workers: G. C. Baroya, J. N. Baroi, Mrs. H. Biswas, G. C. Arinda, U. N. Haider, M. N. Sircar, S. N. Biswas, H. P. Biswas. Village Schools: 3. Dispensaries: 1. GOPALGANJ STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gopalganj P. 0., Faridpur Dist., Bengal, India. Director: Le Roy Hunter. Indian Worker: T. C. Bairagee. Bengali Co-educational Elementary Boarding School: Teachers: J. Singh, Mrs. Chondromoni Biswas, S. K. Haider, Miss Sarojini Sircar, Miss Baroi, Suranjan Sircar. Village Schools: 4. Dispensaries: 1. KARMATAR STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, P. 0., E. I. Ry., India. Director: C. Jensen. Indian Workers: C. G. Hansdak, Baiju B. Peters. Hindi Elementary Boy's Boarding School: Teachers, Barko Kisku, SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Gulu. Kisku, Sylvandus Hembrom. Village schools, 3. 199 Indian Workers: P. C. Dey, Esau Singh, A. K. Senapotty. Village schools, 1. KHUNTI STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Khunti Post Office, Ranchi District, India. • Director: J. E. Saunders. Indian Workers: • Prabhusahay Topno, Hanukh. Tint, Dharamdas Tint, Patras Khakha, Samuel Topno, Samuel Kh.andala. Village Schools: 3. KURU STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hinoo P. 0., Ranchi, India. Director: W. B. Votaw. Indian Workers: Ohma Ekka, Zepheniah Toppo, Manmasih Minz, Kuskreil Khalcho, Mansid Tirkey. Village School: 1. KHURDA STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kluirda P. 0., Puri Dist., Orissa, India. Director: E. R. Osmunson. RANCH' STATION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hinoo P. 0., Ranchi Dist., India. Director: C. C. Kellar. Indian Worker: P. C. Gaven. NORTHWEST INDIA UNION MISSION Organized xg19; reorganized 1929 Territory: The Central Provinces, excepting Berar; the Central India and Rajputana Agencies; the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh; the Punjab; Kashmir; the Northwest Frontier Provinces. Population: 115,843,791; churches, 17; members, 906. Office Address: 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Officers: Supt., 0. G. Lowry. Sec. and Treas., Miss M. H. Belchambers. Executive Committee: G. G. Lowry, F. TI. Loasby, H. C. Menkel, M. D., Miss M. H. BelchaMbers, J. M. Hnatyshyn, J. M. Steeves, 0. 0. Mattison, J. B. , Conley, J. Ali Bakhsh, R. L. Kimble, I. F. Blue. Department Secretaries: Educational, T. F. Blue. Field Miss. and Home Miss., J. M. Hnatyshyn. Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, M. D. Sabbath School.,.Miss 'I'. E. Sandberg. Y. P. M. V., E. W. Pohlman. Ministers: G. G. Lowry, F. H. Loasby, H. C. Menkel, M. D., 0. 0. Mattison, J. B. Conley, .Ali Bakhsh, R. L. Kimble, I. F. Blue, A. Gardner, R. P. Morris, E. R. Streeter, Viru Mall, C. C. Belgrave. Licentiates: J. M. Steeves, E. W. Pohlman. Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. H. Belchambers, Miss Thyra E. Sandberg. Indian Workers: Roorkee: M. P. Sharma, Daniel Rai, C. Samuel, E. M. Todd, Haifiz ul Rahman. NORTH AGRA MISSION (Organized as U. P. Mission 1919; Reorganized 1929) Stations: Najibabad, Roorkee, Hapur. Officers: Director, R. L. Kimble, S. D. A. 200 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Advisory Committee: R. L. Kimble, L. R. Reiswig, A. Gardner, J. M. Steeves, M. G. Champion. Ministers: R. L. Kimble, A. Gardner. Licentiates: P. K. Simpson, M. G. Champion, L. R. Reiswig, B. A. Howard. Missionary Licentiate: Miss A. Craggs. Indian Evangelists: Masih Charm), G. D. Bates, Piyare Lal, Nirmal Singh, Albert Chand, Devi Pershad, Chander Sen, Masih Dayal, Sher Singh, Nihalla, Meli Singh, Hardev Singh, Francis Wray, M. A. Paul. Teacher: Miss M. Chatterjee. PUNJAB MISSION Organized 1919 Stations: Chichoki Mallian, Chuharkana, Lahore. Officers: Director, Advisory Committee: 0. 0. Mattison, E. R. Streeter, R. P. Morris, J. Ali Bakhsh, F. H. Loasby, R. C. Lindholm. Ministers: 0. 0. Mattison, R. P. Morris, F. H. Loasby, E. R. Streeter, J. A. Bakhsh, Vim Mall, B. Peter. Licentiates: R. C. Lindholm, M. D., M. M. Chanda Sahib, .Nabi Bakhsh, Uman Din, Mela Ram, Harnam Das, Dayal Masih. Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. Brewer, Miss M. Kellar. Indian Evangelists: Paul Thomas, Badr-Uddin, Daulat Masih, Labhu Mall, Nawab Din, K. Peters, Allah Ditta (1), . Allah Ditta (2), Inayat Masih, Matthias, Chetu Ram, Joseph Masih, Chirag Din, Faqir Chand, Sharfuddin, Jhande Khan, Barkat Masih, Fazil Masih, Anwarul Haq, Daniel, Abdulla Khan, Dayal Masih, Mehnga Mall, Chanda Sahib. Teachers: Miss Begum Sirdar Khan, Miss R. Mall, Miss R. Singh. • UNORGANIZED MISSIONS Stations: Lucknow, Cawnpore, Allahabad, Simla, Delhi. Ministers: H. C. Menkel, M. D., C. C. Belgrave, J. B. Conley. Licentiates: L. E. Allen, Albert E. Nelson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss V. Chilton, Miss L. C. Scholz. Indian Evangelists: • H. F. Wesley, Pandit Gyananand, Slivaji, Anwarul Hagg. SOUTH INDIA UNION MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The Madras Presidency with its neighboring native states, including such parts of Hyderabad (Deccan) as are allied thereto by language; Ceylon; the Maldive and Laccadive groups. Population: 73,363,099; churches, 42; members, 1,677. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Bangalore. Office Address: 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Officers: Supt., E. M. Meleen. Sec. and Treas., J. L. Shannon. Executive Committee: E. M. Meleen, J. L. Shannon, 0. A. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Skau, L. B. Losey, Dr. G. A. Nelson, C. A. Boykin, A. E. Rawson, H. Christensen, P. J. Kelly, H. A. Hansen, H. G. Woodward. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., L. B. Losey. Field Missionary, C. A. Boykin. Home Miss., C. A. Boykin. Medical, Dr. G. A. Nelson. Sabbath School, J. C. H. Collett. Ministers: E. M. Meleen, L. B. Losey, A. E. Rawson, P. J. Kelley, L. G: Mookerjee, H. Christensen, G. T. Dickinson, H. A. Hansen, A. M. •Jesudawson, E. D. Wijesinghe. Honorary: E. Hilliard. Licentiates: C. A. Boykin, J. C. H. Collett, J. I. Fernando, A. R. Pieries, A. F. Jessen. Missionary Licentiates: J. L. Shannon, F. W. Hill, B. Isaac, C. K. John, V. Navaratnam, J. S. Moses, J. M. Fernando. Other Workers: S. J. Cuxton, Miss J. Wale, H. R. H. DeJong, V. V. Krishnayya, Mrs. J. C. H. Collett, J. Fernando, A. Jayasundra, Mrs. A. F. .Jessen, V. Candaswamy. Out Stations Directly Under Union Administration: India: Bangalore, Kr ishnara j a puram, Kollegal. Ceylon: Colombo, Kottawa, Pannipittiya, Moratuwa, Negamho, Hanwella, Dehiwala, Uditvil, Jaffna, Kandy. MALAYALAM MISSION Office Address: Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, S. India. Stations: Adventpuram, Valiavila, Karickam, Kackamulla, Meyyannoor•, Palliman, Karamana, Vettiyoorkavu, Pujapur•a, Aramana, Kunnathukal, Manoor, Cheriakole, Pandarathara, Perumku- 201 lam, Kizhangavila, Paruthupalli, Vadakodu, Manchavilakam, Kulathamal, Mundavamalla, Alakunnam, Milandy, Kunnamkulam, Aruvinkode, Pattam. Officers: Director, H. G. Woodward. Advisory Committee: H. G. Woodward, E. L. Gardner, S. N. •David, J. Joshua, P. G. Thompson, T. V. Zachariah. Ministers: H. G. Woodward, S. N. David, J. Joshua, A. C. Jacob, K. S. Peter. Licentiates: E. L. Gardner, I. Samuel, M. B. Haggien, S. Nallathamby, E. A. Tomas, T. V. Zachariah. Indian Workers: S. N. David, P. G. Thompson, A. C. Jacob, T. M. Joseph, I. Samuel, J. Joshua, A. Shadrack, K. G; Dasen, K. S. Peter, M. C. Moses, E. A. Thomas, K. R. Matthew, D. Charles, S. Nallathamby, D. Mary, P. Vethamuthu, M. Abel, G: P. Crussiah, L. C. Charles, T. V. Zachariah, U. J. Japeth, A. I. Lazarus, V. Jacob, S. Nathaniel, S. Sastry, Mrs. T. V. Zachariah. TAMIL MISSION Stations: Madras, Pondicherry, Pallikondai, Madura, Nagercoil, Tanjore; Kuruattbor, Urrudhunagar, Trichinopoly, Kariananthal, Allagianalloor, Kalloorany, Thotiankulam, Tuticorin, Sattur, Nazareth, Sarodu, Sawyerpuram, Colachel, Athur, Senaivillakam, Kattimangodu, Chellankonam, Eathavillai, Gurukuttur, Tutocorin. Officers: Director, 0. A. Skau, Kodaikanal, Madura District, South India. Advisory Committee: 0. A. Skau, H. W. Carter, V. D. Koilpillai, E. D. Willmott, C. A. W. Ritchie, V. Isaac, S. Thomas. 202 SOUTHERN- ASIA DIVISION Ministers: Officers: Director, E. M. Meleen, 10 CunH. W. Carter, 0. A. Skau, S. ningham Road, Bangalore, South Thomas, V. Isaac, V. D. Koilpillai, C. A. MT. Ritchie. India. Advisory Committee: E. M. MeLicentiates: . leen, D. W. Hunter, P. J. Kelly, E. D. Willmott, K. G. Samuel, Ch. Devadoss, C. A. Randolph, C. John, Job Miller, A. YesuDr. D. W. Seminar's, N. Aaron. dian, N. Vinayagam, M. I. PakMinisters: kianathan. Charles Devadoss, D. W. Hunter. Indian Workers: Licentiates: V. D. Koilpillai, V. Isaac, S. ThomN. Aaron, M. P. Daniel, G. Isaiah, as, K. G. Samuel, G. Santhanam, A. V. Jesudass, G. C. Joseph, R. Job Miller, A. Yesudian, A. SelJ. Moses, 0. A. Nelson, M. D., vanayagam, S. Dason, C. John, C. A. Randolph, D. W. Semmens, N. Vinayagam, P. Devasahayam, M. D. S. K. Arumanayagam, G. GuMissionary Licentiates: rupatham, Miss Rebecca Samuel, Miss Emma Binder, Miss BeaS. Seenivasagam, John Samuel, trice Gore, Emma Hughes, M. D. K. P. David, Mrs. G. Arulmoney, Indian Workers: A. D. Arumanayagam, G. ThomN. Aaron, G. Isaiah, A. V. Jesuas, C. Moses, M. 1. Pakkiana(lass, M. B. Israel, P. Sundarao, than, Mrs. N. Koilpillai, Mrs. J. V. Henry, M. B. Laban, B. Annainal, C. G. Isaac, Mrs. PonSolomon, 0. Sowbliagyamina, P. namal, Mrs. joseph, Mrs. PonJohn, K. Mariamma, Ch. John, niah. T. Krishnarao, Mrs. P. Sundarao, Ch. William, Datchirfamurthi, Mrs. J. Cole, J. Devadhason, M. TELUGU MISSION J. Jessie, P. S. John, P. AsirvaStations: Guntur, Bezwada, Nantham, M. J. Mercy, G. A. Anandigaina„ Chandalapadu, Keesara, dam, Y. Daniel, 0. 13. DevasaMadhavaram, Nuzvid, Narsapur, hayam, Ch. Gnannamma, M. LuRustumbada, Woodpeta, Rajahcas, T. John, Kunjamma, P. Malaundry, Lakavaram, Anthravedi, riamma, K. C. David, DeennamSreerangapatnam, Mirthapadu, ma, L. B. Devasigarrioney, A. Mandapeta, Rayyavaram, BobGrace, T. Grace, N. Isaiah, O. bili, Mogha] Rajapuram. Israel, M. Jacob, K. Joseph. WESTERN INDIA MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: The Bombay Presidency, and Hyderabad State related thereto by language; Wardha, Nagpur, Chanda, Bhandara, Amraoiti, Akola, Buldana, and Yeotmal Districts of the Central Provinces; Baroda, and other adjacent States. Population: 46,779,962; churches, 10; members, 566. Post Office Address: 6 Dhondi Road, Devlali, Nasik Dist., India. • Officers: Supt., J. S. James. Sec. and Treas.. J. S. 'James. Executive Committee: J. S. James, W. H. McHenry, L. C. Shepard, R. E. Loasby, 0. W. Lange, I•. E. Spiess, L. G. 1,Vood. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION . Department Secretaries: Educational, F. E. Spiess. Field Miss., L. C. Shepard; Asst. Field Miss., S. P. Umapati. Home Miss., J. S. James. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. J. S. James. Ministers: J. S. James, W. H. McHenry, J. B. Carter, 0. W. Nolda, T. K. Ludgate, S. T. Chandiker, L. G. Wood, C. C. Cantwell, R. E. Loasby, F. E. Spiess. Licentiate: S. S. Chaven. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. S. James, Mrs. F. E. Spiess, Miss F. Tuckey, S. P. Umapati. BOMBAY SECTION Address: Sorab House, Garden Road, Colaba, Bombay, India. Minister: C. C. Cantwell. Missionary Licentiate: Miss F. Tuckey. GUJERAT SECTION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Civil Lines, Surat, India. Minister: T. K. Ludgate, Shahibag, P. 0. 4, Ahmedabad, India. Licentiates: 0. W. Lange, Civil Lines, Surat, India. J. Macwan. Missionary Licentiates: P. Phasge, C. K. Rathord. CITY. OF KARACHI Minister: 0. W. Nolda, 27, McNeil Road, Karachi, India. KALYAN SECTION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan, India. Director: J. B. Carter Minister: J. B. Carter. Licentiate: Daniel Bunsode. Missionary Licentiates: K. E. Bunsode, H. Khajekar, D. P. Borge., Bible Worker: Hannabai Ballade. ' 203 KOLHAPUR SECTION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hatkanagle, Kolhapiir State, India. Director: —. Licentiates: G. S. Borge, B. S. Devade, M. P. Jadhay. Other Indian Workers: B. Narde, V. Shinde, Dayabai Gaikwad. LASALGAO•N SECTION Address: Western Indian Mission Training School, Lasalgaon, Nasik Dist., India. Established 1920 (Anglo-Marathi High School, 10th standard.) Minister: F. E. Spiess. School Staff: Principal, F. E. Spiess. Teachers: C. Alexander, Mrs. J. David, Rachael 13orge, S. Khandagale, Mrs. F. E. Spiess, D. N. Ohol, S. S. Pandit. Industries: Farming: In charge Sadanand Khandagale. NEVASA SECTION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. Director: W. H. McHenry. Minister: W. H. McHenry. Missionary Licentiates: R. K. Aswale, P. Bunsode, B. V. Nirmal, 0. B. Pakhre, T. B. Pakhre, J. Walekar. Bible Worker: Gracebai Bhakre. NAGPUR SECTION Address: Velloz Lodge, Clarke Town, Nagpur, C. P., India. Director: R. E. Loasby. Ministers: R. E. Loasby, L. G. Wood. POONA SECTION Address: Post Box 15, Poona, India. 204 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Director: G. E. Enoch. Minister: G. F. Enoch. Missionary Licentiate: B. J. Hivale. Marathi Church School Teacher: A. L. Wood. INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Educational: Bengali Co-Educational Middle English Boardine• School, S. D. A. Mission, P. b0. Gopalgunj, Faridpur District, East Bengal, India. Calcutta Church Primary School, 36 Park Street, Calcutta, India. English Secondary School and Singhalese Elementary School, Kottawa, Pannipittiya, Ceylon. Hindi-Santali Elementary School, S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Karen Mission School, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., via Maulmein, Burma. -Malayalam High School, S. D. A. High School, Kottarakara • South Travancore, South India. Meiktila Training School, Meiktila, Burma. Myaungmya Primary School, Mo So Kwin Road, Myaungmya, Burma. Narsapur High School, S. D. A. High School, Narsapur, West Godavary, South India. (Telugu Mission.) North Agra Mission Girls' School, S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Northeast India Mission Training School, Baragain, Ranchi, Behar and Orissa, India. Northwest India Union Training School, The Retreat, Roorkee, India. Prakasapuram High School, S. D. A. High School, Prakasapuram, Mukupeeri Post, Tinnevelly District, South India. Punjab Mission Boy's School, Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., Punjab, India. Punjab Mission Girl's School, Chichoki Mallian, District Sheikhpura, India. Rangoon Primary School, 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon, Burma. Santali-Hindi Girls'. School, S. D. A Mission, Babumohal, P. 0. Simultata, E. I. Ry., India. South India Union Training School, Krislmarajapuram, Bangalore District, Mysore State, South India. Vincent Hill School and Junior College, Mussoorie, India. Western India Mission Training School, S. D. A. Mission, "Asa]. gaon, G. I. P. Ry., India. Publishing: Oriental Watchman Publishing House, Post Box 35, Poona, India; with depots at Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, Rangoon, and Deviali. MEDICAL Hospitals and Sanitariums: Bobbili Mission Hospital of S. D. A., Bobbili, Vizagapatam District, South India. Chichoki Mallian Hospital, Chichoki Mallian, N. W. Ry., India. Giffard Mission Hospital of S. D. A., Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India. Jalirpar Hospital, S. D. A. Mission Hospital, P. 0. Jalirpar, District Faridpur, Bengal, India. Narsapur Mission Hospital, Narsapur, West Godavary, South India. Simla-Delhi Sanitarium HydroElectric Institute, Simla, and Delhi, India. Dispensaries: Alambagh Dispensary, Central Agra Mission, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Chuadanga Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission, Lingadha, Chuadanga P. 0., Nadia Dist., India. Gopalgunj Dispensary, Gopaljung, Faridpur Dist., Bengal, India. Hatkalandga Dispensary, Kolhapur, India. Htugyi Dispensary, S: D. A. Mission, Htugyi, Burma. Kamamaung Dispensary, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., via Maulinein, Burma. Karmatar Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Kottarakara Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission, Kottarakara, Travancore, South India. Kottawa Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission, Kottawa, Pannipitya, Ceylon. 205 Krishnarajapuram Dispensary, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District, South India. Meiktila Dispensary, Meiktila, Burma. Myaungmya Dispensary, Mo So Kwin Road, _ Myaungmya, Burma. Narsapur Town Dispensary, Na,rsapur, W. Godavary Dist., South India. Palakol Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission, Palakol, West Godavary Dist., India. Poona Dispensary, Post Box 15, Poona, India. Prakasapuram Dispensary, Prakasapuram, Mukupeeri Post, Tinnevelly District, South SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Organized 1928 Territory: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France, Monaco, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Italy, Vatican State, San Marino, Jugoslavia, Rumania, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Algeria, Tunis, Morocco, Tangier, Senegal, Mauritania, that portion of French Equatorial Africa that lies South of latitude 10 North, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, Mauritius and Dependencies, Seychelles Islands, Rio de Oro and Portuguese Guinea; viz., the Franco-Belgian, Swiss, Rumanian, and Jugoslavian Union Conferences, the Iberian, Italian, and North African Union Missions, and the Equatorial African, Madagascar, and Mauritius Missions. Population: 185,000,000; churches, 767; members, 24,293. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent, Berne. Telephone 34.181. Office Address: H6heweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., A. V. Olson. Sec., Steen Rasmussen. Treasurer and Auditor, F. Brennwald. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Field Miss., D. N. Wall. Medical and Religious Liberty, Dr. J. Nussbaum, 49 avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris 16, France. Ministerial Assn., A. V. Olson. Publishing and Associate Home Miss., F. Charpiot. Y. P. M. V. and Educational, Steen Rasmussen. Division Committee: A. V. Olson, Steen Rasmussen, Fr. Brennwald, D. N. Wall, F. Charpiot, Dr. J. Nussbaum, H. Evard, W. Beach, Robert Gerber, L. Beer, H. Bauer, Jules Rey, P. P. Paulini. LABORERS HOLDING CREDENTIALS FROM THE SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: A. V. Olson, D. N. Wall, Steen Rasmussen, F. Charpiot, A. Vaucher, J. H. Weidner. Licentiates: F. Brennwald, Dr. J. Nussbaum, Henri Evard, Maurice Tieche, F. Pieringer. Missionary Licentiates: Daniel Walther, Edith Geymet, Jeanne Revert, Lydie Erdman, Gretly Krebs, Erna Ihlenburg, Hazel Olson. FRANCO-BELGIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: France, Monaco, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Population: 48,823,200; churches, 64; members, 2,036. Telegraphic Address: "Conference," 130 bid de l'H8pital, Paris 13e, France. 206 Office Address: 130 Boulevard de PHOpital, Paris 13e, France. (Telephone, Gobelins, 6176). Officers: Pres., W. R. Beach. See., Treas., and Auditor, Ch. Wehrli. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: W. R. Beach, Ch. Wehrli, P. Badaut, Ch. Gerber, 0. Ganty, Dr. J. Nussbaum, G. Haberey, A. Vaucher, G. Dem:net, M. Ringoot. Department Secretaries: Field Miss.. and Home Miss., Gerard Desmet. Medical, Dr. Jean Nussbaum. Sabbath School, Ch. Wehrli. Y. P. M. V., W. R. Beach. Ministers: W. R. Beach, Ch. Gerber. Honorary: J. Vuilleumier. Licentiates: G. Desmet. Honorary: D. Lecoultre. Missionary Licentiates: 0. Ganty, Ch. Wehrli. BELGIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Territory: Belgium. Population: 8,125,000; churches, 11; members, 532. Office: 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. (Telephone, 113680.) • Officers: Pres., M. Ringoot. Sec. and Treas., H. J. Roeland. Executive Committee: M. Ringoot, Fr. Lavanchy, J. L. Loots, Henri Roeland, A. Roeland, A. Hanston. Legal Assn.: "Association des Zelateurs de la Conference Beige des Adventistes du Septieme Jour," 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Henri Roeland. Field Miss., Jean Desmet. Home Miss., Albert Roeland. Rel. Lib. and Educational, M. Ringoot. Sab. Sch., Andre Lecoultre. Y. P. M. V., Fr. Lavanchy. Ministers: Marcel Ringoot, Jacob Wibbens, J. L. Loots, Albert Roeland, Fr. Lavanchy. 207 Licentiates: Alfred De Ligne, Edouard Ducret,:A. Lecoultre, F. Van Geel, Rita Roba. Missionary Licentiates: Henri Roeland, Jerome Vandrom me, Jean Desmet, Mrs. Marguerite Magnus, J. Belloy, Miss Rita' Roba. EAST FRANCE CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: The departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Moselle, Meurthe et Moselle, Vosges, Haute-Si-1,0m, Meuse, HauteMarne, the territory of Belfort and Luxembourg. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 16; members, 423. Office: 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Officers: Pres., Georges Haberey. Sec. and Treas., Charles Zigan. Executive Committee: Georges Haberey, F. Fochmans, M. FridE. Roesch, lin, Charles G. Kiehl. Legal Assn.: Societe Missionnaire de l'Est de la France: Bld d'Anvers 5, Strasbourg, France. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Charles Zigan. Field Miss., E. Brobecker. Home Miss. and Religious bib.. G. Haberey. Sabbath Sch., Ch. Zigan. Y. P. M. V.. E. Brobecker. Ministers: Georges Haberey, J. P. Frei, Albert Junginger, Charles Kamm, F. Fochmans. Licentiates: Jean Hof, Chr. Feld, M. Fridlin. Missionary Licentiates: Ch. Zigan, E. Brobecker, Miss W. Hockenberger, Mrs. F. Brobecker, Miss J. Gutekunst. Church School: 5, boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg. Teacher: Paul Bernard. 208 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION NORTH FRANCE CONFERENCE Organized 1923 Territory: Departments north of Charente Inferieure, Charente, Haute - Vienne, Creuse, Allier, &Lime et Loire, and Ain; and west of Meuse, Haute-Marne, and Haute-Saene. Population: 22,000,000; churches, 13; members, 533. Office: 130 Boulevard de PFIepital, Paris 13e, France. (Telephone, Gobelins, 6176.) Telegraphic Address: "Conference," 130, boulevard de 1'HOpital, Paris 13e, France. Officers: Pres., W. R. Beach. Sec. and Treas.,- Ch. Wehrli. Executive Committee: W. R. Beach, Ch. Wehrli, L. A. Mathy, P. Meyer, J. C. Guenin, G. Grisier, E. Marie. Legal Assn.: North France Conf. S. D. A., Assn., 130 Blvd. de PHOpital, Paris 13, France. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Ch. Wehrli. Field Miss., M. Guenin. Home Miss., G. Desmet. Medical, Dr. Jean Nussbaum. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., L. Gerber. Ministers: Paul Meyer, L. A. Mathy, J. C. Guenin. Licentiates: L. Gerber, Ch. Winandy, G. Corral, R. Kloetty. Missionary Licentiates: Haigner6, R. Buyek, M. Cuenin, Mrs. J. Dethiers, Miss M. Roth, E. Huguenin Miss 0. Van- quelin, Miss G. Weidner, Miss A. Liotier. SOUTH FRANCE CONFERENCE Organized • 1923 Territory: Departments south of Vendee, Deux Sevres, Vienne, Indre, Cher, Nievre, (Mae d'Or, Haute-Savoie, Doubs, and the principality of Monaco. Population: 16,000,000; churches, 24; members, 548. Office: 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Marseille, France. Officers: Pres., P. Badaut. Sec. and Treas., R. Birckel. Executive Committee: Paul Badaut, R. Birckel, L. Boyer, Maurice Tieche, A. Vuilleumier. Legal Assn.: Association Cultuelle de -la Conf. des Adv. du 7e, Jour du Midi de la France, 5, boulevard Longchamp, Marseille, France. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Robert Birckel. Field Miss. and Y. P. M. V., C. Nassogne. Home Miss. and Rel. Lib., Paul Badaut. Sabbath School, R. Birckel. Ministers: " P. Badaut, E. Fawer, 0. Meyer, A. Gavot. Licentiates: Willy Fuchs, Paul B6nezech, R. Poilbarbe, G. .Nassogne. Missionary Licentiates: Robert Thicket Miss Germaine Ferciot, Miss Marthe Chevalieras. IBERIAN UNION 'MISSION Organized 5926 Territory: The Spanish, and the Population: About 29,033,000; churches, 17; members, 675. Portuguese Missions; viz., Spain and Portugal, including Canary, Telegraphic Address: Advent, MadMaderia, and Azores Islands. rid. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Office: Calle Covarrubias 28, Madrid, Spain. Postal Address: Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Officers: Supt., Robert Gerber. Sec. And Treas., 0. C. Barrett. Executive Committee: R. Gerber, 0. C. Barrett, J. C. Culpepper, Hans Struve, A. D. Gomes, R. FitO, E. P. Mansell, H. F. Neumann, J. Bois. Department Secretaries: Field Miss, and Home Miss., J. C. Culpepper. Sabbath School and Educational, Robert Gerber. Y. P. M. V., 0. C. Barrett. Minister: Robert Gerber. Honorary: Pedro Sanz, Vicente Juan Garcia. Licentiate: J. C. Culpepper. Missionary Licentiate: 0. C. Barrett. Institutions: Spanish Publishing House, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Portuguese Publishing House, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. PORTUGUESE MISSION Organized 1904 Territory: Portugal. Population: 6,033,000; churches, 6; members, 277. Office: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Officers: • Director, A. D. Gomes. Sec. and Treas.,- P. Ribeiro. Mission Committee: A. D. Gomes, H. F. Neumann, A. F. Raposo, M. Lourinho, M. Leal. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, P. Ribeiro. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Manuel Leal. Sabbath Sch., H. F. Neumann. Y. P. M. V., M. Lourinho. 209 Ministers: A. D. Gomes, H. F. Neumann, Licentiates: A. F. Raposo, F. Simo0s, M. Lourinho. Missionary Licentiates: Manuel Leal, Pedro Ribeiro. MADEIRA ISLANDS MISSION Entered 1931, organized 1933 Territory: The Madeira Islands. Population: 179,000; churches, 1; members, 40. Address: Rua dos Ferreiros 110, Funchal, Madeira Island. Director: E. V. Hermanson. Sec.-Treas.: E. V. Hermanson. Licentiate: E. V. Hermanson. AZORES ISLANDS MISSION STATION Population: 270,000. Address: Ponta Delgada, Silo Miguel, Azores Islands. Director: E. P. Mansell. Minister: E. P. Mansell. SPANISH MISSION Organized 1903; reorganized 1932 Territory: Spain, Baleares and Canary Islands. Population: 23,000,000; churches; 10; members, 358. Office: Calle Covarrubias 28, Madrid, Spain. Postal Address: Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Officers: Director, Robert Gerber. Sec. and Treas., 0. C. Barrett. Mission Committee: R. Gerber, 0. C. Barrett, Hans Struve, R. L. Odom, I. Aguilar. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. Fit°. Field Miss. and Home Miss., J. C. Culpepper. Sabbath School, Mrs. R. Gerber. Y. P. M. V., I. Aguilar. 210 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: Hans Struve, R. L. Odom, Jose Boix. Licentiates: A. J. Lopez, 0. A. Succar, Isidro Aguilar, S. M. Iserte, Julio Missionary Licentiates: I. Gonzalez, E. Abenia, Felix Valtuefia, R. Fab, C. Comabella. ITALIAN UNION MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and San Marino. Population: 43,000,000; churches, 27; members; 645. Office Address: Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. (Tel., 42850) Post Office Address: Casella Postale 408, Florence, Italy. Officers: Supt., L. Beer. Assist., G. L. Lippolis. Sec. and Treas., G. Fenz. Executive Committee: L. Beer, G. L. Lippolis, G. Fenz, G. Ferraro, G. Cupertino, 0. Pferschy, V. Speranza, A. Karl. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Giuseppe Ferraro. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School, L. Beer. Ministers: L. Beer, G. L. Lippolis. Licentiate: G. Ferraro. Missionary Licentiates: G. Fenz, Miss M. L. Venerella, Miss M. Pieroni, Miss M. Lippolis. NORTH ITALIAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The provinces of Piemonte, Lombardia, Liguria, Venetia, Emilia, Toscana, the republic of San Marino, and the island of Sardinia. Population: 24,500,000; churches, 15; members, 361. Office Address: Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Officers: Director, L. Beer. Sec. and Treas., 0. Fenz. Mission Committee: L. Beer, G. Fenz, G. Ferraro, E. Bertalot, R. Bongini. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., G. Ferraro. ol, Miss Al. L. VeSabbath Sco nerella. Ministers: G.. Pferschy, E. Bertalot; A. Karl, C. H. Loosen. Licentiates: R. Bongini, E. Libonati, 0. Cavalcante, G. Fischer. Missionary Licentiate: Miss F. Corbascio. SOUTH ITALIAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The provinces of Marche, Umbria, Lazio, AbruzziMolise, the Vatican State, Campania, Puglie, Basilicata, Calabria, and the island of Sicily. Population: 18,500,000; churches, 12; members, .284. Office Address: Piazza Filangieri 225, Napoli, Italy. Officers: Director, G. Cupertino. Sec. and Treas., Miss D. Bertalot. • Mission Committee: G. Cupertino, R. Magni, V. Speranza, R. Valerio, G. Ferraris. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Field Miss., R. Magni. Sabbath School, G. Cupertino: Ministers: G. Cupertino, V. Speranza, R. Valerio. 211 Licentiates: D. Asiano, N. Marzocchini, G. Ferraris. Missionary Licentiates: R. Magni, G. Cesario, Miss D. Bertalot, Miss M. Infranco. JUGOSLAVIAN UN ION CONFERENCE Organiz ed roz5 Territory: The Kingdom of Jugoslavia; viz., the Danube, Morava, and Sava Conferences. Population: 13,000,000; churches, 106; members, 2,526. Cable and Tel. Address: Preporod, Beograd, Jugoslavia. Office Address: Zeleni Venac No. VI, Beograd, Jugoslavia. (Telephone, 24931.) Officers: Pres., H. Bauer. Sec. and Treas., W. Schupnik. Executive Committee: H. Bauer, A. Mocnik, R. Schillinger, N. Slankamenac, A. Lorencin, Z. Krdjalic, IV. Schupnik, M. Trifunac. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Z. Krdjalic. Asst. Field Miss., P. Petrovic.. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., M. Trifunac. Ministers: H. Bauer, A. Moenik, T. M. Trifunac, T. R. Sehillinger. Licentiate: Z. Krdjali6 Missionary Licentiates: W. Schupnik, P. PetrovW., D. DANUBE CONFERENCE Organized 1925 Territory: Dunayska and Drinska banovina. Population: 3,765,000; churches, 56; members, 1,351. Office Address: Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Officers: Pres., N. Slankamenac. Sec. and Treas., W. Schupnik. Executive Committee: N. Slankamenac, M. Mora, K. Kastl, I. Danyi, Z. Milovanov. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Z. Krdjalic. Home Miss., N. Slankamenac. Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School, N. Slankamenac. Ministers: N. Slankamenac, Dj. Kalezi6, I. Danyi, K. Kastl, D. KrstiC. Licentiates: A. Schleicher, St. Strangar. MORAVA CONFERENCE Organized 1931 Territory: Morayska, Vardarska, and Zetska banovina. Population: 3,345,000; churches, 21; members, 621. Office Address: Zeleni Venac Beograd, Jugoslavia. Officers: Pres., A. Lorencin. Treas., W. Schupnik. Executive Committee: A. Lorencin, R. Radivojevic, W. Schupnik, St. Petrovic, M. Sudan. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Z. Krdjalic. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., A. Lorencin. Ministers: A. Lorencin, R. Radivojevic, Dj. Semkovi. Licentiate: St. Petrovic. Missionary Licentiate: B. Radovanovie. 212 • SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: M. Ludewig, R. Schillinger, J. Plesko, M. Sareanski, S. Sarcevic. SAVA CONFERENCE Organized 1925 Territory: Sayska, Drayska, baska, and Primorska banovina. Population: 4,990,000; churches, 29; members, 554. Office Address: DeZelii!eva 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Officers: • Pres., M. Ludewig. Sec. and Treas., W. Schupnik. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Z. Krdjalic. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss., M. Ludewig. Ministers: M. Ludewig, J. Plesko, M. Sarcanski. Licentiate: V. Plesko. NORTH AFRICAN UNION MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Algeria, French Morocco, Spanish Morocco, Tangier, Tunis, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica. Population: 16,000,000; churches, 10; members, 270. Postal Address: Institut "Vie et Sante" Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Officers: Supt., Jules Rey, Sec. and Treas., Werner Lagger. Executive Committee: Jules Rey, Werner Lagger, Albert Meyer, Henri Pichot, Dr. Hilborn, Joseph Medard, Jean Reynaud. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. M0dard. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, Jules Rey. Minister: Jules Rey. Missionary Licentiates: W. Lagger, J. Medard, ALGERIAN MISSION Organized 1905; reorganized 1928 Territory: Algeria and Tunis. Population: 11,000,000; churches, 8; members, 217. Postal Address: Institut "Vie et Sante" Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Officers: Director, Jules Rey. Sec. and Treas., Werner Lagger. Mission Committee: Jules Rey, Werner Lagger, Joseph A/Ward, P. Douay, H. Pichot, L. Barral. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. Medard. Home Miss., A. Meyer. Sabbath School, Jules Rey. Ministers: Eugene Rey, A. Meyer. Licentiates: A. Bard, H. Pichot, P. Douay, A. Arnone. Missionary Licentiates: P. Girard, Miss L. Bonnet. Legal Corporation Name: Association Philanthropique des Amis des Malades. (Philanthropic Society of the Friends of the Sick.) Postal Address: Institut "Vie et Sante" Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Officers: Pres., Jules Rey. Sec.-Treas., P. Douay. Other members of the board: J. Reynaud, A. Bard, W. Lagger, J. Medard, E. Muscat. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION MOROCCAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: French and Spanish Morocco, and Tangier. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 2; members, 53. Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Boulevard Joffre, Casablanca, Morocco. Officers: Director, J. Reynaud. 213 Sec. and Treas., David Riemens. Mission Committee: J. Reynaud, H. Rebsomen, F. Ferrand, V. Arnone, D. Riemens. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, F. Ferrand. Minister: Jean Reynaud. Licentiate: David Riemens. Missionary Licentiate: F. Ferrand. RUMANIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organised 1959 Territory: All of Rumania, as per "Cuvantul Evangheliei" boundaries determined by the (Society for the extension of Evantreaty of peace, viz., the East gelical work) Muntenian, West Muntenian, North Moldavian, South Molda- Address: Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, vian, Transylvanian and BanatRumania. Crisana Conferences. Population: 18,000,000; churches, Officers: Pres., Arthur Widireanu. 471; members, 14,864. Vice-Pres., Petru Paunescu. Cable Address: P. P. Paulini, LaSec., D. M. Faurescu. birint, 116, Bucharest. Executive Committee: A. VaOffice Address: Str. Mitropolitul careanu, P. Paunescu, D. M. Ghenadie Petrescu No. 116, BuFaurescu, P. P. Paulini, C. Pocuresti IV., Rumania. pescu. Officers: Purpose: Publishing of Christian Pres., P. P. Paulini. literature and buying of buildSee., Treas., and Auditor, Arthur ings for publishing work, treatVacareanu. ment rooms, meeting halls, etc. Executive Committee: P. P. Paulini, St. Demetrescu, P. H. Building Association: Office Address: Str. Mitropolitul Hermann, N. Dorobat, D. Florea, Ghenadie Petrescu 116, BucuA. Vacareanu, I. Reit, St. Keleresti IV, Rumania. men, C. Alexe, C. Popescu, V. Mocanu, M. Manehen, I. Dragu- Officers: Pres. and Treas., Arthur VacAsin. reanu. Department Secretaries: Sec., D. M. Filureseu. Field Miss., N. Dorobilt. Executive Committee: Union Home Miss., Sab. Sch. and Y. P. Conference Committee. M. V., P. H. Hermann. Religious Lib., St. Demetrescu. Asst. Rel. Lib., V. Diaconescu. Ministers: BANAT-CRISANA CONFERENCE P. P. Paulini, St. Demetrescu, Organized 1920 D. Florea, P. H. Hermann. Licentiates: Territory: Banat, Crisana, MaraA. Vacareanu, N. Dorobat. mures and jud. Huniedoara. Legal Society: Societate Ano- Population: 3,074,000; churches, nima Actiuni. .58; members, 1,580. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 214 Office Address: Pieta General Dragalina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara IV, Rumania. Licentiates: Officers: Missionary Licentiates: Pres., Ioan Reit. Sec. and Treas., Gheorghe Rad6i. Executive Committee: Ioan Reit, G. Radoi, G. Motorca, A. Indriciiu, I. Rndulescu, S. Taity, N. Pintea. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Sigismund Taity. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School, St. Czedula. Ministers: I. Reit, Oh. Motorca, I. Radiilescu, I. Gaspar, I. Pastor, F. Cionca, D. Irod. Licentiates: Z. Rad, D. Farkas, Oh. Radoi. Missionary Licentiates: S. Taity, St. Czedula, C. Csongvai, P. Crisan. EAST MUNTENIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: East Muntenia and Do- brogea. 2,000,000; churches, 68; members, 2,164. Office Address: Str. Domia Billase 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Population: Officers: Pres., C. Popeseu. Sec. and Treas., T. Coconcea. Executive Committee: C. Popescu, I. Stroescu, P. Olteanu, T. Dobre, I. Mihailov, T. Coconcea, F. Dumitrescu. D. Ceausu, T. Coconcea, F. Mateescu. I. P. Ahusef, I. Danila, D. Gheorghitil. NORTH MOLDAVIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: Northern part of Moldavia, Bucovina and part of Bessarabia. Population: 2,600,000; churches, 06; members, 2,305. Office Address: Str. Cohanovschi 1, Cernauti, Rumania. Officers: Pres., M. Manchen. Sec. and Treas., Constantin Andries. Executive Committee: M. Manchen, C. Andries, Leon Balan, N. Gheorghita, C. GrajdinoiuIoneseu, I. Tremel, I. Pelepciuc. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., N. Gheorghita. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath Sch., Leon Balan. Ministers: M. Manchen, P. Morosan, V. Tolan, C. Grajdinoiu-Ionescu, G. Lehaci, Leon Balen. Licentiates: A. Popov, T. Miriuca. Missionary Licentiates: Ioan Dantos, N. Gheorghita, C. Andries Honorary: P. Kostomski, G. Nahirni. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Dumitru 'GheorgHome Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, Iordan Mihailov. Ministers: C. Popescu, P. Piumescu, St. Onatu, T. Dobre, A. Petrescu, P. Olteanu, D. Cristil, S. Pope, L Mihailov, M. Ganea. SOUTH MOLDAVIAN- CONFERENCE Organized 1928 South Moldavia and Part of Bessarabia. Population: 2,200,000; churches, 49; members, 1,572. Office Address: Strada N. Saveanu 10, Foesani, Rumania. Territory: SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., N. Alexe. Sec. and Treas., Tanase R. Mateescu. Executive Committee: N. Alexe, T. R. Mateescu, Gr. Dasoveanu, V. Zamfir, I. Prevlitz, N. Pahoncea, V. Besleagh. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Vasile Zamfir. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, I. Prevlitz. Ministers: N. Alexe, Gr. Dasoveanu, D. Faurescu, C. Munteanu, W. R. Reinheimer, I: Petrescu, A. Panait, N. Arcaliefscky. Licentiates: V. Zamfir, I. Prevlitz, Gh. Luca, T. R. Mateescu. Missionary Licentiate: M. Hioaril. TRANSYLVANIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1911. Territory: Transylvania. Population: 2,700,000; churches, 118; members, 3,026. Office Address: Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Officers: Pres., Stefan Kelemen. Sec. and Treas., Pavel Mucusan. Asst. Sec., Elena Laszlo. Executive Committee: St. Kelemen, P. Mucusan, B. Balas, P. Stefan, B. Ecsedi, A. Mustafa. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Alexandru Nemes. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, A. Mustafa. 215 Ministers: St. Kelemen, J. Weber, P. Betea, W. R. Steinmeier, B. Balas, I. Toltessy, R. Kestner, A. Mustafa, V. Truppel. Licentiates: A. Nemes, P. Mucusan, Th. Iconderth, J. Gottfert, D. Csongvai. WEST MUNTENIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: West Muntenia and Oltenia. Population: 3,400,000; churches, 112; Members, 4,217. Office Address: Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Officers: Pres., Vlad See. and Treas., loan Danetiu. Executive Committee: V. Mocanu, I. Danetiu, D. Badeseu, A. Duieft, S. Stefithesco, F. Minleseu„ T. Negoescu. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., N. Dorobilt. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, D. RAdescu. Ministers: V. Mocanu, I. Toma, Gh. Sthnescu, A. Duica, N. Voinea, C. Trascil, D. Para,schiv, S. Stefaneseu, D. Roibescu, I. Gheorghisor, D. Bfidescu. Licentiates: I. Diinetiu, I. Tachici, N. Marinescu, A. Rizea. Missionary Licentiates: I. Solea, Gh. Bach', L. Constantin.escu, V. Georgescu, I. Curmhtureanu.. SWISS UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: Switzerland and Liechtenstein; viz., the German Swiss and the Leman Conferences. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 54; members, 2,389. Office Address: Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Ziirich, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., A. V. Olson. Sec.-Treas., 0. Fasnacht. 216 SOU THERic EUROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: A. V. Olson, 0. Fasnacht, F. Charpiot, Dr. H. Muller, U. Augsburger, Steen Rasmussen, G. Weber, E. Haring, J. Fehr, G. Muller, A. Haenel, H. Schild, A. Schluchter, H. Willi, Ch. Monnier. Legal Assn., Societal Philanthropique de la Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzerland. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., F. Charpiot. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, Steen Rasmussen. Ministers: Vital Monnier. Honorary: J. Curdy, E. Frauehiger, H. Meyer-Bartschy. Licentiate: Honorary: H. Provin. GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: German and Romanshspeaking parts of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. About 2,700,000; Population: churches, 34; members, 1,406. Office: Stampfenbachstr. 85, Ztirich, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., H. Willi. Sec. and Treas., E. Haring. Auditor, 0. Fasnacht. Executive Committee: H. Willi, E. HUring, N. Stuber, R. Balder, A. Rupp, A. Schluchter, A. Merz, A. Buser, A. Walther. Legal Assn.: German Swiss Building Assn., 85, Stampfenbachstr. Zurich, Switzerland. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Jakob Bonier, Field Miss., N. Stuber. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and • Y. P. M. V., Y. Buttler. Ministers: H. Willi, R. Bahler, J. Fehr, K. Sturzenegger, J. Bommer, A. Rupp, G. Tobler, K. Fischbacher, 0. Hollenweger. Licentiates: •.V. Mittler, E. Bachmann, A. Uhr, E. Forster. Missionary Licentiates: E. Haring, J. Bollier, N. Stuber, Miss B. Schmidt, Miss E. Tobler, Miss E. Haas, Miss M. Rommel. LEMAN CONFERENCE . Organized 1884 Territory: The French-speaking parts of Switzerland. Population: About 1,300,000; churches, 20; members, 983. Office: 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., Ulysse Augsburger. Sec. and Treas., G. Weber. Executive Committee: Ulysse Augsburger, G. Weber, Ch. Veuthey, Ch. Monnier, R. Guenin, E. Magnin, L. Rochat. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, G. Weber. Educational, D. Walther. Field Miss. and Home Miss., Ch. Veuthey. Medical, Dr. P. A. De Forest. Sabbath Sch. and Y. P. M. V., Charles Monrii er. Ministers: U. Augsburger, A. Schmid, Ch. Monnier, E. Veuthey, Th. Schreyak. Licentiates: W. Ruf, W. Rills. Missionary Licentiates: G. A. Weber, Charles Veuthey, Mrs. Henriette Meyrial. Church Schools: "La Ligniere," Gland (Vaud), Switzerland. Teacher, Miss Louise Berlie. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 39, rue du Temple Allemand, Switzerland. Teacher: Miss Lucie Villeneuve. DETACHED MISSIONS EQUATORIAL AFRICAN' MISSION Entered 1928 Territory: The Cameroon, Oubangui-Chari, Middle Congo, Gabon, Fernando-Po, Spanish-Guinea, St. ThomaA and neighboring islands. Population: 2,400,000; churches, 2; members, 93. Postal Address: Mission Adventiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa. Officers: Supt., M. Raspal. Sec.-Treas., J. Erzberger. Executive Committee: M. Raspal, J. Erzberger, A. NI. Sallee, • Z. Yeretzian. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., Z. Yeretzian. Sabbath School, J. Erzberger. Minister: M. Raspal. Licentiates: A. M. Sallee, Z. Yeretzian. Missionary Licentiates: J. Erzberger, Mrs. J. Erzberger, Mrs. A. M. Sallee, Mrs. Z. Yeretzian, Ch. Cornaz. Teachers: 14 natives, and 37 catechists. Mission Schools: 2. Village Schools: 26. Mission Stations: Nanga-Eboko and Batouri. Dispensary: Nanga-Eboko. Telephone, Tananarive No. 291. Officers: Director, M. J. Bureaud. Sec. and Treas., H. L. Henriksen. Mission Committee: M. J. Bureaud, E. Benezech, H. L. Henriksen, J. Ramamonjisoa, A. Rasamoelina, C.. Tolici. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Raterarivelo. Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., E. Benezech. Sabbath School, H. L. Henriksen. Ministers: M. J. Bureaud, E. Benezech, C. Tolici. Licentiate: A. Long. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. J. Bureaud, Mrs. C. Tolici, Mrs. A. Long, Mrs. E. Benezech, H. L. Henriksen, Mrs. H. L. Henriksen, Miss L. Haran, Miss B. Ranorohanta, A. Rasamoelina, J. Ramamonjisoa, J. Bar-Joel, N. Rajanoize, J. W. Ralibera, Razanajatovo, Raterarivelo. Institutions: Publishing House, "Fitarikandro," Ambohijatovo, Tananarive; Manager, Secretary, and Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen. Schools: Tananarive; teachers, H. L. Henriksen, B. R.anorolianta, Miss L. Rasoazananoro. Andina; teacher, Miss V. Rakat n anga. MADAGASCAR MISSION Entered 1926 Territory: Madagascar and Dependencies, viz. Comoro Islands, etc. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 7; members, 311. Cable Address: "Adventiste, Tananarive." Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. .MAURITIUS MISSION Entered 1914 Territory: Islands of Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles and Rodriguez. Population: 640,000; churches„ 9; members, 484. Telegraphic Addresses: "Adventists" Mauritius; "Adventists" Seychelles; "Adventists" Rodriguez (respectively). 217 218 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Office Address: Salisbury Road, Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Officers: Director, A. J. Girou. Treas., Marguerite Ithier. Local Committee: A. J. Girou, F. Augsburger, M. Johnson, M. Noel, N. Cangy, A. Latter. Legal Assn.: The Seventh-day Adventist Diocese of Mauritius. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Lydia Le Wane. Sabbath School, Alice Le Meme. Y. P. M. V., F. Augsburger. Ministers: Dr. A. J. Giro'', F. Augsburger. Missionary Licentiates: E. Michel, C. Cuniah, L. A. Henriot, G. Sibilant, D. Ignace, D. Munroop, Mrs. F. Molkennah, Mrs. A. J. Girou, Mrs. F. Augsburger, Alice Le Meme, Marguerite Ithier, Lydia Le Meme. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Educational: Jugoslavian Union Training School, Pantoveak 121, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Rumanian Union Training School, asuta Postal5 No. 71, Brasov, Rumania. Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges-sous-Saleve, HauteSavoie, France. Publishing: Algerian Publishing House, Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis ( Alger), Algeria. French Publishing House, Librairie "Les Signes des Temps," . 92 avenue Anatole Jacquin, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.), France. Italian Publishing House, Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Jugoslavian Publishing House, Izdavaeka Knjqara "Preporod," Zeleni Venac No. 1, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Maagascar Publishing House, "Fitarikandro," Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. Mauritius Mission Depository, Librairie Polyglotte, Salisbury St., Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Portuguese Publishing House, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Rumanian Publishing House; "Cuvlintul Evangheliei," S. A. Institut de Arte Grafice si Editurii, Strada Mitrop. Ghenadie Petrescu 116, Bucharest IV., Rumania. Spanish Publishing House, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Book and Bible House Advent Verlag, .Stampf enbachstrasse 85, Ziirich, Switzerland. Sanitarium: Lake Geneva Sanitarium, ."La Etablissemenf Physiotherapique du Leman, Gland, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. Food Factories: " Phag," Gland, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. • " Pur Aliment," Rue du MontCenis 128, Paris XVIII, France. FEDERATION (DIVISION) OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS IN UNION OF SOCIALIST SOVIET REPUBLICS Organized 5920; Reorganized 5928 (Because of certain conditions, it is impossible to report further than above respecting any organizations or work in the preceding territory.) EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OUTLINE OF COURSES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS As a result of various actions taken by the Educational Department, it is recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, academies, and colleges be organized upon a semester basis, each semester to be subdivided approximately into three periods of six weeks each. It was also recommended that the credits given in these schools be reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a study pursued 36 weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length, or its equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for eighteen weeks. The scope of the various courses conducted in these schools is as follows:— Grades Years Intermediate Course 7-10 4 9-12 Academic Course, 4 13-16 4 College Course (General) College Course (Special) : — For Ministers (Complete) 13-16 4 2 For Ministers (Shorter Course) 13,14 For Bible Workers and Missionaries one- and two-year courses Teachers (Elementary) 13,14 2 Business and Shorthand 13,14 2 13, 14 2 Business only Secretarial 13, 14 2 Music the conservatory course College Course (Medical) 15-18 4, For Dietitians 4 the instruction given in our sanitariums 3 For Nurses For Preparatory Medical Students 2 13,14 Lists of church schools and teachers will he found in connection with directories of the conferences in which such schools are located. Directories of colleges, academies, and intermediate schools follow in alphabetieal order. If it is desired to find the directory of a school or other institution whose name can not be recalled, refer to the list of institutions at the close of the Division directory in preceding pages. and there will be found the name of every institution listed. Then refer to tiic index, where the institution may be readily located. ACADEMIA ADVENTISTA HISPANOAMERICANA Apartado 1320, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America (Telephone, Tres Rios No. 3) Established 1927 Faculty: W. H. Wineland, Principal; Mrs. W. H. Wineland, G. W. Chapman. Mrs. C. W. Chapman, Werner Wild, Mrs. Werner Wild. ADDIS ABEBA TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS P. O. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Principal, Miss Mao Matthews. Ethiopian Teachers: 219 220 EDUCATIONAL. INSTITUTIONS Ephraim Bourrou, Foufa Bourrou, Terseta Abeba. ADELPHIAN ACADEMY Holly, Michigan Established 1904 Board of Trustees: C. B. Haynes, Chairman; T. E. Unruh, Sec. Faculty: E. P. Weaver, Principal and Manager, Science; Edward Heppenstall, Preceptor, History, and Bible; Olga Oakland, Mathematics and Language; Helena Sargent, Preceptress, English; Mildred Ferguson, Matron, Domestic Science; A. E. Mobley, Treasurer and Mill Supt., Bookkeeping, Printing; Maude Warren, Piano. ADIS-ALEM TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia • Principal: Herbert Hansen. Teachers: Negarie Mullata, Merlgeta Mullaburhan, Waldgera Dankie. AGONA TRAINING SCHOOL Agona, Ashanti, Gold Coast, West Africa. Established 1915 Principal: F. Stokes. ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE ACADEMY Established (Under Conference Organization) 1934 Location: Gilbertown, Alabama. Board: R. I. Keate, Chairman, Emil Tetz, Sec. Faculty: Emil Tetz, B. A., Principal and Manager, History; T. D. Strickland, R. N., Preceptor and School Nurse, Bible; Lois Duncan, Preceptress and Matron; Hazel King, B. A., Eng- lish and Spanish; Mrs. Emil Tetz, Mathematics; Mrs. T. D. Strickland, Grades 1-6. ANHWEI JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Organized 1920 Postal Address: Beng Pu, Anhwei, China. Principal and Business Manager: Chen Hwa 'Ting. Sec. and Treas., Y. C. Shih. Faculty: Chen Hwa Ting, Principal; Li Yun Hung, Wang Hsi Tien, Meng Hsien Lin, Wu Shao Djen, Mrs. Wu Shao Djen. AORE TRAINING SCHOOL Aore, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean Established 1929 Principal: G. H. Engelbrecht. ARIZONA ACADEMY 1325 North Fourteenth St., Phoenix, Arizona Established 1920 Board: S. T. Borg, Chairman; E. G. Truitt, Sec. Faculty: E. G. Truitt, A. B., Principal, Bible, History; N. L. Parker, A. B., Mathematics, Science, Woodworking; Ellen B. Fattebert, A. B., English, Spanish; Frances L. Brown, A. B., Music, Vocational, Office; Lucille Stickle, Grades 6-8; Willamae Hawkins. Grades 3-5; Inez Sims, Grades 1, 2. ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE South Lancaster, Mass. College Office, Tel. Clinton 1408 Dormitory, Tel. Clinton 1593-M Established 1882 Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones, 0. M. John, C. S. Munn, F. D. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Wells, M. N. Campbell, W. H. Howard, W. H. Heckman, E. A. von Pohle, W. A. Ruble, J. E. Osterblom. Officers of the Corporation: J. K. Jones, Pres.; 0. M. John, Sec.; C. S. Munn, Treas. Local Board: J. K. Jones, 0. M. John, C. S. Munn, E. A. von .Pohle, F. D. 'Wells. Administration: 0. M. John, President and Bus. Mgr.; C. S. Munn, Bursar and Asst. Bus. Mgr.; L. A. Semmens, Dean of School of Theology; H. U. Wendell, Registrar; H. H. Howard, Dean of Men; Lessie Culpepper, Dean of Women; I. A. Armstrong, Principal of Academy; Mabel E. Cassell, Director of Teacher Training; E. M. Hause, Librarian; Mrs. Edith Howard, Matron. Faculty: 0. M. John, A. B., M. S., President, Education; L. A. Semmens, Theology; H. U. Wendell, B. B. A., Business Administration and Economics; H. F. Halenz, A. B., A. M., (On leave of absence, 1934-35) ; L. G. Sevrens, A. B. A. M., Chemistry and Biology; W. A. Ruble, B. S., M. D., L. R. C.. P., L. R. C. S., (Edinburgh), Health; Mabel E. Cassell, A. B., A. M., Elementary Education and Teacher Training; Violet E. Morgan, A. B., B. L. I., English and Speech; Ruth Miller, A. B., A. M., Modern Language; E. M. Hause, A. B., A. M., History; Mrs. Myrtle BrownWatrous, A. B., Home Economics; E. B. Ogden, A. B., A. M., Mathematics and Physics; Edna Farnsworth, Pinaoforte; H. H. Schyde, Voice Culture; Lessie Culpepper, A. B., A. M., Assistant in Modern Language; Lou E. Bowen, B. R. E., Secretarial Training; Olive Lindberg, B. R. E., Critic Teacher, Grammar Grades; L. Lucille Haskin, B. R. E., Critic Teacher, Intermediate 221 Grades; Myra B. Kite, Critic Teacher, Primary Grades; F. B. Nelson, A. B., B. D., Greek; Mrs. Blanche Lord-Sevrens, A. B., Assistant in Modern Language; Mrs. Deborah . Secor-John, Basketry; Mrs. Helen BarrowsThurlow, Assistant in Piano; 0. D. Wright, B. R. E., Assistant in Bible; Mrs. Mildred Tate-Wendell, R. N., Home Nursing; H. B. Rudolph, Carpentry; R. M. Edmister, Mechanics; Howard Roscoe and Paul Eldridge, Printing. Preparatory School: I. A. Armstrong, B. R. E., Principal, History and Bible; Rowena Purdon, B. R. E., A. B., English and Latin; 0. E. Miles, B. S., Mathematics and Science; H. H. How-. ard, B. Th., Assistant in Bible; Mrs. Leona Howard-Brown, B. R. E., Foreign Language; Mrs. Helen Barrows-Thurlow, Pianoforte; Howard Roscoe and Paul Eldridge, Printing; Mrs. Myrtle Brown-Watrous, A. B., Domestic Science; H. B. Rhdolph, Carpentry and Woodworking. AUBURN ACADEMY Auburn, Wash. Telephone, Auburn 3F21 Established 1918 Board of Managers: M. L. Rice, Chairman; J. Z. Hottel, Sec. Faculty: J. Z. Hottel, A. B., M. A., Principal and Manager, History, and Farm; J. W. Rowland, A. B., Bible; H. B. Wilcox, A. B., Preceptor, English, Woodwork; G. L. Beane, A. B., Accountant, Bookkeeping, Typing, Spanish; Doris Parkinson, B. M., Preceptress, Piano, English; Violet Scott, A. B., M. A., Science, Mathematics, Sewing; Florence Noyes, R. N., Matron, Cooking; R. DeVice, Woodwork Shop Superintendent; C. A. Wyman, Baking. 222 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia Established 1894 Board of Managers: W. G. Turner, Chairman; A. E. Speck, See.; A. F. J. Kranz, T. W. Hammond, A. H. Piper, A. H. White, B. H. McMahon, A. G. Stewart, W. J. Westerman, B. 0. J011/111son. Faculty: A. E. Speck, Principal; A. F. J. Kranz, C. H. Schowe, E. RosendahL R. B. Watts, Miss B. E. Aitken, Miss E. A. Durrant, R. W. Johnson, J. F. Strange, Mrs. W. E. Schowe, Miss Grace Campbell, 13. H. Schwarzkopt, E. L. Pengilley., Miss M. :McNair, Miss G. E. Britten, B. 0. Johanson. BALTIC UNION SCHOOL (A dvent-Missionsseminar) Brivibas iela r r, Riga, Latvia Faculty: K. Bose, Principal, History, Bible; R. Ausin, Bus. Mgr.; A. Karnoysky, English, • German and Lettish Languages; K. Brutan, Science; R. Kipurs, Mathematics; R. Vinglas, Estonian Department; IT. Adam, Music. BATTLE CREEK ACADEMY 245 North Kendall St., Battle Creek, Mich. Board of Managers: The Battle Creek Tabernacle Board comprises the Academy Board with G. E. Judd as chairman and H. E. Moon, Sec. and Treas. Faculty: H. J. Alcock, Principal, Bible, History; Miss Helen Merriam, English, French; Miss Liiliar' Larson, Science, Mathematics; R. G. Burchfield, Commercial, Shop; Mrs. Otto Johnson, Sewing; Miss Laura Pelley- mounter, Grades 7 and 8; Miss Florence Orth, Grades 5 and 6; Miss Marian Krater, Grades 3 and 4; Miss Emilie Crouch, Grades 1 and 2. BATUNA TRAINING SCHOOL Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean Established 1923 Principal: A. W. Martin: BEE HWA MIDDLE SCHOOL (A Training School, Established 1909) Kulangsu, Amoy, China Principal: J. 0, MacIntyre. Faculty: J. G. Macintyre, Mrs. J. G. MacIntyre, Si Ian Teng, K. H. Hung, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, T. C. Lee, S. K. Jim, T. Y. Siaw, C. C. Tan, T. C. Tan, G. C. Tan, L. T. Lam. BENGALI CO-EDUCATIONAL MIDDLE ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India Established 1921 Faculty: Leroy Hunter, Principal; assisted by J. Singh, S. K. Haider, Miss Sarojini Sircar, Suranjan Sirear, Miss Baroi and Mrs. Cliondromoni Biswas. BETHEL ACADEMY Arpin, Wisconsin Established 1899 Board of Managers: V. E. Peugh, Pres.; 0. H. Simpson, Sec. Faculty: G. H. Simpson, Principal and Manager; Wilbur Holbrook, Bible; C. S. Field, Preceptor, :History, Printing; Mary Champion, Preceptress, Science; J. W. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Rhodes, Accountant, Mathematics; H. W. Taylor, English, Modern Languages; Lorna Lindsay, Matron, Home Economics; Alvin Johnson, Farm Manager, Agriculture; Mrs. J. W. Rhodes, Piano; Mrs. H. W. Taylor, Violin, Typewriting. BOLIVIA TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1931 (Instituto Industrial Bolviano Adventista) Cable and Telegraphic Address: Adventista, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Postal Address: Casilla 82, Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America. School Board: J. D. Replogle, Pres.; H. C. Morton, Sec. Faculty: H. C. Morton, M. E. Aguilar, J. Ramirez, Mrs. H. C. Morton. BONGO MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL Postal Address: Missao Adventista, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Faculty: 0. I. Fields, J. Gnutzmann, Dr. R. B.. Parsons, Mrs. - O: I. Fields, Mrs. R. B. Parsons, Mrs. J. Gnutzmann, Miss R. Johnson, Miss R. Visser, Gomes and Luiz. BRAZILIAN TRAINING SCHOOL (Collegio Adventista) Established 1915 Telegraphic Address: " Collegio," Sao Paulo, Brazil. Postal Address: Collegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Silo Paulo. Brazil, South America. Board of Managers: E. H. Wilcox. Pres.; H. B. Westcott, Vice • Pres.; E. R. Maas, Sec.; C. A. Rentfro, Treasurer; F. W. Spies, 223 G. E. Hartman, J. B. Johnson, A. E. Hagen, E. M. Davis, H. G. Stoehr, J. H. Boehm, Leon Replogle, J. D. Hardt, Domingos Peixoto, Germano Streithorst. Faculty: E. R. Maas, B. A., Director, Mathematics; Domingos Peixoto, Bible and Evangelistic Training; C. A. Rentfro, Treasurer, Business Training; Adolpho Bergold, Agriculture; Jose Riffel, Preceptor and Science; Miss Maria Baar, Preceptress and Matron; Mrs. E. R. Maas, Normal School; Mrs. A.lbertina Simon, Portuguese Language and Brazilian History; Antonio Lucca, Carpentry; Mrs. Martha Enns, Sewing; Mrs. Alma Bergold, English and Typewriting. BROADVIEW ACADEMY La Grange, Illinois Established 1910 Corporate Name: Broadview College and Theological Seminary. Board of Managers: M. A. Hollister, Chairman; A. J. Olson, Sec. Administrative Officers of Academy : A. J. Olson,• Principal; F. S. .Thompson, Business Manager: T. R. Lukens, Manager College Wood Products; Eunice Marsh, Matron; Norman R. Halloek, Dean of Boys; Elizabeth Cow(Trick, Dean of Girls. Faculty: A. J. Olson, M. A., Principal, History; F. S. Thompson, B. A., Business Manager, Bookkeeping; William Hodgson, B. A., Bible; Holger Lindsjo, M. A.., German, French, Swedish; C. R. Smith, B. S. Printing, Mathematics; Norman R. Hallock, B. A.. Science; Elizabeth Cowdrick, B. A., English; Twila M. Nixon. B. A., Registrar, Commercial Studies; Helen A. Olson, M. A.. Librarian, English, German; Clarence Krohn, B. A.. Agricul- 224 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ture; Eunice Marsh, Domestic Science. Department of Music: 0. S. Beltz, B. Mus., Director, Chorus; W. A. Schram, B. Mus., Orchestra, Band, Wind Instruments, Piano; Vina Miles Thompson, Voice. Superintendents of Industries: C. Roy Smith; Print Shop; Eunice Marsh, Cafeteria and Laundry; Clarence Krohn, Farm and Dairy; T. R. Lukens, Wood Shop. College Wood Products: T. Ray Lukens. Gen. Manager. Earl Beaty, Treasurer. Plant A, Berrien Springs, Mich. Plant B, La Grange, Ill. Board of Directors: W. H. Holden, chairman; T. Ray Lukens, secretary; T. W. Steen, 0. R. Shreve, Earl Beaty, K. F. Arubs, M. A. Hollister. BURESALA TRAINING SCHOOL Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean Established 1904 Headmaster: L. V. Wilkinson. CALCUTTA CHURCH PRIMARY SCHOOL Established 1927 Address: 36 Park St., Calcutta, India. Faculty: Miss Edna Dyer, Miss J. Bragan and two assistants. CAMAGUAN TRAINING SCHOOL Camaguan, Venezuela Faculty: Director, R. E. Greenidge; Preceptress, Mrs. R. E. Greenidge. CAMPION ACADEMY Loveland, Colorado Established 1907 Board of Trustees: J. J. Nethery, Pres.; E. F. Heim, Sec. Faculty: E. F. Heim, Principal, Manager; C. E. Grant, Bible; C. E. Sternberg, Preceptor, Printing; M. W. Hill, Orchestra, Science, History; Ruth M. Downing, Preceptress, Spanish; P. W. Essig, Mathematics, Science; Lenore Brewer-Hill, English; Sylvia A. Simon, Matron, Home Economics; Nellie Phillips, Commercial; Mrs. C. E. Stenberg, Piano; A. V. Stif el, Violin; Esther Heim, Grade School. CANADIAN S JUNIOR COLLEGE College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada Phone No. 7112 Established 1907 Territory: Conferences of British Columbia, Alberta, and Manitoba-Saskatchewan. Board of Trustees: M. N. Campbell, Chairman; W. E. Perrin, Secretary; H. G. Burden, M. D,; H. A. Shepard, H. A. Lukens, A. V. Rhoads, H. K. Martin, 0. Ziprick, E. A. Beavon, P. D. Gerrard, D. E. Reiner, C. W. Degering, C. G. Maracle, C. L. Paddock, W. A. Clemenson, S. G. White. Local Board: A. V. Rhoads, Chairman; H. K. Martin, Secretary; L. H. Hartin, E. A. Edstrom, D. Leiske. Administration: H. K. Martin, President and Business Manager; E. A. Edstrom, Asst. Business Manager, Treasurer, and Farm Superintendent; C. H. Casey, Dean of Men; Mrs. C. H. Casey, Dean of Women; Eliza-. beth Nickel, Matron. Faculty: H. K. Martin, B. A., President; L. H. Hartin, B. A., Biblical Exegesis; C. W. Shankel, M. A., Science, Registrar; Marie Hansen, B. A., English; Georgia M. Neithercut, B. A., Mathematics, French, and Singing; C. H. Casey, B. A., History; M. H. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Philbrick, B. A., Ukrainian, (Bible and Language); Geraldine Perrin, A. T. C. NI., A. T. C. L., Piano and Theory; Elizabath Nickel, B. A., Asst. in English; Jeanne Howard, Asst. in Mathematics; E. A. Edstrom, Commerce ; Margaret John, Typewriting; Mrs. C. H. Casey, Home Economics; B. Glanzer, Printing; Ruth Wage, Grades 6-8; Mrs. G. C. Betts, Grades 1-5. CANTON MIDDLE SCHOOL Tungshan, Canton, China Operated for Cantonese, Kwangsai, and Hakka Missions Established 1915 Faculty: H. S. Leung, Principal; E. G. Annofsky, Advisor; W. M. Hoh, Mrs. E. G. Annofsky, H. B. Parker, Luk Hing Hung, Chiu Shek Kwong, Wan So Wan. CARIBBEAN TRAINING COLLEGE (Formerly East Caribbean Training School) Established 1927 Postal Address: Maracas, Trinidad, British West Indies. Cable Address: "Training," Port of Spain, Trinidad. Board of Managers: W. R. Elliott, Chairman; R. S. J. Hamilton, Secretary. Faculty: R. S. J. Hamilton, M. A., Principal, Manager, Commercial, Printing; A. E. Hempel, B. A., Preceptor, Bible, Agriculture; Mrs. M. E. Smith, B. A., Preceptress, Matron, Music, Domestic Science; Mrs. R. S. J. Hamilton, B. A., Registrar, English, History; M. E. Smith, B. A., Science, Mathematics, Woodworking; Mrs. A. E. Hempel, Normal Life Certificate, Normal, Sewing; _ Miss Linda Austin, Bookkeeper, Junior School Classes. 225 CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY (Incorporated) Cedar Lake, Mich. Established 1899 Board of Managers: C. B. Haynes, Pres.; T. E. Unruh, See. Faculty: W. A. Nelson, Principal; W. T. Weaver, Preceptor, Bible;. Louise Ambs, Preceptress; L. J. Jensen, Farm Superintendent; Alyse Swedberg, Piano; C. F. Clarke, Science, Mathematics; Mrs. C. F. Clarke, Spanish; R. K. Boyd, Accountant; Mrs. Ethel DeCamp, Matron. CHILLAN TRAINING SCHOOL (Colegio Industrial Adventista) Established 1906 Postal Address: Casilla 7-D, Chil16.n, Chile, South America. Telegraphic Address: "Mariposas," Chillfin, Chile. Board of Managers: L. D. Minner, Pres.; J. H. Meier, Sec.-Treas. Faculty: J. H. Meier, Director; F. G. Drachenberg, G. E. Ernst, W. E. Aeschlimann, J. N. Perez, Mrs. Dora Gambetta de Drachenberg, Mrs. Edith Rhys de Ernst, Mrs. Marfa Acuria de Aaschlimann, Miss Sara E. Rode, Mrs. J. H. Meier. CHINA TRAINING INSTITUTE Chiao Tou Tseng, Kiangsu, China Established 1910 Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Siash u. Faculty: B. A. Liu, President, Director Normal Dept.; S. L. Frost, Dean, Head Agricultural Dept.; H. L. Shull, Business Mgr., Treas.; S. H. Lindt, Bible Dept.; C. L. Blandford, History Dept.; D. Cr. Hwang, Chinese Language; R. A. Brett, Factory 226 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Supt.; F. A. Landis, Commercial Dept.; C. L. Woods, Science; S. D. Lu, Preceptor; Mrs. D. F. Mi, Preceptress; K. T. Li, Chinese; D. T. Hwang, Science; Miss A. M. Roberts, English; Mrs. S. L. Frost, Music; Mrs. F. A. Landis, Domestic Science; Wang Yung Yao, Normal; C. I. Meng, Bible; Dr. Herbert Liu, M. D., Physician. CHOSEN UNION TRAINING SCHOOL Soonan, Chosen Established 1909 General Board: Chosen Union Mission Committee. Local Board: H. A. Oberg, H. M. Lee, K. I. Lee, Y. H. Hyun, E. J. Urquhart, A. R. Tucker, H. F. Benson, P. N. Kim, Preceptor. Faculty: H. M. Lee, Principal, Manager; Y. H. Hyun, Treas.; A. R. Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, H. F. Benson, K. I. Lee, P. N. Kim, H. K. Kim, P. S. Kwak, S. G. Chawng, Y. W. Lee, Y. Higashi, Y. I. Chae, Y. M. Kim. Primary Teachers: P. K. Koh, N. W. Chyung, S. W. Im, 0. I. Chae. COLEGIO ADVENTISTA ANTILLANO Bartle, Oriente, Cuba Established 1923 Board of Managers: A. R. Ogden, Chairman; D. E. Lust, Sec.; F. I. Mohr, E. J. Lorntz, P. Nygaard, L. J. Borrowdale, J. B. Sales, B. Bullard. Executive Board: E. J. Lorntz, D. E. Lust, F. I. Mohr, J. B. Sales, I. M. Angell. Faculty: D. E. Lust, B. A., Principal, Business Manager, Spanish, Science; Ivan M. Angell, B. A., Preceptor, Bible, Mathematics; Anna R. Alvarado, Pre- ceptress, Music; Mrs. Ivan M. Angell, Normal; Eduardo Acosta, Farm Manager; Mrs. D. E. Lust, Matron; Rosita Tello, Primary Grades. COLEGIO ADVENTISTA DEL TITICACA Established 1922 Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Colegio," Juliaca, Peru. Postal Address: Casilla 4, Juliaca. Perd. Officers: J. Wagner, Pres.; C. D. Christensen, Sc. Faculty: C. D. Christensen, Director and Manager; A. J. Alva, Cashier and Bookkeeper; F. G. Ruiz, A. Achata, Mrs. Alva. COLLEGE OF MEDICAL EVANGELISTS Loma Linda, Cal. Established 1906 Chartered 1909 (Degrees omitted by request of those sending directory) Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, Otis A. Hudson, Percy T. Magan, C. H. Watson, J. L. Shaw, C. K. Meyers, W. H. Branson, Glenn Calkins, Alfred Shyrock, E. H. Risley, A. E. Coyne, H. M. Walton, R. J. Thompson, H. B. Thomas, G. H. Curtis, G. A. Roberts, B. M. Emerson, Newton Evans, J. F. Piper, W. H. Holden, B. E. Grant, Jr., F. B. Moor, George Thomason, Lloyd E. Smith, Malcolm Hill, Eric Royston, E. K. Slade, E. F. Hackman. Officers of the Board: A. G. Daniells, President; Glenn Calkins, First Vice-President; Percy T. Magan, Second Vice-President; Otis A. Hudson, Comptroller, S. S. Merrill, Sec., Asst.. Treas. Faculty Council, School of Medicine, Loma Linda Division: EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS P. T. Magan, President; Newton Evans, Vice-President, Professor of Pathology; E. H. Risley, Dean Loma Linda Division, Professor of Chemistry; H. Camden Lacey, Professor of Biblical Exegesis; C. E. Burk, Instructor in Anatomy; Otis A. Hudson, Comptroller; S. A. Crooks, Asst. Professor of Anatomy; 0. I. Cutler, Associate Professor of Pathology; C. L. Dale, Instructor in Pathology; E. C. Ehlers, Instructor in Medicine; C. C. Fink, Registrar; F. W. Gardner, Associate Professor of Chemistry; A. R. George, Instructor in Medicine; W. A. George, Professor of Surgery; Elizabeth J. Hiscox, Instructor in Medicine; G. R. Kaufman, Instructor in Hydrotherapy and Massage; Lester Lonergan, Instructor in Pharmacology; W. E. Macpherson, Professor of Physiology; F. B. Moor, Professor of Therapeutics; A. R. Roos, Associate Professor of Pathology; Alfred Shyrock, Secretary, Professors of Histology, Embryology; 0. R. Staines, Co-ordinator; R. F. Tatro, Instructor in Surgery; H. B. Thomas, Assistant Comptroller; H. M. Walton, Assistant Professor of Dietetics; T. I. Zirkle, Assistant Professor of Bacteriology; E. Harold Shryock, Instructor in Anatomy; W. B. Dart, Dean of Men. Faculty Council, School of Medicine, Los Angeles Division: P. T. Magan, Presiden t ; Newton Evans, Vice-President; A. E. Coyne, Dean Los Angeles Division; Ora Barber, Instructor in Anesthesiology; Roger Barnes, Associate Professor of Surgery; R. M. Clarke, Professor of Medicine; D. D. Comstock, Professor of Medicine (Head of Department) ; B. N. Colver, Professor of Otolaryngology; C. B. Courville, Professor of Neuropsychiatry; G. H. Curtis, Business Man- 227 ager; D. E. Griggs, Instructor in Medicine; L. L. Harrop, Instructor in Obstetrics; W. L. Halverson, Associate Professor of Public Health; Ethel Andre-Haskell, Assistant Professor of Medicine (on leave of absence); H. J. Hara, Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology; C. H. Hayton, Professor of Otolaryngology; E. Torral Seat, Instructor in Field Evangelism; Malcolm Hill Associate Professor of Surgery; George Johnstone, Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery; Florence Keller, Professor of Gynecology; E. C. Kellogg, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology; T. S. Kimball, Assistant Professor of Pathology; D. B. Kittle, instructor in Otolaryngology; C. W. Olsen, Instructor in Medicine; 0. B. Pratt, Associate Professor of Pathology; W. F. Norwood, Registrar; Clarence E. Stafford, Instructor in Surgery; G. M. Taylor, Assistant Professor of Surgery (Orthopedics) ; George Thomason, Professor of Surgery (Head of Department) ; R. J. Thompson, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Head of Department) ; W. G. Wirth, Professor of Biblical Exegesis. Executive Faculty, School of Dietetics: P. T. Magan, President; F. H. Risley, Dean, Chemistry; Pearl M. Jenkins, Assistant Dean, Economics, Foods and Cookery; F. W. Gardner, Chemistry, Nutrition; Leota Estes, Preceptress; Alfred Shyrock, Anatomy, Biology; H. M. Walton, Medical Dietetics; W. E. Macpherson, Physiology; T. I. Zirkle, Bacteriology, Nutrition; H. Camden Lacey, Bible. Executive Faculty, School of Nursing, Loma Linda: P. T. Magan, President, College of Medical Evangelists; Ethel Walder, Director, School of Nursing; H. 228 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS M. Walton, Medical Director, Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital; E. H. Risley, Dean, Loma Linda Division College of Medical Evangelists; Alfred Shyrock, Secretary, College of Medical Evangelists; Marian Howe Bowers, R. N., Educational Director, School of Nursing; . , Instructor in Bible; Elizabeth J. Hiscox, Student Health Advisor; Leota Estes, Preceptress; Catherine Nickel, Assistant Director, School of Nursing; Otis A. Hudson, Comptroller, College of Medical Evangelists; H. B. Thomas, Assistant Comptroller and Business Manager. School of Nursing:. Ethel Walder, Director; Mrs. Marion H. Bowers, Supervisor of Instruction; . , Instructor of Bible. COLUMBIA ACADEMY Battle Ground, Wash. Established 1903 Board of Managers: L. F. Burdoin, Chairman; C. L. Witzel, Sec. Faculty: C. L. Witzel, Principal and Business Manager, Bible; G. H. Gibson, Preceptor, Mathematics, Science; Anna SypeGregg, Preceptress, Matron; Gertrude Manfull-Gibson, Accountant, Commercial; K. E. Groves, Manager Academy Bakery; EllaBelle S a rgea nt - Grove s, History; Hilda Holsten, English, French; Ausil Gift-Witzel, Piano; Alex Steinert, Upper Grades; Margaret Huntington, Lower Grades. COLUMBIA JUNIOR COLLEGE Takoma Park, D. C. Board of Trustees: Same as that of Washington Missionary College. Executive Board: Same as that of Washington Missionary College. Faculty: H. H. Hamilton, B. A., President; B. G. Wilkinson, Ph. D., Dean, Professor of Religion and Greek; A. W. Werline, M. A., Professor of History; Edythe 0. Stephenson, Registrar; Virginia Hoelzel, M. A., Professor of 'Modern Languages; E. C. Blue, M. A., Professor of Chemistry; L. F. Thiel, M. A., Professor of English; Veda S. Marsh, M. A., Professor of Nursing Education; Lorena E. Wilcox, B. A,. Assistant Director School of Elementary Teacher Training; J. W. Osborn, B. Mus., L. R. A. M., Director of Music Department; W. F. Shadel, B. A., Assistant Director of Music Department; L. M. Ashley, M. A., Professor of Biology and Physics; Vera E. Morrison, M. A., Professor .of Mathematics, Director School of Elementary Teacher Training; Lorena E. Wilcox, B. A., Asst. Director School of Elementary Teaches- Training; Marjorie B. Chapman, M. S., Professor of Home Economics; W. R. French, Th. B., Associate Professor of Religion and Greek; Helen E; Spicer, B. A., Instructor in Bacteriology and Physical Education; C. H. Wolohon, M. D., Medical Director; S. Ellen Klose, B. A., Critic Teacher; Lula Leech, B. A., Critic 'reacher; Louise B. Stuart, Critic Teacher. . CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MISSION SCHOOL (Misijni fistav) Established 1925 (Not revised for current issue) Address: Lodenice 51, u Berouna, Czechoslovakia. Faculty: Josef Simon, • Principal, Business Manager; W. A. Heller. DENVER JUNIOR ACADEMY 659 South Navajo St., Denver, Colo. Faculty: Duane Cowin, Principal, Grades 9-10; Carolyn Thorpe, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Grades 7-8; Lura Wilbourne, Grades 5-6; Mrs. Duane Cowin, Grades 1-3. EAST VISAYAN ACADEMY Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands Established 1930 Board of Management: The Executive Committee of the East Visayan Mission. Faculty: Luis Elumir, Principal; Miss T. P. Basiga, Miss F. M. Cillero. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE Berrien Springs, Mich. Established 1901 Legal Title: " Emmanuel Missionary College, Incorporated." Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, T. W. Steen, 0. S. Beltz, L. W. Foote, C. B. Haynes, M. A. Hollister, F. R. Isaac, G. E. Judd, W. T. Lindsay, V. P. Lovell, T. R. Lukens, A. J. Olson, V. E. Peugh, J. D. Snider, S. E. Wight. Officers of the Board: W. H. Holden, Chairman; T. W. Steen, Secretary. Faculty: T. W. Steen, M. S., President; K. F. Ambs, Business Manager; C. A. Burman, Dean of Men; Mary A. Lamson, Dean of Women; Wanda MacMorland, Registrar; Anna L Blackney, Librarian. Professors: Ella Iden Edwards, Ph. D., Foreign Language and Literature; H. E. Edwards, Ph. D., Education; H. B. Hannum, B. A., A. A. G. 0., Music; R. E. Hoen, Ph. D., PhysiCal Science and Mathematics; H. 0. McCumber, Ph. D., Social Science; Loleta E. Simpson, M. D., Biology; May Stanley, M. A., Applied Arts; W. E. Straw, M. A., Reli- 229 gion and Philosophy; H. M. Tippett, M. A., English Language and Literature. Associate Professors: Earl Beaty, M. B. A., C. P. A., Social Science; A. W. James, Ph. D., Foreign Language and Literature; Grace Evans Stevens, M. A., Education; J. L. Thompson. M. S., Physical Science and Mathematics. Instructors: Mildred Granbois, M. A., Foreign Language and Literature; Fred B. Jensen, B. Th., Religion and Philosophy; Edith L. Jones, B. A., Critic Teacher in Elementary School; Glee H. King, M. A., Applied Arts; M. 'Winifred McCormack, M. A., Biological Science; J. H. Metzger, B. Mus., Music; Mabel Curtis Romant, B. A., English Language and Literature; A. Catherine Shepard, M. A., Critic Teacher in Elementary School; W. H. Wakeham, B. Th., Religion. Lecturers: Ella King Sanders, Education. Academy Faculty: B. H. Phipps, M. A., Principal, Science, Mathematics; R. B. MacMorland, M. B. A., History; Leona Summey Burman, M. A., English; Mildred Granbois, M. A., Spanish; C. A. Burman, Bible; May Stanley, M. A. Home Economics. Superintendents of Industries: Maria Hornbacher, Matron; L. N. Holm, Agriculture; J. B. Krauss, Printing; 0. R. Shreve, Woodwork; C. F. West, Engineer; Morton Green, College Store; W. H. Wohlers, Assistant in Agriculture. ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOL AND SINGHALESE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Address: Kottawa, Pannipittiya, Ceylon. Faculty: A. F. Jessen, Principal; Y. G. Prakasam, Preceptor; 230 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Mrs. A. F. Jessen, Miss Alice Jayasundera, Matron; J. M. Fernando, V. Candaswamy. ENTERPRISE ACADEMY Enterprise, Kans. Organized 1919 Board of Trustees: A. H. Rulkoetter, Pres; E. D. Kirk, Sec. • Faculty: E. D. Kirk, Principal and Farm Manager; A. D. Holmes, Science and Mathematics; C. E. Smith, Preceptor, Bible and History; 0. E. Simon, Printing; H. E. Hein, Language; Elinore Hahn, Preceptress and English; I. E. Anunsen, Music and Commercial; Mary Mason, Matron; Mrs. C. E. Smith, Domestic Science. ESCUELA UNION MEXICANA Calle Prosperidad No. 85, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico Established 1931 General Board: Mexican Union Mission Committee. Faculty: H. F. House, Dr. I. S. Ritchie, A. J. Calderan, Kenneth Manning, Alfonso Baez. FAR EASTERN ACADEMY 45 8 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Established 1906 (Not revised for current issue) Faculty: C. F. Larsen, Principal, Business Manager, Bible, History; and Gardening; Mrs. C. F. Larson, Matron and Preceptress; H. H. Morse, Science, Mathematics, Printing; Mrs. C. C. Crisler, English; Nell Ketterman, Grades 1-6, Drawing; Mrs. H. H. Morse, Grades 7, 8; Beatrice L. Crisler, Piano, Vocal, Sewing. FINLAND S. D. A. MISSION SCHOOL (Suomen S. P. A:n Liihetyskoulu) Hiirla, Piikkid, Finland Established 1918; reorgonized 1931 Board: G. A. Lindsay, A. Rintala, U. Kohtanen, Y. Miettanen, T. Stahlberg, V. Lehto, V. Koskinen, N. Landemaa. Faculty: A. Rintala, Principal, 13ible; G. Rouhe, History, Mathematics; Ami Sysimetsii, Finnish, English. FIRESIDE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL See Home Study Institute. FOOCHOW INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Foochow, China Established 1916 Board of Directors: V. J. Maloney, Chairman. Faculty: Ngu Ong Ing, Principal; Preceptor, to be supplied; Mrs. Lau Cu Iu, Preceptress; Ding Iu Gi, Ging Neng Ngiong, Dang Gung Diek, Registrar, Ngu Go Hwa, Ngu Chai. Tieu, Mrs. V. J. Maloney, English and Industry. FOREST LAKE ACADEMY Route 2, Maitland, Fla. Established 1926 Board: L. K. Dickson, Chairman; R. G. Bowen, Secretary. Faculty: W. E. McClure, 'Principal, Manager, History; Hope Hayton, Preceptress, librarian, Spanish; L. J. Larson, Preceptor, Instructor in Elementary Dept.; R. K. McAllister, Printing, Bible, Commercial; Walter Rembold, Science, Mathematics; Geneva Kern Skinner, Matron, Home Economics; Mary Ninaj Larson, English; Mrs. W. E. McClure, Piano. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FRESNO ACADEMY 841 W. Belmont Ave., Fresno, Calif. Phone 2-7058 Established 1908 as an intermediate school; as an academy 1921. Board: L. E. Folkenberg, Chairman; J. E. Young, Sec.-Treas. Faculty: J. E. Young, Principal, Bible; C. I. Chrisman, English, History, Woodworking; J. H. Whitney, Mathematics, Science; Alberta Chrisman, Librarian, Spanish; Mollie Anne Young, Matron, Sewing; Matilda Dollinger, Piano; William Rieke, Grades 7-8; Esther Trefz, Grades 4-6; Alice Smith, Grades 1-3. FRIEDENSAU MISSIONARY SEMINARY Friedensau, Burg-Land, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany Established 1899 Board: A. Minck, E. Bahr, H. Glass, W. Knitter, A. Rebensburg, R. Daumiehen, W. Eberhardt, M. Budnick, F. Hambrock, G. Mai, P. Horn, W. Hans, H. Brinkmann, A. Mulack, M. Thierrnann, Dr. E. Meyer, Dr. L. E. Conradi, 0. Schuberth. Faculty: W. Eberhardt, Principal, Bible, Latin, Choir; W. Hans, Business Manager; H. Werner, Preceptor, German, English, History, Geography; H. Wertenauer, Science, Geography, Shorthand, Gymnastics; F. Scheibenberger, Bookkeeping; J. Kulessa, Salesmanship; Ch. Stein, Preceptress, Domestic Science; P. Schubert, Commercial Course, Kindergarten; D. Hoyer, Nurse Training; M. Birkner, Music. GEM STATE ACADEMY Box 69r, Caldwell, Idaho. Established 1918 Board of Managers: J. W. Turner, Chairman; W. S. Boynton, Sec. 231 Faculty: W. S. Boynton, Principal and Bible; R. D. Young, Preceptor, Science, Mathematics; Mrs. R. D. Young, Accountant and Spanish; Evlyn M. Lindberg, Preceptress, Music and English; Mrs. E. E. Seamount, Matron; E. C. Reiber, History. GITWE TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1931 Postal Address: Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Faculty: R. L. Jones, Principal; W. R. Vail, Head Master; A. Siepman, Mrs. R. L. Jones, Desert Nkolokosa, Joseph Malinki, Samuel Karekezi. GLENDALE UNION ACADEMY 700 Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Calif. Established 1923 Board of Directors: Dr. E. W. Alsberge, Chairman; L. R. Marsh, Sec. Faculty: L. R. Marsh, Principal and Business Manager, Grade Supervisor; A. C. Madsen, Bible, History; Grace E. Morel, English, Library Science; P. M. Foster, Mathematics, Science; Mrs. Ruth Amman, Home Economics; V. A. Jackson, Biology, Language, Woodwork; W. H. Carscallen, Printing; Mrs. Edna Serns-Marsh, Piano; Estelle Kiehnhoff, Voice; Alvina Osiek, Office. Grades: Miss Lu Zetta Krassin, Grade 8; Ethel Griese, Grade 7; Mrs. A. A. Gibbons, Grades 5-6; Mrs. Virgil Jackson, Grades 3-4; Mrs. Lola Martin, Grades 1-2. GOLDEN GATE ACADEMY 1709 Alcatraz Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Established 1923 Board of Directors: C. S. Prout, Chairman; L. R. Rasmussen, Sec. 232 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Faculty: L. R. Rasmussen, B. A., Principal, History; C. A. Pyle, Science, Mathematics; R. H. Duncan, Bible, Woodwork; Margaret Vollmer, English, Sewing, Music; Neva Sandborn, Spanish, Typing, Bookkeeping; Mrs. R. H. Duncan, R. N., Elementary Nursing; E. C. Chapman, Printing; Lyda Beaman, Grades 7 and 8; Mrs. Pearl 'Wilson, Grades 4-6; Mrs. Alfred Stump, Grades 1-3. GOOD HOPE TRAINING SCHOOL (For Cape Colored People) Address: "Riverside," Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Cape, South Africa. Managing Board: N. C. Wilson, Chairman; R. A. Buckley, Secretary; E. D. Hanson, L. S. Billes, J. E. Symons, B. W. Abney, P. Jackson. Faculty: R. A. Buckley, Principal; Mrs. R. A. Buckley, Normal; P. Mantell, Preceptor. GREATER NEW YORK ACADEMY 484 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Established 1920 Telephone, Prospect 9-7899 Board: W. H. Heckman, Chairman; X. P. 'Walton, Sec. Faculty: X. P. Walton, B. C. S., Principal, Bible, Business, American History; Robert Lay, B. A., B. S., Mathematics, Science; Virginia I. Shull, B. A., English, Bible, Registrar; Nina. L. Wright, B. R. E., French, Latin, History, Typewriting; Mrs. Robert Lay, Librarian. HANKOW BIBLE AND INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE Wang Gia Dun, HanItow, China Established 1916 Faculty: C. A. Carter, Principal and Business Manager; Hu Bing Chen, Assistant Principal; other teachers: Mrs. C. A. Carter, Li Hwei Min, Li Gwang Ren, Sang Dwan Fu, Tan Kung Han, Nina Lee. HARBIN TRAINING INSTITUTE Tsitsihar St., g, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Established 1929 Faculty: V. E. Kositsin, Principal; A. I. Ivanoff, Secretary; Mrs. E. I. Brajnicoff, Mrs. E. M. Selesneff, Mrs. M. M. Ivanoff, Mrs. M. Popow. HAWAIIAN MISSION ACADEMY 1417 Makik(ipShto.n, Hawaii (Phone 4655) Established 1915 Board of Directors: C. R. Webster, Chairman: J. A. Simonson, Sec. Faculty: J. A. Simonson, Principal and Business Manager, History; W. Bolinger, Science, Mathematics; R. F. Alderson, Bible, Vocational; Viola H. Simonson, English, Home Economics; Edith E. Wall, Spanish, Piano, Vocal; Bessie Shaw, English, Matron. Grades: Juliette K. Lau, Primary Grades, Rachel R. Alderson, Intermediate Grades; Minnie Glantz, Upper Grades. HELDERBERG COLLEGE (European) P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Province, South Africa Board: J. F. Wright, Chairman; G. E. Shankel, Secretary; E. C. Boger, C. 'W. Bozarth, V. R. Cooks, C. W. Curtis, E. D. Hanson, N. Jeffes, G. W. S. Marais, L. L. Moffitt, A. E. Nelson, Milton Robison, F. J. Snyman, H. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS M. Sparrow, A. N. Tonge, M. D., A. V. Edwards, A. F. Tarr, J. V. Wilson. Local Board: J. F. Wright, G. E. Shankel, A. V. Edwards, A. E. Nelson, Milton Robison, A. F. Tarr, J. V. Wilson. Faculty: G. E. Shankel, Principal, History; J. V. Wilson, Business Manager, Agriculture; A. V. Edwards, Bible; W. F. Tarr, English, French; Miss H. M. Hyatt, Normal, E. W. Tarr, History; C. C. Marais, Africaans, Preceptor; P. J. van Eck, Asst. Afrikaans, Miss Anne Visser, Preceptress; Miss Y. de Gourville, Music; Mrs. E. M. Bulgin, Librarian. HINDI-SANTALI ELEMENTARY BOYS' BOARDING SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India Teachers: Barko Kisku, Gulu Kisku, Sylvanus Himbrom. HINSDALE SANITARIUM . ACADEMY Hinsdale, Ill. Established 1915 Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, Pres.; H. E. Ford, Sec.; L. M. Bowen, Treas. Faculty: P. B. Fairchild, Principal, Preceptor, History, Bible; D. Courville, Science, Mathematics; E. Berner, Preceptress, Librarian, Language, English. HOME STUDY INSTITUTE (Formerly known as the Fireside Correspondence School) Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Established 1909 Constituency: The General Conference Committee. Board of Managers: J. L. Shaw, Chairman; M. E. Olsen, Sec. and 233 Treas.; W. E. Howell, W. H. Branson, M. E. Kern, F. M. Wilcox, H. T. Elliott, S. A. Wellman, J. A. Stevens, L. E. Froom, W. E. Nelson, B. S. Advisory Council: H. H. Hamilton, A. B.; T. W. Steen, M. S.; W. M. Landeen, A. B.; W. I. Smith, M. S., Ed. D.; M. L. Andreasen, A. M.; Otto John, M. S. Faculty: M. E. Olsen, A. M., Ph. D., President, English Language and Literature; J. N. Anderson, A. B., B. D., Hebrew, New Testament Greek; A. W. Werline, A. M., History; Leo Thiel, A. M., American Literature, Public Speaking, Freshman Rhetoric; Edmund Miller, Ph. D., Modern Languages; W. R. French, Th. B., Major and Minor Prophets, Advanced Bible Readings; E. C. Blue, A. M., General Science, Agriculture, Trigonometry;. F. L. Chaney, A. B., Geology; Mrs. H. A. Morrison, A. M., Astronomy, Geometry, Advanced Algebra; Mrs. Mary Dietel, A. M., French, Spanish; Mrs. Olivia Lockwood, German; Lizzie M. Gregg, Registrar; H. B. Hannum, A. B., Harmony; Mrs. Myrta KelloggLewis, A. B., Old Testament History, Education, Testimonies, School Management; H. E. Snide, A. B., Assistant in English; E. E. Franklin, Christian Salesmanship; E. W. Carey, Bible Doctrines, New Testament History, Bible Readings, American History and Government; Mrs. F. L. Chaney, A. M., Latin; Mrs. F. M. Wilcox, R. N., Home Nursing, Home Economics; B. P. Foote, B. S. S., Gregg Stenography and Typewriting; W. L. Burgan, Journalism; M. E. Evans, Bookkeeping and Accounting; Mrs. N. A. Rice, Arithmetic, Algebra;, Mrs, Clara Norton, Grades 1-6‘ 234 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS HOME STUDY INSTITUTE Oriental Branch 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Established 1922 Constituency: The China Division Executive Committee and the Far Eastern Division Executive Committee. Board of Directors: Dr. H. W. Miller, Chairman; W. A. Scharffenberg, Vice-Chairman, Sec.; Frederick Griggs, C. C. Morris, E. Woesner, D. E. Rebok, W. P. Bradley. Administration: W. A. Scharffenberg, President; Ruth E. Atwell, Registrar and Treasurer; M. C. Chang, Cashier and Bookkeeper; W. C. Lee, General Secretary for China; M. R. Liu, Dean of the Chinese Section; T. P. Wang, Dean of the Language School. Office Staff: Oilene W. Liu, Asst. Registrar and Treasurer; C. C. Sha, Recording Secretary; C. H. Wu, Translator; H. C. Rosell, Secretary Manila Office. Dept. of Oriental Languages: W. A. Scharffenberg, C. W. Lee, A. N. Nelson, T. P. Wang, T. T. Hsu, S. Y. Ma, W. C. Lee, S. K. Wang, G. H. Chen, S. F. Yao, G. Y. Djou, B. C. Chiang, S. H. Chao, L. H. Chin. English Section: Ruth E. Atwell, Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn, Charles Larsen, S. H. Lindt, 0. A. Blake, C. F. Thurston, Hazel I. Shadel, J. Brightel, Ivadel Eaton. Chinese Section: M. R. Liu, Dean; Pastor Meng Djung Ih, Mrs. Mi Deh Fen, Goh Cho Oh, Joe May, Bessie Mount. Korean Section: C. W. Lee, Kang Chin Ha. Japanese Section: A. N. Nelson, Keiji Nagashima, Eikichi Seino, Hidesada Yanami. Philippine Section: J. L. Cummins, General Secretary; H. C. Rosell, Office Secretary; Ramon Lla- guno, Diego Sabrine, Fiorentino, Lagonero, J. M. Imperio. HONAN JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China Established 1916 Faculty: Wang Ging Bo, Principal; Djao Lien Yuen, Preceptor; Miss Gwoh, Preceptress; Mrs. E. H. James, Yu Ging Fang, Djang Ru Lin, Han Geng Sheng, Wu Yung Gwang, Djang Ming Hwa, 'Wang Gwoh Ying. HOPEI TRAINING INSTITUTE Established 1930 Postal Address: 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Board of Directors: Hopei Provincial Mission Executive Committee. Faculty: Li Kuang-chen, Principal; Chang Shou-chen, grades 1-4. HUNAN PROVINCIAL JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh-day Adventist Mission, " The Island," Changsha, Hunan, China Established 1919 Faculty: G. G. Hamp, Principal, Manager; Djang Yu Gwang, Hwang Djung Seng, Wang Ching Wei, Li Bao Gwo, Mrs. C. G. Hamp, Mrs. Djang Yu Kwang. IBADAN TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1932 P. 0. Box 1g, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa Principal: W. T. B. Hyde. Asst., C. A. Bartlett. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IKIZU TRAINING SCHOOL Address: Ikizu, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Principal: G. A. Ellingworth. Assistant: P. Werner. INDIANA ACADEMY Cicero, Ind. Established 1902 Board: S. E. Wight, Pres.; V`.- P. Lovell, Sec. and Treas. Faculty: V. P. Lovell, Principal, Business Manager, World History; H. A. Wohlers, Accountant, Shop Superintendent, Commerce; 0. K. Butler, Pastor, Bible, History; Nathaniel Par'-ker, Preceptor, 'Science, Mathematics, Printing; Ruth Wiest, Preceptress, Language; Mrs. Senora Franzina, Matron; H. A. Ha,benicht, Agriculture, Farm Manager; Mrs. 0. K. Butler, English, Librarian. INTER-MOUNTAIN INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Established 1918 Postal Address: Route 1, Grand Valley. Colo. Principal: L. M. Cowin, B. A. Elementory Grades: Mrs. L. M. Cowin. JAPAN JUNIOR COLLEGE (Nihon San-Iku Gakuin) Established 1926 Address: Showa-machi, Kimitsugun, Chiba-ken, Japan. Boys' Department Board: V. T. Armstrong, Pres.: A. N. Nelson, Sec.; H. Yanami, S. Ogura, H. Kikuchi, H. Yamamoto, A. N. Anderson, H. J. Perkins, Treas. and Bus. Mgr. Faculty: A. N. Nelson, A. B., Ph. D., Principal; C. F. Thurston, A. 235 B., Mrs. A. N. Nelson, R. N., Mrs. C. F. Thurston, A. B., Mrs. F. R. Millard, H. Yanami, H. Kikuchi, H. Yamamoto, H. J. Perkins, Mrs. A. N. Anderson. Girls' Department Address: 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo. Board: V. T. Armstrong, Pres.; S. Tanaka, Sec.; T. H. Okohira, Dr. Paul V. Starr, Miss Roby W. Peck, Mrs. Ai Ogura. Faculty: T. H. Okohira, S. Tanaka, Mrs. Ai Ogura, Kiku Kiyoka, Mrs. E. J. Kraft, Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Mrs. S. Tanaka, Mrs. T. Kato. JUGOSLAVIAN UNION TRAINING SCHOOL Teeaj za sveopste vaspitanje Established 1931 Address: Pantovilak 121, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Board: R. Schillinger, Chairman. Faculty: R. Schillinger, Director and Farm Manager; A. Mocnik, Bible, Ecclesiastical History; S. Ludewig, German, History, Commerce, Treasurer, Preceptor; L. Schillinger, Anatomy; M. Golubic, Jugoslavian, Sciences; W. Schupnik, Accountant. KAMAGAMBO TRAINING SCHOOL Kamagambo, Kisii, via Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa Principal: E. R. Warland, A. C. P. KAREN MISSION SCHOOL Established 1918 Office Address: S. D. A. Mission School, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., Burma. Faculty: E. A. Crane, Principal; Maung Sein, Tun Maung, Ka Lee Paw, Ka Yai, Naw Sein Dwe, David, Daw Mee Shute, 236 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (Anglo-Karen, lst-7th standards; agriculture, brick-making, building, weaving, rice milling, and sawing logs. KERN ACADEMY Shafter, Calif. Established 1930 Board: P. J. Buller, Chairman; H. A. Davis, Sec.-Treas. Faculty: H. A. Davis, Principal, Bible, Chorus; Mrs. E. E. Adamson, English, History; E. M. Christiansen, Science, Mathematics, Woodwork; P. J. Gaede, German, Grades 7 and 8; Mrs. P. J. Gaede, Homemaking; Vera ,Johnson, Grades 4-6; Mrs. Clara Heinrichs, Grades 1-3; Mrs. D. R. Miller, Piano. LAURELWOOD ACADEMY Gaston, Oreg. Established 1904 Board: E. L. Neff, Chairman; H. R. Miller, Sec. Faculty: H. R. Miller, Principal, Business Mgr.; H. E. Weaver, Bible, Bookkeeping, Physiology; Tom Walters, Preceptor, English, Boys' Physical Education; Mrs. Tom Walters, Registrar, Typing; W. W. Wilkinson, History, English; Miss Zella Rine, Preceptress, Mathematics; V. V. Ernston, Accountant, Spanish; W. R. Emmerson, Industrial Manager; Rae Weinheimer, Matron; Mrs. V. V. Ernston, English, Piano, Orchestra, Girls' Physical Education; L. H. Booth, Grades 6-8; Mrs. L. H. Booth, Grades 1-5. LIBERIAN MISSION SCHOOL Established 1928 Address: c/o J. and J. M., Grand Bassa, Palmberg Station, Liberia, West Africa. School Board: The Mission Committee. LIMA TRAINING SCHOOL (Institute Industrial) Miraflores, Lima, Perfi, South America Established 1919 Postal Address: Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru. Telegraphic Address: "Instituto," "Miraflores, Board: F. E. Bresee, Chairman; C. H. Baker, Sec. and Treas. Faculty: C. H. Baker, Principal, Business Manager, Bible; P. P. LOD, B. A., Preceptor, History; J. F. Cummins, R. A., Accountant, Mathematics, Commerce; A. A. Alva, National Subjects, Farm Manager; —, Domestic Science, Normal Subjects, English; Mrs. J. F. Cummins, R. N., School Nurse; Mrs. C. H. Baker, (Piano Conservatory), Piano, Music; , Preceptress, Spanish. LODI ACADEMY Lodi, Calif. Established 190R Board of Management: J. E. Fulton, Pres.; H. E. Westermeyer, Sec. Faculty: H. E. Westermeyer, Principal and Manager; K. D. Cople, Treasurer, Farm Manager, Bookkeeping; H. L. Wallace, Bible, History; L. C. Palmer, Science, Mathematics; Mrs. L. C. Palmer, Registrar, Librarian, English; F. D. Fisher, Preceptor, Manual Training; Janet McKibben, Preceptress, Spanish; Mrs. B. Calkins, Matron, Sewing, Cookery; R. A. Buchanan, M. D., Home Physician, First Aid; L. M. Knapp, Printing; E. C. Collins, Band; A. A. Rupert, Basketry; Elizabeth Osburn, Typewriting, Shorthand; Evelyn Parr-James, Vocal, Chorus and Glee; Bea- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS trice Loewen, Piano and Theory: Mrs. F. D. Fisher, Principal and Grades 7-8; Anna Jensen, Grades 4-6; Lydia Reinmuth, Grades 1-3. LOMA LINDA ACADEMY Loma Linda, California Board of Managers: H. H. Hicks, Chairman, W. C. Flaiz, Sec. Faculty: W. C. Flaiz, Principal, History; Frank A. Moran, Bible; L. J. Vollmer, Mathematics, Library; W. F. Hardt, Spanish; Mrs. Ralph Glass, English, Home Economics, Physical Education for Girls; Glenn Martin, Science, Woodwork; Ellsworth Whitney, Piano, Pipe Organ, Chorus; Mrs. Viola Stout, Violin, Orchestra; Mrs. Ella Johnson-Moyers, Accountant, Commerce ; Grades 1-8: Marie Lucas, Margie Northey, Mrs. D. L. Stoops, Helen Johnson, Evelyn Roos. LONG BEACH SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ACADEMY 1880 Dawson Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Board: Dr. A. N. Donaldson, Chairman; W. S. Potts, Sec. Faculty: W. S. Potts, Principal; Edna Kilcher, Erna Hofgaarden, J. J. Paulson, Mrs. J. J. Paulson, A. G. Kelsey, Miss Esther Siess. 237 ics, Spanish, Home Art; Evelyn Dietel-Rice, A. B., Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping; Erwin Henning, A. B., Science; Gladys Schacht, Graduate of Conservatory of Music, Piano; Clara M. Striplin, Bookkeeper; Annie Mottram-Batten, A. T. C. M., Classes in Vocal; Grace HansenBuell, A. B., Violin; Mabel Cason, Art; Mrs. B. E. Bridwell, Cafeteria. MALAMULO MISSION TRAINING INSTITUTE Established 1902 Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa Telegraphic Address: Malarnulo, Cholo, Nyasaland. School Board: Union Executive Committee, Yolam Kamwendo, James Ngaiyaye. Faculty: G. R. Nash, Principal, Mrs. W. L. Davy, Normal Director; Dr. E. G. Marcus, I. L. Ansley, Miss L. D. Melvill, Mrs. E. G. Marcus, Mrs. G. R. Nash, Yolam Kamwendo, Assistant Normal Director assisted by 10 native teachers. LOS ANGELES SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ACADEMY 3210 Post St., Los Angeles, Calif. MALAYALAM HIGH SCHOOL Established 1925 Address: S. D. A. High School, Kottarakara, S. Travancore, South India. Faculty: E. L. Gardner, Principal; G. P. Crussiah, S. Nathanial. L. C. Charles, V. Jacob, V. S. Sastri, Mrs. T. V. Zechariah. Phone, Capitol 5992 Board: E. C. Kellogg, Chairman; Wm. Guthrie, Vice-Chairman; C. D. Striplin, Sec.-Treas. Faculty. C. D. Striplin, M. S., Principal, Bible; C. L. Avery, History, Woodwork; Kathryne Speh, A. B., English, German; Mable Andre, A. B., Mathemat- MALAYAN SEMINARY Established 1916 Address: 401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Singapore: Codes: Western Union, Five-Letter Edition, and A. B. C., Fifth Edition. 238 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Board: Malayan Union Mission Executive Committee. Faculty: F. L. Bunch, Principal; Business Manager, Treasurer; Mrs. L. I. Bowers, Mrs. F. L. Bunch, Z. H. Macarewa, Ngo Beng-hoe, Ngo Beng-lim, L. B. Tamboenan, Mrs. S. M. Tan; L. I. Bowers, Industrial Supt. MANCHURIAN UNION TRAINING INSTITUTE Established 1923 Address: Wen Kuan Tun, Mukden, Manchuria. Board of Directors: The Manchurian Union Mission Committee. Faculty: Djeng Deh Li, Principal and Manager; Djao Hsi Gia, Treas.; Yang Kuo Kwang, Preceptor; Mrs. D. L. Djeng, Preceptress; Tan Ming Kwen, Li Kwan Sin, Han Djung Hai, Primary Teacher. MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY Hutchinson, Minn. Established 1904 at Maple Plain, Minn.; transferred to Hutchinson, Minn., in 1928. Executive Board: V. J. Johns, President; David Gulbrandson, Secretary. Faculty: David Gulbrandson, Principal and Manager, Scandinavian Language; Paul Ford, Science, Commercial; E. K. Vande Vere, History, English; R. W. Fowler, Preceptor, Mathematics, Chemistry; J. C. Harder, Bible, German; Katie M. Pogue, Preceptress; Adrian Lauritzen, Piano, Voice; Essie Barber, Matron; Myrtle Sather, Accountant; I. D. Long, Superintendent Book Bindery and Print Shop; Floyd Kleiman, Superintendent Farm and Dairy; Ethel M. Hartzell, Art. MARIENHOEHE SEMINARY Darmstadt, Germany Established 1921 Board: G. W. Schubert, H. Box, J. Braun, L. E. Conradi, H. Fenner, E. Gugel, A. Minck, W, Mueller, 0. Schildhauer, 0. Schuberth, G. Seng, A. Vollmer, M. H. Wentland, J. Wintzen, A. Zeiner. Faculty: Otto Schuberth, Principal, Modern Languages, Education; P. Schwaderer, Business Manager; 'Wilhelm Hoffman, Bible; Wilhelm Michael, Ph. D., German, History, Gymnastics; Horst Werner, Preceptor, Commercial Department; Martha Ruckert, Household Economics, Gymnastics; Christine Zybach, Preceptress, Kindergarten Methods; Michael Schrbdl, Printing; Karl Zeiss, Agriculture; Luise Westermann, Matron. MEIKTILA TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1910 Office Address: S. D. A. Training School, Meiktila. Burma. Faculty: J. Phillips, Principal;• James Baldwin, Mrs. J. Phillips, Tha Kin, Arthur Ba Tin, Maung May Din, Daw Tin, Ma Faery, Miss N. Peraera, Ma Ngwe Ya, Miss D. Jacobs, Po Han, Paul, Ah Lone Shoke, Ma Nyein Yin. Standards: 1 to 10. MIRIGEDA TRAINING SCHOOL Mirigeda, via Port Moresby, Papua MOUNTAIN VIEW UNION ACADEMY Mountain View, Calif. Established 1922 Board: J. R. Ferren, Chairman; R. P. Rowe, Secretary. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Faculty: R. B. Prout, Principal, Bible; R. I. Rasmussen, Science; W. B. Ammundsen, Mathematics, Bible, Woodwork; Kathryn Coombs, English, Typing; Olive Westphal, Spanish, Domestic Science; Paul Meeth, Grades 7 and 8; Miss MacElvaine, Grades 4 to 6; Mrs. R. S. Parrish, Grades 1 to 3. MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY Bozeman, Montana Established 1901 Officers: J. L. McConaughey, Pres.; F. H. Parrish, Sec. Faculty: F. H. Parrish, Principal, Business Manager, Bible, Bookkeeping; Mrs. F. H. Parrish, Registrar, History, English, French; R. A. White, Engineer, Farm Manager, Science, Mathematics, Woodwork; Mrs. R. A. White, Matron; Wilmer Schoepfin, Preceptor, Bible, English, History; Miss Amy Jacobsen, Preceptress, Spanish, Typing, Sewing; Miss Florence Jacobson, Grade School. MOUNT VERNON. ACADEMY Legal Name: Mt. Vernon College Corporation Mount Vernon, Ohio Established 1893 Board: F. H. Robbins, Pres.; E. M. Andross, Sec.; 0. S. Hershberger, Treas.; W. B. Mohr, Auditor. Faculty: E. M. Andross, A. B., Principal, History; R. F. Farley, M. A., Bible; H. F. Lease, A. B., Preceptor, Science, Mathematics; Irene Wakeham, A. B., English, French, Stenography; H. A. Miller, Music; 0. S. Hershberger, Business Manager, Treasurer; Mrs. Phyna Kelly, Accountant, Commercial; P. C. Cardy, A. B., 239 Printing; Mrs. Hattie McIntyre, Preceptress-Matron, Home Economics; J. Haffner, Violin, Orchestra, Assistant in Printing. NARASAPUR HIGH SCHOOL Narasapur, West Godavary, South India Faculty: C. A. Randolph, Principal; M. B. Israel, T. Krishnarao, Ch. John, Ch. B. William, Mrs. P. Sundararao. NASHVILLE JUNIOR ACADEMY 2011 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Established 1918 Faculty: Lee Fickess, Principal, Grades 9, 10; Mrs. Lee Fickess, Grades 5-8; Minnie Brown, Grades 1-4. NAVUSO INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Wainibuka River, via Viria, Fiji Head Master: H. M. Lansdown. NCHWANGA TRAINING SCHOOL Mubende, Uganda Established 1931 Postal .Address: P. 0. Mubende, Uganda, East Africa. Principal: V. Rasmussen. Preceptor and Asst. Teacher: H. Guwedeko. Teacher: Z. Biraro. NEWBOLD MISSIONARY COLLEGE Near Rugby, Warwickshire, England Established 1901 • Board of Directors: W. E. Read, W. G. C. Murdoch, G. W. Baird, E. D. Dick, G. Keough, 0. M. Dorland, A. S. Maxwell, H. W. 240 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Lowe, H. Osborne, F. W. Goodall, Dr. C. E. Nelson. Executive Committee of Board of Directors: W. E. Read, W.•G. C. Murdoch, 0. M. Dorland, G. W. Baird, G. Keough. Administrative Staff: W. G. C. Murdoch, Principal; F. D. Buckle, Treasurer; F. J. Wilmshurst, Preceptor; Miss E. Donaldson, Preceptress and Matron. Faculty: W. G. Murdoch, Christian Evidences, Church History, Latin; G. Keough, Bible Exegesis, Homiletics; G. W. Baird, History, English Language, Literature; E. E. White, Science, Mathematics, Geography; E. R. Phillips, Greek and Hebrew; A. J. Raitt, French, German; Miss E. Donaldson, Bible Readings; Elsie M. Argent, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeep, Pianaforte; K. G. ing, Figg, Carpentry and Engineering. NEWFOUNDLAND JUNIOR ACADEMY St. John's, Newfoundland (Not revised for current issue) Principal: J. G. Combden; Mrs. Marguerite Combden, Mrs. Fern Simms. Faculty: G. H. Greenaway; Principal and Business Manager; C. V. Millward, Mrs. M. White, H. S. Streeter, E. M. Abbott, Miss R. Fraser, Miss E. Piper, Miss U. Gardner, A. G. Gilbert. NORTH AGRA MISSION GIRLS' SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India (Formerly in Lucknow) Established 1919 Anglo-Urdu Primary School, about 4th Grade. Faculty: Mrs. R. L. Nimble, Principal; and Indian teachers. Industries: Gardening. NORTH CHINA TRAINING INSTITUTE Fengtai, Hopei, China Established 1920 Faculty: Shan Ying Min, Principal; L. H. Davies, Treasurer and Manager; Jen Yung Chang, Preceptor; Hou Ch'un Ho, Factory Superintendent; Shen Tzeliang, Mrs. Shen Tze-Jiang, Yang Ch'un Ting, Mrs. Jen Yungch'ang, Preceptress; Mrs. Yu Shu-hsien, Assistant Preceptress. NEW GUINEA TRAINING SCHOOL NORTHEAST INDIA MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL Mussau, Territory of New Guinea Head Master: H. R. Steed. Established 1917 Address: Baragain, Ranchi, P. 0., Behar and Orissa, India. School Board: G. G. Lowry, Chairman; H. H. Mattison, Sec.; C. A. Hart, W. B. Votaw, G. E. Lindquist. Faculty: H. H. Mattison, Principal; assisted by R. N. Dass, Sylvanus Ekka, P. D. Kujur, Jonas Singh, Shanti Besra, Nathaniel Das, Mrs. H. H. Matti- NEW ZEALAND MISSIONARY COLLEGE Longburn, New Zealand Established 1907 Board: H. E. Piper, G. H. Greenaway, W. Richards, B. McMahon, T. W. Hammond, F. G. Rampton, C. W. Tinworth, C. A. Wrigley, G. F. Wright. SOD. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS NORTHERN LUZON ACADEMY Established 1924 Address: Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Board of Trustees: E. N. Lugenbeal, Mrs. C. G. Lugenbeal, A. Balinao, T. A. Pilar, T. P. Atiga, G. 0. Cerezo, A. Z. Roda, A. Ganzagan, R. A. Pilar, A. Sta. Rita. Executive Committee: E. N. Lugenbeal, Mrs. C. G. Lugenbeal, A. Balinao, G. 0. Cerezo, T. A. Pilar. Faculty: Mrs. C. G. Lugenbeal, Principal, English, Music; G. 0. Cerezo, Preceptor, Bible, Intermediate; Mrs. M. A. Villanueva, Preceptress, Matron, School Nurse, Home. Economics; Q. C. Cabansag, Farm Manager; A. A. Carungay, Science, Mathematics; F. B. Barrientos, Intermediate; Miss F. L. Trinidad, Primary. NORTHWEST CHINA UNION TRAINING SCHOOL (Tsao Tan Training School) Tsao Tan Chen, Shensi Organized in 1932 Postal Address: Tsao Tan Chen, via Sianfu, Shensi. Telegraphic Address: Care "Adventist," Sianfu, Shensi. Executive Board: The Executive Committee of the Northwest China Union Mission. Local Board: Ho Ping Dwan, Z. H. Coberly, Fan Wei Shen, Wang Dzi Ching, Lo Huei An. Faculty: Ho Ping Dwan, Principal, Bible and English; Wang Dzi Ching, Preceptor, Mathematics and Language; Lo Huei An, Manual Training and Science; Fan Wei Shen, Preceptress and Sewing. Industries: Sewing and Farm. 241 NORTHWEST INDIA UNION TRAINING SCHOOL The Retreat, Roorkee, India Established 1920 ( For Indian workers —Urdu — with which has been incorporated the boys' school formerly at Hapur.) Grades 1-12 including Theological and Normal Training in Urdu and English; Industries, Farming and Tailoring. Facuty: J. M. Steeves, B. A., Principal; E. W. Pohlman, Mrs. E. W. Pohlman, Mrs. J. M. Steeves, and five Indian teachers. NORWAY S. D. A. MISSION SCHOOL (Onsrud Misjonsskole) Algarheim, Norway Established 1922 Faculty: 0. J. Olsen, Principal, Bible; Olaf Wiik, Norwegian, History; K. Nrland, Norwegian, History, Geography; Gudrun Nilsen, Mathematics, Science; Margit Strom, German, French. NTUSU GIRLS' SCHOOL Lady in Charge: L. Drangmeister. Address: Ntusu, P. 0. Maswa, Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. African Teachers: 2. OAK PARK ACADEMY Nevada, Iowa Established 1911 Board: R. S. Fries, Pres.; H. C. Hartman, Sec. Faculty: H. C. Hartman, A. B., Principal, Mathematics; A. E. Axelson, M. A., Bible; M. S. Culver, A. B., Preceptor, History; Fae Cowin, A. B., Precep- 242 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS tress, English; Adolphus Parker, A. B., Spanish, Science; Elmer Robertson, A. B., History, Manual Training; Mrs. H. C. Hartman, Music; Irene Pedersen, Accountant, Commercial; Viola Frick, Matron, Domestic Science; E. F. Jeys, Printshop Superintendent. OAKWOOD JUNIOR COLLEGE (For Colored) Huntsville, Ala. Established 1895 Board of Trustees: S. A. Ruskjer, Chairman; James Oss, Treas.; J L. Moran, Sec.; W. E. Nelson, F. L. Peterson, C. G. Ortner, J. E. Weaver, J. K. Jones, G. E. Peters, H. J. Detwiler, J. E. Cox, J. F. Piper, T. H. Allison, W. H. Holden, 0. A. Troy; J. 0. Thomas, F. A. Osterman, Anna Knight, R. I. Keate, H. J. Klooster, R. L. Benton, M. M. Young, H. E. Lysinger, V. G. Anderson, Glenn Calkins, P. G. Rodgers. Executive Committee: S. A. Huskier, Chairman; Jam es Oss, Treas.; J. L. Moran, Sec.; J. E. Weaver, C. G. Ortner, Anna Knight, C. E. Mosley, Jr., W. E. Nelson, V. 0. Anderson, H. E. Lysinger, J. G. Thomas, R. I. Keate. Administration: J. L. Moran, President; 0. B. Edwards, Director Teacher Training School, Principal of the Academy; C. E. Mosley, Dean of Men; Julia F. Baugh, Dean of Women; Dr. L. L. Holness, Superintendent of Sanitarium; Celestine Reid-Frazier, Registrar; Mrs. L. J. Egleston, Matron of Children's Home. Faculty: J. L. Moran, President; C. E. Mosley, Bible Department; 0. B. Edwards, Bible, Music; J. F. Dent, Science; L. L. Holness, AL D., Anatomy, Professor of Health; Eva 13. Dykes, Edu- cation; Julia F. Baugh; Methods; Nathaniel Ashby, Language, History; Garland Millet, Mathematics; Ruth N. Frazier, Hydrotherapy, Nursing; G. A. Smallwood, Printing, , Woodwork. Industrial Faculty: James Oss, Comptroller, Manager; J. L. Moran, President; I. V. Counsell, Accountant; C. E. Mosley, Dean of Men; Julia F. Baugh, Dean of Women; Bonnie L. Dobbins, Matron; Mrs. E. I. Cunningham, Laundry, Store; A. N. Atteberry, Dairy Superintendent, Farm; G. A. Smallwood, Printing Superintendent; , Mill Superintendent. Elementary School: Grades 1-6: 0. B. Edwards, Principal; Mrs. J. F. Dent, Critic Teacher. OSHAWA MISSIONARY COLLEGE Oshawa, Ontario Established 1912; Incorporated Dec. 20, 1920 General Board: M. N. Campbell, Chairman; W. E. Perrin, Secretary; D. E. Reiner, P. D. Gerrard, W. A. Clemenson, 0. Ziprick, E. A. Beavon, A. V. Rhoads, H. A. Lukens, S. G. White, H. K. Martin, C. W. Degering, C. Maracle, H. G. Burden, H. A. Shepard. Local Board: H. A. Lukens, Chairman; C. W. Degering, Sec.; E. Humann, A. E. 'ginner, W. J. Hurdon, R. A. Hubley, F. G. Hill, C. Maracle, C. L. Paddock. Faculty: C. W. Degering, B. A., President, Manager; Theresa Brickman, B. A., Treasurer, Commerce; H. T. Terry, B. A., Dean of Men, History; E. A. Bauer, B. A., Science and Mathematics; Louise Dedeker, B. A., Dean of Women, French, Nurse; C. 0. Smith, B. A., Bible, Registrar; EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Bertha Wolfe-Terry, B. A., English; Miriam Harder, A. T. C. M., Music; Abbie Culbert, Elementary; Laura M. Lowry, Matron; L. E. Rafferty, Factory Superintendent; Harold Lofthouse, Farm Superintendent. PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Established 1909 Board of Trustees, Pacific Union College Association: G. A. Calkins, Pres.; W. I. Smith, VicePres. and Sec.; L. W. Cobb, Treas.; G. A. Roberts, D. Voth, W. C. White, B. M. Emerson, M. W. Newton, E. F. Hackman, W. E. Atkin, W. C. Raley, H. W. Vollmer, H. G. Lucas, E. E. Cossentine. Local Board of Management: W. I. Smith, Chairman; L. W. Cobb, Sec.; M. W. Newton, W. B. Taylor, R. A. Mortensen, B. P. Hoffman, H. W. Vollmer. Faculty: W. I. Smith, M. S., Ed. D., President; B. P. Hoffman, M. A., Religion; E. H. Einmerson, B. A., Religion; AL W. Newton, M. S., Mathematics, Astronomy; N. E. Paulin, Musical Theory, Violin, Orchestra; J. M. Peterson, Ph. D., English, German; R. A. Mortensen, Ph. D., Physics, Chemistry; W. B. Taylor, B. S., Carpentry, Cabinet Making; H. W. Clark, M. A., Biological Science; W. H. Teesdale, Ph. D., History; G. F. Wolfkill, Ed. D., Psychology and Secondary Education; C. E. Weniger, M. A., Speech, Journalism; Leon. L. Caviness, Ph. D., Ancient and Modern Languages; Mary C. McReynolds, B. A., M. D., Physiology and Health; Dorothy E. White, M. A., Normal Director, Principal of Training School, Elementary Education and Teacher Training; Gladys Robinson- 243 Stearns, A. B. (leave of ab. 1st semes. 1934-35), Assistant in Elementary Education; Minnie E. Dauphinee, Dean of Women; G. W. Greer, Voice, Chorus; Gilmour McDonald, B. A., Piano; Anna J. Olson, B. A., Registrar; Mrs. Lucy E. Whitney, B. A., Librarian, Spanish; G. H. Jeys, Printing; 0. C. Baldwin, B. A.. Agriculture; H. D. Wheeler, B. A., Accountancy, Commerce ; Lois Christian, M. A., Assistant in English, Shorthand; Lydia Kime-Wolfkill, M. A., Home Economics; A. R. Monteith, A. M., Dean of Men, Assistant in History; Delmer Brown, M. A., Assistant in Chemistry; Alice C. Babcock, B. A., Assistant in English; Mrs. A. R. Monteith, A. B., R. N., Instructor in Nursing Education; L. E. Downs, B. A., Principal of Academy, Assistant in Mathematics; Mrs. L. E. Downs, Primary Room Critic Teacher; Margaret E. Nickel, M. A., Grammar Room Critic Teacher. PHILIPPINE UNION COLLEGE Established 1917 Location: Baesa, Caloocan, Rizal. Philippine Islands. Cable Address: "Philipunion," Manila, Philippine Islands. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands. Board of Trustees: R. R. Figuhr, Chairman; L. M. Stump, ViceChairman, Secretary; 0. A. Blake, Treasurer; H. W. Klaser, E. N. Lugenbeal, E. M. Adams, H. A. Hall, M. D., R. R. Senson, J. L. Cummins, W. B. Riffel, T. A. Pilar, P. R. Diaz, B. B. Davis, F. A. Pratt, A. Capobres. Executive Committee: R. R. Figuhr, Chairman; L. M. Stump, 244 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Vice-Chairman; 0. A. Blake, Secretary; J. L. Cummins, R. R. Senson, H. W. Klaser, B. B. Davis. Administration: L. M. Stump, President, Business Manager; 0. A. Blake, Treasurer, Assistant Business Manager; Mrs. L. M. Stump, Registrar; R. C. Imperio, Dean of Men; Mrs. A. L. Mathay, Dean of Women; Mrs. D. L. Millam, School Nurse; Mrs. Blanche Palmer, Librarian. Faculty: L. M. Stump, B. A., M. A., President, Psychology; 0. A. Blake, B. A., B. S. E., M. A., Corn mane; Mrs. L. M. Stump, Registrar, Sewing; R. R. Senson, Bible, History; J. 0. Afenir, B. A., Bible, Spanish; Mrs. B. Palmer, B. A., English; Mrs. W. J. Blake, English; Mrs. 0. A. Blake, Stenography, English; A. L. Mathay, B. S., M. E., Mathematics, Science; Mrs. A. L. Mathay, Stenography; B. B. Davis, B. A., M. A., Education; Mrs. B. B. Davis, B. A., Education, Science; D. L. Millam, B. A., Mathematics; Mrs. D. L. Millam, Health Education; L. L. Pan, Commerce; Miss Q. C. Geslani, Typewriting; E. A. Capobres, Bible, Physical Education; II. C. Imperio, Bible. Normal Department: B. B. Davis, B. A., M. A., Normal Director; Miss M. S. Arriola, Room Teacher; Miss L. Hernandez, Room Teacher; Miss J. A. Villanueva, Room Teacher; R. Verdan, Room Teacher. Industrial Department: L. M. Stump, Manager; 0. A. Blake, Assistant Manager; L. L. Pan, Accountant; Mrs. L. M. Stump, Matron; D. L. Millam, Farm; E. A. Capobres, Shop; Mrs. D. Brion, Laundry; R. C. Imperio, Dean of Men; Mrs. A. L. Mathay, Dean of Women. PLAINVIEW ACADEMY Redfield, S. Dak. Established 1902 School Board: J. H. Roth, Chairman; E. E. Bietz, Sec. Faculty: E. E. Bietz, B. A., Principal, Manager, German; C. M. Babcock, Bible; R. C. Barger, B. A., Preceptor, Spanish, History; Alfred 'Watt, B. A., Printing, Science, Mathematics; Marybelle Huffman, B. A., Preceptress, Cooking, English I-III; Edna Simon, B. A. Commercial, Librarian, English IV; Ada R. Townsend, Music; Lydia Egger, Matron; L. W. Taft, Farm Superintendent; Mrs. R. C. Barger, R. N., School Nurse. POLISH UNION MISSION SCHOOL Kamienica, na Slasku 230, Poland. Established 1926 Principal: M. Ostapowicz. (Not operating.) POONA MARATHI CHURCH SCHOOL Post Box 55, Poona, India Teacher: Alexander Wood. PORTLAND JUNIOR ACADEMY 4837 East Couch St., Portland, Ore. Faculty: R. L. Hubbs, Principal; Mrs. R. L. Hubbs, Miss Marguerite Porter, Mrs Anna Kingsbury, Miss Madge Moore. PRAKASAPURAM HIGH SCHOOL Address: S. D. A. High School, Prakasapuram, Mukupeeri Post, Tinnevelly District, South India. Faculty: H. W. Carter, Principal; G. Gurubatharn, S. Dason, C. -Moses, Mrs. G. Arulmoney, Miss EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS S. Rebecca Samuel, A. Yesudian, Mrs. Nallamal Koilpillai. PUNJAB MISSION BOYS' SCHOOL Address: Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., Punjab, India. Anglo-Urdu Middle School, about 10th grade. Faculty: E. R. Streeter, Principal; Mrs. E. R. Streeter, H. C. Alexander and five Punjabi teachers. Industries: Farming. PUNJAB MISSION GIRLS' SCHOOL Chichoki Mallian, Dist. Sheikhupura, India Anglo-Urdu Middle School, 10th Grade. Faculty: Miss M. Brewer, Mrs. 0. 0. Mattison and Punjabi teachers. Industry: Gardening and Health Food Making. RIVER PLATE JUNIOR COLLEGE (Colegio Adventista Del Plata) Established 1898 Postal Address: Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Board of Directors: W. E. Murray, Pres.; P. C. Beskow, Sec. and Treas.; J. M. Howell, G. E. Emmenegger, C. E. Westphal, 0. H. Maxson, Walter Schubert, L. D. Minner, P. M. Brouchy, W. A. Ernenputsch, J. D. Livingston. Executive Committee: J. M. Howell, Chairman; P. C. Beskow, Sec. and Treas.; C. E. Westphal, 0. H. Maxson, J. D. Livingston. Faculty: J. M. Howell, President, Education I and II; J. D. Livingston, Bible, History, Pastoral Training; P. C. Beskow, Business Manager, Commercial Training; E. I. Mohr, Science, Mathemat- 245 ics; B. F. Pdrez, National Language, Rhetoric, Literature; E. U. Ayars, Industrial Manager, Industrial Arts; Florence GourlyHowell, Registrar, Domestic Science; Mabel Swanson-Livingston, English; Paul Bismark, German; Ruth Lust, Music Department; Susana Block-Beskow, Normal, Normal Arts, Observation and Teaching; Dean of Men, Assistant Commercial Training, —, Dean of Women, Sewing; , Librarian, Assistant Normal; Grades 7 and 8; Sara Vazquez, Grades 5 and 6, Methods II; Adela Dupertuis, Grades 1 and 4, Methods I; Amadeo Jones, Farm Manager; Alfred Ernst, Mechanical Department; Gil luorno, Shoe Factory; Migual Valega, Food Factory and Garden. ROGUE RIVER JUNIOR ACADEMY Established 1926 (Not revised for current issue) Route r, Box 33o, Medford, Oreg. Managing Board: C. G. Clymer, Chairman; L. H. Booth, Sec. and Treas. Faculty: L. H. Booth, Principal, Grades 9, 10; Mrs. L. H. Booth, Grades 7-8; Louise Downs. Grades 2-6. RUMANIAN UNION TRAINING INSTITUTE ("Institutul Biblic") Brasov, Stupini No. 37 Established 1924 Address: Casuta Postala No. 71, Brasov, Rumania. Faculty: D. Florea, Director; M. Manea, Bible; G. Gherase, Language, History, Preceptor; G. Stanica, Treas.; I. Stitz, Commerce, Science, Hunga.ri1 g; 246 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Proksch, German; D. Dragomirescu, Science; Miss E. Neamtu, Preceptress; Miss K. Wel'mann, Cooking and School Nurse. SA1VIABULA INDIAN SCHOOL Box 155, Suva, Fiji Head Master: E. A. Butler. SAN DIEGO ACADEMY 3057 G St., San Diego, Calif. Faculty: Richard Lewis, Principal, English III, Mathematics; Robert Kitto, History, Bible; Aimee Du Bois, English I and II, Spanish and Domestic Science; Paul Adams, Science and Woodwork. SANTALI ELEMENTARY GIRLS' BOARDING SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Babumohal, P. 0. Simultala, India Faculty: Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale assisted by Lilabati Hembrorn, Joseph Murmu and Mrs. Murmu. SEATTLE JUNIOR ACADEMY 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Faculty: William Lay, Principal, Mrs. William Lay, Mrs. Mabel H. Broder, Myrtle Hopke-Caldwell, Grace Woosler-McAllister. SEMINAIRE ADVENTISTE Boite A-115, Port au Prince, Haiti Board: A. R. Ogden, Chairman; A. G. Roth, Sec. Faculty: A. G. Roth, Principal; A. L. Christensen, Woodworking; Philip Giddings, Bible; M. N. Isaac, French, Science; L. Vernet, Preparatory Year. SEMINAIRE ADVENTISTE DU SALEVE Collonges sous Saleve, (Haute Savoie), France. -Established in present location, 1921 Board of Management: A. V. Olson, Chairman; H. Evard, Dr. es-sc., Sec. Faculty: H. Evard, Dr. es-sc., Principal, Science; Pierre Tissot, Manager; Alfred Vaucher, Bible, D. Walther, 'Dr. 6s lettres, History, Geography; Maurice Tieche, Bible, French; J. H. Weidner, Greek, Flemish; R. Guenin, Preceptor, Mathematics, Science; Alice Bada'ut, English; Miss L. Eppner, Commerce; Mrs. Pieringer, Preceptress, Matron; W. I. Owen, Piano, Voice, Chorus; F. Pieringer, German Department; L. Vez, Agriculture. SHANGHAI TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES 150 Rubicon Road, Shanghai, China Established 1918 Postal Address: Box 1281, Shanghai, China. Board of Directors: The same as for the Shanghai Sanitarium. Faculty: Shanghai Sanitarium Staff. SHANTUNG TRAINING INSTITUTE Established 1933 Postal Address: 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung. Board of Directors: Executive Committee of the Shantung Mission. Faculty: I. T. Lee, Principal; Shao Yueh-tung, Preceptor; Fu Juilien, Preceptress. SHELTON ACADEMY Shelton, Nebr. Telephone 7902 Established 1919 Board of Managers: T. B. Westbrook, Chairman; G. E. Hutches, Sec. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Faculty: G. E. Hutches, B. A., L. L. B., Principal, Bible; Benjamin Butherus, R. A., Preceptor, Science, Mathematics; Hazel Brebner, B. A., Preceptress, English, Spanish; A. C. Lindahl, B. A.. M. A., Accountant, History, Music; Ethel Beeson, Matron; Victor E. Bascom, Farm Manager; Elsie Baker-Butherus, B. A., English, Bible; Cora Ippisch, Piano; Sylvia Nielsen, Commerce. SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY New Market, Va. Established 1908 Board of Trustees: J. W. MacNeil, Pres.; W. C. Hannah, Sec. Faculty: W. C. Hannah, Principal, Manager, Bible; V. H. Campbell, Farm Superintendent, Science, Mathematics; Wm. H. Shephard, Preceptor, American History, Biology; Rachel Christman, Preceptress, Testimonies, Denominational History, General History; Opal. Hoover, Literature, Spanish; Mrs. V. H. Campbell, English; Beatrice Holquist, Matron, Domestic Science; Mrs. W. C. Hannah, Accountant; Mrs. Frances Thompson, Music; Mrs. Wm. Shephard, Elementary. SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY Harvey, N. Dak. Established 1903 Board of Managers: E. H. Oswald, Pres.; R. R. Newman, Sec. Faculty: R. R. Newman, B. A., M. A., Principal, Manager, History; D. C. Newbold, R. A., Bible; G. J. Lang, B. A., Preceptor, German, Physics; J. C. Michalenko, B. A., B. S. in Ed., Mathematics, Russian; Kathrine E. Beck, B. A., Ereceptress, Ac- 247 countant, Commerce; Mary H. Thompson, B. S., English, Piano; Mrs. F. F. Zumbaum, Matron; George Brand, Farm Superintendent. SHILOH JUNIOR ACADEMY COT. 46th and St. Lawrence Ave., . Chicago, Ill. Established 1933 Faculty: F. H. Jenkins, B. A., Principal, History, Bible ;• 0. A. Troy, B. A., Biblical History; Margaret Booker, B. A., Science and Sewing; Francis Howland, B. A., Mathematics and Languages; Alma Tibbs, B. A., English; R. F. Warnick, Chorus and Printing; Mrs. Ruby A. Troy, Music; Mrs. Ida A Ford, Typing and Shorthand; Nebert Forde, Woodwork; Mrs. Hattie Steele, R. N., Hydrotherapy. SOLUSI TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1894 Postal Address: Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. School Board: Zambesi Union Executive Committee; George Hiten, Isaac Xiba Nkomo. Faculty: W. B. Higgins, Director, Principal and Business Manager; G. Hiten, Normal Director; Mrs. W. B. Higgins, Mrs. George Hiten, Mrs. F. B. Jewell, F. .B. Jewell, Miss M. McEwen, Aubyn W. Staples, Isaac Xiba Nkomo, and 7 other 'native teachers. ' SOUTH CHEKIANG TRAINING INSTITUTE Organized 1920 Postal Address: Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Faculty: Chen Yu Shih, Principal; Alfred Fossey, Business Mgr.; Chiang Dah Sen; Djao 248 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Wu Shan; Mrs. Wu Kao Fu; Mrs. B. F. Gregory; Mrs. A. Fossey, Dju Teh-ming, Chou Ung-nyo. SOUTH INDIA TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1915 Address: Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District, Mysore State, South India. Faculty: L. B. Losey, B. A., Principal and Business Manager; J. C. H. Collett, B. A., Mrs. J. C. H. Collett, L. G. Mookerjee, J. S. Moses. Other Workers: P. J. Kelly, Mrs. L. B. Losey. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA JUNIOR COLLEGE Arlington, Calif. Established 1922 Board of Directors: G. A. Roberts, Chairman; E. E. Cossentine, Secretary; G. A. Calkins, W. C. Raley, B. M. Emerson, F. H. Raley, Wm. Guthrie, J. A. Burden, Dr. E. H. Risley, H. G. Lucas, E. F. Hackman, Hans Von Hofgaarden, W. L. Avery, W. W. Ruble, A. R. Smith. Administration: E. E. Cossentine, B. A., M. A., President; A. R. Smith, B. A., Treasurer; Walter T. Crandall, B. A., Dean of Men; Velma M. Wallace, B. A., Dean of Women; Mrs. Hattie WhiteSorenson, Matron; Mrs. W. E. Clark, Accountant; Minnie Belle Scott, B. A., Registrar; G. E. Stearns, Farm Manager; J. W. Craig, B. A., Wood Products; H. I. Smith, Printing. Faculty: E. E. Cossentine, B. A., M. A., President; C. M. Sorenson, B. A., M. A., Bible; K. J. Reynolds, B. A., M. A., History; Maybel Jensen, B. A., M. A., Normal Director; Agnes Soren- son, B. A., M. A., Modern Languages; C. C. Morrison, B. A., M. S., Science; L. H. Cushman, B. A., M. S., Science; J. P. Fentzling, B. A., M. A., English; Fedalma Ragon, B. A., Assistant English; Florence Voth, B. A., Piano; Harlyn Abel, B. M., Voice; Wm. Beisel, Violin; Anna D. Paulson, R. N., Prenursing; Velma M. Wallace, B. A., Art; Margaret Van Atta, B. A., Household Economics; Caroline S. Hopkins, B. A., Commercial; Mrs. L. H. Cushman, B. A., Assistant Mathematics; Lina Seppala, School Nurse; H. I. Smith, Printing; Mrs. Daisy D. Sturges, Grammar Room Critic Teacher; Ruth Rittenhouse, B. A., Intermediate Room Critic Teacher; Mrs. K. M. Adams, B. A., Primary Room Critic Teacher. SOUTHERN JUNIOR COLLEGE Collegedale, Tenn. Established 1896 at Graysville, Tenn., as the Southern Training School; removed to Collegedale, Tenn., in 1916. Board of Managers: 'S. A. Ruskjer, Pres.; H. J. Klooster, C. G. Caner, H. E. Lysinger, R. I. Keate, J. L. Shuler, G. A. Huse, V. G. Anderson, H. F. Kirk, R. S. Calvert, J. E.Weaver, L. K. Dickson, R. G. Strickland. Administration: H. J. Klooster, Pres., Mgr.; IV. A. Benjamin, Assistant Manager; G. N. Fuller, Treasurer; W. B. Clark, Dean of Men; Pearl L. Hall, Dean of Women; Grace Butler, Registrar; Elizabeth Tollman, Librarian; Eva Maude Wilson, Matron; Mrs. Edythe Williams, College Nurse; T. R. Huxtable, Woodcraft Shop; W. Kirstein, Printing; H. J. Halvorsen, Agriculture; E. Calhoun, Broom Factory; P. T. Mouchon, Engineer; Mrs. M. G. Strickland, Laundry. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Faculty: H. J. Klooster, Chemistry, Biology; R. W. Woods, Physics, Mathematics; H. E. Snide, Religious Education; F. W. Field, New Testament Greek; J. C. Haussler, History; Elizabeth Tollmann, English; Maude I. Jones, English, Latin; Pearl L. Hall, Modern Languages; Ruby D. McGee, Education; D. C. Ludington, Industrial Arts; Ellen Anderson, Home Economics; D. R. Edwards, Director of Music, Violin; Mrs. L. R. West, Piano; Mrs. Edythe Williams, Nursing Education; Myrtle V. Maxwell, Critic Teacher; Mrs. J. Taylor, Critic Teacher; Mabert Hinton, Critic Teacher. SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR COLLEGE Keene, Texas Established 1894 Board of Management: R. L. Benton, Chairinan; C. E. Kellogg, Sec.; R. P. Montgomery, G. R. Fattic, G. F. Eichman, B. E. Wagner, L. N. Carter, R. L. Carr, H. F. Brown,J. J. Reiswig, H. C. L. Bauer, G. A. Hartwell, Huse. Administration: C. E. Kellogg, President; R. L. Carr, Manager; A. E. Hall, Registrar; E. D. Ryden, Dean of Men; Olive S. Fattic, Dean of Women; Ruth V. Foote, Matron; A. C. Cranfill, Broom Making; K. C. Gage, Printing; E. S. Kyle, Planing Mill; T. R. Gardner, Pecan Shellery; H. S. Miller, Farm; L. G. Small, Maintenance Departinent; Elsie Reynolds, Staff Nurse. Faculty: C. E. Kellogg, B. A., President; E. D. Ryden, B. R. E., Dean of Men, Assistant in History; Olive S. Fattic, B. A., M. A., Dean of Women, Modern Languages; H. S. Miller, B. A., Bi- 249 ble; S. W. Dake, B. A., Science, Mathematics; A. E. Hall, B. A., M. A., History; Letha Taylor, B. A., M. A., English; T. R. Gardner, B. A., Commerce; Mary E. Little, B. A., M. A., Education; Ruth V. Foote, B. S., Matron, Home Economics; C. W. Dortch, B. M., Voice, Chorus, Piano; Marie Anderson, B. A., Librarian, Assistant Commerce; Elsie Reynolds, R. N., B. A., Assistant in Science, Pre-Nursing; Hazel Berg, B. A., Critic Teacher, Carmie OwenGrades 7, 8; Nesmith, B. A., Critic Teacher, Grades 4-6; Mary Woodward, Critic Teacher, Grades 1-3. SPION KOP MISSIONARY INSTITUTION (For South African Union) Address: Private Bag, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Board of Managers: N. C. Wilson, Chairman; R. E. Ansley, E. D. Hanson, J. R. Campbell, J. E. Symons, S. K. Ntwana, L. E. Modise. Faculty: R. E. Ansley, Acting Principal, Mrs. R. E. Ansley, R. 0. Stockil, Mrs:.R. 0. Stockil, Miss Grace Burton, Miss M. Campbell, Joy Senkoto, Titus Nkosi. SUJI TRAINING SCHOOL Address:. Suji Mission, Private Bag, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Principal: S. W. Beardsell, B. A. SUTHERLIN JUNIOR. ACADEMY Sutherlin, Oregon Established 1926 Managing Board: The Church Officers: S. T. Black, Chairman; E. R. Holm, Treasurer; E. C. Cratty, Clerk. 250 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Faculty: H. W. Dinwiddie, Principal, Grades 7-10; Mrs. F. A. Quackenbush, Grades 1-6. SWEDISH MISSIONARY SCHOOL Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden Established 1898; reorganized 1908 (moved from Jarnboas 1932) Board: G. A. Lindsay, G. E. Nord, E. R. Colson, C. Gidlund, K. Sandstrom, E. H. Larsson, A. Blomstedt, W. Johansson. Faculty: G. E. Nord, Principal, Bible, , Business Manager, History, English; Philip Schuil, Preceptor, English and German; Stina Hoglind, Preceptress; Emma Gustaysson, Mathematics, Science; Ingrid Albiner, Swedish, German. TAKOMA ACADEMY Takoma Park, D. C. Established 1933 Executive Board: H. J. Detwiler, Chairman; F. 0. Rittenhouse, Sec. Board of Trustees: H. J. Detwiler, Chairman; H. H. Hamilton, Sec.; F. 0. Rittenhouse, Asst. Sec. Faculty: F. 0. Rittenhouse, M. A., Principal, History, Bible; Eleanor McClanahan, M. A., English, Librarians; Mary D6itel, M. A., Language, English; S. W. Tymeson, B. R. E., M. C. S., Commerce, Bible; J. W. Salisbury, M. A., Mathematics, Science; H. M. Lodge, A. B., Woodwork, Physical Education; Marjorie Chapman, M. S., Home Economics; R. B. Wheeler, A. B., Printing; Dorothy Rupert, R. N., Physical Education; W. F. Shadel, A. B., Music. TJIMINDI TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1929 Address: Opleidingsschool der Ad- vent-Zending, Tjimindi, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Local Board: S. C. Schmidt, Chairman, P. Drinhaus, S. Mangatos. Board: Union Committee. Faculty: Dutch Dept.: I. C. Schmidt. Malay Dept.: S. Mangatos. TSAO TAN TRAINING SCHOOL Tsaotan, Shensi, China Established 1932 (Not revised for current issue) Board of Directors: J. H. Effenberg, Ho Ping Duan, P. H. Shigley, Wu Dzeh Shan, Z. H. Coberly, Hsiao Keh Ching, J. H. Shultz, Chen Wen Hsioh. Local Board: H Ping Duan, Z. H. Coberly, Suen Hwa Ting, Fan Wei Shen, Dzen Bao Ho. Faculty: Ho Ping Duan, Principal and Bible; Dzeng Bao Ho, English and Mathematics; Suen Hwa Ting, Manual Training, and Language; Fan Wei Shen, Preceptress. UNION COLLEGE College View Station Lincoln, Nebr. Established 1891 Board of Managers: The presidents of the following conferences: Central Union, Southwestern Union, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Oklahoma; the superintendent of the Wyoming Mission; the educational secretaries of the Central and Southwestern Unions; the secretary-treasurer of the Central Union Conference; the president of Union College; W. B. Ochs, L. Halewick, G. H. Smith, A. W. Johnson, G. C. Jorgensen, T. A. Little. Executive Committee: J. F. Piper, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 251 Pres.; M. L. Andreasen, Sec.; Heads of Industrial Departments and Instructors in Vocational R. L. Benton, S. J. Lashier, O. W. Marsh, A. W. Johnson, T. B. Work: Eugene Stout, Farm; Westbrook, G. C. Jorgensen, T. Fred Sof sky, Power House; Wendell Graham, Printing Arts; A. Little. Vernon Dunn, Laundry; F. H. Administration Committee: M. L. Yost, Bookbindery. Andreasen, M. A., President; A. W. Johnson, Ph. D., Executive Dean, Treasurer; G. W. HabeUnion College Academy nicht, B. A., Dean of Men; Pearl Faculty: W. Habenicht, A. B., L. Rees, Dean of Women; Ruby Principal, Mathematics; H. C. E. Lea, A. B., Registrar; D. G. Turner, A. B., Bible, Science; Hilts, M. A., Librarian; Nellie T. Linnie Keith, M. A., English; Hankins, M. A., Matron; E. N. Esther Sonnenberg, A. B., LanDick, Ph. D., Director of Sumguage, History. mer Session. Faculty: M. L. Andreasen, M. A., UNION SPRINGS ACADEMY President, Theology; J. N. AnUnion Springs, N. Y. derson, B. D., Bible, Biblical Languages; M. H. Schuster, M. Established 1921 A., Bible, Homiletics; F. H. Yost, Board: M. V. Campbell, Chairman. A. B., Bible; E. N. Dick, Ph. D., Faculty: K. A. Wright, Principal, History; A. W. Johnson, Ph. D., Business Manager, Biology; W. Political Science; T. A. Little, E. Anderson, Treasurer, AmeriM. A., English, Journalism; D. can History, Spirit of Prophecy, G. Hilts, M. A., Library Science; Bookkeeping; C. E. Wittschiebe, Lotta E. Bell, M. A., Education, Preceptor, General History, New Teacher Training; G. C. JorgenTestament History, Doctrines; sen, M. S., Chemistry, Biology; Victor Marsh, Farm SuperinA. M. Ha.nhardt, M. A., Modern tendent, Physics; Agriculture; Languages; H. K. Schilling, M. C. L. von Pohle, Print Shop SuA., Physics, Mathematics, T. R. perintendent, Algebra, Geometry, Larimore, M. S., Economics; Printing; Dorothy E. Bartlett, Nellie T. Hankins, M. A., Home Registrar, Librarian, English I, Economics; Ivamae Small-Hilts, English III; Marjorie L. SchroeA. B., Public Speaking, Expresder, Preceptress, English II; sion; Lee Davis, M. A., Spanish; Mrs. W. E. Anderson, French I, L. 0. Hansen, M. A., MathematFrench II; Evelyn E. Wegner, ics; Edda Rees-Larimore, M. A., Music, Typewriting, Latin II; Education, Teacher Training; W. Edna Stoneburner, Matron, DoM. Nethery, M. D., D. N. B., mestic Science; Marion Seitz, Biology; Olive W. Marsh, M. A., Grades 1-8. English; Lydia Sonnenberg, A. B., French; Marguerite G. Burroughs, A. B., Stenography; S. VANUA LEVU INTERMEDIATE Ledington, B. M., Piano, Voice, SCHOOL Theory; C. C. Engel, B. M., Vatu Vonu, Buca Bay, Vanua Stringed Instruments; Chloe Adams-Sofsky, A. B., Art; Myrtle Levu, Fiji Reinmuth, A. B., Flora Moyers, Established 1932 A. B., Ethel M. Johnson, A. B., Teachers in Model School. Head Master: A. P. Dyason. 252 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS VEJLEFJORD MISSION SCHOOL Daugaard St., Denmark Established 1908 Local Board: The Principal of the School, the Presidents of the Danish Conferences, the Preceptress, and the Farm Superintendent. Faculty: H. M. Johnson, Principal, English; P. A. Christiansen, Mathematics, Physics; H. Muderspach, Bible, History, Church History; Cathinka Henriksen, Danish, Science, Church School Supervisor; Kristine Lund, Preceptress, Sewing, Cooking; Camilla Jorgensen, English, German, Geography, Church School; Irene Capion, Church School. VINCENT HILL SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE (English) Mussoorie, India Telegraphic Address: "Vinschool," Mussoorie. Established 1911 Board: N. C. Wilson, Chairman; I. F. Blue, Vice-Chairman; R. A. Garner, Sec.; C. L. Torrey, E. M. Meleen, G. G. Lowry, J. L. Christian, J. S. James, G. F. H. Ritchie. Faculty: I. F. Blue, Principal, Mathematics; R. A. Garner, Bible; N. Hildreth, Geography, English, History; Miss L. A. Baird, Preceptress, Drawing; , Preceptor, Mathematics, History; N. Grenyer, Standards 5-6; Mrs. R. A. Garner, Standards 3-4; Mrs. E. I. Hardless, Standards 1-2, Preparatory; G. F. H. Ritchie, Treasurer, Bookkeeping; Mrs. J. M. Hnatyshyn, Food Matron, Sewing; Mrs. G. F. H. Ritchie, Registrar, Stenography; Mrs. E. Woodward, Small Boys' Matron; Mrs. L. C. Shepard, Hospital Matron; Miss E. Dyer, Piano; Mrs. I. F. Blue, English; Munshi Jowala Singh, Urdu; W. Mackett, History, French; Miss M. Baldwin, Office Stenographer. WALLA WALLA COLLEGE College Place, Wash. Established 1892 Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade, W. M. Landeen, F. W. Peterson, M. N. Campbell, E. L. Neff, M. L. Rice, C. A. Scriven, J. W. Turner, J. L. McConaughey, R. T. Emery, G. S. Belleau, L. E. Esteb, F. A. Schilling, G. W. Bowers. Officers of the Board: E. K. Slade Chairman; W. M. Landeen, Seer et ary ; F. W. Peterson, Treasurer. Administration: W. M. Landeen, President; F. W. Peterson, Bus. Mgr.; Clara E. Rogers, Registrar; F. A. Schilling, Dean, The .School of Theology; L. P. Thorpe, Director, Summer Session; H. R. Sittner, Dean of Men; Dorothy Foreman, Dean of Women; Mollie Lay-Sittner, Librarian. College Faculty: W. M. Landeen, B. A., President, History; G. W. Bowers, M. A., Chemistry and Biology; P. W. Christian, Ph. D., History; Evelyn A. Christian, Home Economics; E. S. Cubley, M. A., Business Administration; Dorothy Foreman, B. A., English; P. T. Gibbs, M. A., English; Lilah Godfrey, M. A., Mathematics; F. R. Hanson, R. N., B. A., Pre-Nursing; Winifred L. Holinden, M. A., Ancient Languages; G. G. Kretchmar, Ph. D., Physics; Lulu Hill-Miller, Art; Merlin L. Neff, M. A., Journalism, Speech; John E. Potts, M. D., College Physician; George McCready Price, M. A., Geology; H. G. Reinmuth, M. A., Modern Languages; Clara E. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Rogers, B. A., English; H. F. Saxton, B. A., Bible; Mrs. H. F. Saxton, M. A., Normal Methods; F. A., Schilling, Ph. D., Bible; Mollie Lay-Sittner, B. L. S., Library Science; L. P. Thorpe, Ph. D., Education; Anna GiddingsVanAusdle, Home Economics. School of Theology: W. M. Landeen, B. A., President, Professor of Church History; F. A. Schilling, Ph. D., Dean, Professor of Biblical Literature; F. M. Burg, S. T. B., Professor of Denominatinoal Institutions; George McCready Price, M. A., Professor of Moral Philosophy and Dogmatics; H. F. Saxton, B. A., Professor of Applied Theology; L. P. Thorpe, Ph. D., Professor of Religious Education. School of Music: Victor Johnson, Director, Violin, Theory; Ruth Haystad, Voice, Conducting; Edna Smith-Cubley, Piano, Theory. Preparatory School Faculty: H. R. Sittner, M. A., Principal, Language; H. R. Emmerson, B. A., Manual Arts, Science, Mathematics; Lillian Beatty, M. A., English, Bible; G. W. Meldrum, B. A., History, Bible. Normal Training School: Mrs. H. F. Saxton, M. A., Acting Normal Director; Mrs. L. E. Griffin, Grades 7 and 8; Clara KeithBowers, B. A., Grades 4, 5, 6; Eleanor Rowland-Dietrich, B. A., Grades 1, 2, 3. Vocational: F. W. Peterson, Superintendent; John Bauer, Jr., Store Manager; R. L. Collins, Printing; Martin Gyes, Service Station; H. R. Emmerson, B. A., Woodwork; F. M. Schiller, Auto Mechanics; Randall Sloop, Baking; Anna Giddings-VanAusdle, Matron, Cook; Gertrude E. Wheeler, Laundry; Roy Zumwalt, Farm Manager. 253 WASHINGTON MISSIONARY COLLEGE Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Established 1904; reorganized 1914 (Telephone, Shepherd 2135) Legal Title: Washington Missionary College. Board of Trustees: H. J. Detwiler, F. L. Green, W. E. Nelson, E. M. Andross, John Weaver, W. H. Branson, W. R. French, S. A. Ruskjer, A. W. Werline, F. H. Robbins, C. V. Leach, C. S. Longacre, B. G. Wilkinson, J. P. Neff, W. M. Robbins, J. L. Shaw, W. B. Mohr, H. H. Hamilton, W. C. Hannah, W. C. Moffett, W. A. Nelson, H. J. Klooster, A. W. Truman, M. D., J. W. MacNeil, F. M. Wilcox, M. G. Conger. Local Board: H. J. Detwiler, H. H. Hamilton, B. G. Wilkinson, F. L. Green, A. W. Werline, W. C. Moffett, C. S. Longacre, A. W. Truman, M. D., J. W. MacNeil, J. P. Neff. Faculty: H. H. Hamilton, A. B., President; B. G. Wilkinson, Ph. D., Dean of School of Theology, Professor of Biblical Exegesis; A. W. Werline, A. M., Professor of History; Leo Thiel, M. A., Professor of English Language and Literature; E. C. Blue, M. A,. Professor of Chemistry and Biology; L. M. Ashley, A. M., Professor of Biology and Physics; W. R. French, Th. B., Professor of Missions and Greek; Virginia Hoelzel, M. A., Professor of Modern Languages; Vera E. Morrison, M. A., Education, Mathematics, Director of Normal Department; F. L. Green, Business Manager; S. W. T3rmeson, B. R. E., M. C. S., Director of Department of Commerce; Eric Jones, B. S. and F. R. G. S., Dean of Men; Minnie Abray, Dean of Women, Instructor in '254 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Shorthand; J. W. Osborn, B. Mus.; L. R. A. M., Director of Music Department; W. F. Shadel, B. A., Assistant Director of Music Department; Ethel Knight-Casey, Associate Teacher for Children's Division of Music; Dorothy Goodrich, Violin; Lois Hall, A. B., Assistant in Piano; C. L. Boyd, B. A., Cello; Edythe 0. Stephenson, Registrar; Marjorie B. Chapman, M. S., Professor of Home Economics; Eleanor McClanahan, M. A., Librarian, Instructor in English; Veda Marsh, M. A., R. N., Director of Teacher-Training Course, S. Arason, Instructor in Printing; John Sampson, Th. B., Instructor in Woodwork; Mary Montgomery, Matron; S. Ellen Klose, A. B., Critic Teacher; Louise B. Stuart, Critic • Teacher; Lulu Leech, B. A., Critic Teacher; Other Instructors: H. L. Shoup, College Pastor; Lydia Olsen, China Painting, Household Art; T. K. Martin, College Art, Normal Art; Harry Lodge, Instructor in Woodwork. WATERLOO TRAINING AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Established 1909 S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa Principal and Industrial Superintendent: H. Rasmussen. Business Manager: J. Gronert. Assisted by 5 African teachers. WEST AUSTRALIAN MISSIONARY COLLEGE . Carmel, West Australia Established 1907 Board: L. D. A. Lemke, C. S. Pal- mer E. E. Price, W. G. Thrift, T. W. Hammand, J. Boxall, B. H. McMahon. Faculty: C. S. Palmer, Principal; Wm. Chapman, 'Thos. Rutter, Miss A. Sterling, H. Millist, Miss E. E. Thorpe, Miss D. Fox. WEST CHINA TRAINING INSTITUTE Da Bao, Tsitsikow, Szechwan, China General Board: Union Executive Committee. Faculty: A. E.. Hughes, Principal; Djang Fu Yung, Preceptor; Li Tien Hsi, Registrar; Mrs. L. Tien Hsi, Preceptress ; Liu Djung Hsiung, Kung Kwei Ching, Djiang Dzen Hwa. WEST INDIAN TRAINING COLLEGE Mandeville, Jamaica, British West Indies Established 1918 Board of Managers: A. R. Ogden, Chairman; H. D. Isaac, Secre- tary; C. E. Andross, W. L. Adams, F. I. Mohr, F. 0. Rathbun, E. E. Parchment, J. W. Grounds. Executive Committee: C. E. Andross, Chairman; H. D. Isaac, Secretary; J. W. Grounds, F. 0. Rathbun, E. E. Parchment, L. L. Dunn, L. A. Morrison, A. C. Stockhausen. Administration: H. D. Isaac, President, Manager; Miss Ethel M. Edmed, Treasurer; B. R. Hamilton, Dean of Men; Mrs. Bertha C. Peake, Dean of Women. Faculty: H. D. Isaac, Bible;. F. 0. Rathbun, Science, Printing; E. E. Parchment, Agriculture, Baking; Mrs. F. 0. Rathbun, English; B. R. Hamilton, Spanish; L. L. Dunn, History, Woodwork; Mrs. Bertha C. Peake, Art, Domestic Science; L. A. Morrison, Sheet Metal Work; Miss F. G. Morgan, Mathematics; Miss Ethel M. Edmed, Registrar, Commercial; Mrs. E. E. Parchment, Nor- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS mal, Critic Teacher, Grades 1-6; Mrs. U. E. Morgan, Grades 7 and 8; C. A. Ritter, Assistant in Commercial. WEST KWEICHOW PROVINCIAL MISSION SCHOOL Pichieh, KIkreichow, China WEST VISAYAN ACADEMY Near Buenavista on the Island of Guimaras Postal Address: P. 0. Box 502, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Board of Management: E. M. Adams, Chairman; C. E. Thurston, Secretary; E. R. Figuhr, J. L. Cummins, P. R. Diaz, F. H. Jornada, Z. B. Cahilig, D. Sabrine. Faculty: C. E. Thurston, Principal, Registrar, Bible; Z. B. Cahilig, Treasurer; V. M. Montalban, Bookkeeper, Bible; Mrs. C. E. Thurston, English, Music, Librarian; F. D. Ponce, Mathematics, Science, History; C. 1. Isuga, Preceptor, Industrial. Supervisor; Miss M. A. Perez, Matron; School Nurse, Home Economics; Miss Caspe, Grade Seven; D. C. Akyatin, Grades 5-6; A. C. Solivio, Grades 3-4: 255 Miss C. 3. Bela, Grades 1-2, Preceptress. WESTERN INDIA MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL S. D A. Mission, Lasalgaon, Nasik Dist., India Established 1920. Anglo-Marathi High School, 10th standard. Faculty: F. E. Spiess, Principal; S teachers. Industries: Farming. YAKIMA VALLEY ACADEMY Granger, Wash. Established 1920 (Not revised for current issue) Board of Trustees: M. L. Rice, Chairman; W. G. McCready, Secretary. Faculty: W. G. McCready, Principal and Business Manager; H. B. Wilcox, Preceptor and Science Teacher; Miss Eleanor Roberts, Preceptress and Music Teacher; Miss Helen Afton, Matron and English Teacher; Mrs. H. B. Wilcox, Accountant and Commercial Teacher; F. G. Young, Bible and History Teacher; Mrs. W. G. McCready, Registrar; R. D. Kaylor, Language Teacher. PUBLISHING HOUSES (In alphabetical order) ADVENT PRESS Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa Manager: R. Carey. Board: East African Union Mission Committee. Publishing Committee: S. G. Maxwell, R. Carey, A. W. Allen. Editorial Committee: S. G. Maxwell, W. W. Armstrong, A. W. Allen. ADVENT PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION (Sierra Leone Depository) Organized 1930 S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa Manager: J. Gronert. Sec.-Treas.: A. S. Nuka. Publishing Board: J. Gronert, A. S. Nuka, I. W. Harding. ALGERIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Manager: W. Lagger. Asst. Manager: A. Rovira. BRAZIL PUBLISHING HOUSE (Casa Publicadora Brazileira) Established 1905 Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Atalaia," Estaedo Santo Andre. zil, South America. Postal Address:- Estaedo Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Board of Managers: H. B. Westcott, E. H. Wilcox, August Pages, Benedicto Silveira, H. B. Fisher, E. R. Maas, U. Wissner, Manoel Margarido, E. V. Moore, J. B. Johnson, Liuz Waldvogel, Gustavo Storch, H. G. Stoehr. 256 Officers: H. B. Westcott, Pres.; E. H. Wilcox, Vice Pres.; J. B. Johnson, Mgr. and Sec.; Augusto Pages, Treas.; H. B. Fisher, Supt.; G. E. Hartman, Auditor. Book Committee: J. B. Johnson, E. H. Wilcox, M. Margarido, H. B. Westcott, E. V. Moore, Luiz, Waldvogel, Benedicto Silveira. Editors: 0 Atalaia, J. B. Johnson, Luiz Waldvogel; Revista Adventista, Luiz Waldvogel; Rundschau der Adventisten, Luiz Waldvogel. Assistant Editor: Augusto Pages. BRITISH PUBLISHING HOUSE Stanborough Press, Ltd. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England Established 1889 Cable Address: " Hygiene," Watford, Herts, England. Board of Directors: W. E. Read, A. Warren, A. S. Maxwell, 0. M. Dorland, H. W. Lowe. Officers: Chairman, W. E. Read; Manager, A. Warren; Sec. and Treas., A. G. Rogers. Editors: Present Truth and Missionary Worker, A. S. Maxwell; Good Health, Dr. C. E. Nelson, W. L. Ernmerson. Book Committee: W. E. Read, A. S. Maxwell, B. Belton, H. W. Lowe, A. Warren, 0. M. Dorland, W. L. Emmerson. BUENOS AIRES PUBLISHING HOUSE Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America " Casa Editora Sud Americana " Established 1897 Cable Address: "Casatora," Flor- PUBLISHING HOUSES ida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentine. Phone: 31 Florida (Vicente LOpez). Telegraphic Address: "Imprenta," Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentine. Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Board of Managers: Roger Altman. M. V. Tucker, W. G. Lawson,. M. I. Fayard, J. A. P. Green, L. L. Minner, P. M. Brouchy, W. A. Ernenputsch, Walter Schubert, Ner Soto G., J. T. Thompson. Local Executive Committee: M. V. Tucker, Chairman; Segundo Ferri, Secretary; W. 0. Lawson, M. I. Fayard, W. E. Murray. Officers: President, Roger Altman; Vice-Pres., Manager and Treasurer, M. V. Tucker; Secretary and Superintendent, W. G. Lawson; Auditor, G. E. Emmen- 257 Mtiller, N. Neitscheff. Editor: " Westitel na Istinata," K. Waswasoff. Book Committee: M. V. Tucker, Chairman; M. I. Fayard, Secretary; P. M. Brouchy, W. E. Murray, J. A. P. Green, Edgar Brooks, Jaun Ferri, J. T. Thompson. Editor: El Atalaya, M. I. Fayard; La Revista Adventista, M. I. Fayard. CANADIAN WATCHMAN PRESS Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario Telephone 2054 Organized 1895; incorporated 1920 Territory: The Canadian Union Conference. Board of Directors: M. N. Campbell, E. A. Beavon, C. G. Maracle, C. L. Paddock, C. W. Degering, H. A. Lukens, H. A. Shepard, A. V. Rhoads, Hubert Martin, 0. Ziprick, W. E. Perrin, P. D. Gerrard, MT. A. Clemenson, S. G. White, D. E. Reiner, H. G. Burden, L. F. Passebois. Officers: M. N. Campbell, Pres.; H. A. Lukens, Vice-Pres.; C. G. Afaracle, Manager; C. L. Paddock, Sec.; J. C. Neithercut, Treas. Department Managers: Supt., C. G. Maracle; Book and Periodical Dept., C. L. Paddock. Editors: Canadian Watchman Magazine, C. L. Paddock; Contributing Editors, M. N. Campbell, H. A. Lukens; Les Signes des Temps, C. L. Paddock E. A. Curdy. BULGARIAN BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE Solunska 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria Established 1924 Corporate Name: Christiansko Adventno Obshtestvo. Postal Address: Solunska 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Telegraphic Address: Sofia, Solonska, 49/10. Telephone: 6466. Manager: Ernst Miller. Literature Committee: A. Thomas, E. Miiller, N. Neitscheff, D. Harboff, B. Nickoloff. Local Committee: A. Thomas, E. CHRISTIAN RECORD BENEVOLENT ASSN. College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Established 1900 Board of Managers: J. F. Piper, David D. Rees, S. J. Lashier, S. T. Shadel, D. E. Collins, M. L. Andreasen. Officers: Pres., J. F. Piper; Sec., D. D. Rees; Treas, S. J. Lashier. Periodicals: The Christian Record, a monthly magazine for the blind; The Christian Record Sabbath School Monthly, containing the denominational les- Pri:Efer. 9 258 PUBLISHING HOUSES sons; The Bible Expositor, dealing more particularly with doctrinal subjects. All three of these publications are printed in Revised Braille and New York Point types, and furnished free to all blind who desire them. Editor and Manager, D. D. Rees. ,The Christian Record Benevolent Assn. also has a free circulating library department, containing denominational books and pamphlets and other books of general interest for free circulation among the blind. These are sent to the reader and returned to the office franked by the government. THE COLLEGE PRESS Berrien Springs, Mich. Established 1901 Board of Managers: Lake Union Conference Committee. Officers: Manager, K. F. Ambs • Sec., Earl Beaty; Supt., J. B. Krauss. Editors: Lake Union Herald, Mrs. L. K. Curtis; The Student Movement, Sherman McCormick. COPENHAGEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark Corporate Name: Dansk Bogforlag. Cable Address: " Expedit," Copenhagen. Local Board: J. M. Nielsen, T. Tobiassen, A. Varmer, Chr. Hansen, 0. S. Sorensen. Business Manager: J. M. Nielsen. CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Brno-Kral. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia Established 1920 Corporate Name: Adventni nakladatelstv1, Brno-Kral. Pole Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Manager and Treas., F. A. Ludwig. Board: M. H. Wentland, F. A. Ludwig, Josef Popelka. Editor: Hlasatel Pravdy and Straz Sionska, Frant. Fiala, Pramen Zivota, Pavel Surman. Books in Bohemian, German, Polish, Slovakian, Hungarian, Russian, Ruthenian and Yiddish. EASTERN POLYNESIAN MISSION PRESS Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands Superintendent: G. L. Sterling. ESTONIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia Established 1922 Corporate Name: S. P. Adv. K. Eesti Liidu kirjandusladu. Directors: Estonian Conference Committee. Editor: Meie Aeg, M. Barengrub; Misjoniteated, M. Barengrub. Assoc. Editor: Meie Aeg, H. Pilt. Misjoniteated, H. Pilt. FIJI MISSION PRESS Suva Vou, Fiji Directors: Fiji Mission Committee. Superintendent: R. W. Lane.' FINLAND PUBLISHING HOUSE Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland Established 1897 Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija. Publishing Board: G. A. Lindsay, Y. Miettinen, U. Kohtanen, A. Rintala, T. Stahlberg, V. Lehto, V. Koskinen, N. Landemaa. Local Board: Y. Miettinen, A. Rintala, V. Kohtanen, A. Blomstedt, I. Heikonen. Manager:. Y. Miettinen. PUBLISHING HOUSES Editors: Aikain Vartija, A. Rintala; Siionin Ystava., A. Unhola. FRENCH PUBLISHING HOUSE Librairie " Les Signes des Temps," Dammarie-les-Lys, (Seine et Marne) France Established 1896 Telegraphic Address: "Signes," Dammarie-les-Lys (S.-et-M.). Telephone, Melun 521. Publishing Board: A. V. Olson, President; E. Meyer, Secretary; W. R. Beach, F. Charpiot, Dr. J. Nussbaum, Ch. Gerber, D. N. Wall, U. Augsburger, M. Ringoot, G. Desmet, L. H. Willi. House Committee: E. Meyer, Ch. Gerber, H. Hecketsweiler, C. Dudragne. Officers: Manager, Sec., E. Meyer; Treas., Miss J. De olf. Editors: "Les Signes des Temps," Charles Gerber; La Revue Adventiste, Charles Gerber; Vie et Sante, Dr. J. Nussbaum; Leben and Gesundheit, Dr. J. Nussbaum; Leven en Gezonheid, Dr. J. Nussbaum; Moniteur et Bulletin Mensuel, D. N. Wall, Steen Rasmussen. HAMBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE . Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany Established 1895 (1889-1895 Branch House) Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Hamburg. (A B C Code Fifth Edition.) Telephone: Hamburg 559270 and 559903. Publishing Board: G. W. Schubert, A. Vollmer, I. Scheller, W. Mueller, E. Gugel, H. Fenner, H. Box, K. Banas, 0. Schildhauer, A. Minck. Officers: Pres., G. W. Schubert 259 Vice-Pres. and Manager, A. Vollmer. Local Committee: A. Vollmer, K. Banas, W. Liihr, H. Hoth, W. Bentlin. Department Managers: Circulation Department, K. Banas; Manufacturing Department, W. Liihr. Editors: Herold der Wahrheit, F. Daniel; Der Adventbote, K. Sinz; Unser kleiner Freund, P. John; Gute Gesundheit, Dr. med. E. Meyer; Gegenwarts-Fragen, F. Daniel; Der christliche Hausfreund, K. Sinz; Die Friedensauer Schwester, Dr. med. E. Meyer. Holland Branch International Advent Zendingsgenootschap, van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Holland. Local Committee: F. J. Voorthuis, J. Wintzen, J. van Iterson. Manager: F. J. Voorthuis. Editors: Teekenen des Tijds, J. Wintzen, F. J. Voorthuis; De Adventbode, J. Wintzen, H. Eelsing; De Vriend der Kinderen, F. J. Voorthuis. Austrian Branch Advent-Verlag (E. V.), VII, Wimbergergasse 46, Vienna, Austria. Manager: P. John. Local Committee: P. John, J. Braun, F. Hasel. HUNGARIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Budapest I., Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary Established 1912 Corporate Name: Advent Kiadb- hiva,tal FiOkja, Budapest I, NEmetvolgyi ut 26. Manager: A. Zeiner. Managing Board: A. Zeiner, J. Jenik, A. Rok, W. Ehring, Gy. TOth. 260 PUBLISHING HOUSES ICELAND S. D. A. PUBLISHING HOUSE Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Ice land. Manager: M. Helgason. Editors: Geislinn, 0. J. Olsen; Braedrabandid, 0. Frenning. ITALIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE (Casa Editrice "L'Araldo della Verity ") Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy (Telephone 42.850) Established 1923 Manager: G. Fenz. Editor: "L'Araldo della Verity," Miss M. L. Venuella. JAPAN SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST PUBLISHING HOUSE (Owari no Fukuinsha) JUGOSLAVIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1919 Corporate Name: Izdavaaa Knjilara, "Preporod." Postal Address: Zeleni Venac 1/I., Belgrade, Jugoslavia. (P. 0. Box 580.) Cable and Telegraphic Address: Preporod, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Manager: W. Schupnik. Literary Editor: A. Lorencin. Literature Committee: H. Bauer, A. Lorencin, Z. Krdjalie, M. Trifunac. Managing Board: Union Committee. Local Committee: H. Bauer, W. Schupnik, A. Lorencin. Periodicals and books published in Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian. • LATVIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Brivibas kid rr, Riga, Latvia Established 1908 Established 1922 Address: 169-171 Amanuma, 1 Chome, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. " Adventist," Address: Cable Tokyo. Postal Address: Box 7, Suginarni Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Manager: H. P. Evens. Field Miss. Sec.: E. J. Kraft. Publishing Committee: Executive Committee of the Union Mission. Editors: Jicho Zashi, T. H. Okohira; ASsociates, H. P. Evens, V. T. Armstrong; Shimei, (Message), T. H. Okobira; Associates, H. P. Evens, V. T. Armstrong; Kodomo no Gakuen (Children's monthly), F. R. Millard; Associate, S. Ogura. Publishing House Board: V. T. Armstrong, Chairman; H. P. Evens, Secretary; E. J. Kraft, T. Kato, A. N. Anderson, T. H. Okohira. Corporate Name: "Latvijas Rakstu Apgadiba." Local Committee: H. L. Rudy, W. Willmann, J. Birsin, A. Jurkevies, A. Eglitis, H. Linde, K. Rose. Manager: W. Willinann. Editor: " Miisu Laikmets," J. Birsin; " Adventes Vestnesis," J. Birsin. MALAGASY PUBLISHING HOUSE "Fitarikandro" Established 1930 Address: Librairie Adventiste Ambohijavoto, Tananarive, Madagascar. Cable Address: Adventiste, Tananarive. Telephone: Tananarive N° 2-91. Board of Directors: The Mission Committee. PUBLISHING HOUSES Officer: Manager, Sec. and Treas., H. L. Henriksen. Periodical, tracts, and books published in Malagasy. MALAMULO MISSION PRESS (Southeast African Union) Established 1926 Postal Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Tel. Address: Malamulo, Cholo, Nyasaland. Managing Board: Union Executive Committee. Manager: W. L. Davy. Publications in Chinyanja: Sab- bath School Quarterly, Advent Messenger, catechism and tracts. 261 Territory: Dutch East Indies. Manager: W. Kiister. Publishing Board: B. Ohme, W. Koster, P. Drinhaus, A. H. Zimmermann, I. C. Schmidt, W. J. 'Coiling, D. S. Kime, F. Dittmar, H. Twynstra, G. A. Wood, H. E. R. Schell, Tan Kiem Siang, Th. Rondonuwu. Editors: Pertandaan Zaman, I. C. Schmidt; Warta Geredja, B. Ohme; Sabbath School Quarterlies, Senior. Languages in which publications are issued: Dutch, Malay (Dutch Romanized), Malay (Arabic), Batak (Toba), Javanese, Sundanese, Nias. ORIENTAL WATCHMAN PUB- MALAYAN SIGNS PRESS 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements Established 1917 Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Singapore. Codes: Western Union, Five-Letter Edition, and A. B. C., Fifth Edition. Manager: L. I. Bowers. Board: Malayan Union Mission Executive Committee. Languages in which publications are issued: Annamese, Cambodian, Dusun, English, Lao, Malay (Arabic, and English-Rommanized), Siamese, Than. MONGOLIAN MISSION PRESS S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES PUBLISHING HOUSE (Advent Boken Depot) Bandoeng, Naripan 63, Java, Netherlands East Indies Established 1929 Cable Address: "Advent," Bandoeng. LISHING HOUSE Post Box 35, Salisbury Park, Poona, India Established 1898 Telegraphic Address: " Watchman," Poona. Board of Directors: N. C. Wil- son, C. L. Torrey, J. C. Craven, D. C. Jacob, E. M. Meleen, J. L. Christian, T. J. Michael, G. F. Enoch, J. S. James, G. G. Lowry, L. C. Shepard, W. H. McHenry, J: F. Ashloek, E. D. Thomas, C. N. Abraham. Officers: Chairman, N. C. Wilson; Vice-Chairman, Manager, and Treasurer, J. C. Craven;. Secretary, D. C. Jacob. Literature Committee: Chairman, L. C. Shepard; Secretary, G. F. Enoch; J. C. Craven, O. Wilson, L. G. Mookerjee, E. 1). Thomas, A. H. Williams, J. S. James, E. M. Meleen, and the Division Chairman. Book Committee: L. C. Shepard, G. F. Enoch, J. C. Craven, E. D. Thomas. Editor: The Oriental Watchman and Herald of Health, G. F. Enoch. Eastern Tidings, G. F. Enoch; Tamil Signs of the Times 262 PUBLISHING HOUSES and Herald of Health, E. D. Thomas; Burmese Kin Saung (Signs of the Times), J. 0. Wilson and Saya Saw U. Languages in which publications are issued: English, Urdu, Hindi, Gurmukhi, Marathi, Gujerati, Santa li, Bengali, Oriya, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Singhalese. Burmese, Sgau Karen, Pwo Karen, Khasi, Mundari. Book Depots: 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore; 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow; 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon, Burma; 6 Dhondy Road, Devlali, Nasik Dist. (Literature is being published in Pwo Karen, Khasi, Oriya and Mundari, but not in our own institutions.) PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Mountain View, Calif. Established 1875 Cable Address: " Uprising," Mountain View, Calif. Territory: The Pacific, North Pacific, Central, and the InterAmerican Conferences. Board of Directors: C. H. Jones, A. G. Daniells, Glenn Calkins, J. H. Cochran, H. G. Childs, A. 0. Tait, David Voth, J. R. Ferren, R. P. Rowe, J. L. Jones, E. W. Everest. Officers: Pres., A G. Daniells; VicePres., J. H. Cochran; Sec. and Treas., H. G. Childs; Recording Sec. of Board, R. P. Rowe; General Conference Auditor, H. W. Barrows. Advisory Committee: H. W. Cottrell, J. F. Piper, E. K. Slade, G. A. Roberts, J. E. Fulton, R F. Hackman. Managers and Department Heads: General Manager, J. H. Cochran; Associate General Manager, H. G. ChildS; Book De- partment, E. W. Everest; Assistant, C. F. Jones; Periodical Department, J. R. Ferren; Assistant, G. A. Perrine; Cashier, R. P. Rowe; Assistant Cashier, C. N. Lake; Superintendent, J. L. Jones; Traffic Manager, C. F. Jones; Art Director, M. 11 Drake. Publishing Committee: A. G. Daniells, Glenn Calkins, J. H. Cochran H. G. Childs, A. 0. Tait, J. L. Jones, D. A. Lower, R. P. Rowe, J. R. Ferren, C. N. Lake, A. L. Baker, C. F. Jones, M. B. Drake, Ada M. Leavett, Ernest Lloyd, G. A. Perrine, G. Dalrymple, E. W. Everest, Edythe Ayers. Editors: Signs of the Times, A. 0. Tait, A. L. Baker; Assistant Editor, G. Dalrymple; Our Little Friend, Ernest Lloyd; Health, P. T. Magan, A. L. Baker; Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer. Central Branch 2211 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. Manager: R. E. Bowles. Northwest Branch 2101 N. E. Flanders St., Portland, Oregon. Manager: J. M. Rowse. Pacific Branch Box 548, Mountain View, Calif. Manager: D. A. Lower. Inter-American Factory Branch Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Manager, . Superintendent: D. A. Cone. Editor: El Centinela Magazine, B. 0. Maxson. Advisory Committee: D. A. Cone, E. E. Andross, W. A. Bergberm, N. W. Dunn, B. 0. Maxson. International Branch Office: Brookfield, Ill. Manager: —. PUBLISHING HOUSES Manager Book and Periodical Departments: • Cashier: B. L. Grundset. Advisory Committee: B. L. Grundset, E. Thuesen, W. H. Branson, W. H. Holden, C. A. Thorp, K. A. Offerman, M. A. Hollister, Olaf Granlund. Editors: Managing Editor, .... • Christlicher Hausfreund, K. A. Offerman; Deutscher Botschafter, K. A. Offerman; Evangeliets Sendebud, C. A. Thorp; Sions Vaktare, Olaf Granlund; Yiddish Magazine, F. C. Gilbert, Samuel Kaplan. The Pacific Press Publishing Assn., at its main office and two fac tory branches, issues: Periodicals and Magazines in English, Bohemian, Danish-Norwegian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese. Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, and Yiddish. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies In English, Bohemian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, and Ukrainian, Books, Pamphlets and Tracts in English, Arabic, Armenian, Bohemian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish-Norwegian, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Lettonian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Syriac, Ukrainian, Yiddish, and stocks in the Oriental languages. Special attention is also given to the publication of standard school textbooks and juvenile literature. Complete catalog sent free on application. PHILIPPINE PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1914 Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. 263 Cable Address: "Philipunion," Manila. Factory Located at 1925-1939 Luna Street (cor. San Juan Street), Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. (Please do not direct mail to this address.) Executive Committee: R. R. Figuhr, Chairman; E. A. Moon, Secretary; H. W. Klaser, M. F. Wiedemann, W. H. Bergherm, E. N..Lugenbeal, F. A. Pratt, Flaviano Dalisay, J. B. Emralino, E. M. Adams, W. B. Riffel, Regino Villanueva, Urbano Castillo, Abdon Capobres. Local Board of Management: R. R. Figuhr, Chairman; E. A. Moon, Vice-Chairman; Regino Villanueva, Secretary; M. F. Wiedemann, H. W. Klaser, N. F. Legaspi, W. H. Bergherm. Manager and Treasurer: E. A. Moon_ Editors: Ang Tanglaw (Tagalog), E. A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, Jacinto Suban, Regino Villanueva; Ti Damag ti Pagarian (Ilocano), E. A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, Regino Villanueva, Jacinto Suban; Pampangan, Pangasian, Bicol, Cebuan-Visayan and PanayanVisayan, undated _magazines, E. A. Moon; Mizpa (Tagalog Church Paper), E. A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, F. A. Pratt, Flaviano Dalisay; Mizpa (Ilocano Church Paper), E. A. Moon• associates, R. R. Figuhr, E. N. 'Lugenbeal; Mizpah (Panayan Visayan Church Paper), E. A. Moon; Associates, R. R. Figuhr, E. M. Adams; Mizpa (Cebuan-Visayan Church Paper), E. A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, W. B. Riffel. Languages in which publications are issued: Tagalog, PanayanVisayan, Cebuan-Visayan, Ilocano, Pampangan, Bicol, Ibanag, Pangasian, Samarefi.o. 264 PUBLISHING HOUSES POLISH PUBLISHING HOUSE ("Polski Dom Nakladowy" Lim.) Established 1921 Ul. Turecka 1., Warsaw, Poland Manager: M. Wasidlow. Publishing Board: T. T. Babienco, M. Wasidlow, W. Czembor, K. Schafer. Editors: St. Kwiecinski, W. Czembor. Literature: Published in Polish (Latin character only), German, Russian, Ukrainian. PORTUGUESE PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1924 Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal Manager: P. Ribeiro. Local Board: A. D. Gomes, M. Leal, P. Ribeiro. REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Established 1849; incorporated 1861; reincorporated 1903 Cable Address: "Randh," Wash- ington. Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia, and Lake Union Conferences. Constituency: The trustees Of the corporation; members of the executive committee of the General Conference; members of the executive committees of the Atlantic, Columbia, and Lake Union Conferences, and of each local conference therein, as well as the Union and local Field Missionary and Union and local Home Missionary, and Book and Bible House secretaries therein; the editors of the periodicals published by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, the managers of the publishing house departments and its branch offices, the foremen of the institution, and such employees as have rendered ten years of continuous service, including service at allied publishing institutions, and who are accepted as members by a majority vote of the constituency at any regular meeting, " and such stockholders of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association of Battle Creek, Mich., as shall donate their stock in said association to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and shall make written application to the Secretary of said Conference for such membership, previously to Jan. 1, 1905." Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, E. L. Richmond, J. L. McElhany, M. E. Kern, J. K. Jones, H. J. Detwiler, W. H. Holden, J. W. Mace, L. W. Graham, C. P. Bollman, W. H. Williams, R. W. Conard, H. H. Hamilton, C. C. Pulver, 'W. P. Elliott. Officers: President, F. M. Wilcox; Vice-Presidents, J. L. McElhany, E. L. Richmond; Gen. Mgr., E. L. Richmond; Asst. Manager, J. W. Mace; Sec. and Treas. L. W. Graham; Auditor, General Conference Auditor. Department Managers: Supt., it. W. Conard; Book Dept., .T. W. Mace; Periodical Dept., W. P. Elliott; Associates, C. E. Palmer, M. E. Dawson. Editors: Review and Herald, F. M. Wilcox; associates, W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, F. D. Nichol, T. M. French; special contributors,, A. G. Daniells, J. L. Shaw, J. L. McElhany, I. H. Evans, 0. Montgomery, L. H. Christian, E. E. Andross, W. H. Branson, C. H. Watson, N. P. Neilsen, N. C. Wilson, A. V. Olson, G. W. Selinbert, M. E. Kern, H. W. Miller, Frederick Griggs, W. G. PUBLISHING HOUSES Turner, J. F. Wright. The Youth's Instructor, Lora E. Clement; Editorial Council, F. D. Nichol, C. A. Russell, C. L. Bond, S. A. Wellman. Life and Health, A. W. Truman, M. D., L. A. Hansen, C. H. Wolohon, M. D.; contributing editors, D. IL Kress, M. D., W. A. Ruble, M. D., 0. S. Parrett, M. D., A. B. Olsen, M. D., Belle Wood-Comstock, M. D., G. T. Harding, M. D., Kathryn L. Jensen, R. N. Liberty, C. S. Longacre; associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft; managing editor; C. P. Bollman. Sabbath School Worker, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associate, Rosamond D. Ginther; assistant, Margaret Weir; Editorial Contributors, S. A. Wellman, J. C. Thompson: Church Officers' Gazette, T. E. Bowen; associates, A. W. Peterson, J. A. Stevens; assistants, Mrs. Grace D. Mace, Emma E. Howell; editorial council, J. L. McElhany, H. T. Elliott, M. E. Kern. Present Truth, F. D. Nichol; associate, C. P. Bollman. The Ministry, I. H. Evans, L. E. Froom. Book Editors, C. P. Bollman, F. A. Coffin, T. M. French. Book Committee: J. W. Mace, Chairman.; F. A. Coffin, Secretary; E. L. Richmond, C. P: Bollman, F. M. Wilcox, L. A. Hansen, F. D. Nichol, Miss L. E. Clement, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, L. MT. Graham, D. W. Reavis, M. E. Kern, R. W. Collard, H. H. Hamilton, J. A. Stevens, L. E. Froom, C. Lester Bond, C. E. Weaks. W. P. Elliott, A. W. Peterson, W. R. French, T. M. French, M. E. Olsen, W. E. Nelson, N. Z. Town. South Bend Branch 432 South Fellows St., South Bend, Ind. Manager: J. D. Snider. .265 New York Branch • 898 Washington St., Peekskill, N. Y. Manager: D. A. Bailey. Washington Branch Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Manager: J. W. Mace. RUMANIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1920 Corporate Name: "CuvAntul Evangheliei," S. A., Institut de Arte Grafice si Editurfi.. Office Address: Strada Mitropolitul Ghenadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania. Manager: A. Vacareanu. Treasurer: P. P. Paulini, jun. Managing Board: Rumanian Union Committee. Local Committee: A. Vacareanu, P. P. Paulini, sen., P. P. Paulini, jnr., V. Florescu, J. Dengel. Book Committee: P. P. Paulini, St. Demetrescu, D. Florea, V. Truppel, A. Vacareanu, V. Florescu. Editors: V. Florescu, P. P. Paulini, jnr. Circulation Department: J. Dengel, G. Popa. SCANDINAVIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Established 1897 Corporate Name: Skandinavisk Bokforlag. Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet, Oslo. Publishing Board: L. Muderspach, A. C. Christensen, T. Tobiassen, 0. S. Lie, A. Varmer, E. Jjaands, J. M. Nielsen, Lief Nielsen, 0. S. Sorensen. Local Board: A. C. Christensen, L. Muderspach, 0. S. Lie, P. G. Nelson, Lief Nielsen, T. Opsahl. 266 PUBLISHING HOUSES Manager and Treasurer: A. C. Christensen. Editors: Sundhedsbladet, C. Ottosen, M. D.; Tidens Tale and Missionsefterretninger, P. G. Nelsen. SENTINEL PUBLISHING COMPANY Established 1916 Address: Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape Province, South Africa. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Sentinel," Kenilworth, Cape. Managing Board: J. F. Wright, Chairman; J. G. Slate, Sec.; F. E. Potter, S. G. Hiten, A. E. Nelson, J. I. Robison, N. C. Wilson, E. C. Boger, L. L. Moffitt, A. F. Tarr, D. W. Haupt, M. P. Robison, J. N. Krum. Manager and Treasurer: J. G. Slate. Editors: Signs of the Times, J. I. Robison; associate editors, Mrs. J. L. Milford, J. N. Krum; The Southern African Division Outlook, A. E. Nelson; associate editor, Mrs. J. L. Milford. Languages in Which Publications Are Issued: English, Afrikaans, Dutch, Zulu, Xosa, Lamba, Sechwana, Sesuto, Chitonga, Chibemba, Chishona, Chinyanja, Sikololo, Runyaruanda, Kfluba, Kingwana. SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUBLISHING HOUSE Shanghai, China Established 1905 Postal Address: 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Cable Address: " Signs," Shanghai. Constituency: Members of the General Conference Executive Committee that may be present at any meeting, members of the local board, editors and translators of the said Publishing House, heads of departments in said Publishing House, Director of the Kiangsu Mission, Field and Home Misionary Secretary of East China Union Mission, head of the China Training Institute, head of the Oriental Branch of the Honie Study Institute. Board of Management: H. W. Miller, Chairman; E. R. Thiele, Vice-Chairman; T. C. Chin, Sec.; Frederick Lee, C. C. Crisler, C. C. Morris, K. H. Wood, Y. H. Chu, W. T. Wang, T. C. Chin, 0. B. Kuhn, John Oss, P. D. Shan, Joseph May, Chang Chin Yuan. Officers: Manager, E. R. Thiele; Sec. and Treas., T. C. Chin; Superintendent, W. T. Wong. Reading Committee: Frederick Lee, Chairman; E. R. Thiele, vicechairman; B. A. Liu, Joseph May, M. R. Liu, D. 0. Goh, John Oss, K. H. Wood, 0. A. Hall, Dzou Pei Hsin, E. L. Longway, Tan Kia 0, Y. H. Chu, S. H. Lindt, Djao Wen Li, H. C. Shen, C. 0. Ko. Editors: Shi Djao Yueh Bao (The Signs of the Times), Frederick Lee, Y. H. Chu; associate, Joseph May. Ma Shi Muh Sheng (Last Day Shepherd's Call), Frederick Lee; associates, C. C. Crisler, Joseph T. May, D. 0. Gob, C. 0. Ko, B. Dzeng, Y. H. Chu. An Shi Er Hsioh Liang Dzu (The Sabbath School Helper), Miss Bessie Mount; assistants, E. R. Thiele, Mrs. K. H. Wood, Yeh Kwen Gan. Gi Du Fu Lin An Shi Er Hwei Tung Yin Yueh K'an (The China Division Gazette), D. E. Rebok; associates, John Oss, Frederick Lee, Yeh Kwen Gan, Bessie Mount. The China Division Reporter, G. C. Crisler. PUBLISHING HOUSES SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUBLISHING HOUSE Seiryori, Seoul, Chosen Established 1909 Postal Address: Box 2, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Board of Management: The Chosen Union Mission Committee. Officers: W. E. Gillis, Manager; C. U. Pak, Treasurer. Local Board: H. A. Oberg, Chairman; W. E. Gillis, C. U. Pak, Ernst Bahr, T. H. Chae, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, C. C. Kim. Editors: Signs of the Times, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin; associate, H. A. Oberg; Church Compass, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin; associate, H. A. Oberg. SIGNS PUBLISHING COMPANY Warburton, Victoria, Australia Established 1905 Cable Address: " Signs," Warburton. Manager: J. J. Potter. Board: G. G. Stewart Chairman; J. J. Potter, W. G. Turner, A. H. Piper, W. S. Renn, E. Parkinson, T. W. Hammond, T. A. Mitchell, W. J. Westerman, T. A. Sherwin, A. L. King, T. N. Bush. Editors: Signs of the Times, A. L. King; asso. editor, A. M. Fraser; editorial contributor, A. W. Anderson; Life and Health, A. L. King; Our Little Friend, A. M. Fraser. SOLOMON ISLAND MISSION PRESS Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands Superintendent: A. R. Barrett. 267 SOLUSI MISSION PRESS Established 1932 Postal Address: Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Telegraphic Address: "Zumosda," Bulawayo. Managing Board: Solusi Training School Board. Manager: W. B. Higgins. Languages in Which Publications Are Issued: English, Sendebele, Chishona, Chitonga, Chibemba, Sikololo, Chilamba. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTS 2119-2125 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Established 1901 Cable Address: " Watchman," Nashville. Territory: The Southern a n d Southwestern Union Conferences. Constituency: Members of the General Conference Executive Committee; members of the executive committees of the Southern, and Southwestern Union Conferences; the Book and Bible House secretaries, the field missionary secretaries, and the home missionary secretaries both union and local, within the above named union conferences; together with the Board of Directors and heads of Departments of said Southern Publishing Association. Board of Managers: S. A. Ruskjer, G. A. Huse, W. R. White, W. H. Branson, R. B. Thurber, R. L. Benton. V. G. Anderson, H. F. Kirk, B. E. Wagner, J. B. Nelson, W. A. Harvey. Officers: President, S. A. Ruskjer; Vice-President and General Manager, G. A. Huse; Secretary and Treasurer, W. R. White. Managers and Department Heads: General Manager and. Book De- 268 PUBLISHING HOUSES partment, G. A. Huse; Superintendent, W. A. Harvey; Periodical Department, J. B. Nelson; Assistant Superintendent, L. F. Diu-ocher. The Watchman Magazine: Editor, R. B. Thurber; Circulation Manager, J. B. Nelson. Publishing Committee: G. A. Huse, Chairman; R. B. Thurber, Secretary; S. A. Ruskjer, V. 0. Anderson, J. B. Nelson, W. A. Harvey, W. R. White, L. F. Durocher, Mary H. Moore, F. E. Robert, W. W. Noss. SPANISH PUBLISHING HOUSE (Editorial Espa,Aola) Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain Established 1915 Telegraphic Address: Advent, Madrid. Publishing Board: R. Gerber, J. C. Culpepper, R. Fit6. Manager: R. Fit6. Editor: "Sefiales de los Tiempos " and "La Revista Adventista Iberica," R. Gerber. TIBETAN MISSION PRESS Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China Director: P. P. Bartholomew. UNION COLLEGE PRESS College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Manager: W. H. Graham. WASHINGTON COLLEGE PRESS Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Board of Managers: College Board. Manager: S. Arason. (This institution is operated as a department of the Washington Missionary College, a large part of the work being done by students.) GOLD COAST DEPOSITORY S. D. A. Mission, Box 45, Bekwai, via Takoradi, Gold Coast, West Africa Manager: J. Clifford. STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING ' HOUSE Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden Established 1895 Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm. Corporate Name: Skandinaviska Ftirlagsexpeditionen7 Publishing Board: G. A. Lindsay, E. H. Larsson, G. E. Nord, C. Gidlund, K. R. Sandstrom, 0. Angervo, R. E. Engstrom. Manager: E. H. Larsson. Editor: Tidens Tecken, 0. Angervo; Missionaren, Sven Bjur; Sundhedsbladet, Dr. Gottfrid Thorell, Dr. Carl Ottosen. SUNGARI MISSION PRESS Box zo, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. ARABIC LITERATURE SOCIETY P. 0. Box 478, Haifa, Palestine Manager: E. Maier. GREEK DEPOSITORY Post Box 144, Salonica, Greece In Charge: A. N. Stabellos. LITHUANIAN DEPOSITORY Parodos g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania Established 1925. Corporate Name: "Lietuvos knygu, leibykla Uola." Directors: Lithuanian Mission Committee. PUBLISHING HOUSES PERSIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY Manager: E. Ashod, Tabriz, Persia. Publishing Committee: E. F. Oster, E. Ashod, K. Tulaszewski. SOUTHEAST NIGERIAN DEPOSITORY S. D. A. Mission, Box 41, Aba, Southern Nigeria Manager: L. Edmonds. 269 SOUTHWEST NIGERIAN DEPOSITORY S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box io, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa Manager: W. McClements. TURKISH DEPOSITORY Posta Kutusu 2242, Istanbul, Turkey Manager: F. Backer. LIST OF PERIODICALS ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION GENERAL PERIODICALS Advent Review and Sabbath Herald: Denominational church paper, established 1849; published weekly; annual subscription, $2.50; six months, $1.40; Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, F. M. Wilcox; associate editors, W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, F. D. Nichol, T. M. French. The Signs of the Times (leading missionary paper and prophetic expositor); illustrated 16-page weekly; annual subscription, $1.50; published by the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Calif.; editors, A. 0. Tait, A. L. Baker; assistant editor, G. Dalrymple. The Watchman Magazine: General missionary journal and Bible expositor; an illustrated monthly magazine; annual subscription, $1.00; R. B. Thurber, editor; J. B. Nelson, circulation manager; published by the Southern Pub. Assn., 2119-2125 Twentyfourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. The Youth's Instructor: organ of Young People's Missionary Volunteer Department of the General Conference, also the Sabbath School lessons for the youth; published weekly; annual subscription, $1.75; Six months, $1.00. Published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, Miss Lora E. Clement. Liberty: a magazine of religious freedom; an illustrated quarterly; organ of the Religious 270 Liberty Association; single copy, 20 cents; yearly subscription, 36 cents. Published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, C. S. Longacre; associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft; managing editor, C. P. Bollman. The Present Truth: a one-topic 8page semimonthly for general missionary purposes; illustrated. Single subscription, 25 cents. Postage extra to foreign countries. Published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, 1). C.; editor, F. D. Nichol; associate editor, C. P. Bollman. The Present Truth (British) : Devoted to a presentation of the second coming of Christ, and general Bible truth; 16-page semimonthly, annual subscription, 4/6 ($1.10) Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, A. S. Maxwell. The Signs of the Times (devoted to an exposition of Bible truth and signs of the times); 16-page weekly, annual subscription, 6/6, to countries outside of Australia, and in the Postal Union, I0/($2.50) ; Warburton, Victoria, Australia; editor, A. L. King. Canadian Watchman Magazine: Sixteen-page semi-monthly; annual subscription $1.00 a year; published by the Canadian Watchman Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. The Signs of the Times: Devoted to an explanation of the signs of the times and Sabbath truth; 8-page monthly; annual sub- PERIODICALS scription, 2/6d; editor, J. I. Robison; associate editors, Mrs. J. L. Milford, J. N. Krum. Published by the Sentinel Publishing Company, Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Life and Health: National health magazine; an illustrated monthly; a practical journal for the common people; yearly subscription, $1.00; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editors, A. W. Truman, M. D., L. A. Hansen, C. H. Wolohon, M. D. Health (a health magazine); illustrated 36-page monthly; annual subscription, $1.50; published by the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Calif.; editor, P. T. Magan; managing editor, A. L. Baker. Life and Health: A 32-page magazine, published bimonthly; devoted to healthful living. Annual subscription, 3/6 postpaid. Signs Publishing Co., Warburton, Victoria, Australia; editor, A. L. King. Good Health: devoted to hygiene and principles of healthful living; 24 pages monthly; annual subscription, 3/6, England; 5/0 abroad); ($1.25). Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, Dr. C. E. Nelson, W. L. Emmerson. Sabbath School Worker (organ of the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference); 32page monthly; annual subscription, 90 cents; in clubs of two or more, 75 cents; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associate,Rosamond , Margaret D. Ginther; assistat Weir. Home and School (Organ of the Educational Department of the General Conference and the 271 Home Commission); published monthly for nine months of the year, thirty-two pages; annual subscription price, $1.00, published by Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tenn., for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. Flora H. Williams; associate editors, A. W. Spalding, C. A. Russell. Sabbath School Quarterly: forty pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal. Our Little Friend (a child's paper); illustrated weekly; annual subscription, $1.00; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal.; editor, Ernest Lloyd. Church Officers' Gazette: sixteenpage monthly, annual subscription 90 cents; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washinton, D. C.; editor, T. E. Bowen; associates, A. W. Peterson, J. A. Stevens; assistants, Emma Howell, Mrs. Grace D. Mace. The Ministry: Twenty-four page monthly; annual subscription, $L00; published for the Ministerial Association of Seventhday Adventists by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; L. E. Froom, I. H. Evans, editors. Missionary Leader: Eight-page monthly, published by the Australasian Union Conference, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia; editor, Miss V. M. Rogers. the Christian Record (a magazine printed for the blind in Revised Braille and in New York Point); monthly, fifty-six pages, sent free to blind persons; published at College View, Lincoln, Nebr.; editor and manager, D. D. Rees. 272 PERIODICALS The Christian Record Sabbath School Monthly, containing the denominational Sabbath school lessons; by the Christian Record Benevolent Association. The Bible Expositor, a 12-page monthly journal for the blind, printed in Revised Braille and New York Point, dealing with Bible doctrines; published by the Christian Record Benevolent Association, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. The Christian Record Benevolent Association also has a free Circulating Library department containing denominational books and pamphlets and other books of general interest for free circulation among the blind. These are sent to the reader and returned to the office franked by the government. The Sentinel.-18-page monthly, annual subscription S. S. $1.50; published by the Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements; editors, J. G. Gjording, L. I. Bowers. The Oriental Watchman and Herald of Health: 36 pages and cover; issued monthly; $2.40 a year; editor, G. F. Enoch, Post Box 35, Poona, India. The Medical Evangelist: Devoted to health reform and medical missionary work; published weekly by the College of Medical Evangelists, at Loma Linda, Calif., with no subscription price; editor, 0. R. Staines. Our Little Friend: Semimonthly; 5/6 a year; Signs Pub. Co., Warburton, Victoria, Australia; editor, A. M. Fraser. DIVISION PERIODICALS Australasian Record (official organ of the Australasian Union Conference); 8-page weekly; annual subscription 5s; foreign countries, 5s; published by the Australasian Union Conference, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia; editor, Miss V. M. Rogers. Rundschau der Gemeinschaft der S. T. A. Mitteleuropaische Division (Organ of the Central European Division) : quarterly; editor, H. F. Schuberth; AdventVerlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. The China Division Reporter: Organ of the China Division of the General Conference; subscription price, 75 cents gold a year; monthly; twelve to sixteen pages; editor. C. C. Criqler: iqsued at 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern Division Outlook: Organ of Far Eastern Division, P. 0. Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands; 8-page monthly; subscription price 50 cents gold per year; editor, W. P. Bradley; associate editor, Dorothy J. 'Wheeler. Inter-American Division Messenger (English) : 16-page monthly; 50 cents a year; Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone; Mrs. E. E. Andross, editor. A similar paper is published in Spanish as El 1VIensajero de la Division Interamaricane. The Advent Survey: Organ of the Northern European Division of the General Conference, eightpage monthly; annual subscription 2/6; editor, W. T. Bartlett, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American Bulletin: (organ of the South American Division of the General Conference); annual subscription price, 50 cents gold a year; monthly; 8 pages; PERIODICALS editor, P. H. Barnes; asso. editors, N. P. Neilsen, Roger Altman; issued at Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern African Division Outlook: Fortnightly; annual subscription 2/6; editor, A. E. Nelson; published by the Southern African Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 273 Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Eastern Tidings: 8-page semi• monthly; $1.00 a year; official organ of the Southern Asia Division; editor, G. F. Enoch, Post Box 35, Poona, India. Quarterly Review: Organ of the Southern European Division of. the General Conference; editor, Steen Rasmussen, 17 Hoheweg, Berne, Switzerland. UNION. CONFERENCE PERIODICALS Atlantic Union Gleaner (official organ of the Atlantic Union Conference) ; eight-page weekly; 50 cents a year; acting editor, Eva M. Linscott; published at South Lancaster, Mass. Canadian Union Messenger (official organ of the Canadian Union Conference) ; 8-page bi-weekly; 50 cents a year; published by the Canadian Union Conference at College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta; editor, W. E. Perrin, 209-212; Birks Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Central Union Reaper (organ of Central Union Conference) ; 8page weekly; annual subscription, 50 cents; editor, D. D. Rees; published at College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Columbia Union Visitor (official organ of the Columbia Union Conference) ; eight-page weekly; 50 cents; published at Mt. Vernon, Ohio; editor, A. B. Cole. Lake Union Herald (official organ of the Lake Union Conference) ; 16-page weekly; $1.50 a year; editor, L. W. Foote; published at Berrien Springs, Mich., and printed by the College Press. North Pacific Union Gleaner (official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference); eight-page weekly; 50 cents a year; published by the North Pacific Union Conference, College Place, Wash.; editor, R. T. Emery. Pacific Union Recorder: (official organ of the Pacific Union Conference) ; 8-page weekly; 50 cents; editor, W. C. Raley; mail address, Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Southern Tidings (organ of the Southern Union Conference) ; 8-page' weekly; 50 cents yearly; F. W. Field, editor; published by the Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Southwestern Union Record (official organ of the Southwestern Union Conference); eight-page weekly; 50 cents; published at Keene, Texas; editor, C. L. Bauer. Field Gleanings from the Caribbean Union: Published monthly by the Caribbean Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 107 Queen St., Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Pr ice per year, 48 cents; editor, Etta Hewgley. The Missionary Worker: (official organ of the British Union Conference.); 8-page semimonthly; annual subscription, 3/0 (75e.), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, A. S. Maxwell. PERIODICALS 274 Zambesi Union Missionary: month- ly; 4 pages; is per year; Zambesi Union Mission, Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa; D. A. Webster, editor; E. C. Boger, associate editor. LOCAL PERIODICALS 6-page, The Campus Chronicle: 4 page weekly, issued by the Student monthly; 25 cents a year; ediPub. Assn. of Pacific Union tor, C. E. Andross; published by College during the school year. the Jamaica Conference of Sev$1.00 per year; editor, Veva L. enth-day Adventists, Kingston, Jamaica; printed by the West • Bolander, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Indian Training College, MandeThe Clock Tower: published on alville, Jamaica. ternate Thursdays of the school year and once during the sumSCHOOL AND SANITARIUM mer vacation, by the students JOURNALS of Union College; Arthur Bietz, of Union College; Mary Jene Academy Forum: Six-page semiWofford, editor-in-chief; submonthly; published by the stuscription price, $1.00 a year; Coldents of Union Springs Academy, Union Springs, N. Y.; lege View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. editor, Gladys Gallinger; 50 The College Key: four-page tricents a year. weekly, published by the StuThe Acorn: Published bimonthly dents of Glendale Union Acadat Oak Park Academy, Nevada, emy, Glendale, Calif.; editor, Iowa; editor, Edward Taylor. Roberta Feldkamp; subscription, Arsenal: eight-page bi-monthly; 50 cents a year. issued by the Pacific Press Pub- The Collegian: 4-page weekly, by lishing Association, Mountain Students' Association of Walla View, Calif. Walla College, College Place, Boulder Canon Sentinel: 4-page, 'Wash.; editor, Kenneth Wilson; issued quarterly, by the Boulder$1.00 a year. Colorado Sanitarium Nurses Al- The Mountain Ash: Published lumni Assn., Boulder, Colo.; subyearly by the Associated Stuscription price 50 cents per year; dents of Walla Walla College. R. A. Andrews, R. N., editor; About 128 pages. Price, $1.50. Miss Evelyn Irwin, R. N., asso- Walla Walla College Bulletin: ciate editor. Quarterly; free; published by The Broadcaster: 4-page monthly, the Faculty Publication Compublished by the students of mittee at College Place, Wash. Los Angeles Academy, 3210 Post Bulletin of School of Theology: St., Los Angeles, Calif.; editor, One quarter's issue of the ColCarlos Nicolas; subscription lege Bulletin. price, 50 cents a year. Emmanuel Missionary College BulThe Broadview Exponent: 4-page letin: quarterly; free; editorial journal sheet, biweekly during committee: The President and ..the school year, monthly during Administrative Council; pubthe summer months; 25 cents a lished at Berrien Springs, Mich. year; editor, Helen Shively, The Gateway: four-page, monthly; Broadview Academy, La Grange, published by the Students of Illinois. Lodi Academy, Lodi, Calif.; ediThe Jamaican Visitor: 275 PERIODICALS tor, Marjorie Heiser; 50 cents a year. The Hillside Radiogram: 4-page bi-monthly, issued by the Alumni Association of the St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital Training School for Nurses. Subscription price, 50 cents per year; free to Alumni members; editor, Miss Dorothy Blake, R. N. The Lancastrian: Hi-weekly, 18 numbers; published by the College Council of Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, Mass.; editor, Austin McEntee. La Voz del Colegio: Twelve-page monthly; issued by the student body of the Colegio Adventista del Plata; $1.00 per year; published at Puiggari, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Pacific Union College Bulletin: Quarterly; free; published by the Faculty Publication Committee, at Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Shen-Val-Lore: 4-page bi-weekly; published by the Shenandoah Valley Academy, New Market, Va.; editor, Mrs. V. H. Campbell; 25 cents a year. Shiawassian: four-page monthly; published by the Missionary Volunteer Student Association of Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.; editor, Esther Merriam; 25 cents a year. The Sligonian: Issued bi-weekly during school year; annual subscription, $1.00; published by Washington Missionary College. Southern Junior College Catalog: one number a year, (usually about 96 pages); distributeil free; published in the interests of the school; edited by a committee appointed by Southern Junior College Faculty, Collegedale, Tenn. The Southland Scroll: four-page periodical published at Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn., every week throughout the summer, and at irregular intervals during the school year. Student Forum: four-page semimonthly; published by the Student Forum staff of Enterprise Academy, Enterprise, Kans.; editor, Elinore Hahn; 50 cents a year. The Student Movement: 4-pages; bi-monthly; 75 cents a year; 18 issues; editor, Sherman McCormick; published at Berrien Springs, Mich. Unser Seminar (Our Seminary): School paper of the Seminary Marienhohe-Darmstadt; twentyfour pages; issued ten times a year; subscription price M2.20 (50 cents), editor, Erich Vetter, Marienh6he-Darmstadt, G e r many. Ungdomens Budbarare: Students' paper of the Mission School, Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden; 12-page monthly; subscription, kr. 2.50; editor, Miss Ingrid Albiner. FOREIGN PERIODICALS AFRIKAANS ANNAMESE Tekens van die Tye (Signs of the Times): eight-page monthly; annual subscription 2/6; published by the Sentinel Publishing Co., Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa; editor, J. I. Robison; associate editor, J. L. Milford. Nhung Su Tich Hay Trong KinhThanh (Sabbath School Quar- terly); 74 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons; annual subscription, 40 cents, F. I. C. currency; Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper Serangoon 276 PERIODICALS Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. BICOL Mizpa: a church paper in Bicol; published by the Southern Luzon Mission of S. D. A., P. 0. Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands; editor, E. A. Moon; associate, J. B. Emralino. Also an undated missionary paper in Bicol; published by the Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands; editor, E. A. Moon. BULGARIAN Westitel Na Istinata (Herald of Truth).; 16 pages, annual subscription, Leva 40,—; editor, Kosta Waswasoff, Solunska 49/ 10 Sofia, Bulgaria. BURMESE Burmese Kin Saung (Signs of the Times) : a monthly missionary paper published and printed by the Oriental Watchman Publishing House, Post Box 35, Poona, India; editors, J. 0. Wilson and Saya Saw U. C/io 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon, Burma. CEBUAN • 8-page semimonthly church Mizpa: paper; editor, E: A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, W. B. Riffel; .50 cents gold a year; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Also an undated missionary paper in Cebuan by the Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands; editor, E. A. Moon. CHINYANJA The Malamulo Mission Press, at Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa, issues two periodicals in the Chinyanja language, as follows: Sabbath School Quarterly and the Advent Messenger. CHINESE (Periodicals issued by the Signs of the Times Publishing House, 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China.) Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the Times); 36-page monthly magazine; yearly subscription, $1.20 gold; editor, Frederick Lee; associate editors, Y. H. Chu, E. R. Thiele; circulation mgr., Mo Shi Muh Sheng: (The Last Day Shepherd's Call) Mandarin; 32-page semimonthly; yearly subscription, 60 cents, gold; editor, Frederick Lee; associates, Joseph May, Y. H. Chu, E. R. Thiele, D. 0. Gob; assistant, T. C. Tseng. Contributing editors, H. W. Miller, C. C. Crisler, •S. L. Frost, John Oss, Bessie Mount, N. F. Brewer, 0. A. Hall, M. C. Warren, G. J. Appel, K. H. Wood, E. L. Longway, J. Effenberg; circulation manager, . An Shi Er Hsioh Liang Dzu (The Sabbath School Helper) : 80-page quarterly; subscription, 25 cents gold; editor, Miss Bessie Mount, assistants, Mrs. K. H. Wood, K. G. Yeh. Gi Du Fu Lin An Shi Er Hwei Tung Yin Yueh K'an (The China Division Gazette) : Sixteen-page monthly, sent free to workers and church officers in the China Division; editor, D. E. Rebok; associate editors, Frederick Lee, John Oss, Miss Bessie Mount, Yeh Kwen Gan. CROATIAN— Preporod (Regeneration): 16-page; published by Izdavai.lka Knjiiara "Proporod," Zeleni Venac 1/I., Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health) : 16-page; published by Izdava&a Knjfitra "Preporod," Zeleni Venac VI., Belgrade, Jugoslavia. 277 PERIODICALS 8-page Glasnik (Messenger) : monthly church paper; published by Izdavaeka Knjizara "Preporod," Zeleni Venac VI., Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Croatian; published by Izdavaeka Knjilara "Proporod," Zeleni Venac 1/I., Belgrade, Jugoslavia. CZECHIAN (BOHEMIAN) Hlasatel Pravdy (Herald of Truth) : 16-page, two-monthly, published by Czechoslovakian Publishing House, Brno-Kral. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia; editor, F. Fiala. Stria Sionska (Advent Messenger) : two-monthly; published by Czechoslovakian Publishing House, Brno-Kral. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia; editor, F. Fiala. Biblicke fikoly (Sabbath School Lessons, Quarterly): published by Czechoslovakian Publishing House, Brno-Kral. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia, editor, F. Fiala. DANISH-NORWEGIAN Evangelists Sendebud: Eight-page Missionary weekly; annual subscription, $1.75 in U. S., $2.00 outside; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp. Tidens Tale: 24-page monthly (missionary paper); annual subscription, kr. 6.00; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway; and Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; editor, P. G. Nelsen. Missionsefterretninger: 8 - page monthly (church paper) ; published in common for Norway and Denmark; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway; and Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; editor, P. G. Nelsen. Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal) : 24-page monthly; annual subscription, kr. 8.00; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway, and Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; editor, C. Ottosen, M. D., Skodsborg, Denmark; editorial secretary; P. G. Nelsen, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Advent-Ungdom (Young People's paper): 16-page monthly—annual subscription kr.3.00, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway and Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V, Denmark. Editor, Karl Abraham sell. Afdelings-Baandet: 4-page quarterly; 25 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, N. R. Nelson. ESTONIAN Meie Aeg (Present Time) 16-page monthly; annual subscription E-Kr. 2.- (for America 70 cents) ; editor, M. Biirengrub, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. Misjioniteated: (Missionary News) 8-page monthly; editor, M. Bil.rengrub, Merepuistee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. FIJIAN Rarama: 8-page monthly; annual subscription, 2/-; published at the Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. Na Davui ni Lotu: 8-page monthly; Annual Subscription 1/-; published at Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. FINNISH tikain Vartija: 16-page monthly; annual subscription, in Finland, Fmk. 20.00, for other countries Fmk. 30.00; Annegat 7, Helsingfors, Finland; editor, A. Rintala. Siionin Ystavd: 7-page monthly; annual subscription, in Finland Fmk. /20.00, for other countries, Fmk. /30.00, Annegat 7, Helsingf ors, Finland; editor, A. Unhola. 278 PERIODICALS FLEMISH Leven en Gezondheid (Life and Health, Flemish), sixteen-page monthly health paper; annual subscription, for Belgium: 25 francs (Belgian); for Belgian Congo, 30 francs (Belgian); for Holland and other countries: 2.75 fl. (Dutch); Editor Dr. Jean Nussbaum, 49 Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris, 16e, France. FRENCH Les Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times): 16-page monthly; annual subscription, for France, 15.— francs (French); for Switzerland, 3.50 francs (Swiss); for other countries, 15.— francs (French); editor, Charles Gerber, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.), France. Vie et Sante (Life and Health): 16-page monthly health paper; annual subscription, for France, 20.— francs (French); for Switzerland, 6.— francs (Swiss); for other countries, 24.— francs (French). Editor, Dr. Jean Nussbaum, 49, avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris 16, France. Revue Adventiste (The Advent Review): 16-page semimonthly church paper; annual subscription, for France, 12.— francs (French) ; for Switzerland, 6.— francs (Swiss); for other countries, 14.— francs (French). Editor, Charles Gerber, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.), France. Moniteur et Bulletin Mensuel (Sabbath School Worker and Monthly Bulletin): 16-page monthly paper; annual subscription, for France and colonies, 10.— francs (French); for Switzerland, 2.50 francs (Swiss); for Belgium, 12.— francs (Belgian). Editors, D. N. Wall, Steen Rasmussen, 17 Hoheweg, Berne, Switzerland. Le Flambeau de POcean Indien (The Flambeau of the Indian Ocean): 8-page monthly; annual subscription 1.50 rupees; fifty cents for foreign subscriptions. Published by the Mauritius Mission, Salisbury Street, Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Editor, Dr. A. J. Girou. Lea Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times); 8-page quarterly; 35 cents a year; Canadian Watchman Press, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. GERMAN Christlicher Hausfreund: 8-page Missionary weekly; annual subscription, $1.75 to U. S.; outside, $2.00; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, K. A. Offermann. Botschafter: 8- page Church weekly; annual subscription, $2.00 to U. S.; outside, $2.25; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor,. K. A. Offermann. Sabbatschul-Lektionen (Sabbath School Lessons) ; quarterly; containing the S. D. A. Sabbath School lessons in German; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Herold der Walarbeit (Herald of Truth): 16-page monthly; annual subscription, Ran 2,25; editor, F. Daniel, Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburr, 13, Germany. Gute bGesundheit (Good Health); monthly; 16 pages; annual subscription, Ran 2,25; editor, Dr. med. E. Meyer; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Unser kleiner Freund (Our little Friend): semimonthly; 8 pages; annual subscription, Ram 2,50; editor, P. John; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger): semimonthly church PERIODICALS paper; 16 pages; annual subscription, Rm 4.—; editor, K. Sinz, Advent-Verlag (E. V.) Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Gegenwartsfragen (Questions of Today); monthly; 16 pages; annual subscription; Rim 3.—; ediitor, F. Daniel; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Der Christliche Hausfreund (The Christian Friend of the Home); 16-page, bimonthly; annual subscription, Rm 1,50; editor, K. Sinz; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, 13, Germany. Die Friedensauer Schwester (The Friedensau Nurse): 16-page quarterly; annual subscription, Rm 2.—; editor, Dr. med. E. Meyer; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Leben and Gesundheit (Life and Health, German): 16-page monthly health paper; annual subscription, for France, 20.— francs (French); for Switzerland, 6.— francs (Swiss) ; for other countries, 24.— francs (French). Editor, Dr. Jean Nussbaum, 49, avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris 16, France. Advent-Echo (Advent Echo), 8page church paper, published monthly;:, annual subscription, forty cents. Southern European Division; Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Editor, Steen Rasmussen. Rundschau der Adventisten: 8-page monthly; 75 cents per year; editor, Luiz Waldvogel; assistant editor, Augusto Pages, Casa Publicadora Brazileira, Estaerlo de Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. HOLLAND (DUTCH) Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the Times) : 16-page monthly; an- 279 nual subscription, 75 cents; editors, J. Wintzen and F. J. Voorthins, International Zendingsgenootschap, van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Holland. De Adventbode (The Advent Messenger): 12 numbers annually; 8 pages; annual subscription, 75 cents; with the Sabbath School Quarterly, $1.25; editor, J. Wintzen and H. Eelsing; Internationaal Zendingsgenootschap, van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Holland. Vriend der Kinderen (Friend of the Children): 16 pages; editor, F. .1. Voorthuis; International Zendingsgenootschap, van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Holland. HUNGARIAN Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times) : two monthly, 16 pages; annual subscription, 30 cents; •editor, A. Zeiner, Budapest I, Nemetvolgyi ut 26. Hungary. Boldog Elet (Happy Life) : two monthly, 16 pages; annual subscr. 30 cents; editor, B. Streisinger, Budapest I, Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary. Advent Hirnok (The Advent Messenger) 4 numbers a year, 16 pages, annual subscr. 30 cents, church paper for the Hungarian. Union; editor, B. Streisinger, Budapest I, Nemetvolgyi ut 26. Hungary. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Hungarian; annual subscription 20 cents; Advent Kiadehivatal Fi5kja, Budapest I, Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School. Department lessons in Hungarian; annual subscription, 20 cents; 280 PERIODICALS Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. ICELANDIC Geislinn (Missionary Paper) : 24- pages quarterly; annual subscription, Icel. kroner 3.75; editor, 0. J. Olsen, Box 262, Reyk. javik, Iceland. Braedrabandid (Church Paper) : 8page bi-monthly; editor, 0. Frenning, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. ILOCANO Ti Damag ti Pagarian: 16-page monthly; 50 cents gold a year; Editor, E. A. Moon; Associate, R. R. Figuhr,Regino Villaneuva, Jacinto Suban; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Phillippine Islands. Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church paper; editor, E. A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, E. N. Lugenbeal; 50 cents gold a year; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. ITALIAN Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the. General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Italian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., • Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. L'Araldo della Verita (Herald of Truth) : 16-page bimonthly; annual subscription for Italy, 4 lire; foreign countries 6 lire; editor, Miss M. L. Venerella, Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Messaggero Avventista (Advent Review) : 8-page monthly; annual subscription for Italy, 5 lire; foreign countries, 6 lire; editor, Miss M. L. Venerella, Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. JAPANESE Jicho Zashi (Signs of the Times); 32-page monthly; annual sub- scription $1.00, gold; published by the Japan S. D. A. Pub. House, Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan; editor, T. H. Okohira; associate editors, V. T. Armstrong, H. P. Evens. Shimei (The Message) : 32-page monthly; annual subscription, $1.00 (gold). Editors and publisher same as above. Kodomo no Gakuen (The Children's Friend) : 16-page monthly; $1.z0 Gold yearly subscription. Editor, F. R. Millard; Syroh Ogura, Associate. KOREAN Shi-Jo (The Signs of the Times); 32-page monthly; subscription, $1.00; published by the Signs of the Times Publishing House, Seoul, Chosen (Korea); editor, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin; associate editor, H. A. Oberg. Kyo Hoi Chi-Nam (Church Compass); 32-page monthly; annual subscription, $1.00; published by the Signs of the Times Publishing House, Seoul, Chosen (Korea); editor, Mrs. Theo. Wan- gerin; associate editor, H. A. Oberg. LATVIAN Adventes Vestnesis (Advent Messenger): 8 months, 16-page; 4 months, 20-page; Ls. 2.50 (for America, 90 cents) ; editor, J. Birsin, Brivibas len. 11, Riga, Latvia. • Musu Laikmets (Our Age): 16page monthly, illustrated; annual subscription, Ls 3.00. (for America, $.90); editor, J. Birsin, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. LITHUANIAN Dabarties Klausimai (Present Questions) : 16-page quadrannual illustrated; annual subscription, Lit. 2,—; editor, V. Kavaliauskas, Parodos g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. PERIODICALS MALAGASY ". Ny Vavolombelona (The Witness): A missionary paper; 32 pages; bimonthly; annual subscription 4 fr. 50; editor, M. J. Bureaud, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. MALAY Pertandaan Zaman (Signs of the Times): published monthly by the Netherlands East Indies Publishing House (Advent Boeken Depot), Bandoeng, Naripan 63, Java, Netherlands East Indies; $1.00 a year; editor, I. C. Schmidt. Warta Geredja: published monthly by the Netherlands East Indies Publishing House (Advent Boeken Depot), Bandoeng, Naripan 63, Java, Netherlands, East Indies; 50 cents a year; editor, B. Ohme. Sabbath School Quarterlies, Senior: published by the Netherlands East Indies Publishing House (Advent Boeken Depot), Bandoeng, Naripan 63, Java, Netherlands East Indies; 25 cents a year. MALAYALAM Messenger: a monthly church paper published by the Malayalam Mission, and printed at the South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District, South India; editor, H. G. Woodward, Pattam, Trivandrum, S. Travancore, South India. PAMPANGAN Mizpa: A church paper in Pampangan; published by the Central Luzon .Mission of S. D. A., 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands; editor, F. A. Pratt Also an undated missionary paper in Pam pangan; published by the Philippine Publishing House, 281 P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands; editor, E. A. Moon.!' PANGANSINAN An undated missionary paper in Pangasinan; published by the Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands; editor, E. A. Moon. PANAYAN-VISAYAN Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church paper; editor, E. A. Moon; asso, ciates, R. R. Figuhr, E. M. Adams; 50 cents gold a year; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Also an undated missionary paper in Panayan; published by the Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands; editor, E. A. Moon. POLISH Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times): 12 numbers annually, 16 pages; published by the Polish Publishing House, "Polski Dom Nakladowy" Ltd., ul. Turecka 1 Warsaw, Poland; editor, St. Kwiecinski. Nasze Pola Misyjne (Missions Quarterly); published by the Polish. Publishing House "Polski Doni Nakladowy" Ltd., ul. Tu-. recka 1, Warsaw, Poland; editor, W. Czembor. Sluga Zboru (Church Servant): monthly church paper, 8 and 16 pages; editor, W. Czembor, ul. Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Lekcie Biblijne (Sabbath School Quarterly) : 4 numbers annually. published by the Polish Publishing House "Polski Dom Nakladowy" Ltd., ul. Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland; editor, W. Czembor. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Polish; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pa- 282 PERIODICALS cific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, T11., U. S. A. PORTUGUESE 0 Atalaia: 20-page monthly; $1.50 a year; published by the Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa Postal 34 Estacao de Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America; editor, J. B. Johnson; asst. editor, Luiz Waldvogel. Revista 16 - page Adventista: annual subscription, $1.25; published by the Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa. Postal 34 Estacao de Santo Andre, S. P. R.. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America; editor, Luiz Waldvogel. Sabbath School Lessors: Sabbath School Lessoni for the entire Portuguese field for both adults and children; annual subscription for adult lessons, 40 cents; Children's lessons, 35 cents per year. Published by the Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa Postal 34, Estacao de Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. 0 Mensageiro do Advento: 8-page monthly; 50 cents; by the Portuguese Publishing House, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal; director, A. D. Comes; editor, A. F. Raposo. RAROTONGAN Tuatua-Mou: 8-page monthly: annual subscription, 1/-; editor, H. B. P. Wicks; published by the Eastern Polynesian Mission, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. RUMANIAN Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Rumanian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Gazeta Slujbasilor (Church Officers' Gazette): 16-page quarterly, containing instructions to church officers and programs for the Missionary Volunteer Societies and the Home Missionary Department; editor, V. Florescu. Curierul Misionar (The Missionary Messenger): 16-page monthly church paper; annual subscription Lei 100.-; editor, V. Florescu. Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Times): 16-page bi-monthly missionary paper; annual subscription Lei 48; editors, P. P. Paulini, V. Florescu. Sfetnicul Vietii (The Counsellor of Health): 16-page, bimonthly paper; annual subscription Lei 48; editor, V. Florescu. Amicul Tinerimii (Youth's Friend): 16-page, bi-monthly; annual subscription Lei 48-; editor, P. P. Paulini, Junior. Spicuitorul (Gleaner): 32-page, quarterly; annual subscription Lei 40-; editor, P. P. Paulini, sen. Buletinul (Bulletin): Four-page monthly paper for colporteurs. Editor, A. Vficareanu. RUSSIAN Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages: containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Russian; Annual subscription, 20 cents: Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Znamienia Wremieni (Signs of the Times): 8-page, two numbers annually; editor, W. Czembor, Turecka 1., Warsaw, Poland. RUTHENIAN (Ukrainian) Znaky Zasy (Signs of the Times): 16-pages, two numbers-annually. • Editor, A. Maszczak, Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. PERIODICALS SERBIAN Glasnik (Messenger): 8-page monthly church paper; published by Izdavadka Knjiaara "Preporod," Zeleni Venac 1/I., Belgrade, J ugoslavia. Preporod (Regeneration): 16-page quarterly; published by Izdavaeka Knjiaara "Preporod," Zeleni Venac 1/I., Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health) : 16-page; devoted to healthful living; published by Izdavaeka Knjiaara "Preporod," Zeleni Venac 1/I, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Serbian; published by Izdavadka Knji'lara "Preporod," Zeleni Venac Belgrade Jugoslavia. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Serbian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. SLOVAKIAN 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Slovakian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Pramen Zivota (Fountain of Life) : 16-page quarterly; published by Czechoslovakian Publishing House, Brno-Kral. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia; editor, P. Surman. BibBela illohy (Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly): Published by Czechoslovakian Publishing House, Brno-Kralovo, Pole, Wilsonova 8. Czechoslovakia; editor, P. Surman. Sabbath School Quarterly: 283 SLOVENIAN Preporod (Regeneration) 16-page; published by, Izdavaeka Knjilara `Preporod," Zeleni 'Venac Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health): a 16-page magazine .cleVoted to healthful living; published by Izdavadka Knjiaara :;`Preporod," Zeleni Venac 1/I., Belgrade Jugoslavia. SPANISH El Atalaya: 20 page monthly; $1.00 a year, ten cents a copy; published by the Casa Editora Sudamericana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentine, South America; editor, M. I. Fa yard. La Revista Adventists: Spanish Church paper; 16-page semimonthly; annual subscription, $1.50; published by the Casa Kaitora Sudamerieana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires. Argenhia, South America; editor, M. I. Fayard; assistant editor, Fernando Chaij. El Auxiliar de la Escuela Sabatica (Spanish organ of the Sabbath School Department of the GenConference) : eral 16- page monthly; annual subscription, 50 cents; published by the South American Division of the General Conference of S. D. A. for the Sabbath School Department, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina. South America. Editor, W. L. Adams. Programas (Spanish organ of the Missionary Volunteer Department of the General Conference): 16-page monthly; published by the South American Division of the General Conference of S. D. A., for the Missionary Volunteer Department, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Editor, H. B. Lundquist; associate' editors, 284 PERIODICALS Mrs. Eva Galfraseoli, Mrs. Matilda E. Andross. El Centinela: 20-page monthly; annual subscription,$1.00; 10 ac Press cents per copy. ific Pub. Assn., Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone; editor, B. 0. Maxson. Las Sefiales de los Tiempos (Signs of the Times) : 16-page monthly; annual subscription, 3.50 pesetas; to foreign countries, 4 pesetas. Editor, R. Gerber, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. La Revista Adventista Iberica: 16page semimonthly; free; editor, R. Gerber, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Published Herald°, Antillano: monthly by the "Colegio Adventista Antillano," at Bartle, Oriente, Cuba, under the supervision of the Antillian Union committee, for Cuba, Santo Domingo, and Puerto Rico. Subscription price 50 cents annually; editor, I. M. Angell; assistant, Ana Rosa Alvarado. Leciones para la Escuela Sabatica: 36 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Spanish; annual subscription, 20 cents; Casa Editora Sud-Americana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Note.—Separate Quarterlies are prepared for the adults and children's lessons. SWEDISH Sions Vaktare: 8-page weekly church and missionary paper; annual subscription, $1.75 to L. S.; outside, $2.00; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield; Ill.; editor, Olaf Granlund. Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal) : 24-page monthly; annual subscription, kr. 6 : 00, for other countries, kr. 8:00. Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; editors: Dr. Gottfrid Thorell, and Dr. Carl Ottosen. Sec., Dr. Isak Unhall. Tidens Tecken: 16-page monthly; annual subscription, kr. 4: -, rate for other countries, kr. 5: -; Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; editor, 0. Angervo. Missionaren: 12-page monthly; annual subscription, kr. 2: 50; rate for other countries, kr. 3.00; Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; editor, Sven Bjur. Avdelningsbrevet: 4-page quarterly; 25 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, H. 0. Olson. TAGALOG Ang Tanglaw: 16-page monthly; 50 cents gold a year; editor, E. A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, Jacinto Suban, Regino Villanueva; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly; church paper; editor, E. A. Moon; associates, R. R. Figuhr, F. A. Pratt, Flaviano Dalisay; 50 cents gold a year; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. TAHITIAN Tiarama (the Light) ; 8-page monthly; annual subscription 1/-; editor, G. L. Sterling; issued by the Eastern Polynesian Mission, at Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. TAMIL Messenger: a monthly church paper published by the Tamil Mission and printed at the South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District; editor, 0. A. Skau, Kodaikanal. Signs of the Times and Herald of Health: a monthly missionary paper, published and printed by the Oriental Watchman Publish- PERIODICALS 285 ing House, Post Box 35, Poona; editor, E. D. Thomas, Post Box 15, Poona, India. annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. TELUGU Messenger: a monthly church paper published by the Telugu Mission and Printed at the South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram, Bengalore District, India; editor, D. W. Hunter, S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid, Kistna District. URDU Qasid: Issued monthly for Indian believers; annual subscription annas 8 -; published at ;the Union Office, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India; editor, C. C. Belgra ve. UKRAINIAN Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Ukrainian; The World Movement: 4-page monthly; 35 cents a year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editors, F. C. Gilbert, Samuel Kaplan. YIDDISH LANGUAGES The languages in which denominational publications of all kinds are now issued are the following: Language Afrikaans Akawaio Amharic Amok Amoyese (Hokkien) Annamese Arabic Armenian Armeno-Turkish Atchinese Baba-Malay Batak (Toba-Batak) Bengali Bicol Blanch Bay Buin Buganda Bulgarian Burmese Cambodian (Khmer) Cantonese Cebuano Cebuan-Visayan Chibemba Chiila Chilamba Chilenga Chiminyika Chishona Chitonga Chokwe Cinyanja Croatian Czechian (Bohemian) Da Hwa Miao Danish Dovele Dusun (Kedayan) Dutch English 286 Country Where Language Predominates South Africa Venezuela Abyssinia Malekula, New Hebrides Amoy, China Indo-China Syria, Arabia, Egypt, etc. The Caucasus, Asia Minor, Greece. Turkey Island of Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean Malaysia Sumatra Bengal, India Philippine Islands New Guinea New Guinea Kenya, East Africa Bulgaria Burma Cambodia, Indo-China South China Island of Cebu, Philippine Islands Philippine Islands Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Southern Rhodesia, South Africa Southern Rhodesia, Africa Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Angola, Africa Nyasaland, Br. Cent. Africa Jugoslavia Central Czechoslovakia Yunnan, China Denmark Solomon Islands British North Borneo Holland, South Africa England, America, etc. LANGUAGES Estonian Ethiopic Fataia Fijian Finnish Flemish French German Ghurrnnki Greco-Turkish Greek Gujerati Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Hwa Miao Ibanag lbo Icelandic Ilocano Ilongo Italian Japanese Javanese Kanarese Karen Khassi Kiikidzu Kijita Kingwana Kipare (Chasu or Asu) Kisakumu Kisii (Ekegusii) Kiswahili (Swahili) 287 Estonia Abyssinia, Africa. Solomon Islands Fiji Finland Belgium France Germany, Austria India Greece, Turkey, etc. Greece Bombay Presidency, etc., India Hawaii Among Jews. North India Hungary China Philippine Islands Nigeria, West Africa Iceland Philippine Islands Philippine Islands Italy Japan Java Mysore, India Burma Northeast India Tanganyika, East Africa Tanganyika, East Africa Belgian Congo, South Africa Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Tanganyika, East Africa Kenya Colony, British East Africa Kenya Colony, British East Africa, and Tanganyika Territory. Kizanalci Tanganyika, East Africa Korean Chosen Lamba Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Laos Indo-China Laplandish Lapland Latgalian Latvia Lettish (Lettonian) Latvia Lithuanian Lithuania Luganda Uganda Luo (Dholuo) Kenya Colony, British East Africa. Makwano Solomon Islands Malagasay (Hovas) Madagascar Malay (Arabic) Netherlands East Indies Malay (Eng., Romanized) Netherlands East India Malayalam South India Mandarin (Ghow-Yu) North and Central China 288 LANGUAGES New Zealand Maori Bombay Presidency, India Marathi Loyalty Islands Mare Solomon Islands Marovo Marquesas (Nukahivan) Marquesas Islands West Africa Mende Mongolia Mongolian Papua Motu India Mundari Arizona and New Mexico, United States of Navajo [America Malaysia Nias Nivan Niue, or Savage Islands Norwegian Norway Province of Orissa, India Oriya Pampangan Philippine Islands Philippine Islands Panayan-Visayan Philippine Islands Pangasinan Persia Persian Polish (Latin) Poland Poland Polish (Gothic) Portugal and Brazil Portuguese Punjab, India Punjabi Solomon Tslands Ranoga Cook's Islands Raratongan Solomon Islands Roviana Rumania, Transylvania Rumanian Belgian Cdhgo, Central Africa Runyan]all da Russia Russian Ruthenian (Ukrainian) Galicia, East Czechoslovakia, and Southern [Russia New Hebrides Sakau Philippine Islands. Samareno Samoa Samoan Bihar, India Santali New Hebrides Santo Beuchuanaland, South Africa Sechuana Jugoslavia Servian Basutoland, South Africa Sesuto Sgau-Karens of Burma Sgau-Karen Shanghai, China, and vicinity Shanghai (Wu) Siam Siamese Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Sikololo Ceylon Singhalese Southern Rhodesia, South Africa. Sindebele Eastern Czechoslovakia Slovakian Jugoslavia Slovenian Snain and Latin America Spanish Malaysia Sundanese Sweden Swedish Syria, etc. Syriac Philippine Islands Tagalog Tahiti Tahitian South India Tamil 289 LANGUAGES Telugu Temne Tibetan Tigrinya Tongan Turkish Twi Ukrainian Umbundu Urdu Urdu (Persian) Welsh Wendic Wenli Xosa (Kaffir) Yiddish Yoruba Zulu • Total-161. South India Sierra Leone, West Africa Tibet Eritrea Friendly Islands Turkey, etc. Gold Coast, West Africa. Poland Angola, Africa India North India, etc. Wales Wends in Hungary Literary language, China South Africa Jews in Europe and America Nigeria, West Africa Zululand, South Africa SUMMARY OF DENOMINATIONAL LITERATURE For the Year 1933; Issued in 161 Languages Value No. Pages Papers Books Pamphlets Tracts 249 1,706 976 3,971 49,854 356,787 57,279 47,082 $ 161.05 1,661.05 113.01 6,976 Totals 6,902 510,952 $2,004.87 10 SANITARIUMS (Arranged alphabetically) BAD AIBLING SANITARIUM Established 1920 Address: Bad Aibling, Kurhaus, Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Germany. Board: G. Seng, W. Schick, 0. Glebe', A. W. Mueller, A. Sachsenmeyer, 0. Schuberth, 0. Neubauer, A. Wicklein, W. Kehr. BOBBILI MISSION HOSPITAL Address: Bobbili, Vizagapatam District, South India. Name of Mission: Telugu Mission. Medical Supt.: Dr. Emma Hughes, B. A., M. D., L. R. C. P. & S. (Edin.) D. T. M. & H. Managing Committee: Under the management of the Executive Committee of the South India Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists and the Hospital Superintendent. Hospital Staff: Medical Supt., Dr. Emma Hughes, B. A., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Edin.), D. T. M. and H.; Supervisor of Nursing, Miss Beatrice Gore; Male Nurses, A. V. Jesudass, P. S. John; Woman Nurse, Mrs. J. Cole; Compounder, Jacob Devadhason. BONGO MISSION HOSPITAL Postal Address: Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola; Portuguese West Africa. Director: Roy B. Parsons, M. D. Nurse: Miss Ruth Johnson. Native Nurses: 2. Native Assistants: 2. BOULDER-COLORADO SANITARIUM Boulder, Cob. Established 1895 Board of Trustees: J. F. Piper, 290 H. A. Green, R. J. Brown, E. G. Fulton, J. J. Nethery, A. L. Moon, S. J. Lashier, T. B. Westbrook, Chas. Thompson, A. H. Rulkoetter. Faculty: H. A. Green, M. D., F. A. C. S., Medical Supt.; Orville Rockwell, M. D., Diagnostitian, Surgery; F. C. Klopfenstein, M. D., Obstetrics and Pediatrics; H. W. Hartzell, M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Roentgenologist; R. J. Brown, Business Manager; W. M. Andress, Chaplain; Mrs. J. H. Clemens, R. N., Acting Director of Nurses; Miss Alba Campbell, R. N., Nurse Instructor; J. A. Miller, R. N., Laboratory Technician; C. A. Skinner, R. N., Men's Hydrotherapy Dept.; Mrs. J. H. Clemens, R. N., Women's Hydrotherapy Dept.; Mrs. Mabel Gill, R. N., Preceptress. School of Nursing: Directoi; Alba Campbell, Supervisor of Instruction; W. M. Andress, Instructor of Bible. CANCELE MISSION HOSPITAL Address: Cancele Mission, Mt. Fr ere, East Griqualand, South Africa. Doctor: J. J. Bell, M. D. Nurse: Mrs. J. N. de Beer. CANTON SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Established 1931 Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tung Shan, Canton, China. Telephone: 18090. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sam Yuk Road, Tung Shan, Canton, China. City Medical Office: 119 Kung Yat Road W., Canton, China. Telephone: 10905. Board of Directors: Officers: P. L. SANITARIUMS Williams, Chairman; Dr. F. E. Bates, Vice-Chairman; S. S. Wong, Secretary; Dr. F. E. Bates, Treas. Medical Staff: F. E. Bates, M. D., Superintendent; Dr. Med. S. K. Hung, Physician; Mrs. F. E. Bates, R. N., A. D: N., Physiotherapy; Miss Miriam Pang, Head Nurse; S. G. Pang Head Nurse; T. H. Luke, Head Nurse; W. Y. Leung, Head Nurse; M. S. Cheung, Head Nurse; P. K. Cheung, Head Nurse; Mrs. S. K. Hung, Midwife; Betty Chai, Pharmacy, Elsie Wong, Cashier. CHICHOKI MISSION HOSPITAL Established 1931 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chichoki Mallian, Dist. Sheikhupura, Punjab. Superintendent: R. C. Lindholm, M. D. Nurses: Miss Madge Keller, Miss A. Craggs. CLINICA AMERICANA JULIACA Established 1922 Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Clinica" Juliaca, Perfi. Postal Address: Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peril. Officers: J. Wagner, Pres.; Dr. R. R. Reed, Sec. Staff: R. R. Reed, M. D., Medical Supt. and Business Mgr.; S. Alberro, Treas.; M. Leon, Bookkeeper. EKEBYHOLM SUMMER SANITARIUM Rimbo, Sweden Medical Supt.: Dr. G. Thorell. Business Mgr.: E. R. Colson. FLORIDA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Established 1908 Street Address: 601 E. Rollins Ave. Telephone, 3141. 291 Mail Address: Drawer 1100, Orlando, Florida. Legal Name: " The Florida Sanitarium and Benevolent Association." Board of Directors: S. A. Ruskjer, Pres.; W. E. Abernathy, Sec. and Treas.; J. L. Shuler, H. E. Lysinger, R. I. Keate, L. K. Dickson, C. L. Butterfield, R. N. Calvert, C. G. Ortner, H. J. Klooster. Staff and Faculty: R. N. Calvert, A. B., M. D., L. R. Cc P. S. (Edin.), Medical Directoi; W. E. Abernathy, Manager; B. E. Taylor, A. B., M. D.; C. W. Lind, B. S., M. D.; L. M. Sutter, M. D., D. N. B.; Kate L. Macey, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Amy Klose, R. N., Instructor of Nurses; Mrs. Wm. Munn, Matron; W. W. McCabe, Supervisor of Men's Hydrotherapy; Carolyn Berger, R. N., B. A., Supervisor of Women's Hydrotherapy; Mrs. Ethel Clark, R. N., Supervisor of Hospital; Elizabeth Rogers, R. N., Night Supervisor; Irene Watt, R. N., Public Health and Children's Unit; Mrs. T. B. Forehand, B. S., Dietitian; N. S. Ashton, Chaplain; L. 0. Ray, Lab. Tech.; L. A. Stover, X-ray Tech. School of Nursing: Kate L. Macey, R. N., Director; N. S. Ashton, Instructor of Bible; Amy Klose, R. N., Instructor. FUI ON HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY Waichow, Kwangtung, China Board of Directors: Officers: P. V. Thomas, Chairman; Dr. H. C. James, Vice-Chairman; Ho Ching, Sec.; Dr. Ethel M. James, Treas. Medical Staff: H. C. James, M. D., Supt.; Mrs. Ethel M. James, M. D., R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Wen Shen Ying, Head Nurse. 292 SANITARIUMS GENERAL HOSPITAL OF CHULUMANI (Hospital General de Chulumani) School of Nursing: Miss E. Binder, R. N., Director. Chulumani, Sud Yungas, Depto. de La Paz, Bolivia GLENDALE SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Glendale, Calif. Street Address: 1509 East Wilson Ave. Mail Address: P. 0. Box 87]. Telegraphic Address: "A dventista" Chulumani, Bolivia. Hospital Board: Pres., J: D. Replogle; Sec., Dr. J. W. Taylor; S. R. Loomis, H. C. Morton, G. E. Stacey. Hospital Staff: Dr. J. W. Taylor, Physician and Surgeon; S. R. Loomis, Treas.; Mrs. W. W. Wheeler, Matron and Supt. of Nurses. GIFFARD MISSION HOSPITAL OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS • Address: Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India. Name of Mission: Tehigu Mission. Superintendent: Dr. D. W. Semmens, M. D., L. R. C. P. & S. (Edin.), D. T. M. & H. (London). Managing Committee: Under the management of the Executive Committee of the South India Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, with the addition of the Superintendent of the Hospital. Staff: Medical Supt., Dr. D. W. Semmens,M. D.; Miss E. Binder, R. N. (Supervisor of Nursing). Compounders: J. V. Henry, M. Lucas, M. Laban, 0. B. Devasahayam, Y. Daniel, P. Arsivadam. Compounding Trainees: G. Anandam, T. John. Nurses: Ch. Gnanarnma, P. C. Mariamma, Mrs. P. Henry, Kulljamma. Evangelist, Registrar: R. J. Moses. Bible Worker: Ch. Ratnavathiamnia. Established 1905 Incorporated as Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital. Board of Directors: G. A. Calkins, Pres.; G. A. Roberts, VicePres.; A. E. Coyne, M. D., B. M. Emerson, B. E. Grant, M. D., W. C. Raley, James Howarth, M. C. Lysinger, W. L. Phillips, Benton Colver, M. D., J. W. Hopkins, M. D., J. C. Stevens, 0. A. Hudson. Officers: B. E. Grant, M. D., Medical Supt.; M. C. Lysinger, Business Manager; James Howarth, Sec. and Treas.; L. A. Wilcox, Chaplain; Maude O'Neill, Director of School of Nursing; Loyd Clark, Credit Manager; W. L. Phillips, Steward and Purchasing. Agent; Mrs. Nettie Cody, Matron; Mrs. Lois Barton Stuckey, Dietitian. Staff and Faculty: B. E. Grant, B. A., M. D., F. A. C. P.; Ralph Smith, M. D.; H. E. Beasley, M. D.; L. D. Trott, M. D.; C. R. Halburg, M. D.; C. C. Prince, M. D; J. W. Hopkins, M. D.; Claire Brownsberger, M. D.; 0. W. James, M. D.; Maude O'Neill, R. N., Superintendent of Nurses; Mrs. Etta Olmstead, Instructor of Nurses; L. A. Wilcox; Mrs. E. Montgomery, Preeeptress; M. C. Lysinger. School of Nursing: Maude O'Neill, Director; Mrs. Etta Olmstead, Supervisor of Instruction; L. A. Wilcox, Instructor of Bible. SANITARIUMS GOOD HEALTH ASSOCIATION, LIMITED Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England Incorporated 1903 Board of Directors: W. E. Read, Dr. C. E. Nelson, A. S. Maxwell, 0. M. Dorland, H. Osborne, A. Warren, N. H. Knight, G. D. King, H. W. Lowe, W. G. C. Murdoch, J. Harker, L. Murdoch, F. W. Goodall, W. L. Emmerson, Dr. J. E. Cairncross. Officers: W. E. Read, Chairman; N. H. Knight, Sec. HEILE SELASSIE I HOSPITAL Debre Tabor, Ethiopia Supt., Nurses: Erik Palm, Mrs. Borghild Palm. HULTAFORS SANITARIUM Hultafors, Sweden Established 1926 Business Manager: Axel Bengtsson. Medical Staff: E. Garby, M. D.; I. UnhR11, M. D. School of Nursing: Dr. I. Unhiill, Chief Supervising Instructor; Asta Svenson, Director and Supt. of Nurses; C. 0. Carlstjerna, Instructor of Bible. IOWA SANITARIUM Nevada, Iowa Established at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1899. Removed and established at Nevada, Iowa, in 1909. Reincorporated June 15, 1915. Corporate Name: " Iowa Sanitarium and Benevolent Association." Board of Managers: R. S. Fries, Pres.; J. H. Nies, Sec. and Treas;. J. F. Morse, M. D.; F. A. C. S., J. R. Nelson, L. Neal, L. C. Christofferson, H. C. Hartman. 293 Hospital Staff: J. F. Morse, M. D., F. A. C. S., Med. Supt.; Nana Lu Rosenthal, M. D.; J. H. Nies, Manager; A. L. Miller, Chaplain; Agnes Nordstrom, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Esther Larsen, Credit Manager; Laura McGee, R. N., Women's Physiotherapy; H. T. Staff, Men's Physiotherapy. JALIRPAR HOSPITAL • Station and Hospital Established 1929 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Jalirpar P. 0., Faridpur District, Bengal, India. Hospital Board: G. G. Lowry, C. F. Schilling, H. G. Hebard (on furlough), C. A. Hart, Leroy Hunter, P. C. Gayen. Superintendent: C. F. Schilling, B. A., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Edin.) ; II. G. Hebard, B. A., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Edin.), (on furlough). Indian Helpers: B. K. Haider, Evangelist; Suren Arinda, Jamani Bala, Mary Biswas, Priya Bairagee, R. K. Pandit, Jotish Paroi, Joynath Haider, Lolit Karmakar, Mohan Hazra, Khano Baroi, Mrs. Baroi, Jagodish Ch. Bairagee. THE JAMES WHITE MEMORIAL HOME Plainwell, Mich. Established 1898 Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, Pres.; S. E. Wight, Vice-Pres.; L. W. Foote, Sec.-Treas.; V. E. Peugh, M. A. Hollister, C. B. Haynes. Faculty: Frank Hiner, Business Manager; Mrs. Frank Hiner, Matron. 294 SANITARIUMS JULIA CA AMERICAN HOSPITAL (Clinica Americana) Established 1922 Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Clinica," Juliaca, Pert. Postal Address: Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peril, South America. Board of Directors: Jacob Wagner, Chairman; Dr. R. R. Reed, Sec. and Treas.; Samuel Alberro, • Samuel Weiss, W. C. Goransson. Officers: R. R. Reed, M. D., Medical Supt. and Business Mgr.; Mrs. R. R. Reed, Director of Nurses and Obstetrics; R. R. Reed, M. D., Supervisor of Training School. School of Nursing: Mrs. R. R. Reed, Director; R. R. Reed, M. D., Supervisor of Instruction. KANYE HOSPITAL Postal Address: P. 0. Kanye, via Lobatsi, Bechuanaland Protectorate, South Africa. Director: J. Janzen, M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Edin.). Nurse: Miss Myrtle Bain. KEIJO HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY Established 1932 (Not revised for current issue) Address: 136 Insadong, Seoul, Chosen. Telephone: K 1282. Superintendent: Dr. G. H. Rue. Treasurer: C. S. Son. Local Board: H. A. Oberg, G. H. Rue, C. S. Son, Mrs. R. S. Watts, T. H. Chae, S. E. Lee, I. E. Gillis. KENDU HOSPITAL Established 1924 Address: S. D. A. Hospital, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Supt.: G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D., B. S., M. R. C. P., L. R. C. P. (Loud.), D. T. M. (Eng.). Nurses: Miss Karen Nielsen, Miss Dorothy Nielsen; Miss Carenza Olsen. African Dressers: 11. KRANKENHAUS "WALDFRIEDE" Fischerhiitten Strasse gn-iog, Berlin Zehlendorf-West, Germany Established 1920 Telegraphic Address: Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. Officers and Local Committee: Dr. med. L. E. Conradi, Supt. and Surgical Director; Dr. med. E. Meyer, Medical Director; Joh. Seefried, Bus. Mgr.; Elisabeth Bruhn, Matron and Head Nurse; Carl Rohleder, Male Head Nurse. Capacity: 140 patients. The institution is conducted as Sanitarium and general hospital and has government recognition as a benevolent institution, as a nurses' training school, and for medical internship. Operated by the German Health Association. Medical Faculty: Dr. L. E. Conradi, Chief Supervising Instructor; E. Bruhn, Supt. of Nurses; J. Seefried, Bible Instructor. LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM " La Ligniere," Etablissement Physiothdrapique du Leman, Gland, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland Established 1904. Corporate Name: Societe Philanthropique de la Ligniere. Telephone: Gland 98.061. Board of Directors: F. Brennwald, Pres.; V. Monnier, Sec.; A. V. Olson, J. Robert, U. Augsburger, G. Weber, H. Schild, Dr. H. Muller, Dr. P. A. DeForest, W. R. Beach, Dr. J. Nussbaum, F. Charpiot, D. N. Wall, H. Willi, A. Walther. Officers: Medical Director, Dr. H. Milner. Bus. Mgr., V. Monnier. 295 SANITARIUMS School of Nursing: Dr. H. Milner, Supervisor of Instruction; G. Pasche, Director; M. Tieche and F. Weidner, Instructors of Bible. LAN,CHOW HOSPITAL Lanchow, Kansu, China Established 1934 Postal Address: Lanchow, Kansu, China. Northwest China Union Mission Executive Committee. Local Board: G. J. Appel, M. H. Vinkel, J. H. Shultz, Swen Sway Ching, P. H. Shigley, Mrs. P. H. Shigley. Board of Directors: LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL (Incorporated with College of Medical Evangelists) Loma Linda, Calif. Established 1905 Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, P. T. Magan, C. H. Watson, J. L. Shaw, C. K. Meyers, W. H. Branson, G. A. Calkins, Alfred Shyrock, E. H. Risley, A. E. Coyne, H. M. Walton, R. J. Thompson, H. B. Thomas, G. H. Curtis, E. F. Hackman, 0. A. Hudson, G. A. Roberts, B. M. Emerson, Newton Evans, J. F. Piper, W. H. Holden, B. E. Grant, Jr., F. B. Moor. George Thomason, L. E. Smith, Malcolm Hill, E. A. Royston. Officers of the Board: A. G. Daniells, President; Glenn Calkins, First Vice-President; P. T. Magan, Second Vice-President; 0. A. Hudson, Comptroller; S. S. Merrill, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. Officers of the Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital: H. M. Walton, M. D., Medical Director; H. B. Thomas, Business Manager; H. H. Hicks, Chaplain; Ethel Walder, Superintendent of Nurses. Medical, Staff: H. M. Walton, A. B., M. D., Medical Director, Internal Medicine; R. F. Tatro, M. D., D. N. B., Surgery; F. B. Moor, A. B., M. D., Internal Medicine; A. R. George, B. S., M. D., D. N. B., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Clement Counter, M. D., Allergy and Dermatology; Elizabeth J. Hiscox, A. B., M. D., Roentgenology, Pediatrics; T. I. Zirkle, A. B., M. D., D. N. B., Urology; 0. I. Cutler, B. S., M. D., Pathology; A. Z. Nicola, D. D. S., Dentistry; W. E. Macpherson, A. B., M. D., D. N. B., Consultant in Diseases of the Chest; F. W. Gardner, A. B., M. D., Consultant in Diseases of Metabolism; W. A. George, A. M., M. D.; Jennie Stagg, Dietitian. LOWER GWELO HOSPITAL Postal Address: P. 0. Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: F. E. Ingle, B. S., M. D., D. N. B. (U. S. A.), L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. (Edin.), L. R. F. P. S., (Glasgow). Nurse: Miss Mollie Stockil, R. N. (U. S. A.). MALAMULO MISSION HOSPITAL AND LEPER COLONY (Southeast African Union) Established 1908 Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Cholo, Nyasaland. Hospital Board: Union Executive Committee, Miss L. D. Melvill, James Ngaiyaye, Yolam Kamwendo. Staff: Medical Supt., E. G. Marcus, M. D., L. R. C. P. S. (Edin.; Nurse, Miss L. D. Melvill, assisted by 8 native orderlies. 296 SANITARIUMS MANILA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Established 1928 Corner Vermont and Indiana Sts., Manila, Philippine Islands Cable Address: "Philipunion" Manila. Board of Trustees: R. R. Figuhr Chairman; Dr. H. A. Hall, ViceChairman; Mrs. Hazel B. Sevrens, Secretary; H. W. Klaser; E. A. Moon; F. A. Pratt; F. A. Mote; W. B. Riffel; L. M. Stump; Flaviano Dalisay; E. N. Lugenbeal; Jose Emralino; A. Capobres, T. Pilar; P. Diaz. Local Board of Management: R. R. Figuhr, Dr. H. A. Hall, Mrs. Hazel B. Sevrens, H. W. Klaser, E. A. Moon, F. A. Pratt. Staff and Faculty: H. A. Hall, B. S., M. D., F. A. C. S., Medical Director; Mrs. H. B. Sevrens, Manager and Treas.; G. Espejo, B. S., M. D., Physician and Teacher; Miss B. E. Irvine, B. S., R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Miss B. F. Parker, B. S., R. N., Head Nurse and Teacher; Mrs. F. Thurston, Bible Teacher; Miss V. Gangano, R. N., Preceptress and Laboratory Technician; Miss J. Ages, R. N., Supervisor and Teacher; Miss A. Palaruan, R. N., Supervisor and Teacher; Mrs. R. Capobres, Supervisor. School of Nursing: Miss B. E. Irvine, Director; Miss B. F. Parker, Supervisor of Instruction; Mrs. F. Thurston, Instructor of Bible. MWAMI MISSION HOSPITAL AND LEPER COLONY Postal Address: P. 0. Fort Manning, Nyasaland, Africa. Nurse in Charge: Miss L. Southgate and 5 native orderlies. NANNING, KWANGSI, S. D. A. HOSPITAL Nanning, Kwangsi, China Hospital Board: D. D. Coffin, M. D. Chairman; Annie Lo, Secretary; J. P. Anderson, V. M. Hansen, Mrs. D. D. Coffin, Siu Pok On, Lei Hang Sung, Cheung Yan Kueng, Chick Tai Kueng, Chau Hei Nien. Director: D. D. Coffin, M. D. NARASAPUR S. D. A. MISSION HOSPITAL Established 1925 Address: S. D. A. Mission Hospital, Narsapur, West Godavary. Name of Mission: Telugu Mission. Superintendent: Dr. G. A. Nelson, B. S., M. D., L. R. C. P. & S. (Edin.). Managing Committee: Executive Committee, South India Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. Hospital Staff: Medical Supt., G. A. Nelson, B. S., M. D., L. R. C. P. & S. (Edin.); Supervisor of Nurses: Mrs. C. A. Randolph; Nurses and other workers: B. Solomon, L. B. Devasigamoney, N. Isaiah, K. C. David, M. Jacob, 0. Krupavati, 0. Israel, A. Grace, T. Grace. NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Melrose, Mass. Established 1899 Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones, Pres.; E. L. Place, Sec.; W. A. Ruble, M. D., B. S., L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. (Edin.) ; H. H. Dexter, 0. M. John, M. V. Campbell, E. A. Von Pohle, P. L. Baker, J. E. Osterblom, W. H. Heckman, D. A. Bailey, J. E. Shultz, W. H. Howard, F. D. Wells, C. A. Haysmer, M. D. Local Board: J. K. Jones, Chairman; P. L. Baker, Secretary; SANITARIUMS W. A. Ruble, M. D., B. S., L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. (Edin.) ; F. D. Wells, E. L. Place, H. H. Dexter, C. A. Haysmer, M. D., Mrs. Edith F. Strand, R. N. Faculty: W. A. Ruble, M. D., B. S., L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. Edin., Medical Supt.; Associate Physicians, A. M. Bond, M. D., K. NI. Erickson-Bond, M. D.; C. A. Haysmer, M. D.; A. L. Cramp, M. D.; E. L. Place, Business Manager and Treas.; Mrs. Edith F. Strand, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Amanda Sloane, R. N., Instructor of Nurses; Mrs. L. F. Bohner, Preceptress; H. H. Dexter, Chaplain; G. E. Cornforth, Chef and Dietitian, Mrs. J. E. Deininger, Gymnasium Instructor. School of Nursing: Mrs. Edith F. Strand, Director; Amanda. Sloane, Supervisor of Instruction; H. H. Dexter, Instructor of Bible. NGOMA MISSION HOSPITAL Postal Address: care Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Physician: Gordon Beckner, M. D. Nurses: Miss F. Spillman, Miss A. Matter. Native Assistants: 2. NORTH CHINA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Established 1931 Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Kalgan. Postal Address: Kalgan, Chahar. Board of Directors: North China Union Mission Executive Committee. Local Board: Geo. J. Appel, H. W. Christian, Harold Mourer, M. D., Miss Edith Johnson, R. N., Otto Christensen, Liu Teh-chung, Tsou Hsun-yuan. Sanitarium Staff: Harold Mourer, NI. D., Med. Direr; H. W. Christian, Sec.-Treas.; Miss Edith 297 Johnson, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Ho Pao-chung, Jack Kuo, Graduate Nurses, Ho Pao-chung, Preceptor; Bible Teacher, Preceptress, School of Nursing: Miss Edith Johnson, R. N., Director. PARADISE VALLEY SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL National City, Cal. Telephone: Natl. 61. (Incorporated as Paradise Valley Sanitarium and Hospital.) Established 1906 Board of Directors: E. F. Hackman, Pres.; Frank Ford, Sec.; J. A. Burden, A. D. Butterfield, NI. D., F. B. McGregor, M. D., F. H. Raley; A. C. Larson; G. A. Calkins, H. W. Cottrell, W. C. Raley, V. B. Anspach. Managing Committee: A. C. Larson, Manager; A. D. Butterfield, M. D., Medical Director; Frank Ford, Treasurer. Purchasing Agent, V. B. Anspach. Faculty: A. D. Butterfield, B. A., M. D.; A. C. Larson; J. W. Warren, M. D.; R. F. Wood, M. D.; Myrtle Lockwood, M. D.; R. T. Hamer, M. D., Helen Rice, R. N., Ruth Little, Frank Ford, Mary Hannaford, Mrs. A. R. Merickle, R. N.; V. B. Anspach, Mrs. Viola J. Carpenter, Christine Huse; Ellen Wilson, R. N.; Mrs. Miriam Olson, R. N., Lottie Ulvick, R. N., Mrs. F. B. Moran. School of Nursing: Helen Rice, Director; Ellen Wilson, Supervisor of Instruction; Mrs. Viola J. Carpenter, Instructor of Bible. PENANG SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Established 1930 Address: 465 Burmah Boad, Penang, Straits Setticmqnts, 298 SANITARIUMS Mission Clinic: 511 Chulia St., Penang, Straits Settlements. Board: Malayan Union Mission Executive Committee. Medical Supt. and Business Manager: J. E. Gardner, B. A., M. D., M. R. C. S. (Eng.), L. R. C. P. (Lond.). Treas., J. E. Gardner, M. D. Matron, Ina L. Moore. PORTER SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL 2525 South Downing St., Denver, Colo. Established 1930 Board of Directors: J. F. Piper, S. J. Lashier, J. J. Nethery, E. G. Fulton, A. L. Moon, M. D., R. J. Brown, H. A. Green, M. D., T. B. Westbrook, Charles Thompson, A. H. Rulkoetter. Executive Board: J. F. Piper, President; J. J. Nethery, Vice-Pres.; E. G. Fulton, Sec. and Treas; R. J. Brown, H. A. Green, A. L. Moon, Charles Thompson, T. B. Westbrook, A. H. Rulkoetter, S. J. Lashier. Officers: Medical Director, A. L. Moon, M. D.; Business Manager, E. G. Fulton; Superintendent of Nurses, Vera M. Fisher, R. N.; Matron, Mrs. C. H. Mikkelsen; Credit Manager, Mrs. Mary A. Schmidt; Chaplain: M. B. VanKirk. PORTLAND SANITARIUM East Sixtieth and Belmont Sta., Portland, Oreg. Legal Corporation: Portland Sanitarium and Benevolent Association. Telephone: Tabor 8674. Founded 1893; reorganized 1902; became an institution of the North Pacific Union Conference 1906. Control transferred to Western Oregon Conference 1920. Board of Directors: E. L. Neff, President; R. W. Nelson, Secretary-Treasurer; E. K. Slade, H. C. Kephart, Dr. W. B. Holden, Dr. E. E. Rippey, Ross Dustin, D. J. Chitwood, H. C. Klement. Medical Faculty: W. B. Holden, M. D., Supt.; R. W. Nelson, Manager; Ernestine Gill, R. N., Supt. of Nurses, W. E. Hodgkin, M. D., E. E. Rippey, M. D., Pauline Young, R. N., Carrie L. Nelson, R. N., Ruby Cook, R. N., Charlotte Rasmussen, R. N., Louise Tautfest, R. N., Pearl Rowland, R. N., Frances J. Tautfest, R. N., Ferol L. Jackson, R. N., Mar-. jorie Reed, R. N.; Gladys House, R. N., Anna May Wasell, R. N., Faye Pritchard, R. N., L. L. Wasell, Mabel S. Murrin, R. N. Etta Alsberge, Pearl Stafford, Bible Worker. School of Nursing: Miss Pauline Young, Director and Supervisor of Instruction; Ernestine Gill, Superintendent of Nurses; Pearl Stafford, Instructor of Bible. RESTHAVEN SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Sidney, (Near Victoria) British Columbia, Canada Phone: Sidney 95. Established 1921 Board of Directors: M. N. Campbell, W. E. Perrin, 0. Ziprick, A. V. Rhoads, H. A. Lukens, E. A. Beavon, S. G. White, W. A. Clemenson, C. W. Degering, C. G. Maracle, D. E. Reiner, P. D. Gerrard, H. K. Martin, H. G. Burden, M. D., H. A. Shepard, C. L. Paddock. Officers: H. G. Burden, M. D., Medical Superintendent; H. A. Shepard, Business Manager and Treasurer. House Committee: H. G. Burden, M. D., Mrs. C. F. Courser, R. N., H. A. Shepard. SANITARIUMS Faculty: H. G. Burden, M. D., Mrs. C. F. Courser, R. N., Ruth E. Stickle, R. N., Celia Beach, T. S. Bowett, H. A. Shepard. School of Nursing: Mrs. C. F. Courser, Director and Supervisor of Instruction. RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM (Sanatorio Adventista del Plata) Established 1908 Postal Address: Puiggari, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Board of Directors: W. E. Murray, Pres.; 0. H. Maxson, Sec.; C. E. Westphal, M. D., G. B. Replogle, 1\4. D.. W. A. Ernenpustch, P. M. Brouchy, G. E. Emmenegger, J. M. Howell, Walter Schubert, M. V. Tucker, Ramon Isasi. Executive Committee: C. E. Westphal, M. D., Pres.; 0. H. Maxson, See.; G. B. Replogle, M. D., J. M. Howell, P. C. Beskow. Medical Staff: C. E. Westphal, M. D., Director; G. B. Replogle, M. D., Sec.; 0. H. Maxson; Freda Trefz, Lady Head Nurse and Matron; Eduardo Treiyer, Oreste Biaggi, Men's Head Nurse. Officers: C. E. Westphal, M. D., Medical Supt.; 0. H. Maxson, Tress., and Business Manager. School of Nursing: Miss Freda Trefz, Director. 299 City Clinic: 136 Insadong, Seoul, Chosen. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST MISSION HOSPITAL Established 1930 Address: Sultanabad, Persia. Manager: Dr. A. Arzoo. Board: Local Committee and the superintendents of both East and West Persia Missions. SHANGHAI SANITARIUM-HOSPITAL AND CLINIC Box /281, Shanghai, China Established 1917 Main Institution: 150 Rubicon, Road, Shanghai, China. City Medical Office: Rooms 225226, 2nd Floor, Sassoon House, Shanghai, China. City Clinic: 171 Range Road, Shanghai, China. Board: H. W. Miller, M. A., M. D., Chairman; J. C. Shull, Sec.; C. C. Crisler,L. H. Butka, M. D., H. A.ckson, ri M. D., C. C. Morris, K. H. Wood, Matilda Follett, C. J. Wen, M. D., Elizabeth Redelstein, Y. C. Hsu, S. J. Lee. Medical Staff: IT. W. Miller, M. A., M. D., Medical Supt.; L. H. Butka, M. D., Medical Director Clinic; H. A. Erickson, M.D., Medical Director Sanitarium; Harold Lee, M. D.; A. L. Tai; ConSEOUL SANITARIUM AND stance J. Wen, M.D.; John Shull, HOSPITAL Business Manager; S. J. Lee, Established 1934 Treasurer and Accountant; Y. C. Address: Hwee Kyung Re, SeirHsu, Treasurer Clinic; Elizabeth yori, Seoul, Chosen. Redelstein, Supt. of Nurses ; Telephone: Kokamon 1282. Mrs. A. R. Boynton, R. N., Miss Board of Directors: The Chosen Matilda Follett, R. N.; L. E. Union Mission Committee. Siebold, R. N., Lela M. Hwa, Officers: G. H. Rue, M. D., Supt.; R. N., Ruth Ladd, R. N., Mrs. R. S. Watts, Director of Mrs. J. C. Shull, Matron; Nurses; C. S. Son, Treas. Pauline Woo, Alex. Merzliakoff, Local Board: H. .A. Oberg, G. H. A. Quisido, Mrs. A. Quisido, Rue, C. S. Son, Mrs. R. S. Watts, Dora Tong, H. C. Phang, Mrs. T. H. Chae, S. E. Lee, I. E. Gillis. S. D. Liu, Yen Shu Bin, Leah 300 SANITARIUMS Woo, Julia Yu, Dju Yu Ming, C. Lamanero, Dietitian at Clinic; A. R. Boynton, R. N., Roentgenologist, and Supt. Men's Bath; E. C. Meisler, Chef; P. L. 'Chang, Laboratory Technician and Pharmacist; R. H. Hartwell, Chaplain. School of Nursing: Elizabeth Redelstein, Director; Miss Ruth Ladd, Supervisor of Instruction. SHEN YANG SANITARIUMHOSPITAL Pei Ling, Mukden Established 1931 Staff: Medical Supt., Dr. R. W. Paul; Asst. Med. Supt., Dr. W. Nethery; Supt. of Nurses, Mrs. R. W. Paul; Bus. Mgr., 0. 0. Erich; Asst. Bus. Mgr., W. I. Hilliard; Medical Matron, Mrs. R. W. Paul. SHEN YANG (MUKDEN) .CLINIC . Established 1931 Address: 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Medical .Supt. and Manager: Dr. R. W. Paul. SIMLA SANITARIUM HYDROELECTRIC INSTITUTE Simla, India Established 1915 Managing Committee: Under superVision of Northwest India Union Committee. Address: "Carton House," Simla, India. During winter season: 8 Prithiraj Road, Delhi,India. Manager: H. C. Menkel, M. D. SKODSBORG SANITARIUM (Skodsborg Badesanatorium) Skodsborg, Denmark Established 1897 Officers: Carl Ottosen, M. D., Director; Chr. Hansen, Vice-Di- rector; Chr. Pedersen, Bus. Mgr.; tSvend Nielsen, Treas. Medical Faculty: Carl Ottosen, M. D., Miss Jensine Iversen, M. D., A. Andersen, M. D., David Ottosen, M. D., Einar Eriksen, M. D., Erling Tobiassen, M. D., Chr. Lassen, M. D. SONGA MISSION HOSPITAL Postal Address: B. P. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: Dr. E. L. Morel. Nurse: L. M. Delhove. SOONAN HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY Established 1908 Soonan, Chosen Board of Directors: The Chosen Union Mission Committee. Officers: G. H. Rue, M. D., Supt.; C. H. An, M. D., Resident Physician; Mrs. R. S. Watts, Director of Nurses; P. S. Im, Treasurer. Local Board: H. A. Oberg, G. H. Rue, Head Nurse, Director of the 'West Chosen Mission, H. M. Lee, K. I. Lee, P. S. Im. STANBORO UGH PARK SANITARIUM (The Stanboroughs) Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England Established 1912 Officers: Dr. C. E. Nelson, Medical Supt.; N. H. Knight, Business Manager. ST. HELENA SANITARIUM Sanitarium, Napa County, Calif. Established 1878 (Operated. by the California Med ical Missionary and Benevolent Association. A Corporation.) Board of Directors: J. E. Fulton, President; G. A. Calkins, H. W. Vollmer, M. D., W. C. Raley, SANITARIUMS H. G. Childs, Wm. Voth, W. C. White, W. E. Atkin, E. F. Stow, W. I. Smith, C. A. Gregory, M. D., C. H. Talmage, M. D., W. R. Bobst, Sec. • Officers: H. W. Vollmer, M. D., Medical Director; MT. R. Bobst, Treasurer and General Manager; Morton Green, Asst. Manager; Miss Franke Cobban, R. N., Supt. of Nurses' Training School; A. J. Wearner, Chaplain. Medical Staff: H. W. Vollmer, M. D.; C. A. Gregory, M. D.; C. FL Talmage, M. D.; Ida S. Nelson, M. D.; Ruth Miller, M. D. The California Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association also operates the following: Sanitarium Mercantile Company: Sanitarium, Calif., I. C. Emmerson, Supt. Oakland Office: 537 25th Street, Oakland, Calif. School of Nursing: Miss Franke Cobban, Director; Beulah Crane. Supervisor of Instruction; A. J. Wearner, Instructor of Bible. SYDNEY SANITARIUM Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia Established 1902 Board: W. G. Turner, Dr. C. W. Harrison, G. S. Fisher, T. W. Hammond, A. H. Piper, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, R. E. Hare, R. H. Adair, B. H McMahon. Medical Faculty: C. W. Harrison, M. D., F. R. C. S.; W. G. Harding, M. D., F. R. C. S; E. S. Richards, L. R. C. P.; G. S. -Fisher, Manager; • Miss H. Burroughs, Mrs. Elsie Shannan, A. W. Knight, R. G. L. Cooper, Miss Myrtle Speck, J. L. Simpson. TAFFARIE MAKONNEN HOSPITAL Dessie, Ethiopia Established 1928 Postal Address: Dessie, IVollo, Ethiopia. 301 Staff: Dr. C. E. Kahlstrom; Nurse, P. Hovig. TOIVONLINNA SUMMER SANITARIUM Finland Medical Supt.: Dr. V. Sucksdorff. Business Director: A. Rintala. TOKYO SANITARIUMHOSPITAL Established 1928 Telephone, Ogikubo 2051 Cable Address: " Adventist, Tokyo." Address: 171 Amanuma, 1 Chome, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Postal Address: Box 7, Suginami Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Board: V. T. Armstrong, Dr. Paul Starr, T. IL Okohira, Roby W. Peck, H. J. Perkins, S. Miyake, H. Kuniya, Dr. S. Watanabe. Officers: P. V. Starr, • M. D., Medical Director; Shogo Watanabe, M. D., Assistant Medical Director; H. J. Perkins, Business Manager and Treas.; Miss Roby W. Peck, R. N., Supt. of Nurses. School of Nursing: Miss Roby W. Peck, Director and Supervisor. of Instruction. WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Walla. Walla, Wash. Established 1905 Legal Name: Upper Columbia Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. Board of Directors: C. A. Scriven, M. G. DealY, J. E. Potts, H. R Willoughby, H. Bass, F. A. Detamore, P. W. OcbS. ••-; Medical Staff: Three S. D. A. doctors and 22 other doctors in Walla Walla who constitute the medical staff; Daisy Randolph. R. N. Supt. of Nurses; P. IV. Orbs, Manager. 302 SANITARIUMS WARBURTON SANITARIUM Warburton, Victoria, Australia Established 1910 Board: J. J. Potter, T. W. Ham- mond, G. G. Stewart, T. N. Bush, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, J. Newman. Medical Supt.: T. A. Sherwin, M. B. Ch. M. (Sydney), D. T. M. and H. (England). WASHINGTON SANITARIUM Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Dedicated June 12, 1907 Corporate Name: " Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Association." Constituency: The Executive Committee of the General Conference; Board of Trustees of the Washington (D. C.) Srinitarium Association; Faculty and head of departments of the Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Association; President and Treasurer and Medical Secretary of the Columbia Union Conference; Presidents of the local Conferences within the Columbia Union; President and Manager of the Review and Herald Publishing Association; President and Manager of the Washington Missionary College. Board of Directors: J. L. Shaw, Chairman; C. C. Pulver, Sec.; A. W. Truman, M. D.; D. H. Kress, M. D.; F. M. Wilcox, H. J. Detwiler, I. H. Evans, H. H. Hamilton, J. W. MacNeil, 0. S. Parrett, M. D. Officers: J. L. Shaw, Pres.; A. W. Truman, Medical Director; C. C. Pulver, Sec., Treas., and Business Manager. Hospital Staff: A. W. Truman, M. D., Med. Dir.; D. H. Kress, M.D.• 0. S. Parrett, M. D., Chas. H. Wolohon, M. D.; Edna F. Patterson, M. D., Obstetrician and Pediatrist; C. E. Lund, Interne; C. C. Pulver, Business Mgr.; J. C. Dimock, Steward; W. E. Barr, Chaplain; Mrs. E. T. James, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; H. F. Wilson, R. N., Physiotherapy Dept.; R. L. Runk, M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Dept.; J. N. Kimble, M. D., X-ray Dept.; L. R. House, M. D., Grace Parker, R. N., Laboratory Technician; Miss Helen Shull, A. B., Matron; Mrs. Alice Bourdeau, B. S., Social Matron; Maria Saunders, Dietitian; Mrs. W. E. Barr, Preceptress. School of Nursing: Mrs. E. T. James, Director; Hulda Gunther, Supervisor of Instruction; W. E. Barr, Instructor of Bible. WHITE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Cor. Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los Angeles, Calif. (Corporate name, College of Medical Evangelists.) Board of Trustees: Glenn Calkins, G. A. Roberts, A. E. Coyne, G. H. Curtis, B. M. Emerson, Newton Evans, J. F. Piper, W. H. Holden, B. E. Grant, Jr., P. T. Magan, 0. A. Hudson, C. K. Meyers, F. B. Moor, A. G. Daniells, E. H. Risley, J. L. Shaw, Alfred Shryock, C. H. Watson, George Thomason, R. J. Thompson, H. M. Walton, C. S. Prout, L. E. Smith, H. B. Thomas, M. R. Hill, E. A. Royston. Officers of Board: A. G. Daniells, President; G. A. Calkins, First Vice-President; P. T. Magan, Second Vice-President; 0. A. Hudson, Comptroller; S. S. Merrill, Sec.-Asst. Treas. Officers of the White Memorial Hospital: R. J. Thompson, Supt.; G. H. Curtis, Bus. Mgr.; Martha Borg, Superintendent of Nurses. Executive Faculty, School of Medicine, Los Angeles: F. T. Magan, President; Newton Evans, Vice- SANITARIUMS • Pres.; A. E. Coyne, Dean Los Angeles Division; Ora Barber, Instructor in Anesthesiology; Roger Barnes, Associate Professor of Urology; R. M. Clarke, Professor of Medicine; D. D. Comstock, Professor of Medicine (Head of Department); B. N. Colver, Professor of Otolaryngology; C. B. Courville, Professor of Neuropsychiatry; G. H. Curtis, Business Manager; Leon L. Harrop, Instructor in Obstetrics; Donald E. Griggs, Instructor in Medicine; Dallas B. Kittle, Instructor in Otolaryngology; Ada M. Horning, Instructor in Obstetrics; C. C. Bunch, Instructor in Medicine; E. A. Wagner, Instructor in Surgery; Byrne Taylor, Instructor in Ophthalmology; H. 0. Swartout, Instructor in Pub lic Health; Berthella Jarvis, Instructor in Pediatrics; J. S. Haskell, Instructor in Public Health; W. L. Halverson, Associate Professor of Public Health; Ethel Andre-Haskell, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics; H. J. Hara, Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology; C. H. Hayton, Professor of Otolaryngology; Malcolm R. Hill, Associate Professor of Surgery; George Johnstone, Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery; Florence Keller, Professor of Gynecology; E. C. Kellogg, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology; T. S. Kimball, Assistant Professor of Pathology; C. W. Olsen, Assistant Professor of Neuropsychiatry; 0. B. Pratt, Associate Professor of Pathology; Clarence E. Stafford, Instructor in Surgery; Wilburn Smith, Professor of Gynecology; C. M. Taylor, Associate Professor of Surgery (Orthopedics) ; George Thomason, Professor of Surgery (Head of Department); Ralph J. Thompson, Professor of Ob- 303 stetrics and Gynecology (Head of Department) ; Wm. G. Wirth, Professor of Biblical Exegesis; E. Torral Seat, Instructor in Field Evangelism; W. F. Norwood, Registrar. School of Nursing, Los Angeles: Martha E. Borg, Director School of Nursing; P. T. Magan, President College of Medical Evangelists; Newton Evans, VicePresident College of Medical Evangelists; A. E. Coyne, Dean Los Angeles Division, College of Medical Evangelists; Ralph J. Thompson, Supt. White Memorial Hospital; G. H. Curtis, Business Manager White Memorial Hospital; Bertha Hanger, Dean of Women; Florence Crouch, Assistant to Dean of Women; Lois Burnett, Assistant Director School of Nursing; Mary Kisz, Instructor of Nurses; Freda Miller, Supervisor White Memorial Clinic; Inez Smith, Night Supervisor; Bessie Falconer, Supervisor Private Room Section; Ruth Lockhart, Supervisor Maternity Department; Grace Shull, Supervisor Operating Room; Evalyn Bullock, Supervisor Men's Medical and Surgical Department; Eugenia Herbert, Supervisor Women's Medical and Surgical Department; Nellie DeFord, Dietitian. YENCHENG SANITARIUMHOSPITAL Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan Incorporated as the Central China Union Sanitarium-Hospital, May, 1931. Board of Directors: Central China Union Committee. Faculty: R. J. Brines, M. D., Medical Director; Bai Yuen Chang, M. D., Melda Ragsdale, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; D. C. McFeters, 304 SANITARIUMS Treasurer; Mrs. R. J. Brines, Fan Deli Yu, Mrs. Yu Ging Fan, Li Yu Djieh, Li Bao Ching, Iswei Yu Han, Wan Chang Fa, Hsiung Gwei Ching. School of Nursing: Melda Ragsdale, R. N., Director. ZAUDITU MEMORIAL SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Superintendent: Dr. G. C. Bergman. Medical Staff: G. C. Bergman, M. D., L. R. C. P. and S., D. T. M. and H., T. C. Nicola, M. D., Miss E. Bergman, Miss R. Hafstad, Margit Halvorsen. In addition to the foregoing Conference institutions, there are a number of sanitariums and treatment rooms owned and operated by private individuals and organizations. While under private or semi-private management, many of these enterprises are doing a work which adds greatly to the volume of medical work of the denomination as a whole. As our Year Book gives only such institutions as are directly owned and managed by the denomination, these enterprises are not listed. DISPENSARIES AND TREATMENT ROOMS Alambagh Dispensary.-17 Abbott Road, LucknOw, India; Established 1929. In charge of Miss L. C. Scholz, R. N. Bukit Nyala Mission Dispensary.—Bukit Nyala, Tatau River, via, Bintulu, Sarawak, Borneo. Medical Supt., R. T. Morrow, M. D. Buganda Mission Dispensary.—Buganda, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Mrs. V. Davies in charge. Cairo Institution for Massage and Hydro-Electric Therapy.-21, Sharia el Manakh, Cairo, Egypt. Established 1932. Nurses: Emil Krueger, Erna Kruger. Charlottenbad.—Charlottenstr 24, Hamburg 19, Germany. Held by: Westdeutsche Grundstiicke-Gesellschaft, Hamburg. Manager: Willy Koch. Chiao Tou Hospital-Dispensary.—China Training Institute, Chiao Tou T.seng, Kiangsu, China. Established 1926. Board• of Managers: 4 The same as for the China Training Institute. Dr. Herbert Liu, M. D., Supt. Chimpempe Mission Dispensary.—P. 0. Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Mrs. Wilfred Mason in charge. Chuadanga Dispensary.—S. D. A. Mission, Dinghadha, Chuadanga P. 0., Nada District, India.. Establise 1931. In charge of J. J. d Matson, assisted by Girsh Arinda. and J. N. Baroi. Clinica Tacubaya.—Agricultura 73, Colonia Escandon, Taeubaya, Mexico, D. F. (Telephone, P-0061.) Copenhagen Clinic, Fysisk 'Kuranstall—St. Kongensgade 36/38, Copenhagen K. Denmark. Director, Bus. Mgr., C. M. Scott. Gitwe Mission ,Dispensary.—Gitwe, "P. 0. Usumbura, Central. Africa. M. Duplouy in charge. Haifa.—Institution for Massage and Hydro Electric Therapy. Established 1933. Address: P. 0. Box 478, Haifa, Palestine; Nurses: Alfred Piorr, and Lina Piorr. Hapur Dispensary.—Hapur, Meerut Dist. In charge of R. L. Kimble. Hatkalandga Dispensary.—S. D. A. Mission, Kolhapur, India. In charge ' of. Mrs. S. 0. Martin. Haugesund, Norway.— Treatment Rooms, Breidablikgaten 97. Corporate Name: Haugesunds Kurbad. Manager, Einar Olsen. Helsingfors, Finland.— Hydro-Electric Institute Annegatan Corporate Name: Helsingfors Fysikaliska- 'Institut. Manager, "V. Sucksdorff, M. D. Htugyi Dispensary.—S. D. A. Mission, Htugyi, Burma. Inyazura Mission DisPensary.---=Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Airica. Mrs. S. W. Palmer in charge. ' Jerusalem.—Institution -for Massage and Hydro Ekctric Therapy. Eitablished 1899, suspended 1916, reopened 1929. Address: Godfreystreet 58, Musrara, Jerusalem, Palestine; Nurses,. Bror Faernstroem; Elsie Faernstroem. 305 306 DISPENSARIES AND TREATMENT ROOMS Kamamaung Dispensary.—S. D. A. Mission Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., Burma. Established 1915; In charge of E. B. Hare assisted by Naw Yin Ni. Karmatar Dispensary.—S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Established 1929. In charge of H. D. Streever, assisted by Mrs. H. D. Streever, Gabriel Murmu (evangelist), Elisabeth Peters, Simon Hembrom. Katima Mulilo Mission Dispensary.—Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia. Mrs. I. B. Burton in charge. Kirundu Mission Dispensary.—Kirundu, via Kindu, Province Orientale, Congo Beige, Cent. Africa. Mrs. V. C. Norcott in charge. Kolo Mission Dispensary.—Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. H. J. Hurlow in charge. Kottarakara Dispensary.—Kottarakara, S. Travancore, South India. In charge of Mrs. E. L. Gardner. Krishnarajapuram Dispensary.—Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District, South India. In charge of Mrs. L. B. Losey. Established 1924. Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary.— Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwangtung, China. In charge of Dr. P. H. Leung with four native assistants. Board of Directors: Same as Canton Sanitarium and Dr. S. H. Hung, Dr. P. H. Leung. Liumba Hill Dispensary.—P. 0. Kalabo, Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Africa; S. M. Konigmacher in charge. Luz Mission Dispensary.—Caixa Postale, No. 33, Missao de Luz, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Mrs. J. D. Baker in charge. Matandani Mission Dispensary.—Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Mrs. E. B. Jewell in charge, assisted by native orderly. Meiktila Dispensary.—Meiktila, Burma. Myaungmya Dispensary.—Established 1928. In charge of A. J. Sargent, assisted by Mrs. A. J. Sargent. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Mosokwin Road, Myaunginya, Burma. Nova Lisboa Dispensary.—Caixa Postal No. 3. Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Africa; Mrs. C. W. Curtis in charge. Nyhyttan, Jarnbois, Sweden.—Treatment Rooms; Manager, K. Utter back. Oslo Health Home.—Oslo, Norway, Akersgaten 74; Established 1900: Corporate name, "Kurbadet"; Manager, Aksel Johansen. Palakol Dispensary.—Narsapur, West Godavery Dist., South India; In charge, Dr. G. A. Nelson. Penang Mission Clinic.-511 Chulia Street, Penang, Straits Settlements. Poona Dispensary.—Post Box 15, Poona, India. In charge of Mrs. C. L. Torrey. Prakasapuram Dispensary.—Prakasapuram, Mukupeeri Post, Tinnevelly District South India. In charge of Mrs. H. W. Carter. Reform—Kuranstalt and Erholungsheim "Neanderhain"—Diepensiepen 16-18, Mettmann Rhld., Germany. Held by Westdeutsche Grundstiicks Gesellschaft, Hamburg. Manager, H. Fenner, W. Koch; Principal, H. Erzberger. DISPENSARIES AND TREATMENT ROOMS 307 Rusangu Mission Dispensary.—P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mrs. R. M. Mote in charge. Rwankeri Mission Dispensary.—Rwankeri, P. 0. Kigali, Ruanda, Central Africa. H. Monnier in charge. Shiloh Dispensary.— Lunsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa; Mrs. H. L. Ferguson in charge. Shiloh S. D. A. Clinic (colored).-46th Street and St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, Ill. (Phone, Atlantic 5152.) Nurse in charge, Hattie Steele, R. N. Sianfu (Outside West Gate), Shensi, China.—In charge of Mrs. Z. H. Coberly, R. N. Solusi Mission Dispensary.—Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. F. B. Jewell in charge. Stockholm, Sweden.— Hydro-Electric Institute, Humlegiirdsgatan 18; Manager, P. Lindberg. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.— Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 308 George St. Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China.—Tatsienlu Dispensary, Medical Superintendent, H. E. James, M. D. Wollega Dispensary.—S. D. A. Mission, Gembie, Western Ethiopia. C. Jensen and Miss A. Lind in charge. FOOD COM PAN I ES Colorado Sanitarium Food Co.—Boulder, Colo.: Denver Branch, 433 Fourteenth St., Denver, Colo. Copenhagen Food Factory.—Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, N., Denmark; Business Manager, H. Westerlund. Food Factory "Pur Aliment."—Rue du Mont-Cenis 128, Paris 18, France. Business Manager, Oscar Ganty. German Good Health Food Factor.—Hamburg, Campestr. 18 (De-Vau-Ge, Deutseher Verein fiir Gesundheitspflege, Hamburg) (E. V.); Board: G. W. Schubert, Pres.; A. Vollmer, Vice-Pres.; H. Roth, Manager; F. Reinken, Treas.; W. Mueller, E. Gugel, A. Minek, 0. Schildhauer, H. Box, H. Fenner, G. Seng, J. Scheller. Local Committee: H. Roth, A. Vollmer, F. Reinken, C. Thalmann, M. Liihr. Gland Hygienic Food Factory.— (Fabrique de Produits Alimentaires Hygieniques " Phag") ; Gland, Switzerland. Established 1896. Corporate Name: Societe Philanthropique de la Ligniere. Board of Directors: F. Brennwald, V. Monnier, A. V. Olson, J. Robert, U. Augsburger, G. Weber, H. Schild, Dr. H. Milner, Dr. P. A. De Forest, W. R. Beach, Dr. J. Nussbaum, F. Charpiot, D. N. Wall, H." Willi, A. Walther. Local Board: V. Monnier, A. Forster, F. Brennwald, R. Schild, U. Augsburger, J. Robert, Dr. H. Mtiller, Dr. P. A. De Forest. Granose Foods Limited.—(British Health Food Factory), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; established 1899. Board of Directors: W. E. Read, H. Osborne, A. S. Maxwell, H. W. Lowe, J. Rigby. Officers: Chairman, W. E. Read; Manager, H. Osborne,. Sales Manager, H. Benwell; Sec.-Treas., J. Rigby. The Loma Linda Sanitarium Food Co.—Owned and operated as a department of the College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. Board of Directors: Otis A. Hudson, H. B. Thomas, G. H. Curtis, H. H. Haynes, H. M, Walton, F. B. Moor, E. H. Risley, F. R. Eastman. Sanitarium Health Food Company.—Head Office, "Mizpah," Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. General Secretary, G. T. Chapman; Associate Secretary, G. E. Adair; Assistant Secretary, H. J. Halliday; General Board: T. IV. Hammond, W. G. Turner, G. T. Chapman, A. H. Piper, G. E. Adair, H. J. Halliday, G. S. Fisher, B. H. McMahon, J. J. Potter, A. E. Speck, C. S. Palmer, R. H. Adair, presidents of local conferences, managers of Australasian factories and branches. New Zealand central board: F. G. Rampton, H. E. Piper, T. W. Hammond, G. T. Chapman, G. E. Adair, H. J. Halliday, S. H. Aymes, A. S. Herbert, C. V. Millist, managers of New Zealand factories and branches, C. W. Tinworth (Asst.. Sec. in N. Z.). The Soonan Food Factory.—Owned and operated by the Chosen Union Training School, Soonan, Chosen. Superintendent H. F. Benson. 308 FOOD COMPANIES 309 Shops and Wholesale Depots Sydney, N. S. W., 308 George St.; Manager, H. J. Franks. 'Melbourne, Victoria, 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, P. A. Donaldson. Adelaide, South Australia; ,7a Rundle St.; Manager, G. E. Salisbury. Auckland, New Zealand,r174 Queen St.;. Manager, R. I. Wright. Brisbane, Queensland, 360 Queen St.; Manager, N. H. Faulkner. Christchurch, New Zealand, 708 Colombo St.; Manager, C. W. Tinworth. Dunedin, New Zealand, 93 Princes St. Hobart, Tasmania, 85 Elizabeth St.; Manager, R. J. Riley. Perth, West Australia, 757 Hay St., Perth; Manager, Harry Stacey. Wellington, New Zealand, 83 Willis St.; Manager, Sydney Greive. Wholesale Depot: Prahran, Victoria, 118 Union St.; Manager, J. S. Sandema n. Wholesale Depot: Sydney, New Smith Wales, 216 Sussex St.; Manager, T. J. Dowling. CAFES. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.— 306-308 George St., Sydney; Manager, H. J. Franks. Melbourne, Victoria.-293 Little Collins St.; Manager, P. A. Donaldson. Adelaide, South Australia.-7a Rundle St.; Manager, G. E. Salisbury. Perth, West Australia.-575 Hay St., Perth; Manager, H. Stacey. Brisbane, Queensland.-360 Queen St.; Manager, N. H. Faulkner. Auckland, New Zealand.— 174 Queen St.; Manager, R. I. Wright. Wellington, New Zealand.-83 Willis St.; Manager, Sydney Greive. Rome, Italy.—Via Liguria 26. Proprietress,' Miss Luisa, Chiellini. STATISTICAL TABLES SPECIAL DAYS, 1935 Home Missionary Day Tithe Covenant Day Elementhry School Offering Christian Home Day Signs of the Times Campaign Temperance Day Foreign Periodical Week Home Foreign Day Offering for Foreign Literature and Foreign Translation Fund Missionary Volunteer Day March 9 Missionary Volunteer Week of Prayer March 9-16 The Watchman Magazine Day March 23 Thirteenth Sabbath Offering March 30 Medical Missionary Day April 6 April 13 Rural Schools Offering April 27 Mission Extension Fund Day and Offering May 4 Home Missionary Day May 18 to June 1 Review and Herald Subscription Campaign. Elementary Schools Offering May 25 June 1 Religious Liberty Day and Offering June 15 Sabbath Sch000l Rally Day June 29 Thirteenth Sabbath Offering July 6 Home Missionary Day July 13 Educational Day July 13 Elementary Schools Offering July 20 Midsummer Offering for Missions August 3 Home Missionary Day August 10 Offering for Negro Work September 7 Harvest Ingathering Rally Day September 7 to October 26 —Official Ingathering Campaign September 28 Thirteenth Sabbath Offering October 5 Home Missionary Day October 12 Home Study Institute Day October 26 Elementary Schools Offering November 2 Home Missionary Day November 9 Colporteurs' Rally Day November 23-30 Week of Sacrifice November 30 ,, Week of Sacrifice Offering December 7-14 Annual Week of Prayer December 14 Annual Offering December 21 Home Missionary Day December 28 Thirteenth Sabbath Offering Note.—The Autumn Council of 1933 voted to set apart the second Sabbath of each month for a Second Sabbath Foreign Missions Offering. These do not appear in the above schedule of offerings, but should be observed in those months where a special offering is not listed for the second Sabbath. 310 January 5 Jauary 12 January 26 February 2 February 3-17 February 23 February 23 to March 2 March 2 March 2 STATISTICAL TABLES 311 APPROPRIATIONS TO MISSIONS The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General Conference for evangelistic work, for the years stated: — 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1023 1924 1925 1928 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 . $143,798.86 163,755.56 253,445.74 272,873.08 351,414.61 410,611.48 404,922.53 476,600.00 623,763.00 Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00 Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92 Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853,153.57 Foreign, 680,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,953.17 Foreign, 1,071,929.90; Home, 276,960.00 1,348,889.90 Foreign, 923,686.21; Home, 453,054.01 1,376,740.22 2,171,156.70 2,535,062.79 3,547,582.50 3,224,058.93 3,486,154.76 4,023,415.31 4,190,260.46 4,215,699.01 4,429,207.18 4,497,573.18 4,792,762.63 4,517,309.04 3,835,913.36 The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expenditures; for later years, appropriations voted. The amounts expended for most of the years was in excess of that appropriated, rarely less. 312 STATISTICAL TABLES WORKERS SENT TO FOREIGN FIELDS (Not including children or workers returned from furlough) 1901-02 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 107 60 40 60 76 58 140 134 61 74 97 157 103 76 147 59 103 83 - 310 212 137 110 142 175 216 184 159 155 183 119 67 64 72 STATISTICAL TABLES 313 PRESIDENTS OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Name 1. John Byington 2. James White 3. J. N. Andrews 4. James White 5. Geo. I. Butler 6. James White 7. Geo. I. Butler 8. 0. A. Olsen 9. G. A. Irwin 10. A. G. Daniells 11. W. A. Spicer 12. C. H. Watson Date of Service May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865 May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867 May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868 May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871 Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874 Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880 Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888 Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897 Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901 April 2, 1901, to May 11, 1922 May 11, 1922, to May 28, 1930 May 28, 1930, to SECRETARIES OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Name 1. Uriah Smith 2. M. S. Burnham 3. Uriah Smith 4. S. Brownsberger 5. Uriah Smith 6. C. W. Stone 7. Uriah Smith 8. A. B. Oye' 9. Uriah Smith 10. Dan T. Jones 11. W. A. Colcord 12. L. T. Nicola 13. L. A. Hoopes 14. H. E. Osborne 15. W. A. Spicer 16. A. G. Daniells 17. C. K. Meyers 18.. M. E. Kern Date of Service May 21, 1863, to May 12,-1868 May 12, 1868, to May 18, 1869 May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873 Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874 Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876 Sept. 19, 1876,•to Sept. 20, 1877 Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881 Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883 Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888 Oct. 17, 1888, to March 5, 1891 ' March 5, 1891, to March 6, 1893 April, 1893 to Feb. 19, 1897 Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901 April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903 April 11, 1903, to May 11, 1922 May 11, 1922, to May 27, 1926 May 27, 1926, to Oct. 17, 1933 Oct. 22, 1933, to In the two preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when the Conference sessions were convened. STATISTICAL TABLES 314 CHURCH WORK Year 1863 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1.929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Membership 3,500 4,000 5,440 8,022 15,570 20,547 29,711 47,680 66,547 77,443 90,808 136,879 141,488 153,857 162,667 178,239 185,450 198,088 208,771 221,874 238,657 250,988 261,834 274,064 285,293 299,555 314,253 336,046 362,101 384,151 Annual Tithe $ 8,000.00 12,000.00 21,822.46 32,618.62 61,856.88 122,641.69 225,433.98 309,142.76 510,258.97 858,014.91 1,338,689.65 1,968,168.26 2,291,423.46 2,946,907.49 3,841,317.96 4,989,305.28 7,195,463.04 4,237,745.31 4,230,230.04 4.814,554.87 5,466,431.17 5,909,496.99 5,964,331.83 6,211,759.20 6,373.147.36 6.696,038.51 6,230,362.04 5,641,514.44 4,736,430.93 4,491,730.36 Foreign Miss. Offgs. $ 536.57 3,160.22 21,649.85 50,495.63 73,331.54 130,151.09 169,335.11 458,943.70 872,666.84 963,700.23 1,353,686.07 2,072,917.21 2,091,278.38 3,251.550.01 2,781,728.23 2,765,461.51 3,004,64.1.73 3,344,723.07 3,520,347.95 3,757,579.06 3,770,888.29 3.881.879.95 4,163,357.98 4,020,398.21 3.649,455.31 3,022,870.89 2,730,641.22 All Per Cap. of Other Fds. Tot. Fds. $2.29 3.00 4.66 4.13 $ 2,784.35 4.35 6,898.74 7.36 10,935.36 9.66 24,819.40 8.55 21,558.93 8.74 153,567.62 13.52 426,134.17 21.27 566,463.07 24.89 695,368.09 27.92 819,089.88 33.28 981,484.65 42.39 1,496,467.20 48.12 1,407,391.18 63.92 1,488,582.65 42.95 1,325,170.29 39.86 1,337,585.35 41.45 1,530,407.03 43.33 1,665,502.37 44.21 1,730,206.30 43.74 1.962,167.53 43.58 2,016.726.29 43.01 1,961,795.75 42.80 1,861,849.29 38.54 1,743,192.47 32.84 1,497,735.61 25.56 22.50 1,420,280.85 SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Year 1878 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 192 7 1928 1929 1930• 1931 1932 1933 No. Schools Membership Contributions $ 25.00 5:851 177 11,821 451 2,784.35 19,579 716 6,898.74 1,414 33,783 28,642.75 2,143 50,266 44,629.16 2,334 50,804 46,794.40 75,305 68,613.71 3,170 101.161 4.151 138,037.72 147,784 5.225 412,759.28 5,390 153.781 452,187.62 5,519 168,239 600,932.71 5.610 171.91.4 725,895.08 5,804 182,459 903,658.00 195,653 6,151 1,441,962.40 6,690 211,973 1,305,995.04 224,717 6,770 1,164,646.48 7.292 249,089 1,392,041.82 7,472 274,455 1,584,411.23 1,674,446.40 7,957 287,752 311,018 8,276 1,776,746.96 8,502 323,992 1,816,419.18 9.021 342.434 1,906.506.28 358,844 9.521 1,973.497.22 382,743 1,87-0,343.13 9.966 410.714 10,578 1,727,089.97 11,140 431,118 1,504,985.23 11,466 465,755 1,309,704.47 Donations to Per Cent to Missions Missions $ 17,707.39 19,809.76 25,235.47 49,894.97 134,830.48 412,759.28 452,187.62 600,932.71 725,895.08 903,658.00 1,441,962.40 1,305,995.04 1,164,646.46 1,392,041.82 1,584,411.23 1,674,446.40. 1,776,746.96 1,816,419.18 1.906.506.28 1,973,497.22 1,870,343.13 1,727.089.97 1,504,985.23 1,309,704.47 61.83 44.89 53.94 72.72 97.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 315 STATISTICAL TABLES PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT Year 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1024 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Peri- Languages—all Total No. Pub. EmHouses ployees odicals publications Annual Sales 1 1 .. .. $ 2,000.00 7 2 1 1 2 1 3,000.00 1 17 4,000.00 1 20 2 1 7,000.00 1 1 30 3 8 2 18,000.00 3 71 40,000.00 4 128 10 7 121,692.36 6 232 21 9 12 7 412 24 734.397.00 23 585 40 250,000.00 11 13 96 39 250,000.00 600 89 46 20 400 548,067.03 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58 40 120 95 2,174.591.94 698 40 740 90 2,181,340.27 130 41 94 2,937,422.88 802 134 41 94 853 142 3,416,500.00 43 1020 138 96 5.215.626.49 45 1125 144 99 5,682,972.35 46 1040 148 100 4,764.521.06 51 114 961 154 3,656,481.31 51 114 4,067,460.49 923 156 52 53 56 56 56 58 67 68 68 69 953 965 933 1000 1057 1114 1145 1. 090 1075 1060 156 177 194 201 215 215 219 237 246 249 114 128 131 132 141 141 146 152 157 161 4,236,120.09 4,631.706.47 4,831,431.43 4,638,127.18 4,716.601.54 4,939.917.08 4,715,709.89 4,002.774.54 3,499,304.93 3,387,682.66 Tot.Val. 1 copy each pub. (1846) .93 (1854) 8.08 (1862) 7.50 8.33 12.49 29.57 53.30 96.80 171.55 243.60 267.84 300.00 525.00 " 640.00 " 680.00 704.50 758.48 812.53 877.74 1,000.80 1,153.23 1,244.15 1,301.68 1,417.23 1,523.51 1,594.00 1,700.68 1,746.29 1,814.73 1,885.80 1,951.87 2,004.87 SANITARIUMS No. of Sanitariums Year and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets 1866 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1. 928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1 1 1 2 2 7 27 55 74 40 41 47 46 41 41 44 50 2 6 7 10 13 15 33 74 80 116 131 141 147 144 150 163 175 196 14 35 125 165 225 315 477 1,216 1,300 1,989 1,729 1.808 1.912 2.065 2.263 2.308 2,424 2.541 51 63 65 62 71 81 96 106 112 118 123 241 323 347 375 435 474 495 566 586 648 810 3.077 3,276 3.501 3.547 3.714 3.789 4,31. 7 4,287 4,118 3,881 4,466 n $ 24,800.60 44,221.54 70.189.22 190,956.74 310,808.81 548.923.45 800,786.99 1.294,474.73 1,600,000.00 3,368,041.46 2.774.058.94 2.895.483.70 3.148.692.82 3,225,110.25 4,263.383.25 4.309.701.10 4.580,093.90 5.361.230.10 6.386,311.32 6.634,477.72 6.599,665.15 7.318.624.16 7,345,047.23 7.525.972.48 7.999.591.83 8,229.915.09 8,459,711.05 STATISTICAL TABLES 316 YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT No. Societies 186 196 400 461 647 964 1,070 1,196 1,342 1,369 1,446 1.681 2,080 2,147 2,285 Year 1902 1905 1906 1907 1910 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 2,341 2,574 3,042 3.121 3,320 3,555 3,694 3,825 4.211 4,064 '4,730 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1028 1929 1930 1931 1932 1.933 Year 1872 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1021 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Members 3,478 3,741 5,400 8,933 12,408 19,428 19,898 23,442 25,836 26,337 27,879 32,921 41,916 45.012 46.933 Total Contributions 48,769 53:522' 59.723 66,031 65.186 75.776 78,094 84,823 86.668 94,203 107,861. 140,731.99 114,780.54 143.723.47 167,859.52 182,674.00 180,619.15 171,475.28 154,527.14 145.759.11 1.03,494.78 1.15,621.02 $ 5,744.40 11,122.60 18,807.03' 24,380.20 34,676.53 44,497.58 54,944.59 75,652.48 78,983.50 115,724.98 191,848.80 196,492.92 157,292.33 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT No. Colleges No. Primary Enrolment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrolment Schools Teachers 1 3 . 90 ... ... 1 13 ... ... 289 15 1 20 1 490 1 125 3 38 761 5 3 7 56 • 15 350 979 9 895 11 157 18 35 1.974 5.000 220 250 25 199 2.357 466 7,345 51 417 257 3,308 506 8,007 67 458 415 5,455 625 10,487 83 476 535 ' 6,521 11.835 83 579 668 504 6,535 758 594 13.357 86 561 7,169 613 790 15,498 89 640 8,043 674 15,602 90 631 573 8,205 592 10,206 70 510 557 7,563 703 611 12,044 67 538 7,656 849 13,413 67 692 574 7.623 1059 17,178 68 824 583 7,964 68 738 869 15.635 MO 9.375 1043 848 18.105 77 729 9.908 1168 881 20.525 88 12.695 884 • 928 1273 23.481 97 1,020 14.614 1.196 1614 27,730 114 15.103 1,110 1.259 1718 84,084 129 1,159 15,505 1.265 1632 34.553 122 1,314 16.298 1647 1.225 38.267 133 1.430 17.943 1.413 1847 48.769 148 1.506 18.692 1.479 1,307 1.348 1.071 .1,977 1.937 1,650 2,064 2041 1787 1957 2640 2547 2584 2171 2807 46,028 38.008 37,778 64,563 67,719 66,288 55,268 71,579 121 144 175 204 201 196 204 207 1,399 1,433 1.758 1,596 1,794 1,791 2,189 2,325 18,866 21.045 23.996 25.270 25.462 24.177 23,556 23,481 317 STATISTICAL TABLES HARVEST INGATHERING STATISTICAL RECORD (Applies in North America Only) Year 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927• 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Publication Used Review & Herald Review & Herald Review & Herald Signs Signs Review & Herald Review & Herald Signs Signs Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Quantity Printed 692,000 689,315 510,000 550,000 490,000 606,565 683,063 823,500 1,077,470 1,206,203 1,201,527 1,500,000 1,850,000 2,414,471 2,120,000 2,110,000 1,945,000 2,133,063 2,263,000 2,283,260 2,335.481 2,456,955 2,630,000 2,542,015 2,230,000 2,248,000 Foreign Edition Quan. Lan. 15 17 19 25 24 18 22 22 24 24 24 25 25 21 267,000 276,000 383,000 433,000 559,410 379,000 424,000 497,200 513,897 576,194 684,540 594,456 579,000 457,500 Amount Collected $14,136.77 41,183.46 41,648.92 32,654.45 50,164.45 56,282.99 57,598.73 78,333.25 125,953.10 169,170.18 199,920.49 340,992.47 546,731.38 527,618.77 537,878.13 579,899.03 589,729.33 650,408.46 696,315.66 756,369.84 827,261.96 851,416.55 801,789.80 688,096.60 528,710.69 520,359.35 $10,310,619.81 318 STATISTICAL TABLES HARVEST INGATHERIN( Year 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Australasia C. Europe China* $22,735.58 33,781.36 61,921.26 93,290.40 78,234.22 73,722.80 79,136.36 76,050.84 71,270.94 76,960.61 73,050.75 78,100.15 75,460.30 62,161.33 63,793.55 62,244.84 $87,031.61 93,354.44 98,634.35 85,556.95 82,722.53 $16,236.61 17,889.45 22,443.76 $1,081,915.29 $447,299.88 $56,569.82 Far East $ 5,864.71 6,129.41 18,232.66 14,839.51 16,087.21 22,441.69 20,019.07 23,298.40 18,729.63 55,445.18 57,024.93 80,009.43 11,595.61 17,154.08 17,143.90 Inter-Amer. N. Amerh $15,589.00 22,090.17 21,119.38 21,242.48 24,591.93 26,464.19 29,851.69 27,047.04 23,249.38 19,540.39 14,478.13 $ 14,136. 41,183, 41,648.1 32,654., 50,164., 56,282.1 57,598. 78,333.: 125,953. 169,170. •*199,920., 340,992., 546,731.: 527,618.' 537,878.: 579,899.1 589,729.: 650,408.4 696,315.1 756,369.: 827,261.5 851,416.f 801,789.1 688,096.1 528,710.1 520,359.: $384,015.42 $245,263.78 810,310,619.i *Prior to 1931 included in Far East. **Hawaii included in 1918 and each succeeding year. 319 STATISTICAL TABLES ECORD -ALL DIVISIONS 1. Europet S. Africa S. America S. Asia 692,489.65 99,595.20 87,332.93 73,164.31 97,870.05 $ 8,837.47 8,936.45 13,518.81 15,245.10 14,854.50 17,129.45 16,136.18 22,951.76 27,186.15 29,556.12 28,097.32 24,086.53 27,205.26 $12,942.18 25,296.06 27,920.36 33,408.18 39,555.21 40,053.56 29,850.01 27,892.85 29,375.48 34,168.76 32,182.83 32,491.64 27,775.75 25,182.17 5,702.75 8,852.30 6,474.15 7,098.00 5,599.00 6,813.98 5,060.55 5,246.05 11,981.45 9,850.92 8,825.71 10,103.06 450,452.14 $253,741.10 $418,095.04 S. Europe] European*** $ 88,788.97 71,137.57 77,781.35 123,274.69 149,898.64 152,337.02 171,350.08 179,905.13 $42,323.29 47,058.83 50,381.77 46,512.06 45,595.45 Totals $ 14,136.77 41,183.46 41,643.92 32,654.45 50,164.45 56,282.99 57,598.73 78,333.25 125,953.10 169,170.18 222,656.07 380,638.54 627,724.23 762,064.33 744,648.99 808,858.68 897,946.60 979,502.45 1,017,042.96 1,098,845.10 1,219,515.00 1,304,838.83 1,298,035.44 1,108,128.46 913,009A7 925,348.50 $91,607.92 $231,871.40 $1,014,473.35 $14,985,924.95 ***United European Division, 1921-1928, inclusive. fEuroPean Division Divided into Central, Northern, and Southern Divisions in 1929. STATISTICAL TABLES 320 GENERAL SUMMARY Year 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1910 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Local Union Conferences Conferences .. 1 13 23 23 25 26 26 26 31 35 44 46 51 55 54 52 60 65 64 65 67 71 71 70 70 7 13 28 36 80 106 126 126 128 130 130 135 141 133 148 139 143 146 138 139 143 146 153 155 160 155 144 146 Mission Fields Institutions 1 2 3 22 56 87 100 101 106 109 113 119 117 141 153 160 153 150 164 180 198 211 222 245 270 278 289 309 1 5 11 29 126 188 196 * 151 147 147 149 156 . 164 172 183 204 224 234 248 266 255 291 328 375 399 417 424 941 Total Denominational Investment $ 38,712.53 282,179.55 885,382.97 2,858,725.82 4,799,419.51 10,086,245.27 12,084,438.13 12,812,783.61 14,039,279.39 14,254,615.45 15,284,215.27 16,873,422.54 19,975,500.49 25,432,582.52 30,699,461.49 34,196,049.15 36,903,593.95 40,675,238.72 44,971,881.12 45,648,299.24 48,025,317.33 49,293,887.27 50,281,614.54 53,314,348.60 54,115,482.55 54,114,844.52 53,235,460.37 53,979,143.72 * After 1913 not including privately owned institutions. DENOMINATIONAL INVESTMENT, 1933 Number Organization North America From 1933 Financial Statement : 351 Conferences $ 2,570,284.16 116 Associations 5,882,933.27 145 Bible Houses 264,836.87 114 Schools 5,907,201.85 69 Publishing Houses 1,849,022.94 65 Sanitariums 5,313,620.60 18 Food Companies 878 Totals $21,787,899.69 From 1933 Statistical Report : 3,329 Church Buildings $ 6,922,229.48 2,064 Church School Bldgs. 900,010.03 5,393 Totals $ 7,822,239.51 6,271 Grand Totals, 1933 . .. .$29,610,139.20 5,629 Grand Totals, 1932 $29,654,945.40 642 Increase Decrease 44,806.20 Per Cent Increase Per Cent Decrease .15 Foreign Total $ 4,467,129.47 7,026,324.45 243,457.81 2,496,012.21 1,721,467.54 3,146,090.45 2,062,651.90 $21,163,133.83 $ 7,037,413.63 12,909,257.72 508,294.68 8,403,214.06 3,570,490.48 8,459,711.05 2,062,651.90 $42,951,033.52 2,716,055.48 489,815.21 $3,205,870.69 $24,369,004.52 $23,580.514.97 788,489.55 9,638,284.96 1,389,825.24 $11,028,110.20 $53,979,143.72 $53,235,460.37 743.683.35 3.34 1.40 321 STATISTICAL TABLES DENOMINATIONAL INVESTMENT, 1907-1933 Year • 1907 1908 1909 1910 r 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 11 Amount $ 7,281,645.29 8,436,309.41 9,562,722.05 10,086,245.27 11,204,962.35 12,084,438.13 12,812,783.61 14,039,279.39 14,254,615.45 15,284,215.27 16,873,422.54 19,975,500.49 25,432,582.52 30,699,461.49 34,196,049.15 36,903,593.95 40,675,238.72 44,971,881.12 45,648,299.24 48,025,317.33 49,293,887.27 50,281,614.54 53,314,348.60 54,115,482.55 54 114,844.52 53,235,460.37 53,979,143.72 Per Capita $ 90.01 101.46 108.05 111.07 119.99 123.26 111.84 111.56 104.14 108.02 109.66 122.80 142.69 165.54 172.63 176.77 183.33 188.44 181.87 183.42 179.86 176.24 177.98 172.20 161.03 147.02 140.52 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Only the names of ordained and licensed ministers appear in this list, the latter indicated thus: (1). A ABE, N. J. (1), Box 507, Bozeman, Mont. Aalborg, N. J., 401 W. Fifth St., Chanute, Kans. Aaron, N. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Abanda, Wm. (1), Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Abbott, F. L., 2904 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Abbott, G. K., M. D., Eureka, Calif. Abegg, S. W. (1), 1008 N. E. 33rd Ave., Portland, Oreg. Abel, R. P., Ubol, Siam. Abel, Themistocle (1), Bolte A55, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Abney, B. W., P.O. Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Abrahamsen, K. (1), Wm. Thranes, Gate 10, Oslo, Norway. Achenbach, C. V., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. AcMoody; C. E., 1019 E. 17th S., Salt Lake City, Utah. Acosta, Eloy (1), Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Adair, R. H. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Adams, E. H., 2963 California, St., San Francisco, Calif. Adams, E. M., P. 0. Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Adams, J. W., 715 West Lugonia Ave., Redlands, Calif. Adams, P. P., 221 Fourth St., Pacific Grove, Calif. Adams, W. L., Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Adams, W. M., 1246 Lexington Drive, Glendale, Calif. Adamsky, W., Gutenberstr. 43, II, Breslau 13, Germany. Adkins, W. L., Route 1, Box 154, Glen Alpine Rural School, Morganton, N. C. 322 Adolph, E., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Adolph, K., Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Aeschlimann, A., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Aeschlimann, V. (1), Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Afenir, J. 0., Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. * Africa, M. (I), 54 Natl. Mutual Bldg., 43 Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Agian, M. (I), Box 34, Jesselton, British North Borneo. Aguilar, Faustino, 11 Poniente 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Aguilar, Isidro (1), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Aguilar, Jose (I), Apartado 218, Guatemala, Rep. of Guatemala, Central America. Aguilar, R. H. (1), 11 Poniente 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Ahren, E. J., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Airey, R. W., Gaston, Oreg. Akondwe, Robert (1), Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Albrecht, J., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Alcock, H. J., 233 N. Kendall St., Battle Creek, Mich. Alexe, N., Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Alkhalil, I. (1), Box 1091, Jerusalem, Palestine. All, J. E. 1511 King St., High Point, N. C. Allen, A. N., Caixa Postal 2898, Capital, Brazil, South America. Allen, C. E., Whitestown, Ind. Allen, L. E. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Allen, M. J., 596 Valencia Place, Covina, Calif. Allison, J. W., 3110 Franklin Ave.. San Diego, Calif. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Allison, T. H., 4053 . Cook Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Allum, F. A., Gordon Ave. (Post office Box 27), Hamilton, New South Wales, Australia. Almonte, Eliel (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Althoff, W., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braunschweig, Germany. Altman, Roger, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Amian, Arnold (1), Grindleberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Ammundsen, W. B., Mountain View, Calif. Amundsen, Wesley, 217 N. W. Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Amundson, W. A., P. 0. Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Andersen, E. R. (1), P. 0. Box 49, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa. Anderson, A. N., Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Anderson, August, 2413 30th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Anderson August S., 606 East Eighth St., Duluth, Minn. Anderson, A. W., " Mizpah," roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Anderson, B. L., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Anderson, C. R. (1), Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Anderson, C. V., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Anderson, J. D., Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Anderson, J. F., 1222 Ruthland St., Houston, Tex. Anderson, J. N., Union College, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Anderson, J. P., S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Anderson, L. R., 109 Carlston St., Prescott, Ariz. Anderson, M. E., R. F. D. 1, Arpin, Wis. 323 Anderson, 0. K. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Anderson, R. A., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Anderson, T. A., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Anderson, V. A. (1), 220 Fourth St., Crystal Falls, Mich. Anderson, V. G., 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Anderson; W. H., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Andersson, Alfred, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, SNYeden. Andrae (1), P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, Africa. Andrean, 0. D. (1), Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Andreasen, M. L., Union College, College View Sta., Lincoln, Nebr. Andress Wm. M., Boulder Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Andrews, Dr. J. N., Rogersville, Tenn. Andrews, Dr. L. L. (1), Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Andrews, W. R., 52 Washington St., Middletown, N. Y. Andross, C. E., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Andross, E. E., Box 0., Balboa, Canal Zone. Andross, E. NI. (1), Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Andrus, Lucy (1), S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Ang, K. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Ang, T. K., S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Angervo, 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Anglebarger, G. W., 2138 South AcornaSt., Denver, Colo. Annofsky, E. G., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. 324 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Ansel, Albert, Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart,Wurtemberg, Germany. Ansley, R. E. (1), Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Apollon, F. D., Bone A55, Port-auPrince, Haiti, West Indies. Appel, G. J., S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Aquino, Cornelio, 11 Poniente 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Archbold, W. R. (1), 601 E. Main St., Marshalltown, Iowa. Arguzon, G. (1), P. 0. Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands. Aritonang, H. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Zuid Sumatra, Talang Djawa 141, Palembang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Arkaliefscki, N., Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Armitage, F. B., Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Armstrong, A. D., 1652 El Rito Ave., Glendale, Calif. Armstrong, A. K., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Armstrong, H. W., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Armstrong, I. A. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Armstrong, V. T., Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Armstrong, W. B., Graysville, Tenn. Armstrong, W. W., P. 0. Box 970, Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Arnesen, Erik, Wm. Thranes gate 10, Oslo, Norway. Arnold, A., Kneiphofche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Arnone, A. (1), Institut "Vie et Sante," Pare d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Arzoo, A., M. D. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Naderi Ave. 20, Teheran, Persia. Ascione, Andres, Calle Uriarte 2429 (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Ash, S. L., Box 66, Port of. Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Ashbaugh, a. G., 2500 Hollister Terrace, Glendale, Calif. Ashcroft, C. E. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Ashlock, J. F., Box 15, Poona, India. Ashod, E. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tabriz, Persia. Ashton, N. S., Drawer 1100, Orlando, Fla. Asiano, D. (1), Piazza Filangieri 255, Napoli, Italy. Astleford, Lunney, Piscaderaweg 22, Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Dutch West Indies. Atherly, W. H. (1), Box 577, Charlotte, N. C. Atiga, T. P., Artacho, Sison,, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Atkin, W. E., Box 90, Sugarhouse Sta., Salt Lake City, Utah. Atkins, A. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Atteberry, A. N. (1), Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala. Atteberry, Mrs. Minnie Sype, General Delivery, St. Cloud, Fla. Aufderhar, H. A., Pierce, Colo. Aug, A., Poska 8-3, Rakvere, Estonia. Augsburger, Fernand, Salisbury Street, Rose. Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Augsburger, Ulysse, 8 avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Avery, W. L., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Avila, Manuel, Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Axelsen, Arthur (1), 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. H. E., Apartado 39, BAASCH, Medellin, Colombia, South America. Babcock, C. M., Redfield, S. Dak. Babienco, T. T., Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Bacela, Jonah, 288 Lovedale Road, Mahlomola Location, BloemfontaM, Orange Free State, South Africa. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Bachmann, E. (1), Stampfenbachstr. 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Backer, Fr., Posta Kutusu 2242, Istanbul, Turkey. Bacon, A. E., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Badaut, J. P., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Marseille, France. Badaut, Paul, 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Marseille, France. Bildescu, D., Str. Popatatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Badgley, R. L. (1), Gladstone, Oreg. Baer, R. T., 1135 S St., Gering, Nebr. Baerg, John (1), Box 90, Sugarhouse Sta., Salt Lake City, Utah. Baerg, Henry (1), Box 90, Sugarhouse Sta., Salt Lake City, Utah. Bahler, R., Stanipfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich, _Switzerland. Bahr, E., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo ( Seoul ) , Chosen.. Bahr, E., Gutenbergstr 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Bahr, O., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin i. Pr., Germany . Bahre, G., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany. Baiefle, Chas., Providence Road, Route 1, Media, Pa. Bailey, D. A. (1), 898 Washington St., Peekskill. N. Y. Bailey, 'F. C., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Bailey, G. W., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Bailey, M. R., 2636 Summerdale Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bairagee, A. K. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Bairagee, I. B. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Bairagee, T. C. (1), 17 Abbott Road; Lucknow, India. Baird, G. W., Newbold Missionary College, near Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Baird, H., Darrah Road, Toungoo, Burma. 325 Bajor, L., Nemetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Baker, A. L., Mountain View, Calif. Baker, C. H., 3332 Oakhurst Ave., Palm Station, Los Angeles, Calif. Baker, Isaac, 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Baker, J. D., Caixa Postale 33, Missao de Luz, Vila Luzo, Distrito de Moxico, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Baker, R. C., 511 North 63d St., Seattle, Wash. Bakhsh, J. A., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Bakhsh, Nabi (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Balan, Leon, Strada Cohanovschi 1, Cernauti, Rumania. Balas, Bartha, Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Baldwin, J. C. (1), 1703 24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. Baldwin, W. C., Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash. Ball, M. S. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Ballack, M., Haydnstr. 16, DresdenA., Germany. Balodis, 0. (1), Bisenieku iela, 25, Jelgava, Latvia. Balogun, A. I., S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, W. C., Africa. Banfield, M. S., Kenwood Road, Blue Ash, Ohio. Banks, E. C. (1), 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Baptiste, E. A., 52, St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. Baptiste, A. J. J., Boite A55, Portau-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Bara, Samuel (1), La Grange, Ill. Barbosa, Deodoro (1), Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Bard, Alphonse (1), Institut "Vie et Sante," Pare d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Barengrub, M., Merepuiestee 14-a., Tallinn, Estonia. Barlow, W. A. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India, 326 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Barnes, A. E. (1), 4401 Reinhardt Drive, Oakland., Calif. Baron, G. (1), Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Barr, W. E., Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Barrett, A. R. (I), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Barrett, D. J. C., Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario. Bartholomew, P. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Bartlett, A. W., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Bartlett, W. T., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Barto, W. P., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Bartz, E. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braunschweig, Germany. Bass, H. J., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Bates, Dr. F. E., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Battye, W. E., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Bauer, Hans, Zeleni Venac Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Baum, C. S., 219 Calhoun St., Charleston, S. C. Bauscher, 0., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin i. Pr., Germany. Bautista, Demetrio (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Baxter, W. E.. Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Baybarz, A. AI., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Beach, W. R., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Beall, W. A. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Beams, J. W., Route 1, Box 238 B, Arlington, Calif. Beans, L. G., Box 268, Upton, Wyo. Beardsley, J. I., Berrien Springs, Mich. 13eavon, E. A., 3250 Fraser Ave., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Beazley, A. L., 410 W. Washington St., Blufton, Ind. Beck, Carl, Bowdle, S. Dak. Beck, H., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braunschweig, Germany. Beck, Henry, 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. Becker, Carl, 3829 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago, Ill. Becker, Vernon (1), 913 Yale St., Houston, Tex. Beckner, R. A., 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon, Burma. Becraft, V. C., R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oreg. Beddoe, E. E., 217 Northwest Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Beebe, E. I., Route 2, Box 55, St. Charles, Mich. Beems, T. M., Lorna Linda, Calif. Beer, Luigi, Casilla Postale 408, Florence, Italy. Begemann, W. (I), Hitlerstr. 6 I. Hamm i/W., Germany. Behr, H., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Behrendt, P. (1), Kneiphtifsche Hofgasse 22, Kfinigsberg/Pr., Germany. Behrens, A. Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin- Wilmersdorf, Germany. Behrens, E., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Behrens, J. H., 11121/2 Gower St., Los Angeles, Calif. Beier, J., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Belding, M. A., Route 1, Box 78, Boring, Oregon. Belgrave, C. C., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, Belich, Ilija, 1520 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bell, A. R., 2310 F St., Bellingham. Wash. Bell, C. V. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Bell, J. H., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Bellah, C. G., Fredricktown, Mo. Belleau, G. S., 202 S. Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Bellows, R. J., 114 Paw Paw St., Paw Paw, Mich. Belote, L. W., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Belz, Francisco (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Belz, Rudolpho, Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Bement, W. E., Union Springs, N. Y. Bender, U., Box 6068, Asheville, N. C. Benezech, E., Mission Adventiste, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. Bc'nezech, Paul (1), 5 Bld. Longchamp, Marseille, France. Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oregon. Benjamin (1), Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Benson, H. F., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Benton, R. L., Keene, Tex. Bentz, A. V., 122 Turner St., Olympia, Wash. Benyovszky, 0. (I), Hviezdoslavovo nam 9/11, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Berchin, A., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Berzenczey, K. (1), Fabian utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Berg, Henry, 7714 Sylvester Ave., Detroit, Mich. Berger, Theophilo (1), Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. Berghauer, I., Fabian utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Bergherm, Walter A.., Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Bergherm, Wm. H., Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Berner, E., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruke i/B., Germany. Bernstein, 0. 0., 8923 Grant Ave., Brookfield, Ill. Berry, G. W., 481 West Fifth St., Loveland, Colo. 327 Berry, W. 0., Box 231, Kilmarnock, Va. Bertalot, Elia, Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Berthelsen, P. E., care Academy, La Grange, Ill. Berthold, W., Hitlerstr. 6 I., Ham i/W., Germany. Bertling, W., Neustadt- Contrescarpe 30, I., Brenen, Germany. Besra, James, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Betea, P., Strada, Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Bethmann, E., P. 0. Box 1091, Jerusalem, Palestine. Betram, W., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Bevan, J. G., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Bhaggien, M. (1), Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South. India. Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster, Mass. Bidwell, W. E., General Delivery, Wytheville, Va. Bietz, E. E. (1), Redfield, S. Dak. Bietz, R. R. (1), Box 1491, Jamestown, N. Dak. Biggs, L. E. (1), 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Biller, R. (1), Adventhaus Hans Sachsstrasse. 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Billes, L. S., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Binanzer, W., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt a Main, Germany. Bird, A. C., Route 3, Caldwell, Idaho. Bird, A. F., 22 Zulla. Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Bird, C. E., 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Bird, W. L., Route 1, Box 459, Hayward, Calif. Birkenstock, J. J., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Birzgal, A., Parodos g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. 328 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Bisel, H. E., 420 Spruce St., Quincy, Ill. Bishai, Basta (1), Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Biswas, H. P. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Bjaanaes, E., Klostergate 35, Trondheim, Norway. Black, W. L., 5673 Grand Ave., Riverside, Calif. Blair, R. E. G. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Blake, 0. A. (1), Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Bland, L. H., 5031 Magnolia St., New Orleans, La. Blandford, C. L., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Block, Godofredo, Jr., Carlos Pellegrini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Block, R. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Block, T. (I), Casilla 2830 Santiago, Chile, South America. Blomberg, A. (1), Annank, 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Blomstedt, A., Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Blosser, J. B., Cooks, Mich. Blue, I. F., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Blunden, H. M., 1562 N. Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale, Calif. Bodrug, Nichol, 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Boehm, J. H., Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Brazil, South America. Boekhout, A. (1), Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Boger, E. C., P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Bohlmann, J., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30 I., Bremen, Germany. Bohm, Franz, Karl Herzig Str. 16, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Bohn, A. D., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Bohner, J. F. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Bohringer, G. F. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales, Australia. Boix, Jose, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Bollman,' C. P., Review & Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Bolton, R. T. (1), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Bommer, J., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Bond, C. Lester, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Bond, C. W. E., 828 S. San Diego Blvd., Escondido, Calif. Bongini, Riccardo (1), Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Bonney, C. R. (1), Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Bontemps, B. P. (1), 10310 Weigend Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Bookhart, J. A., 423 N. W. 15th St., Miami, Fla. Boothby, R. L., 230 Santa Barbara Ave. Daly City, Calif. Borg, 'S. T., 1825 E. Willeta St., Phoenix, Ariz. Borgas, L. A., Oaklands, via Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Borge, G. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hatkanagle, Kolhapur State, India. Borrowdale, L. J., Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Borrowdale, R. J., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Bottcher, T., Adventhaus, HansSachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Bourdeau, M. A. (1), 17473 Shaw Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Bowers, L. I. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Bowett, T. S. (1), 209-212 Birks Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Bowles, R. E. (1), 2211 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Box, H., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Boyd, P. M., 718 W. 25th St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Boykin, C. A. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Boylan, H., A., 137 George St., W., Hazel Park, Mich. Boynton, C. E., 2301 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga, Tenn. Boynton, J. W., 200 West Third St., Newberg, Oreg. Boynton, W. S., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Bozarth, C. W., Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura Belgian East Africa. Bracero, Rafael (1), Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Bradford, R. L. (1), 1078 14th St., Des Moines, Iowa. Bradley, T. J., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Bradley, W. H., 1012 12th St., Bremerton, Calif. Bradley, W. P., Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Brajnicoff, B. K. (1), Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Brandstater, R. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Brandt, Fr. Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin, Germany. Branford, J. L. (I), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Branson, E. L., 112 Evans Lane, Ferguson, Mo. Branson, W. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Branster, G., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Braun, Luiz, Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Braun, J., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Bray, E. B., Route 1, Box 35, Beaumont, Calif. 329 Bredenkamp, 0. 0., Luccusse Mission Station, Caixa Postal No. 34, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Breitigam, R. R., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Bremer, A., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braunschweig, Germany. Brennwald, F. (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Bresee, F. E., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Brewer, N. F., S. D. A. Mission, 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Brines, Dr. R. J. (1), Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Bringle, A. S., Box 262, Enterprise, Kans. Brink, Frederic, Janesville, Calif. Brinkman, D., Elizabethstr. 20, Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Brinkmann, H., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Bristol, E. A., Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. Broad, W. 0. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Broberg, Sv., Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Brock, R. H., Florida Sanitarium, Orlando, Fla. Brodersen, H. N. (1), S. D. A. Mission, 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Broeckel, P. G., 298 Pierce St., San Francisco, Calif. Brooks, Edgar (1), Calle Uriarte 2429, (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Brooks, R. R., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Brorsen, A., 844 Thirty-fourth St., Oakland, Calif. Brouchy, Francisco, Casilla 1141, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America. Brouchy, P. M., Calle General Urquiza 2744, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. 330 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Brown, B. W., 97 Oakes Blvd., San Leandro, Calif. Brown, E. A., Box 533, Santa Rosa, Calif. Brown, G. G., 1326 N. Douty St., Hanford, Calif. 13rown, G. M., Route 3, Searcy, Ark. Brown, H. C., Box 2772, Tucson, Ariz. Brown, H. F., Keene, Tex. Brown, J. L., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Bruck, Carl, 3525 Aldine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bryan, B. F., 254 Carroll St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Bryant, R. J., Box 81, Carlsbad. Calif. Brzezinski, J., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany., Buckley, E. A. (1), Duque de Braganca, Districto do Malange, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Buckley, R. A. (1), Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Buckwalter, Arthur, 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario, Canada. Budd, G. L., Alexandria, Minn. Budnick, M., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Biifano, C. (1), Apt. D-5, 30 Lexington St., Newark, N. J. Buhalts, C. J., Route 3, Box 120A, Quitman, Miss. 13ui1e, J. (1), Brivihas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Bull, S., Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo), Egypt. Bullas, Ray (1), "Mizpah," roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Bunch, F. L. (1), 399 Upper Scramgoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. • Bunch, T. G., Kellogg Inn, Battle Creek, Mich. Bunker, C. M., 28 Sewall St., Portland, Maine. Bunsode, Daniel (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kalayan, India. Bunyani, Simon (1), Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Burden, J. A., care Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Burden, W. D., Route A, Box 185, Redlands, Calif. Bureaud, M. J., Mission Adventiste, Ambohijatov, Tananarive, Madagascar. Burg, F. M., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Biirger, A., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A, Germany. Burgess, Monroe (1), 2414 Ludlow St., Norfolk, Va. Burgess, L. J., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, Burke, I. M., 240 Pettis Ave., Mountain View, Calif: Burley, S. G., Route 1, Box 336, La Grange, Ill. Burman, C. A., c/o E. M. C., Berrien Springs, Mich. Burns, N. C., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Burns, R. J., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills,•Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Burton, I. B. (1), Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Burwell, H. M. (1), 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Busch, M., Regensburgerstrasse 22 V., Berlin W. 50, Germany. Bush, Francis (1), 124 Smith St., Groton, Conn. Bustos, B., Calle Arizil Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, Argentina, South America. l3iitka, Dr. L. H. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Butler, F. J. (1), 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Butler, George, Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Butler, L. A. .(1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Butler, 0. K., Cicero, Ind. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Butler, S. C. (1), 47 Hay St., Suhiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Butler, T. M. (1), 2156 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Butler, W. A., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Butterfield, A. D., M. D. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Butterfield, C. L., 2521 26th St., Meridian, Miss. Butterfield, L. A., 1703 24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. Butterfield, M. B., 1405 South Seventh St., Lincoln, Nebr. Buttler,' V. (1), Stampf enbachstrasse 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Butz, E. S., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Buzgo, M., Fabian utca. 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Buzugherian, A., Calle Uriarte 2429, (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Buzzell, A. B., S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Kweichow, China. ABARDO, A. 0. (1) , Box 583, C •-•° Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Cadwallader, E. M., Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Cady, M. E., 70 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, 'Washington, D. C. Caenel, J. A. de, Bolte A 55, Portau-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Calling, R. B., Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Calderon, A. J. (1), Agricultura 79, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Calderone, N., Box 284, Salta Rosa, Calif. Gales, Raymond, 20 W. Bushnell St., Alhambra, Calif. Calkins, G. A., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Calvert, R. M. (1), Drawer 1100, Orlando, Fla. Calvo, V. M. (1), Agricultura 79, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. 331 Campbell, A. J., Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Campbell, G. A., 202 S. Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. Campbell, J. M., 121 Harrishof St., Roxbury, Maps. Campbell, J. R., 54 National Mutual Bldgs., 43 Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Campbell, M. N., 209-212 Birks Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Campbell, M. V., Union Springs, N. Y. Campbell, P. 0., 2514 Warren Ave., Seattle, Wash. Campbell, R. B. (1), 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Campbell, R. G. (1), 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Cannon, W. J. (1), Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Cantwell, C. C., Sarob House, Garden Road, Colaba, Bombay, India. Capman, H. J., 351 93rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Capman, Joseph, Box 370, Hamilton, Bermuda. Cara, C. C., Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Carcich, T. (1), 40 Hunter St., Glens Falls, N. Y. Cardey, E. L., 1405 South Seventh St., Lincoln, Nebr. Cardey, 0. D., 19 Parker St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Cardey, P. C. (1), Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Carey, E. W., 6931 Georgia Ave.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Carlill, R. (1), 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario, Canada. Carlson, David (1), Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Carlstjerna, C. 0., Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Carman, E. E., 112 St. Louis Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex. 332 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Carnes, 0. G., 123 Balsam St., Bluefield, W. Va. Carr, H. W., 164 Saxton St., Lockport, N. Y. Carr, S. W., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Carrier, F. C., 917 S. Garvin St., Evansville, Ind. Carrington, J. T., 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. Carscallen, A. A., 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. Carswell, W. R. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Carter, C. A. (I), 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Carter, G. H. (1), 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Carter, G. R. (1), 1475 Roberts Ave., Beaumont, Tex. Carter, H. W., Kodiakanal, Madura Dist., South India. Carter, J. B., S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan, India. Carter, R. M. (1), 1216 Murphy St., Joplin, Mo. Casebeer, G. W., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Casebeer, H. D., Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Castellane, 0. (1), Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. Castle, Burton (1), 1703 24th Ave., Meridian Miss. Castle, C. H., 421 N. 29th St., Corvallis, Oreg. Catalano, Anthony, 176 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cavalcante, C. (1), Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Cave, Dr. Charles (1), Box 52, St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. Caviness, L. L., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Ccarna, Marcelino (1), Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Ceasusu, D. (1), Str. Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Cepl, J. (1), Stredni ulice 10, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Cha, Y. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission Soonan, Chosen. Chae, T. H., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Chai, G. U., S. D. A. Mission, Foochow, China. Chambers, G. W., 203 Faraday St., Monte Vista, Colo. Chambe, Luciano (1), Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Champion, M. G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Chan, S. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Chandiker, S. T., 6 Dhondi Road, Devlali, Nasik Dist., India. Chaney, F. L., 18 Lincoln Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Chaney, J. A., Route 1, Box 212, Vista, Calif. Chang, C. B. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen. Chang, Ch'jen-kuang (1), S. D. A. Mission, 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Chang, Djen Kwei (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. Chang, Shun Chen (1), 107 Wutsu St., Hankow, Hupeh, China. Chapman, E. M., 3250 Frasier Ave., Vancouver, British Colombia. Chapman, G. T. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Chapman, M. E., 110 Log Cabin Drive, Macon, Ga. Chapman, W. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Charpiot, F., Iliiheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Chavan, S. S. (1), 6 Dhondi Road, Devlali, Nasik Dist., India. Chawrenko, Alexander, Hviezosla; vovo, Nam. 9/11, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Chen, Dji Lung (1), S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Chen, Feng Lin (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Chen, Gwoh Djun (1), S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Chen, I Fu (1), Ping Hai Road, Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Chen, J. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Chen, Lai Fang, Ping Hai Road, Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Chen, Peh Dao (1), Djung Shan Da. Chieh, Ninghsia, Ninghsia, China. Chen, Tse Chiao (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Chen, Wen Shio, S. D. A. Mission, Fa Yuen Chieh, Sining, Chinghai, China. Chen, Wen Sz (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Chen, Yiu-shih, S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Cheung, Pai Hung (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Cheung, S. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China,. Cheung, Yan Kin (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Chiang, Pao-ren (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Chiang, S. Z. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Chiao, W. L., S. D. A. Mission, 36 Fu Hsi Chieh, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, China. Chilumi, Samuel (1), care A. Hartzenberg, Magoye Siding, Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Chimera, Roman, Chinyama Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Chimuka, Jonah (1), Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Cho, C. H., S. D. A., Mission, Keizan, Chosen. Chodura, J., Mor. Ostrava-Hulvaky, Druzstevni 1079, Czechoslovakia. Chollar, F. S., Durango, Colo. Chong, Fah Min, 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Choo, Yun-fatt (1), 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. 333 Chou, Hei Nien (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Christensen, C. D., Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru, South America. Christensen, Herbert, 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Christensen, Otto, S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China. Christensen, W. W. (1), 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Christenson, J. C., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Christian, H. W. (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Christian, I. A. (1), 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Christian, J. L., 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Christian, L. H., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Christian, R. J. (1), 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Christiansen, A. G., Route 1, Box 224, Lemon Grove, Calif. Christiansen, I. W. (I), Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Christiansen, P. A. (1), Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Christman, H. K., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Christman, L. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Chu, Y. H. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Chun, I. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Chuquimia, F. (1), Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Chuquimia, Inocencio (I), Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Chyong, B. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Chyong, T. S., S. D. A. Mission, Won San, Chosen. Chyong, T. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Seoul, Chosen. Chyung, T. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission; Won San, Chosen. 334 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Cionca, Filip, Piata General Dragalina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara IV, Rumania. Cizmar, V., Hviezdoslavovo narn. 9/11, Batislava, Czechoslovakia. Clapp, J. N. (1), Route 2, Newf ane, N. Y. Clapp, R. B., 2757 Latulle Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Clark, A. J., 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Clark, B. C. (1), 107 Woo Tsu St., Hankow, Hupeh, China. Clark, F. C., 1203 South Oak St., Casper, Wyo. Clark, G. H. (1), 528 Butler Ave., Portsmouth, Va. Clark, H. W. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Clark, J. J., Battle Ground, Wash. Clark, S. L. (1), Box 29, Brookfield, 111. Clark, W. B. (1), Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Clark, W. H., 112 St. Louis Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Clarke, A. W., 28 Dickerman St., New Haven, Conn. Cleaves, L. V., Apartado 103, Teguigalpa, Rep. de Honduras, Central America. Clemenson, W. A., 19 Parker St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Clifford, F. G., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Clifford, J., •S. D. A. Mission, Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Cobb, L. W. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Cobb, S. M., Route 1, Marydel, Md. Cobban, H. H. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Coberly, R. B., 541 Maple St., Lodi, Calif. Coberly, Z. H., S. D. A. Mission, Outside West Gate, Sianfu, Shensi, China. Coconcea, T. (1), Strada Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesta, Rumania. Coffin, D. D. (1), M. D., S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Coffin, F. A. (1), Review & Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Colcord, I. C., Scappoose, Oreg. Cole, C. F., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Cole, C. J., 108 Levens St., Dallas, Oregon. Cole, J. M., 415 W. Smith St., Ukiah, Calif. Cole, J. W. (1), Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia, South America. Cole, T. M., Box 353, Marshfield, Oreg. Cole, V. 0., Route 5, Box 190, Jacksonville, Fla. Collett, J. C. H. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Collins, D. E., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr. Colson, Ellis R. (1), Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden Colthurst, R. T. E., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Combrinck, J. J . B. (1), Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Corner, J. M., 500 W. 26th St., Vancouver, Wash. Conception, L. (1), 8a Ave., Norte No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. of Salvador, Central America. Conde, SimOn, 11 Poniente 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Condori, Santiago (I), Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Condori, Samuel (1), Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Cone, A. A., 77 Verndale Ave., Providence, R. I. Conger, M. G., Box 235, Greens. burg, Pa. Conley, J. B., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Connell, M. A. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Connerly, B. E., 229 Parkway, Winchester, Va. Conradi, L. E. (1), " Waldfriede " Sanitarium and Clinic, Alsenstrasse 99-109 Zehlendorf-West, Berlin, Germany. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Conrado, Germano (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Constandt, R. H. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia. Conway, F. H., 1214 E. 29th St., Vancouver, Wash. Conway, N. H., Gen. Del., Monteagle, Tenn. Cooke, R. H., P. 0. Box 574, St. John's, Newfoundland. Cooks, J. B. (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Coon, A. W., Route 6, Box 455, Indianapolis, Incl. Coon, C. J., 2299 Monterey Ave., Detroit, Mich. Coon, G. A., 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Coon, L. 0. (1), Williamson Road, Route 2, Box 189, Roanoke, Va. Coon, M. R., 1448 Marlowe St., Lakewood, Ohio. Cooper, T. H. Stanborough Park, Watford, Hel ls, England. Coopwood, T. H., 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Copeland, T. L., Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Copeland, T. S., 1419 Forest Ave., Brookfield, Ill. Coppock, F. W. (I), 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Corbaley, F. M., 225 Norwood St., Redlands, Calif. Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., Cormack, B., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Cornaz, G. (1), 130 Blvd. de PHOpital, Paris, 13e, France. Corwin, 0. J., 303 Winnipeg St., San Antonio, Tex. Cossentine, E. E., Route 1, Arlington, Calif. Cossentine, R. M., S. D. A. Mission, 102 'Wei I Lu, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Cott, A. W. (1), 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. 335 Cottrell, H. W., Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Cottrell, R. F., 2223 Myrtle Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Counsell, I. V., Oakwood Jr. College, Huntsville, Ala. Cox, J. E., 1513 Christian St., Pa. Philadelphia, . Coyne, A. E., M. D., 2417 East Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Cozens, B., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Craddock, T. II., 8 Yarra. St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Crager, C. P., Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Crainean, F. M., 8430 John R., Detroit, Mich. Crane, E. A., Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., Burma. Crane, I. A., Route 1, Keene, Tex. Crary, 0. B., 804 Capitol Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Craven, E. E., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Craven, J. C. (1), Box 15, Poona, India. Crawford, R. E. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Crichlow, J. F., 911 East Clinch St., Knoxville, Tenn. Crisler, C. C., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Crisler, L. T., 2012 Sanitarium Ave., Orlando, Fla. Cristil, Dobre, Str. Domnita. Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Cruz, Pedro, Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Csongvai, D. (1), Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Culpepper, J. C. (1), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Cummings, F. W. (1), 1412. Commonwealth Ave., Allston, Mass. Cummins, J. L. (1), Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Cunitz, R. J., Turecka 1, 'Warsaw, Poland. 336 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Cupertino, Guiseppe, Piazza Filangieri 255, Napoli, Italy. Curdy, J., Bassins s/Gland (Vaud), Switzerland. Curran, H. A., 316 N. Fern St., Ontario, Calif. Currow, A., 721 Ninth St., Santa Monica, Calif. Currow, L., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Curtis, C. F., 2501 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Miss. Curtis, C. W., Angola Union Mission of S. D. A., Caixa Postal No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Districto de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Curtis, E. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Curtis, E. H., Route 2, Box 376, Medford, Oreg. Czembor, W., Turecka, I., Warsaw, Poland. XBRITZ, Otto, (I), Solunska 1-0 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Dahl, 0. J., 2914 W. North Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dahlsten, N. 0., S. D. A. Mission, Lanchow, Kansu, China. • Dake, U. B., Keene, Texas. Dalinger, D. E., Carlos Pellegrini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Dalisay, F., Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Dalrymple, Gwynne, Mountain View, Calif. Danetiu, I. (1), Str. Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Dangschat, R., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Danhauser, I. (1), Nemetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Danyi, Istvan, Petra Zrinjskog, Ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Daniel, Gitwe Mission Station, via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Daniel, J., Parna 2, Parnu, Estonia. Daniel, M. P. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Daniells, A. G., 2632 Hill St., Huntington Park, Calif. D Dart, A. M., 533 Roxer St., Roseville, Calif. Dart, C. J., 217 N. W. Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Das, Harnam (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Dasent, J. G., 504 23d Place, N. E., Washington, D. C. Dasoveanu, Gr., Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Dan, Querino (1), Caixa Postal H, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Diiumichen, H. (I), Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmer sdorf, Germany. Diiumichen, R., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Dauniika, Maika, Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. David, Deacon, 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. David, S. N., S. D. A. Mission, Insein, Burma. Davies, L. H., Lanchow, Kansu, China. Davies, Valentine (1), Buganda Mission of S. D. A., P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Africa. Davis, B. B. (1), Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Davis, C. H., 107 Woo Tsu Street, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Davis, E. M., Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Davis, H. A. (1), Sha fter, Calif. Davis, Martin (1), 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Davy, W. L., Malamulo Mission, Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Dealy, M. G. (1), 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. De'Ath, H. F., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Dean, J. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Insein, Burma. De Beer, J. N., Cancele, Mount Frere, East Griqualand, Cape, South Africa. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Debreczeni, A. (1), Fabian utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Degering, C. W., care College, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Delafield, R. E. (1), 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Delhove, D. E., Songa Mission, P. 0. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Africa. De Ligne, Alfred (1), 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Demchuk, S., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Demetrescu, St., Str. Mitrop, Ghen. Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania. Deming, M. W. (1), Glezen, Ind. Denslow, 0. L., 3655 Van Buren St., Gary, Ind. Denoyer, A. J;, Route 1, Red Water, Tex. Derlath, W., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Desert, Gitwe Mission Station, via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Desmet, Gerard (1), 130 Boulevard de la Htipital, Paris 13e, France. Dessain, W. A., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario, Canada. Detamore, F. A., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Detamore, F. W. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Detlefsen, Hugo, Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Dettmar, R. (1), Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Detwiler, H. J., 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. Devade, S. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hatkanagle, Kolhapur State, India. Devadoss, Ch., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. .De Vinney . , F. H., 118 Denver Ave., Jackson, Miss.' Dexter, H. H., care New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. 337 Deyo, A. E. (1), 524 Glenwood Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Diaz, P. R., Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Dick, E. D., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Dickenson, G. T., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Dickerson, A. L. (1), 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Dickson, L. K., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Dietel, V., 'Takoma Park, D. C. Dietrich, G., Nunobiki-dori 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Dietrich, H., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin i/Pr.; Germany. Dietrich, R., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Dillett, E. S., Box 267, Topeka, Kans. Dillon, I. P., Placerville, Calif. Din, Umar (1), 17 Abbott Road, . Lucknow, India. Dinius, C. L., Avenue Lerdo de Tejada 214, Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico. Dirksen, A. A., La Crosse, Kans. Dittmar, F., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. O. I., Afdeeling Zuid-Sumatra, Talang Djawa 141, Palembang, Sumatra, Netherland East Indies. Dixon, H. R. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Djao, Hsi Liang, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Djang, Djen Chiang (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Djang, Djen Hai, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Djang, Fu Hsuan (1), S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Djang, Ging Yuen (1), 1207 YuYuen Road, Shanghai, China. Djeng, Fu Yung (I), S. D. A. Mission, •Chungking, Szechwan, China. Djia, Tai Hsiang (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside V'est Gate, Sianfu, Shensi, China. 338 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Djiao, Ming Shien (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Dju, Dzi Ai (1), S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Dju, Gien Pan (1), 20 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Dju, Teh Ming (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Dobre, T., Strada Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Dolgun, M., ul. Kolejowa 58/44, Pinsk, Poland. Dolling, A., Adventhaus, HansSachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Dollinger, J. J., 437 Third Ave., Newburgh, N. Y. Dolph, 0. W. (I), Paradise, Butte County, Calif. Dombrowsky, F. (1), Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Dombrowsky, H. (1), Kneiphofsche Hofgasse, 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Dominski, J. A., Route 2, Box 99, Wapwallopen, Pa. Dompas, B. C. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I, Afdeeling Zuid Sumatra, Talang Djawa 141, Palembang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Donaldson, S., 1429 Mountain Ave., Santa arbara, Calif. Donga, Moses, care Valley Store, via Filabusi, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Donnell, R. S., 1394 S. Lauderdale St., Memphis, Tenn. Doolittle, H. J., 274 E. 9th St., Hialeah, Fla. Dorce, A. L. (1), Boite A-55, Port au Prince, Haiti. Dorland, 0. M., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Dorner, A., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berl in-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Dorobat, Nicolaie (1), Str. Mitrop, Ghen Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania. Dorsinville, Dorce, Boite A 55, Portau-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Douay, P. (1), Institut "Vie et Sante" Pare d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Doubraysky, J., Hulvaky, Mor. Ostrava, Druzstevni 1079, Czechoslovakia. Douglas, A. A. (1), Box 373, Chase City, Va. Douglas, S. A. (1), 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Drachenberg, G. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Drangmeister, H., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg, Germany. Dranibaka, M., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Drinhaus, P., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling, West Java, Sawohlaan 25, Batavia-C, Netherlands East Indies. Drikis, J., Kalpaka iela 3, Gulbene, Latvia. Druge, K., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Du, Shu Ren, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Ducret, Edouard (1), 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Dudley, Frank, Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Duica, A., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II., Rumania. Dunbar, E. W., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Dunn, N. W., Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Dunn, A. 0. (1), Box 257, Fort-deFrance, Martinique, French West Indies. Duplouy, Maxime (1), Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura, Belgian East Africa. During, N. S., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Diirolf, G., Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf; Germany. Diirr, F., Hinterin Bahnhof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Durrant, A. N., Route 2, Box 120B, Sharonville, Ohio. Dustin, Ross, 1292 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oreg. Dwan, Yung-ch'ien (1), S. D. A. Mission, 102 'Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Dwehus, E., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Dyason, A. J. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Dzik, F., Portowa 28/5, Wilno, Poland. Dzou, Pei Hsin, 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Dzu, Yin Tin (1), S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. W. W., Takoma E ASTMAN, Park, Washington, D. C. Echman, C. R. (1), Box 90, Sugarhouse Sta., Salt Lake City, Utah. Edener, W., Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe i/B., Germany. Edmonds, L.. S. D. A. Mission. Box 41, Aba, South Nigeria, W. C. Africa. Edwards, A. V., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Edwards, C. A. (1), 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Edwards, H. E., Berrien Springs, Mich. Edwards, J. E. (1), 20 Newcomb St., Haverhill, Mass. Edwardson, C., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eelsing, H., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Effenberg., J., 1207 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Eggins, .1. (1), " Tereora " The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Eglit, A., Bisenieku iela 25, Jelgava, Latvia. Ehlers, Emanuel, M. D., Loma Linda. Calif. Eicher, D., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe i/B, Germany. Eichman, G. F., 112 St. Louis Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. 339 Eichwald, Rudolf (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braunschweig, Germany. Eldridge, C. E., 27 McKinley St., Rochester, N. Y. Eleazar, Gitwe Mission Station, via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Ellingworth, G. A., P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Elliott, H. T., Takorna Park, Washington, D. C. Elliott, W. P., Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Elliott, W. R., Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Ellis, C. C., 698 Boulevard Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Ellis, Ishmael, Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Elumir, L. E. (1), Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Emerson, B. M. (1); 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Emery, R. T. (1), 202 S. Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. Emery, W. D., Box 244, College Place, Wash. Emmenegger, G. E. (1), Calle Llavallol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Emmer, A. G. (1), 817 W. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Emmerson., E. H., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Emmerson, W. L. (1), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Emralino, J. B., P. 0. Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands. Endaenda, Lawson, P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Engelbrecht, 0. H. (1), Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Englert, P., Sierbowa 10, Lwow, Poland. Engstrom, R. W. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Enoch, G. F., Box 15, Poona, India. Enriquez, Isaac, 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila. Philippine Islands. 340 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Erenius, E. (1), Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Erickson, Dr. H. A. (1), Box 1281, Shanghai, China. Erlecke, K., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Ernenputsch, W. A., Carlos Pellegrini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, Ernst, Luis, Calle General Urguiza 2744, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Erntson, N. C., 3250 Frasier Ave., Vancouver, British Columbia.. Errington, J. T., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Erzberger, H., Richard Wagner Str. 28, Hanover-N, Germany. Espinosa, J. (1), Casilla 1141, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America. Essery, E. G., Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo), Egypt. (Leave of Absence.) Essien, S. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Esteb, A. A., S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Esteb, L. E., 202 S. Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. Estey, J. A. (1), Isabel, S. Dak. Evans, I. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Evans, I. M. (1), Union Springs, N. Y. Evans, L. C., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Evans, N. G. (1), M. D., 2000 Milan Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. Evard, Henri (1), Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve, (Haute Savoie), France. Evelyn, A. J., 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Evens, H. P., Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Everson, C. T., Sanitarium, Calif. Ewing, B. H. (1), 1703 24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. C AASS, G. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Faetting, A., Kaiser-Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Fan, Chih Hsiang, 107 Woo Tsu Street, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Farag, Samuel (I), Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Farkas, D. (1), Piata General Draglina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisora ' IV, Rumania. Farley, R. F., Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Fernstrom, K. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Farnsworth, E. E., 1200 Villa St., Mountain View, Calif. Farnsworth, E. W., 1491 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. Farnsworth, 0. 0., Angwin, Napa County, Calif. Fattic, G. R., Keene, Tex. Faurescu, David, Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Fawer, Emile, 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Marseille, France. Fayard, Marcelo (1), Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Fayard, S. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Feddersen, H., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niirnberg, Bayern, Germany. Feder, Daniel (1), Caixa Postal 768, • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Fehr, J., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Feld, Chr. (1), 5 bld d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Felte, A., ul. Sapiezynska 121, Stanislawow, Poland. Feng, D. S., S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. Fenner, Hans, Richard-Wagnerstr. 28, Hannover-N., Germany. Ferguson, H. 4 (1), P. 0. Lundsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Fernandez, Antonio, 619 N. Artesia St., Santa Ana, Calif. Fernando, J. I. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Ferraris, G. (1), Piazza Filangieri 255, Napoli, Italy. Ferraro, Giuseppe (1), Casilla Postale 408, Florence, Italy. Ferris, David (1), Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Ferris, E. F., Route 1, Joliet, Ill. Ferris, N. A., Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Ferris, W. G. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Fickling, R. H. (1), Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Field, A. H., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Field, F. W., Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Field, W. F. (1), 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Fielding, T. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Fields, 0. I. (1), Missao Adventista, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Figueroa, J. M. (1), Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Figuhr, R. R., P. 0. Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Finster, L. V., Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Fischdick, G., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Fischbacher, K., Stamfanbachstr. 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Fischer, G. (1), Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Fish, H. A., Box 512, Madison, Wis. Fish, J. K., Box 105, Kelso, Oreg. Fishell, E. M., 607 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Fisher, G. S. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Fitch, D. D., 1434 East California Ave., Glendale, Calif. Flaiz, T. R., Loma Linda, Calif. Flaiz, W. C., Loma Linda, Calif. 341 Flammer, E., S. D. A. Mission, Palmberg Station, c/o Maier and Jiirgensmeyers, Grand Bassa, Liberia, West Africa. Fleck, F. R. (1), Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlshuhe i/B, Germany. Fleck, Karl, Karl Herzig Str. 16, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Fleming, W. D. (1), Room 2401, 110 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Fletcher, Frank (1), Apartado 92 Managua, Rep. de Nicaragua, Central America. Fletcher, Hubert, .112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Flores, D., Str. Mitrop, Ghen, Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania. Flores, I. 0. (1), Avenue Lerdo de Tejada 214, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Fochmans, F., 5 Blvd. d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Fodor, A., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Fogels, K., Akmenu iela 3, Ventspils, Latvia. Folkenberg, L. E., 129 College Ave., Fresno, Calif.. Follett, Orno, 418 North 18th St., Phoenix, Ariz. Follette, L. S. (1), 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Ford, J. E., 525 Highland Ave., Malden, Mass. Ford, H. E. (1), Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinidale Ill. Ford, Orley, Apartado 218, Guatemala, Rep. of Guatemala, Central America. Ford, I. A. (1), 1426 North Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale, Calif. Forde, W. D., 1314 South Bend Ave., South Bend, Ind. Fordham, W. W. '(1), 1109 Louis St., Camden, N. J. Forsblom, G. (1), Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Forshaw, W. G., Box 358, College Place, Wash. Forster, E. (1), Stamflanbachstr. 85, Zurich, Switzerland. 342 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Fossey, Alfred, S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Foster, J. C., Dundee, Oreg. Foster, P. G., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Fountain, T. M., 351 N. Broad St., Mobile, Ala. Fourie, S. J. (1), Cancele Mission, Cancele, Mt. Frere, East Griqualand, Cape Province, South Africa. Fowler, F. 0., 606 Sheridan Ave., Corona, Calif. Fox, Lawrence (1), 242 Tranquerah Road, Malacca, Straits Settlements. Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Franklin, J. W. (1), 1203 South Oak St., Casper, Wyoming. Fraser, A. M. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Frauchiger, E., Habsburgstrasse 35, Luzern, Switzerland. Frazee, W. D., Jr., 640 N. Denver St., Tulsa, Okla. Freeman, J. Wheeler (1), 8 Southeast 81st St., Portland, Oreg. Freeth, R. A. (I), 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Frei, J. P., 5 bld d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. French, H. B., Keene, Tex. French, T. M., Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. French, W. R., care College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Frenning, 0., Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Freund, G., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. Frick, ,T. E., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Fridlin," M. (1), 5 Blvd. d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Fries, R. S., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Washington. D. C. Frost, S. L., Chiao Tou Tseng, Kiangsu, China. Fuchs, W. (1), 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Marseille, France. Fujimoto, Y. (1), Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Fung, Y. T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Fulton, J. E., 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Fill.le, W., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt-Main, Germany Furnival, G. F. (1), 190 Pacific St., Bridgeport. Conn. Furuya, S. (1), Hanamaki, Box 7, Suginami P. O., Tokyo, Japan. ABARRA, M. B. (1), P. 0. Box Lir 32, Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands. Gade, S., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Gaede, D. P., Loma Linda, Calif. Gaede, G. P., 623 Seventh St., North, Bismarck, N. Dak. Gaede, J. P., 123 Orchard Lane, Columbus, Ohio. Gaitens, James (1), 5983 Highland St., St. Louis, Mo. Gajan, Johann (1), Hviezdoslavovo nam. 9/11, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Gama, Alfred, Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodeia, Africa. Gambetta, V. L. (1), Ca]le Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Gane, E. R., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria. Australia. Ganea, M., Strada Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Gant, K. L., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Ganz, J. (1), Kneipshofsche Hofgasse 22, Kiinigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Ganzleben, M., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nfiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Garbrah, J. K., S. D. A. Mission, Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Garbutt, L. L. (I), Box 123, Belize, British Honduras. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Garcia, Juan, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Garcia, J. G., Caixa. Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. •Garcia, Julio, Apartado 986, Caracas, Venezuela. Gardiner, L. H., Box 52 St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. Gardner, A., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Gardner, E. E., Loma Linda, Calif. Gardner, E. L. (1), Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Gardner, J. E., M. D. (1), 465 Burmah Road, Penang, Straits Settlements. Garner, 0. T., 5526 Chestnut Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Garner, R. A., Box 15, Poona, India. Garner, R. 0., Apartado 98G, Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Garrett, M. R., 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Garrett, R. U., Berrien Springs, Mich. Garton, B. M.., Surprise, Nebr. Gast, W. (1), Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Gaspar, Josef, Strada Pieta General Dragalima (fost Scuidr) 4, Timisoara 4, Rumania. Gates, E. H., Route 1. Bus 477-A. Mountain Ave., Monrovia, Calif. Gates, E. M., 707 East Sixth Ave., Corsicana, Tex. Gauger, W., Kneipofsche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Gauker, H. G., 18 N. Pearl St., Bridgeton, N. J. Cauterari, F. D., 1017 Clay St., Oakland, Calif. Guy, H. :R., 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Gayen, P. C., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Gehann, M., Hviezdoslavovo Tram. 9/11, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Gehl, Wilhelm (1), Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niirnberg, Bayern, Germany. 343 Geier, G., Karl Herzig Str. 16, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Gemeinhardt, W., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt a. Main, George, W. A., M. D., Loma Linda, Calif. Gerber, Charles, Les Signes des Temps, Dammarie-les-lys (S. et M.), France. Gerber, Louis (1), 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital, Paris 15e, France. Gerber, Robert, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Gerhart, 0. B., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 0 ericke Walther (1) , Kriegsstras se 84, Karlsruhe i/B., Germany. Gerrard, P. D. (1), 209-212 Birks Bldg. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Gerrarde, H. E. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Getzlaff, Dr. E. E. (1), 1210 N. Capitol St., Salem, Oreg. Gheorghisor, I., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II., Rumania. Giang, Tsung Gwang, S. D. A. Mission, Hsinking, Manchuria. Gibbs, C. R., 43 Park Vale Ave., Allston, Mass. Gibbons, Virgil (1), Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Gibson, L. A., Dalsworth Park, Tex. Gibson, T. D. (1), 342 North Segrave St., Daytona Beach, Fla. Giddings, H. E., Box 52, Angwin, Calif. Giddings, 0. U., Boite Postale 446, Elisabethville, Congo Beige, Africa. Giddings, P., Bone A55, Port-auPrince, Haiti. West Indies. Gidlund, C., Wasagatan 20, Giiteborg, Sweden. Giebel, 0., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Gil, Camilo, Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. 344 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Gilbert, A. C., 730 Bailey Ave., Mountain View, Calif. Gilbert, F. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Gillatt, J. J., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Gillis, I. E. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keij o ( Seoul ), Chosen. Gillis, W. E., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Gillis, W., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Ging, Su Tang (1), S. D. A. Mission, Foochow, China. Girou, A. J., Salisbury St., Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Gjording, J. G., 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Glass, H., KneiphOfsche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Glockler, P. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Glockner, Carl, Grindleberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Gmehling, Otto (1), Richard-Wagnerstr. 28, Hanover-N., Germany. Gnaedjin, M., Calle Llavallol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Gnutzmann, J. (1), Missao Adventista, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Gobel, Heinrich (1), Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe i/B., Germany. Goeltom, P. R. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdealing Oost-Java, Tandjoeng Anom 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Goh, Djao Oh (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Golez, J. J. (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Golola, S. (1), P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Golzer, K., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Gomes, A. D., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Gommesen, T. (1), Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Gomola, J., ul. Kujawska 16, Krakow, Poland. Gonzales, Petronilo (1), Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Goodall, F. W., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Goodman, C. J. (1), 1209 First St., Chehalis, Wash. Goransson, W. C. (1), Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Gordon, Alfred, 207 S. Blight St., Jackson, Mich. Gordon, L. 0., 1302 Harvard Blvd., Toledo, Ohio. Gosmer, W. A., College Place, Wash. Gottfert, J. (1), Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Govett, R., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Graf, H. F., Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Graf, 0. J. (1), Loma Linda, Calif. Graham, H. L., Loma Linda, Calif. Graham, J. E., 2846 W. 61st St., Seattle, Wash. Graham, L. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Graham, L. W. (1), Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Grajdinoiu-Ionescu, C., Str. Cohanovschi 1, Cernauti, Rumania, Gram, H. P., 306 Colchester Ave., Burlington, Vt. Grandy, B. M., 1216 Grand Ave., Grand Junction, Colo. Grand Pre, L. L. (1), Monclova 61-A, Colonia Roma, Mexico, D. F. Granlund, 0. (1), Pacific Press Branch, Brookfield, Ill. Grant, C. • E., Route 3, • Loveland, Colo. Grauer, G. A., 5216 Eagle Rock Blvd., Eagle Rock, Calif. Graves, C. F. (1), 1415 Woodrow St., Columbia, S. C. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Gray, D. H. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Greaves, R. S., Limassol, Cyprus. Green, C. B., S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Green, H. A., M. D. (1), care Boulder Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Green, J. A. P., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Green, J. S., 314 Third Ave., North, Birmingham, Ala. Greenaway, G. H. (I), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Gregorius, F., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany. Gregory, B. F., S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Grellman, F. Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Greive, Robert (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland; Australia. Grieser, F. G., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe i/B, Germany. Grieser, J. F., Tizianstrasie 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Griffin, A. C., 207 S. Glenn St., Wichita, Kans. Griffin, 'C. J. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Griffin, H. C., Route 2, Box 14, Gentry, Ark. Griffin, R. E., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Griggs, Frederick, Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Grin,• M., Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo), Egypt. Grinberg, E. (1), Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Griott, Luis (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Grizzle, A. A., Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Grolimund, M., 8 Yarra St.; Hawthorne, Victoria, Australia. 345 (Ironed, J., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Gruber, F., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV., Austria. Gruesbeck, C. M., Route 1, Gobles, Mich. Grundset, Anol, South Lancaster, Mass. Grundset, H., R. F. D. No. 3, Clear Lake, Wis. Gu, Shao Chiao (1), 20 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Guderian, • F. W., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Oudmundsen, G., Heile Selassie I Hospital, Debre-Tabor, Ethiopia. Guenin, J. C., 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Guenther, C. E. (1), 4532 159th St., Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. Guenther, C. W., 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Gugel, E., Regensburgerstrasse 22 V., Berlin W. 50, Germany. Guild, Cecil (1), S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. Guild, M. C., Route 4, Niles, Mich. Guilliard, E. H., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Gulbrandson, David, Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn. Gilldenpfennig, W. Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Guldhammer, A., Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Guthrie, Wm., 319 North Bright Ave., Whittier, Calif. Guyot, A., 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Marseille, France. Guzman, Gil de, Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Gyes, Vernon (I), Box X, Ketch ik an, Alaska. A, C. W. (1), S. D. A. Mission, A Soonan, Chosen. Ha, S. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. 346 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Haag, A. (I), Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany. Haas, W., Fasanenstr. 63 I, Braunschweig, Germany. Haase, 0., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. liaberey, Georges, 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Hackman E. F., Box 584, Arling' ton, Calif. Hadfield, B. E. (1), Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocea n. Hafenmayr, Peter (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hagen, A. E., Caixa Postal 1830, Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Hahn, W. F. (1), 400 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. Haig, A. R. (1), 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Haining, G. B., 1616 Trenton Ave., Glendale, Calif. Halasz, L., Nemetwelgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Haider A. C., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, ' India. Haider, B. K. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Haider U. N. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Luckn ow, Hale, D. U., 2315 David St., Corpus Christi, Tex. Hall, C. E., Sheldon, Wis. Hall, Frank, 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Hall, Dr. H. A., Box 40], Manila, Philippine Islands. Hall, O. A., Box 310, Hongkong, China. Hall, 0. B. (1), 1065 Deer Park St., Jackson, Miss. Hall, W. A., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Halladay, H. K., Box 512, Madison, Wis. Halliwell, L. B., Rua Gasper Vianna 120, Caixa Postal 658, Belem, Para, South America. Halswick, L., 3329 Thirtieth Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Ham, A. L., P. 0. Box 310, Hongkong, China. Hambrock, F., Adventhaus Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Hamilton, G. A., 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon, Burma. Hamilton, H. H., Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hamilton, J. J., S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, W. C. Africa. Hamilton, R. S. J. (1), Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Hammerly, D. A. (1), Calle Uriarte 2429 (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Hammond, T. W., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Hamp, G. G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Hampton, J. B., Box 550, Clovis, N. Mex. Han, H. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Hang, Dr. Lung Ping (I), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Hanhardt, J. G., 1311 B St., Lincoln, Nebr. Hanhardt, W. H., Bex 550, Clovis, N. Mex. Hankins, I. J., Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Hankins, W. C., 703 Michigan Ave., Gladston, Mich. Hanna, J. G., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Hannah, W. C. (1), New Market, Va. Hansen, C. Avery, Route 4, Box 204, Mt. Vernon, Wash. Hansen, H. A., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hansen, V. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Hansen, W. W. (1), Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Hansen, W. R., Route 2, Box 2116, Napa, Calif. Hanson, D. H., Route 5, Enosburg Falls, Vt. Hanson, Ernest (1), Heron Lake, Minn. Hanson, E. D., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Hanson, H. S. (1), Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Hanson, J. 0. (1), 112 St. Louis Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Hanson, P. C., Rockledge, Fla. Hanson, P. M., 700 Woodward Ave.. Chippewa Falls. Wis. Harder, J. C. (1), Hutchinson, Minn. Harder, J. F., College Place, Wash. Harding, I. W., S. D. A. Mission. Palmberg Station, c/o Maier and Jurgensmeyers, Grand Bassa, Liberia, West Africa. Hardt, J. D. (1), Rua Lopes TrovSo 84, care Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South America. Hardy, B. F. (1), Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Hare, E. B., 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Hare, M. M., M. D., 2383 Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock, Calif. Hare, R. A., M. D., 7 Tye Road, Santa Barbara, Calif. Hare, R. E., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Hare., Robert. "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S: W., Australia. Hare, S. T., Loma Linda, Calif. Harker, H. C., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Harker, J., 11 Seafield, Portadown, N. Ireland. 347 Harres, Karl, Neustadt Contrescarpe 30 "I.," Gremen, Germany. Harris, F. J., Route 1, Cadillac, Mich. Harris, W. J.; 62 Ta Fang Chia. Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Harrison, A. F., 1300 Northeast 14th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Harrison, Dr. C. W. (1), Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Harrison, F. L. (1), Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Hartin, L. H., Canadian Jr. College, College Heights, Alberta, Canada. Hartman, H. C. (I), 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Hartmann, Max (1), Karl Herzig Str. 16, Reiehenberg, Czechoslovakia. Hartwell, H. C., 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Hartwell, R. H., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, ChinO. Hartwick, C. W., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu. Hawaii. Harvey, F. W. (1), 1103 Henry Ave., Columbus, Ga. Harvey. L. R., 84 Jervois Road, Alicidand% New Zealand. Hasegawa, T. (I), Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Hassenpflug, B. L. (1), 112 St. Louis Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Haufe, P., Adventhaus, HansSachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Haughey, A. G., Gen. Del., Lufkin, Tex. Haughey, J. H. (1), Berrien Springs, Mich. Haughey, K. R., Box 106, Graysville, Tenn. Haughey, S. G., 522 W.. Seventh St., Winona, Minn. Haupt, Dr. W. H., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Haussler, J. C. (1), Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Hay, R. E., Route 1, Box 295, Lodi, Calif. Hayakawa, T. (1), Minami 6 Jo, Nishill Chonie, Sapporo, Japan. 348 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Hayden, R. A. (1), Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Hayes, E. G., North Platte, Nebr. Haynal, A. D., Box 235, Greens. burg, Pa. Haynes,C. B., 400 Bauch Bldg., . Allegan St., Lansing, 115 Mich. Haynes, D. F. (I), 176 W. Pike St., Pontiac, Mich. Haynes, J. D., Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Haynes, S. R., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Haysmer, A. J., 1920 Feronia Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Hayton, C. H., M. D., 5230 La Roda Ave., Eagle Rock, Calif. Heald, B. M., 101 Wells St., Peekskill, N. Y. Heaton, L. T., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Heckman, W. H., Room 2401, 11Q West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Heim,. E. F., Route 3, Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. Hein, C. D., Box Corner, Pine and Polk Sts., Enid, Okla. Heinrich, F., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Helbig, R., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Helg-ason, M. (1), Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Heller, W. A. (1), Tornkova 31, Praha-Zizkov, Czechoslovakia. Hendershot, V. E., 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Henderson, F. H., 178 Manchester St., Battle Creek, Mich. Henderson, W. P. (1), Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Heng, Seng Teck (I), S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Henger, A., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany. FIennecke, E., Fasanenstr. 63, L, Braunschweig, Germany. Henriksen, H. D., 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Heppenstall, E. (1), Holly, Mich. Herbert, W., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30 I, Bremen, Germany. Herholdt, A. J. (1), Box 256, Bloemfontein 0. F. S., South Africa. Hermann, P. H., Strada Mitrop. Ghen. Petrescu 116, Bueuresti IV, Rumania Hermanson, E. V. (1), Rua dos Ferreiros, 110, Funchal, Maderia Islands. Hermansson, Gcesta, Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Herrell, H. W., Oakton, Va. Hershberger, 0. S. (I), Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Herwick, 0. W., Petersburg, Alaska. Herwick P. G., 614 50th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hesse', A., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia, East Africa. Heubach, Paul (1), 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Heumann, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Hiatt, H. M., Anoka, Minn. Hickman, N. R., Route 7, Elk City, Okla. Hicks, H. H., Loma Linda, Calif. Higgins, W. B., S'olusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Hilgert, W. T., Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. Hill, H. A., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Hill, T. S., 603 Wheeler St., Saginaw, Mich. Hill, W. B. (I), 422 Greenville Ave., Staunton, Va. Hilliard, E., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Hilliard, W. I. (1), 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Hillman, V. R. (I), Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Hilmer, F., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Hilweg, K., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Hindson, J. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Hirlinger, J. W., Sr., 15746 Greydale Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hirlinger, J. W., Jr. (1), 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Hiten, George (1), Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Hiten, S. G., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Hiten, Stephen (1), Box 256, Blomfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Hlubi, J. M., P. 0. Nahamba, Swaziland, South Africa. Hmelevsky, George, 725 Fifth St., N. E., Minot, N. Dak. Ho, Ai Deng, S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Hoehmuth, M., Gutenberstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Hodgson, W. T. (1), Box 29, ld, Ill. Brooke Hoen, P. L., care E. M. C., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hof, J. (1), 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Hoffman, B. P., Box 12, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Hoffman, K., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Hoffmann, Siegfried (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Pauli, Brazil, South America. Hoffmann, W., Missionsseminar Marienhohe, Darmstadt, Germany. Hof star, J. W., 1036 North Townsend St., Los Angeles, Calif. Holbrook, J. A., Box 364, Clear Lake, Wash. Holbrook, Wilbur, Bethel Academy, Arpin, Wis. Holden, Dr. W. B. (1), Medical Arts Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Holden, W. H., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Holland, J. C. (1), 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 349 Hollenweger, 0., Stamfenbaehstrasse 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Hollingsworth, F. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific 'Ocean. Hollister, M. A., Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Holloway, C. B. ,1) 601 South Sixth. Ave.,.,Laurel, Miss. Holman, G. Shiloh, N. T. Hoist, A. E., Suncrest, 'Route 4, Morgantown, W. Va. Holt, C. A., General Delivery, Bishop, Calif. Holt, R. F. (1), 1574 Brunswiek Ave., Trenton, N. J. Hooper, W. T. (1), 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Hoover, H. L. Route 1, Box 3201, Perris, Calif. Hopkin, W. H. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. HOpkins, E. B., Route 2, Benton, Ark. Horn, P., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Horn, S. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Af deelnig West Java, Sawohlaan 25, Batavia-C., Netherlands East Indies. Hcerner, G. F., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Hosford, G. W., 655 Hittonia Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Platte', J. Z., Auburn Academy, Auburn, Wash. , Hottel, R. D., Box 57, New Market, Va. Houghton, Alexander, 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. House, H. F. (1), Monclova 61-A, Colonia Roma, Mexico, D. F. 4 Howard, B. A. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Howard, E. P., Apartado 92, Managua, Rep. de Nicaragua, Central America. Howard, E. M., Box '256, Bloeinfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. 350 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Howard, J. M., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London N. 7, England. Howard, M. D. (1), Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Howard, W. H., 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Howe, B. L., 133 Virginia Ave., Modesto Calif. Howe, W. A. (1), Hawarden, Iowa. Howell, C. J. (I), Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Howell, J. M., Calle Llavallol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Howell, W. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Howse, H. T. (1), Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Hoyler, Jorge (I), Caixa Postal 233, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America. Hsiao, Tzi Fu (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hsinking, Manchuria. Hsu, Sin Tang (1), S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Yunan, China. Hubbard, T. F., Route 1, Boggstown, Ind. Hubbs, R. L. (1), 224 S. E. 57th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Hubley, R. A., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4. Ontario. Huddleston, Stanley (1), 112 East St. Louis Ave., Forth Worth, Tex. Huenergardt, A. B., Box 90, Sugarhouse Sta., Salt Lake City, Utah. Huenergardt, J. F. 819 S. Garfield Ave., Lodi, Calif. Hufnagel, H., Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstr. 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Hughes, A. E., S. D. A. Mission, Da Bao, Tsi Chi Kou, Szechwan, China. Hulse, V. P., Holly, Mich. Humann, E. S. (1), 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario, Canada. Humann, H. H., 3711 South 52d St., Lincoln, Nebr. Hummel, G. (1), Kaiser-WilhelmPlatz 46, Cottsbus, Germany. Hung, C. Y., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Hung, K. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Hunter, D. W., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Hunter, Le Roy (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Hurdon, W. J., .3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Hurlow, H. J., Kolo Mission, Moern Nigeria, West Coast Africa. Hurlow, W. H., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Huse, George (1), 2123 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Hutches, G. E., care Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr. Hutchinson, L. L., Box 356, Nassau, Bahamas. Hutton (1), Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa.. Hwang, Djung Seng, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Hwang, Dz Ging, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Hwang, Dzi Chiang, S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Hyatt, W. Leroy, Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Hyatt, W. S., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Hyde, J. J., S. D. A: Mission, Jengre Station, via Jos, Northern Nigeria, West Coast Africa. Hyde, S. G., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Hyde, S. W. (1), 109 W. Tyrell Ave., St. Louis, Mich. Hyde, W. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, MT: C. Africa. Hyun, Y. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo ( Seoul ) , Chosen. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY E, S. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwantung, China. Im, S. W., S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Imasiku, Gladstone, c/o Katima Mulilo Mission, Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Imrie, L. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Imperio, J. M. (1), Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands. Ingle, A. N., Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Innis, C. F., Las Cruces, N. Mex. Inouye, K., 1111 Yasler Way, Seattle, Wash. Irod, Dumitru, Piata General Dragalina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara IV, Rumania. Irons, L. 0. (1), 115 Roseneath St., Battle Creek, Mich. Irwin, J. J., Copemish, Mich. Isaac (1), Nkata Bay P. 0., Nyasaland, Africa. Isaac, Daniel, Route 1, Box 271, Arlington, Calif. Isaac, F. R., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Isaac, H. D., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Isaac, John, Route 1 Box 146A, Shafter, Calif. Isaac, M. N., Botte A55, Port-auPrince, Haiti, French West Indies. Isaac, V., Kodiakanal, Madura Dist., South India. Isaiah, G. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Iserte, S. M. (1), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Ishibe, K. (1), Box 7, Suganima P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Ising, W. K., P. 0. Box 1091, Jerusalem, Palestine. Itumeling, K. S. (1), Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. Iverson, Paul, Quincy and First St., Cottage Grove, Oregon. 351 1 ABOLA, F. L., Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Jabola, V. L. (1), Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Jackson, A. S. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton, (Post Office Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Jackson, F. S., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Jackson, J. M. (1), 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Jackson, J. S. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Jackson, M. J., Ketchikan, Alaska. Jacob, A. C., Pattam Trivandrum, Travancore, South 'India. Jacobs, J. T., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Jacobsen, A. G. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.. Jadhav, M. P. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. Jager, E., Adventhaus, Hans-Sachstr. 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Jakavula, E. S., 54 National Mutual Bldgs., 43 Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. James, E. H., Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. James, Dr. H. C. (I), S. D. A. Mis' sion, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. James, J. R., Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. James, J. S., 6 Dhondi Road, Deolali, Nasik Dist., India. James, R. B. (1), Box 15, Poona, India. James, Dr. W. H. (1), Sanitarium, Warburton, Victoria, Australia. James, W. S. (1), 933 Boulevard Ave., S. E., Atlanta. Ga. • Jameson, J. S. (1), 912 Woodlawn Ave., Newport, Tenn. Janda, Edward, Selukwe, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Janzen, Jacob (1), Kanye Hospital, Kanye, via Lobatsi, British Bechuanaland, Africa. 352 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Jarreau, E. A. (1), Apt. 1, 822 E. 15th St., Indianapolis, Lad. Jefferson, W. R., Route 2, Box 758, Santa Rosa, Calif. Jelen, K., Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Jenik, J., Nemetvcelgyi 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Jenks, G. C. (1), Box 331, Kensett, Ark. Jensen, Christian, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Jensen, C., S. D. A. Mission, Gembe, via Lakempti, Western Ethiopia. Jensen, C. C., 1804 E. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Jensen, F. B., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Jensen, Johannes (1), Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Jensen, J. P. U., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Jensen, M. H. (1), Enterprise, Kans. Jensen, Wm., Mt. Shasta' City, Cali. Jervis, J. E., 114-47 140th St., South Ozone Park, Long Island, N. Y. Jessen, A. F. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Jesudass, A. V. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Jesudawson, A. M., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Jewell, E. B. (1); Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Jewell, F. B. (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Jimenez, Aurelio (1), 11 Pointe 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Johansson, 0 (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. John,' C. (1), Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. John, 0. M., South Lancaster, Mass. John, W., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Johns, A. IL, 2925 Franklin St., Publ o, Colo. Johns, V. J., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Johnsen, H. M. (1), Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Johnson, Adolph, 320 Crater Lake Ave., Medford, Oreg. Johnson, A. E., 613 East Eighth St., Alliance, Nebr. Johnson, A. R. P., 216 Chestnut St., Elmira, N.•Y. Johnson, A. W. (1), Union College, • College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Johnson, C., 236 Vallejo Drive, Glendale, Calif. • Johnson C. S. (1), 2610 Nob 'Hill - Ave., Seattle, ' Wash. Johnson, E. R., Route 2, Box 150, Redlands, Calif. Johnson, Fred, 6691 Cypress St., Vancouver, British Columbia. JohnSon, F. 'W: (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. ,Johnson, G. E., 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Johnson, H. T. (1), Eagle ,House 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Johnson, J. B., Caixa Postal 34, Estacao de Santo Andre, S. P. - R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Johnson, J. E., 2923 King St., Berkeley, Calif. Johnson, J. L. (1), 722 Olive .St., Long Beach, Calif. _ Johnson, L., 3022 West 62nd St., Seattle, Wash. Johnson, L. E., Ringgold, Nebr. Johnson, Paul (1), Apartado- 568, Santo Domingo city, Rep. Dominicana. Johnson, W. B. (1), 3228. Avenue P, Galveston, Tex. Johnson, Werber (1), Box .507, Bozeman, Mont. Johnson, W. J., M. D., 1621 Trenton Ave., Glendale, Calif. Johnston, F. W., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Jonason, Sigward (1), Tunnelgatan 25; Stockholm,,Sweden. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Jonda, Edward, Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Jones, C. H. (1), Box 850, Room 106, Glendale, Calif. Jones, G. F., Lord Howe Island, Australia. Jones, J. K., South Lancaster, Mass. Jones, J: W., 634 S. 21st St., Louisville, Ky. Jones, L. L. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield; N. S. W., Australia.. Jones, 0. E., Route 1, Earlimart, Tulare Co., Calif. Jones, R. G., Apartado 568, Santo Domingo City, Republica Dominicana. Jones, R. L., Gitwe Mission Training School, via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Jones, W. H. (1), 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Jonuleit, K., Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstr. 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Jordahl, Ole, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Jorgensen, Laurence, Cooks, Mich. Jorgensen, L. G., 1405 South Seventh St., Lincoln, Nebr. Jorgensen, N. M., 125 Fourth St., Boone, Iowa. Jornada, F. H., Box 271, Iloilo, • Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Joseph, G. C. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Joseph, Victor, 1525 First Ave., Charleston, . Va. Joshua, J., Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Joyce, C. S., 9122 Lincoln Ave., Brookfield, Ill. Joyce, R. S., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Joyce, S., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Joyce, S. G., Stanborough Park,Watford, Herts, England. Judge, A. G. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. 12 353 Jugha (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Junginger, A., 5 bid d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Jurke, F., Gutenbergstr. 43, IL, Breslau 13, Germany. Jurkevics, A. (1), Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. ALBERT, Boite PosK ABUWA, tale, Elisabethville, Congo Beige, Africa. Kajno, M. (1), Nunobiki Dori 2 ehome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Kajiyama, T., 4 of 4 Komakawa, Nishi-machi, Fukuoka, Japah. Kakambe, Jonathan, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Ka]abugin, M. A., Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Kalbermatter, I., Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Kalbermatter, Pedro, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Kalezic, Djordje, Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslovia. Kaltenhauser, K., Caixa Postal 233, Victoria, Estado do Esperito, Santo, Brazil, South America. Kamm, C., 5 bid d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Kamwendo, Yolam, Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Kang, C. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Kapitz, Karl, Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Kaplan, S., Room 2401, 110 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Kapusta, St., ul. Piotra. Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Karalashvili, K. D., 1207 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Karl, A., Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Kasa, J. W., 1213 Clarence Ave., Berwyn, Ill. Kastl, Karl, Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. 354 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Katona, A. (1), Nemetyolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Katonya, K. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Kaufmann, E. (I), Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Kaufmann, Richard, Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Kauntul, M., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West Java, Sawohlaan 25, Batavia-C, Netherlands East Indies. Keate, R. I., 1703 24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. Kegley, R. J., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Keh, N. K., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Keh, N. P., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Keh, S. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulano-"sti, Amoy, China. T.'K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Keiser, C. V., 1929 Crescent Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Keitts, F. S., 2105 Scovel St., Nashville, Tenn. Kelemen, St., Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Kellar, C. C., Dingadha, P. 0. Chuadanga, Dist. Naida, India. Kelle, 0., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Keller, K., Gutenbergstr. 43, II, Breslau 13, Germany. Keller, R. E. (1), Sterling Road, Jacksonville, Oreg. Kelly, C. H. (1), Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Kelly, P. J., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Kelley, H. M., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Kellogg, C. E., Keene, Tex. Kelsey, Verne (1) 217 N. W. Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Keng, Fu Kwang (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutting, Peiping, Hopei, China. Kent, H. A. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Kent, J. F. (1), Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Kent, J. R. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Kent, J. W., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Kent, T. R., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Keough, G., Newbold Missionary College, Near Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Kephart, H. C. (1), 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Kersliakoff, N. M. (1), Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Keslake, C. H., R. F. D. 8, Trenton, N. J. Kestner, Rud., Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Ketola, T. (1), Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Khng, K. T., S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tou, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Kibble, H. W., Box 415, Tyler, Tex. Kiehnast, 0. (1), Koblenzerstr. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Kieser, W. D. (I), Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Kilgore, J. S. (1), 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Killen, W. L., R. F. D. 3, High Point, N. C. Kim, C. C. (1), Outside East Gate, r Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Kim, C. H., S. D. A. Mission, Chung Up, Chosen. Kim, D. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Won San, Chosen. Kim, H. M., S: D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen. Kim, Kyu Kyok, S. D. A. Mission, Tou to Gou, Chien Tao, Kirin, . Manchuria. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Kim, K. Y. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Kim, M. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Kim, N. C., S. D. A. Mission, Chung Up, Chosen. Kim, N. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Kim, P. N., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Kim, P. T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Kim, Ryong Eul (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tou to Gou, Chien Tao, Kirin, Manchuria. Kim, S. Y., S. D. A. Mission, Won San, Chosen. Kim, Y. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. • Kimble, R. L., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Kime, D. S., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Ambon, Ambon, Moluccas, Netherlands East Indies. Kime, Samuel H., College Place, Wash. Kime, Stewart, College Place, Wash. Kinder, W. L. (1), 217 N. W. Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. King, A. L. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. King, G. D., 80 Australia Road, Heath, Cardiff, Wales, England. King, L. H., 3210 Howard Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. King, N. B., 368 Washington St., Yazoo City. Miss. Kinney, C. M., 23 Ligon Lane, Nashville, Tenn. Kinney, C. R., 1727 Douglas Ave., Rockford, Ill. Kintanar, M. J., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Kinzer, N. H.,Apartado 313, Cali, Colombia, outh America. Kirk, E. D. (1), care Enterprise Academy, Enterprise, Kans. 355 Kirk, H. F., 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. Kirkelokke, L. J., Suomisvej 6, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Kittle, 0. M., Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Kitto, Robert (1), 3057 G•St., San Diego, Calif. Klaser, H. W. (1), Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Klatt, G. D., Casilla 1002, Lim. Peru, South America. Klement, A., Oskari 16, Tallinn, Estonia. Klement, H. C., 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Klingbeil, J. (I), Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Klinger, R. (1), Posta Kutusu 2242, Istanbul, Turkey. Klinker, A., Hitlerstr. 6 I., Hamm i/W., Germany. Kloetty, R. (1), 130 Blvd. de Pilopital, Paris 13e, France. Klooster, H. J., Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Klose, J. C., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. K loss, W., Kneiphiifsche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Klotins, E., Bisenieku iela 25, Jelgava, Latvia. Klut, E., Turecka I., Warsaw, Poland. Knecht, L. P. (1), 845 W. Sixth St., Waterloo, Iowa. Kneeland, B. F., 1801 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Kneeland, W. 0., 1020 Forest Ave., Greenville, Tenn. Knight, A. W., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Knight, C. E., Route 1, Box 166, Campbell, Calif. Knight, I. G., Box 14, Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, West Indies. Knipschild, J. F., 45 Richmond St., New Bedford, Mass. Knoner, H., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30 I., Bremen, Germany. 356 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Knot, M. F., care W. R. White, 2119 24th •Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn. Knox, P. L., 195 N. Chester Ave, Pasadena, Calif. Ko, S. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Kobayashi, Tokutaro. Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Kobe, D. (1), 6 Park Road, Grahamstown, Cape, South Africa. Kobele, F., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt a Main, Germany. Kobs; H., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Koch, A. C., Minami, 6 Jo, Nishi 11 Chome, Sapporo, Japan. Kohler, K. (1), Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse. 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Kohtanen, V., Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Finland: Koilpillai, V. D., Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Kok, E. (1), Adventhaus, Hans• Sachstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Kolling, W. J., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Noord Celebes, Tondano, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Kon, Vui-leong (1), 633- Suriwongsi Road, Bangkok, Siam. Konderth, Th. (1), Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania.. Kong, Tsun-min (1), Box 34, Jesselton, British North Borneo. Konigmacher, S. M., Liumba Hill Mission, P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Konvalina, Frant. (1), Mov. Ostrava-Hulvaky, Druzstevni 1079, Czechoslovakia. Kopping, P. (1), Kneiphofsche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Korsch, H., Kneiphiifsche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Kortenhorn, G. (1), Hitlerstr. 6, Hamm i/W., Germany. Kraft, E. J. (1), Box .7, Suginami, P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Kranz, A. F. J., " Mizpah," roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Krause, 0. (1), Calle Lima 21, . Puno, Peru, South America. Krause, V. (1), Parodos g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. Krautschick, A., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Krautschick, A., Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Krdjalic, Z. (1), Zeleni Venac No. VI, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Kress, D. H., M. D., 705 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Krick, R. K. (1), Route 2, Harrison= ville Road, Portsmouth, Ohio. Krieghoff, C. E., Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Kritezky, M. S., 3553 ,93rd St., Jackson Heights, Long Island, N. Y. Krievs, E. (1), Bisenieku iela 25, Jelgava, Latvia. Kroeger, T. J., 412 N. McCann St., Kokomo, Ind. Kroulik, Vincenc, Tomkova 31, Praha-Zizkov, Jugoslavia. Krstic, Dragomir, Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Krueger, E. (1), ul. Piotra Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Krug, L., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niirnberg, Bayern, Germany. Kruger, Albert, College Place, Wash. Kruk, A. (1), ul. GOrska 9, Warsaw, Poland. . Krum, J. H., Box 144, St. Andrews, Fla. Krygier E. (1), ul. Piotra Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Kuboni, E. J., Watersmeet, Private Bag, P. 0. Besteis, Natal, Souih Africa. Kuehl, A. W., Huron, S. Dak. Kuempel, F. R., Caixa. Postal PI, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Kuempel, Manoel, Caixa Postal H, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil; South America. Kuhn, 0. B., Court 1207, Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Kujur, P. D. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Kulak, J., ul. Piotra Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Kulesa, E., Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Kuniya, Hide, Box 7, Suginami. P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Kuniya, Hiroshi, Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Kunkel, C. J., 3912 Boyce Ave.; Los Angeles, Calif. Kunze, M., Hintern Bahnhof 30, Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany. Kurlz, L. W. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Kuschel, E., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Kuzma, W. (1), ul. 17 Stycznia 4, Leszno, Poland. ACEY, H. C., Loma Linda, Calif. Lagonera, F. S. (1); Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. LaGrone, C. A., Route 2, Box 137a, Amarillo, Tex. La Grone, V. A. (1), 832 W. Broadway, Mayfield, Ky. Lai, T. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Lake, T. W. R., 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Lamont, E. D., 21 Corbett Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Landeen, Wm., Walla Walla College, College. Place, Wash. Landis, C. C., M. D.,. 450' Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif.. Landis; J. J. (I), Route 4, Caldwell, Idaho. Lane, F. G., 3137 Mayfield Ave.,La Crescenta, Calif. -Lane; L. E. A., Stanborough Park, Watford, Harts, England. Lane, R. W., Suva Vou; Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. L 357 Langa, M. M. (1), P. 0. Nongoma, Zululand, South Africa. Langberg, T. M., 1116 South 32d St., Omaha, Nebr. Langdon, G. E., Box _).62, College Place, 'Wash. Lange, 0. W. (1), Civil Lines, Surat, India: Lange, R., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Langenberg, Herman, 4859 Lowell Ave., College View Station, Lin• coln, Nebr. Langholf, A., Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Langner, H., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Lagonera, F. (1), Lucena; Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Lanier, W. E., Route 3, Nashville, Tenn. Lankhorst, J. (I), Lange 13eestenmarkt 102; The Hague, Netherland.. Lanoix, Herodote' (1); Botte A55, Port-au-Prince, ti, Rai West Indies. Larrabee, Harry (1), Apartado 218, Guatemala, Rep. de Guatemala, Central America. Larsen, B. (1), Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Larsen, C. A:, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India (On furlough). Larsen, Charles, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai; China. Larsen, F. M., S. D. A. Mission, No. 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria, China. Larsson, John (1), Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Lashier, S. J. (1), 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr. Lathain, W. L., 140 West 15th St., Holland, Mich. Lauda, E. R., Route 3, Loveland, Colo. Laurence; J. H., 6555 Scotten -Ave., Detroit, Mich. Lavanchy, Fr., 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Laweloa, J., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. 358 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Lawrence, G. W., Route 2, Box 185, Smithsburg, Md. Lawrence, N. W., Route 2, Battle Ground, Wash. Lawrence, W. S. (1), Box 84, Union Springs, N. Y. Lawry, Clarence (I), Review and Herald, Takoma, Park, Washington, D. C. Lawson, F. H. (1), Box 36, Barstow, Calif. Lawson, H. P., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Lawson, J. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Leach, C. V., 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Le Butt, A. C., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Lecoultre, Andre (1), 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Lecoultre, D. (1), 130 Bld. de L'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Lee, C. M. (1), 55-3 High St., Singapore, Straits Settlements. Lee, C. W., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Lee, Frederick, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Lee, H. M., Chosen Union Training School, Soonan, Chosen. Lee, I. C. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Lee, K. I. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Lee, L. C., 309 Monroe St., Petoskey, Mich. Lee, M. C. (1), Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Lee, M. T. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Won San, Chosen. Lee, N. J. (1), 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Lee, N. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Lee, P. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Lee, S. E. (I), Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Lee, Theng Huan (1), S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Ieeder, S. T. (1), Apia, Samoa. Pacific Ocean. Leer, C. J., Route 2, Box 232, Galt, Calif. Leffler, G. E., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Lehaci, G. R., Strada Cohanovsehi 1, Cernauti, Rumania. Lehmann, G., Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Leiske, A. A., 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Leland, J. A., 5503 Miami Ave., Tampa, FIa. Lemke, L. D. A., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Lengalenga, Peter, P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Lenheim, L. E., 1400 Snowden Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Lenk, L. (1), Fabian u. 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Lennox, W. (I), 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Leslie, J. D. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Lesovsky, W., BOite 595, Beyrouth, Lebanon. Letts, F. H., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Leu, Y. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Leung, H. S. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Tangshan, Canton, China. Lewis, G. A. (I), Kisii, P. 0. KisumU, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Lewis, Richard (I), 3057 G St., San Diego, Calif. Lewis, W. H., Box 52, St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. Lewsadder, Wm., Route 1, Talent, Oregon. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Leytes, M., Carlos Pellegrini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Li, Deh Hsin (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Szchwan, China. Li, Kwang Ren (I), 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Li, Kwang Ren (1), 107 Wu Tsu St., Hankow, Hupeh, China. Li, G. Y., S. D. A. Illission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Li. W. C. (1), 107 'Wu Tsu St., Hankow, Hupeh, China. Li, Wan Chuen (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. Libby, R. A., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Libonati, E. (1), Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Lickey, A. E., 4905 N. E. Pacific St., Portland, Oreg. Lickey, C. F., 610 S. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Lidner, V. A., 427 Case St., St. Paul, Minn. Lie, 0. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Lien, A. C., (1), 110 Franklin St., Urbana, Ill. Light, L. W., Box 231, Onaway, Mich. Lightner, Chas., 2625 Charles St., Omaha, Nebr. Lillie, C. P., R. F. D. 2, Pittsfield, Mass. Lim, C. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Lind, Walter (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Lindberg, Carl (1), Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Linde, H., Brivibas 11, Riga, Latvia. Lindholm, R. C., M. D. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Lindquist,. G. E. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Lindsay, G. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. 359 Lindsay, R. S., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Lindt, S. H., China Training Inst., Chiao Tou Tseng, Kiangsu, China. Lingenfelter, C. L., 1134 30th St., San Diego, Calif. Lippolis, G. L., Casilla Postale 408, Florence, Italy. Litster, W. R. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Litwinenco, J. A., Herried, S. Dak. Liu, B. A., China Training Inst., Chiao Tou Tseng, Kiangsu, China. Liu, Djen Bang, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Liu, Djung Gwang, S. D. A. Mission, 155 Tung Wan Ni Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. Liu, Hen Ih (1), S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. Liu, Meng Ru, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Liu, Shiao-Tien, S. D. A. Mission, iang, China. Wenchow, Chk Liu, Yuan Chen (1), S. D. A. Mission, 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Livingston, J. D., Calle Llavallol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Llaguno, R. S., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Lloyd, Ernest, care Pacific Press, Mountain View, Calif. Lo, Gwei Ih (I), S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. Lo, Pak Tsim (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Lo, Sin Tsai, S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Lo, T. N. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. • Lo,Tet Tsun, S. D. A. Mission, chow, ai Kwangtung, China. Lo, Yin Djang (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Loasby, F. H., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. 360 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Loasby, R. E., Velloz Lodge, Clarke Town, Nagpur, Central Provinces, India. Lobsack, H. J.,Moscow 10, Ulica Durowa 22, hg. 19, U. S. S. R. Lock, W. N., Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Locken, J. B., Route 2, Box 193, Lakeland, Fla. Lockert, A. J., 1612 King St., La Crosse, Wis. Loewen, George (1), Dickinson, N. Dak. Loewen, M. E. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Lohner, R. (1), Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna XV, Austria. Long, A. (1), Mission Adventiste, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar., Long, A. C., 424 Western Ave., Topeka, Kans. Long, M. L., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Longway, E. L., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Loosen, C. H., via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Loots, J. L., 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Lopez, A. J. (1), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Lorencin, A., Zdeni Venac Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Lorenz, J. D., Route 1, Arlington, Calif. Lorenz, W. (1), Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Lorntz, E. J., Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Losey, L. B., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Lotawa, Joeli (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Loveless, W. C., 2156 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lovell, V. P., Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind. Louden, R. E., 2002 South Eleventh St., Waco, Tex. Lourinho, Manuel (1), Rua Joaquim, Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Lowe, H. W., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Lower, D. A., Pacific Press, Mountain View, Calif. Lowry, G. G., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, Lowry, M. E. (1), Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Lowry, W. S., Fentress, Va. Lubschina, Fr. (1), Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna XV, Austria. Luca, Gheorghe (1), Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Lucas; H. G., 671 Glenmore Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Lucas, V. H., 2007 El Serano Drive, Pasadena, Calif. Ludewig, M., Dezeliceva 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Ludgate, T. K., Shahibag, P. 0. 4, Ahmendabad, India. Liidtke, A., ul. Wojciechowskiego 36, Katowice, Poland. Ludwig, W. (1), Suji, Private Bag, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Lugenbeal, E. N., Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Lukens, H. A., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario, Canada. Lumbe, Joseph (1), Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Lund, A. 0., 660 55th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lundquist, H. B., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Lundstrom, S., 42 Woodman St., Providence, R. I. Ltipke, S. (1), Haydnstr 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Lusk, W. A., Route 3, Box 284, Tucson, Ariz. Lusky, R., Haydnstr., 16, DresdenA., Germany. Lust, D. E. (I), Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Lutz, E. L. (1) 'Summit; Calif. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Lyberg, 0. A., 1065 N. Central Ave., Richland Center, Wis. Lynch, H. E. A., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Lyndon, F. E., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Lysinger, H. E., 603 Boulevard Ave., S. E., Atlanta Ga. AAS, E. R., Collegio Adventista, M LTA Santa Amaro, SAo Paulo, Bra- zil, South America. Maas, J. V., 178 Oaklawn Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Mabona, Henry, Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Macanow, P., Brivibas ielA 11, Riga, Latvia. Mace, J. W., Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. MacGuire, Meade, Route 2, Box 186, Modesto, Calif. Maclntyre, J. G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Mackintosh, Donald, 19 Parker St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. MacNeil, J. W.,411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Mackwan, J. (1), Civil Lines, Surat, India. Madgwick, Dr. G. A. S. (1), Box 127, Nakuru, Kenya Colony, • East Africa. Madgwick, W. R. A., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Madsen, A. C. (1), 636 Glenmore Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Madsen, 0., Spirit Lake, Iowa. Magalela, A. T., Umtata, Transkei, Cape Province, South Africa. Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Mager, K., Haydnstr. 16, DresdenA., Germany. Magi, E., Lille tan, 18, Tartu, Estonia. Magnussen, A. E. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Magoon, C. R., Box. ,372, Orlando, Fla. 361 Magsalin, P. S., 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Mai, G., Koblenzerstrasse 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. Maier, E. (1), P. 0. Box 1091, Jerusalem, Palestine. Mainstone, F. J. (1), 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon, Burma. Malinki, James, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Malinki, Joseph, Gitwe Mission Station, via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Malinki, Morrison, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Maliro, Ered, Fort Manning, Nyasaland, Africa. Mall, Viru, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Mallory, J. B., 630 Walker Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Maloney, M. A., P. 0.. Box 362, Hammonton, N. J. Maloney, V. J., S. D. A. Mission, Foochow, China. Maltsev, J. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China. Manchen, M., Str. Cohanovschi 1, Cernauti, Rumania. Mandias, K., 3be. Renggambweg 10, Makassar, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Mangold, Santiago, Calle General Urquiza 2744, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Mann, G. E., Loma Linda, Calif. Manongi, Elisa, P. O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Manry, E. A., 507 Flower Ave., Ta koma Park, Washington,. D. C. Mansell, E. P., Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Azores Islands, Manuel, B. E., Box 398, -Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Marais, C. C. (1), Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Margarido, Manuel, Caixa Postal 2898, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Marrero, Antonio (1), Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. 362 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Marcus, Dr. E. G., Malamulo Mission Hospital, P. 0. Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Marietta, J. J., Martinsburg, Ohio. Marinescu, N. (1), Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Marriott, G. E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Marsh, C. W., 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Marsh, J. 0., 2156 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Marsh, L. R., 630 Glenmore Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Marshall, B. C. (1), 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Marshall, J. S., Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Martensson, F. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Martin, A. W. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Martin, Edward, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Martin, Florentino (1), 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Martin, H. K., Canadian Jr. College, College Heights, Alberta, Canada. Martin, H. R., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia. Martin, I. M., South Lancaster, Mass. Martin, R. H., 1108 East Olympic Ave., Spokane, Wash. Martin, S. 0., 3657 F St., Eureka, Calif. Martinez, M. J. (1), 11 Pointe 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Marzocchini, N. (1), Piazza Filangieri 255, Napoli, Italy. Masih, Dayal (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Mason, W., Kawambwa, via N'Dola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Masters, F. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Masters, G. M., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Maszczak, A., ul. Gajowa 7, a. Tarnopol, Poland. Mateescu, F. (1), Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Mateescu, T. R. (1), Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Matthew (I), P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, Africa. Mathews, G. M., 1165 Downing St., Denver, Colo. Mathy, L. A., 130 Boulevard de PHopital, Paris 13e, France. Matter, A., Ngoma Medical Mission of S. D. A., Gitwe, Ruanda. TJsumbura, TJrundi, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Matthews, H. A., Utimbaru, P. 0. Musomo, Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Mattison, H. H. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Mattison, 0. 0., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Mattsson, Karl (1), La Grange, Ill. Matula, Paul, 19643 Norwood St., Detroit, Mich. Maudsley, 'W., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Maung, Chit (1), S. D. A. Mission, Mosokwin Road, Myaungmya, Burma. Maung, U., Garden Home, Thonze, Burma. Maxson, Benjamin (1), Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Maxwell, A. S., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. Maxwell, E. L., 259 Castro St.. Mountain View, Calif. Maxwell, S. G., Box 127, Nakuru. Kenya Colony, East Africa. Mayaba, G. S. (1), Block A, 12, Location, Queenstown, Cape, South Africa. May, D. J., P. 0. Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Mayer, Edward, 32 Eschenheimer Anlage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Mayr, C. H., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Mbono, Paul, "Stanhope," P. 0. Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mboya, P., Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. McAdams, D. A. (1), 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. MeClements, IV., S. D. A. Mission, Box No. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. McClure, H. E. (1), Box 584, Vicksburg, Miss. McConaughey, J. L.,•Box 507, Bozeman, Mont. McCord, J. W., 1613 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. McCrow, H. W., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. McDonald, C. M., Box 64, R. 2, Wewoka, Okla. McEachern, J. H., Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. McFarlane, F., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. McGill, Neil, White Rock, British Columbia. McHenry, W. H., S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. McKeague, R. J., 1319-A Waiau Place, Honolulu, Hawaii. McKibbin, W. A., 509 Ave. "S," Nevada, Iowa. McKinlay, L. L. (1), Drawer 36, Watertown, S. Dak. McLaren, G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. McLennan, S. H. (1), 6516 Cobbs Creek, Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. McLennan, W. P., Route 1, Box. 498, Phoenix, Ariz. McLeod, Norman (1), Box 362, San ' Bernardino, Calif. McMahon, B. H. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. McMillan, J., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. 363 McKay, G. R. E., 2507 North Lawrence St., Tacoma, Wash. McNeil, D. E. (1), Elkhart, Tex. McReynolds, C., Box 92, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. McVagh, C. F., Pine Castle, Fla. McWhinny, H. E., Box 374, Carlsbad, Calif. McWilliam, J. R., Calle Segunda No. 31, Arroyo Apolo (Vibora), Havana, Cuba. McWilliams, Charles (1), 5103 Prescott Ave., Lincoln, Nebr. Mead, W. S., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Mediary, G., Greensboro, Md. Medina, V. C. (1), Artaeho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Mednis, A. (1), Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Meeker, B. A., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Megrant, Francisco, Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Meier, A. L. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Meier, Juan (1), Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Meier, J. H., Casilla 7-D, Chillfin, Chile, South America. Meiklejohn, A. J., 1548 West Alameda St., Denver, Colo. Meleen, C. A., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Meleen, E. M., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Melendy, L. S., 4216 Bryant Ave., North, Minneapolis, Minn. Mendez, Manuel, Box, 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Meng, Ching En (1), Court 1207, Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Menkel, Dr. H. C., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Meredith, W. H., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. Mershon, L. B., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Messer, C. B., 742 Michigan Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. 364 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Metzger, C. J., 1504 Dewey Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. Meyer, A. A., Box 36, Lodi, Calif. Meyer, Albert, Institut "Vie et Sante," Pare d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Meyer, F., Kaiser Wilhelm 'Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Meyer, H. J., 546 W. Third Ave., Loveland, Colo. Meyer, Oscar, 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Marseille, France. Meyer, P., 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital,. Paris 13e, France. Meyer-Bartsch y , 'H., Weinbergstrasse, Weinfelden, Switzerland. Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Meyers, E. H., Box 267, Topeka, Kans. Meyers, F. D. (I), Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Meyers, H. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Mhango, Paulos, P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Michael, T. J., Box 15, Poona, India. Michaels, C. P., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Michalenko, J. C., care Academy, Harvey, N. Dak. Michaelenko, N. J., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Michnay, L., Fabian utca 5, Miskole, Hungary. Miettinen, Y. (1), Annak. 7, Helsingfors, Finland. lordan, Strada, Domnita Balasa -46, Bolesti, Rumania. Mikkelsen, J. C., Route 1, Limona, Fla. Milian, D. L. (1), Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Millard, F. R. (1), Box 7, Suginami P. 0,, Tokyo, Japan. Millard, Glenn, Box 52, St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. A. L., 1024 First St., Nevada, Iowa. Miller,- Mrs. B. (1), Court 1207, Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Miller, B. E., 222 North Madison St., Allentown, Pa. Miller, C. B., S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. Miller, C. H., 412 S. Fifth St., Burlington, Iowa. Miller, C. W., R. F. D. 6, Box 158, Lincoln, Nebr. Miller, D. P., 3502 South 51st St., Lincoln, Nebr. Miller, F. W., Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Miller, H. J.; 2211 Marion St., Denver, Colo. Miller, H. R. (I), Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. Miller, H. S., Keene, Texas.. Miller, H. W., M. D., 526 'Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Miller, Job (1), Kodaikanal Madura Dist., South India. Miller, W. F., Casilla Correo 446, Magallanes, Chile, South America. Miller, W. W., Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. Millner, A. E., 3 Awde St., Toronto, 4, Ontario, Canada. Milne, R. M., 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Milian, J. (1), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Minchin, E. L. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.. Alistralia. Minsk, A., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Minner, L. D., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Miramontez, W. B., 177 Mountain View Ave., Mountain View, Calif. Miriuca, T. (1), Str. Cohanovschil, Cernauti, Rumania. Mitchell, Amos (1), 2610. Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Mitchell, A. I., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Mitchell, A. R. (1), 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Mitchell, C. E. (1), Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Mitchell, G. A. (1), Gilbert St., R. F. D., Fairhaven, Mass. Mitchell, H., "Tereora," The Boulevarde Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Mitchell, J. G., Box 577, Charlotte, N. C. Mitchell, Dr. J. R. (1), 612 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Mitchell, T. A. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Miyake, Shohei, 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Mialazi, Emory, Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mocanu, Vlad., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Mock, Carl (1), 1203 S. Oak St., Casper, Wyo. Mocnik, A., Zeleni Venac VI, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Modise, L. E., 54 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Moffett, W. C., 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Moffitt, L. L., P. 0. Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Mohr, F. I. (1), Calle Segunda No. 31, Arroyo Apolo (Vibora), Havana, Cuba. Mokijewicz, K. (1), ul. Piotra Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Mokry, Karol, Hviezdoslavovo nam. 9/11, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Molokomme, L. S., P. 0. Linokana, via Zeerust, Transvaal, South Africa. Monnier, Ch., 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Monnier, Henri Rwankeri Mission of S. D. A., Kigali, Ruanda, Africa (via Dar-es-Salaam, East Africa). Monnier, V., La Lip-niere, Gland, Vaud, Switzerland'.' 365 Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Montgomery, R. P., Box 550, Clovis, N. Mex. Mookerjee, L. G.,' 10 CunninghamRoad, Bangalore, South India. Mookerjee, N. G. (1), 36 'Park St., Calcutta, India. Moolman, H. J. (1), Rwankeri Mis-. sion Station, Kigali, Ruanda, Africa. Moon, C. E., Apartado 139, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Moon, E. A. (1), Box 401, -Manila, Philippine Islands. Moore, E. V., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America. Moore, F. B. (1), Box 550, Clovis, N. Mex. Moore, R. W., 1248 Kimberley-Ave, Iron Mountain, Mich. Moran, Frank, Lorna Linda, Calif.. Moran, J. L., 4502 Brainerd Road,.' Chattanooga, Tenn. Morenings, M. (1), Parodos g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. Morlan, C. C. (1), 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Morosan, P., Str. Cohanovschi 1, Cernauti, Rumania. Morris, C. C., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Morris, C. R. (1), 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Morris, John (1), P. O. Lundsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Morris, R. P., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Morris, W., "Tereora," The Boulevard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Morrison, D., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Morrison, H. A., 425 Flower Ave:, Takoma Park, Washington, C. Morse, J. F., M. D., care Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa. Morton, R. G., 115 E. Ave. 32, Los Angeles, Calif. 366 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Mose, Gitwe Mission Station, via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Mosley, C. E., c/o Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala. Moses, R. J. (1) , 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Morton, H. C. (1), Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Mote, F. A., Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Mote, R. M., P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Motorca, G., Piata General Dragalina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara IV, Rumania. Motzer, C. A., Grindleberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Moulds, H. G., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Mountain, A., 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Moya, J. S., P. 0. Nongoma, Zululand, South Africa. Moyo, C. S., P. 0. Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Moyo, J. S. (1) , c/o Native Commissioner, Tjolotjo, via Nyamandhlovu, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Moyo, Samuel, P. 0. Pemba, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mozar, D. A., 2050 Grace St., Chicago, Ill. Mpheza, Victor, Thekarani, Nyasaland, Africa. Mredlane, Arthur (I), Cancele, Mt. Frere, East Griqualand, Cape Province, South Africa. Msuseni, Simon (1), P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, Afriea. Mueusan, P. (1), Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Muderspach, F., Pl 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Muderspach, H., Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Muderspach, L., Wm. Thranes gate 10, Oslo, Norway. Muhwahwi, Daniel (1), P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mulholland, W. R. (1), Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia, South America. Midler, A., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Midler, A. W., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Muller, Ernst (1), Solunska 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Willer, P., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. • Willer, R., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Muller, W., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V., Berlin W., 50, Germany. Milller, W., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin, Germany. Mulomba, Ellison (1), P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mulomba, Samuel (1) , Boite Postale 3, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Africa. Mulomba, Stephen, P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Munger, M. E., Union Springs, N. Y. Munson, A., Box 204, Route 1, Arlington, Calif. Munson, H. K. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Munteanu, C., Strada N. Saveanu 10, Foesani, Rumania. Muranyi, A., Nemetvifigyi idea 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Murdoch, L., Broomage House, Larbert, Sterlingshire, Scotland. Murdoch, M. C., Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Murdoch, W. G. C., Newbold Missionary College, Rugby, Warwick, England. Murmu, Gabriel (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Murphy, L. L., 115 West Allegan St., 400 Bauch Bldg., Lansing, Mich. Murphy, Thomas, 744 Florence Ave., Lexington, Ky. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Murray, W. E., Calle Llavollol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Mustafa, Alexandru, Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Muth, J., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart, Wiirtemberg, Germany. Muzemala, Jeremiah, Mzimba, Nyasaland, Africa. Myaing, Tha, Darrah Road, Toungoo, Burma. Myengwa, Wm. (1), Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mzozoyama, A., 6 Park Road, Grahamstown, Cape, South Africa. L. (1), 84 Jervois Road, N Auckland, New Zealand. Nagara, Tereti (I), Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Nagy, A. D. (1), 582 Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J. Naisogo, Meciusela, Suva Vou,, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Nakasamai, M., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Nakauchi, H. (1), Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Nalaubo, Saimoni (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Nallathamby, S. (1), Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Nalo, Masing (1), Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Nam, S. I., S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Nash, 0. R., Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Nassogne, G. (1), 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Marseille, France. Nau, H. (1), Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Naucuk idi, Anitipasa (1) , Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Navara, N., S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Nawara, T., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Neuka, Joseph (1), Cancele, Mt. Frere, East Griqualand, Cape Province. South Africa. 367 Ndabambi, Joshua, Bolo Mission, Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. Ndebele, James (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Ndebele, Otis, P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Ndhlovu, Luck, (1), P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhode'sia, Africa. Neef, B., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse, Adventhaus, Chemnitz, Germany. Neff, E. L., 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Neff, J. P. (1), 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Neff, M. L. (1), 'Walla Walla. College, College Place, Wash. Neil, J. L., 145 El Camino Real, San Mateo, Calif. Neilsen, J. A., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Neilsen, N. P., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Nelsen, P. G., Wm. Thranes gate 10, Oslo, Norway. Nelson, A. C., 415 Bellevue Ave., Oakland, Calif. Nelson, A. E., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Nelson, Albert E. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. Nelson, A. G., Box 550, Clovis, N. Mex. Nelson, A. N., Showa-machi, Kimitsu-gun, Chibaken, Japan. Nelson, G. A., M. D. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Nelson, J. B., 2123 24th Ave.. North, Nashville, Tenn. Nelson, J. R., 2318 W. Second St., Sioux City, Iowa. • Nelson, N. R., 2427 First Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Nelson, Walter A., 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Nelson, W. A., Cedar Lake, Mich. 368 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Nemes, A. (1), Str. Clemeneeau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Nepumuceno, Bernardino (1), 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Nerlund, 0. J., 311 Fulton St., Jersey City, N. J. Nerness; J. M. (1), 817 'West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Nethery, J. J., 644 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo. Nethery, R. J., 5745 West Arlington Ave., Riverside, Calif. Nettleton, Daniel, Port Townsend, Wash. Neubauer, 0., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart,Wurtemb erg, Germany. Neufeld, D. D., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Neufeld, J. D., 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Neumann, H., Kneiphofsche Hofgasse 22, K6nigsburg/Pr., Germany. Neumann, H. F., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Neumann, R., Mor. Ostraval-Hulvaky, Druzstevni 1079, Czechoslovakia. Newbold, D. C.,Harvey, N. Dak. Newman, R. ., Harvey, N. Dak. Newmyer, C. B., 1113 McBride Ave., Little Falls, N. J. Ney, E., Merepuiestee 14-a, Tallinn, Estonia. Ng, Hi long (1), S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Ng, Hock-thye (I), 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Ng, Hong-boon, 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lampur, Federated Malay States. Ng, Mia Cheng (1), S. D. A. Mission, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Ng, Yuk Pin, S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Ngaiyaye, James, Malamulo Mission, Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Ngaiyaye, Simon, Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Ngo, E. H. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hongkong, China. Ngo, T. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Nichol, F. D., Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Nicholson, W. G. (1), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Nickle, G. C., Agriculturia 79, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Nickless, Arva (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Nickoloff, B. (1), Solunska 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Nicol, J. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Nicol, S. C., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Nicola, L. T., 123 Manchester St., Battle Creek, Mich. Nicolas, C. S., 1940 Judson St., Los Angeles, Calif. Niedoba, J., Turecka I., Warsaw, Poland. Niedoba, E. (1), ul. Kujawska 16, Krakow, Poland. Niedoba, 0. (I), Sierpowa 10, Lwow, Poland. Nielsen, Einar (1), Norre A116 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Niermeyer, L. E., 2633 Pillsbury Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Niewiadomski, A., ul. Lobomierskiego 5, Rowne Wo, Poland.. Nigani, John, Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Nightingale, R. H. (1), 115-B S. Pearl St., Compton, Calif. Nikkar, L., Voru ton. 37, Valga, Estonia. Ninow, W., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Niu, Siu Shen (1), Lowanho, Yeneheng, Honan, China. Nixon, J. C., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Njekwa, Robert (1), P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Nkomo, Isaac Xiba, Box 573, Bulowayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Nkosi, David, Mzimba, Nyasaland, Africa. Noack, W., Kneiphdfsche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Nolda, 0. W., 27 Mc Neil Road, Karachi, India. Noltze, K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Dist. No. 2, Gbanga, c/o A. Woerman, Monrovia, Rep. Liberia, West Africa. Norcott, V. C. (1), Kirundu, via Kindu, Province Orientale, Congo Beige, Central Africa. Nord, G. E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Nordstrom, J. A., 3934 Lowell Blvd., Denver, Colo. Norman, C. M. (1) , Box 267, Topeka, Kans. North, W. S., 3217 Shepherd St., Houston, Tex. Norton, S. E., 125 E. Bettlewood Ave., Oaklyn, N. J. Nott, W. L., 1205 Stanley St., Ardmore, Okla. Nouisiainen, P., Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Noval, Doroteo (1), Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Noval, L. M. (1), Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine. Islands. Nowfel, S., B8ite 595, Beyrouth, Lebanon. Nozaki, K., 2103 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. Ntilosanji, Beriat (1), P. 0. Mzimba; Nyasaland,''Africa. Ntsikeni, D. D., 6 Park Road, Grahamstown, Cape, South Africa. Ntwana, S. K., P. 0. Lusikisiki, Eastern Pondoland, South Africa. Nussbaum, Dr. J. (1), 49 Ave. de la Grande Arm5e 49, Paris 16e, France. Nyaema, P. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. 369 Nyakangu, E. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Nyamwe3ra, P. (1), Kisii, via Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Nygaard, Peter, Apartado 568, Santo Domingo City, Republica Dominicans. E. M., 815 South Oak O BERG, St., Pt. Angeles, Wash. Oberg, H. A., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Oblander, J. G., Enid, Okla. Oborny, J., Mor. Ostrava-Hulvaky, Druzstevni 1079, Czechoslovakia. Obuola, A. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Ochiai, K. (1), Minami 6 Jo, Nishi 11 chome, Sapporo, Japan. Ochs, D. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ochs, W. B., Takoma Park, Washington, D.' C. Odegaard, M. H. (1), 400 Bauch Bldg., Lansing, Mich. Odom, Leo, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Oesterreich, A., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Offerman, K. A., Brookfield, Ill. Ogbasgki, Michael, Missione Avventista, P. 0. Box 114, Asmara, Eritrea, N. E. Africa. Ogden, A. R., Calle Segunda No. 31, Arroyo Apolo (Vibora), Havana, Cuba. Ogura, S., Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Ohme, B., Advent Zentingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripanweg 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Oh, H. P. (1), 'S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Oh, S. R. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. 370 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Oh, Y. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Okal, A. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Okohira, A. T. (1), 3423 Estrada Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Okohira, T. H., Box 7, Suginami P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Olero, E. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Oliva, U. M. (1), Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Oliver, F. M., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Oliver, H. W., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Olmstead, H. C., 233 Windsor St., Santa Cruz, Calif. Olmstead, J. F., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Olsen, M. M., Win. Thranes gate 10, Oslo, Norway. Olsen,0. J., Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Olsen, 0. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Olsen, Paul (1), Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Olson, A. J., Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Olson, A. V., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Olson, D. K., 709 Third Ave., South, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Olson, H. 0., Route 1, Box 366, La Grange, Ill. Olson, L. H., 8a Ave. Norte, No. 57, San Salvador, Republica de El Salvador, Central America. Olson, Martin, 3716 N. E. 74th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Olson, 0., S. D. A. Mission, Naderi Ave., 20, Teheran, Persia. Olteanu, Pavel, Strada Domnita Balasa 46, Rumania. Oltin, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Omer, J. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Ongaki, Sampson (1), Kisii, via Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Oossanen, P. v., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Oriole, J., S. D. A. Mission, Awtun, via Ilorin, via Offa, Nigeria, '\V. C. Africa. Ortner, A. W. (1), 63 Booth Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Ortner, C. G. (I), 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. Ortner, I. G. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Ortner, W. P., 2350 North Fifth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Orwa, D. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony', •East Africa. Osborn, J. W. (1), 410 N. Everett St., Streator, Ill. Osborne, A. J., Sanitarium, Napa County, Calif. Osborne, E. E., Box 93, Lancaster, Mass. Osgood, D. S., 1403 Stanford St., Route 3, Kalamazoo, Mich. Osmunson, E. R., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Osola, K., Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Oss, Gorden, Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Oss, John 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Oss, Melvin, 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Ostapowicz, M. (1), Turecka I, Warsaw, Poland. Oster, F. F., S. D. A. Mission, Naderi Ave. 20, Teheran, Persia. Osterman, F. A., 607 Dunbar St., Durham, N. C. °staid], Milan, 291 Wooster Road, N., Barberton, Ohio. Oswald, E. H., Box 1491, Jamestown, N. Dak. Oswald, J. C., 33 Feiner Place, Irvington, N. J. Oswald, T. L., 1807 East Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, Calif. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Oswald, W., Adventhaus, HansSachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Otsuki, K. (1), Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Ouatu, St., Str. Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Ouma, J. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Owen, W. P. (1), Inyazura. Mission, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Owuor, H. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Oyola, J. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. A AP, C. A. 84 Jervois Road, I-Auckland, New Zealand. Paap, F. W., 504 South Boyle Ave.. Los Angeles, Calif. Paden, C. M. (1), Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Pae, H. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chyung Up, Chosen. Pae, S. L. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chyung Up, Chosen. Page, F. A. (1), Route 3, Box 36A, Loveland, Colo. Pak, C. U. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Pak, K. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Won San, Chosen. Pak, K. P. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Pak, W. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Pak, Y. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen. Pak, Y. S., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Pakkianathan, N. I. (1), Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Pakpahan, Paksa (1), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, British North Borneo. Palmer, C. S., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. 371 Palmer, H. T. M. (I), 1703 24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. Palmer, S. W., Inyazura, Mission, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Palsson, Gudmund (1), Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Pan, Li-dze (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Pan, Shui Ru, 20 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Pan, Tsz-chan, S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Pans (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Panaga, Augustin,1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Phii ppine Islands. Panait, A., Str. N. Saveanu 10. Focsani, Rumania. Pandjaitan, S. H. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootsehap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Oost-Java, Tandjoeng Anom 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands, East Indies. Pang, N. D. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chyung. Up, Chosen. Pannkoke, H., 3914 S. Lookout St., Little Rock, Ark. Pansegrau, K., Kneiphbfsche Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Panzig, 0., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30 I, Bremen, Germany., Pappastamoulis, N. S., Post Box 144, Salonika, Greece. Paprotny, P. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Paraschiv, D., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Parfitt, A. G., 11 Poniente 1510. Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Parker, A. F. (I), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Parker, C. H., 5726 Priory St., Bell Gardens, Bell, Calif. Parker, G. J. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Parker, H. B., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. 372 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Parkin, J. H. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, England. Parlan, F. M., Box 32, Legaspi, • Albay, Philippine Islands. Parmele, R. W., 1460 E. California Ave., Glendale, Calif. Parrish, F. H. (1), Box 507, Bozeman, Mont. Parsons, D. A., 1153 West Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Parsons, E. H., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Parsons, Dr. R. B. (1), Missao Adventista, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Pascoe, A. L. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Pascoe, J., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Pascoe, W. H., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales, Australia. Pascual, M. C. (1), Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Passebois, L. F., South Lancaster, Mass. Passos, Jose dos, Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. Pastor, Iosef, Piata General Draglina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara IV, Rumania. Patching, S. L., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Patterson, J. R., Nevada City, Calif. Pattikawa, S. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdealing Oo st -Java, Tandjoeng Anom 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Patzig, R., Haydnstr. 16, DresdenA., Germany. Paul, R. W., M. D. (1), Pei Ling, Mukden, Manchuria. Paulini, P. P., Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie Petrescu No. 116, Bu: curesti IV., Rumania. Paunescu, P., Str. Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. iel, Box 66, Port of Payne, Nathn Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Peacock, G., Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Peak, H. M., 36 Park St., Calcutta, India. Pearson, Gordon, P. 0. Fort Manning, Nyasaland, Africa. Pearson, R. W., 202 South Palouse St., Walla Walla, 'Wash. Pease, N. E. (1), 1221 11th St., • Bremerton, Wash. Pechtol, J. (1), Nemetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Peckham, Harold, 509 Harriman St., Bend, Oreg. Peden, H. L. 2124 Stone St., Port, Huron, Mich. Pedersen, E. W. (1) , Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Pei, Tza-heng (1) , S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Peixoto, Domingos, Collegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Peltonen, E. (I), Annak. 7, Helsingf ors, Finland. Pelzer, O., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Peng, Hsien Djung, Lowanho, Yencheng, Ronan, China. Pengilley, E. L. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Penner, J. B., 40 Fenner Ave., Clifton, N. J. Perales, Pedro (1), Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Perkins, H. J. (1), Showa-machi, Kimitsu-gun, Chiba Ken, Japan. Perkins, J. R. (1), 3 W. 36th St., Savannah, Ga. Perrin, W. E. (1), 209-212 Birks ' Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Perrine, A. W. (I), Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Perry, J. C. H. (1), Atchin, New' Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Perry, F. L., 1419 East California St., Glendale, Calif. Peter, S.- D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., Burma. Peter, B., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Peter, Thara, S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., via Moulmein, Burma. Peter, K. S., Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Peters, B., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Peters, G. E., 409 Edgecombe Ave., New York, N. Y. Peters, W., Richard-Wagnerstr. 28, Hannover- N., Germany. Petersen, B., 20 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Petersen, N. C., 3272 Sierra Way, San Bernardino, Calif. Peterson, Alfred W., Takoma Park, Washington. D. C. Peterson, E. F., 2760 Fifth Ave., Sacramento, Calif. Peterson, F. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Peterson, J. M. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Peterson, John, Route 1, Troutdale, Oreg. Petrescu, Al., Strada Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Petrescu, I., Strada N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Petrovic, St. (I), Zeleni Venac 1/I, Belgrad, Jugoslavia. Pettit, G. W., R. F. D. 1, Box 68B, Vancouver, Wash. Petty, J. G. (1), Monclova 61-A., Colonia Roma, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Petzold, G., Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Peugh, V. E., Box 512, Madison, Wis. Pferschy, G., Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Pfingstl, F. (I), Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Phang, Nyuk-thin, 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. 373 Phang, Yin-hee (1), 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Phele, Petrus (1), Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. Philbrick, M. (1), 209-212 Birks Bldg.,' Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Philips, N. W., 8673 Evergreen St., South Gate, Calif. Phillips, A. K. (1), Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Phillips, E. B., Newbold Missionary College, Near Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Phillips, Joseph, 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Philpott, L. L. (1), 673 Chestnut St., Clarksburg, W. Va. Phipps, F. C., 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Phipps, J. A. Apartado 568, Santo Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana. Piatek, K. (1), ul. Piotra, Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Pichot, Henri (1), Institut "Vie et Sant6," Pare d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Pickard, U. D., c/o S. D. A. School, Lake Ariel, Pa. Pickett, F. L., 633 Suriwongsi Road, Bangkok, Siam. Pidoux, Marcelo (1), Calle General Urquiza 2744, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Pierce, H. W., 1200 Villa St., Mountain View; Calif. Pieries, A. R. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Pieringer, F. (1), Seminaire Adventiste, Collonges a/Saleve, Haute Savoie, France. Pierson, R. H. (1), 933 Boulevard Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Pietrasz, Alexander (1), 1414 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Pike, C. M. (1), 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Pilar, R. A., Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Pilar, T. A., Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, 'Philippine Islands. 374 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Pingenot, E. L., 1204 Columbine St., Denver, Colo. Pioch, Albert, Hitlerstr. 6, I., Hamm i/W., Germany. Piper, A. H., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Piper, E. A., 321 Walders St., Minot, N. Dak. Piper, H. E., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Piper, J. F., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr. Pistorius, E., Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Pitt, A. A. (1), 54 National Mutual Bldgs., 43 Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Pitts, R. F., 325 E. Fourth St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Place, A. E., 1028 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Calif. Platonow, D., Muiznieku iela 3, Gulbene, Latvia. Plenc, Juan, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Plesko, J., Dezeliceva 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Plegko, V. (I), Dezeliceva 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Po, Myat, 64 Upper Main Road, Moulmein, Burma. Pohan, J. T. (1), S. D. A.-Mission, Third Mile, Rock Road, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo. Pohland, W. (I), Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Pohle, Ernest, 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Pohle, E. A. von, South Lancaster, Mass. Pohlman, E. W. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. iPoilbarbe, R. (1), 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Marseille, France. Polednik, K., Tomkova 31, Praha Zizkov, Czechoslovakia. Poley, P. C., c/o C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford St., London, W. I., England. Ponce, E., Apartado 139, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. POnig, M., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Pontynen, W. B., 1016 Sixth Ave., South, Virginia, Minn. Popa, S., Str. Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Popelka, J., Sladova 12, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Popescu, C., Strada Domnita Balasa 46, Ploesti, Rumania. Popov, A. (1), Strada Cohanovschi 1, Cernauti, Rumania. Popow, M., Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Porsch, A. B., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin, Germany. Porter, J. T., Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Post, B. L., 1317 Leroy St., Ferndale, Mich. Potschke, H., Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Potter, E. R., 400 Bauch Bldg., Lansing, Mich. Potter, F. E. (1), Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Potter, J. J., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Potts, W. S. (1), 1921 Dawson Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Pound, I. C., 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Powrie, R. H. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Pratt, F. A., 1402 Oroquieta St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippine Islands. Prazan, A. (1) , Tomkova 31, Prah a Zizkov, Czechoslovakia. Prenier, H. S., Anna Maria,, Fla. Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Preston, B. M., South Lancaster, Mass. Preston, H. E. (I), Parkers Prairie, Minn. Pretyman, C. H. (I), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Prevlitz, Johann (1), Str. N. Saveann 10, Focsani, Rumania. Prieser, F. A., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30, I., Bremen, Germany. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Prince, R. W., Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. 2849 Delaware St., Prout, C. Oakland, Calif. Front. R. B., Mountain View Union Academy, Mountain View, Calif. Provin, H. (1), "La Ligniere," Gland, Vaud, Switzerland. Pruitt, C. W., 606 W. Washtenaw St., Lansing, Mich. Prfill, M., Tizianstrasse 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Pryor, L. J., 808 Spruce St., Tampa, Fla. Pudewell, W. J., S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen. Pulver, C. C. (1), Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Purdom, C. A., 1203 South Oak St., Casper, Wyo. Purmal, P., M. Katrines iela 8-3, Cesus, Latvia. Purmal, W., M. D. (1), Taffari Makonnen Hospital, Dessie, Wollo, Ethiopia. UACKENBUSH, R. (1), Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Quimby, P. E., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. R. M. (1), Caixa PosR ABELLO, tal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Racker, F. (1), Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg, Germany. Racker, W. (1), Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Rad, Z. (1), Piata General Dragalina, (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara IV, Rumania. Rader, G. W., Route 5, c/o C. W. Cemer, Marion, Ind. Radivojevi, Radun, Zeleni Venac VI, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Radke, W., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Radoi, G. H. (1), Piata General Dragalina (fost Seudier) 4, Tiinisodra IV, Rumania. 375 Radulescu, I. D., Plata General Dragalina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara, IV, Rumania. Ragoso (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Ragsdale, A. M., Box 267, Topeka, Kans. Rahm, F. H. (1), 5 W. Willow St., Stockton, Calif. Rahn, E. (I), Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Railave, Tevita (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Raitt, W. C. S. (1), Miritini, Kenya Protectorate, East Africa. Raley, F. H. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Raley, W. C. (1), Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Rails, W. A., Box 782, Patchogue, L. I., N. Y. Ram, Mela (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Rampton, F. 0., 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Ramuai, S., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Randall, L. D. (1), 844 Piedmont Ave., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. Randle, W. H., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Randolph, C. A. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Rankin, R. T. (1), Apartado 103, Tegucigalpa, Rep. de Honduras, Central America. Rantoeng, S., Advent Zendingsgenootschap, in N. 0. I., Afdeeling, Noord Celebes, Tondano, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Raposo, A. F. (1), Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Rapp, G. S., 5016 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Rashford, L., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Ins dies. 376 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Raska, P., Tomkova 31, PrahaZizkov, Czechoslovakia. Rasmussen, Steen, Hiiheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Rasmussen, V. (1), P. 0. Mubende, Uganda, East Africa. Raspal, M., Mission Adventiste, Nanga Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa. Rathke,E., Kneiphofsche Hofgasse Germany. 22,igsberg/Pr., on Raubenheimer, J. PI., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Rawson, A. E., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Read, W. E., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Reaser, G. W., 14791/2 E. Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. Reavis, D. W. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Reavis, J. D., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Rebensburg, A., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Stettin, Germany. Rebok, D. E., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Recalde, T. G., Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Redfield, C. T., Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Redin, Ramon (1), Casilla 1141, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America. Reed, L. E., 1207 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Rees, D. A., 2635 Mahoning Road, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Rees, D. D., 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Reeves, C. A., Eagle House. 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7., England. Reichenbaugh, C. E. (I), Falls Creek, Pa. Reid, J. A., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Reid, 0. P., Box 356, Nassau, Bahamas. Reider, R. (1), Majita, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Reihlen, C., Fagelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart,Wurtemberg, Germany. Reile, B. A. 5929' Grove St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Reile, S. A., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Reinheimer, W. R., Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Reinmuth, H. G. (1), La Grange, Ill. Reiner, D. E., 209-212 Birks Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Reiner, D. N., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Reis, J. A. dos, Caixa Postal 106, Porto Algre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Reiswig, J. J., 217 N. W. Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Reiswig, L. R. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. " Reit, Ioan, Plata, General Dragalina (fost Scudier) 4, Timisoara IV, Rumania. Remsen, Emanuel, 308 McHenry Road, Glendale, Calif. Ren, Gwoh Hwa (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Rend(5n, Jorge (1), Apartado 313, Cali, Colombia, South America. Renn, W. S. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Rentfro, C. E., Box 221, Ludington, Mich. Rentfro, H. A. (1), 306 Main St., Brawley, Calif. Replogle, Leon, Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Replogle, J. D., Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Rewe, E. (1), P. 0. Box 49, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa. Rey, Eug6ne, Institut "Vie et Santa," Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Rey, Jules, Institut "Vie et Sante," Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Algeria. Reye, R., Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Reynaud; J., Mission Adventiste, 27 bld Joffre, Casablanca, Morocco. Reynolds, C. J., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Reynolds, E. R., 11,119 Acacia St., Inglewood, Calif. Reynolds, I. T. (1), 216 Poppy Ave., Monrovia, Calif. Reynolds, L. A., 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Rhoads, A. V., 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Rhoads, J. H., Lidgerwood, N. Dak. Rice, M. L., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Rice, W. W., Hartford, Vt. Rich, J. W., 906 E. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, Calif. Richard, P. F., 183 North H St., San Jose, Calif. 1180 California! Richards, H. M. St., Mountain View, Calif. Richards, H. M. S., 2647 Cudahy St., Huntington Park, Calif. Richards, W. J. (1), 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Richardson, I. D.; Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. ' Richmond, E. L. (1), Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Richter, H. (1), Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Rick, P. A., 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Ridenour, J. R. (1), 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Rider, C. J., 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg.' Reickmann, C. H. (1), Advent Villa, Mataria.(Cairo), Egypt. Riemens, David (1), 27 Boulevard .Toffre. Casablanca, Morocco. Riffel, C. E., Route 2, Enid, Okla. Riffel, J., 817' W. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash, 377 Riffel, Juan (1), Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Riffel, W. B., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Rihs, W. (1), 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Riley, A. E., 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. Rinder, F., Kneiphofsehe Hofgasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany. Rine, G. W., 650 Palo Alto Ave., Mountain View, Calif. Ringoot, M., -11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brusiels, Velgium. Rintala, A., Annank. 7, Helsingf ors, Finland. Rippey, J. A., 3531 S. E. Salmon St., Portland, Oreg. • Risase, P., P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Risasi, Petero, Miritini, Kenya Protectorate, East Africa.. Rischmiiller, Fr., Adlerstr. 70, Dileseldorf, Germany. Risley, Dr. D. H., Loma Linda, Calif. Ritch, Ben., P. 0. Mwanza, Nyasaland, Africa. Ritchie, C. A. W., Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Ritchie, C. J., Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Ritchie, Dr. I. S. (1), Monelova 61-A, Colonia, Roma, Mexico, D. F. ilittau, R. (I), Hitlerstr. 6 I., Hamm. i/W., Germany.-Rittenhouse, C. H., Hendersonville, N. C. Rittenhouse, S. N., 549 Cortland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. . Ritter, Germano (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Ritz, A. P. (1), 701 Sathorn Road, Bankok, Siam, Indo China. Rizea, A. (1), Str. Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Robaina, C. A. (1); 704 Fourth St., Calexico, Calif. 378 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Robbins, A. J. (1), Box 235 Greensburg, Pa. Robbins, F. H., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Robbins, Leon (1), 58 Eagle St., Apt. 4, Dayton, Ohio. Robbins, W. M., 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Roberts, G. A., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Robinson, A. T., Route 1, Box 58, St. Helena, Calif. Robinson, C., Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Robinson, D. E., R. F. D. 1, Sanitarium, Calif. Robinson, G., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Robinson, F. M., Box 1, Thoreau, N. Mex. Robinson, H. E., Florida Sanitarium, Orlando, Fla. Robinson, R. P., Box 3, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Robison, J. I., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Robison, M. P., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Robson, H., Ntusu, P. 0. Moswa, Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Rodd, A. S., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. Rodgers, P. G., 1207 West 98th St, Los Angeles, Calif. Rodionoff, P. V. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China. Rodrigo, V. R., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Rodriguez, Vincente, 11 Pointe 1510, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Rodriguez, W. L., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Roeland, A., 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Roenfelt, E. E., 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Rogers, A. H., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Aiis• tralia. Rogers, J. C., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Roibescu, D., Str. Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Rojas, L. A., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Rolfe, II. R. (1), 146 Main St., South Paris, Maine. Ronisch, G. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Rooks, E. (1), Bisenieku iela 25, Jelgava, Latvia. Rose, K., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Rosenberg, H. (1), Wasagatan 20, Goteborg, Sweden. Rosendahl, E., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Rosenwald, Emil; Route 1, Box 325, La Grange, Ill. Rosiecki, J. (1), ul. Piotra Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Ross, H., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braunschweig, Germany. Ross, J. B. (I), Apartado 436, Bogota, Colombia. Ross, John (1), Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. Rost, 0. J. 0., Wm. Thranes gate 10, Oslo, Norway. Roth, A. G., Botte A55 Port-auPrince, Haiti, 'West Indies. Roth, D. F., 3133 Hackberry Ave., East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Roth, Ernesto (I), Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Brazil, South America. Roth, F., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany. Roth, G. G., Bofte A 55, Port-auPrince, Haiti, West Indies. Roth, J. H., Drawer 36, Watertown, S. Dak. Rouse, J. S., 215 Laurel St., Turlock, Calif. Rowe, T. M., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Rowland, J. W., Auburn Academy, Auburn, Wash. Rowse, J. M. (1), 2100 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY 379 ARRINE, D. C., Box 271, Iloilo, Roy, R. J., Casilla 1003, Lima, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Peru, South America. Rubendall, C. W., 1955 Spring Hill. Saburi, Paulo, P. 0. Musorna, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Ave., Mobile, Ala. Sachsenmayer, A., Hinterm BahnRuble, W. A., M. D., care Sanitahof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, rium, Melrose, Mass. Germany. Ruble, W. W., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Saeboe-Larssen, L., Suomisvej 5, Los Angeles, Calif. Copenhagen, V, Denmark. Rudge, E. B., "Mizpah," WahroonSage, A. 0., 2961 A St., San Diego, ga, N. S. W., Australia. Calif. Rudge, P. B., "Tereora," The Boulevard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Saheb, M. M. Chanda (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Australia. Saiwa, Sofa, Thekarani, NyasaRudy, H. L., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, land, Africa. Latvia. Rue, G. H., M. D. (1), Hwee Kyung Salatzkat, J., Adventhaus, Hans . Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, GerRe, Seiryori, Seoul, Chosen. many. Ruf, A. F., 1215 Marshall St., Salazar, J. A., Agricultura 79, CoLittle Rock, Ark. Ionia Escadon, Tacubaya, D. F., Ruf, G. F.. Casilla 1003, Lima, Mexico. Peru, South America. Sales, J. B., Apartado 210, Santa Ruf, W. (1), 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Clara, Cuba. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Salee, A. M. (1), Mission AdvenRuhling, R., Takoma Park, 'Washtiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounington, D. C. de, Cameroon, West Africa. Rulkoetter, A. H., Box 267, Topeka, Salton, R. A., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (Box 27), N. S. W., AusKans. tralia. Ruminson, W. M., 16-19 Linehan) Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Same, A. C., Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Runolf, W., Tunnelgatan 25, StockSamuel, I. (1), Pattan, Trivandholm, Sweden. rum, Travancore, South India. Rupp, A., Stampfenbachstr. 85, Samuel, K. G. (1), Kodaikanal, Zurich, Switzerland. Madura Dist., South India. Ruskjer, S. A., 4502 Brainerd Road, Sandborn, A. R., 226 Irene Ave., Roseville, Calif. Chattanooga, Tenn. Russell, A. B., Box 372, Orlando, Sanders, C. N., Route 1, Berrien Springs, Mich. Fla. Sanders, F. 0., 1131 Franklin St., Russell, C. A., Takoma Park, Rochester, Ind. Washington, D. C. Sanderson, A. E., Prospect Hill, Russell, Geo. (1), P. 0. Box 574, Warehouse Point, Conn. St. John's, Newfoundland. Sandness, 0. E., 4115 Cherokee Ave., San Diego, Calif. Russell, Riley, M. D., 1616 Del Sandstrom, K. R., Tunnelgatan 25, Valle Ave., Glendale, Calif. Stockholm, Sweden. Rustig, H. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Santos, V. T., 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila; Philippine Islands. Rutherford, H. G. (1), 158 Third Sanz, Pedro, Apartado 4078, MaAve., Beaumont, Ariz. drid, Spain. Ryan, S. M., Route 2, Lynden, Sarcanski, M., Dezeliceva 77, ZaWash. greb, Jugoslavia. S 380 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Sargeant, E. N., 501 Emerson St., Hoquiam, Wash. Sargent, A. J., Mosokwin Road, Myaungmya, Burma. Sauliga, J., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Saunders, J. E., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Saunders, N. H., 26 Dodge Ave., Worcester, Mass. Saur, 0., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Saxton, H. F., Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash. Schacht, 'W H., 1285 Cloverdale St., Los Angeles, Calif. Schaeffler, Wm. (I), Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Schafer, K. (1), ul. Gorska 9, Warsaw, Poland. Schiffer, R. (1), Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Schaffner, B. E., 612 Puget St., Olympia, Wash. Schaffner, R. G., 615 Warren Ave., Everett, Wash. Schank, E. (1), Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Schaper, H. (I), Kaiser-WilhelmPlatz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Scharffenberg, W. A., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Scheele, K., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Scheibitz, R., Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Schell, H. E. R. (1), Advent Zentingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartief, Naripanweg 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Scheller,- W. C., Route 7, Mt. Vernon, Ill. . Schenck, A., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Scherr, B. A., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Schick, L. B., 562 W. 150th St., New York, N. Y. Schick, W., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe i/B, Germany. Schieber, K. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Schierman, D. R., 6055 East Burnside St., Portland, Oreg. Schildhauer, Otto, Regensburgerstrasse 22, V, Berlin W. 50, Germ any. Schilling, Dr. C. F. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Schilling, F. A., Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash. Schilling, J. H., 5108 Prescott Ave., Lincoln, Nebr. Schillinger, T. R., Zeleni Venac Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Schleicher, A. (1), Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Schleifer, S. M., 714 W. Jones St., Raleigh, N. C. Schliiter, F. (1), Hitlerstr. 6, I., Hamm i/W., Germany. Schluttig, H., Elizabethstr. 20, III., .Stettin, Germany. Schmehl, F. W. (I), Route 4, Box 176, Hendersonvill,e, N. C. Schmid, A., 8 Ave. de I'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Schmidt, H., Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Schmidt, I. C., Advent Zentingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripanweg 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. 'Schmidt, M., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30, I., Bremen, Germany. Schmidt, 'W. F., 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Md. Schmieder, W., Haydnstrasse 16, Dresden-A., Germany.. Schmitz, E. (1), Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niiremberg,. Bayern, Germany. Schmitz, K. T. (1), Prediger-und Missionseminar Neandertal, Post Mettmann, RhId., Germany. Schmutzler, A., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Schneebauer, L., Pelzgasse :2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Schnepper, F. W. (1), 1405 South Seventh St., Lincoln, Nebr. Schnepper, 0. E., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Schnetzler, Joseph, 1209 Boyd St., Watertown, N. Y. Schnotzinger, H. (I), Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Sch6n, W., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Schor, H., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherlands. Schor, J., Karl Herzig Str. 16, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Schowe, C. H. (1), " Mizpah," Wahl roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Schrattenholzer, F. (1), Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Schrayak, Th., 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Schr6der, Rudolf, Prediger-und Missionseminar Neandertal, Post Mettmann, Rhld., Germany. Schroeder, W. F. H., Burbank, Fla. Schroer, Wilhelm (1), Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt a Main,, Germany. Schroeter, C., Ping Hai Road, Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Schubert, E., P. 0. Box 478, Haifa, Palestine. Schubert, G. W., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V Berlin W. 50, Germany. Schubert, K. (1), Hitlerstr. 6, L, Hamm i/W., Germany. Schubert, Walter, Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Schuberth, H. F., Morgentalstr. 28, Zurich 2, Switzerland. Schuberth, O., Missionsseminar Marienhohe, Darmstadt, Germany. Schulte, H., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Stuttgart,Wurtemberg, Germany. Schultz, H. P. (1), 817 W. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Schulz, W., Elizabethstr.. 20, III., Stettin i/Pr., Germany. 381 Schuster, M. H., Union College, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Schwab, M., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Schwantes, Nelson (1), Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Schwartz, W. F., 3014 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. SchWarz, E., Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna XV, Austria. Schwarz, H., Kriegsstr; 84, Karlsruhe-Baden, Germany. Schwarzkopf, B. H. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Schwedrat, 0. F., 4424 West 47th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Schweizer, G., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart,Wurtemberg, Germany. Schwenecke, 0., Kaiser-Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. , Schwenecke, W., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Schwerin, G. A., 1051 Waverly St., San Antonio, Tex. Schwindt, F. F., 5219 Stockwell St., Lincoln, Nebr. Schwital, Johannes (1), Mor. Ostrava-Hulvaky, Druzstevni 1079, Czechoslovakia. Scoggins, P. E., Bristol, Va. Scott,, B. T., Block A, 12 Location, .r Queenstown, Cape, South Africa. Scott, Dr. W. B. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. ,Seragg, W. M. R., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Scriven, C. A., 817 W. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Sears, E. M., 19 Parker St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Seat, E. T., 3817 Pomeroy St., Los Angeles, Calif. Sebastian, W. H., Box 43, Laricas-' ter County, Marietta, Pa. Seheri, Solomon (1), Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. • Seibel, J. H., Cleveland, N. Dak. Seino, E., Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. 382 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Seino, Yeikicho (1), Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Seltzer, G. J., 3019 Northwest Ave., Bellingham, Wash. Semkovic, Djordje, Zebeni Venac VI, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Semmens, D. 'W., M. D. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Semmens, L. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Senecal, B. T. (1), 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Seng, 0., Fangelsbaehstr. 11, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany. Senson, Roman, Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Selma, M., Box 447, Solomonville, Ariz. Settergren, A. J., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Shadel, S. T., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr. Shafer, W. J., 3250 Fraser Ave., Vancouver, British Columbia. Shakespeare, P. E. (1), 1405 South Seventh St., Lincoln, Nebr. Shankel, G. E. (1), Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Shanko, M. J. (I), 1926 Hanover Ave., Richmond, Va. Shao, Chen Shiu (1), Djung Shan Da, Chieh, Ninghsia, Ninghsia, China. Sharman, R. C., Emmanuel Mission, Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Sharp, F. L., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Sharp, W. W., .1036 East 18th St., National City, Calif. Shaw, B. H., 724 12th Ave., North, Pensacola, Fla. Shaw, H. J. (1), 3/0 N. Eighth St., Vineland, N. J. Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Shaw, T. A. (1), 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Sheldon, E. L., Mountain Sanitarium, Fletcher, N. C. Sheldon, H. J., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Shen, C. P., S. D. A. Mission, 102, Wei I Lu, Tsinanfu, Shantung, ,China. Shen, H. C., 1207 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Shen, Hsuen Hung (1), S. D. A. Mission, No. 155 Tung Wan Ni Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. Shepard, Loren C., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Shepard, L. C., Box 15, Poona, India. Shepard, Melzar, 2735 El Barrancal St., Oakland, Calif. Shepard, R. S., Box 45, Crestline, Calif. Sherman, A. R., 312 North St., Holly, Mich. Sherrig, 'W. H., Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Sherwin, Dr. T. A. (I), Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Shih, Y. C. (1), 20 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Shirley, J. C. H. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia. Shirvanian, V. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Naderi Ave. 20, Teheran, Persia. Shone, 0. W., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Shoup, H. L., 408 Greenwood Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Shrewsbury, 0. H., R. F. D. 1, Box 213, Kirkland, Wash. Shuler, J. L., Box 577, Charlotte, N. C. Shultz, J. E., Ballard Hill, Lancaster, Mass. Shultz, J. H., S. D. A. Mission, Lanchow, Kansu, China. Shultz, J. W., 701 E. Second St., Logan, Ohio. Siagian, D. P. (I), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, British North Borneo. Siajunza, Isaiah (1), P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Sibarani, L. S. (I), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, British North Borneo. Sibley, David, 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Sibagobe, Harry, Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Siepman, J. G. (1), Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Silveira, Benedicto (1), Rua Lopes Trovilo 84, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South America. Simba, J. (1), Miritini, Kenya Protectorate, East Africa. Simbombi, Willie (1), P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Simoes, F. (1), Rua Joaquim, Bonif acio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Simon, E. (1), P. 0. Box 1091, Jerusalem, Palestine. Simonson, J. A. (1), 1417 Makiki St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Simpson, G. H., R. F. D. 1, Arpin, Wis. Simpson, P. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Sims, G. G., Route 2, Box 9-C. Chico, Calif. Singh, Jonas (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Siregar, Mampe (1), 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Sissons, C. S. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Sittner, F., Calle Uriarte 2429, (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Siu, Pok On (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Skadsheim, M. N., 1318 Washington Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Skau, 0. A., Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Skinner, G. H., Loma Linda, Calif. Skinner, L. A., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Skyllstad, R. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Slade, E. K., 202 S. Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. Slankamenac, N., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. 383 Smart, A., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathileld, New South Wales, Australia. Smith, C. D., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Smith, C. H. (1), Box 512, Madison, Wis. Smith, C. 0., c/o Oshawa Miss. College, Oshawa, Ontario. Smith, Floyd, 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Smith, G. A. E., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Smith, G. H., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr Smith, Geo. H., 1141 Dawson Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Smith, J. A. (1) , 112 St. Louis Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Smith, J. D., 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Smith, J. H., 732 W. 31st St., Norfolk, Va. Smith, J. L. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (1'. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia • Smith, N. B., 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Smith, W. D., Norfolk Island, Australia. Smith, W. I., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Smith, W. J., 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Smith, W. K., Route 2, St. Clair, Mo. Smith, W. R., Box 110, College Place, Wash. Smith, W. T. (1), 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Smithwick, R. A., Route 1, Box 335, La Grange, Ill. Smouse, A. R. (1), 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr. snide, H. E. (1), Collegedale, Tenn. Snider, J. D. (1), Box 565, South Bend, Ind. Snipes, 0. R., River Road, Gales Ferry, Conn. Snyder, G. A., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 384 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY So, K. T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Sohlmann, K., Nemetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Soisalo, K., Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Soloniuk, George, 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Somoso, A. M. (1), Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Somoso, A. N. (1), Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Somoso, R. N. (1), Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Son, C. R. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Son, C. S. (1), Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Sorensen, C. P. (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sorenson, C. M., Route 1, Arlington, Calif. Sorenson, M. J., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, East Africa. Sosa, Acencio, Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Sosola, Yokoniah, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Soto, G., Ner (1, Calle Uriarte 2429 (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Soung, Young Soo (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tou Ta Gou, Chien Tao, Kirin, Manchuria. Sowler, G. C. (1), 908% East St., Baraboo, Wis. Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sparrow, H. M., P. O. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Spear, B. R., 1104 N. Olive St., Santa, Ana, Calif. Spearing, F. A., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Speck, A. E., Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Speck, D. A. (I), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Spencer, R. M., Lambs Creek, Pa. Speranza, Vincenzo, Piazza Ellingieri 255, Napoli, Italy. Spicer, Joseph, 1510 Shakespeare Ave., New York, N. Y. Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Spies, F. W., Caixa 34, Santo An-dre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo; Brazil, " South America. Spies, Geo. W., Box 546, Clearwater, Fla. Spiess, F. E., S. D. A. Mission School, Lasalgaon, Nasik Dist., India. Spire, B. W., Route 4,,Murray, Ky. Spring, L. A., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 1Sprogis, A., P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Spurgeon, Ce. (1), Thekarani, Nyasaland, Africa. Staben; C. F. Yancey, Tex. Stacey, G. E., Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Stafford, F. E., White Memorial Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif. Stahl, F. A., Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru, South America. Stahlberg, T., Annank. 7, Belsingfors, Finland. Staines, 0. R., Loma Linda, Calif. Stammberger, A. (1), Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe i/B, Germany. Stanescu, G., Str. Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Stanley, James •(1), 533 W. Washington St., Petersburg, Va. Stanley, P. G., 721 First St., N. E., Madison, S. Dak. Staples, A. W., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Starr, G. B., 306-A, Vallejo Drive, Glendale, Calif. ' Staton, J. R., 116 Fourth St., Rapid City, S..Dak. • Staubert, 0., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Stearns, H. R. (1), 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake, Wis. Steed, J. E., "Tereora" The Boulevarde; Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. 385 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Steed, H. R., S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Steele, Wm., 133 Lenox Avenue, New York, N. Y. Steen, T. W., c/o E. M. C., Berrien Springs, Mich. Steeves, J. M. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Stefilnescu, S., Str. Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Steffansson, H. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Steffen, W. G. care Hasso Bros., , Iralc. Baghad Stein, R., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30 I, Bremen, Germany. Steinert, A. 0., College Place, Wash. Steinmeier, Wilhelm, Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Steinweg, Bruno, Box 512, Madison, 'Wis. Stekla, Fr. ul. Kujawska 16, Krakow. Poland. Stene, L. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Stephenson, C. B., Brooker, Fla. Sterling, G. L., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Steudel, Curt, Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg 13, Germany. Stevens, C. F., 6602 N. E. Pacific St.. Portland, Oreg. Stevens, F. H., 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Stevens, J. C., 729 Glenmore Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Stevens, 0. B., 1010 Johnson St., Red Bluff, Calif. Stevenson, G.*S. (1), Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa. Stewart, A. G., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Stewart, E. L., Eagle Bay, British Columbia. Stewart, G. G., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Stewart, J. S., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Stewart, R. E., Apartado 261, Barranquilla, Colombia. Stinessen, Elmar, Klostergate 35, Trondheim, Norway. St. John, M. H., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Stocker, P., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Stockhausen, A. C., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Stockil, F. R., Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Stoehr, H. G., Caixa Postal H, Curitiba Parana, Brazil, South America. Stoics, I., Nemetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Stokes, F. (1), Agona Training School, Agona, Ashanti, Gold Coast, West Africa. Stoltenberg, H., Hitlerstr. 6, I., Hamm i/W., Germany. Stone, C. L., 415 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Storch, Gustavo, Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. Storey, A. B. B., 457 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Storing, E. W., Douglas, Tex. Strachan, M. C., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Strahle, J. J., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Strangar, St. (1), Petra. Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Strange, J. (1), "Mizpah,' Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Stratford, S. V., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. V., Australia. Stratton, F. E., Touchet, Wash. Straw, W. E., E. M. C., Berrien Springs, Mich. Stray, F. W., •Route 2, Bedford, Nova Scotia. Streeter, E. R., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. 13 386 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Streeter, H. S. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Strever, H. D. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Streithorst, G., Caixa Postal 233, Victoria, Estado Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America. Strickland, R. G., 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. Strickland, W. E., 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Striplin, C. D., 4106 Bernice St., Los Angeles, Calif. Strohl, W., Parodos g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. Struve, H., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Stuart, N. C. (I), Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Stuivenga, J. H. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., District Padang, Zeestraat 8, Padang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Stump, L. M., Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Sturgeon, D. F., Keene, Tex. Sturges, Dr. J. H., Medical Bldg., 412 Lakeside, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Sturzenegger, K., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Stuyvesant, J. B., Alpine, Calif. Su, Dien Ching, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Suarez, Victoriano (1), Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Succar, 0. A. (1), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Sudhoff, W. (I), Kaiser-WilhelmPlatz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Sulzle, C., Startup, Nash. Sumbera, Frant (1), Mora Orstrava-Hulvaky, Druzstevni 1079, Czechoslovakia. Summerville, T. M., 510 Division St., Waupaca, Sutherland, Dr. E. A., Madison, Tenn. Sutta, K:, Andr.. Pumpura iela 23-4, Daugavpils, Latvia. Sutton, C. B., Box 123, Belize, British Honduras. Sutton, N. T., 325 Phelps St., Sterling, Colo. Svenson, R., Annegatan 7, Helsingf ors, Finland. Svenzon, Eric (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Swanson, E. H., 57 Everett Ave., North, Jamestown, N. Y. Sweany, W. A., 507 Lower Azusa Road, El Monte, Calif. Swen, Tsung Gwang, Tsing Kiang Pu, Kiangsu, China. Swenson, Carl, 3312 Vernon Ave., Brookfield, Ill. Swensson, J. A., Wasagatan 20, G5teborg, Sweden. Swinson, Swin, 804 M St., Fresno, Calif: Symons, J. E., P. 0. Box 468, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Sype, R. J., 1703 24th Ave., Meridian, Miss.' Szabo, J. (1), Fabian utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. P. R. (1), Calle CerT ABUENCA, vantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Tachici, Ilie (1), Str. Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Tagi, Pereniki (1), Bootless Bay, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Tai, A. F. (1), 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Taipa, Richard (1), Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Calif. Takaya, H. (1), Box 7, Suginami' P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Tan, B. L. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Tan, C. T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Anioy, China. Tan, N. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Tang, Hsin Loh, Lowanho, Yencheng, Hon an, China. Tantia, E. (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, - Philippine Islands. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Tapping, A. G. (1), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Tarr, A. F., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Tarr, A. P., Bethel Mission, Butterworth, Cape, South Africa. Tarr, D. F., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Tarr, E. L., Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Tarr, E. V. (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Tarr, W. C., 6 Park Road, Grahamstown, Cape, South Africa. Taylor, C. L., 370 Norton St., New Haven, Conn. Taylor, C. U., Decatur, Tex. Taylor, G. B., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Taylor, G. E., Box 507,' Bozeman, Mont. TaYlor, H. B., 641 Lafayette St., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Taylor, H. F., 314 Gillispie Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. Taylor, J. I., R. F. D. 5, Sherman, Tex. Taylor. W. B. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Teesdale, W. H. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Teichmann, Hans, Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braunschweig, Germany. Terry, J. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Teters, D. S. (1), Bryan, Ohio. Thalmann„ W., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Theiss, G. F., Goodrich, N. Dak. Theodore, Antoine, Botte A 55, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Theunissen, D. C., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Thiel, L. F. (1), Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Thiele, E. R., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Thiele, K., " Adventhaus," Hans Sachsstrasse . 9, Cbemnitz, Germany. 387 Thiriwell, T. W., St, Albans, W. Va. Thomann, E. W., Calle Uriarte 2429 (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. ' Thomann, V. E., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Thomas, A., Solunska 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Thomas, D. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo', Sierra Leone, West Africa. Thomas, E. A. (1), Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Thomas, E. D., Box 15, Poona, India. Thomas, H. B. (1), Loma Linda, Calif. Thomas, J. G., 85 Chickamauga Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Thomas, P. V., S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Thomas, S., Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Thomas, Samuel (1), Caixa Postal 233, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America. Thomason, Geo., M. D., 317 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Thompson, A. G. (1), 4109 Fourth Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Thompson, Chas., 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Thompson, F. S. (1), Broadview Academy, La Grange, Ill. Thompson, G. A., 1180 Jefferson St., Salem, Oreg. Thompson, H. G., Box 634, Visalia, Calif. Thompson, J., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Thompson, J. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Thompson, J. T., Calle Llavallol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Thompson, Luzerne, 714 E. Broadway, Glendale, Calif. Thorp, C. A. (1), Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. 388 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Thrift, R. A., "Mizpah," Wah- Tolhurst, H. L., Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Tolici, C., Mission Adventiste, Thuemler, T. L., Manteca, Calif. Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, MadThumwood, F. E. (1), 411 Cedar agascar. St., Takoma Park, Washington, Tolt6ssy, Josef, Strada Clemenceau D. C. 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Thurber, E. W., Williamstown, Vt. Thurber, R. B., 2123 Twenty-fourth Toma, I., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Bucuresti II, Rumania. Thurston, H. G., Box 213, Madera, Tonge, Dr. A. N., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Calif. Africa. Tieche, M. (1), Seminaire Adventist e, Collonges-sous-Seleve, Tonks, S. F., Eagle House, 395 way Road, London, N. 7, Holo Haute-Savoie, France. England. Tien, Yen Wen (1), Lowanho, YenToop, J. A., 3 Awde St.,'Toronto 4, cheng, Honan, China. Ontario, Canada. Tiesnes, E. (1), Brivibas iela 11, Toppenberg, V. E., P. 0. Box 22, Riga, Latvia. Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Tikivili, Semi (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Torres, Antonio, Apartado 139, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Till, W. G., S. D. A. Mission, Awtun, via Ilorin, Offa P. 0., Torrey, C. L., Box 15, Poona, India. Tortal, C. B. (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Nigeria, W. C. Africa. Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Tillgren, J. A., Klostergate 35, Town, N. Z., Takoma Park, WashTrondheim, Norway. ington, D. C. Tillman, A. M. (1), 1404 E. Culver Townsend, V. C., 1520 Elm St., St., Phoenix, Ariz. Utica, N. Y. Tilstra, K., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Trasc5, C., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Zuid-Sumatra, Talang Djawa 141, Palembang, Sumatra, Neth- Treat, Theron (1), Concord, Calif. Tribbensee, W., Elizabethstr. 20, erlands East Indies. III., Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Tindall, J. H. N., 1002 E. 18th St., Bakersfield, Calif. Trifunac, T. M., Zeleni Venac Tinworth, C. W. (I), "Mizpah," Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Trotter, 0. J., 1215 Marshall St., Tkachuk, V. (1), 1630 Kenton Road, Little Rock, Ark. Ferndale, Mich. Troy, 0. A., 5168 South Parkway Tobiassen, Chr., Akersgaten 74, Ave., Chicago, Ill. Oslo, Norway. Truesdell, G. A., 452 Ralston St., Tobiassen, T., Suomisvej 5, CopenReno, Nev. hagen, V.,nmark. e Truitt, E. G. (1), 1325 N. 14th St., Tobing, B. L. (I), P. 0. Box 34, Phoenix, Ariz. Jesselton, British North Borneo. Truman, A. W., M. D., SanitaTobler, G., Stamfanbachstr. 85, rium, Takoma Park, WashingZurich, Switzerland. ton, D. C. Todd, J. (I), "Tereora," The BouleTrummer, E. M., Apartado 83, Buvard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Auscaramanga, Santander, Colombia, tralia. South America. Toke, Po (1), S. D. A. Mission, Truppel, Victor, Strada ClemenHtugyi, Burma. ceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Tolan, V., Str. Cohanovschi 1, Cer- Tscholderis, A., Brivibas iela 11, nauti, Rumania. Riga, Latvia. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Tshi, Tsok Phien, S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. •Tso, C. N., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshall, Canton, China. Tsou Hsun-yuan, S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China. Tsui, Yu Djang (1), 44 Kovelskaya St., Sungary Town, Harbin, Manchukuo. Tuasuun, Z. (1), Adventzendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Ambon, Ambon, Moluccas, Netherlands East Indies. Tsukudu, H. R. S. (1), 54 National Mutual Bldgs., 43 Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Tucker, J. A., 112 St. Louis Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Tucker, J. L., 736 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Tucker, NI. V. (1), Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Tulaszewski, K., S. D. A. Mission, Tabriz, Persia. Tupper, L. E., 1263 Magnolia Ave., Chico, Calif. Turk, D. G., 857 Chenango St., Binghamton, N. Y. Turner, E. A. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Turner, J. W., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Turner, W. G., "Mizpah, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. 'rutty, R. H., Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Twijnstra, H., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West Java, Sawohlaan 25, Batavia-C, Netherlands East Indies. W. R., School. St., U CHTMAN, Townsend, Mass. Udbjorg, Oscar, Klostergate 35, Trondheim, Norway. Uh, P. W. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chyung Up, Chosen. 389 Uhr, A. (1), Stampfenbachstr. 85 Zurich, Switzerland. Ulrich, A. (1), Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe i/B., Germany. Unruh, T. E., 115 West Allegan St., 400 Bauch Bldg.,Lansing, Mich. Urquhart, E. J., . D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Uttley, S. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Utterbiick, Konr (1), Tupnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. ACAREANU, A. (1), Str. MiVvjtrop. Ghen. Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania. Vail, W. R., Gitwe Mission Station, Via Usumbura, Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Valdez, J. A. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Valen, T. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Valencia, E. (1), Apartado 568, Santo Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana. Valera, M. B. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Valerio, Raffele,• Piazza Filangieri 255, Napoli, Italy. Vandeman, H. A., 615 North 17th St., Harrisburg, Pa. Van de Merwe, John, Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. Van Geel, F. (1), 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Van Kirk, M. B., 2525 South Downing St., Denver, Colo. Van Noty, A. E. (1), 112 St. Louis Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex. Van Putten, C. G., Box 52, St. John's, Antigua, British West Indies. Varga, 0., 1425 Vyse Ave., New York, N. Y. Varmer, Axel, Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Denmark. Vaucher, A., Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve, Haute Savoie, France. 390 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Vauvau, Taniela (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Vazquez, I. M. (1), 1452 Pleasant Ave, Los Angeles, Calif. ,Vazquez, Miguel (1), Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Vega, Felix (1), Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Veiga, Jose, Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Venden, D. E., 541 N. Ninth St., Corvallis, Oreg. Venden, M. L., 820 N. Fourth St., Corvallis, Oreg. Venen, W. J., 1227 Windsor St., Reading, Pa. Venter, P. A., Jr., Box 256, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Veszelovszky, J. (1), Nemetvolgyi utca 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Veuthey, E., 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Videro, N. J. (1), Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Videto, W. E., Columbia Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Vietz, B., Karl Herzig Str. 16, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Villanueva, R. (1), Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Vinayagam, N. (1), Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Vince, L. D. (1), Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Vinkel, M. H., M. D. (1), Lanchow Sanitarium-Hospital, Lanchow, Kansu, China. Vine, A. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box 41, Aba, South Nigeria, W. C. Africa. Vitrano, J., 6040 S. Princeton Ave., Chicago, Ill. Voight, M., Regensburgerstrasse 22 V., Berlin MT. 50, Germany. Voinea, N., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bucuresti, II, Rumania. Vollmer, H. W., M. D., Sanitarium. Napa Co., Calif. Vollrath, H. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Vore, G. T., 1321 West NeVada St., Denver, Colo. Vories, C. L., 304 Henry St., Bay City, Mich. Voorthius, P., Lange Beestenlman ardk.t 102, The Hague, NetherVotaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Votaw, W. B., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Voth, Bernard, Okeene, Okla. Voth, C. C., 1030 Maple St., Alva, Okla. Voth, David, Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Vuilleumier, J., 92, Avenue Anatole Jacquin, Dammarie-les-Lys, (S. et M.), France. Vuloaloa, Semi, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. ACHAUS, W. (1), Parodos W W g-ve 14, Kaunas, Lithuania. Waehholz, A., Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin-VVilmersdorf, Germany. Wagner, B. E., Keene, Tex. Wagner, Fred (1), Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Wagner, Jacob, Calle Lima 21, Puno, Peru, South America. Wagner, J. H., 26 Nassau Road, Verona, N. J. Wagner, J. W., 3250 Fraser Ave., Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Wagner, K. (1), Kaiser-WilhelmPlatz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Wahungana, Enoch (1), c/o Inyazura Mission, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Wakeham, W. H., e/o E. M. C., Berrien Springs, Mich. Waldorf, N. J., Box 4236, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Walgren, C. A., Box 550, Clovis, N. Mex. Walker, Allen, 752 Metcalf St., Augusta, Ga. 'Walker, A. G., 410 Benton St., The Dalles, Oreg. Walker, H. W., 441 Manning Blvd., Albany, N. Y. Walker, 0. C. (I), Box 52, St. John's, Antigua, British. West Indies. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Walker, W. W., 406 Ronie Ave., Hattiesburg, Miss. Wall, D. N., 17 HOheweg, Berne, Switzerland. Wallace, H. L., 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Walleker, H. C. J., Box 242, Conneaut, Ohio. Wallenkampf, J., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Wallenstern, A. v., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Waller, E. C. (1), Box 6068, Asheville, N. C. Walston, W. C., 17a Shuter St., Durban, Natal, South Africa. Walter, A., Gutenbergstr. 43, II., Breslau 13, Germany. Walter, H. (1), Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Wang, A. H., S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Wang, Chwen Yung (1), Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Wang, Deh Dzi, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Wang, F. Y. (1), 44 Kovelskaya St., Sungary Town, Harbin, Manchukuo. Wang, Ging Bo, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Wang, C. Y. (1), S. D. A. Mission, 1, 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria. Wang, H. Y., S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Wang, Ih Dzi (1), Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Wang, Lu San, Ping Hai Road, Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Wang, Tze-yuan (1), S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Wang, Wen Hwei (1), S. D. A. Mission, No. 155 Tung Wan Ni Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. Wang, Yu Tien (1(, 20 Goo Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. 391 Warland, E. R., Box 127, Nakuru, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Warner, T. J., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Warren, Luther, Box 294, Glendale, Calif. Warren, M. C., 2 Rue Clemenceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Wasenmiller, J. A.,2408 N. Sixth St., Milwaukee, is. Washburn, H. A., Route 1, St. Helena, Calif. Washburn, J. S., 7056 Eastern Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Wasidlow, M. (1), Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Wasli, A., Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Waswasoff, Kosta, Solunska 49/10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Waszczuk, M. (1), ul. Piotra Skargi 12, Skrz. pocz. 152, Luck, Poland. Watanabe, Y., Nunobiki Don 2 chome 15 of 2, Kobe, Japan. Watkins, A. K., 811 South Third St., Muskogee, Okla. Watson, A. H., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. Watson, C. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Watson, G. F., 735 North I St., McMinnville, Oreg. Watson, L. A., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Watts, R. S., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seiryori, Keijo (Seoul), Chosen. Watts, V. B., Route 1, Chattanooga, Tenn. Watty, H., Hitlerstr. 6, I., Hamm i/W., Germany. Weaks, C. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wearner, A. J., Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. Weaver, E. P. (1), Holly, Mich. Weaver, J. E., 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. Webb, A. E., 305 47th St., N. E., Washington, D. C. 392 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Webber, P. A.., N. A. N. I., Madison, Tenn. Weber, C. W., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Weber, Johann, Str. Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Weber, L. D. (1), 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Weber, S. C., Calle General Urquiza 2744, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Webster, C. C., 41 Grant St., New London, Ohio. Webster, C. R., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Webster, D. A. (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Webster, E. W., 1414 E. M St., Grants Pass; Oreg. Webster, F. C., 607 Eighth St., St. Petersburg, Fla. Webster, M. M., P. 0. Ile, Portuguese East Africa. Weeks, Frank, R. R. 1, Spiceland, Ind. Wegner, A., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Weidner, J. H., Seminaire Adventists du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve, Haute Savoie, France. Weil, A. H., Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Weinand, P., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Weinert, A., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Weinmann, F., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany. Weiss, Enrique (1), Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. . Welch, C. E. (1), care Sanitarium, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Welch, L. W. (1), 1203 South Oak St., Casper, Wyo. Weller, 0. C. (1), Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Wellman, A. F., 2372 27th St., Moline, Ill. Wellman, D. E., Route 2, Box 52, Santa Cruz, Calif. Wellman, L. • A., 4502 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. Wellman, L. E., Banners Elk, N. C. Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wells, F. D., South Lancaster, Mass. Wells, G. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Weniger, C. E. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Wensell, Neils (1), Carlos Pellegrini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Wentland, H., 2640 N. 22d St., Kansas City, Kans. Wentland, M. H., Stredni ul. 10, Brunn, Czechoslovakia. Wentland, R. H., 79 Rue de Champagne, Saigon, French IndoChina. Wenzel, E. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Were, L. F., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Wergin, W. (1), Kaiser-WilhelmPlatz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Werline, A. W. (1), Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Werner, D. G., 448 W. 153d St., ;New York, N. Y. Werner, R., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Stuttgart,Wurtemberg, Germany. West, G. L., R. F. D. 1, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. West, G. R. 6040 S. Princeton Ave., Chicago, 111. West, J. B., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. West, W. W. (1),. 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Westbrook, T. B., 1405 South Seventh St., Lincoln, Nebr. \Testcott, H. B., Rua Lopes Travao 84, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South America. Westerhout, D. C. (1), 11 W. EleV: enth St., Tillamook, Oreg. Westerhout, W. A., 190 Santa Rita Ave., Modesto, Calif. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Westerman, W. J., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Westermeyer, H. E., P. 0. Bin 8, Lodi, California. Westermeyer, W. IL, 2115 Washington Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. Westhofer, B., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Germany. Westman, E. J., 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Westman, G. E., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Westphal, A. L., Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Westphal, Carl E., M. D., Puiggari. F. C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Westphal, C. E., Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Westphal, H. J., Calle Llavollol 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Westphal, J. W., Lodi Academy, Lodi, Calif. Westworth, Wm. A. 1204 W. Edward St., Springfield, Ill. Wheeler, C. E., P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Wheeler, G. A., 3336 Illinois Ave., Fresno, Calif. Wheeler, L. S., Union Springs, N. Y. W'helpley, J. E., Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. White, A. (1), 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. White, A. H., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (Post Office Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. White, B. J., 750 Division, Cadillac, Mich. White, C. L., Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. White, D. R., S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. White, Stemple, 319 W. 16th St., Davenport, Iowa. 393 White, S. G., Box 574, St. John's, Newfoundland. White, W. B., Cicero, Ind. White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St. Helena, Calif. White, W. W., 444 Felder, Montgomery, Ala. Whitehead, E. R., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Whiteside, R., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. Whitsett, R. M. (1), 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Whittaker, E. G., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Whittaker, NI. H., 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Wibbens, Jacob, 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Wickman, Paul, P. 0. Box 68, San Jose, Calif. Wicks, H. B. P., Box 16, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Wiedemann, M. F., Box 401, Manila, Philippine Islands. Wierts, J. H., Zionville, Pa. Wiest, C. S., 625 W. Fifth St., Mankato, Minn. Wiggins, F. R., 1209 W. 22nd St., Anderson, Ind. Wight, S. E., 2156 Park Ave„ Indianapolis, Ind. Wijesinghe, E. D., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Wilcox, C. C., Box 507, Bozeman, Mont. Wilcox, E. H., Caixa Postal 2898, Capitol, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, L. A., Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, Calif. Wilcox, L. C., Box 310, Hongkong, China. Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Calif. Wilfarth, R. J., Caixa Postal 1830, Capitol, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Wilkins, E., 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. 394 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Wilkinson, B. G., 7120 Piney Branch Road, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wilkinson, G. L., S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Wilkinson, L. V. (1), Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Wilkinson, W. W. (1), 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Will, T., Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland. Willess, N. V., 217 N. W. 7th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Willett, E. F. (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Willi, H., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Ziirich II, Switzerland. William (1), P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Williams, A. H., care C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford St., London, W. I., England. Williams, B. F., 2309 Clement St., Flint, Mich. Williams, C. D. M., Box 294, Glendale, Ariz. Williams, G. L. (1), 817 W. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Williams, H. W., 1593 Sanford St., Muskegon, Mich. Williams J. N., Apartado 210, Santa Clara, ' Cuba. Williams, M. S., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Williams, P. L. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Williams, W. H. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Williams, W. W., 1757 N. W. 23d St., Miami, Fla. Willis, U. S., 279 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Willmott, E. D. (1), Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Willoughby, H. E., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Wilson, F. E., 4117 Bliss St., El Paso, Tex. Wilson, G. D. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, West Australia, Australia. Wilson, H., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Wilson, J. L., Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Wilson, J. 0., S. D. A. Mission, Meiktila, Burma. Wilson, J. V., Helderberg College, Box 22, Somerset, West, C. P., South Africa. Wilson, M. L., 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Wilson, N. C., Box 15, Poona, India. Wilson, Thaddeus (1), Room 2401, 110 W. 40th St., New York, N.Y. Wilson, T. H., Hitlerstr. 6 1., Hamm i/W., Germany. Wimer, C. E. (1), Box 310, Hongkong, China. Winandy, Ch. (1), 130 Bld. de l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Winders, R. J. (1), 901 W. Moulton St., Bloomington, Ill. Wineland, W. H. (I), Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Winston, W. H., 168 Spring St., Charleston, S. C. Winter, H. J., 16-19 Lineham Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Wintzen, J., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Wirth, Wm. G., 5447 El Verano Ave., Eagle Rock, Calif. Wiseman, Henry, Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Wittig, H., Hitlerstr. 6 I., Hamm i/W., Germany. Witzel, C. L. (I), Route 2, Battleground, Wash. Woesner, Eugene (1), P. 0. Box 7, Baguio, Philippine Islands. Wolfe, E. W., 310 S. Seventh St., S. W., Birmingham, Ala. Wolfkill, G. F., Angwin, Napa .Co., Calif. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY 395 Wong, - Chung Man (1), S. D. A. Wu, D. C., Court 1207, Yu Yuen Canton, Road, Shanghai, China. Mission, Tungshan, Wu, Dezh Ren, S. D. A. Mission, China. Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Wong, S. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wu, Dzeh Shan, Northwest China Tungshan, Canton, China. Union Mission of S. D. A., LanWoo, T. S., S. D. A. Mission, Tungchow, Kansu, China. shan, Canton, China. Wood, C. E., Monclova 61-A, Co- Wu, Peng Hsien (1), S. D. A. Mission, No. 155 Tung Wan Ni Ionia Roma, Mexico, D. F. Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. Wood, Chancy, 1455 Seventh St., Wu, Shou San, S. D. A. Mission, Parkersburg, W. Va. The Island, Changsha, Hunan, Wood, D. P., 59 Hughes Ave., China. Buffalo, N. Y. Wood, G. A., Advent Zendingsge- Wu, Tien En, Court 1207, Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. nootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Batakland, Padang Sidenpoean, Wu, T. S., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Sumatra, Netherlands East InWu, Tsung Shan, 20 Gao Lou Men, dies. Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Wood, H. L., Box X, Ketchikan, Wu, Dz Shan, Northwest China Alaska. Union Mission of S. D. A., LanWood, J. D., Box 66, Port of chow, Kansu, China. Spain, Trinidad, British West Wucherer, Gustav (1), Adlerstr. Indies. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Wood, K. H., 1207 Yu Yuen Road, Wurzberger, P. (1), Hitlerstr. 6, I., Shanghai, China. Hamm i/W., Germany. Wood, L. G:, near Maharaj Bagh Club, Nagpur, C. P., India. Wyman, C. A., Box 25a, Route 1, Wood, L. H., E. M. C., Berrien Auburn, Wash. Springs, Mich. Wyman, F. A., 64 Upper Main Woodman, I. J., Loma Linda, Calif. Road, Moulmein, Burma. Woods, R. F., Box 577, Charlotte, Wyman, M. A. (1), Drawer 36, N. C. Watertown, S. Dak. Woodward, H. G., Pattam, Tivandrum, Travancore, South InABBA, ANDREW, Emmanuel dia. Mission, Leribe, Basutoland, 1ATooller, K. (1), 902 Colombo St., South Africa. Christchurch, New Zealand. Worster, W. W., M. D. (1), 205 V ACOUR, Nashed, Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. S. Mission Drive, San Gabriel, Yakovenko, P. G., 604 Connaught 'Calif. Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Wortman, F. J. L., Lange BeestenCanada. markt 102, The Hague, Netherland. Yakush, Andrew, 1428 KonnolVIroysch, A., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, worth Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Ntirnberg, Bayern, Germany. Yang, C. I. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Wright, F. A., 304 West Allen St., Chyung Up, Chosen. Springfield, Ill. Yang, Gi Djou (1), S. D. A. Wright, J. F., Grove Ave., ClareMission, Chungking, Szechwan, mont, Cape, South Africa. China. Wright, K. A. (1), Union Springs, N. Y. Yana, Sin Song (1), S. D. A. Wrigley, C. A., 84 Jervois Road, Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, Auckland, New Zealand. China. X 396 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Yeh, Kwen Gan (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Yeh, Tung Sin (1), Court 1207, Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Yeretzian, Z. (1), Mission Adventiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa. Yesudian, A. (1), Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South India. Yip, B., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Yoon, Y. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen. Yorac, M. G., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Yost, F. H., care Union College, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Young, F. G., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Young, J. E. (1), 841 West Belmont Ave., Fresno, Calif. Young, M. M., 3501 Havannah St., Dallas, Tex. Young, W. C., R. 1, Old Bladensburg Road, Silver Spring, Md. Young, W. J., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Youngs, Dallas (1), 522 Prescott Ave., Scranton, Pa. Youngberg, A. G., 112 St. Louis Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex. Youngberg, G. B., 499 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Yovan, J. Y. (1), Artacho Sison, Pancasinan, Philippine Islands. Yu, G'ung Tsing (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Yung, Keh Lung (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Yutuc, Lorenzo (1), 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. T. V. (I), Pattam, Z ACHARIAH, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Zaharis, T. D., 679 Capp St., San Francisco, Calif. Zamfir, V. (1), Strada N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Zarka, D., Nemetvolgyi utea 26., Budapest I, Hungary. Zaynos, F. B., Apartado 139, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Zeiner, A., Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Budapest I, Hungary. Zerne, Nils, Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Zettwoch, H., Fangelsbaehstr. 11, Stuttgart,Wurtemberg, Germany. Zielinski, J., Kamienica na Slaskcu 272, Poland. Zielinski, M., Kneiphofsche H6fgasse 22, K6nigsberg/Pr., Germany. Zigmund, T. J. (1), Hvienzdoslavovo nam. 9/11, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Zimmermann, A. H., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. O. I., Afdeeling. Cost Java, Tandjoeng Anom 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Zimmermann, H., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East , Indies. Zimmermann, H., Esehenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany. Ziprick, 0., 604 Connaught Bldg.. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Zungu, P. (1), Watersmeet, Private Bag, P. 0. Besters, Natal, South Africa. OBITUARY RECORD FOR 1934 "They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them." Ruby Selma Thompson, December 1, 1933; Los Angeles, Calif. Fredrich Koch, December 25, 1933; Millerowo, Russia. Ezra Fillman, December 27, 1933; Vinita, Okla. V. W. Robb, January 2, 1934; Weatherford; Okla. Volrad Reye, January 11; Bunbury, West Australia. Mrs. P. F. Bicknell, January 13; South Lancaster, Mass. Mrs. C. E. Wheeler, January 24.; Rusangu Mission, Northern Rhodesia. Mrs. F. W. Reekie,Jauary 24; Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Mrs. W. C. Sisley, January 25; Bordeaux, Tenn. Mrs. G. B. Starr, January 28; Glendale, Calif. J. C. Raft, February 1; Skodsborg, Denmark. J. W. Covert, February 4; Goshen, Indiana. Mrs. A. Langholf, February 17; Breslau, Germany. Ole Oppegard, February 20; Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Mrs. W. E. Lanier, February 24; Madison, Tenn. A. F. Kirk, March 3; Shelto, Nebr. J. Hookings, March 8; Auckland, New Zealand. H. H. Hall, March 10; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. R. E. Harter, March 12; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. R. W. Munson, March 18; Verdugo City, Calif. E. Schwercke, March 19; Wittenberg, Germany. Emil Kruger, March 28; Cairo, Egypt. Sydney Scott, April 15; Loma Linda, Calif. C. N. Woodward, April 22; Keene, Texas. H. J. Edmed, April 23; Port of Spain, Trinidad. C. E. Kimlin, April 28; Glendale, Calif. K. A. Macaulay, May 3; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. L. L. Skinner, May 7; Denver, Colo. Kioto, May 13; Choiseul, Solomon Islands. M. R. Proctor, May 21; Loma Linda, Calif. Dr. E. F. Coulston, May 26; Peiping, China. Dr. S. A. Lockwood, May. 29; National City, Calif. Mrs. C. H. Parker, June 6; Los Angeles, Calif. T. H. Jeys, June 7; Nevada, Iowa. S. J. Stevenson, July 2;, 0. F. S., South Africa. Dr. H. A. Butler, July 6; Loma Linda, Calif. Mrs. 'H. F. Schuberth, July 14; Darmstadt, Germany. Lena Hazel Wood, July 18; Madison, Tenn. W. C. Wales, July 24; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. J. S. Fry, July 28; Nevada, Iowa. C. W. Irwin, July 31; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. W. W. Steward, July; College Place, Wash. J. A. Dazey, August 8; Loma Linda, Calif. J. Muhlbacher, August 8; Vienna, Austria. T. W. Asprey, August 13; Bangalore, India. Andrew Mead, August 17; Arlington, Calif. James Taphouse, August 20; Los Gatos, Calif. 397 398 OBITUARY RECORD FOR 1934 H. W. Sherrig, August 24; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. F. Einspiller, August 27; Innsbruck, Germany. Dr. L. C. Kellogg, September 1; Loma Linda, Calif. A. S. Booth, September 6; Asheville, N. C. Mrs. G. E. Hutches, September 27; Shelton, Nebr. F. H. Gage, September 28; Mountain View, Calif. Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher, September 29; Plumstead, South Africa. J. E. Hanson, October 8; Port Jervis, New York. W. A. Scott, October 10; Shanghai, China. Guy Dail, November 13; Berlin, Germany. D. M. Hull, November 24; Taunton, Mass. E. E. Covey, November 26; Lancaster, Mass. J. H. Camp, November 28; Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. W. 0. Johanson, December 5; Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. A. IV Mason, December 19; Norwalk, Calif. James Bellinger, December 25; Lexington, Ky. Dr. Lydia E. Parmele, January 7, 1935; Glendale, Calif. F. M. Corbaley, January 13; Redlands, Calif. J. G. Lamson, January 14; Orlando, Fla. Mrs. J. W. Norwood, January 18; Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. I. G. Knight, January 28; Cayman Islands. J. E. Graham, February 5; Seattle, Wash. Errata: The address of the Greater New York Conference and associate offices is now Rooms 2600-2608, Paramount Bldg.; 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Address G. B. Taylor, in care of Austral Union Conference, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. INDEX 156 153, 154 Academia Adventista Hispanoameri219 cans 219 Academies, Directories of 220 Adelphian Academy 219 Addis Abeba Training School Adis-Alem Training School for Boys 220 76 Advent Mission Society 256 Advent Press (East Africa) 256 Advent Publishing Association African Division (See Southern African Division) 2.75 Afrikaans, periodical in 154 Agona Mission Station 220 Agona Training School ' 5S Alabama-Mississippi Conference Alabama-Mississippi Conf. Academy 220 46 Alaska Mission 28 Alberta Conference 212 Algerian Mission 266 Algerian Publishing House 168 Alto Parana Mission 173 Amazon Mission of Peru 85 Ambon Mission 20 American Temperance Society Amoy Mission (See South Fukien Mission) 179 Angola Union Mission 220 Anhwei Junior Middle School 102 Anhwei Mission 2.75 Annamese, periodical in 131 Antillian Union Mission 220 . Aore Training School 311 Appropriations to Missions 268 Arabic Literature Society • 77 Arabic Union Mission 175 Araguaya Indian Mission 168, 169 Argentine, Conferences in 220 Arizona Academy Arizona Conference (See Southern Calif.-Ariz. Conference) Arkansas-Louisiana Conference .... 63 153 Atrussi Mission 140 Atlantic Columbia Mission 220 Atlantic Union College 24 Atlantic Union Conference 27 '.Institutions in 221 Auburn Academy 167 Austral Union Conference Australasian Division Conference 67 72-75 Mission Fields in 75 . Institutions in Australasian Missionary College 222 Australasian Union Conference .. 67 Institutions in 76 Austrian Branch Publishing House 259 Austrian Conference 93 Awtun Station 156 Azores Islands Mission 209 station, ABA Abyssinia, Missions in pot A B UM A H A L Station 198 Aibling Sanitarium 290 Baden Conference 88 Bahamas Mission 132 Baltic Union Conference 144 222 Baltic Union School 213 Banat-Crisana Conference Barcelona Publishing House (See Spanish Publishing House) 198 Barisal Station -. Bad 86 Batakland Mission 222 Battle Creek Academy 222 Batuna Training School 186 Bechuanaland Mission Field 222 Bee Hwa Middle School 153 Begemder Mission 165 Bekwai Mission Station 207 Belgian Conference 6 Beliefs, Fundamental 222 Bengali School 81 Berlin Conference Berlin Sanitarium (See Waldfriede Sanitarium and Clinic) 24 Bermuda Mission 222 Bethel Academy 184 Bethel Mission Station 276 Bicol, periodicals in 182 Bikobo Hill Mission Station 290 Bobbili Mission Hospital Bohemian language, periodicals in 277 173 Bolivia Mission Bolivia Training School 223 Bombay Presidency Mission (See Western India) Bombay Section 203 Bongo Mission . Hospital 290 Bongo Mission Station 180 Bongo Mission Training School 223 Borneo 125, 126 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 290 Brazil Publishing House 256 Brazilian Training School 223 124 British Borneo Mission 28 British Columbia Conference British Guiana, Conference in 136 British Honduras and Bay Islands Mission 137 British Publishing House 256 British Union Conference 146 Broadview Academy 223 Brookfield Branch Pub. House 262 Buenos Aires Conference 168 Buenos Aires Publishing House 256 Buganda Mission 181 Bulawayo Location Mission Station 192 Bulgarian language, periodical in 276 Bulgarian Mission 93 Bulgarian Book and Bible House 257 Bureau of Home Missions 13 Ruresala Training School 224 Burma Mission 196 Burmese, periodical in 276 r C AFES 309 Calcutta Station 198 Calcutta Church Primary School 224 California, Conferences in 51-57 Cambodia 125 Campaigns 310 Camaguan Training School 224 Campion Academy 224 Canadian Junior College 224 Canadian Union Conference 27 Institutions in 30 Canadian Watchman Press 257 Cancele Mission Hospital 290 Cancele Mission Station 184 Canton Sanitarium and Hospital 290 Canton Middle School 225 Cantonese Mission 111 Cape Field of S. D. A. 184 399 400 INDEX 225 Caribbean Training College 134 Caribbean Union Conference 59 Carolina Conference 132 Cayman Islands Mission 276 Cebuan language, periodicals in 225 Cedar Lake Academy 85 Celebes Mission 219 Central American Academy Central American Factory Branch 262 Publishing House 136 Central American Union Mission 169 Central Argentine Conference 79 Central Bohemian Conference Central Branch Publishing House 262 51 Central California Conference 100 Central China Union Mission 120 Central Chosen Mission 140 Central Columbia Mission 76 Central European Division Conf 96 Institutions in 90 Central German Conference 83 Central Hungarian Conference 149 Central Kenya Mission 126 Central Luzon Mission 142 Central Mexican Mission 88 Central Rhenish Conference 160 Central Uganda Mission 31 Central Union Conference 36 Institutions in 107 Chahar-Suiyuan Mission 37 Chesapeake Conference 291 Chichoki Mission Hospital 105 Chien Tao (Kando) Mission 169 Chile Conference 188 Chileka Mission District 225 Chillan Training School 194 Chimpempe Mission Station 98 China Division 116 Institutions in 225 China Training Institute Chinese languages, periodicals in 276 109 Chinghai Mission 188 Chinyama Mission 276 Chinyanja, periodical in 119 Chosen Union Mission Chosen Union Training School 226 Christian Record Benevolent Assn 257 198 Chuadanga Station 292 Chulumani Hospital Churches, Number of 3 291 Clinica Americana Juliaca 149 Coast Mission 125 Cochin China 226 Colegio Adventists Antillano Colegio Adventists del Titicaca 226 College of Medical Evangelists 226 College Press 258 Colleges, Directories of 219 Periodicals by 274 Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission 140 Colorado Conference 31 228 Columbia Academy Columbia Jr. College 228 36 Columbia Union Conference 41 Institutions in Congo, Missions in 180-182 Congo, Union Mission 180 Connecticut, Conference in (See Southern New England) Cook Islands Mission 72 Copenhagen Pub. House 258 Costa Rica Mission 137 Courland Conference 145 Croatian language, periodicals in-- 276 Cuale Mission Station 180 Cuba Mission 132 Cumberland Conference (See Georgia-Cumberland Conference) Curacao Mission 138 170 Cuyo Mission Czechian (Bohemian) periodicals in 277 Czechoslovakian Mission School 228 Czechoslovakian Pub. House 258 Czechoslovakian Union Conf 79 DANISH-NORWEGIAN language, 277 periodicals in 211 Danube Conference 193 Demu Mission 162, 163 Denmark, Conferences in Denominational Investment- 320. 321 Denominational Literature, Languages in which issued 286-289 Denominational Periodicals 270-285 Denver Junior Academy 228 Directory of Ministers 315-384 Dispensaries 305-307 District of Columbia, conference in (See Potomac Conference) Division Periodicals 272 Durban Mission District 184 Dutch language, periodicals in 279 VAST AFRICAN Union Mission 149 East Brazil Union Mission 170 East China Union Mission 102 East France Conference 207 East Denmark Conference 162 East German Union Conference 80 East Hungarian Conference -84 East Java Mission 86 East Kweichow Mission 114 East Muntenian Conference 214 East Nordic Union Conference 150 East Pennsylvania Conference 38 East Persian Mission 94 East Polish Conference 157 East Prussian Conference 81 East Siam 125 East Szechwan Mission 115 East Visayan Academy 229 East Visayan Mission 127 Eastern Polynesian Mission 72 Eastern Polynesian Mission Press 268 Eastern Province Mission District 185 Eastern Uganda Mission 160 Ecuador Mission 174 Educational Dept. of Gen. Conf . 13 Statistics of 316 Educational Institutions 219 Outline of courses in 219 Egyptian Mission 77 Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium 291 Ellen G. White Estate, The, Inc 20 Elele Mission Station 156 Emmanuel Mission Station 185 Emmanuel Missionary College 229 Emmanuel Miss. College Press 258 England, conferences in 146-148' English Secondary School 229 English periodicals 270 Enterprise Academy 230 Equatorial African Mission 217 Eritrean Mission 153 INDEX 230 Escuela Union Mexicana 145 Estonian Conference Estonian language, periodicals in 277 258 Estonian Publishing House 153 Ethiopian Union Mission Europe, Divisions in 76 Central European 144 Northern European 206 Southern European FAR 230 EASTERN Academy 118 Far Eastern Division 129 Institutions in Faroe Islands (see Iceland-Faroes Conference) 105 Fengtien Mission 72 Fiji Mission 258 Fiji Mission Press Fiji Training School (See Buresala Training School) 277 Fijian language, periodicals in 191 Filabusi Mission Station 151 Finland Conference 151 Finland Swedish Conference 230 Finland Mission School 258 Finland Publishing House Finnish Language, periodicals y in 277 Fireside Correspondence School (See Home Study Institute) 278 Flemish language, periodical in 60 Florida Conference Florida Sanitarium and Hospital.... 291 230 Foochow Intermediate School 308 Food Companies Foreign Fields, Workers sent to, 312 1901-1934 Foreign Languages, Periodicals in 275-285 230 Forest Lake Academy 122 Formosa (Taiwan) Mission Fort Jameson Hospital (See Mwami Mission Hospital) 191 Fort Victoria Mission Station Franco-Belgian Union Conference 206 Franconian-Thuringian Conference 88 French Equatorial African Mission 164 125 French Indo-China 278 French language, periodicals in 259 French Publishing House 135 French West Indian Mission 231 Fresno Academy Friedensau Missionary Seminary 231 Friendly Islands Mission (See Tongan Mission) 2.91 Fui On Hospital-Dispensary 5 Fundamental Beliefs 231 EM State Academy 160 Gendia Mission Station General Conference, Directory of 9-23 311 Appropriations of f3-20 Departments of 21-23 Laborers engaged under 313 Presidents and secretaries of 20 General Conference Corporation 9-12 General Conf. Executive Com. 292 General Hospital of Chulumani 270 General Periodicals 61 Georgia-Cumberland Conference 76 German Good Health Assn 76 German Inter-Union Assn. German language, periodicals in 278 G German-Swiss Conference Giffard Mission Hospital Gitwe Mission Station Gitwe Training School Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital Glendale Union Academy Glen Grey Mission District Gold Coast Depository Gold Coast Union Mission Golden Gate Academy Good Health Assn., Ltd. Good Hope Training School Gopalganj Station Goyaz Mission Greater New York Academy Greater New York Conference Grecian Mission Greek Depository Guatemala Mission Guiana Conference Gujerat Section Gulf Mission 401 216 292 181 231 292 231 185 268 154 231 293 232 198 175 232 24 94 268 138 135 203 142 HAITIEN Mission 133 Haitien Seminary 246 112 Hakka Mission 259 Hamburg Publishing House 77 Hamburg S. D. A. Assn. Hanke Mission Station 191 Hankow Bible and Industrial In232 stitute 91 Hanover Conference Hansa Conference 91 Harbin Training Institute 232 Harvest Ingathering, statistics of 317-319 Hawaiian Mission 62 232 Hawaiian Mission Academy 192 Headlands Mission Heile Selassie I Hospital 293 105 Heilungkiang Mission Helderberg College 232 92 Hessia-Westphalin Conference . Hindi-Santali Elementary School 233 233 Hinsdale Sanitarium Academy 122 Hokkaido Mission Holland Branch Publishing House 259 Holland language, periodicals in 279 Home Commission 20 Home Missionary Department 14 Statistics of 817-319 Home Missions, Bureau of 13 Home Study Institute 233 China Branch 234 Honan Junior Middle School 234 Honan Mission 100 138 Honduras Mission . Hopei Training Institute 234 Hopei Mission 107 Hospitals 290 197 Htugyi Mission Station 293 Hultafors Sanitarium 100 Hunan Mission Hunan Prov. Junior School 234 Hungarian Branch Pub. House 259 Hungarian language, periodicals in 279 83 Hungarian Union Conference 101 Hupeh Mission TBADAN Station Ibadan Training School Iberian Union Mission 156 234 '208 402 INDEX Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House 260 Iceland-Faroes Conference 162 Icelandic language, periodicals in 280 Idaho Conference 46 Ikizu Mission Station 95 Ikizu Training School 235 Illinois Conference 42 Ilocano language, periodicals in.... 280 Inca Union Mission 172 India, publishing house in (See Oriental Watchman Pub. Assn.) Indiana Academy 235 Indiana Conference 43 International Branch Pub. House 262 Inter-American Division Conf 131 Institutions in 143 Inter-American Factory Branch Pub. House 262 Inter-Mountain Intermediate School 236 Investment, denominational 320, 321 Inyazura Mission Station 191 Inyazura Village Schools 191 .32 Iowa Conference Iowa Sanitarium 293 Irak Mission 78 Irish Free State Mission 148 Italian language, periodicals in.... 280 Italian Publishing House 260 Italian Union Mission 210 JALIRPAR Hospital 293 Jamaica Conference 133 293 James White Memorial Home Japan Junior College 235 Japan Publishing House 260 Japan Union Mission 122 Japanese language, periodicals in 280 Japanese Mandated Islands Mission 123 Jehol Mission 108 Jengre Station 155 Jugoslavia Publishing House 260 211 Jugoslavian Union Conference Jugoslavian Union Training School 235 Juliaca American Hospital 291 KAKORO Mission Station 161 Kalyan Section 203 Kamagambo Training School 235 Kansai Chugoku Mission 123 Kansas Conference 33 110 Kansu Mission Kanto Tohoku Mission 123 150 Kanyadoto Mission Station Kanye Hospital 294 186 Kanye Medical Mission Station 203 Karachi, City of Karen Mission School 235 Karmatar Station 198 194 Katanga Mission Katima Mulilo Mission Station 192 Keijo Hospital Dispensary 294 73 Kempsey Mission 294 Kendu Hospital 61 Kentucky-Tennessee. Conference Kenya Hospital (See Kendu) Kenya Mission . 149, 150 Kenya Training School (See Kamagambo Training School) Kern Academy 236 199 Rhunti Station Khurda Station 199 Kiangsi Mission Kiangsu Mission Kikamba Mission Station Kireka Mission Station Kirin Mission Kirundu Mission Station Kolhapur Section (India) Kolo Mission Station Korean language, periodicals in Krankenhaus "Waldfriede" Kuru Station Kwangsi Mission Kyushu Mission 101 103 182 160 106 182 203 185 280 294 199 112 123 LABORERS under General Con21-23 ference 294 Lake Geneva Sanitarium 143 Lake Mission 174 Lake Titicaca Mission 41 Lake Union Conference 45 Institutions in 295 Lanchow Hospital Languages in which denominational 286-289 literature is issued 203 Lasalgaon Section 280 Latvian language, periodicals in Latvian Publishing House 260 Laurelwood Academy . 236 Leeward Islands Conference 136 Legal Corporation of the General Conference 20 216 Leman Conference Liberia, Missions in 159 Liberian Mission School 286 Licentiates under the Gen. Conf. 23 Lima Training School 236 List of Periodicals 270 Literature, languages in which issued 286-289 Lithuanian Depository 268 Lithuahian language, periodical in 280 Lithuanian Mission Field .......... .... 145 Liumba Hill Mission Station 193 Livonia Conference 146 Local Periodicals 274 Lodi Academy 236 Loma Linda Academy 237 Loma Linda College (See College of Medical Evangelists) Lorna Linda Sanitarium and Hosp. 2.95 Long Beach Academy 237 Lord Howe Island Mission 73 Los Angeles Academy 237 Louisiana, Conference in 63 Lower Amazonas Misiion 171 Lower Gwelo Hospital 295 Lower Gwelo Mission Station 191 Lower Gwelo Mission Hospital 191 Lower Shangani Mission Station 191 Luapula Mission Station 194 Luccusse Mission Station 180 Lusikisiki Mission District 185 Luwazi Mission Station .188 Luz Mission Station 180 MADAGASCAR Mission Madeira Islands Mission Magellan Mission Maine Conference (See Northern New England Conference) Majita Mission Station 217 209 170 95 INDEX 87 Makassar Mission Malagasy language, periodical in 281 260 Malagasy Publishing House 187 Malamulo Mission Station 295 Malamulo Mission Hospital 261 Malamulo Mission Press 237 Malamulo Training Institute 281 Malay language, periodicals in 124 Malay States Mission 237 Malayalam High School Malayalam language, periodical in 281 201 Malayalam Mission 237 Malayan Seminary 261 Malayan Signs Press 123 Malayan Union Mission 104 Manchurian Union Mission Manchurian Un. Training Institute 238 Mandated Territory of New Guinea 74 Manila Sanitarium and Hospital 296 Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference 29 238 Maplewood Academy 81 March Lower Silesian Conference 238 Marienhoehe Seminary 29 Maritime Conference Massachusetts, Conference in (See Southern New England) 188 Matandani Mission Station 176 Matto Grosso Mission 217 Mauritius Mission 197 Maymyo Mission Station 15 Medical Dept. of Gen. Conf 238 Meiktila Training School 142 Mexican Union Mission 43 Michigan Conference 16 Ministerial Association 322-396 Ministerial Directory Ministers under the General Conf. 21 33 Minnesota Conference 238 Mirigeda Training School 314 Mission Offerings Missionary Licentiates under the 23 General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department 19 of the General Conference 316 Statistics of . 311 Missions, Appropriations to Mississippi Conference (See Alabama-Mississippi Conference) Missouri Conference 34 189 Mombera Mission Station 73 Monamona Mission Munenga Mission 193 108 Mongolian Mission 261 Mongolian Mission Press 47 Montana Conference Morava Conference 211 '79 Moravia-Silesian Conference Moroccan Mission 213 Mountain View Union Academy 238 189 Mozambique Mission Mt. Ellis Academy Mt. Roraima Indian Mission (See Guiana Conference) 239 Mt. Vernon Academy 193 Muchenje Mission Munenga Mission 193 Muntenia (See 214, 215) 193 Musofu Mission Station 188 Mwami Mission 296 Mwami Mission Hospital ' 197 Myaungmya Mission 'Station 95 Mwagala Mission Station 403 203 MAGPUR geciion 180 Namba Mission Station 296 Nanning, Kwangsi, Hospital 239 Narasapur High School 296 Narasapur Mission Hospital. 239 Nashville Junior Academy 186 Natal Mission District. 239 Navuso Intermediate School 16') Nchwanga Mission Station Nchwanga Training School 239 Nebraska Conference 34 Negro Dept. of General Conference 16 94 Netherland Conference Netherlands East Indies Pub. House 261 Netherlands East Indies Union Mis. 84 53 Nevada-Utah Conference 203 Nevasa Section 239 Newbold Missionary College 240 Newfoundland Junior Academy 30 Newfoundland Mission New England San. and Hospital 296 New Guinea Mission 74 New Guinea Training School.. 240 New Hampshire, Conference in (See Northern New England Conf.) New Hebrides MisSion 73 New Jersey Conference 38 New South Wales, North Confer 67 New South Wales, South Confer 69 New York Branch Pub. House 266 New York Conference 25 New Zealand Missionary College 240 New Zealand, North Conference 68 New Zealand, South Conference 69 Ngoma Medical Mission Station 181 Ngoma Mission Hospital 297 Nicaragua Mission 138 Nigerian Depositories 269 Nigerian Union Mission 166 Ninghsia Mission 110 Niue Mission 73 Norfolk Island Mission 73 Nordic Philanthropic Society .... 161 North African Union Mission 212 North Agra Mission 199, North Agra Mission Girls' School 240 North American Negro Dept 16 North Bohemian Conference 80 North Carolina (See Carolina Conf ) North Chekiang Mission 103 North China Training Institute 240 North China Sanitarium and Hosp 297 106 North China Union Mission North Chosen Mission 120 35 North Dakota Conference North East Mission 171 North England Conference 147 North France Conference 208 North Fukien Mission 113 North Ireland Mission 148 North Italian Mission 210. North Kiangsu Mission 103 North Moldavian Conference 214. North New South Wales Conf 69 North New Zealand Conference 68. North Norway Conference 162 North Pacific Union Conference 45 Institutions in North Polish Conference .. 16 479 North Queensland Mission • '73 North Sarawak 125 North Sumatra Mission 86 404 INDEX North Swedish Conference 152 North West Kenya Mission 150 Northeast India Mission Tr. School 240 Northeast India Union Mission 197 Northeast Saxonian Conference 82 Northeastern Nigerian Mission 155 Northeastern Rhodesia Miss. Field 193 Northern California Conference 53 Northern European Division Conf 144 Institutions in 164 Northern Free State Mission Dist 185 Northern Liberian Mission 159 Northern Luzon Academy 241 Northern Luzon Mission 127 Northern New England Conf. 26 Northern Rhodesia Mission Field 192 Northern Union Conference (See Central Union Conference) Northwest Branch Pub. House 262 Northwest China Union Mission 109 Northwest China Union Tr. School 241 Northwest India Union Mission 199 Northwest India Union Tr. School 241 Northwestern Nigerian Mission 155 Norway, Conferences in 162, 163 Norway Mission School 241 Ntusu Girls' School 241 Ntusu Mission Station 95 Nyanchua Mission Station 160 Nyasaland Missions (See 187) AK PARK Academy 241 Oakwood Junior College 242 Obituary Record for 1933 397 310 Offering, Special Ohio Conference 39 Oklahoma Conference 64 Ontario-Quebec Conference 30 Oregon Conference 47 Orlando-Florida San. and Hospital,. (See Florida Sanitarium) Oriental Watchman Pub. Assn 261 Oshawa Missionary College 242 O PACIFIC Colombia Mission 141 Pacific Press Publishing Assn 262 243 Pacific Union College 50 Pacific Union Conference 57 Institutions in 86 Padang Mission Palestine-Transjordan Mission 78 139 Panama Conference Pampangan language, periodical in 281 Panayan-Visayan language, periodical in 281 Pangansinan language, periodical in 281 270-285 Papers issued Papua Mission 74 Paradise Valley Sanitarium 297 176 Parana-Santa Catharina Mission Panang Sanitarium 297 Periodicals issued 270-285 Persia, Missions in 94, 96 Persian Literature Society 269 174 Peruvian Mission Philippine Union College 243 Philippine Publishing House 263 Philippine Union Mission 126 Plainview Academy 244 Polish language, periodicals in 281 Polish Publishing House 264 157 Polish Union Conference Polish Union Mission School 244 Pomeranian Conference 82 Poona Section 203 Poona Marathi Church School 244 Porter Sanitarium and Hospital 298 Portland Branch Pub. House (See Northwest Branch Pub. House) Portland Junior Academy 244 Portland Sanitarium 298 Portuguese language, periodicals in 282 Portuguese Mission 209 Portuguese Publishing House 264 Potomac Conference 39 Prakasapuram High School 244 Press Bureau of General Conf 20 Publishing Dept. of General Conf 17 Statistics of 315 Publishing Houses, directories of 256 Statistics of 315 Puerto Rico Mission 134 Punjab Mission 200 Punjabi Schools 245 nUEBEC Conference (See Onta`', rio-Quebec Conference) Queensland Conference 70 R ANCHI Station 199 Rand Mission District 186 Rarotongan language, periodical in 282 Religious Liberty Dept. 18 Resources Classified for 1933 320 Restaurants 303 Resthaven Sanitarium 298 Review and Herald Pub. Assn 264 Rhenish Conference 92 Rhode Island, Conference in 26 Rhodesian Conference 190 Riga Publishing House (See Latvian Publishing House) Rio-Espirito Santo Mission 171 Rio Grande do Sul Conference 176 Rio-Minas Geraes Mission 172 River Plate Junior College 245 River Plate Sanitarium 299 Rogue River Junior Academy 245 Ruanda (See 181) Rumanian language, periodicals in 282 Rumanian Publishing House 265 Rumanian Union Conference 213 Rumanian Union Training Institute 245 Rusangu Mission Station 192 Russian language, periodicals in 282 Ruthenian language, periodical in 282 Rwankeri Mission Station 181 SABBATH School Department of the General Conference 18 Statistical Tables of 314 Sala Mission Station 193 Salvador Mission 139 Samabula Indian School 246 Samoan Mission 74 San Diego Academy 246 Sanitariums, directories of 290 Papers by 274 Statistics of 315 Santali Elementary School 246 Santo Domingo Mission 134 Sao Paulo Conference 177 Saskatchewan Conference (See Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference) INDEX 2.12 Sava Conference 265 Scandinavian Publishing House Scandinavia, Union Conferences in 150, 161 274 School Journals 148 Scottish Mission 246 Seattle Junior Academy 246 Seminaire Adventiste (Haiti) 246 Seminaire Adventiste (France) 266 Sentinel Publishing Company 299 Seoul Sanitarium and. Hospital Serbian language, periodicals in 283 Seventh-day Adventist Mission Hos299 pital (Persia) Shanghai Sanitarium, Hospital, and 299 Clinic Shanghai Training Sch. for Nurses 246 108 Shansi Mission 108 Shantung Mission 246 Shantung Training Institute 246 Shelton Academy 247 Shenandoah Valley Academy 110 Shensi Mission 300 Shen Yang Clinic (Mukden) 300 Shen Yang Hospital 247 Sheyenne River Academy 247 Shiloh Junior Academy 186 Shiloh Mission Station 153 Shoa Mission 125 Siam Mission 159 Sierra Leone Mission 158 Sierra Leone Union Mission Sierra Leone Training School (See Waterloo) Signs of the Times Pub. House 267 (Chosen) Signs of the Times Pub. House 266 (China) Signs Publishing Co. (Australia) 267 82 Silesian Conference (German) 158 Silesian Conference (Polish) 300 Simla Sanitarium 111 Singkiang Mission Sitote Mission Station 193 197 Sittang Mission Station 300 Skodsborg Sanitarium Slovakian lnaguage, periodicals in 283 80 Slovakian Mission Slovenian language, periodicals in 283 74 Solomon Islands Mission 267 Solomon Islands Mission Press 267 Solusi Mission Press 191 Solusi Mission Station Solusi Training School 247 191 Solusi Outschools Songs Mission Hospital 300 Songs Mission 194 Soonan Hospital-Dispensary 300 183 South African Conference 184 South African Mission Field South African Union Conf 182 South American Division of the General Conference 167 Institutions in 177 70 South Australian Conference 89 South Bavarian Conference South Bend Branch Pub. House 265 175 South Brazil Union Conference 136 South Caribbean Conference South Carolina (See Carolina Conference) South Central Luzon Mission 128 405 South Chekiang Training Institute 247 104 South Chekiang Mission 111 South China Union Mission 35 South Dakota Conference 147 South England Conference 208 South France Conference 113 South Fukien Mission 87 South German Union Conference 248 South India Training School 200 South India Union Mission 210 South Italian Mission 149 South Kenya Mission South Lancaster Academy (See Atlantic Union College) 214 South Moldavian Conference South New South Wales Conference 69 69 South New Zealand Conference 163 South Norway Conference 187 South Nyasaland Mission Field 158 South Polish Conference 126 South Sarawak 86 South Sumatra Mission 152 South Swedish Conference Southeast African Union Mission 187 Field 120 Southeast Chosen Mission 269 Southeast Nigerian Depository Southeastern Calif.-Arizona Conf 54 166 Southeastern Nigerian Mission Southeastern Union Conference (See Southern Union Conference) 179 Southern African Division 194 Institutions in 196 Southern Asia Division 204 Institutions in 56 Southern California Conference Southern California Junior College 248 194 Southern Congo Mission Field Southern European Division Conf 206 218 Institutions in Southern Junior College 248 Southern Liberian Mission 159 Southern Luzon Mission 128 Southern New England Conference 26 Southern Publishing Association 267 Southern Rhodesia Mission Field 190 Southern Union Conference 68 Institutions in 62 Southwest Africa Mission Field 186 Southwest Chosen Mission 121 Southwest Indian Mission 66 Southwest Nigerian Depository 269 Southwestern Junior College 249 Southwestern Nigerian Mission 156 Southwestern Union Conference 62 Institutions in 66 Soviet Republics 218 Spanish language, periodicals in 283 Spanish Mission 209 Spanish Publishing House 268 Special Days 310 Spion Kop Missionary Institution 249 Stanborough College (See Newbold Missionary College) Stanborough Park Sanitarium 300 Statistical Tables 310-320 St. Helena Sanitarium 300 Stockholm Publishing House 268 Suji Mission Station 95 Suji Training School 249 Sultanabad Hospital and Dispensary (See page 299) 406 Sungari Mission Sungari Mission Press Sutherlin Junior Academy Swatow Mission Swazi-Eastern Transvaal Mission Station and District Sweden Conference Swedish language, periodicals in Swedish Missionary School Swiss Union Conference Sydney Sanitarium Syrian Mission INDEX 106 268 249 114 185 152 284 250 215 301 78 TAFFARIE Makonnen Hospital 301 Tagalog language, periodicals in 284 Takoma Academy 250 Tahitian language, periodicals in 284 Tamil language, periodicals in 284 Tamil Mission 201 Tanganyika Mission 95 Tasmanian Conference 71 Tehuantepec Mission 143 Telugu language, periodical in 285 Telugu Mission 202 Tennasserim Mission Station 197 Tennessee River Conference (See Kentucky-Tennessee Conference) Territory of New Guinea 74 Texas Conference 64 Texico Conference 65 Thambani Mission Station 188 Thekerani Mission Station 188 Thuringian Conference (See Franconian Thuringian Conference) Tibetan Mission 115 Tibetan Mission Press 268 Tithes and Offerings 314 Tjimindi Training School 250 Tjolotjo Mission Station 192 Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium 301 Tokyo Sanitarium and Hospital 301 Tongan Mission 75 Transportation Department 20 Transylvanian Conference 215 Treatment Rooms, list of 305-307 Tsao Tan Training School 250 Turkish Depository 269 Turkish Mission 95 T LTGANDA Union Mission (See Upper Nile) Ukrainian language, periodical in 282, 285 Umtata Mission 186 Union College 250 251 Union College Academy 268 Union College Press 273 Union Conference Periodicals 251 Union Springs Academy Upper Columbia Conference 48 Upper Magdalena Mission 141 Upper Nile Union Mission 160 Urdu language, periodical in 285 Uruguay Mission 170 Urundi (See 181) U.S.S.R: 218 Utah Mission (see Nevada-Utah Conference), Utimbaru Mission Station 95 VANU LEVU Intermed. School 251 Vejlefjord Mission School 252 Venezuela Mission 141 Vermont (See Northern New England Conference) 71 Victorian Conference Vincent Hill School 252 Virginia Conference (See Potomac Conference) TA ALFRIEDE Sanitarium and 294 " Clinic 252 Walla Walla College 301 Walla Walla Sanitarium 302 Warburton Sanitarium 265 Washington Branch Pub. House Washington College Press 268 49 Washington Conference Washington Missionary College 253 Washington Sanitarium ... 302 Waterloo Tr. and Industr. School 254 148 Welsh Mission 72 West Australian Conference West Australian Missionary College 254 West China Union Bible Institute 254 West China Union Mission 114 121 West Chosen Mission West Denmark Conference 163 West German Union Conference 90 West Indian Training College 254 87 West Java Mission West Kenya Mission 150 West Kweichow Mission 115 West Kweichow Prov. Miss. School 255 West Muntenian Conference 215 West Nordic Union Conference 161 West Pennsylvania Conference 40 West Persian Mission 96 West Polish Conference 158 West Saxonian Conference 83 West Szechwan Mission 116 West Virginia Conference 41 West Visayan Academy 255 West Visayan Mission 129 Western India Mission 202 Western India Miss. Tr. School 255 Western Transvaal Mission District 186. White Memorial Hospital 302 Wisconsin Conference 44 Wollega Mission 164 Wollo Mission 154 Workers' Directory 322-396 Workers' Obituary Record 397 Workers sent to foreign fields 312 Wurtemberg Conference 89 Wyoming Mission 36 VAKIMA Valley Academy 255 Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital 303 285 Yiddish dialect, periodical in Young People's Missionary Volun19 teer Dept. of the Gen. Conf. Statistics of 316 Yunnan Mission 116 189 ZAMBESI Union Mission Field Zauditu Memorial Sanitarium 304 and Hospital 186 Zululand Mission District The . . . Minister's Opportunity THE HOME STUDY INSTITUTE gives ministers and other busy men an opportunity to gain a good working knowledge of New Testament Greek or Hebrew. It also offers them courses in Medieval and Modern History, Comparative Religion, Hymnology, and a variety of other timely subjects. Moreover they can master any one of these courses in a reasonable time by devoting half an hour a day to study. Studies Popular With Young People The Home Study Institute offers practically all of the studies given in an academy. Among the popular subjects in the academic department are English I and II, English III (also called English Literature), New Testament History, Old Testament History, Bible Doctrines, Denominational History, General Science, Algebra, Geome t r y, Bookkeeping, Typewriting, Cooking and Dieretics, and Home Nursing. • Popular college subjects offered are: Freshman Rhetoric, Survey of English Literature, Daniel and the Revelation, New Testament Epistles, Advanced Bible Doctrines, American Nationality, Modern European History, Gregg Shorthand, Advanced Bookkeeping, and Expression. Pupils Earn While They Learn Pupils of the Home Study Institute can earn their living at the same time that they are pursuing studies of college or high school grade. Tuition fees are moderate, and may be paid in installments at the rate of two dollars a month for each subject. Textbooks may be returned after the completion of a course. The student is given personal guidance, and advances steadily toward his goal. Full particulars concerning our ninety-odd courses will be given on request. A dopy of our calendar is yours for the asking. - It should be in the homes of all educationally-minded people. HOME STUDY INSTITUTE TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. LAYMAN'S Missionary Movement "Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary."—"The Desire of Ages," p. 195. Objectives 1.. Every Member a Victorious Christian. 2. Every Member a Soul-Winner. 3. Every Church Organized for Service. 4. Every Church a Training School. 5. Every Church a Growing Church. Helps for Reaching Objectives ORGANIZATION POLICY 1 Monthly meeting of the church board as the Missionary Committee. 2. Missionary leader in every church. 3. Observance of 1st Sabbath Missionary Service in every church. 4. Conducting 1 5 -Minute Missionary Service weekly in every church. 5. Home Bible Study League. 6. Bible Training Class. 7. Welfare or Dorcas Society. 8. Church Officers' Annual Reading Course Books available in church or personal library. 9. At least 5 copies Church Officers' Gazette in every church. 10. The Review and Herald in every home. See opposite page for literature THE HOME MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT, GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS 1 1 +1...............-er.-..........110-“nneng..-.11*.-.1111.-nt-P.-Mt-.11.-iiv......-nponen.-* 1 1 1 1 I i LITERATURE 1 i HOME MISSIONARY SERIES LEAFLETS i i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 lation of Church Members to the .021/2 Finishing of the Work" "Organization of Churches for Mis2. .021/2 sionary Work" "The Missionary Services of the 3. .02 1/2 Church" .021/2 4. "Why Report?" 5. "The Church Missionary Secretary" . . .02 1/2 6. "Cottage Meetings" 7. "The Ministry of Tract Distribution" .01 /I. 8. "The Home-Foreign Mission Field" . . .03 .04 9. "An Appeal" 02 1/2 "The Dorcas Society" 10. 021/2 11. "Home Bible Study League" "Prison Work" 12. 13. "Advance Guard of Home Missionary Forces" 14. "The Time and The Work" (Revised) .05 15. "The Church Missionary Leader" . . . . .05 16. "Service Companies and Class Bands" . .03 17. "The Art of Giving Bible Readings" .05 (Revised) 19. Magazines-Their Place in God's Work .02 • --....--•••- 1 1 1 1 1 BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS "Christian Service" "Fishers of Men" "Lay Preacher's Manual" "Triumphs of Faith" "Welfare Work" (pamphlet) on-..-nn i $1.25 .50 .75 .10 . i 1 T. I ii 1 111-nn-• nn-no•-•mounp-.1...-m-un-o.............-. Missionary Volunteer Reading Courses for 1935 PRICE SENIOR AUTHOR $1.25 Adventures in Christian Living C. Lester Bond 2.00 Martha Berry Tracy Byers Francis Trevelyan Miller 1.50 Thomas A. Edison .75 Rusty Hinges F. D. Learner Course price, $4.60 JUNIOR My Garden Neighbors Forty Missionary Stories Gems for Juniors L. A. Reed Margaret W. Eggleston C. L. Paddock $1.25 1.50 .60 Course price, $2.85 PRIMARY Little Nature Folk at Home Bedtime Stories, No. 10 Inez Brasier Arthur S. Maxwell $ .75 .25 Course price, 85 cents The Missionary Volunteer Study and Service League is a course in which every Seventh-day Adventist young person should qualify Its four-fold objective is: 1. A study in Bible doctrines 2. The study of denominational history 3. The study of personal soulwinning 4. The giving of five Bible readings, either before the class or to others Books to be used M. V. Studies in Bible Doctrines $ .16 S. D. A. Denominational History Fishers of Men .50 M. V. Studies in Bible Doc.15 trines or How to Give Bible Read.60 ings FOR STEREOPTICONS & .SLIDES WRITE TO ALBERT F. PRIEGER 312 W. LOUISIANA AVE. TAMPA, FLORIDA, U. S. A. "One picture is more instructive than ten thousand words." Chinese Ps'ov. Many of the Largest Hospitals and Sanitariums in the Seventhday Adventist group are using ti America's Finest Surgical Soap "GERMA-MEDICA" and "BABY-SAN" America's Favorite Baby Soap also the Levernier Portable Footpedal Soap Dispensers s and Baby-San Dispensers Write to the Hospital Dept., HUNTINGTON LABORATORIES Inc. Huntington, Indiana "7,,UI cdr4.. %1 110404 0 — made of celebrated " USAMP " and " DFMP " commercially mildewproof and waterproof duck, extra high pitch, hand-roped every two cloths with pure, unoiled manila, sewed with green rot-proof thread, thoroughly reinforced throughout. I RADE a, DFMN k t.1.4111< Have your next tents made of these high-grade goods — " USA11IP " and " DFMP " — distinctive color — fast to light commercially mildewproof and waterproof. Write for samples and prices. 44C."CONI# Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills (Manufacturers Since 1870) ATLANTA ST. LOUIS DALLAS BROOKLYN MINNEAPOLIS NEW ORLEANS KANSAS CITY, KANSAS rz OXFORD INDIA PAPER BIBLES Bound in PEBBLED MOROCCO Black, Maroon, Brown and Blue VVith References MINION TYPE. - Half Circuit Binding Size 63A x 4% x 3A inches. No. 03261x. Black No. 03260x. Maroon, Brown, or Blue $7.50 7.50 BREVIER TYPE—Self Pronouncing Size 71/4 x 5 x 7/ inches 9.00 No. 03410x. Black No. 04321x as 03410x, with Concordance 10.00 No. 03411x. Maroon, Brown, or Blue . 9.00 No. 04320x as 03411x, with Concordance 10.00 At all Book and Bible Houses, or the Publishers OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City SLIDES STEREOPTICONS Are you equipped for VISUAL EDUCATION? The BIBLE IN PICTURES-2,500 slides, either 35 mm. still film or 33/4" x 4" glass The PICTORIAL BIBLE-736 33/4" x 4" glass slides are available at prices within, the budget of all. Complete projection libraries for the illustration of any Bible subject, chronologically arranged. Write for free catalogue and sample slide. Address Dept. S35. NATIONAL PICTURES SERVICE, INC. 324 E. Third St. - - - Cincinnati, Ohio WINSLOW HEALTH AND HYGIENE CHARTS S Size 44 ar32 inches oa. Chart W11 The Eye The Winslow Series of 16 large wall charts, printed in nine colors, contains illustrations for an effective presentation of the subject matter of Physiology, Health and Hygiene. The Teacher's Manual, an 80-page cloth-bound book, containing full page illustrations of each chart, with complete identification of all structures and a discussion of the subject matter of each plate, is supplied gratis with complete sets of charts or separately as $1.50 W100 LIST OF TITLES WI Living Substances W10 Nervous System W2 Skeletal System W11 The Eye W3 Muscular System W12 The Ear W4 Food Values W13 Germs and Germ W5 Digestive System Diseases W6 Dental Hygiene W14 Municipal SanitaW7 Air and Health tion. W8 Circulatory System W15 Insect Enemies W9 Secretion & Excretion W16 Health Dept. Write for additional information about the Winslow charts. Our complete Catalog giving information about our Visual Aids to Instruction in Biology will be sent to teachers on request. DE NOYER-GEPPERT COMPANY 5235 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. G-over- G40.0,4-oCDICI-zG-40,0""z1".tette- 4-"VteWtAt9"z7er Visualize Your Message , We have colored lectures on 35 mm. film illustrating the doctrinal points of the Seventh-day Adventist Message. Special Filmslides, on 35 mm. film, made to your order to illustrate your own lectures. Write for information and prices. MAYSE STUDIO POSTOFFICE BOX 25 — — STATION B SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 14c-~...,c...ocoo.,e.ocaa,covA.,e-ocak., e..D40•.9C-D40"4,Z A S VISUALIZE Your Message STILL FILM PROJECTION offers a practical, convenient, and economical means of visual instruction. GRAPHICALLY PRESENTS YOUR TEXT STIMULATES AND INCREASES INTEREST APPEALS TO OLD AND YOUNG VITALIZES BIBLICAL CHARACTERS EFFECTUALLY ILLUSTRATES YOUR LESSONS •C=XX=X>C:XTC>OCOC> A number of films on Seventh-day Adventist doctrinal subjects, health, temperance, missionary work, etc., available •at comparatively small cost. We can have your own film strips made up for you. Advice freely given. We are dealers for several makes of still film projectors, and steropticons. FULL INFORMATION ON REQUEST SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST PURCHASING BUREAU, GENERAL CONFERENCE Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 00eo.0004.000000000.0000000000040000404100000.10•0100.000•01.01,0000080410001,000000000.0.0000041.00600 BIBLE GEOGRAPHY MAPS 36 x 46 Inches PSI Distribution of Nations PS5 (A) Syria and Mesopotamia, Wanderings of Abraham, and the Jewish Captivity (B) Persian, Seleucid, and Ptolemaic Empires PS3 Canaan as Divided among PS6 Palestine in Time of Christ the Twelve Tribes PS7 (A) Journeys of St. Paul PS4 The Holy Land in the Time (B) Roman Empire and Early of Kings Christian Church PS8 Modern Palestine, Physical This popular, widely used series is ably edited, excellently engraved, and finely printed. The maps are moderately priced, available in several forms of mounting from $22.95 to $56.50 per set of eight, and separately from $2.25 to $5.75 per map. Ask for Circular No. H13. PS2 Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, and Promised Land V48 PALESTINE IN ACTUAL RELIEF Size 34 x 47 Inches Framed in Solid Oak. Not a plaster map—will last a Lifetime. Price, $25. DENOYER-GEPPERT COMPANY 5235 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. This Name insures you of finer performance, and greater values FEATHERSTEREOPTICON WEIGHT SLIDES LANTERNS 16mm Movie Equipment VICTOR ANIMATOGRAPH CORP., Davenport, Iowa Helps for Sabbath School Leaders and Teachers "The Soul-Winning Teacher" By Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, 192 pages, bound in red cloth. Price, $1.25. Helpful instruction is given in this book to Sabbath school teachers of all grades. .. "The Soul-Winning Sabbath School" 228 pages, bound in purple and gold. Price, $1.50. This volume should be in the hands of every Sabbath school officer and teacher, and every conference worker. » 0.• » 0. •- "Testimonies on Sabbath School Work" Cloth. Price, 50 cents. Invaluable for Sabbath school workers' libraries. Spiritual counsel for all who love the Sabbath school. "Bible Stories for the Cradle Roll" By Rosamond D. Ginther. Books I to V, cloth. Price, $1.25 each. Sabbath school lessons in simplified form for the cradle roll children. Well illustrated. 1935 Training Course: "The Soul-Winning Teacher," by Mrs. L. Flora Plummer. Price, $1.25. Sabbath School Worker, monthly, 32 pages. Single copy 1 year, 90 cents; two or more copies to one address, each 75 cents. Order any of the above from your Book and Bible House General Conference Advanced Bible School Purpose Advanced training in Bible, History, Biblical Languages, Education, and Public Speaking. i Who Should Attend College and Academic History and Bible Teachers, Academic Principals, Missionaries on furlough, Editors and Ministers who are recommended to attend by employing organizations. Others who are capable of carrying the work offered may be admitted by arrangements, which must be made before coming. 1935 Summer Session + + • 4* 4.• 4.4. 4. • +4.4. • 4. + 4 4. + + 4. At Pacific Union College, Angwin, California. i• Two terms of six weeks each, June 5 to July 16, 4. 4. + July 17 to August 27. + 44.. Special Lectures 4. 4. Aside from regular classes one lecture each day by General Conference men, on Preaching, Denomina- 4 4. tional Organization, Mission Problems, Adolescent 4. + Evangelism, etc. . 4 4.4 Information I For information regarding curriculum, costs, etc., i write to M. E. Kern, Dean, Takoma Park, Wash- ÷ + ington, D. C. +44+44++++++++++444•34+44+44++++++:44444.+44++44•4444444.+