V Two more weeks School picnic of school Monday, May 9 CoLLKm: VIKW, VOL. I PRESIDENT AND TWO STUDENTS QUESTIONED ON ELECTION Charged of Irregularities in Voting MISSION BANDS HAVE # 0 % r "If 7:28 p. m. Sunset 8:00 p. m. Vesper service: hanging of Golden Cords Saturday, May 7 9:00 10:00 11:15 2:15 8:00 a. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. p. m. sents Teachers' meeting Sabbath school Preaching Seminar College chorus pre"The Holy C i t y " Sunday, May 8 8:00 p. m. Mother's Day program in Adventist church 9:00 p. m. Engel's symphonic orchestra broadcasts Mother's Day program over KFAB ^ i m ivere hanged on the highest 0 Mother o' mine, I know whose prayers would follow 0 Mbther o' mine! 1 I I 0 were drowned in the Mother o' mine, know whose 0 Mother love ivould o' mine!" WESIEYAN UNIVERSITY WINS CONTEST deepest follow tree, Mother me, sea, vie, o' mine Mother o' mine Mother o mine Mother o' Felix Lorenz Wins "Hunt and Peck" Loving Cup Mrs. Mighty Lonely Is Acquitted by Jury mine Wesieyan University won the silver loving cup at the typewriting contest between that school and Union College, Saturday night, May 30. Miss Frances Sergus of Wesieyan w r o t e 470 words with 7 errors, leaving her 40 words net per minute. — Kipling. Mother's Day Program to Be Given FORMER PRESIDENT OF UNION PASSES AWAY Hanging of Qolden Cords Mrs. Genevieve Tinsley, one of Union's representatives, wrote 777 words in the ten-minute period, but omitted three lines containing thirtythree words. Had it not been f o r The young people's Missionary Vol this omission she would have netted The Missionary Volunteer Society unteer Society will give a Mother's F n d a y evening, May 6, will witness 57 words a minute—a gain of sevenDay program Sunday evening, May 8, the annual hanging of the golden teen over that of Miss Sergus. in the College View church. Special cords. A golden cord will be hung A Remington typewriter was used features of the program will be a trib W o r d has been received that Elder f o r each of those who have recently by the winner. She was awarded a ute to mothers by Wesley Andress. N. W. Kauble, president of Union Colgone out f r o m Union College to do prize of a five-dollar bill. Each of a vocal solo by Miss Helen. Jones, lege during 1897, died Wednesday eveservice in f o r e i g n mission fields the six contestants received a pound readings by Mrs. Glenn Hilts, Mrs. ning, A p r i l 27, at his home in Lodi, box of assorted chocolates. George Mathews, and Master Eugene Calif. Elder Kauble labored f o r sevFollowing the contest a m o c k trial Elstrom, and a double male quartet eral years in this section, holdingwas featured by the c o m m e r c i a l stuvarious positions. He was president dents. of the Colorado Conference, then Mrs. Lonely, charged with burning superintendent of the district now her house to collect the insurance, known as the Central Union Conferwas ably defended by her lawyer, A t ence. From this position he was torney Keene, against K. O. Keepit, About thirty students f r o m "The called to the presidency of Union Colrepresenting the Gettit and Keepit f n Land of Ten Thousand Lakes" m e t on lege in 1897. This period witnessed surance Company, and his lawyer, A t the campus in f r o n t of North Hall important advances in collegiate edutorney Sharp. with Professor and Mrs. G. C. Jorgen- cational policies, and during his adOn the evening o f April 25 the The attorney f o r the plaintiff atson, Miss Minnie Olson, and Professor ministration the collegiate departyoung men of South Hall eagerly welt e m p t e d to prove that Mrs. Lonely's H. O. Olson, president of Broadview ment in the Nebraska State Teachers' comed Dean W i l c o x home f r o m his "hired man" who had sprayed the Theological Seminary, La Grange, 111., Association was organized. Of the six short spring vacation. A great tenhouse with kerosene " t o kill the cockat 5:15 Thursday morning. They -Standard colleges in Nebraska sending sion among the boys was relieved roaches" had deliberately set fire to played games until the six o'clock delegates to effect this organization when Professor W i l c o x was seen c o m the house and l e f t . Complexities street car arrived on which Professor Union College was one. Elder Kauble ing f r o m the car to the dormitory arose in cross-examining the w i t Olson left. was unable to attend the conference with only one traveling bag, and unnesses, and amusing " s t o r m s " p r e c i p i Then they hiked down Sheridan and appointed Dr. B. E. Nicola then accompanied. At the evening wor- tated by the attorneys kept the inBoulevard, returning in time f o r professor of chemistry, to represent ship, much to the satisfaction of the terest at a high p i t c h throughout the worship. While the dormitory stu- Union College. boys, he expressed his appreciation trial. dents attended worship, the others of their conduct during his absence The defense proved to the satisf r i e d eggs and made cocoa, all of and promised f a i t h f u l l y that as longf a c t i o n of the jury that the charge which disappeared b e f o r e time f o r as he was p r e c e p t o r of South Hall 'he was false, and Mrs. Lonely was acclasses. would not " p e s t e r " them with a stepquitted. Tlie Minnesotians contend that the mother. It is thought by some, howA " H u n t and P e c k " typewriting campus of Union College is the best ever, that an occasional reminder of contest f o l l o w e d with the f o l l o w i n g place f o r a real good time—outside this promise will not be amiss. results: Felix Lorenz, 18 words p e r of Minnesota. Professor W i l c o x spent his vacation minute; H. F. Saxton, 5 in the hole; at Grand Island with the B. C. Mar- H. D. Enslow, 6 in the hole; and Dr. shall family. He reports that hi's Cecil Lovell, 7 in the hole. Mr. Lorchief indulgences were sleeping late enz was awarded a tin loving cup f o r The Union College chorus o f eighty in the mornings and playing volley his feat. voices under the direction of Profesball. sor William I. Morey, will present the sacred oratorio "The Holy City," by Gaul, in the college chapel Saturday night, May 7, at 8 p. m. ' to Take Place May 6 N. W. Kauble Dies at His Home in Lodi, California DEAN WILCOX RETURNS Assures South Hall Boys of His Loyality The mission bands which met Friday evening, April 29, had especially interesting features. Jesse Cowdrick, the leader of the A f r i c a n band, gave a dramatic monologue of the struggles of the f o r c e s of g o o d and evil f o r the soul o f Ham—embodying the | whole A f r i c a n race. The final triumph came when the three angels succeeded in rousing t h e race and loosing it f r o m the thrall of the spirits of darky ness and barbarism. The Island band was interested in the Philippine legends told by Miss v Paulenne Strickland, who was in cos ume. The current t o p i c of conversation— China, was discussed in the Asiatic band. Letters f r o m missionaries in China, who have gone through some k very harrowing experiences in the - present trouble, were read to the members of this band. Friday, May 6